where could i realistically get if i started a frauding cycle? picrel. 191lb 510, unpumped. not sure bf%.

where could i realistically get if i started a frauding cycle? picrel. 191lb 5’10, unpumped. not sure bf%. what stack would i need to get as big as i could, and how big would that be speculatively?
>inb4 roidtroony death/ball shrinkage
don’t care, life sucks and i don’t get girls anyway

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  1. 10 months ago

    >where could i realistically get
    More body dysmorphia, health problems, and the realization that u don't have perfect muscle insertions. Get another hobby man

    • 10 months ago

      ^this guy is 100% lonely, depressed and makes under even a lowsy $40,000 a year. Definitely rentcucks a shitty apartment or lives with mommy. Probably lives with mommy


      where could i realistically get if i started a frauding cycle? picrel. 191lb 5’10, unpumped. not sure bf%. what stack would i need to get as big as i could, and how big would that be speculatively?
      >inb4 roidtroony death/ball shrinkage
      don’t care, life sucks and i don’t get girls anyway

      Be prepared to be on TRT for life. I'd run a 500mg test E cycle for 16 weeks, come off, go to your doctor 6 weeks later when your T is in the toilet, tell him what you did, and you'll get on TRT for life for like $40 a month if you have insurance or free if you self-inject. @ 140mg/week test cyp, your test will remain between 600-900 ng/dl @ 1 injection a week. run 20mg/day dbol alongside your TRT for 8 weeks after 4 weeks on TRT and if your diet is in check you'll absolutely look like you're on roids. I'm on 180mg/week test cyp and get accused of being on roids all the time despite not running anything other than my TRT

      • 10 months ago

        >I’m on roids
        >I get accused of being on roids
        Checks out

        • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago


          Oh is it time to BTFO another incel!? I think it is!

          *clears throat*

          Lil celly. I hereby ask you to post wrists. We both know you're not going to post body (because you look like shit) so I will give you the opportunity to at least post wrists. Even fatasses can have vascular wrists/forearms and use them to LARP as someone who lifts. What this means is that if you cannot post wrists, your body is so garbage... so grotesque... so absolutely pitiful and pathetic that even something as arbitrary as WRISTS are indicative of that.

          So I tell you again: post wrists. You wont. We both know it. Because you are an abomination. A grotesque, pathetic sack of shit and a testament to laziness and a sedentary lifestyle. You are what people use as an example when they say they'd kill themselves if they ever ended up looking like that. You are used as motivation to pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and be active. You are everything that nobody wants to be. But feel free to prove me wrong


          • 10 months ago
            • 10 months ago

              >no wrists
              >replies letting me know he read the post
              What a dumbfrick. Low IQ + looks like shit. Suicide material. You're probably also poor LOL

          • 10 months ago

            The only thing you are getting thick wrists from is all that typing, and if I’m an incel or not doesn’t negate the fact you are on roids and want to think you are not.
            >r*ddit spacing
            >hasn’t posted wrists with timestamp himself. Cope, seethe and dilate roidtroony

      • 10 months ago

        idid it and came off you dont have to be on it for life i think you are just moronic. yeah you feel like shit but it comes back dumb frick but not if you hop right back on it you did it to yourself

        • 10 months ago

          Post body with timestamp stamp. You won't and it's because you look like garbo

          • 10 months ago

            no because im not a homosexual like you. simple really i dont care lol whereas you do and still dont post body with my post id. have a nice day you look like hist

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah, it's simple alright. Look like like shit therefore you won't post body

      • 10 months ago

        do you think 230 lean would be attainable with that physique? also, how do i even begin to find anabolics, just get to know yolked as frick guys at the gym?

        • 10 months ago


  2. 10 months ago


    i'm 6'3 235 been training my entire life. 27 yrs old and heavily debating frauding myself. picrel

    >tfw i have intrusive thoughts of shooting myself in the head.

    Might as well roid. I also don't get girls and am trapped as a wage slave for life.

    • 10 months ago


      where could i realistically get if i started a frauding cycle? picrel. 191lb 5’10, unpumped. not sure bf%. what stack would i need to get as big as i could, and how big would that be speculatively?
      >inb4 roidtroony death/ball shrinkage
      don’t care, life sucks and i don’t get girls anyway

      Building off my post, I would say just start with test 500mg a week for 16-20 weeks then go down to TRT dose for 12-20 weeks 150-200mg a week, maybe less. get blood work done a few times throughout your cycle and post cycle, make sure you're healthy, then maybe try running other compounds. R/steroids has a lot of info.

      I am most interested in test and deca cycles. Deca seems dope because it makes your joints invincible. I'm personally not really interested in tren at all. I'd maybe try out some anavar and dbol. I'd also maybe try some EQ and Masteron and primo.

      I'd also try some hgh too personally. But I'm most interested in just test and deca.

      • 10 months ago



        i'm 6'3 235 been training my entire life. 27 yrs old and heavily debating frauding myself. picrel

        >tfw i have intrusive thoughts of shooting myself in the head.

        Might as well roid. I also don't get girls and am trapped as a wage slave for life.


        where could i realistically get if i started a frauding cycle? picrel. 191lb 5’10, unpumped. not sure bf%. what stack would i need to get as big as i could, and how big would that be speculatively?
        >inb4 roidtroony death/ball shrinkage
        don’t care, life sucks and i don’t get girls anyway

        Even Test Deca + hgh at lower doses seems like it'd be dope for athletics. Like training MMA and BJJ.

        Maybe 150-200mg a week of test, 50-100mg of deca, then 3-4 iu a day of HGH. Seems like a combo to make yourself invincible.

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