When do you become an intermediate bodybuilder?

When do you become an intermediate bodybuilder? I kind of know how it works in regards to strength training but in terms of hypertrophy how do you separate beginner intermediate and advanced stages of lifting

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  1. 9 months ago

    You aren't a bodybuilder at all unless you compete, same goes for powerlifters. Don't worry about it anyways just try to be a well rounded lifter and don't worry about labeling yourself.

  2. 9 months ago

    >Nooo! How dare you do bad at a foreign language!! You must give up your culture and speak English!

    • 9 months ago

      As much as I dislike the cultural invasion of the west and moronic overuse of english everywhere in my country, Japan is a very bad example because they sold out to the west as soon as they interacted and are almost like an american colony at the moment. They gave up a long time ago and their inability to speak very basic english is unjustified. Language learning and adaptation is a human cognitive function, americans who barely speak english, let alone another language, aren't any better either.

      • 9 months ago

        >previous generations cucked out, but noooo you can't become independent
        Rejecting globalism is based

        • 9 months ago

          It is, but Japan isn't going to reject "globalism" (the USA) by refusing to speak basic english. Knowledge is never a weakness.
          In every society that has been nationally liberated from occupation in any form, key figures of resurgence and popular struggle were very much involved with the oppressor, whether an empire, a social class, a neighboring nation, and so on.
          Failing to learn lingual basics is a failure, not a resistance. You want to resist globalism as a Japanese man? Protest for the right to have more than a pathetic self defense force. Reclaim your morals, fashion, lifestyle, national resolve, and culture. Reject homosexualry and degeneracy, or in Japan's case, rediscover your own and stick to that. And as far as language goes, stop using english words in japanese. This is corrupting your language, not speaking foreign languages. ESLs know that blue haired bawds and gamer homosexuals everywhere are doing this in every language and it's disgusting.

          • 9 months ago

            Language is not only knowledge but also a lens through which you view the world. As you yourself agreed, using foreign words in a home language is an imposition on the autonomy of the language. A rejection of an entire language forced upon a nation is the rejection of a worldview. While yes, it might be beneficial to learn a language, in Japan's case it is not needed, since they are an island nation that is far away from the USA.

          • 9 months ago

            >And as far as language goes, stop using english words in japanese. This is corrupting your language, not speaking foreign languages. ESLs know that blue haired bawds and gamer homosexuals everywhere are doing this in every language and it's disgusting.
            Youre a braindead schizo. The Japanese use English words because their language doesnt have such words to use.
            The mingling of English and Japanese started long before SJWs were a thing.

            • 9 months ago

              I kind of like knowing that the californian social cult influence can be sniffed out and rejected in every anglicism used though.

              We don't have a word for genderqueer because we don't need a word for genderqueer. "homosexual degenerate" works just fine and contains a historical blueprint for what to do about them too.

        • 9 months ago

          Being too lazy to learn a language in school is not 'becoming independent'.
          Each year the students get worse and worse at the Japanese language as well. Most highschoolers barely understand basic kanji.

      • 9 months ago

        They are the worlds 3rd largest economy, havest on of the highest HDIs and life expectancies and a popular of over 100 million in a homogeneous society.
        They are leagues ahead and the only thing that makes them 'Americanised' is some military bases.
        Only ESL's b***h about monolingual people because they were born in shit countries.

        • 9 months ago

          >Only ESL's b***h about monolingual people because they were born in shit countries.
          And then you only hear about americans demanding people speak their language when they abroad, be it Japan or France. Curious.

    • 9 months ago

      >How dare you do bad at a foreign language
      And what is your first language, Anon?

      • 9 months ago

        L337 5p34k

        • 9 months ago

          Hey, witch doctor! Give us the magic words!
          >Alright, you go L337 5p34k

          • 9 months ago


            They are the worlds 3rd largest economy, havest on of the highest HDIs and life expectancies and a popular of over 100 million in a homogeneous society.
            They are leagues ahead and the only thing that makes them 'Americanised' is some military bases.
            Only ESL's b***h about monolingual people because they were born in shit countries.

            They copied the western model of politics and economy and surrendered their right to a military in exchange for a defense warrant and control by the USA. They also largely copied the western lifestyle, fashion, and art.
            If that's not selling out for the ethnically homogenous 3rd largest economy I don't know what you think is.

            >And as far as language goes, stop using english words in japanese. This is corrupting your language, not speaking foreign languages. ESLs know that blue haired bawds and gamer homosexuals everywhere are doing this in every language and it's disgusting.
            Youre a braindead schizo. The Japanese use English words because their language doesnt have such words to use.
            The mingling of English and Japanese started long before SJWs were a thing.

            Obsessed. I said internet-savy crowds globally bastardize their language with english. The japanese have been doing it for a long time which is like I said how they instantly adopted western traits as soon as they were given the chance.

            Language is not only knowledge but also a lens through which you view the world. As you yourself agreed, using foreign words in a home language is an imposition on the autonomy of the language. A rejection of an entire language forced upon a nation is the rejection of a worldview. While yes, it might be beneficial to learn a language, in Japan's case it is not needed, since they are an island nation that is far away from the USA.

