What's your stack against hair loss?

What's your stack against hair loss?
Started really late, at 34 and Norwood 3.5 while balding since 12 y.o., because I didn't realize there's something better than minox (and couldn't really dedicate myself to do it regularly) and wanted to wait with fin until my beard fully matures. Currently been using, for almost a month:
>topical minoxidil 5% 1ml twice a day, soon switching to oral minox 2.5mg once a day
>microneedling at 1mm once a week, using a dermaroller, but already ordered a dermapen
>topical retinol and ascorbic acid once a day and oral collagen, hyaluronic acid, astaxanthin, lycopene to maximize collagen production after microneedling
>mild oral 5ar blockers like saw palmetto, stinging nettle, fenugreek and turmeric, topical 5ar inhibition is superior and leads to less scalp DHT, anyway
>RU5881 5% 0.5ml once a day, just started
>ordered topical dutasteride 0.05% to apply after microneedling (unlike with topical fin, even subcutaneous injections didn't affect serum DHT, only scalp)
been able to reverse it to almost Norwood 3 in 3 weeks so far. Hoping to get it to Norwood 2.5 in a year, then maybe a transplant

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  1. 9 months ago

    I just accept the fact that I have testicles and focus on growing a beard.

    • 9 months ago

      I can’t stand upside down heads. A beard on a bald person is worse than a comb over.

  2. 9 months ago

    I’m 25 years old just now I think I’m Norwooding a bit, my dad has perfect hair at 60 and my brother is comfortably Norwood 3.5 at 28, not sure what to do bros

    I have a full 6 month supply of finastrride in my house but don’t want to start it yet. I’m a handsome guy as it stands and don’t want to risk finasteride particularly but if it needs done it needs done

    • 9 months ago

      Topical Fin+Min+Tretinion solution applied daily. I take biotin supplements and switch to a sulfate free shampoo.

      Just try it. If it gives you negative sides then switch to topical or lower the dosage.

    • 9 months ago

      >I have a full 6 month supply of finastrride in my house but don’t want to start it yet. I’m a handsome guy as it stands and don’t want to risk finasteride particularly but if it needs done it needs done
      apply it topically. 0.025% works as well as popping a Propecia tablet for scalp DHT, but barely affects serum DHT. wish I knew it earlier

      • 9 months ago

        There no way I can change a tablet to make it topical is there? I’d just have to buy the topical stuff

        • 9 months ago

          you can use the tablets no problem, but you need a proper solution. the easiest way is to dissolve it in a bottle of topical minoxidil

          if you don't want to use minox, you can buy 2% minox, which shouldn't have any effects when used at 1ml once a day. 2% barely does anything even at twice a day, or prepare a topical solution yourself, e.g. from alcohol and propylene glycol, similar to https://moreplatesmoredates.com/how-to-make-a-ru58841-solution/

      • 9 months ago

        try topical. see [...]
        besides, side effects in the placebo group where only slighly lower than in the oral finasteride group and actually higher than in the topical finasteride group lel

        Where the hell do you get .025 topical finn bros?
        I've been on a TINY dose of oral finn the last 5 years. I slowly cycled off because I had brain fog, low energy, limp dick, all the low T symptoms. I have some weird hormonal imbalance I think where too much of my free T is converted to estrogen or something...

        • 9 months ago

          just do it yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf4fh4BlCXc
          you can also order it from sites like

          wish I knew about it earlier. I ordered topical dutasteride and oral minox from anagenica.com at insane prices, because google showed a bunch of reddit and forms threads with progress etc. on some of their products, so they seemed legit, but I received no confirmation email, no tracking link nothing after placing an order, so it's really sus.

          but I have no idea if it's legit. I risked it, but it's not looking great so far. a lot of people on reddit and some other forums claim 100% it's legit, though

      • 9 months ago

        where is this data from?

        • 9 months ago

          His ass. Even if applied topically Finasteride is absorbed systemically. You morons, Finasteride need to suppress DHT in your liver too.

        • 9 months ago

          the study was linked in some more plates more dates vid, can't find it now but here's another topical vs oral study with similar conclusions

          forgot the study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9297965/

          His ass. Even if applied topically Finasteride is absorbed systemically. You morons, Finasteride need to suppress DHT in your liver too.

          learn to read, moron. the post was specifically about significant reduction of serum DHT supresson with the same effectiveness of supressing it in the scalp, not that it doesn't get absorbed at all.
          dutasteride most likely doesn't, though, according to the studies, though, even when injected under the scalp, the molecular mass is too high, but it is still able to reach the follicles, especially after microneedling, similarly to ketoconazole, which also has a molecular mass slightly above 500

      • 9 months ago

        Source? And what volume of solution?

        • 9 months ago

          can't find it, but I found a different topical vs oral study with similar conclusions. adverse event table is comedy gold with adverse events ration much higher in the placebo group as usual.
          there are volumes and concentration at the bottom of the pic, i.e. 1ml of topical solution was applied, 0.25% topical goes systemic just as oral, but it's ~70% effective at getting rid of scalp DHT, compared to 50% for oral fin (and dut). 0.025% solution is as effective as the 1mg tablet, but limits serum DHT by only about 25%. if you're asking about the concentration in the whole solution, because you want to make it yourself, dissolving 60 1mg tablets in a 60ml bottle of minox gives you a 0.1% solution, 15 a 0.025% etc.

        • 9 months ago

          can't find it, but I found a different topical vs oral study with similar conclusions. adverse event table is comedy gold with adverse events ration much higher in the placebo group as usual.
          there are volumes and concentration at the bottom of the pic, i.e. 1ml of topical solution was applied, 0.25% topical goes systemic just as oral, but it's ~70% effective at getting rid of scalp DHT, compared to 50% for oral fin (and dut). 0.025% solution is as effective as the 1mg tablet, but limits serum DHT by only about 25%. if you're asking about the concentration in the whole solution, because you want to make it yourself, dissolving 60 1mg tablets in a 60ml bottle of minox gives you a 0.1% solution, 15 a 0.025% etc.

          forgot the study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9297965/

          • 9 months ago

            Awesome thank you

    • 9 months ago

      what does your dad eat in a day?

    • 9 months ago

      >my dad has perfect hair at 60 and my brother is comfortably Norwood 3.5 at 28, not sure what to do bros

      Stop fapping moron. There's a reason why they have perfect hair and you don't.

  3. 9 months ago

    Quit finasteride after 5 months because it was making me lose my frickin mind. The first 4 months were good, not a lot of progress in the hairline but it wasn't receding anymore. Then I started getting all emotional and blew up once or twice and quit. Google post finasteride syndrome

    • 9 months ago

      try topical. see


      >I have a full 6 month supply of finastrride in my house but don’t want to start it yet. I’m a handsome guy as it stands and don’t want to risk finasteride particularly but if it needs done it needs done
      apply it topically. 0.025% works as well as popping a Propecia tablet for scalp DHT, but barely affects serum DHT. wish I knew it earlier

      besides, side effects in the placebo group where only slighly lower than in the oral finasteride group and actually higher than in the topical finasteride group lel

      • 9 months ago

        I think I've come to terms with losing my hair or getting transplants later. I was ready to blow my brains out taking oral fin. Awful

    • 9 months ago

      PFS is the most esoteric made up BS ever
      Yeah fin has sides like low libido for some and if you don’t like them you shouldn’t take the drug
      But not even recovering trannies on high levels of estrogen have them persist for 10 fricking years.
      People with PFS are simply mentally ill

      • 9 months ago

        I have only been off of Finasteride for 2 months, but I 100% believe that this can happen

      • 9 months ago

        post your hook nose, shill

  4. 9 months ago

    Finasteride? It's a israeli trick to lower your testosterone. I'm too smart for that.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm not taking it, because decreasing serum dht to lower it in the scap is suboptimal, but you're a moron. it actually increases testosterone, because less gets transformed into dht.

      • 9 months ago

        >it actually increase test!
        For what? A few days? Free test in high amounts in the body is aromatised in estrogen, hence why the ball ache and all the other side effects, you are becoming a trannie!

