Which matters more to you: fitness or intelligence?

Which matters more to you: fitness or intelligence?

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  1. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago


      Laying on top of him while my wiener slides in-between those cheeks. Our hands interlocked as he feels my manhood take his

      for me, intelligence is the single most important thing that matters in a person
      and most intelligent people are not fat, and are fit to some degree

      One of these responses is not like the others.

      • 4 months ago

        Right? Money has nothing to do with fitness or intelligence

    • 4 months ago


      for me, intelligence is the single most important thing that matters in a person
      and most intelligent people are not fat, and are fit to some degree


  2. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I bet you do pajeet

      • 4 months ago

        Right? Money has nothing to do with fitness or intelligence

        You're either a child or some naive adult ignorant to how the world works if you think money isn't the only thing that matters. There are obese landwhales out there one big mac away from getting a heart attack who live better and more fulfilling lives than you because they have money. There are mouth breathing tiktok kids who make millions dancing to the newest song that just came out.
        Your ottermode or bearmode body doesn't mean shit if you don't have the money to pay your bills or pay your rent. Your self proclaimed intelligence doesn't mean shit if you're broke and struggling to provide for yourself. If you're really intelligent you would find a way to make money and get yourself out of the rat race

        • 4 months ago

          Some people dont have the intelligence or experience to understand nothing in life is enjoyable, even your vices, when you are dead ass broke about to be homeless.
          Just a few years back I was in this situation; eating buttered toast for literally every meal about to be homeless with 2 bachelors degree. I felt like the biggest moron having 2 degrees with nothing to show for it. I had no desire to play video games, workout, go for a walk, smoke weed, drink, NOTHING! I just wanted to get money to buy some ramen or oatmeal.
          Luckily for me my school offered a 1.5 year program to get a CS degree and I turned my life around. Now that I have money, I bought myself a home gym, building up a collection of retro games, and doing solo trips.
          Money really does solve most of your problems

          • 4 months ago

            >cs degree
            >1.5 years

            • 4 months ago

              Not sure if this matters anymore but it was an accelerated program for second degree seeking students. Its actually 2 years but I made it 1.5 by taking as many courses as schedule permitted in 1 semester. Not every course was offered in every semester so it was a bit tricky to do.

          • 4 months ago

            I disagree. I was self-employed/unemployed nearly my entire 20s. I had made a great sum of money in my early 20s and then cruised on it for a while, but eventually went completely broke. I was so broke my house had no heating and I was talking cold showers in -10C degree weather. Although I was a mess, not being able to afford meals even, I think that existence may have better than my current one. I make way above average money now, work 8 hours a day, go to the gym, and do it every day. I just bought a $6000 super computer and it didn't even dent my budget, I have no remaining debts, I eat whatever I want when I want, I do not even look at the prices of shit at the grocery store.

            Yet this existence feels almost meaningless. Like I am in a void. Every day is a copy paste of the last. My bench press max increased by 25KG in the past year, and I think that's my only living proof that I am not in an endless void. The past 2 years flew by like they were a week. It reminds me of the movie "Falling Down" and what a shitty way to live it really is, surrounded by idiocracies while time flies and you get older and eventually you will just be some random gravestone.

            In hindsight, being a broke 20-something year old with nothing but goals and dreams is probably better than.. this.

      • 4 months ago

        >Which matters more to you
        >I bet you do pajeet

      • 4 months ago

        Based, the poojeet infestation is everywhere these days, IST now only has jeet jannies and turned it into a circle jerk

    • 4 months ago

      A decade ago I would have said intelligence, and I think I would have been right. There were a lot of dumb but fit people running around even ten years ago. Now? Definitely fitness. There's way too many midwits running around and EVERYBODY is fat. Literally the only people who aren't fat are bodybuilders of both sexes, and those people tend to be high IQ.

      Hello my IST friend. Yeah ideally someone should have the trifecta: smart, fit, and rich, but frankly all of those are now just proxies for intelligence. I disregard the poor and fat as not worth my time. If they were smart at all, they would be fit and wealthy.

  3. 4 months ago

    Laying on top of him while my wiener slides in-between those cheeks. Our hands interlocked as he feels my manhood take his

  4. 4 months ago

    for me, intelligence is the single most important thing that matters in a person
    and most intelligent people are not fat, and are fit to some degree

    • 4 months ago

      No offence, but I doubt you're very smart. I bet any metric of it you reject beyond your own self-assessment. Not that I disgree with you

      • 4 months ago

        I’ve talked to that anon personally and proctored his official IQ test
        he’s a legitimate 180 IQ hyperborean genetic BVLL that has an 8 figure passive salary

        • 4 months ago

          none of those mean you're smart

          • 4 months ago

            now I’m curious as to what metric you would accept if not money, life satisfaction, or IQ

            • 4 months ago

              sharing the same political opinions as me

              • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        I have a masters of law degree from a global top 20 college and am known to be a witty and sharp person
        while I wouldnt call myself smart if I'm not asked directly, I'm curious why you thought the opposite

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >most intelligent people are not fat, and are fit to some degree
      I've met only 1 fit intelligent person. He was a bodybuilder working as a professor teaching physical chemistry.
      The rest of the nerds were dyels. I actually met 1 nerd ass dyel who asked why working out is even necessary when you can live a full life without it; wanted to give him a wedgie just to prove my point directly
      You're not very smart if you take intelligence as some sort of measurement on likelihood of being fit

      • 4 months ago

        How big was the professor?

