Which supplement is really necessary to support hair loss treatment?

I have Bitoin, l cystine and minoxidil 5%
Is there anything else that works?

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  1. 8 months ago

    reminder that oral biotin fricks up your blood test results so stop taking it weeks before you have to get a blood test done and tell your doc you were taking it too

  2. 8 months ago

    I got a blood test done and my vitamin D levels were 6.7 ng/dL and I took 10,000 iu daily for about 3-4 months, then I've been on a 5,000 iu daily ever since then
    my hair stopped thinning and is slowly coming back
    I wouldn't bank on that being the case for you because my doctor in his 20+ yrs of experience said I was the lowest he had seen so idk if my experience will translate over to you. but worth a test if you're trying to grasp at anything

    • 8 months ago

      Why was your vitamin D so low? I think mine must be low because I never go outside anymore but haven't gotten it tested yet.

      • 8 months ago

        in nature every inch of your skin is exposed to sunlight 8+ hours a day. that is the amount of vitamin d your body needs. obviously you can't get that much by exposing ur head and arms to the sun for an hour or two a day.

        • 8 months ago

          >in nature
          just say you're brown, Julius Dalaela Gomez-N'gebe. Up here the sun doesn't shine as much for fear of being blinded by our excellence. unfortunately our excellence, bright as it may shine, doesn't cause us to produce vitamin d. we need the brown man's sun for that.
          that's why above a certain latitude people are either vitamin d deficient or severely vitamin d deficient.

    • 8 months ago

      homie literally didn't go outside, had a shit diet, probably stressin af too, and was wondering why his fricking hair fell out.

    • 7 months ago

      Fauci takes 6000iu

  3. 8 months ago

    Does the Costco shampoo actually work?

    • 8 months ago

      It is just minoxidil after all so yes it will work. Might be overpriced though. What's the price?

    • 8 months ago

      you live in Toronto?

    • 8 months ago

      Rogaine is just minoxodil, so yeah it will regrow over the course of 2-3 months. In the first three weeks you may see further thinning, this is understood to be the old follicles recomposing to grow new again and should not be seen with concern. The unfortunate thing about topical min is that 1: you have to keep taking it in perpetuity to maintain the gains and 2: it messes with your blood composition so you can't donate plasma or anything on it.

      • 7 months ago

        If you're 3 months into a fin shed, will you shed twice as hard if you start doing min?

        Because I really wanna regrow my temples and I stopped caring about keeping track of what actually works at this point.
        I had horrible greasy dandruff which made me scratch a lot and velus-sized hairs were coming out every time, ketoconazole shampoo fixed that, and I'm convinced fin isn't gonna regrow my temples, probably gonna blast min like


        describes, liquid minoxodil taken orally.

  4. 8 months ago

    You can try collagen. That makes everything grow. Hair, nails…eyebrows. You need to up your maintenance game

  5. 8 months ago

    Minoxidil and finasteride
    Unless you're an autist with an extremely restrictive diet you won't have vitamin C deficiency which would be the only one to concievably affect your hair. Your body synthesizes its own cysteine and since you're probably not biotin deficient, most of that biotin you're taking is leaving with your urine. Supplements are a scam.

  6. 8 months ago

    What you really need 100% is a DHT blocker like finasteride or dutasteride, this should be your first priority. Other things are optional but with minoxidil you'll be able to regain some hair you lost. And ofc hair transplants but they're costly.

  7. 8 months ago

    Biotin doesn't do anything unless you have a severe nutrient deficiency and if that's you, you've got much bigger issues than hair loss

  8. 8 months ago

    I heard that when you first use minoxidil, you will experience severe hair loss, is that true?

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Yes. But that is temporary. Because a new hair immediately starts to grow after the old one.