        • 9 months ago

          >low test
          >proven wrong
          >actually high test, but high test is a troony
          lmao what a fricking moron. very excesive amounts of test, only achievable by steroid use or during puberty, not by avoiding a fraction of natural test to be transformed into DHT, get aromatized. I swear, there's no chance this mouthbreather isn't below the legal intellectual disability IQ treshhold.

    • 9 months ago

      It decreases DHT though.

      I'm not taking it, because decreasing serum dht to lower it in the scap is suboptimal, but you're a moron. it actually increases testosterone, because less gets transformed into dht.

      DHT is overall a trash hormone, so says the 40 year video game addicted manchild bachelor living in Colorado, and according to him again, you might as nuke it with finasteride obviously for hairloss but also other shit like skin aging. You trade that for bodyhair growth but he doesn't seem to give a shit as well. Btw idk if you're OP but if you are it's literally over lmao, norwoord 3.5 talking about fin and all of that, get a fricking hair transplant you'll never reverse to norwood 1 bud.

      • 9 months ago

        read the OP again before stating the obvious. and completely nuking DHT is not a good idea if you don't want to be a effeminate homosexual with a shitty beard and chest hair

        • 9 months ago

          I have insane beard and body hair growth and I'm hoping that fin will stop it. I'm on fin since two weeks ago.
          When does it stop?

          • 9 months ago

            >I have insane beard and body hair growth and I'm hoping that fin will stop it
            slippery slope to trooning out. I have insane beard and body hair growth (only on the chest for some reason) and I love it

        • 9 months ago

          Beard and chest hair doesn't become less with lower DHT unless you're a literal teenager. Just grows at a slower pace. If you already got it, it won't change. Literal trannies with with no DHT and test left in their body have to laser away their beard and chest hair.

          • 9 months ago

            it becomes wispy and shitty, I've seen it happen. also beards mature well into old age, especially the area under the lower lip for some people and the hair on the upper cheeks tends to creep higher

    • 9 months ago

      if anything, it should increase your testosterone
      it reduces the conversion of test to dht.

    • 9 months ago

      Raises your circulating test by about 10% actually. Enjoy less gains and less hair I guess.

  5. 9 months ago

    RU is all you need, it's not the DHT in your bloodstream that causes hairloss, it's the one that gets on your scalp, and RU basically stops the absorbtion, just using that is enough, only problem is some people say they had sides from it, some say they had nothing, and nobody bothered during a double blind study. On paper it's a miracle and the solution to everything but you just don't know what it could potentially do.

    • 9 months ago

      it's still has less of the binding affinity to the hair follicle receptors than DHT, so decreasing scalp DHT could be beneficial. minox with microneedling could also be helpful for regrowth of dormant follicles. I will stay just on RU if I won't experience any additional regrowth or once it stops

      • 9 months ago

        Go right ahead but if you experience heart palpilations like a lot of gays who went on RU long term did, let us know.

        read the OP again before stating the obvious. and completely nuking DHT is not a good idea if you don't want to be a effeminate homosexual with a shitty beard and chest hair

        >read the OP
        I legit didn't read a single word
        >nuking DHT le bad
        Kevin won't like that... not one bit...

        • 9 months ago

          you type like a redditor

          • 9 months ago

            That's a great argument and overall contribution. It's not my fault your wall of text didn't interest me enough to read a single letter of it. Now less talky, more experimental drug usage, hopefully you'll experience permanent sides like so many did. Be su re to take the minoxidil orally, it's very good for your hair and for your heart.

            • 9 months ago

              about as great contribution to the topic as your posts

  6. 9 months ago

    >What's your stack against hair loss?
    cut the rest off and have the self confidence to not care

  7. 9 months ago

    2.5 mg min, 8mg EEn, 1.25mg fin, used to take 50mg bica and CPA

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Estradiol Enanthate, it's the primary injectable hormone that boosts body estrogen and suppresses testosterone. Very cool and awesome drug because you don't need an anti-androgen for test like oral Estradiol.

  8. 9 months ago

    how were u balding at 12?

    • 9 months ago

      oily scalp, non DHT-resistant hair growing visibly slower and "mature hairline" as soon as puberty hit

  9. 9 months ago

    ur a fricking homosexual if u care about hair as a man. blast roids and if u start balding just shave that shit

  10. 9 months ago

    i've been putting DHT directly on my traps

  11. 9 months ago

    i just take saw palmetto as a preventative
    >t. 31

  12. 9 months ago

    I'll just leave it here, because I encountered the scalp massage bullshit a bunch of times here lately

    • 9 months ago

      man I'm glad i've never been impressionable enough to believe this guy, but he's been entertaining for many years. forgot about him

      • 9 months ago

        stop being a eceleb-worshipping zoomer, it doesn't matter if it's this guy or the other guy, it only matters if a particular video makes sense and is well researched or not

        • 9 months ago

          >stop being a eceleb-worshipping zoomer
          dunno how you could get that from my post. my post literally said i'm glad i've never been that. he's been a lolcow for me for years. i'll be 36 soon

          >it only matters if a particular video makes sense and is well researched or not
          agreed. again idk how you inferred anything different

          stop being a low IQ celeb worshipper

  13. 9 months ago

    haircafe is an insane vaxxed-vegan but he’s right about post-finasteride syndrome being weird autistic bullshit and non-chemical hairloss intervention being bullshit but we need to all remember most real finasteride side effects are because of men who have really low T levels taking this shit

    • 9 months ago

      >haircafe is an insane vaxxed-vegan but he’s right

      agreed. Man convinced me to try fin with all the research he puts out there. Been on it for a week or so now. Feel a lot better about the future now tbh

    • 9 months ago

      >haircafe is an insane vaxxed-vegan
      source? I don't doubt it, but he didn't strike me as a moronic order follower, so I'd like to see his cope to justify it

      • 9 months ago

        You are so fricking lazy

        • 9 months ago

          it didn't even cross my mind that he'd be so blatant and make a whole video about it, I thought he just mentioned he was vaxxed in one of his vids. thanks
          it was like my mind automatically switched to stop valuing his opinion, because if not only was he moronic enough to let himself get injected with an experimental substance, being surrounded easily noticable most basic official data manipulations to make it look good, with no legitimate proof of it ever working and more and more alarming reports coming from everywhere, he even shilled it to others, then it puts to question his core mental faculties. I can't help it, even though his hairloss info is flawless

        • 9 months ago

          fricking hell they got him, and I was so moronic to actually believe him
          why have I never seen this video
          I'll stop taking fin now

          • 9 months ago

            my exact reaction

    • 9 months ago

      haircafe is based
      rob english is a homosexual

    • 9 months ago

      While his political opinion are pozzed as frick and he's quite dogmatic in his view, he's the one who might me give a try to finasteride so I'll give him that.

      The side effects are largely overblown by internet user and if the side effects don't go away after several, maybe checking in your other area of life could be a start

    • 9 months ago

      shills be out in full force. fin wouldn't need shilling if it was good

  14. 9 months ago

    >been able to reverse it to almost Norwood 3 in 3 weeks so far.
    This is an impossible timeline for hair regrowth. You have body dysmorphia.

    • 9 months ago

      I've been taking saw palmetto, etc. for 2 months prior and I'm on minox since forever, but started to apply it regularly, instead of every 1-3 days. my receded frontal hairline has now a clear triangular shape, with delicate hair on the edges and it was starting to get slightly circular like it was just beginning disconect from the rest of hair, before

  15. 9 months ago

    .25mg fin every other day, keto shampoo. all i need

  16. 9 months ago

    finasteride 1.25mg per day. might switch to dutasteride next year depending on how the hairloss progresses from now till then

  17. 9 months ago

    >prevents hair loss
    >by killing your balls
    no thanks
    notice how every single fintroony are low test numale looking
    if i'm going to cope unnaturally, i'd get a hair system instead of destroying my body with drugs
    otherwise just shave that shit

    • 9 months ago

      everything in that is desinged specifically so, other than some natural supplements, it doesn't affect serum DHT by drugs, so you may want to stop being illiterate. not that lowering DHT lowers testosterone, in fact it increases it, because less is of it is converted to DHT by 5ar, you literal 70IQ moron

      • 9 months ago

        it literally doesnt though lol. i used to be scared of it as well and now i dont even think about. hair looks great too

        Infertile testicles typed these posts.