        • 4 months ago

          He was an active competitor and he was jacked. He was in the school gym every night, dude was definitely on roids.
          I would say he was a dickhead though.

          • 4 months ago

            Probably one of those redditors that take roids. Those guys are dickheads for no reason.

            • 4 months ago

              Sounds like your average channer. Those guys are dickheads for any reason

      • 4 months ago

        Was it Nasser?

        • 4 months ago

          No. I forgot his name honestly. He was hispanic though. He didn't really "teach" anything. He would download powerpoint slides from the textbook software and just read straight off the slides, no explanations on anything.
          His grading was extremely autistic too. He would mark off if you didnt answer with the units he wanted. Out of curiosity I converted the answer to different units but I placed both the answer and converted answer down, he marked me incorrect and argued that I didn't know what I was doing when I asked him about it.
          The dude was very strange to say the least

    • 4 months ago
      I hate women

      Exactly, success in one area tends to translate into success in multiple, especially if their success was based on skill and not talent/genetics.

    • 4 months ago

      kinda this
      I havent seen an impressive person that can 1/2/3/4 but I also havent seen an ugly, fat one as well
      most established people I know play tennis, run, hit the gym during spring, lose weight if need be, etc
      they are active and try to look as presentable as possible

      BUT, I studied social sciences and am from an affluent circle so I cant say I've been around STEM geniuses or people who came from nothing, I'd like to believe I am surrounded by 115-125 IQ people for the most part, me included. nothing more, nothing less

      • 4 months ago

        similar story for me as well
        many people in my circles try and adopt a healthy lifestyle after college

    • 4 months ago

      This right here
      Most obese people are morons. There is a positive correlation that the smarter someone is the bigger chance they have to be a healthy weight.
      Most of the engineers at my company have some level of good fitness and play sports in their free time

      Also this


      The smarter someone is the better chance they will have a good career and high income.
      Frick what people say about money can't buy happiness. Not having financial stress makes me very happy

    • 4 months ago

      I'm in science and all I can say that intelligent people are the most moronic

  5. 4 months ago

    INT but that's a static variable that is determined at birth. Fitness can be trained

    • 4 months ago


      Intelligence easy. Because you can always train and become fit (i.e., spend 15 minutes of your life reading the sticky) and then committing at least a year doing it.

      Intelligence is genetic / heritable. You can't train to become more smart. Its not about reading a sticky, diet or training. You are or you aren't. Most people confuse intelligence with education. Intelligence is the ability to learn new things / concepts quickly and provably. Educatation is what you have learned. You can be dumb and educated; a lot of people are. Its why schools in rich areas of America are just better schools. Its not about inequality or funding, the children of successful people are much more likely to the be intelligent than the unwanted shit spawn of the ghetto.

      Life isn't a dungeons and dragons game. We all don't get the same attribute points to allocate as we see fit. A lot of people are both SMART and FIT.

      I went to a top 10 University in America (Duke). I thought I was smart, until I met some REALLY intelligent people who just goofed off all year, studied a few days before exams and got near perfect grades. I remember asking for help in my 3rd year Partial Differential Equations Calculus class (crazy wonky shit) from my classmate and I could visibly see his frustration with why I didn't just get it. It was obvious to him this shit. It was very humbling to see just how big the actual difference between a 120 IQ person like myself and a 130IQ+ person like him.

      Its not fricking bullshit at all. Its probably the most proven of all human testing. The G factor or IQ is the most proven science in the world. If you are 80 IQ you can't train up to become 120 IQ man. Its over. I'm not going to argue with some fricking gym meat head that he can just do enough OHP lifts to raise his intelligence. The brain is not a muscle and what you write is about education and not intelligence.

      IQ, which is the closest thing we have to determining intelligence (say what you will of its merits, but any other method of determining intelligence is just pissing in the wind/semantic cope) has repeatedly been shown to be 80-90% heritable with the remainder primarily being ways to make someone dumber like a lead paint bedrooms or malnourishment

      Being intelligent is like being "strong", it's extremely vague and doesn't really mean anything.
      You can measure intelligence the same way you measure strength, by doing different tests to assess different capabilities.
      IQ is an "intelligence" test who's notoriously bad (to the point where there's been non-scientific books published on how much it's shit) as it tests (as other anons have pointed out) many factors such as pattern recognition and vocabulary in certain iterations which are very dependent of your cultural upbringing and education.
      You absolutely can train your intelligence, by expanding your vocabulary, training your memory, exercising logical thinking you can actually expand your IQ.
      Probably can't find it but I remember hearing about a study which showed that kids continuing math in HS in France continued developing their brains in certain areas where as students who didn't continue math didn't.

