which program got you best gains of your life?

ill go first. kinobodys greek god ebook, the first program in it is The Kinobody Workout Program for Strength and Density. Its basically an ABA/BAB three times a week program but its only got one leg exercise a week. He went over the reasoning with derek on MPMD but the idea is lifting is all about prioritizing some things sacrificing others. And frequency and intensity on upper lifts requires downgrading lower lifts to avoid fatuige and injury.

I adjusted the upper body lifts to be DB only and I traded sumo DL as my lower body exercise for glute bridges as i had a total pancake ass. And my legs were to be developed in a non bodybuilding way by cycling for hard conditioning on no lifting days. Hyperextensions are done specifically for me as I had a herniated disc so hitting that area and strengthening it was very important

Workout A: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets (RPT - 5, 6, 8)
Standing Barbell Press: 3 sets (RPT - 5, 6, 8)
Lateral Raises: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
EZ Skull Crushers: 3 sets x 6-10 reps
Crunches 1 sets x AMRAP

Workout B: Back, Biceps, Traps, Legs
Incline Barbell Rows: 3 sets (RPT - 5, 6, 8) (weighted chins once one is able)
Barbell Glute Bridges: 3 sets (RPT - 5, 6, 8)
Hyperextensions: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
Straight Barbell Curls: 3 sets x 6-10 reps
Planks 1 sets x AMRAP

This program gives you great gains, its designed to focus on that broad shoulders tapering down look, the focusing on glute bridges for 9 months without fricking about with squats or deadlfits gave me an insane glute transformation, the focus on one rowing movement then graduating into heavy chins, with hypers really helped heal and strengthen my lower back.

leaving the squat/deadlift seemed to open me up to much better upper body gains. And the burnout id feel from squatting heavy never came here so i never missed a single owrkout or got injured. Added an inch to my arms, 2.4 inches to my glutes and fill out a tshirt way better.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    >doing a roiders meme routine

    • 5 months ago

      The basics of any good program is good exercise selection, progressive overload and a balance between frequency, volume and intensity.

      The idea roiding changes your training is nonsense.

      • 5 months ago

        > The idea roiding changes your training is nonsense.
        Moron. Roiders can do “fluff and pump” work at 5% of their max or even not work out, and still elicit a hypertrophy response. Natties need to work at like 75%+

    • 5 months ago

      hes natty

      • 5 months ago

        Yes, Kinobody's Greek God program gave me the most aesthetic gains. I still do a variation of it to this day.

        Imagine there are drooling idiots who still buy your shit

        Get ass cancer you muppet.

        • 5 months ago

          imagine being mad at other people's success lol
          i hope you are just underaged and not a cynical genetic dead end who still lives at his mothers basement. i dont understand how some people can be so jealous? he won the genetic lottery and inherited 800mil from his dad. why does that have to make you so pathetic? nobody has bought kinobodys program since 2013. you can literally just google the name and add pdf and download the first link.

          • 5 months ago

            >inheriting 800mil

      • 5 months ago

        his shoulders are like two times bigger than his arms.looks comical. also his calves and forearms are same size. lmao.

    • 5 months ago

      I got most gains after 6 months of ss and eating right(altho I didnt pig out like rippedtoe said I should)
      also it forced me to take rest days seriously and made me obsess over technique

      I dont care for kinobody and his content but on video he looks natty

      imagine being mad at other people's success lol
      i hope you are just underaged and not a cynical genetic dead end who still lives at his mothers basement. i dont understand how some people can be so jealous? he won the genetic lottery and inherited 800mil from his dad. why does that have to make you so pathetic? nobody has bought kinobodys program since 2013. you can literally just google the name and add pdf and download the first link.

      shit bait mang

  2. 5 months ago

    Best gains I ever got were following a high intensity version of 5/3/1. The template was called "Widowmakers and Rest/Pause"

    Basically you do your top set for AMRAP, and then drop to 65-75% depending on the week and perform a 15-20 rep widowmaker for squats/deads on lower body days and a 15-20 total rep rest-pause set for bench/press on upper body days.

    I'm not even a mentzergay, but this made me a lot bigger and stronger. I haven't made nearly the same gains messing with volume.