        • 9 months ago

          literal gorilla Black person unable to read simple sentences

        • 9 months ago

          have fun coping yourself into norwood 7

    • 9 months ago

      it literally doesnt though lol. i used to be scared of it as well and now i dont even think about. hair looks great too

    • 9 months ago

      >Mike Thurston
      >Ashton Kutcher
      >Rob Lowe
      >Tom Hardy
      >Jamie Foxx
      A bodybuilder, 3 A-List celebrities, and a fashion designer on the list for big names who use finasteride or even dutasteride in the case of Ashton Kutcher

      • 9 months ago

        never heard tom hardy or jamie foxx but i wouldnt be surprised, source?

    • 9 months ago

      Cope hard. I'm on it and zero side effects but go ahead and keep being scared

    • 9 months ago

      no sides here brother

    • 9 months ago

      notice how fin gets as much shilling as the latest israelite media?
      the clown cult never shills anything good

  18. 9 months ago

    I want to get bald already, getting sick of having my hair grow like weed.

    • 9 months ago

      great idea, then you'll have a horseshoe growing like weed

  19. 9 months ago

    Hair from upper pic is based hair.
    Also balding is W. Keep it up Chads

  20. 9 months ago

    it’s probably over for me since im norwood 7, but i am about to start finasteride 1 mg daily and minoxidil 2. Gonna give it a shot for a year and then get a transplant.

    OP pic is literally me. I am starting way too late at age 30. I balded starting at age 16.

    • 9 months ago

      how is progressing so fast wtf? I'm years older than you and started balding much earlier and it's still frontal balding so far.

      • 9 months ago

        Idk, bad luck. Maybe creatine?

    • 9 months ago

      fuark looking 50 at age 30. life is truly unfair

    • 9 months ago

      How does this even happen? How can you start going bald at 16? Most men haven't even finished growing their dicks at that age.

      • 9 months ago

        >How can you start going bald at 16?
        I started even earlier

        oily scalp, non DHT-resistant hair growing visibly slower and "mature hairline" as soon as puberty hit

        it's just as soon as puberty for some men. I also had chest hair at 13, terrible acne and gyno, so probably my dht levels were out of whack. I didn't have a decent beard until mid to late twenties, though

      • 9 months ago

        You want a great example look at

        He's 18 and started balding at 17. Already norwooding hard. Compared to his teen years

      • 9 months ago

        it's the shitty chemical diet and environment of the west.
        even women have thinning hair and blad spots

    • 9 months ago

      I am replying to you here since the other thread is closed
      >What do you think about Turkish hair transplant clinics?
      I went there for my transplant. There are a ton of shit clinics, theres also a few clinics that are top level and better than more expensive clinics you would find in first world countries. But i would not recommend them to you because they are all more effective for lower norwood cases.
      > I was originally planning to go to Nimclinic or Hermest in Turkey.
      I never heard of those clinics, and i did extensive research before my transplant, so i would stay away. You can go on hairrestorationnetwork if you want to do research on clinics
      >Also, would it be wrong to get FUE to start with? I have read some stuff online that made FUT seem risky in terms of the cosmetic outcome of the resulting scar.
      If you go to a top level clinic like hattingen theres little chance your scar will be noticeable. After going through multiple big transplants your donor will be full of scars anyway so you can forget about keeping your sides trimmed regardless.
      FUT is a pretty outdated procedure that is slowly being abandoned, but there is still an advantage about it, which is to increase maximum potential of grafts available, which is very important to a nw7 like you.

      • 9 months ago

        Thanks for the reply, brother. I am thinking of going to Dr. Rahal in Canada, who you recommended, since I am in North America.

        Any opinion on timing of accutane (isotretinoin) relative to the transplant? I just started it a month ago to clear my back acne. Conventional wisdom is to wait at least 6 months after finishing accutane before elective surgery. You think that will be OK? Also i am not sure if it is safe to microneedle while on Accutane.

        • 9 months ago

          You should try asking on hairrestorarionnetwork

          • 9 months ago

            Thanks for the rec. Thoughts on body hair transplant? My plan is to do 6000 scalp units in my first transplant to restore the hairline and add some density. And then return a year or so later for 6000-10,000+ units using whatever remaining donor scalp hair is available plus as much beard and chest hair as possible. I think 10-15K units can reverse Norwood 7 to 1.

            • 9 months ago

              OP here. first go on a stack that includes a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor, like finasteride or dutasteride (can be topical or oral, topical is more effective), minoxidil (can be topical or oral too, oral is more effective) and a topical anti-androgen like Pyrilutamide, RU58841, CB-03-01, for at least a year. could be the one I listed in the OP. you never know what you can regrow and if your balding was progressing so fast, the chances are that you follicles didn't have time to die completely, like my temples surely did in the last 2 decades. you could even regrow enough to just do a regular FUE transplant.

              • 9 months ago

                Thanks for the rec. Thoughts on body hair transplant? My plan is to do 6000 scalp units in my first transplant to restore the hairline and add some density. And then return a year or so later for 6000-10,000+ units using whatever remaining donor scalp hair is available plus as much beard and chest hair as possible. I think 10-15K units can reverse Norwood 7 to 1.

                also, there are mixed opinions on microneedling, but I guess it doesn't hurt to try as the claims that it makes balding worse seem to be bullshit.

                states that it's optimal to apply topical ascorbic acid and retinol/retinolic acid with microneedling for collagen production. I guess oral collagen and other supplement optimizing its production don't hurt either

            • 9 months ago

              You can definitely use beard and body hair if you have enough
              6000 in a single session is a lot
              You should go on that forum and ask recommendations of clinics especially good with body hair and mega sessions on high norwoods

  21. 9 months ago

    my stack is not having hair loss genetics

  22. 9 months ago

    anons I felt like my hairline was receding and found my hair thining on top of my head what do I do?

    • 9 months ago

      frontal thining is the easiest to get rid of and the most responsive to minox. get topical fin and min and call it a day. if it doesn't help get ru58841 and oral min.

      • 9 months ago

        Minox and thats it?
        What about for the front?

        • 9 months ago

          minox and topical finasteride, oral is fine to, but topical is better at lowering scalp dht while having minimized effect on the serum dht. apply them on the front too if you notice any signs of balding there

    • 9 months ago

      frontal thining is the easiest to get rid of and the most responsive to minox. get topical fin and min and call it a day. if it doesn't help get ru58841 and oral min.

      >frontal thining
      *thining at the top

  23. 9 months ago

    My stack:
    >0.5mg dutasteride daily

    Been on it over a year now, was on fin (1mg) for a year or two before that.

  24. 9 months ago

    I've been norwooding to 1.5-2 suddenly for 3 years (27 now) but the hair on my head continues to grow like a scarecrow. Would topical be best solely for the hairline?

    • 9 months ago



      >I have a full 6 month supply of finastrride in my house but don’t want to start it yet. I’m a handsome guy as it stands and don’t want to risk finasteride particularly but if it needs done it needs done
      apply it topically. 0.025% works as well as popping a Propecia tablet for scalp DHT, but barely affects serum DHT. wish I knew it earlier

  25. 9 months ago

    26 yo here. started noticing hair loss 2 years ago, my pillow, bed and room were filled with hair, dermatologist told me to take a small blue finasteride pill with breakfast and apply minoxidil on scalp at night daily, in theory i should have regrown some hair but i didn't just completely stopped the hair loss, luckily it was the very first stage, hope it helps

  26. 9 months ago

    If you’re doing anything else, you’re wrong:
    - 1.25mg finasteride daily
    - 5% minoxidil 2x daily
    - ketoconazole shampoo 2x weekly, leave in for at least 5min
    - 1mm micro needling weekly on scalp and beard

    • 9 months ago

      >microneedling on beard
      Redpill me on this.

