Why am I constantly tired?

>Peak physique
>Eat high quantities of protein and greens. Good fats, avocado, nuts etc...
>Take multivitamins
>Train every other day and go for a walk on non-training days.
>Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night
Why the frick am I so tired and demoralised all the time? I should be in top condition. If it's low T then idk what the frick else I can do to boost it.

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  1. 9 months ago

    I'm the same as you.
    It's because I've never had a girlfriend.

    • 9 months ago

      Same hear except I haven't had one since covid. It doesn't even really bother me though. Is it even a factor?

      • 9 months ago

        >I love you
        >I believe in you
        >I miss you
        >I need you
        You think hearing these words everyday won't make a difference?

        • 9 months ago

          >never had a girl tell me she loves me
          gave me heart aches thinking about it... im 18 and not a single hug or kiss. Got to talk to some women but im such a fricking coward

          • 9 months ago

            you still have plenty of time

          • 9 months ago

            >be me
            >like women, just like em, never interested in more than one every 4 years
            >told I'm a good hugger all the way throughout highschool
            >fat since baby
            >anon is in high-school and hasn't even touched a girl
            Brah it's you, I'm here trying to perfect myself so I can put babies in my oneitus and you're too scared even talk to women

          • 9 months ago

            You want to get over it fast.
            T. 27 and never had a gf

            • 9 months ago

              no gf ever? at 27? how does that happen? I had one when I was a fat drugged out slob.

              • 9 months ago

                He's probably a bit of a shutin but also not a bad boy at all. Women were way more interested in me when I was a destitute almost homeless neet and now that I'm staying afloat it's lukewarm most of the time.

          • 9 months ago

            Just be thankful you're a man. Men can handle that much better than women. I kind of stopped caring about holes when I turned 40 (and get divorced) and the ONLY time I ever think about getting a new one is because the idea of dying alone, no one knowing, and no one rescuing my dog bothers me. But really, I could just get a room-mate.

          • 9 months ago

            Go to LULZ you pathetic demoralising homosexual

        • 9 months ago

          I'm incredibly cynical about love and relationships and probably am scarred for life. Why do you think I'm one of these jerkoffs who lift?

        • 9 months ago

          >never had a girl tell me she loves me
          gave me heart aches thinking about it... im 18 and not a single hug or kiss. Got to talk to some women but im such a fricking coward

          I'm incredibly cynical about love and relationships and probably am scarred for life. Why do you think I'm one of these jerkoffs who lift?

          Having a gf is gay as frick
          don't do it bros

          • 9 months ago

            That sounds like something a jealous gay would say.

            The words themselves don't matter, and hearing those words from someone who doesn't mean them truly will have no effect in the best of cases, and more likely will make you feel even more hollow.

            Well find a girl whose true to her word.

            Yeah, now try the words they spew at you in an argument or if you break up. Not worth it.

            That's why you have to choose wisely to avoid that from happening.
            Maybe it's not her, maybe it's you who is wrong.

        • 9 months ago

          The words themselves don't matter, and hearing those words from someone who doesn't mean them truly will have no effect in the best of cases, and more likely will make you feel even more hollow.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, now try the words they spew at you in an argument or if you break up. Not worth it.

        • 9 months ago

          >leave for work at 6:45 am
          >won't be home until 5pm
          >4 hours into my shift
          >selfie of wife and 4 month son
          >"husband, we miss you, have a great day!"
          it does make a difference anon, go out and get yours

          • 9 months ago

            >those hours
            You make it sound like those are extreme hours. Breh you basically didn’t even leave

        • 9 months ago

          >You think hearing these words everyday won't make a difference?

        • 9 months ago

          I have a girlfriend but because I see every relationship as a "chore" (doesn't matter what kind of relationship, if it's a friend, a family member, or a partner) I find it hard to appreciate phrases like these. I just like being alone, playing video games, lying in bed, or just walking around listening to music. I fricking hate commitment and how people require attention/affection from others. why the frick is everyone so needy? I could probably go weeks or even months without talking to anyone and be fine. I have never in my life said "I miss you" to anyone because I never really missed anyone, only if someone dies or if there's some issue preventing me from seeing that person, like moving abroad.