  9. 8 months ago

    My dermatologist recommended Nutrafol. It's not a miracle cure, but it's also not going to frick you up like fin.
    It's a mix of a lot of naturalistic/OTC supplements

    • 7 months ago

      it's snake oil

  10. 7 months ago

    In all honesty, ideally you should have started with a blood test - CBC, CMP, TSH, and testosterone to assess your baseline/parameters. It is highly possible that your hair loss could have been triggered by deficiencies or thyroid disorders. once you have ruled all of that out then you could have moved on to genetic component such as androgenetic alopecia/other forms of alopecia

    Thereafter, If all of your blood tests are within normal limits then I would started off with finasteride. The reason being is that finasteride blocks DHT / alpha 5 reductase which is apparently responsible for androgenetic alopecia. In other words it will halt any further hair loss from occuring, and might allow some regrowth (although don't count on this fully since that's not what finasteride is for). Wait 3-6 months to see hair progress and then make a decision to proceed with either minoxidil (oral, solution, or foam depending on what you can tolerate/side effects - this is for hair growth ) or start saving up for an FUE hair transplant; expense is determined by number of grafts and of course location. Apparently, one of the most famous and popular spots for hair transplant is Turkey due to its cheap cost, typically half or less of what you would pay in the States.

    >inb4 muh finasteride side effects or muh minoxidil sideffects

    Pick your poison. Every single drug/medications is riddled with side effects. It comes down this: do you want your hair? take the drug. You don't want to take drugs? Then be content being bald. Simple as. And lastly, if you do have side effects you can always play around with dosage and frequency of use.

    • 7 months ago

      >Every single drug/medications is riddled with side effects.
      Yeah but not 12-15% who are having negative sexual side effects. That's not the usual percentages. That's just ridiculous.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm assuming that the percentages you provided are referring to the 2007 study done on Finasteride, yes? Correct me if I'm wrong. That study does report a side effect of around 15% however, it also states the population sample were ON a 5 mg daily dose of Finasteride (for context, 5 mg dose and above is used for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia)! Recommended starting dose for Finasteride is 1 mg daily!! The higher dosage that you take, the higher the likelihood you will have side effects and increase their severity. Hence, I'm not supportive of anyone being on Dutasteride given that the medication is extremely potent even at low dosages when compared to finasteride; even though Dutasteride shows significant hair recovery and results when compared to finasteride. Here the risk clearly outweighs the benefits.

        A study done in 1999 on Finasteride conducted an experiment where the experimental group were on 1 mg daily dose for 1 year. The experimental group on 1 mg reported a 3.8% side effect whereas the control group (given placebo tablets) reported 2.1% side effect; therefore there was actually a 1.7% reported side effect! Hence it is recommended to start at a low dose i.e. 1 mg daily instead of 5 mg, since 1 mg still produces results.

        >but still there is a chance of side effects!
        Pick your poison.
        Start playing with the dosages/frequency. If you do get sideffects then first stop the medication. Wait 2-3 weeks or until side effects go away then discuss with your primary care about down titrating to 0.5 mg (half tablet) daily, or every other day, or every three days etc. If still side effects, then shit outta of luck, just stop the medication entirely.

    • 7 months ago

      I also forgot to mention here that there is an alternative for hair growth but not for halting hair loss. For those that rather pursue a more "homeopathic" or natural approach you can try Rosemary oil on it's own or a combination of Rosemary oil plus derma roller / dermapen.

      A study was conducted on Rosemary oil versus Minoxidil which essentially demonstrated that Rosemary oil has greater effects of hair regrowth than Minoxidil. However, the caveat is only a 1% solution of both Rosemary and minoxidil was used in the study. Minoxidil starting dose is recommended at 5% solution which is what you find at the stores (Costco, Walmart [sold as Rogain foam]). So one could argue that minoxidil is still > Rosemary, if used at 5%. Regardless though, Rosemary does work and has shown significant results, therefore if you're one of those that prefer the natural alternative I suggest you opt for that route.

      In the end there is no "magic pill" that will regrow all your hair back, only FUE surgery. Additionally, to keep that hair you must still remain on medications (finasteride) to prevent your hair transplant from falling as well due to DHT.

  11. 7 months ago

    any opinions on Castor Oil application to scalp for hair regrowth? Legit or frickin meme?

    • 7 months ago

      Not legit. Finasteride (stops hair loss) and minoxidil (promotes hair growth) are the only useful meds for hair loss.

  12. 7 months ago


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