      • 9 months ago

        It thickens hair density. That’s it.
        There are studies to support.
        You can use minoxidil on your beard too, and the hair gains are somewhat permanent. Problem is it can frick up your face collagen and cause permanent moon face, plus dark under-eye circles. Micro needling your beard has none of these downsides.

    • 9 months ago

      >only 50% scalp DHT supression
      >no topical antiandrogen

      • 9 months ago

        >only 50% scalp DHT supression
        This reverses the balding. Don’t want to fully nuke DHT and face the effects of that as a lifter.
        >no topical antiandrogen
        Dont need it, son.

        • 9 months ago

          >This reverses the balding. Don’t want to fully nuke DHT and face the effects of that as a lifter.
          50% can still not stop balding completely without an additional anti-androgen, like CB-03-01 or RU. even fully nuking serum DHT with dutasteride also doesn't seem to lower scalp DHT beyond 50%, you need to use a 5ar inhibitor topically for that.

          • 9 months ago

            My hair all grew back when I added fin and micro needling, so not sure exactly what to tell you anon

    • 9 months ago

      >ketoconazole shampoo 2x weekly, leave in for at least 5min
      That is only useful if you suffer from dandruff or fungal infections.
      Minoxidil and dermarolling are only if you want regrowth, not if you are just content in stopping hair loss. Minoxidil is a hassle and you have to smear oily shit on your head forever. Its not a good option if you want to keep your hair longer than 3 inches, or you are simply unwilling to take such commitment.

      • 9 months ago

        >Minoxidil is a hassle and you have to smear oily shit on your head forever.
        or just pop up a pill. unlike finasteride, it's more effective when taken orally. some lunatics from reddit (pic) have actually been injecting a poorly measured amount of topical solution daily with "great effects"

        • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          i am one of those lunatics; i drink 2 drops in the morning and 2 drops before bed and ive almost gained an inch of hairline back; even along the temples.

          im not going to say its safe; just that it works. if it doesnt work for you, its because minoxidil needs an enzyme called SULT1A1 and you don't have enough of it and will need to look into tretinoin to become a minoxidil responder.

          • 9 months ago

            Where do you get your liquid min from? I was doing oral liquid for several months and only saw my hairline get worse than ever.

            • 9 months ago

              probably initial shed, which can take months. it means that the growth phase of the hair is synchronizing due to minox

          • 9 months ago

            I ordered 100 5mg capsules, but it's too fricking expensive compared to loniten, which isn't sold anymore in my country, so I'll probably do that too. the main risk is probably questionable alcohol they're allowed to put in topical solutions, so evaporating it before should remove any potential risk. also, it's a good idea to use a small syringe with a scale to measure it to avoid misdosing

          • 9 months ago

            4 drops is around 10 mg of min instead of the recommended 5 mg per day. why do you take double the dose? how long have you been taking it?
            i recently started this insane experiment myself in a last ditch effort to restore my hairline with 2 drops daily

      • 9 months ago

        >putting oily shit
        anon what minoxidil are you using? dont tell youre using gel or solution
        foam disappears in like 15 minutes and doing that 2 times a day is better than fin side effect imo

        • 9 months ago

          foam cant be used if your hair is longer than a couple inches
          >doing that 2 times a day is better than fin side effect imo
          different meds for different purposes.

          • 9 months ago

            >different meds for different purposes.
            can you elaborate on that? i thought that all meds generally tried to push towards stopping hair loss + some hair gain with varying results

      • 9 months ago

        post your hook nose, shill

  27. 9 months ago

    >What's your stack against hair loss?
    War Crimes.

  28. 9 months ago

    Finasteride 0.25mg MWF
    That’s it

  29. 9 months ago

    troony thread

  30. 9 months ago

    Not taking roids or creatine. Having patience and discipline.

    • 9 months ago

      do you really think people have been balding only after taking roids or creatine? are you 12 y.o.?

  31. 9 months ago

    3 year fin 0.5 every day

    Yes, it will have some weird sensations week 1 or 2 not it go away as fast as it comes

    My two grandfathers died from enlarged prostate. Week one of fin I had a super sharp pain under my balls.

    Dermaroller is cheap and is a good combo with minox. Just keep in mind that just it will be a dose of pain every day and your brain will trick you to avoid doing it.

    About the dick you will have more seminal fluids on your cum, so it increase volume and become less white.

    It lasted for about a year and half with me, now it seems to have the same consistence as before.

    And after 3 years I have noticed that if I start jumping days without the 0.5 fin tabs I get little puberty phases, when I get oiled skin and pimples. Weird.

    No brain fog, just the same out autism that I am known for.

    Dead folicles on the temples don't regrow, but you can't see the hundreds of miniaturized roots that can be saved.

    Took me 2 years to reach full regrow potential
    I was super bald.. had just a little bush of hair over the middle of my head

    • 9 months ago

      >I was super bald.. had just a little bush of hair over the middle of my head
      this gives me hope. Is mine much worse (norwood 4A, I think, the hair at the edges are recent regrowth)? I thought it was over, gave up over a decade ago, but I saw a bunch if insane regrowths recently, so I started an actual routine. my temples have been bald for like 20 years, so they must be dead, but even filling out what I have now would allow me to just buzzcut and not have to go through the hell of shaving my head

      • 9 months ago

        Which Norwood is that?

  32. 9 months ago

    can i order some finasteride from US as euro without prescription? thanks

    • 9 months ago

      Just get a script online. It's easy, cheap and you don't have to worry about sketchy Indian chemicles.

      • 9 months ago

        here i have to go to the doc for the prescription and thats gay

        • 9 months ago

          Fuark. I misread your post. Try inhousepharmacy. I think they deliver to EU.

          • 9 months ago

            just checked, might try these 1mg ones, is the price alright or am i getting israeliteed out? I also gotta register to continue with the checkout so ill do it later and see if they do ship indeed in EU. thanks

            • 9 months ago

              The price is appropriate here. Wishing you hairline gains, friend!

          • 9 months ago

            wish I knew about it earlier. I ordered topical dutasteride and oral minox from anagenica.com at insane prices, because google showed a bunch of reddit and forms threads with progress etc. on some of their products, so they seemed legit, but I received no confirmation email, no tracking link nothing after placing an order, so it's really sus.

          • 9 months ago

            >tfw no tramal or oxy
            are there online pharmacies shipping to Europe that sell them?

  33. 9 months ago

    Dude, fin here in Brasil is like 6 USD for 30 pills of 0.5mg


  34. 9 months ago

    just book a flight to Istanbul and get it over with

    • 9 months ago

      you need the same drugs after the transplant and getting on them sooner reduces the number of grafts they have to take, leaving the back of your head less bald and the procedure cheaper, shorter and less prone to complications

  35. 9 months ago

    2mg fin a day, 1mg every 12 hours from different brands. I wish there was a stronger fin, I don't trust dut, seen too many people get worse on it

  36. 9 months ago

    Basic stack:

    >1.25mg Fin (morning)
    >5% Minoxidil (before sleep)
    >0.25mg Tretinoin (before sleep)
    >1x week 1.5mm microneedling (morning)

    Keto shampoo, Azelaic acid, Biotin, Saw Palmetto, Black Castor Oil, Argon Oil, Rosemary Oil all bullshit promoted by natural-only tards. Topical caffeine may do something (not coffee you moron).

    Beyond this you can try things like topical fin in addition to oral fin. Dutasteride can be tried, and if you get sides on fin it does not mean you will get sides on Duta, they interact with your body differently. Stemoxydine as well since it is a growth agent that works different from Minoxidil.

    Risky but potential options:

    • 9 months ago

      >Beyond this you can try things like topical fin in addition to oral fin
      topical fin can easily lead to higher blood concentration than oral


      >I have a full 6 month supply of finastrride in my house but don’t want to start it yet. I’m a handsome guy as it stands and don’t want to risk finasteride particularly but if it needs done it needs done
      apply it topically. 0.025% works as well as popping a Propecia tablet for scalp DHT, but barely affects serum DHT. wish I knew it earlier

      , it absorbs very easily through skin and there no need for additional serum dht reduction if the scalp reduction is achieved. topical fin is superior and the only reason to use it this way is convenience, which is questionable when using topican minox anyway, so it only makes sense if someone wants to take both orally, just swallow two pill and call it a day

    • 9 months ago

      Keto shampoo is good if you already have dandruff. And biotin doesn't prevent you from balding but it makes my hair healthier and fuller. It also makes my nails grow crazy fast, have to clip them every 3 days when taking it.

