Where has my willpower gone?

>Dieting for months, lost 15% of my total bodyweight.
>This week I've eaten
>Burger King
>Taco Bell
>Chinese Food
>Red Lobster

I'm so fricking disappointed in myself.

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  1. 12 months ago

    whats wrong with mustard, peanuts, burgers and popcorn? most of the shit in this pic dont see that bad

  2. 12 months ago

    All you can do is be better today. The pity party is just going to lead to more bad choices.

    • 12 months ago

      >The pity party is just going to lead to more bad choices.
      This is true. A lot of bad eating comes from "oh well, I already fricked up, so more trash isn't gonna make a difference." But it does make a difference.

  3. 12 months ago

    Don’t be, OP. Your progress isn’t gone just because you’ve strayed from the path once. Instead, imagine you’re walking and you’re laying down the road as you go. Brick by brick. It’s slow progress but you’re walking the right path. Sometimes we stray off that path and walk on the old road we’ve always walked on. The old road is bad for us, but we can always go back to the good road again. All those bricks you’ve laid on the good road aren’t gone just because you went back to the bad one. You simply go back to the good road and keep building, brick by brick.

  4. 12 months ago

    I assume you were doing some kind of starvation diet and never ever eating anything you like. You were bound to fail, how long did you think you could keep this up? Instead, just eat enough calories a day to maintain your *ideal* bodyweight and you'll steadily lose fat. If you do it right, you could eat fast-food even twice a week if you wanted to. Sure, the results come slower that way, but what matters is being able to do it for the rest of your life.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah I was doing a ~1000 calorie a day deficit basically eating only lean white protein.

      All you can do is be better today. The pity party is just going to lead to more bad choices.

      Don’t be, OP. Your progress isn’t gone just because you’ve strayed from the path once. Instead, imagine you’re walking and you’re laying down the road as you go. Brick by brick. It’s slow progress but you’re walking the right path. Sometimes we stray off that path and walk on the old road we’ve always walked on. The old road is bad for us, but we can always go back to the good road again. All those bricks you’ve laid on the good road aren’t gone just because you went back to the bad one. You simply go back to the good road and keep building, brick by brick.

      Thanks I'll get back on the horse today.

      • 12 months ago

        >Yeah I was doing a ~1000 calorie a day deficit basically eating only lean white protein.
        Ok, that did it's job since you lost a lot of weight already. Now, again, change to a less restrictive diet that you can keep up in the long term. Stop dieting and make it a lifestyle.
        >Of course if you're still extremely obese that doesn't apply, but in that case you shouldn't get advice from IST anyway

  5. 12 months ago

    You can eat junk food as long as IIFYC, you can always do cardio to burn the excess.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        It's true though, CICO works.
        You'd know this if you weren't a DYEL summergay.

        • 12 months ago

          Obviously, OP hasn't got just one Big Mac with fries, that's going to take a lot of fricking cardio to burn that amount of fast-food.

  6. 12 months ago

    I'm also surprised anyone still goes to Red Lobster. Are you in some midwest state nobody cares about, by chance?

    • 12 months ago

      It was for my nephews birthday party, and yes Minnesota lol.

  7. 12 months ago

    I stray from the path often and it really sucks. I’ve been saying “I’ll get shredded before July” for like 8 years now and I’m still at 26% body fat with high fasting glucose.
    No clue how to improve my willpower. Food is like drugs, I literally need it to be as far away from me as possible but I have a wife and a lot of friends so it’s a constant battle between “eh I’ll start tomorrow” and “frick I’m so disgusting I need to drop this weight”

  8. 12 months ago

    stop dieting stop dieting stop dieting stop dieting
    it's done, you can't diet for 4 more weeks at least, you aren't allowed to. after that, weight 4-8 more, or go down to 500-750cals

    I remember after an 8 month diet, come month 4 I didn't even cheat, I had 160 something days of perfect macros, etc. Fast foward to me trying to salvage a binge, it got bad. The more I pushed the worse it got, eventually I was eating so much food I would look pregnant, and I was eating food out of the trashcan. It felt like I literally couldn't stop.

    One of the most undisclosed pieces of information in fitness and specifically bodybuilding is that binge eating is disgustingly rampant, it's literally a bodys mechanism to fight starvation (assuming you aren't coping with it)

    To this day, ANY caloric deficit for longer than a week, I instantly can't feel full, crave the most moronic pastries, and only want carbs. It's fricking GAY

    Google bodybuilding binge eating after show, and realize what the problem is and why it happens.Or you will be FRICKED, I sat here for a year binging, dieting, binging, dieting, and I don't mean "1k binge he he" I mean, 20k calories in 2 hours, throwing up food because I can't fit it into my mouth, then eating more 2 hours laters, then cutting cals even harder, to the point where I was doing a psmf for 6 days, and 20k cals on 1

    • 12 months ago

      So what’s the solution?

      • 12 months ago

        Stop dieting for 4 weeks, to however long you dieted.

        When you do it again, eat at 500-750cals less.

        Don't binge while it's fixing itself 🙂

        It unironically just, goes away, I don't know how to explain it, you ever had a really shitty life experience and then it just stops being a problem? You stop being cravy/hungry all the time, you stop dreaming about food, you just think, "oh cool" when you think about food.

        However, first 2 weeks are gonna be hell (for me it was), most hungry I've ever been in my life, holy frick. But just eat in pounds, at least 25% of your body weight in fats, and 75% in protein, and you'll be eating the minimum protein/fat requirements, but aim for 50% and 100% for a few days IMO.

        Also, depending on whether you were a volumizer or a starver (you added more veggies to the diet vs you just took out meals) will depend on your mood changes diet related. I as a volumizer, tried to maximize the amount of each meal while I was not dieting for like 4 months, put yourself into situations were you can't just sit and eat sit and eat, like watching TV or Youtube, make sure you eat and have to do something immediately. If you are a starver, make sure to be snacking and or make sure to sit and eat at meal time, with nothing else after.

        A few binges aren't bad man, It means you needed it, anything after 1-3 binges every 2 weeks, less as time goes on, and I'd consider thinking about what's happening, but don't count this one. If you keep restricting, don't even count the binges, they'll just keep happening. Look at all the anorexics and bulimics who just can't quit, you think that's a willpower problem? I literally would shake in my bed knowing I had to eat in a surplus the next day, and I'm a 20 year old man who used to be obese. It's fricked.

        • 12 months ago

          also while you do this, stop consuming ANY fitness/nutrition/etc topics. avoid thinking about food and your body for a long while.

          Maybe if you need training help yeah, but don't make an excuse to watch some shtty video of a roider telling you to do abs.

          And don't think about "how full you are" or "how cravy" you are, just try to be as food-adverse as possible, but eat to your maintence, even better is 125-250 surplus tbh. it's just a cut, but you are maintaining now is all. once you normalize you can look at random recipes, etc.

  9. 12 months ago

    >Another homosexual blog post
    This isn't Tumblr.
    Nobody cares.
    kys you fat homosexual.

  10. 12 months ago

    I know its hard because you're so annoyed at yourself but you havw to accept what has happened and move on and start fresh right now. Yes, you will still feel annoyed, but that annoyance will pass quicker if you start fresh now

  11. 12 months ago

    Me too..could we be victims of a new timeline?
    I've suddenly lost all discipline and can't even remember what I was doing correctly a few months ago...

  12. 12 months ago
  13. 12 months ago

    Let me guess, you restricted carbs and especially sugar.

  14. 12 months ago

    Noones perfect.
    Just forgive yourself, get on a scale every morning to avoid regain.

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