      • 4 months ago

        >You absolutely can train your intelligence
        Yeah right. Take a random ISTizen and no matter how much you 'train' their intelligence they're never going to be able to get a math/physics degree

        • 4 months ago

          the entire point of IQ testing is novel pattern recognition capability
          new or unusual
          >It's easily learned and meaningless.
          once again you have ignored the reliability aspect of IQ (I will let that wiki page explain)
          >A reliable test produces similar scores upon repetition
          and you have ignored why I mentioned that its culturally ambiguous.
          You have once again ignored the question of infinite regression
          and repeatedly make baseless claims such as the above
          I have grown tired of repeating myself
          at a minimum google the topic of discussion next time, I won't reply again unless you actually bring a refutation

          There is literally over a century of scientific evidence around the world proving IQ is highly indicative of intelligence.

          The reason IQ tests are no longer used is because of the politics of IQ tests, and the Griggs v. Duke Power Co. supreme court ruling.

          Liberalls / progressives believe that all human failings are due to structural problems / structural inequality and government can engineer equal results in the population. They fricking hate IQ tests because it shows clearly that there is no way a 80IQ person can ever command the same value in an information based modern economy as a 130IQ person, hence their drive to abolish its use.

          Conservatives believe that success is due to personal ambition, initiative and work ethic and need to get the government out of the way. They fricking hate IQ tests because it shows that it doesn't matter how fricking hard working, dedicated, ambitious an 80 IQ person is, he/she will never achieve great success in a modern economy. The whole pull up your bootstraps bullshit doesn't work for the people at the bottom. Also 120+ IQ people naturally create rules for a society that only other 120+ IQ people can succeed in. This is why traditional societies always generate a landed aristocracy (rich high IQ people marry fellow high IQ people and create high IQ second generations).

          Pattern recognition, memory, logical reasoning are all things which can be trained. And these things are tested on IQ tests.
          Not only that certain tests like WISC test vocabulary, which of course is dependent from your upbringings.
          Apart from the validity of IQ, which has been debated many times, IQ is as genetical as bodybuilding. Sure, genetics play a lot in strength training, however, consistency and training itself are way more important. The same applies for IQ.

          • 4 months ago

            >Pattern recognition, memory, logical reasoning are all things which can be trained.
            I'm the middle anon in that replay chain
            I'm not disputing whether it can be trained significantly from some ambiguous base point, neither am I suggesting that it is immune to environmental factors
            but that IQ can not be further improved beyond one's (seemingly environment agnostic) capability. And explanations for variation beyond that is, from what we can tell, primarily heritable, which you seem to agree with
            we are not talking about differences in IQ amongst the malnourished and the nourished, we are referring to the differences in IQ amongst those with the same (or similar enough) backgrounds. AKA your peers unless you live in Ethiopia or something similar.

  6. 4 months ago

    How smart can you really be if you can't come to the conclusion that a healthy, strong, attractive body is the best advantage in life you can give yourself?

    • 4 months ago

      >best advantage in life you can give yourself
      The best advantage in life is to have money. Sometimes you have to make choices between responsibilities and fitness when you don't have money. You don't have to make these choices when you do have money.
      Ironically you weren't smart enough to understand you can't have anything without money

  7. 4 months ago

    I value both but i have neither, im a gde brainlet.

  8. 4 months ago

    White boy thick!

  9. 4 months ago

    Please tell me this is porn

    • 4 months ago

      It’s a straight high schooler

      • 4 months ago

        Age of consent in my country is 15

        • 4 months ago

          Would you?

          • 4 months ago

            yes. Yes i would.

            • 4 months ago

              Are you gay or bi and when can you come over?

              • 4 months ago

                Bi. Mostly attracted to women. But I am a sucker for a big twink butt

          • 4 months ago

            You are not open minded , thaats pretty bad

            Even if i send you the methods after 5.5 seconds after sending you will cope with someone else like "nuhh uhh NOT TRUE!"

            • 4 months ago

              Send the methods

            • 4 months ago

              seriously send the methods bro Im tryna brainmaxx

  10. 4 months ago

    there is no correlation between intelligence and usefulness to society.
    intelligence increases the magnitude of impact, but the direction of the impact (i.e. positive or negative) is completely independent of intelligence.

  11. 4 months ago

    Intelligence easy. Because you can always train and become fit (i.e., spend 15 minutes of your life reading the sticky) and then committing at least a year doing it.

    Intelligence is genetic / heritable. You can't train to become more smart. Its not about reading a sticky, diet or training. You are or you aren't. Most people confuse intelligence with education. Intelligence is the ability to learn new things / concepts quickly and provably. Educatation is what you have learned. You can be dumb and educated; a lot of people are. Its why schools in rich areas of America are just better schools. Its not about inequality or funding, the children of successful people are much more likely to the be intelligent than the unwanted shit spawn of the ghetto.

    Life isn't a dungeons and dragons game. We all don't get the same attribute points to allocate as we see fit. A lot of people are both SMART and FIT.

    I went to a top 10 University in America (Duke). I thought I was smart, until I met some REALLY intelligent people who just goofed off all year, studied a few days before exams and got near perfect grades. I remember asking for help in my 3rd year Partial Differential Equations Calculus class (crazy wonky shit) from my classmate and I could visibly see his frustration with why I didn't just get it. It was obvious to him this shit. It was very humbling to see just how big the actual difference between a 120 IQ person like myself and a 130IQ+ person like him.