    • 9 months ago

      >Rosemary Oil all bullshit promoted by natural-only tards
      >we focused on inhibition of testosterone 5α-reductase, which is well recognized as one of the most effective strategies for the treatment of androgenic alopecia. RO-ext showed inhibitory activity of 82.4% and 94.6% at 200 and 500 µg/mL, respectively.
      >Saw Palmetto
      got me into normal DHT range, which is exactly what I wanted. taking 5ar inhibitors orally to reduce DHT in the scalp is moronic anyway, because only 50% reduction can be achieved, even when nuking serum DHT completely with duta. topical fin everyday or, even better, topical dut once a week after microneedling, are the resonable option.
      keto schampoo also works, too little as a sole treatment, but it's a decent addition

    • 9 months ago

      >if you get sides on fin it does not mean you will get sides on Duta, they interact with your body differently.

      I've heard this but I don't get it. They work the same way and at high enough doses, fin lowers DHT as much as dut. 5mg of fin is comparable to 0,5mg of dut.

      • 9 months ago

        because the sides aren't really related to dht reduction

        • 9 months ago

          That's just a QRD of DHT. Are you implying fin's side-effects come from fricking with 5alpha-reductase strictly and are unrelated to DHT levels? Dut works the same way, so again, I don't get how dut could cause less side-effects. I also read that dut can frick with neurosteroid production since type 1 5AR plays a role there.

          • 9 months ago


            Also I'm not concern trolling or anything of the sort. I skipped fin altogether and started on dut last month.

            I'm really too drunk at this point to respoing with anything coherent at this point, but I'm just implyin that post-fin sindrome doesn't exist and a miniscule fraction of sides that exist isn't even related to DHT reduction, just some other finasteride effect. reported topical fin side effects were lower than placebo and it lowers serum DHT more than the tablets at a sufficient dose. it's just redditors being mentally ill. I'm not taking anything that lowers serum DHT myself, but it's just for vanity reasons, I really like my thick beard, I'm not trying to pretend that I'm worried about my dick or depression, and topical 5ar inhibitors are better anyway for the scalp

            • 9 months ago

              I can't comment on reddistarine syndrome, but tanking your DHT fricks with your libido. There's no way around it. I don't think it's unconceivable that for some people it will also cause other shit like depression or at least some degree of anhedonia.
              As a comparison: nofap can increase libido and 'cure' ED for some men, while others will literate turn them into Pee Wee Herman.


              I'm genetically immune to it. I even took masteron and didn't lose a single hair off my head. My mom's side of the family has absolutely zero balding and my dad is extremely bald. I lucked out genetically.

              You need to go full Genghis Khan and have a gorillion children. At the very least break into a sperm bank and replace every vial with your own spunk.

              • 9 months ago

                it's mostly psychological (e.g. there were more side effects in the placebo group than in the topical fin group in some study lmao) no fap too. testosterone is enough for libido. e.g. people who take test injections and completely obliterate their DHT with dutasteride still have greately increased libido

        • 9 months ago

          That's just a QRD of DHT. Are you implying fin's side-effects come from fricking with 5alpha-reductase strictly and are unrelated to DHT levels? Dut works the same way, so again, I don't get how dut could cause less side-effects. I also read that dut can frick with neurosteroid production since type 1 5AR plays a role there.

          Also I'm not concern trolling or anything of the sort. I skipped fin altogether and started on dut last month.

  37. 9 months ago

    What to take if I just want my hair to grow quickly after a shitty haircut

  38. 9 months ago

    I think it's on topic.
    Is it true that creatine may accelerate baldness if you already suffer from mild hair loss? 21 btw

    • 9 months ago

      it made me shed like a golden retriever when I took it
      some shill might come along and tell you it's a lie, but it absolutely isn't for me. I even tried it on 3 different occasionals, and every time, without exception, after 1 month of taking it i start losing a shitton of hair
      take at your own risk

      • 9 months ago

        I think it's on topic.
        Is it true that creatine may accelerate baldness if you already suffer from mild hair loss? 21 btw

        Not real.

  39. 9 months ago

    HRT is the most effective way to combat hair loss

    • 9 months ago

      What? TRT increases test and therefore DHT which is why almost all roiders are bald or on fin

  40. 9 months ago

    Tried fin, min, dermarolling and a lot of other stuff and nothing worked so i will just get myself a hairsystem, enjoy my 20s and then at 30 go bald because by then i will be ripped anyway which will make it possible for me to have a bald head without looking like i am going through chemo.
    >inb4 people will see that its fake, they will make fun of you etc. etc.
    I want to look good for me and no one else, so i genuinely couldnt care less.

    • 9 months ago

      >enjoy my 20s and then at 30 go bald because by then i will be ripped anyway which will make it possible for me to have a bald head without looking like i am going through chemo.
      I thought so too, was ripped at 25 and I'm a skinny dyel at 35, and no amount of lifting would make me look good with a shaved head anyway

      • 9 months ago

        I am sorry to hear that man, but that doesnt really apply to me because i already look decent bald, so looking good or not isnt actually my problem. My problem is that i am only 23 but already look like i am in my 30s because of my hairline, i always have to wear caps just so i dont get sunburn on my head, i can never get the haircuts that i actually want and i cant even shave my beard because balding without having a beard just looks like shit. Ive been balding since i am 16 so just for once i want to look young, get the haircuts that i actually want, dress in whatever style i want and enjoy the last 7 years of my youth

  41. 9 months ago

    I'm 23 and daily fin isn't working for me, I always had thin hair but now you can clearly see my scalp under lighting it fricking sucks. however earlier today I got blue balled by a woman so hard that my erection is physically painful, so maybe I'm just immune to it somehow

    • 9 months ago

      it doesn't really affect errections, it's just a reddit mass delusion, and it's coming from someone who doesn't want to decrease serum DHT for other reasons. oral fin or even duta only limit scalp DHT by about 50%, you need topicals. preferably both 5ar (fin or dut) and an antiandrogen (Pyrilutamide, RU58841, CB-03-01). also minoxidil. oral is more effective, but can cause sides (non-homonal, like water retention or dizziness, it's a hypertension medication)

  42. 9 months ago

    I could not foresee myself ever being in a relationship with a woman by 4th grade, so balding has never made much of an impact on me besides needing to wear a hat so i dont get sunburn booboos on me scalp.

    • 9 months ago

      you wouldn't wear a hat if it didn't. it's such a cope, I can't stand wearing a cap and hate shaving so I actually walk around with this


      >I was super bald.. had just a little bush of hair over the middle of my head
      this gives me hope. Is mine much worse (norwood 4A, I think, the hair at the edges are recent regrowth)? I thought it was over, gave up over a decade ago, but I saw a bunch if insane regrowths recently, so I started an actual routine. my temples have been bald for like 20 years, so they must be dead, but even filling out what I have now would allow me to just buzzcut and not have to go through the hell of shaving my head

      most of the time, but I've never claimed that it never made much of an impact on me

  43. 9 months ago

    not giving a frick 24x daily, 7 days a week

    • 9 months ago


  44. 9 months ago

    My stack is becoming erect and cumming inside 18 year old pussies, something you'll lose the ability to do within a few years.

  45. 9 months ago

    What's the QRD on what works best if you're not a whiny homosexual who cares about things like "muh libido?" I'm willing to try anything non-injectable. Norwood 2 right now, but my hair edges are turning thin and wispy like a baby's.

