Who is right

My brother thinks I'm doing too much by eating only 1200 calories a day. My TDEE was calculated to be 1950. So 1200 calories a day is a -750 calories, which I'm projected to lose 1.5lbs a week.

He thinks I'm starving myself and I'm going to lose all my muscle. Meanwhile I feel like I've gotten stronger and I've lose a lot of body fat.

Last year I lost 30lbs. Went from 188 to 158. He went from 237 to 217. So we both are losing weight with our own different methods, but I've lost more than him because I eat less than him. Basic CICO right?

Is 1200 calories too little. Is -750 calories too much?

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  1. 1 year ago

    You're lucky to have a brother that cares. I found that the biggest issue with these big calorie deficiencies is that it's more likely to cause a rebound from how miserable it makes ppl. But if it works for you, then good

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I have a nice supportive family. Me and my brothers typically make little bets to see who can lose more weight to keep a competitive spirit. Of course I'm winning most of the time.

      I eat pretty well, so these huge calorie cuts don't affect me as much as they used to. Although I do find myself more fatigued after heavy lifts. Which is to be expected

  2. 1 year ago

    Your both moronic. Because I said you are.
    Just keep an eye on it. What your doing obviously can't be done forever. If you start to feel fatigued or lose strength it's time to slow down. The body can only lose so much fat. I'm sure you know this already but you did ask as if you were a moron so I answered. Another good indicator is erections. If you're still getting good and hard your pretty healthy

    • 1 year ago

      >can't be done forever
      Not that i want to do it forever. But I want it to be a lifestyle change. Where I eat 1200 calories. Then when I get a 6 pack I go back to eating at maintenance.

      What do you mean by only lose so much fat. I should be able to lose all my excess bodyfat in one cut no?

      • 1 year ago

        he means you aren't meant to go below 8% bodyfat. Your body cannot lose more than that without you feeling terrible and maybe dying

        • 1 year ago

          Oh I understand that. I'm nowhere close to 8. Probably around 15 if I'm being honest. Little 4 pack action with minor love handles.

  3. 1 year ago

    Just keep going you are right.

  4. 1 year ago

    Just fast and lift weights to keep your muscle

    • 1 year ago

      Can you lift while fasting? I never had the energy.

  5. 1 year ago

    this is the most normal text exchange i've ever seen on IST, you two seem fun, congrats.

    anyway, different strokes. your approach is certainly on the more intense side that most people wouldn't see as sustainable, but you do you. certainly neither of you are flirting with disaster by any means.
    worst comes to worst, you might lose some muscle. if so, you can just build it back. the other thing i'd be wary of is rebounding into overeating when you reach your goal weight and have to increase your calories to meet your TDEE.
    also, 158 is on the light side as it is, how much longer are you planning to be on this diet? because you also don't wanna get into eating disorder territory. unless you're a midget, you're probably far enough along with the weight loss that you should have an end weight in sight and a plan for what to do when you get there.

    • 1 year ago

      We are normies but I'm also good at hiding my autistic power level. Ever since I showed them dogs wearing panty hose I realized I had to tone it down a bit.

      I'm short. About 5'7. Still have a bit of love handles poking out. I want to have a 6 pack so I'm planning on getting to about 140lbs or lower if I don't have a 6 pack by then. 135 will probably be my hard stop though, if it's even possible to cut down to that much. Really I just want a 6 pack and I know it takes a lot of cutting to get to that point

      • 1 year ago

        Not the other anon but that seems like a good goal, I wouldn't go lower than 135, though.
        Cico is the way to go but your tdee looks too low. If you have been calculating everything you've eaten you should check against your weight loss. Keeping in mind that every pound is about 3500 kcal you can estimate the deficit and validate your tdee.
        Make sure you go slow and steady.

        • 1 year ago

          Well I calculated it to be 1950. -500 would be 1450 and then an extra -250 because I want to go harder than normal.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm same height as you and have a noticable 6 pack at 135. I'm a bit dyel though. Ideal weight with muscle would probably be around 150-160 I'd guess. Never weighed over 140 tho.