    • 4 months ago

      muscle and strength response to training is also mostly genetic.

      • 4 months ago

        Its genetic, but I guarantee even the most shitty genetic person (barring major issues like downs syndrome, lou gehrigs disease, haemophelia, etc.) could become visibly fit and athletic with enough commitment to training. I've seen it in the military. Fat dumps enlisted, become carved out of wood after a year of intensive training and diet. No they wouldn't become gigachad, but extremely fit and dangerous physically.

        inb4 shitting on the US military standards now. I served as an Army Ranger and I can tell you my CO fricking worked your ass HARD no matter what. I still have nightmares about boot camp.

        • 4 months ago

          >but I guarantee even the most shitty genetic person (barring major issues like downs syndrome, lou gehrigs disease, haemophelia, etc.) could become visibly fit and athletic with enough commitment to training
          nope, wrong.
          >Fat dumps enlisted, become carved out of wood after a year of intensive training and diet.
          being fat is a poor predictor of response to training.

          • 4 months ago

            You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. You are corner-boxing, using 0.01% exception to break the rule. Yes certain people respond better to training. Yes certain people are genetic dead ends and will never catch up to others hour-for-hour to training. However,I am certain that even the 0.1% outliers will respond better to training (fitness) than 0.1% outliers (near mental moronation) for intelligence training (if there exists such a thing).

            Go to twitter to argue outliers and generate clout.

            • 4 months ago

              there's a non-negligible amount of people who are non-responders to training (or even regress) and a pretty large group of low-responders. the large group of low-responders would be healthier and look better than if they didn't train, but they would still look dyel and be pretty weak.
              the distribution may actually be comparable to IQ, where the bottom 5% are fubar, the 5-10th percentile are non-responders (to life), and the 10th-15th percentile can get by but without much of anything to show for it.

              • 4 months ago

                Absolutely wrong. This is just cope or black pill or bullshit. Anybody can get fit. Getting fit is physics and chemistry.

              • 4 months ago

                it's absolutely correct, and research backs this up. some (few though) people literally decrease their muscle mass/strength by training, some don't increase it, and the majority does increase it, but some great responders increase their muscle mass/strength by multiple times that of the average. inter-individual variability in response to training (just like in IQ) is very large.

              • 4 months ago

                Literally impossible to be true. Prove it.

              • 4 months ago

                what part?

          • 4 months ago

            you're fricking moronic

    • 4 months ago

      All of this is bullshit, when you learn something new neurons make a new connection, similarly when you train your neurological pathways become more efficient but your body also becomes better at developing new neurological pathways.
      Learning a third language is easier than learning a second one.

      Every single aspect of the human body can be genetic but you can also improve it by your own means.

      • 4 months ago

        Its not fricking bullshit at all. Its probably the most proven of all human testing. The G factor or IQ is the most proven science in the world. If you are 80 IQ you can't train up to become 120 IQ man. Its over. I'm not going to argue with some fricking gym meat head that he can just do enough OHP lifts to raise his intelligence. The brain is not a muscle and what you write is about education and not intelligence.

        • 4 months ago

          education has been found to reliably increase IQ though

        • 4 months ago

          IQ, which is the closest thing we have to determining intelligence (say what you will of its merits, but any other method of determining intelligence is just pissing in the wind/semantic cope) has repeatedly been shown to be 80-90% heritable with the remainder primarily being ways to make someone dumber like a lead paint bedrooms or malnourishment

          I didn't said that there isn't a genetic factor to intelligence, i said people can become smarter.

      • 4 months ago

        IQ, which is the closest thing we have to determining intelligence (say what you will of its merits, but any other method of determining intelligence is just pissing in the wind/semantic cope) has repeatedly been shown to be 80-90% heritable with the remainder primarily being ways to make someone dumber like a lead paint bedrooms or malnourishment

        • 4 months ago

          IQ has been proven to be an awful indicator of intelligence.

          If you were to sit everyday doing nothing but IQ tests - your score will improve. It's basic pattern recongnition - and all humans are alike in the sense that the more they do/see a pattern, the quicker and better they will connect the pattern.

          It's why Asians score highest on IQ tests. Are they just genetically smarter? Frick no, they just do that kind of testing their entire school life.

          According to IQ tests - Africans are dumb motherfrickers. But if it was genetic - than how can pure bred black Americans have higher scores than West Africans when genetically they are the same? It makes no sense.

          IQ tests are moronic and not an indicator of anything besides "Have you done this sort of testing before?"

          Like I said - all humans without a disorder are the same, minus height, +/-1%. The rest is up to upbringing, enviornment, and personal discipline. Why people have differing levels of discipline has not been researched or understood yet exactly.

          • 4 months ago

            >>Like I said - all humans without a disorder are the same, minus height, +/-1%.
            laughably wrong.
            >Why people have differing levels of discipline has not been researched or understood yet exactly.
            it has been researched. discipline correlated with the personality trait conscientiousness, which is one of the five traits derived purely by statistics (not just some theory). conscientiousness is also partially genetic (and thus inherited), but upbringing, environment, and life experience do play a role.