    • 9 months ago

      >QRD on what works best if you're not a whiny homosexual who cares about things like "muh libido?"
      something like what I outlined in the OP, i.e. a topical anti-androgen (Pyrilutamide, RU58841, CB-03-01, Fluridil, etc.), a 5ar inhibitor (topical works best even if you don't care about muh libido, it goes systemic up to the tablet levels at higher concentrations anyway), growth stimulant (oral minox being the strongest, or topical minoxidil combined with tretinoin or microneedling at 1-1.5mm once a week, also stemoxydine, a weak one, but can be stacked) combo. see:

      also, there are mixed opinions on microneedling, but I guess it doesn't hurt to try as the claims that it makes balding worse seem to be bullshit.

      states that it's optimal to apply topical ascorbic acid and retinol/retinolic acid with microneedling for collagen production. I guess oral collagen and other supplement optimizing its production don't hurt either


      >I have a full 6 month supply of finastrride in my house but don’t want to start it yet. I’m a handsome guy as it stands and don’t want to risk finasteride particularly but if it needs done it needs done
      apply it topically. 0.025% works as well as popping a Propecia tablet for scalp DHT, but barely affects serum DHT. wish I knew it earlier

      it's the nuclear option that's guaranteed to stop hairloss and most likely regrow a lot of hair, but if your hairloss isn't agressive or far gone, you're probably fine with just popping a 1mg finasteride tablet once a day

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Thank you, I wasn't expecting to get a response so quickly. Much appreciated.

  46. 9 months ago

    I don't have a genetic propensity for balding, but if I did, I would embrace it. It's a cool thing that you usually aren't able to do when you're young. Means you're a proper adult. 🙂 But then I am not a proper IST user, so that makes sense.

    • 9 months ago

      >It's a cool thing that you usually aren't able to do when you're young. Means you're a proper adult. 🙂
      Norwood 2 looks kinda cool with slicked back hair, as long as it's stabilized and the remaining hairline is not thining, anything further than that, thining on top, creeped back hairline, etc., is always a complete disaster

  47. 9 months ago

    I'm getting fricked by a shed that's been going on almost two months now, maybe even two months. Under the top down bathroom light the whole frontal area is FRICKED. I can't believe how much density is gone.

    Last two months my hands have been COVERED in hair in the shower, and then I comb out more clumps after. This is daily.

    • 9 months ago

      start doing something with it before it's too late

      • 9 months ago

        What's to do with it? The finasteride/minoxidil is causing the infinite shed.

        • 9 months ago

          ah, ok, I thought you're just balding. never experienced a shed on minoxidil, but not much of an effect either. I should probably switch to oral.

        • 9 months ago

          Go see a hair doctor

  48. 9 months ago

    12.5mg bbc every morning. Subq

  49. 9 months ago

    >cyproterone and diane
    why is basedjak trying to transition?

    • 9 months ago

      probably used topically. estrogen acts antiendrogenic when applied on the scalp and not much of it, if any, goes systemic, but isn't nearly as effective as specific antiandrogens, like RU 58841

  50. 9 months ago

    I use Dutasteride and minoxidil, the golden standard. But to be honest it's not really working too well, been on them for a year and half and can't tell if they're working or not.
    I'm a diffuse thinner and it all started when I took accutane, previously I'd never lose even a single strand of hair. So I'm pretty sure DHT isn't the root of my hair loss, but nobody knows anything else other than to attack DHT so I take my dutasteride and shut up.

  51. 9 months ago

    >What's your stack against hair loss?
    Buzzing or sometimes shaving your head + living in Eastern Europe = best answer to balding.

    • 9 months ago

      >t. polak zakolak
      lmao this military-grade cope. living in eastern europe won't make your shiny head any less pathetic

  52. 9 months ago

    Dutasteride 0.5 mg every other day and 5mg Estradiol enanthate weekly (nothing else helped)

  53. 9 months ago

    Kek, I was about to make a similar thread, just about to turn 25 and I can literally see my hair fall out on a daily basis, enough to where I can tell I'm thinning from having an absolute massive head of hair it's still pretty thick but it's clearly not what it once was.
    Was originally looking into tocotrienols and biotins.

  54. 9 months ago

    I'm genetically immune to it. I even took masteron and didn't lose a single hair off my head. My mom's side of the family has absolutely zero balding and my dad is extremely bald. I lucked out genetically.

    • 9 months ago

      >My mom's side of the family has absolutely zero balding and my dad is extremely bald. I lucked out genetically.
      same but I started balding at the start of puberty

      • 9 months ago

        same, maternal grandfather had a full head of hair until he died, paternal had a combover all his life, I had a vegeta hairline in my highschool graduation photo

        • 9 months ago

          check 'em. how fast did it progress? are you bald or are you fighting it?

  55. 9 months ago

    Idk if I should be worried about this, but if I have somewhat healthy hair and it's mostly there, what do y'all recommend I do right now for preventative measures?

    Least side effects and the cheapest way to do it... I checked out Hims and they have fin topicals for 50 bucks for a 5 months supply...

  56. 9 months ago

    embrace baldness

    • 9 months ago

      >embrace baldness

  57. 9 months ago

    Remember bros, you can still be loved when you're bald. It'll just be harder.

    • 9 months ago

      not when you're a manlet and pretty ugly at that. it's the holy trifecta that pretty much guarantees the wizardhood

      • 9 months ago

        No, you can be, but you'll have to accept that it won't be by a beautiful woman.

        There is an unfortunate cruelty in that we aren't magically just attracted to people on our own level. 2/10 30 year old dudes are still going to be most attracted to 10/10 20 year old girls.

        • 9 months ago

          I'm attracted to many girls, not necessary conventionally attractive, sometimes even called ugly by some people, but there's no point in being with someone that doesn't turn you on, at least at the beginning of the relationship. it's better to be alone. I wouldn't touch a fat chick with a ten foot pole, for example.

  58. 9 months ago

    >when i go bald i'll just shav-

    • 9 months ago

      All of these guys are gay.

      • 9 months ago

        as if being straight would make their horseshoes look any better

  59. 9 months ago

    As long as I keep my hair until I find a wife I don't really care. At that point it will no longer my problem but hers.

    • 9 months ago

      >At that point it will no longer my problem but hers
      >*divorces you, takes the kids, more than half your shit and alimony*
      nothing personel, kid

    • 9 months ago

      she has every reason to marry you and get fat because just like with her weight, your hair loss could easily be prevented.

  60. 9 months ago

    >be me
    >Long wave hair
    >Shave it drunk yesterday
    >Blad spots on scalp
    >Laugh about it

    I hope it regrows but if it's actually balding best to accept it then risk years of self confidence issues and throw a shit ton of money on chemicals that may or may not kill your sex drive

    • 9 months ago

      >I hope it regrows
      lmao what? absolutely no chance without intervention, classic male pattern baldness
      >best to accept it then risk years of self confidence issues
      yeah, it's best to just disregard reducing your attractivness by at least 40%
      >throw a shit ton of money on chemicals that may or may not kill your sex drive
      finasteride or minoxidil are extremely cheap. DHT doesn't have much effect on sex drive, it's just a meme spread by mentally ill redditors, and there are many ways to reduce scalp DHT without affecting serum DHT, even literally in the OP

      • 9 months ago

        >lmao what? absolutely no chance without intervention, classic male pattern baldness
        I mean it was done with an electronic razor drunk. I'll give it a month before I look into just going razor bald

        >yeah, it's best to just disregard reducing your attractivness by at least 40%
        Everyone said I pull off bald. If it was going to go anyways I'd rather date people who are fine with it now then worry about it years later if the inevitable comes

        >it's just a meme spread by mentally ill redditors
        Your body likes DHT, especially as a man. Taking Fin or Rogaine is a gamble with your sex drive.

        • 9 months ago

          >Your body likes DHT, especially as a man. Taking Fin or Rogaine is a gamble with your sex drive.
          it doesn't after your body fully matures. once your beard fills out fully, I can't think of a single positive effect. after that it generally just makes your existing facial hair grow faster, enlarges the prostate and obliterates hair. your body likes testosterone. anyway, as I said, you don't even have to reduce the DHT levels in your body, just in the scalp.
          Rogaine has nothing to do with hormone levels. it's a blood pressure medication that extends the anagen phase of hair growth, probably by acting as a potassium channel opener.