          • 1 year ago

            Stay that size anon. The bulk wasn't worth it. I lift more now but at our height it doesn't impress anyone

            • 1 year ago

              I don't think I'll ever bulk. Honestly i feel pudgy if i eat my way to 140. So I'll probably just try and gain with muscle. I'm not exactly wanting to be a strongman anyway.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah do that. 5'7 158lbs. Pudgy is the exact feeling I have. Won't be for long. Eventually I'll lose these last 18lbs

      • 1 year ago

        Kek. I'm 5'6 134lbs and I don't have abs yet, I can see em slightly. I think I have to go down to 55kg. My bodyfat still probably like 18%.
        My TDEE is closer to yours, like 1700 and I've been doing -500 calorie deficits, it's miserable but worth it. Some weeks when I'm feeling too bad I just eat at -200.

        • 1 year ago

          >I think I have to go down to 55kg
          That's 120 pounds. Many girls will be heavier than you.
          Being a manlet is truly suffering.

          • 1 year ago

            Kek. I'm 5'6 134lbs and I don't have abs yet, I can see em slightly. I think I have to go down to 55kg. My bodyfat still probably like 18%.
            My TDEE is closer to yours, like 1700 and I've been doing -500 calorie deficits, it's miserable but worth it. Some weeks when I'm feeling too bad I just eat at -200.

            >average c**t-haver in the US weighs 170 fricking pounds
            Fricking Christ almighty...

            • 1 year ago

              black chicks, goblinas and white trash skew this a lot, sad part is "middle" class fricks have become hambeasts too

  6. 1 year ago

    >He thinks I'm starving myself and I'm going to lose all my muscle
    I remember when I was a worse version of you
    Early 20s: I did -1000, didn't track protons
    3 weeks later, RSI
    started tracking protons
    reduced to -500 kcal at some point
    several months later, snapped my shit up in my knee during a light jog to catch the bus
    took a year and a half to stop being actively painful, still is a problem years ago
    I worry if I start jogging, I might frick it up even more
    I ruined my connective tissues, got ocular migraine, later got something stroke-like and I've been having episodes of vertigo ever since
    many many pains during the lightest normie everyday movements too
    the last 9 years have been full of about two dozen different chronic pains, each lasting anywhere from a few days, few weeks, a season, or more than a year
    at one point I had to eat soup with a fork, because the spoon was heavier enough to be too painful, risking another few days of forearm pain
    same with having to use both hands to lift a water glass
    I hope you have a better experience

    • 1 year ago

      What the frick... sounds like you were dying. Even a -1000 diet shouldn't have done all that to you. What were you eating? Poptarts and chicken nuggets?

      My experience is nothing like that. I get hungry but I eat well balanced meals, rice and chicken and veggies. Haven't snapped my shit up but one time I did get light headed during a deadlift set. Which was new.
      Still making strength goals. Bench went from 185 to 205. Deadlift 375 to 415. I do rest a lot longer between sets now though

      • 1 year ago

        Oh yeah I also get lightheaded from time to time, which I never did in the past. I didn't have problems with hunger, I'd just balance it with more salad, or quark or whatever. Yeah, rice chicken and veggies was a common meal. I'm sure I did at least a few moronic things, so now I'm trying to stop myself from being too smart, and keeping to a decent and varied diet. I'm glad things are going ok for you, anon.

        • 1 year ago

          I'll be sure to stop if I start noticing symptoms like yours. Haven't yet so I still must be ok

    • 1 year ago

      What the frick did you do to yourself? I ate only 1200-1300 kcal for 5 months straight and I just lost a bit of muscle mass (and a lot of fat) and nothing else. You sound as if you completely starved yourself for a full year.


      Well I calculated it to be 1950. -500 would be 1450 and then an extra -250 because I want to go harder than normal.

      We are normies but I'm also good at hiding my autistic power level. Ever since I showed them dogs wearing panty hose I realized I had to tone it down a bit.