          • 4 months ago

            >improving IQ scores
            iq scores are famed for their reliability, and while you can (moderately) improve it by repeatedly taking it, it somewhat defeats the purpose(attempted measurement of novel learning capability), and as stated before, the gains are marginal and won’t raise you a standard deviation/notable amount.
            >asians do it all the time
            they don’t, IQ tests don’t look like most tests
            >asians/africans/african Americans
            many factors involved in regards to *location* of testing (like a shanghai prep school will likely have better results than bumfrick nowhere MS), that and the nature of immigrants (not illegals) usually being cherry picked from their homeland, thus your judgement is premature. but in regards to Africans and African Americans we have already mentioned how environmental factors can significantly reduce IQ such as malnutrition. it is entirely expected that an African living in a mud hut would perform worse than an African who gets to eat everyday.
            but feed them both well, put them both in the same school, remove environmental pollutants, and they will have the same score. and they will struggle to raise it a significant amount beyond that
            >all humans are the same minus %
            what a silly easily disproven statement
            a child will understand the differences of innate talents simply by observation in elementary school, and we have decades of data to back up varying tendencies
            philosophically it’s also moronic because causality and the impossibility of infinite regression make it clear that there is at some point a non personally responsible choice. if your environment determines your choice than how do you choose your first environment? I bet you would insist that people make choices without considering the mechanism behind that choice and what its origin (as the origin MUST be beyond the person as people have a beginning) must be.

            • 4 months ago

              Most Asian testing is based on IQ-style testing. Even their language testing is based on pattern recongnition and mathematical logic - not language. See pic.

              This is why Asians from Asian countries tend to be logical, but not practical. It's also why they generally suck at language.

              As far as your other points - again it's all nonsense. Kids who want to do well in school, do well in school. The "nerds" were nerds not because of some innate genetic ability, but because they enjoyed and put in much greater effort towards academics. I went home and played CS1.6, the nerds literally studied. That never once in my life crossed my mind, to sit and study for some academic bullshit thing. Again - that is a difference of personality and upbringing, NOT genetics.

              IQ tests are the same shit. They are indicitive of absolutely nothing besides who has seen these patterns more often and who hasn't.

              • 4 months ago

                >Most Asian testing is based on IQ-style testing.
                that picture from reddit is neither an IQ test question or similar to a (good, not culturally influenced) IQ test question. They do have non-verbal tests designed to eliminate cultural biases, like pic related.

                >asians tend to be
                I don't know anything about that and won't address it
                >all nonsense
                you didn't even engage with my post, like IQ's reliability
                >indicate nothing
                at least read the wiki page before commenting on it. I understand the idea of egalitarian potential and absolute free will is attractive, but at least engage with the subject material.
                also I can't help but find it ironic you owe "the nerds" intellectual capacity to "they enjoyed it", without questioning the origin of that enjoyment
                this is somewhat beyond the scope of our conversation, but a good exercise to determine cause is to simply ask why something happened, and then to ask why that thing happened, until there is no other cause. Eventually you will get to the mind being caused by something else (as nothing in nature can create itself), and the environment not being chosen (for who chooses their parents, and with what mind did they choose their parents? And how did they choose that mind? etc)
                >anecdotal story

              • 4 months ago

                It doesn't make a difference if it is verbal or not. Pattern recongnition can be in the form of images, text, words, numbers - it does not matter. It's the same shit.

                It is the lowest form of monkey brain shit we humans do. SEE SIMPLE PATTERN? WHAT NEXT? SEE HARDER PATTERN? WHAT NEXT?

                It's easily learned and meaningless. Obviously someone who has never taken or done those types of puzzles will perform worse than someone whose every day test is pattern recongition

              • 4 months ago

                the entire point of IQ testing is novel pattern recognition capability
                new or unusual
                >It's easily learned and meaningless.
                once again you have ignored the reliability aspect of IQ (I will let that wiki page explain)
                >A reliable test produces similar scores upon repetition
                and you have ignored why I mentioned that its culturally ambiguous.
                You have once again ignored the question of infinite regression
                and repeatedly make baseless claims such as the above
                I have grown tired of repeating myself
                at a minimum google the topic of discussion next time, I won't reply again unless you actually bring a refutation

              • 4 months ago

                How can a reliable test produce the same scores? If I was to dedicate my entire existence for the next 5 years, only focusing on pattern testing, you would have to be an idiot to think improvement is just not possible because of some inherent "genetic" intelligence. I guarantee you I'd be able to increase my score my at least 15% on any test, and that would be a huge difference.

                On top of all that - EVEN if the tests were accurate, and unbeatable, it still doesn't solve the main issue. You are ONLY testing patterns. It doesn't matter on the type of IQ test or what stupid ass company made it, it is always a pattern test. So you are assuming that the entirety of mankind's intelligence can be dwindled to an ability to make connections for patterns? Where does language come into play here? What about creativity? What about reactionary intelligence? The ability to predict future actions WITHOUT a pattern?

                Once again - my argument isn't that there aren't stupid humans, and highly intelligent humans. That definitely exists. It's just not genetic, and it's certainly not accurately measured by IQ tests. I believe anyone who believes in IQ tests is a fricking moron - but it's not because of their genetics

    • 4 months ago


      There are underground methods to raise iq massively , not the bluepill shit like.. reading.. using suplements.. or using you left hand..