            So get 10 of those lens to view the world rather than 1. Disorganized incapability to learn in state schools is not a form of resistance. It's not conscious, or planned, or effective, or intentional.

            • 9 months ago

              You said blue haired bawds, those are SJWs.

              • 9 months ago

                Usually, yes. But despite the overlap blue haired bawds aren't always SJWs and SJWs aren't always blue haired bawds.
                You're missing the point by shifting focus; it's not just their progressive politics. It's that, along with their idolization of where they get those from, extensive internet and western media use, and eventually socializing based on that, that causes them to globally corrupt their vocabulary with english in every sentence. It's not a Japan thing, it's everywhere. Come to eastern europe and see women who can't speak B2 level english but try and act like they're from fricking london or something.

            • 9 months ago

              >still largely practice their original religions
              >still eat their original diet
              >Still consume their own media and entertainment
              >Still practice strict social practices such as marrying within societal/ethnic boundaries
              I see more of ethnic Japanese culture in Japan than I can say for any western-white nation and their native culture.
              USA is a giant south africa, London is New Bangladesh, Berlin is new Istanbul and Paris is New Cameroon.

            • 9 months ago

              >if you want to preserve you culturre, you MUST learn other languages and listen to what they say!!
              >Nooo stop preserving your own language and putting your own cultural practices/ideas first!!!

    • 9 months ago

      you know you can learn more than one language, right?

    • 9 months ago

      If your a technical Black person like myself you have to know english because most datasheets and other technical documents are written in english.

    • 9 months ago

      It's literally the universal language.

  3. 9 months ago

    This definitely explains why certain Japs say they “speak English” then only know a few words, the bar is very low. That being said unless you want to cater to tourists your life there is no better for speaking English so why bother

  4. 9 months ago

    When you hop on

  5. 9 months ago

    It's based on how high your body fat % can go while still having visible abs.

  6. 9 months ago

    and these were the same c**ts who made it illegal to speak Korean in the 1880's.

  7. 9 months ago

    zelo Engrish? that's based and ledpirred.

    japanese peopur don't need engrish

  8. 9 months ago

    >tribal from eastern India
    >tribe has like 500 people left, mostly old people
    >99% youngsters leave for jobs to the cities and never return, often settling and marrying outsiders
    >local language is almost dead, only old people speak it
    >cultural cuisine is totally dead because local variants of vegetables are now extinct because farmers prefer to grow more marketable crops
    >original polytheistic tribal religion is almost dead, most youngsters have converted to """""Christianity""""" (aka they wear the cross but can't tell who or what a Jesus is)
    Haha learn English guys, you wouldn't want to be unemployed right? Surely it won't kill your cultural heritage and make you a vassal state of gods know who

    • 9 months ago


      Usually, yes. But despite the overlap blue haired bawds aren't always SJWs and SJWs aren't always blue haired bawds.
      You're missing the point by shifting focus; it's not just their progressive politics. It's that, along with their idolization of where they get those from, extensive internet and western media use, and eventually socializing based on that, that causes them to globally corrupt their vocabulary with english in every sentence. It's not a Japan thing, it's everywhere. Come to eastern europe and see women who can't speak B2 level english but try and act like they're from fricking london or something.

      Stfu b***h.

      >Only ESL's b***h about monolingual people because they were born in shit countries.
      And then you only hear about americans demanding people speak their language when they abroad, be it Japan or France. Curious.

      I'm English and I don't demand anything, people just speak it. India used it as a lingua-franca over Hindi, I heard more English in Sweden and Denmark than their native tongues, Thailand and Korea all spoke it well too.
      There is one country that gets INSANELY butthurt over this, and pretend not to speak English and that is France.
      Must be hard since Niger has now removed french from being classed as an official language, something macron tried to use to bolster his franco-phone support.

  9. 9 months ago

    There is very little difference in strength and hypertrophy training. And I'm not talking about being a +300lbs powerlifter, I'm talking in a generalistic sense. A guy who trained to rep 1/2/3/4 for 6-8 times is going to have a better "hypertrophy" gains than a lifter than trains hypertrophy but doesnt lift 1/2/3/4 even for a single. Strength doesnt correlate with size 1:1 but there is very strong correlation regardless.

  10. 9 months ago

    Cope and seethe thirdies. The English conquered the world, you WILL speak the Queen's language.

  11. 9 months ago

    Since this thread is jap related

    Today, a qt smol jap girl came and let me know she was done with the squat rack she was using while I was resting from doing rope ab crunches

    What does it mean?

  12. 9 months ago

    Based Nippon. Hold out against the ghey forever. Just make more babies and wait for the crazies to commit suicide.

  13. 9 months ago

    I wonder what percentage of English speaking countries' high schoolers could pass a verbal foreign language test

  14. 9 months ago

    >being a moron
    >being a moron in japan

    • 9 months ago

      >ESLs from shit, backwards countries all learn English
      >Developed nations use their own languages

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