      I'm short. About 5'7. Still have a bit of love handles poking out. I want to have a 6 pack so I'm planning on getting to about 140lbs or lower if I don't have a 6 pack by then. 135 will probably be my hard stop though, if it's even possible to cut down to that much. Really I just want a 6 pack and I know it takes a lot of cutting to get to that point

      I had your exact fricking stats a year ago. 5'7 and 185 pounds.
      Ate only 1200-1300 kcal per day (while lifting and walking 1-2 hours a day) and dropped to 135 pounds in 5 months. Now I have a 6 pack and everything.

      Tip: you have much more fat on you than you think. If you think you're 15% I guarantee you you're 20-22%. Especially with love handles.

      • 1 year ago

        most likely several of: deficit for too long, not enough exercise to maintain muscles and connective tissue, unbalanced diet, general autism, shit and stressful life around all that

      • 1 year ago

        I wouldn't be surprised if I was 20 to 22%

        It's just a fricking pain. Sometimes I wish I could take a knife and cut them off. But I know eating less is the only answer. Glad to hear that 135 is the promise land though. I'm not too far off then

        • 1 year ago

          >135 is the promise land
          Only if you have a bit of muscle. I know a 5'7 135 pounds guy who doesn't lift and he's both skinny like a rail (stick arms, no pecs, narrow shoulders) and with a bit of a pot belly and even a hint of b***h breasts. Truly a cursed physique.

          I look decent because I've been lifting for a year, otherwise I'd prolly need to cut to 128 or so to not be the slightest bit pudgy.

          • 1 year ago

            I have some muscle on me so I think I'll be fine.

            >I think I have to go down to 55kg
            That's 120 pounds. Many girls will be heavier than you.
            Being a manlet is truly suffering.

            I told my gf I want to weigh 135lbs she thought I'd weigh to little. Then her best friend and sister said I'd weigh less than her. It's embarassing. But at least I'd look hot af so idc

            • 1 year ago

              >It's embarassing.

              • 1 year ago

                I have some muscle on me so I think I'll be fine.

                I told my gf I want to weigh 135lbs she thought I'd weigh to little. Then her best friend and sister said I'd weigh less than her. It's embarassing. But at least I'd look hot af so idc

                It truly is suffering.

              • 1 year ago

                I have some muscle on me so I think I'll be fine.

                I told my gf I want to weigh 135lbs she thought I'd weigh to little. Then her best friend and sister said I'd weigh less than her. It's embarassing. But at least I'd look hot af so idc

                >I think I have to go down to 55kg
                That's 120 pounds. Many girls will be heavier than you.
                Being a manlet is truly suffering.

                Kek. I'm 5'6 134lbs and I don't have abs yet, I can see em slightly. I think I have to go down to 55kg. My bodyfat still probably like 18%.
                My TDEE is closer to yours, like 1700 and I've been doing -500 calorie deficits, it's miserable but worth it. Some weeks when I'm feeling too bad I just eat at -200.

              • 1 year ago

                >tfw 5'5 and 169lbs
                Still have to cut 30lbs to look like a human being

              • 1 year ago

                Anon. You need to cut down to 130lbs at that height. If you're skinnyfat.

            • 1 year ago

              55kg on 170cm is anorexia tier.

            • 1 year ago

              Your girl should take that as a clue to exercise as well so she can weigh less than you. If she starts to crab-in-bucket you, she's trash.

              How tall is she?

              • 1 year ago

                She's like 5'3. She doesn't mind at long as I'm happy. But I can tell she isn't really happy about it either. Always telling me to eat some more. But she likes when I take my shirt off. Typical women things

              • 1 year ago

                At 5'3 she should weigh something like 115 pounds.
                Start commenting on her flab and grabbing her rolls and jiggling them.

              • 1 year ago

                Nty. I'd rather not get into trouble. My gf supports me, it's her friends that are the heavier girls mad that I'd be smaller than them

              • 1 year ago

                grab their rolls then.