      • 4 months ago

        OK man. Underground methods lol. Hack the brain bro. Frick off.

    • 4 months ago

      This is just nonsense.

      Idk what it is with the fit community everywhere attributing so much to genetics. Bodybuilding genetics, intelligence genetics.

      It's all bullshit. If you take an average human that isn't literally a moron or doesn't have some sort of impairment, everyone is pretty much equal +/- 1% barring height. Some people have genes to grow taller, but even that is hardly a big difference. The biggest humans we have without a hormone disorder are around 6'10" - that's an 8 inch difference from my country's average height. Hardly a "big" difference, and despite that, muscle still works the same and grows the same although the bigger frame will just carry more (and be able to push/pull more as a result)

      But that's pretty much as far as it goes for large scale genetic differences in humans. Besides that we're pretty much all equal to a degree of 99%+. Bodybuilding is about who can take the best steroids and maintain their sanity and life. Intelligence is about who is willing to sit and learn.

      The only argument you can make about genetics is that some people have that innate desire to be able to sit and learn (or take PEDs on a perfect diet for 5+ years) - but even that is more enviornmental than it is genetic. Economic level and upbringing will have a MUCH larger impact on that than some "genetic" thing.

      It's almost as if people naturally want to use the genetic argument as a coping mechanism as to why they themselves are not brilliant or athletes or whatever. "I don't have the genetics for that!"

      False. You don't have the WORK ETHIC for it. Which is something changeable

      • 4 months ago

        >average height of 6’2
        what is the income tax like in hyperborea
        but also
        >were more alike than different
        based moron telling someone to be glad because they are more similar to a chimp than Jeff Bezos

      • 4 months ago

        kek, aside from the country where you're born, genetics is the single most determining factor for anyone's life. there's been countless studies on this looking at many different aspects.
        childhood IQ is a better predictor for life success at age 40 than parent wealth. adopted children perform in accordance with the inherited genetics of their biological parents, and not by the upbringing or wealth of their adoption parents. e.g. adopted kids with high (inherited) IQ do good in school even if their adoption parents are poor dumbfricks. and adopted kids with low (inherited) IQ do bad in school even if their adoption parents are rich and give them good nutrition and education.

        • 4 months ago

          Still wrong.

          Kids with a better upbringing will do better on IQ tests every single time.

          In result, kids with a better upbringing have better opportunity to get better jobs or start businesses and have economic success, while kids with the shit upbringing (and low IQ score) end up going into survival mode by the time they're 18 and end up in low paying jobs just to get by and the cycle continues repeating that way. Sure there are outliers on both sides - but that's generally how it goes.

          I scored perfectly average IQ tests in grade school because I gave zero fricks about them nor cared while doing the actual test. Then there were the ",nerdy smart" kids who scored abnormally high - I still have them on Facebook. They went off to top tier colleges, med schools, engineering, etc and became employed professionals. They now have a high income, a nice 15 year mortgage, stable marriages, and their kids will grow up just like them.

          Meanwhile, I, with the "lower" IQ, started my own business and bought a $300K house in cash in a foreign country while they were still in college getting fed by their parents. I lost it all eventually, but that's a different story.

          Anyways, IQ tests are just nonsense

          • 4 months ago

            >Kids with a better upbringing will do better on IQ tests
            a better upbringing confers a small benefit, but IQ is still >90% genetics. and g factor is close to 100% genetics.

            • 4 months ago

              IQ is definitely NOT >90% genetics. Most kids coming from parents with high-paying jobs had on average better IQs than kids with lower paying jobs.
              IQ is literally almost linear with the parent's social status. Most factory worker's kids' IQ end up <90 while most bourgeois kids' IQ end up >110.

              • 4 months ago

                people with high-paying jobs have higher IQ on average, and genetics are partially inherited...
                parent's socioeconomic status is pretty much irrelevant if you account for the IQ of the parents and the heritability.
                >Most factory worker's kids' IQ end up <90 while most bourgeois kids' IQ end up >110
                that was what people thought hundreds of years ago, but as soon as schooling became accessible and affordable and kids from poor backgrounds had the opportunity to go to university, they performed similarly to the upper class (probably a bit better even due to less inbreeding).

              • 4 months ago

                That's correct however you'd expect statiscally more diversity.
                Sure, many rich people got so because, if we concede that IQ = intelligence, their IQ enabled them to higher paying fields etc
                However, many rich people are so because of luck, inheritance, nepotism etc
                It'd be normal to expect somewhat correlation between richer = smarter, however IQ brings it to another level.

              • 4 months ago

                Pattern recognition, memory, logical reasoning are all things which can be trained. And these things are tested on IQ tests.
                Not only that certain tests like WISC test vocabulary, which of course is dependent from your upbringings.
                Apart from the validity of IQ, which has been debated many times, IQ is as genetical as bodybuilding. Sure, genetics play a lot in strength training, however, consistency and training itself are way more important. The same applies for IQ.

                There are certainly problems with short form IQ tests. That said proper IQ tests properly administered show remarkable consistency of performance.

                There are elements of reading comprehension that gives middle class students some legs up, but the whole British experience of grammar schools from the 50's to the 80's is living proof of the value of IQ tests.