          I'm not saying this to sound edgy or anything, I just could never relate to others who feel lonely. I have NEVER felt lonely in my entire life, even when I was friendless in highschool and just stayed home all day. I don't even know what that feeling feels like. the only thing that comes close to it that feeling of loneliness that people talk about, is when you stop talking to an old friend, like "ahh hmm, we don't really hang out as much. weird." but never something more intense.

          • 9 months ago

            I get this.
            I have "close friends" that I would do anything for if they asked, my roommates whom I speak to every day and hug and comfort when they're down. Yet when they leave on holiday I barely register that they're gone and when they go overseas they'll likely never even cross my mind. When I'm alone I just feel a deep relief that I can sit in the darkness and enjoy silence. I've never even cried for a person's death, since I've never felt any meaningful connection to another person.
            I feel like an alien existing among them. Still caring enough to treat them kindly and make their lives better for having known me, but I don't get anything in return I'm just going through the motions like I'm supposed to.

          • 9 months ago

            >I just could never relate to others who feel lonely. I have NEVER felt lonely in my entire life
            This tb honest, my father always told me a man shouldn't feel lonely/bored when no one's around and I really internalized that.
            For quite a while I thought it's the default state of every man, and only women need constant social engagement to feel alive, but later I learned a huge amount of men (male) can't have a quality time alone and be content with it. Can't go for a nice 3h lindy walk, can't kayak/bike by themselves, can't go to a restaurant and not feel weird about it, can't travel alone and enjoy the trip etc.
            But it does align with the latest study saying approx. 80% of men are actually gay. That really explains a lot.

      • 9 months ago


        I'm the same as you.
        It's because I've never had a girlfriend.

        you guys are saying this like its a joke, and maybe it's just my own shitty self-worth, but I turn into a completely different version of myself when I think a girl likes me. Like I could take on a bear. then when it goes nowhere I turn back into hating myself. kinda fricked but yeah having a muse can legit let your ego loose and you become a demi God

    • 9 months ago

      unironically this
      there was a period of a couple weeks when I thought someone liked me back and I can hardly remember a time in which I felt so great.

      other than that just being busy and having things going on helps. as soon as I have a couple days when I don't do anything I quickly fall back into just posting here and fapping the whole day

    • 9 months ago

      Girlfriends are gains and energy goblins.
      That said, they’re still worth it.

      • 9 months ago

        Gains goblins in what way? I took my workouts to the next level when I got serious with my GF. I kind of get off on making her too intimidated to even look in other men's directions. The security you can find in her constant fear of you cheating on her is also good.

        • 9 months ago

          >can’t eat your spartan macro meals constantly
          >you eat out more often
          >they’re time intensive
          >they’re financially expensive meaning less time in the gym more time getting the bread
          >living with a gf drops T levels

          • 9 months ago

            >can’t eat your spartan macro meals constantly

            Yes you can. Unless you cook for your gf like a cuck.

            >you eat out more often

            Unless your gf like mcdonalds or other fast food crap. You can literally order rice w/ chicken, steak, beef at any restaurant.

            >they’re time intensive

            You don't have 45 mins to hit the gym?? You have to spend your whole day with her?

            >they’re financially expensive meaning less time in the gym more time getting the bread

            Should prioritize getting a good income before fitness anyway. Or just stoop down and date a girl well below your league who can be your sugar mama.

            >living with a gf drops T levels

            Only valid point.

            • 9 months ago

              >can’t eat your spartan macro meals constantly
              >you eat out more often
              >they’re time intensive
              >they’re financially expensive meaning less time in the gym more time getting the bread
              >living with a gf drops T levels

              >living with a gf drops T levels
              This sounds moronic. Surely being around female pheromones would be a net T plus.

              • 9 months ago

                There have been STOOOOOODIES conducted that did show a ~20% drop in testosterone in men in committed relationships.
                I think it just has to do with your body realizing you've "made it" and don't need to stay in testosterone-overclock mating season mode anymore.