              • 1 year ago

                Next time. It would make them seethe so hard

              • 1 year ago

                Casually drop into conversations that you eat donuts, cakes, chocolate and drink soda but since you have a fast metabolism you're actually losing weight.

    • 1 year ago

      Did you at least reach your goal weight?

      What the frick... sounds like you were dying. Even a -1000 diet shouldn't have done all that to you. What were you eating? Poptarts and chicken nuggets?

      My experience is nothing like that. I get hungry but I eat well balanced meals, rice and chicken and veggies. Haven't snapped my shit up but one time I did get light headed during a deadlift set. Which was new.
      Still making strength goals. Bench went from 185 to 205. Deadlift 375 to 415. I do rest a lot longer between sets now though

      Some people react really bad to calorie restriction. I get tooth aches, migraines, back pain, a slight tremor, sometimes nose bleeds and other fun stuff.

      • 1 year ago

        -500 shouldn't cause any of these problems. Even -1000. How many calories were you restricting any more than 1000 and you deserve the health problems

        • 1 year ago

          Just a few hundred, nothing extreme like 1000. Again, some people tolerate calorie restriction badly. It seems to be a white people thing, if you look at renaissance medical books, they say fasting too long or hard causes such problems because it creates "bad humours", so the problem has been known in Europe for a long time.

        • 1 year ago

          >-500 shouldn't cause any of these problems. Even -1000
          it's a stressor for the body, all depends on how well the rest of your shit is going

    • 1 year ago

      >i had to eat soup with a fork

      • 1 year ago

        you learn quickly how cucked japanese are with their chopstick nonsense

        • 1 year ago

          Little known fact: actual japanese chopsticks are hollow inside, so you can use them as straws to suck up soup.

          • 1 year ago

            all wooden chopsticks are hollow inside if you suck hard enough

  7. 1 year ago

    >Went from 188 to 158
    And you're still cutting? Why?

    • 1 year ago

      Because I'm still a bit pudgy on the sides. Abs are starting to come in but it's not like I have a 6 pack yet.

    • 1 year ago

      He's 5'7.
      Being a manlet is a curse. Our ideal weight is something gay like 135 pounds. Any more than that and we're fat.

  8. 1 year ago

    That sort of deficit is relatively safe up until ~20% BF. At least, that's when I ran into issues with energy and hormones myself.
    I started at ~42% BF and am now ~18% 1.5 years later. I found that basing my macros off of my lean mass/ideal body composition to work well for me. 135g of protein ( 0.75 * 180lbs lean mass), 50g of fat (bare minimum for hormone health), and 135g of carbs (found this to be a good amount while lifting).
    That's 1,400cal. My caloric expenditure when I started at 340lbs was 3,500cal because I walked 6 miles a day. I never felt off with a 2,100 deficit. It wasn't until I got around 20% BF/220lbs that my training and large deficit caught up with me (hypoglycemia, hangriness, muscle loss, stress etc.)

  9. 1 year ago

    Arguing is for needy gays. Unless you're 100% sure you can convince the person to change their mind using good evidence just provide your reasoning for your behavior and leave it at that. Typing this much stupid shit out to whoever you're talking to reeks of defensiveness and homosexualry, you even try to twist memes into tools for your argument. Why do you care this much about what someone else thinks? You can't control what they think. You're an adult male, just do what you want to do. For example, I have said my piece with this post and will never enter this thread again and don't care what you do either way. And I mean this neutrally, not passive aggressively.

    And yeah you're cutting too hard, you will lose muscle and won't make any gains,, but if you keep it short-term it's not an issue. You probably don't have any muscle relatively speaking anyway so who gives a shit.

    • 1 year ago

      Ask me how I know you're an only child without you saying you're an only child

    • 1 year ago

      >i have spouted my arrogant tryhard bullshit (because I really REALLY need to look cool to strangers) and now I will run away from the discussion to avoid being treated like the little shit I am.
      >but that makes me cool ok?!?!?!

