Whats your opinion on kratom? Yay or nay?

Seems pretty based

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  1. 5 months ago

    You gotta be a different type of moronic to do that shit

  2. 5 months ago

    Horribly nukes test, constipates the frick out of you.

    • 5 months ago

      it doesn't if you stay at like less than 9 grams a day

  3. 5 months ago

    Don't take it unless you're already addicted to opiates

    • 5 months ago

      this. it's good for weaning off of opioids that are actually very hard to quit. kratom itself is relatively easy to quit once you're off the real bad stuff

      on its own just as recreational drug it's weak in benefit and has plenty of downsides

  4. 5 months ago

    Bro I've been addicted to Kratom and I never used opioids before.

    If you've never used opioids before this is like heroin lite for a newbie and YOU WILL frick up your dopamine to the point where it'll take a year or more to find joy in doing the basic shit like socializing for more than 5 minutes etc;

    It is a drug given by the rich to make the poor contempt with their situation.

    • 5 months ago

      You mean content? JFL cmon man.

    • 5 months ago

      >YOU WILL frick up your dopamine to the point where it'll take a year or more to find joy in doing the basic shit like socializing for more than 5 minutes etc;
      so its basically like porn then

  5. 5 months ago

    did nothing for me except appetite suppression at 5 grams and nausea at 15 grams.
    Gave it to my gf she felt great at first then took too much and wigged out on it like a bad acid trip.
    Weird stuff

    • 5 months ago

      Same here, all it ever did was make me wanna puke. Tried four or five different strains, exact same shit. Dunno if the addicts are just built different, I've never felt anything pleasant from even a "good" opioid.

    • 5 months ago

      >15 grams.
      first time i took it i was underwhelmed with the effects. 2nd time i did like 15 grams and it fricked up my sleep, gave me headaches, made me nauseous and sick for an entire day and made me puke. also it tastes like ass. there are better drugs

  6. 5 months ago

    It's kind of shit and gives you hangovers.

  7. 5 months ago

    I'M addicted now to that shit

  8. 5 months ago

    I was in rehab for alcoholism, there was a guy who slit his wrists during kratom withdrawal.

  9. 5 months ago

    Did it every day for 5 years AMA

    Extreme focus at work
    Even mood throughout the day
    Didn’t feel depressed on it (duh)

    Lowered libido
    Lifts never really improved, like the other anon said opioids are not good for your hormones

    Would I do it again? Probably. I’m don’t with them forever now. I had a high stress job and life back then, and kratom helped me cope. Actually I think it helped me thrive in that environment. But there were downsides too. I think I have permanent digestive ulcers from the constipation. Maybe I’m just older but after doing drugs for a long time you do get kind of fried. Nothing really feels that great anymore.

    It’s complicated. My advice would be don’t take it unless you need it. Most people don’t need it.

    • 5 months ago

      Pretty much my same experience, minus the constipation and hormone problems to my knowledge. I was typically only taking < 5 grams a day though. Never had the urge to do more but I quit completely like a year ago and never had an issue with any withdrawal issues.

      However, this being a hub for fricking morons who abuse any supplement or food possible I will suggest to just not do it. Idk what's wrong with most of this board but you frickers need to learn moderation

      • 5 months ago

        the problem with moderation is kratom is sold cheap in huge quantities, if you have that sitting around at all times moderation starts to deteriorate

        • 5 months ago

          Then you don't know moderation and have an addictive personality. Alcohol is cheap and sold in huge quantities but most people are fine with it hanging around there house

          • 5 months ago

            nah, alcochol is sold in bottles. You buy a handle and are set for evening or two and have to go to store for more if you want another seasion.
            Now imagine booze is sold only in canisters of at least 5 galons, which is more or less situation with kratom.

            • 5 months ago

              You know you can buy cases of wine, beer, and liquor right? You can even make your own pretty easily at home. You're just an addict making excuses.

              • 5 months ago

                To these people the drug they got addicted to is always the worst one in the world no matter what the facts are and how little accountability they show

    • 5 months ago

      sounds like something the pharmaceutical industry would experiment with to help male depression if they werent corrupted to shit

      • 5 months ago

        yeah dude if the pharmaceutical industry werent corrupt, they would use this drug of abuse for depression!


        • 5 months ago

          from the sounds of it, it could probably be refined into something with better chances of success to curing depression than SSRIs (placebo)
          depression is fake anyway

          • 5 months ago

            >from the sounds of it, it could probably be refined into something with better chances of success to curing depression than SSRIs (placebo)


            from the sounds of it?? aka just thoughts you make up in your head??

            • 5 months ago

              >from the sounds of it?? aka just thoughts you make up in your head??
              kek we got a 90 iq Black person ITT
              i understand that you may not be able to comprehend this, but people of average and above intellect are capable of looking at information and coming to conclusions
              can you even explain what "thinking" is?

  10. 5 months ago

    Absolutely fricking not. Whatever benefit you get will be offset by your low grade but very real opioid addiction and your dead gut biome and weird fricking side effects.

    I was a heroin addict for 9 years and was addicted to this shit for like a year and had way worse side effects from this than the heroin.

    R/quittingkratom for all the wonderful horror stories. Stay away from this shit.

  11. 5 months ago

    I took it semi regularly for a year and didn't really notice any significant sides. It tasted fricking awful so I'd wrap it in a superking rizla and swallow it. I stopped because it got made illegal or at least restricted in bongland and I never had any withdrawal or cravings. It was just a pleasant sensation that would last an evening.