              • 9 months ago

                >Train every other day
                -You might be fatigued depending on what you mean by training
                -Might be some micro nutrients you are missing out on like iodine
                -might be emotional due to lack of GF/human interaction or lack of variety in life

                I used to take a month off of the gym because Im lazy and then when I came back I would hit PRs.
                Thats how I knew I was over-training/fatiguing
                I would start with working out only 3 times a week for one week
                If you feel better then keep it there as its only one day you are losing but don't let it get worse

                From there do the iodine supplements (needed for proper thyroid function and low amounts can cause fatigue feelings) and if that doesn't make a change start going out more and talking to people

                >not cheating to maximize test

              • 9 months ago

                >recommending supplements
                Dumb advice. Supplements are only needed for people with poor diets and poor lifestyles. I'm assuming you have both, especially considering you needed an entire month off of lifting because you somehow didn't realize you were overtraining that much.

              • 9 months ago

                Fair assumption considering how I said I was lazy but unless anon posts his whole diet it would be prudent to assume he may be having thyroid issues and lack of iodine could be the cause of it
                Of course he will be better off eating iodine rich foods if he isn't already
                I didn't NEED a month off I just took it because of finals in school and decided to use cramming for finals as an excuse to neglect the gym
                I probably could have taken a week off and seen the same result but I am not about to test that theory unless I plateau again

              • 9 months ago

                That's fair. I personally think anon is deficient in multiple things, and I think it's a good guess that iodine is one of them.

            • 9 months ago

              You come off as a massively insufferable homosexual who has never had a lasting and fulfilling relationship in his life.

      • 9 months ago

        I really want to settle down now but the only women I know that are in the maybe category don't want kids and want to travel.

        • 9 months ago

          >the only women I know that are in the maybe category don't want kids and want to travel.
          Where do I find these women?

          • 9 months ago

            well they're usually traveling so they can be hard to find

    • 9 months ago

      You're right on some level. You can feel weird things happening to your body's chemistry when you see couples as a virgin. It's not healthy.

    • 9 months ago

      I have a gf and I'm still like this. I even tried upgrading my gf from chubby to hot and crazy, then to cute teens but still

    • 9 months ago

      Having a gf only made me more tired. You are wrong.

  2. 9 months ago

    what supplements are you taking?

    • 9 months ago

      just 10mg creatine and vitamins.

      • 9 months ago

        why 10, isn't the daily amount 5?

        • 9 months ago

          You need to supplement 0 creatine a day if you eat real foods with creatinine in them e.g. red meat every day.

  3. 9 months ago

    You left out one important detail:
    >Post on IST

  4. 9 months ago

    Do you use a sleep tracking app? Might not be getting good sleep. I'm really tired all the time and snore for like 30 min a night. I'm almost 30 and might need to get my tonsils out to open my airway while sleeping..

    Also, try sleeping without an alarm. I had a good 2 weeks of that and finally felt not tired.

    • 9 months ago

      idk. All I know is I go to sleep and wake up the next day. I wake up briefly maybe once max. I perpetually have a blocked nose due to hay fever so could be that.

      • 9 months ago

        Get an air filter and decontaminate ur sleeping space. Ur supposed to be able to breathe through your nose.

      • 9 months ago

        You need to fix your blocked nose. My sleep quality quadrupled after getting nasal sparky and nasal strips.
        If it’s inflammation there’s nasal sprays and anti-histamines.

        Seriously you need to be sleepmaxxing and breathing through your nose, breathing through the mouth raises cortisol. I went from needing 8-10 hours sleep to feel rested to needing 7, even when drinking.

      • 9 months ago

        You need a nasal dilator, if you breathe through your mouth while sleeping you're actually not sleeping at all
        For me nasal strips didn't work

        • 9 months ago

          You're fat

      • 9 months ago

        I thought it was allergies too but it was actually my nose was too dry, try Rhinopanteina or something equivalent

    • 9 months ago

      Just stop mouth breathing, you absolute moron.