                For the meatheads on this thread, the British socialist government came up with the concept of giving children from the poorest backgrounds the ability to gain access to grammar schools ENTIRELY based on their IQ scores at a young age. This was probably one of the most successful social engineering programs ever administered. Grammar schools were highly academically focused schools that sent their best and brightest regularly to the elite British universities (Oxford, Cambridge, London School of Economics).

                In some elite grammar schools more than 80% of the students came from "working class" (british euphamism for poor) backgrounds based solely on IQ tests. These kids THRIVED in these schools and later public life. My uncle was one of them and retired in his 40's a multimillionaire in London in the 80's.

                Pic related if you want to read about it.

          • 4 months ago

            >Kids with a better upbringing will do better on IQ tests every single time.

            • 4 months ago

              This doesn't prove anything. The results also show that adopted Asians score lower than adopted Whites, which makes no sense if you believe in IQ tests considering always Asians score highest out of any race

              Also, the study does not take into consideration in what families adopt white kids vs. what families adopt black kids. More than likely, black families adopt black kids, making the study worthless if that's the case, because again, it will be a black upbringing. And when I think of a white family adopting a black kid, California Angelina Jolie type shit comes to mind. Those kids will NOT have high IQs.

          • 4 months ago

            there are many studies that distort class above all theory
            I am not fully convinced IQ or other traits are 100% genetic but a LOT of stuff go into these tests and money is not the most important factor

            • 4 months ago

              IQ isn't 100% genetic, as fetal and very early childhood development affect it. but it's still completely out of your control.

      • 4 months ago

        This is such a fricking stupid logic reasoning.

        The US military's own internal studies when documenting the challenges of a consript army (i.e., total representative study of population at large) conclusively state that sub 80 IQ people are not possible to bring up to any value effort to the war effort. Even peeling pototoes in the kitchen requires more supervision then its worth. If you understand the concept of total war with a concript based army (i.e., slave army), its the living proof of "any port in a storm" logic as its an existential survival at that point war.

        If what you wrote was true (i.e., IQ is meaningless, its all worth ethic lol) the army would have IQ training crash courses.

        Read some history books about existential total war situations (mainland China during WWII, Eastern front in WWII and WWI, Mongolian campaigns, etc.) and you will see this effect in action. It wasn't about laziness or lack of effort.

        • 4 months ago

          Because having a sub 80 IQ would likely mean that you are either unable to read/follow simplecinstructions or you are moronic, neither of which is suitable in a military

          It is not because the IQ test is an accurate measurement of intelligence, it's because you have to actually be moronic to not complete the simplest puzzles. The harder ones require more practice and time spent doing that sort of stupid shit, making the test worthless as an intelligence test

          • 4 months ago

            There is literally over a century of scientific evidence around the world proving IQ is highly indicative of intelligence.

            The reason IQ tests are no longer used is because of the politics of IQ tests, and the Griggs v. Duke Power Co. supreme court ruling.

            Liberalls / progressives believe that all human failings are due to structural problems / structural inequality and government can engineer equal results in the population. They fricking hate IQ tests because it shows clearly that there is no way a 80IQ person can ever command the same value in an information based modern economy as a 130IQ person, hence their drive to abolish its use.

            Conservatives believe that success is due to personal ambition, initiative and work ethic and need to get the government out of the way. They fricking hate IQ tests because it shows that it doesn't matter how fricking hard working, dedicated, ambitious an 80 IQ person is, he/she will never achieve great success in a modern economy. The whole pull up your bootstraps bullshit doesn't work for the people at the bottom. Also 120+ IQ people naturally create rules for a society that only other 120+ IQ people can succeed in. This is why traditional societies always generate a landed aristocracy (rich high IQ people marry fellow high IQ people and create high IQ second generations).

          • 4 months ago

            You are moronic.

    • 4 months ago

      >considered unintelligent
      >still considered unintelligent?
      Im not sure about you anon but I would say your IQ will go up when you get the ability to read. But thats just me.

      • 4 months ago

        If you don't know the difference between intelligence and educated then I can't help you. You're just dumb and uneducated. Being able to read "See Spot Run" or not has ZERO effect on IQ, granted the testing becomes harder to demonstrate if you can't read.

        There are a lot of really smart people digging ditches in 3rd world countries. If you put those people in top universities, they would then become educated.

        Literacy is generally a social problem. Once literacy rates get above 60% is goes to like 99% in zero time. Intelligent people can usually teach themselves to read pretty quickly, and usually do.

        • 4 months ago

          >granted the testing becomes harder to demonstrate if you can't read
          >but is easier when you can read
          >no, your iq hasn't increased simply because the test got easier

          • 4 months ago

            being unable to understand english would make you bad at physical fitness tests officiated by english speaking coaches
            despite affecting your physical fitness test result, this would not actually change your true physical fitness capability

            • 4 months ago

              >makes strawman argument about iq using understanding of physical fitness test
              >concludes with physical ability staying the same but avoids the fact that when you are able to understand the tests, that implies your iq has increased enough as well to do so
              >no reading doesn't improve your iq
              holy shit, the irony in trying to prove me wrong from some pseudointellectual

    • 4 months ago

      I have a cousin who he and his wife are FANG/ivy leaguers extremely high powered etc
      they are both very nice but talking to them makes me feel downright subhuman, feel like a hobbit talking to an elf, their refinement, intelligence, charisma, etc is just beyond me. every time I see talk to them it’s just a massive reminder of how much I intellectually lack

      • 4 months ago

        Think about their upbringing vs yours.