          • 9 months ago

            but anon, I LOVE trimming my nose hairs every fricking day.

    • 9 months ago

      Fin is like 5 bucks per month. That's all you need. Anything else is snake oil or a temporary bandaid.

      >muh dick

      • 9 months ago

        I'll ask my TRT doc if it's worth it, but honestly any risk to my sex drive and it'd rather be bald. And I'm much happier knowing it was my choice than years of slow death

      • 9 months ago

        topical antiandrogens, like RU58841 or Pyrilutamide are much more effective than fin, especially on roids, because increased testosterone can also affect hair follicles, but fin is usually enough as prevention. it's best to take both, along with minoxidil, if the baldness has already advanced.

  61. 9 months ago

    Balding gene would of been bred out if men went bald in their teen years, a lot of guys go bald after they’ve already been married or had a kid. Too many white men have passed it onto the world.

  62. 9 months ago

    ist es over für mich?

    • 9 months ago

      Bro, bitte rasier das einfach ab oder trimme es wenigstens. Schlechter bartwuchs ist nichts wofür man sich schämen muss, mit einem ungepflegten neckbeard rumzulaufen allerdings schon

  63. 9 months ago

    >What's your stack against hair loss?
    Good genes.

    • 9 months ago

      famous words typically spoken about a year behore balding starts

    • 9 months ago

      80% of men will eventually go bald anon, 1/3 before 40

  64. 9 months ago

    i was the guy in panel 1 except i said "I will use finasteride" and my balding stopped and my crown bald spot went away and my penis still works fine.

  65. 9 months ago

    Merck shills posting on 4chins info hazardmaxxing 15 year old fit anons.

    • 9 months ago

      do you see finasteride use mentioned anywhere in the post you are quoting, you illiterate mouthbreather? kys moron

      • 9 months ago

        ngmi, reading comprehension is key

        • 9 months ago

          you lack ability to read altogether, not just reading comprehension, you worthless moron. now point out which of the hairloss drugs listed in that post are produced largely by merck or stop being a moronic waste of oxygen and kys

          • 9 months ago

            >refuses to understand the point

            • 9 months ago

              you weren't making any point, you pathetic piece of moronic trash. you accused a post with no mention of finasteride of shilling merick and now you try to cowardly vaguely backtrack to "hazardmaxxing 15 year olds" despite multiple mention that DHT is needed during puberty troughout the thread and that the post you were quoting didn't even list any drug reducing DHT in the serum. stop wasting oxygen, you fricking mongoloid.

      • 9 months ago

        >there's something better than minox
        >wait with fin
        >topical fin
        >Finasteride in picrel

  66. 9 months ago

    Ok so I've been using topical min for 9 months and never noticed much regrowth, maybe some VERY SLIGHT regrowth on the sides but that's it. But I started oral fin a few months back and I'm already seeing temple growth. My question is should I stop minoxidil? It dries my scalp out and I don't really enjoy using it, I think it gives me facial aging and barely any regrowth. I think I should just use oral fin for a year and see where that gets me. More than likely I'll end up getting a hair transplant then. Does topical min have any real benefits? Seems like most guys don't get any growth.

    • 9 months ago

      Topical min unfortunately only actually works for 30-50% of dudes. You have to have a certain enzyme present on your skin to make it convert to its active form and if you don't you're fricked. You can get around that with microneedling a bit, tretinoin which apparently activates it, or taking it orally.

      • 9 months ago

        tretinoin will 100% make minoxidil work for you; it turned me into a minoxidil responder in like a week

  67. 9 months ago

    I'm 31, and a bald spot on top of my head has started to become very noticeable over the past ~year and a half. Does fin or minox or whatever work to fill that in? Does it work better if I had started younger?

    • 9 months ago

      yes, they both do. and yes, the technically do work better the sooner after losing the hair you start.

  68. 9 months ago

    Norwood 2 here. Good thread. I'm taking the leap on oral finasteride and ordering some.
    Any other writeups online worth checking out? And is it safe to ween off it as soon as your hair is restored?

    • 9 months ago

      if you stop taking fin, you will stop blocking DHT like before fin, and you will bald. just treat it like a daily vitamin. i just bought a year's supply from alldaychemist (attach nothing to the prescription option and they'll still send you it) for a hundred bucks, but it took like a month to arrive.

  69. 9 months ago

    I dont like the fact that balding is an inevitability but I also take comfort that an overwhelming majority of men experience it and is just normal. Also spending money on what is effectively a beauty treatment is girly as frick. Might as well start dying your hair to pretend its not gray or getting botox injections.

  70. 9 months ago

    Started this stack a few years ago, made a lot of gains, frick teen pussy every day (I am 40), try it out.
    >Col C Amber w/ Avocado oil Vitamin E one brush full applied once a day
    >FTHR-F1-30-420-10pk at least one every few days
    >Merker MK34c silver 77g once a day
    >do not skip more than a day for best results

  71. 9 months ago

    i need to get me some RU-5881 and maybe some minoxidil. almost 30 y/o and my hariline is receding, not terribly and not really noticeably but i notice it when i look in the mirror. i would only really use what you mentioned for the reason mentioned, serum DHT levels. i dont want to frick with my 5a reductase levels or DHT production, DHT makes me feel so fricking good. and gives me the best boners on earth. so if i do decided to slow my balding i just want to block the androgen receptors in my scalp, nothing more.

  72. 9 months ago

    Women don't care about balding guys as much as you think. Go look up any youtube video, forum, or even ask in real life how much they care about bald people. Before you say "women always lie", think about how many ugly guys have partners out there. Balding works great with fitness because muscular bald looks are a perfect combination. They care as much to bald guys as we are to their eyelashes: we do not care.

    Work on your overall aura or presence or personality cause that's where real appeal is from.

    >t. statistically had been laid more when I shaved versus when I had long hair

  73. 9 months ago

    My hair stopped receding when I stopped eating grain products of any kind and started sticking to a high protein, high fat, low carb diet

    • 9 months ago

      dont lie butthole

      • 9 months ago

        I’m not lying, I also do OMAD.
        Pretty much every day I have 1 lb of 93/7 grass fed ground beef (with ghee added to the pan), a mound of cheddar jack cheese, four fried eggs (cooked in the beef grease and add a little more ghee), a two scoop whey protein shake also with a serving of collagen powder, and a fat bowl of nut/seed “granola” mixed with peanut butter, a smidge of raw honey, and some cereal like pic related. Literally all I eat every day

  74. 9 months ago

    this is literally mental illness. Either accept that you are balding or go for a transplant. Fricking pathetic half men

    • 9 months ago

      >go for a transplant
      you have to be on the same drugs especially after the hair transplant indefinitely and at least 6 months before to regrow whatever possible, you worthless mouthbreathing troglodyte

    • 9 months ago

      A hair transplant doesnt stop future hair loss you moron. And no you cant get infinite transplants even if you are rich. Elon musk takes finasteride the same way third worlders do.

      • 9 months ago

        It does you ignorant frick. The thing is most people go for shady Black folk in Turkey or some other places instead of talking to professionals. An actual transplant involves a "healing" process before the actual transplant so that you stop losing your hair after the surgery. It is more expensive but fixes your problems for good

        • 9 months ago

          So let's see here, either you're a multimillionaire who is part of some elite group who has access to groundbreaking medical techniques which they are keeping secret, or you're a complete moron with negative IQ who for some reason feels the need to talk about topics he knows nothing about and pretends he's actually knowledgeable.
          I'm inclined to pick the latter as a more plausible scenario

        • 9 months ago

          lmao what a fricking moron.
          this is what a hair transplant without a treatment actually looks like after a few years, you absolute fricking mongoloid

          • 9 months ago

            I feel so bad for this guy. he acts like he's about to put a 12 gauge shotgun in his mouth. I was ugly even as a kid with hair, so it wasn't as drastic

  75. 9 months ago

    For anyone barely getting in here, anyone who is telling you not to care about your hairloss is a bald homosexual who wasn't proactive and wants you to suffer as much as they did. Baldness runs in my family genitically, so I knew that i had basically no time to enjoy the top of my head. 33% of men will go bald, and for me personally it happened when i was 19. The hair on top of my head was so thin that the shape of my head was visible through my basically see through hairline. After a year of daily zinc and biotin gummies, oral finasteride, and minoxidil foam, i got my entire hair back. Im 25 now and its still going strong, and im the only man in my genetic line that still has hair. I really think that these drugs are a miracle, and that anyone who attacks them this relentlessly has sour grapes because they didn't use them due to ignorance or laziness. Please do it, its cheap and you wont have to feel ostrasized from society.
    >t. former baldcel

    • 9 months ago


      8 months of fin 1mg (nothing else) and I look so much better. Hairline has came forward like 3cm at the front. Fin especially is such a cheap, safe and easy way to improve your looks you'd be insane not to try it.