  5. 9 months ago

    Because 7-8 hours is unironically just wrong. You need 9.5 to 11 unless you're 50+

    • 9 months ago

      >You need 9.5 to 11
      No wonder I sleep like a brick on weekends

      • 9 months ago

        Yep. Sleep lowers cortisol and modern life is nothing but a bunch of cortisol inducing factors stacked on top of one another.

  6. 9 months ago

    do you talk to anyone except for on IST or with your gym bros? I mean have a real conversation or feel excited to talk to someone? Any girls?

  7. 9 months ago

    you did remember to get at least 8 hugs per day, right anon?

  8. 9 months ago

    Could be sleep apnea and not enough carbohydrates.

  9. 9 months ago


  10. 9 months ago

    You might just be depressed bro.
    No seriously if everything you say is true, go to the doctor and check thyroid, vitamin D, testosterone b12 testosterone etc.
    If all comes backs normal then you are depressed. Why demoralized?

  11. 9 months ago


  12. 9 months ago

    >Eat high quantities of protein and greens. Good fats, avocado, nuts etc...
    You are tired because you are eating low carb

    • 9 months ago

      I've done both high carb and low carb the energy issue is the same with both.

  13. 9 months ago

    Long covid. Try pregnenolone, d-ribose, and glynac.

  14. 9 months ago

    Go to bed every night at the exact same time. If you watch tv before bed, turn the TV off at the exact same time every day.
    The human body craves schedule.
    My entire life I had problems falling asleep and staying asleep. Now, I go to bed at 9:30, watch video essays until 10pm, and I’m pass out asleep by 10:05 pm.

  15. 9 months ago

    I bet ur millionth gay that claims to eat healthy but probably eats shit load of pointless carbs which make u lethargic

    • 9 months ago

      Only carbs I eat are for avo and egg toast on weekends and maybe brown rice.

  16. 9 months ago

    Do you eat a lot of chicken breast meat? It has a high level of tryptophan which makes you sleepy. Consider changing to another chicken thighs to beef, or even better to gelatin

    • 9 months ago

      >switch from chicken breast to gelatin
      Yeah just eat 150g of protein worth of gelatin lol

      • 9 months ago

        you only need 50-100g of protein a day

        • 9 months ago

          yeah if you are a sedentary dyel

          • 9 months ago

            >huuuragh i need more protein than the average human..... just because ok? you don't understand wen i use my muscles they instantaneous dissolve into the ether, if i don't consume enough proteinz to replace them, well, they will all go away!

            • 9 months ago

              U sound like a twink

              • 9 months ago

                your vocabulary is dominated by homosexuals homosexual

        • 9 months ago

          I need 200g+, im can squat 5pl8 and bench 3pl8 im not a dyel like ray peat

    • 9 months ago

      >It has a high level of tryptophan which makes you sleepy.
      Tryptophan is an amino acid, and all complete proteins (all meat) is going to have tryptophan. Tryptophan does not make you sleepy. That meme came from people overeating on Thanksgiving and becoming sleepy because they ate 3500 calories in one sitting.
      >replace meat with gelatin
      Stupid advice.

  17. 9 months ago

    Chronic dick dryness

  18. 9 months ago

    Drop the greens

    • 9 months ago


  19. 9 months ago

    you never felt love a woman
    you need cuddles 3x a week

  20. 9 months ago

    Remove greens

  21. 9 months ago

    Cus you’re old as frick old aaah homie

  22. 9 months ago

    I'm literally the exact same, even 25yo. Haven't had the motivation to work out for over a year. Idk what to do.

  23. 9 months ago

    Maybe because of all the shit you 'eat', 'take' and do ?

  24. 9 months ago

    >Good fats, avocado, nuts etc...
    ~~*good fats*~~
    all fat is bad

    • 9 months ago

      you literally die without unsaturated fats moron

  25. 9 months ago

    >not exercising everyday
    walking is not exercising you need to be burning at least 600 excess calories per day with exercise. no you do not need recovery thats a meme. you should be doing cardio (heartrate and breathing elevated) everyday. you also need to be doing at least 18-6 intermittent fasting. most if not all of your protein should be coming from red meat. you need to train your bodys baseline energy to be higher by burning more calories per day and avoid carbs during the day so that you burn fat which is a much more efficient and consistent energy source than carbs or sugar. eating before or during a workout as "fuel" is a meme you have all the fuel you need already in the form of fat you just need to train your body to actually use it. you will have cravings and feel tired at first just push through it take caffeine and watch goggins videos and once your body switches to burning fat you'll feel fine. make sure your sleep schedule is good and either get plenty of sunlight or take vitamin d supplements.