  10. 1 year ago

    >Went from 188 to 158
    Are you midget sized or horrendously skinnyfat? Eat at maintenance and take advantage of beginner gains to recomp.

  11. 1 year ago

    Depends on you goal. If your main goal is losing weight, then do it your way, but don't expect many strength/muscle gains.

  12. 1 year ago

    As a test I did 2400 limit a day while working out every other day for a month and 1700 a day while working out every 3 days for a month and it was pretty much the same weight loss. However I'm getting ready to do a 1200 restriction for February with strenuous stretching every day and I'm pretty curious as to what will happen.

    I'd list some of the other month challenges I did but I don't remember them off the top of my head.

    • 1 year ago

      >700 kcal of difference per day for a month
      >21k kcal of difference (6 pounds of pure fat)
      >pretty much the same weight loss
      That can't be. Even while working out more, it's just too big a difference.

      • 1 year ago

        I think it was within 3 pounds a week but you could definitely tell that if i stuck with 1700 every 3 for longer it was going to get drastically different. Both were pretty good routines.

  13. 1 year ago

    You're a fricking moron unless you're literally 4' tall and 50kg

    • 1 year ago

      I already posted my calculated tdee


      Well I calculated it to be 1950. -500 would be 1450 and then an extra -250 because I want to go harder than normal.

    • 1 year ago

      We manlets do need extreme deficits to cut.
      You height-havers can't understand.

      • 1 year ago

        I feel like a lot of anons don't understand this. I see anons saying that 2500 is their -500 tdee. Well they are either fat or not telling the truth. Guys our size have to eat 1300 to lose weight. Can't even eat a cheese burger. That's your whole days worth of calories

        • 1 year ago

          Truth. It's brutal.
          I remember having to cut while eating a single meal per day, and still having to be careful not to make portions that were too big. It is very easy to go beyond 1300 kcal.

          • 1 year ago

            I do cardio everyday so I can squeeze in a chicken breast or something during the day. But yeah, I've been doing breakfast and dinner only and that's already 1100-1200 calories ish. I think eating 2 hours before sleep while on a diet/deficit like that is the best because atleast you can sleep in peace.
            Probably better to split meals throughout the day but I'm too lazy to do that.

            • 1 year ago

              I've been eating most of my food in the morning/noon time and I can't sleep at night. It's crazy. I basically eat only 2 meals. If I don't physically exhaust myself at the gym at night then I'm fricked. This week alone I was getting 3/4 hours of sleep trying to cut while sick

            • 1 year ago

              I couldn't do it with 2-3 small meals a day. I was constantly hungry and unsatisfied. For me it was MUCH easier to do one meal a day, but a big one.

        • 1 year ago

          you can eat 2 but nothing else in your entire day. Around 1200 calories is the cutoff line IMO.

          My TDEE is 1600, I can get up to - 1000 because I work a physical job but below 1200 cal is insane.

          Cutting pisses me off because I can eat up to 4000 calorie in a single sitting and still feel hungry. This is insane if I ate to TDEE this would mean I only eat once every two to three days.

          • 1 year ago

            I'm going to give lean manlets more credit. I had no idea it was this bad

  14. 1 year ago

    with any sort of fasting, you wanna make sure you are properly refueling yourself with real food (not processed, or as little as possible) when you do eat meals. i'd also research the effects of working out in the specific ways you do while in various degrees of being fasted and plan for the recovery accordingly

    • 1 year ago

      >i'd also research the effects of working out in the specific ways you do
      What if I do 10 sets of your mom to her son (failure) every day?

      • 1 year ago

        given that your current regime is 5+ sets of your hand to your crotch (to completion) every day, i'd say you are aren't being realistic with your goals

        • 1 year ago

          OOOOOH SNAP

  15. 1 year ago

    If your TDEE is 1950 you don't have any muscle.

    Also tell your brother to activate the almond milk in that recipe.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm just short. I have muscle I swear

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