  3. 5 months ago

    SL 5x5 gave me the best strength. But one day when I was thinking on starting Madcow I looked at myself and I was bloated AF, started dieting and jumped into PPL.
    I've lost 6 kilos and I do a lot of cardio now (running and mountain biking). Also added a 4th day (or session) for the ass.
    Basically for the last 3 months:

    PUSH (or chest, shoulders, triceps)
    Dumbbell OHP (seated) 7x12
    Dumbbell flat bench press 7x12
    Chest flies 7x12
    Dumbbell lat. flies 6x12
    Dumbbell triceps overhead extensions 6x12

    PULL (or biceps, back, lats)
    Dumbbell biceps curls 6x12
    Barbell rows 7x12
    Pullover 7x12
    Preacher curls 6x12
    Lat pull-downs 7x12

    Leg press machine 7x12
    RDLS 7x12
    Squats (ass focused) 7x12
    Hamstring machine 7x12
    Leg extension machine 7x12

    Sumo squats 5x10
    Barbell hip thrusts 5x10
    Long stance Bulgarian split squats 5x8

    The idea is to be at the gym no more than 1h 15m / day.

    • 5 months ago

      junkie volume

      • 5 months ago

        can you say VOLUME?! wow

        >The optimal volume per WEEK based on reps is:
        >60-120 REPS for big muscle groups
        >30-60 REPS for small muscle groups

        See ya, DYELs.

    • 5 months ago

      can you say VOLUME?! wow

    • 5 months ago

      There no way you're doing this in under 2 hours

    • 5 months ago


  4. 5 months ago

    Got my newbie gains on arnold split.

    >Legs Chest
    Leg Machines
    Flys + Pullover

    >Back Shoulders Arms
    BB Row, or Pull Up, or Deadlift
    DB Row
    Press + Upright Row or Lateral Raise
    Chin Up or Lat Pull, or Cable Row, or Rev Peck Deck or other Back Machine
    Curls + Skullcrusher or French Press

    Workout every other day so you get a full day of rest.

    • 5 months ago

      Arnold split is sick, I started with PPL but it felt way too "strength" oriented.
      I swapped to Arnie split and awakened a 2nd newbie gains on my arms and chest, I don't know how people can have a program without a dedicated arm day.

  5. 5 months ago
    I ignore women

    Candito 6 week for legs
    Candito 6x bench 8 week program

  6. 5 months ago

    Yes, Kinobody's Greek God program gave me the most aesthetic gains. I still do a variation of it to this day.

  7. 5 months ago

    This routine is such hilarious dogshit it has to be a e meme, yet I see it posted too often it may be real

    Best case is he does that personally to maintain, after working out flawlessly for 15 years on a high volume/frequency program while also probably taking at least some dose of test. The idea that you can tell a newb to intermediate to do that and make gains is a fricking joke

    • 5 months ago

      its literally one of the best programs ever

    • 5 months ago

      tell me you have bad genetics without telling me you have bad genetics

  8. 5 months ago

    >glute bridges
    Haha gay

  9. 5 months ago

    After a comp i would run dedicated 'bodybuilding blocks' where i would reduce or eliminate barbell work and abuse machines and dbs.
    Train like 4-6 days a week.

    Back 12-18 sets a week.
    Delts 8-14 sets.
    Chest 8-12 sets.
    Bis 4-8 sets
    tris 2-8 sets
    Quads 4-7
    Hinge 4-10

    Train what ever feels usable that day.

  10. 5 months ago

    Brosplit high rep

  11. 5 months ago

    >Standing Press after Incline Bench
    For what purpose? If you want to hit your front delts more do it the Standing Press after the Lateral Raises. The program looks meh, how long have you been lifting before switching to it?

  12. 5 months ago

    I gained 130lbs on my deadlift in roughly 10 months using a simple 6 week wave progression of one set of 5 a week, calculated off my latest 1rm, with a scheme of 70%-80%-90%-75%-85%-95% and then testing on the 7th week before repeating.