    • 9 months ago

      >no you do not need recovery thats a meme
      Stop giving advice here.

      • 9 months ago

        I think he's referring to "recovery" as "doing nothing all day."

        • 9 months ago

          he also preaches fasting,red meat, and cardio every day

          complete lunatic. Just train every 96 hours one set to failure and call it a day

          • 9 months ago

            >doing basic exercise everyday like humans did for all of history is insane
            >Just train every 96 hours one set
            yea im the moron fricking lazy slob

  26. 9 months ago

    I was the same as OP. Always tired. Felt like absolute shit every morning and dreaded work.

    I switched to a grave shift schedule 9-7, and it’s a huge difference in my quality of life.

    >I rarely need an alarm to get up for work now.
    >sleep better
    >no longer stressed out and angry every day.

    It’s been over ten years now since I made the switch, and there’s no way in hell I’d every voluntarily go back to being a daywalker.

    There was always a cave man that guarded the cave at night while the rest slept. I guess that DNA is in me.

    • 9 months ago

      I started going to sleep at around 5pm, wake up whenever I want, do everything at my own pace and then go to my job to finish up the day.
      It's life changing.

    • 9 months ago

      > There was always a cave man that guarded the cave at night while the rest slept. I guess that DNA is in me.
      Thank you and your bloodline for the generations of comfy guarded sleeps.

  27. 9 months ago

    Try taking a 1-2 week rest from the gym, keep walking/cycling/swimmin but do it at a calm leisurely pace.
    Helped me a lot when I was always tired. Felt explosive and full of energy when I started lifting again.
    Add more rice to your diet, avoid highly processed food.
    Also just to cover all the bases, always stretch properly after a workout 30sec per stretch.

  28. 9 months ago

    Try lower protein, creatine. Could be your kidneys.

  29. 9 months ago

    Iron deficiency.
    I was also low energy and procrastinated a lot despite seemingly doing everything perfectly.
    I was even taking D3, zinc and omegas.
    When I started supplementing iron, everything fricking changed.

  30. 9 months ago

    I am the same way and I think it is probably asymptomatic celiacs disease. Recently my shit has turned pale yellow and started floating which is a sign of it. It's some sort of gluten sensitivity that fricks with your GI tract and makes you feel like shit.

  31. 9 months ago

    have you considered a sleep physician’s analysis and sleep study OP?

    sleep doctors are real (not questionable like chirps) and can diagnose for hypersomnolence, REM disturbance, narcolepsy, and so forth.

    You’ll start with a blood test to check iron and ferritin levels and if those are good, you may undergo a sleep study where your time to sleep and rhythms are analyzed. Mine indicated I fell asleep so fast that it was statistically significant enough to get a script for adderal or modafinil.

    Both helped immensely until I learned that the root cause for my tiredness was inability to process emotional issues

    • 9 months ago

      replying to my own reply to say chirps should be chrios* and that I was like you- in great shape, eating well, graduated college and working in data analysis but was so fricking tired I could barely keep making it. Go to your pcp and ask for a reference to see a sleep physician

    • 9 months ago

      enormously expensive in the states to do a sleep test

    • 9 months ago

      >fall asleep fast
      "That's a disease, you need amphetamines for that"
      Do Americans really?