      I swear most the hate comes from people who are too far gone and annoyed at themselves for not using medication so they make up stuff about the meds to convince themselves they made the right choice.

      • 9 months ago

        For anyone barely getting in here, anyone who is telling you not to care about your hairloss is a bald homosexual who wasn't proactive and wants you to suffer as much as they did. Baldness runs in my family genitically, so I knew that i had basically no time to enjoy the top of my head. 33% of men will go bald, and for me personally it happened when i was 19. The hair on top of my head was so thin that the shape of my head was visible through my basically see through hairline. After a year of daily zinc and biotin gummies, oral finasteride, and minoxidil foam, i got my entire hair back. Im 25 now and its still going strong, and im the only man in my genetic line that still has hair. I really think that these drugs are a miracle, and that anyone who attacks them this relentlessly has sour grapes because they didn't use them due to ignorance or laziness. Please do it, its cheap and you wont have to feel ostrasized from society.
        >t. former baldcel

        I want to try fin but I have pubertal gyno so I fear i am sensitive to the sides

    • 9 months ago


      8 months of fin 1mg (nothing else) and I look so much better. Hairline has came forward like 3cm at the front. Fin especially is such a cheap, safe and easy way to improve your looks you'd be insane not to try it.

      I swear most the hate comes from people who are too far gone and annoyed at themselves for not using medication so they make up stuff about the meds to convince themselves they made the right choice.

      Good for you, but don't downplay the sides because no hair doctor ever said there are no sides. There will be, it just depends how severe they are. Some people get some, some so few they don't notice it, some people get a lot.

      I'm bald and my wife likes it because I look clean and masculine but personally if there was a magic drug that will let me get my hair back I'd do it. I tried fin before on different doses and I hate the brain fog and lower erection quality so I said frick it.

      • 9 months ago

        >I'm bald and my wife likes it because I look clean and masculine but personally if there was a magic drug that will let me get my hair back I'd do it. I tried fin before on different doses and I hate the brain fog and lower erection quality so I said frick it.
        >alternative, much more effective than oral fin, treatment options listed all over the thread and even in the fricking OP
        >continues pretending it just can't be helped, lamenting over his alleged sides that are most likely psychological, instead of admitting he was a dumbass who lost his hair for no good reason
        there literally is a shitload of "magic drugs" that completely stop balding for almost everyone and I can at least admit I was an idiot for waiting over 20 years to get on the treatment

        • 9 months ago

          Man if fin works for you then good for you, but why do fin shills always insist that the sides are "psychological"? Like it's literally known that the makers of fin acknowledge the sides and doctors who prescribe fin have to disclaimer the sides, but there's always these cults who praise it as some kind of wonder drug and anyone who disagrees or says there are sides is dumb or lying or wrong, it's so weird man. At least steroids users know what they're getting into, fin cultists are just next level.

          • 9 months ago

            >Man if fin works for you then good for you
            I don't even use fin or oral 5ar inhibitor. there are much more effective options
            > but why do fin shills always insist that the sides are "psychological"
            because every other redditor seems to have a post finasteride syndrome for years after trying a drug with a half life of a few days and no long term effects ever confirmed, and the placebo group in the studies often seems to have more sides in the studies. legitimate sides exist and it's a small fraction of a percent of users, just like with any other popular drug. brain fog which everyone seems to have is one of least likely ones

          • 9 months ago

            There are sides, but they are so insignificant that its not even worth talking about.

            >"i want hair but i dont wanna lose 10% of my chud powers by blocking DHT."
            >"yeah i know women wont talk to me if im bald but still muh erections i totally use"

            Stop coping. Literally stop coping. Brainfog is bullshit, be a man. If i can work a full time job and be in school for a PHD at the same time, so can you. If i still have a sex addiction and cum 4 times a day with a volume that would put a racehorse to shame, so can you.

          • 9 months ago

            also, it's funny how you keep conveniently ignoring what I said about other options and that I don't even try to fight scalp DHT by reducing it in the serum, because it isn't as effective, because it mean that you lost your hair for no reason just because of alleged side effects from one of many possible options, not even close to the most effective

    • 9 months ago

      >I really think that these drugs are a miracle, and that anyone who attacks them this relentlessly has sour grapes because they didn't use them due to ignorance or laziness
      and there's a significant chance they still can, but there're too stupid to even try. there are some absolutely crazy regrowth cases, like Norwood 5 to 1 in 6 months

  76. 9 months ago

    Hairloss homosexuals are extremely insufferable irl and I hope you all chemically castrate yourself with finn

    • 9 months ago


  77. 9 months ago

    Why don't you just bite the bullet and take oral fin/dut already?

    • 9 months ago

      because topical is much better. oral fin or dut can only achieve up to 50% scalp DHT reduction, topical fin 70%. I chose topical dut, because it has a long 28 day half-life, so it's fine to apply just once a week after microneedling, with local absorbtion and not going systemic even with subcutaneous injections being confirmed by studies. I need a DHT blocker that's suitable for microneedling, because I have to wait at least 24 hours after with applying RU58841 too

  78. 9 months ago

    Nizorl, been using it since I was 18.

    t. 30 year old boomer.

  79. 9 months ago

    my stack is going to turkey, getting a hair transplant and getting it permanently fixed.

    • 9 months ago

      >he doesn't know you need to be even more strict with hairloss drugs after the transplant
      this is you few years after the transplant:

      lmao what a fricking moron.
      this is what a hair transplant without a treatment actually looks like after a few years, you absolute fricking mongoloid

  80. 9 months ago

    I was fine with my widows peak for the last 12 years but now that the middle of my frontal hairline is thinning i´m starting fin minox and dermarolling.
    Why is everyone on 1mg per day when you have studies showing half of that has the same result in lowering DHT?
    1mg Mon Wed Fri is doing almost the same and much less chances of sides so i'm starting with that.

  81. 9 months ago

    I’ve had virtually the same hairline since I was 20, 29 now and losing about a mm per year I think. Pic related. Never gonna take supps like a cuck, dads bald and little brother has been completely reaped. I’ll let age take its toll like it’s supposed to. I’m not a woman.

    • 9 months ago

      I shaved when I noticed I was norwooding because I'm not some low-T insecure homosexual that can't get no puss
      Hell, the puss has massively increased since I shaved


      • 9 months ago

        >"People are telling me Tim Pool now confidently walks around behind the scenes without the beanie. This is horrifying"

    • 9 months ago

      until you get to the point where its noticeable, see how well you accept it then

  82. 9 months ago

    I shaved when I noticed I was norwooding because I'm not some low-T insecure homosexual that can't get no puss
    Hell, the puss has massively increased since I shaved

  83. 9 months ago

    I'm 29, thought I had perfect hair genes but heard my granddad on my dad's side went bald (I also heard it "skips" a generation, might be some broscience BS)

    It's annoying because I'm literally getting the EXACT beginning of hair loss. I will brush my fingers through my hair and just notice a strand stuck in my fingers sometimes. I know I'm starting to lose it and I want to be proactive but all the supplements and side effects plus all the hustlers trying to make money off of people with hair loss is really putting me off trying to fix it. Would really like to stop shedding hair like a fricking dog.

    • 9 months ago

      Time for fin

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