        How did they get into ivy leagues? It was either via a connection, or they nerded the frick out in high school and studied hard.

        Either way, it's still not an inherent genetic difference. They studied, you didn't.

        Don't get me wrong - you ARE a dumb frick, but not because of genetics

        • 4 months ago

          Work ethic is important for success no doubt. Conscientiousness is the biggest indicator of financial success in the Western world.

          But what

          I have a cousin who he and his wife are FANG/ivy leaguers extremely high powered etc
          they are both very nice but talking to them makes me feel downright subhuman, feel like a hobbit talking to an elf, their refinement, intelligence, charisma, etc is just beyond me. every time I see talk to them it’s just a massive reminder of how much I intellectually lack

          wrote is correct. The difference between a 130 IQ and a 120 IQ actually exponentially separates when put into an elite university setting. There are people that intelligent in this world.

          My example of DUke about some burnout kid who just instinctively underlood extremely high level math concepts had nothing to do with his work ethic (although he wasn't lazy). He could just easily understand high level mathematics in a way I never could. Being able to determine the disciminant of a complex matrix in his head was fricking mind blowing to see in action. He later got a high level position in the US government NSA for network security management and penetration testing. I am certain he is extremely valuable and successful to them. While I am jealous of his brain, I am also very cool and calm with it. This is an exceptional human being, in some regards like Mozart in his field.

  12. 4 months ago


  13. 4 months ago

    Third worlders in extreme poverty aren't moronic because they are poor and have no access to any form of education, is because they are brown.

  14. 4 months ago

    More? Intelligence. In practice, you can't have one of those lacking and expect to live your best life.

  15. 4 months ago

    Physical strength is the most important thing in life. This is true whether you want it to be or not.

  16. 4 months ago

    Intelligence has shard diminishing returns. Everything past "above average" basically gives nothing. Fitness gives exponential returns. The strongest or fastest man in the world gets a lot more than the 100th strongest.

  17. 4 months ago

    Happiness tbh. Super smart people mostly seem miserable. I'm smart enough to get by and fairly fit.

  18. 4 months ago

    Matters for what, homosexual? By example, In a woman fitness matters more.

  19. 4 months ago

    I'd rather date a thinner moron over a landwhale genius.

  20. 4 months ago

    You can improve your iq. There is drugs you can take to improve your mind.

    • 4 months ago

      Not grammar apparently

      • 4 months ago

        Drugs can improve grammar.

  21. 4 months ago

    Both are necessary for the attainment of godhood

  22. 4 months ago


  23. 4 months ago


  24. 4 months ago

    >tfw fit and poor

  25. 4 months ago

    >this thread
    We get it, everyone on fit is smart, fit, and rich.

  26. 4 months ago

    as a medical student that has won many awards and someone that has hit 1/2/3/4 a while ago (inb4 haha! 1/2/3/4), none of that shit fricking matters
    what matters is your ability to fit as a puzzle piece into this world
    if you have autism and C-PTSD, it becomes the biggest nightmare just to function and every single day is a fight to find a reason to see the next one

    on a closing note... You know, i kinfa feel like i don'T belong here. There is no place for people like me.

    • 4 months ago

      Med student in america ?

      • 4 months ago

        western europe

        • 4 months ago

          Lol becoming a doctor in america takes a long ass time.

          • 4 months ago

            takes a long time anywhere, i'll be 32 by the time i'm fully qualified going down the surgery route, and i was only 18 getting into medical school

  27. 4 months ago

    I think you can be fit while also not that intelligent, but you can’t be intelligent if you aren’t fit.

    And I’m using the term “fit” very loosely in this instance. Not saying you have to be a gym bro or ultramarathon runner and eat 26 eggs a day. Just eat a well rounded diet not full of shit and do SOME form of exercise. If you can’t even be bothered to do that for your wellbeing than you are by default a dumbass.

  28. 4 months ago

    >tfw have neither and 5'5. I'm also Dutch.

    • 4 months ago
  29. 4 months ago

    Fitness improves intelligence. You don't care about intelligence at all, if you don't utilize a single thing that results in the highest intelligenge increase. Which is fitness

  30. 4 months ago


  31. 4 months ago

    I'd say fitness. I'm not a clever person.
    Yeah, I admit it.

  32. 4 months ago

    image the boysmell

  33. 4 months ago

    Intelligence because it's genetic, anyone can get fit

  34. 4 months ago

    >Which matters more to you: fitness or intelligence?
    Blood flow.

  35. 4 months ago

    "The nation that will insist on drawing a broad line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking by cowards.”

  36. 4 months ago

    Be intelligent and lift smarter.

  37. 4 months ago

    Intelligence but so few people tend to have that anyway

  38. 4 months ago

    Now that looks like a Starting Strength Physique

  39. 4 months ago


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