  13. 5 months ago

    I modified Arnie's blueprint and ran it for years

    Upper compounds:
    Bench heavy
    Bb row off the floor heavy
    Bench or Press moderate
    Chinup moderate
    Chest accessory light
    Pulldown light

    Slow controlled hammer curls straight out 10 sets of 5
    Skull crushers 5-10x5
    Curl 4x8
    Tricep 4x8
    Curl var 3x12
    Tri var 3x12
    Lateral shoulder flies leaning slightly forward 3x12-20

    Squat heavy
    Deadlift warm up to one top set
    Squat light
    Hip thrust
    Abs 60 reps

    LISS cardio after lifting every day
    Peaked at 274lbs@8%@6'4 by working up to this volume and then compacting this

    So for 2 weeks I did morning and evening workouts
    UA/LU/AL/UA/LU/AL etc
    And then I did everything everyday for the last 10 days

    Then I took 2 days off before my comp and I woke up unnaturally shredded that day and took measurements

    It's super important to slowly increase your volume to this level so you're as strong or stronger every session
    I bulked to 4 months out (305)and then I cut slowly down to 274
    During your last 3-4 weeks it's super important you don't lose too much weight
    You should be eating a frickton

    I was eating something like 5500calories a day (200g protein, 400ishg carbs and the rest of the calories from fat) while bulking and then 4-4500 while cutting (same protein and carbs, less fat)
    You want 0.8g of protein per lb of LEAN mass you have. Then double/2.5x that for carbs, rest from fat

    This also works best if you're reasonably strong. bw bench, 1.33xbw squat, 1.66x bw deadlift is where I was

  14. 5 months ago

    looks and sounds boring. heard about this program like 10 years ago and didnt do it. but working out is boring now and il try it out.

  15. 5 months ago

    What do you guys think about NH’s programs? The dude seems to superset and giant set everything and thinks that the best program ever is his gentleman split. Not sure if they are good or not

  16. 5 months ago

    a modified split texas method I made for myself
    including the max effort concept as in conjugate method and lots of volume from dropsets on the upper body lifts

    >mon volume squats and a lot of lower back work from pulls
    >tue work up to a ohp max eff then lots of volume on the same lift and assistance
    >thu same as tuesday but for bp
    >fri Squat max effort double and lots of oly power pulls
    >sat just work up to a DL 2reps max effort

  17. 5 months ago

    One body part a day and just smashing the shit out of it. Yes I'm natty

  18. 5 months ago

    Lee Priests split

  19. 5 months ago

    NSUNS made my shit explode and my numbers skyrocket

  20. 5 months ago

    Moving to unilateral training and splitting my training up into weeks not days gave me my best gains. This week is left leg week.

  21. 5 months ago

    Kinobody isn’t natural, he cruises on 200-300mg test “””””””TRT””””””. You will never look like him. Obvious as frick to anybody who has ever even held a needle

    • 5 months ago

      Sorry, I don't listen to roiders.

  22. 5 months ago

    PPL 6 days a week

  23. 5 months ago

    Based. I'm going to rock up to clubs with two girls under my arms. Rippetoe and all the fat, unaesthetic SS losers can sit in the corner making fun of my legs. Doesn't bother me.

  24. 5 months ago

    V-Shred, kinobody, etc. are popular for a reason. The fat powershitter inflooooencers think it's evil marketing, but it's the old saying about the proof in the pudding. Nobody wants to look like those fat powershitter inflooooencers. Nobody cares about their strength mogging.

  25. 5 months ago

    What is the best routine if I want to combine lifting 2-4x a week with running 5x a week?
    I'm 6'3/193cm, 200lbs, 14%bf, and have some lifting experience. I do about 40-45 km of running a week.

  26. 5 months ago

    It feels weird not having an exclusive leg day.
    I am doing a variation of Mike Mentzer training, but I am going 3-4 times a week. Having more gains now than when I was on gear, it's kinda mind-blowing.
    Also focusing on cardio on the rest days, I have 17% of BF now.

  27. 5 months ago

    The first one I did. It's called newbie gains.

  28. 5 months ago

    >Greg the type of guy to go on IST and shillpost to promote his workout programs

  29. 5 months ago

    Best program that fueled my gains was not following a program. And the best advice I got for fitness was that your workout doesn’t need to revolve around the weekend. Everyday, when I’m picking which muscle I want to work, I simply poke my muscles and find the one that isn’t sore, then I hit that muscle hard as frick. Everyday is different, always changing, and evolving. Keeps things fresh.

  30. 5 months ago

    Thoughts on greyskull lp? Ive just switched over to that after overtraining myself and stalling/regressing hard on a PPLPPL routine for a change and also due to it being 3x a week. I'm not doing the "base routine" that people mistake it to only be.
    Also, why has nobody posted their results from using these routines? I've always been suspicious of these kinobody etc that people rave about but they never post body and stats that they achieved through it.

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