  12. 5 months ago

    Do not start, was addicted for 2 years. Getting blood work and seeing how it completely nuked my test levels is what finally got me to quit. The withdrawals were pretty bad for the first 3-4 weeks, primarily the inability to sleep.

    • 5 months ago

      What was your before and after for test?

  13. 5 months ago

    2 years daily user here, quit a month ago.

    First year was fricking great and it helped me get where i am today ( high paying job, home owner) it gave me focus and indurance, i could of shoveld shit all day with a smile on my face.

    The second year was where it caught up to me. Paranoid anger, depression, extreme brain fog, i couldn't function without it and the constant nausea and constipation. Killed my sex drive and so many more negative symptoms.

    Its a usefell tool but like any drug treat it with respect or its gonna frick you up son

  14. 5 months ago

    It's a very weak opioid. It's good for managing withdrawals from prescription painkillers but taking it every day WILL cause addiction. Do yourself a favor and steer clear.

  15. 5 months ago

    look up quitting kratom communities

  16. 5 months ago

    ten year daily taker here, can anyone top that?
    anyways in the words of the great bard axl rose
    >should've know better said I wish I'd never met her said I'd leave it all behind

  17. 5 months ago

    Took for a year and a half. Probably permanently hypogonaded myself. I have back pain and it worked amazingly for that, better that Ibuprofen. It also made boring things a lot more fun, it made 12 hour drives actually enjoyable. The problem is the short half life, I was always trying to recapture the magic of the first few times. I quit this time last year, it was challenging but not impossible. Way worse than caffeine, the RLS was awful.

  18. 5 months ago

    Opiate-like withdrawal symptoms for many people. Does nothing for you too.

  19. 5 months ago

    i like it, I'm actually on it right now. Been taking it for a few years probably like 2-3 yrs now, started with just occasional use but the last year or more I have been doing it pretty much everyday. It's nice in the evenings for me. Makes things cozy and comfortable. Menial tasks are easier and less tiring, painkilling effects are nice after a long day working. I never really got withdrawals but I have always kept my does the same which is pretty small. I see it like an inverse of my morning coffee I have some kratom in the late afternoon, definitely don't see it as a hard drug but then I'm not being moronic with it. People who can't responsibly use substances go overboard and then blame the drug for their own moronation. No different than the dumbasses taking over a gram of caffeine in energy drinks daily and being addicted to that. All in all I'd much rather use kratom than alcohol to unwind. Alcohol is horrible, and all solvent abuse gives brain damage over time.

  20. 5 months ago

    whats that russian anti anxiety shit called? I always confuse kratom with it. Should i take that?

    • 5 months ago

      phenibut probably
      you shouldn't take it unless you know you really need to
      tolerance ramps up very quickly and withdrawals set in very quickly as well. you have to at least research a bit before using it. but if you don't need it you just shouldn't use it.
      you shouldn't use kratom unless you really need to, either, but it is at least easy to quit and you can only get so "high" on it. the real downsides set in from continued use.

    • 5 months ago

      Phenibut, been awhile since I tried to cop any but last I looked into it it's becoming harder to get shipped if you're in the States at least. I used to buy from Nootropics Depot and they no longer sell it.

      I have much less experience with Phenibut compared to Kratom but overall I think the risk profile seems worse. Depends what type of person you are, but addiction and withdrawal seems to be a bigger problem. In higher doses Phenibut I think is moderately more intoxicating, similar to being drunk. You'll be significantly more inebriated on Phenibut mixing it with alcohol compared to Kratom too(more of a synergistic depressive effect where alcohol with kratom just gives me more euphoria).

      I say this as someone moderately addicted to Kratom and I've only took Phenibut a handful of times but I'm interested in this sort of thing, so do with that what you will.

    • 5 months ago

      phenibut probably
      you shouldn't take it unless you know you really need to
      tolerance ramps up very quickly and withdrawals set in very quickly as well. you have to at least research a bit before using it. but if you don't need it you just shouldn't use it.
      you shouldn't use kratom unless you really need to, either, but it is at least easy to quit and you can only get so "high" on it. the real downsides set in from continued use.

      Phenibut, been awhile since I tried to cop any but last I looked into it it's becoming harder to get shipped if you're in the States at least. I used to buy from Nootropics Depot and they no longer sell it.

      I have much less experience with Phenibut compared to Kratom but overall I think the risk profile seems worse. Depends what type of person you are, but addiction and withdrawal seems to be a bigger problem. In higher doses Phenibut I think is moderately more intoxicating, similar to being drunk. You'll be significantly more inebriated on Phenibut mixing it with alcohol compared to Kratom too(more of a synergistic depressive effect where alcohol with kratom just gives me more euphoria).

      I say this as someone moderately addicted to Kratom and I've only took Phenibut a handful of times but I'm interested in this sort of thing, so do with that what you will.

      ON pheni I probably had the most amazing "high" ever. Take it on an empty stomach with a coffee. The good thing about it is that it doesn't show you a delusional worldview just another perspective without anxiety and selfdoubt. It can change your worldview to a more postive side. But obv don't take it daily not even weekly if you want on the safe side. Kratom on the other hand makes anything more comfy in my experience but I'M addicted now lol. Need to stop lel.

  21. 5 months ago

    I take it when I really, really can't sleep due to my anxiety or whatever. You absolutely shouldn't take it daily as you will get similar withdrawals as to opiates which is not fun at all believe me, one of my friends used to be a heroin addict and when he quit he was in a week long nightmare of shitting, puking, sweating, insomnia, and anxiety.

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