  32. 9 months ago


  33. 9 months ago

    I feel like shit all the time, 25yo as well. Diet:
    >Oikos Pro Greek Yogurt (25g protein per serving) for breakfast
    >add blueberries
    >a little honey drizz
    >sometimes some dark choccy chips 70ish %
    >sometimes a brefus sammy cooked in Irish butter, beef or turky, both 90-95% lean
    >eggs cracked over ground beef/turkey in cast iron
    >flip eggy meat, some jalapeno slices, then some Old Croc or other Aged Cheddar
    >Those sammys only for really hungry days
    >Lunch is sometimes a light salad, with eggs, bacon, cranberries, walnuts, blue cheese, tomato, cucumber, etc.
    >Dinner is typically steak or salmon, rice, a veggie
    >Will also use the beef or turkey to make a burrito or tacos, with rice, beans in jalapeno or tomato sauce, some greek yog for sour cream, fricking delish
    Why do I feel like a piece of shit
    >Jalapenos inb

    • 9 months ago

      >My diet is great therefore everything else should be as well
      1. Hierarchy of needs -- where do you stand here?
      2. Intimate relationship, social circle / family, career, fitness & diet, 1 or more hobby -- all or almost all have to be checked off
      This also ties into your spot in the dominance hierarchy which regulates your mood. Do others respect you?

  34. 9 months ago

    cut all the plants. Go full carnivore with high amounts of beef fat and beef brain.

  35. 9 months ago

    In any case, stop lifting for a couple months because you've been overdoing it for a long time like all the other compulsive exercisers here.

  36. 9 months ago

    Have you tried learning pranayma? I have insane amounts of energy all the time, more than my body can handle, from doing the exercises in Science of Breath.


    Try also mental-maxxing by learning to control your emotions and intentionally flooding your body with the higher emotions.

    • 9 months ago

      >intentionally flooding your body with the higher emotions.
      easier said than done. Literally how?

  37. 9 months ago

    >Is overweight because he thinks muscle weight magically doesn't tax his cardiovascular system like at does
    >thinks walking every other day is cardio
    >eats a "clean" diet and probably lacks certain micros because of lack of variety
    >thinks 7 hours is enough sleep
    >asks thai box weaving forum for health advice
    you're moronic

    • 9 months ago

      Overweight? Where did you get that idea? Last thing I heard from my doctor was that I'm dangerously low bf

      • 9 months ago

        if that's the case then that's probably why you feel tired, too low bodyfat is pretty well known to make you lethargic

  38. 9 months ago

    >70 replies
    >not a single question about what you do every day


    What are you spending your focus on? You in school? your work make you dread coming in every day? Does it excite you? Are you just doing it to pay bills? Are your hobbies gaming and porno? Are you reading books, socializing?

    • 9 months ago

      I work full time. No it doesn't excite me. Yes im grossly underpaid like everyone else under 30 and ive been denied a raise every time ive asked. My hobbies (were) music and drawing but they're not fun anymore.

      I'm living with my mom in rural NY because COVID fricked my job up and had to move back in. Now struggling to even get an inspection for a place.

      • 9 months ago

        You remember that Tate image floating around?

        >You are poor
        >You are unimportant
        >Men do not fear you
        >Your woman disagrees with you

        >If I was forced to endure a year of your life it would be the worst level of depression imaginable

        Hey, there ya go man. You aren’t underpaid, you let yourself become valued at that point. Go seek a career that earns you the amount you want. Break out from mommy’s basement and start living an independent adult life. Wouldn’t expect myself to be very happy or energized if that was my daily life as well.

        • 9 months ago

          >Go seek a career that earns you the amount you want.
          I have an honours degree in marketing and I've applied to about 600 jobs and taken about 24 job interviews this year alone asking for at least $80k a year and consistently im told no. I'm not letting myself be undervalued. I'm just asking for more and being denied it. I'm pretty good at negotiating. Theres literally no reason for me not to give up and start doing illegal shit.

          Also how old are you? I don't think you seem to understand the demoralising level of effort it takes to simply exist now. Pre-covid there was a glimpse of hope but nah, say goodbye to your gf she's fricking back off to Canada, back into mommy's spare room it is, and I was making 40k USD STRAIGHT OUT OF COLLEGE.

          Frick this world. NEETs are based.

          • 9 months ago

            Get a reality check. You're just not that useful.

            When's the last time you actually concretely helped someone make 3x more money than what you're asking to get paid.

            • 9 months ago

              Samegayging here.

              No wonder you're fricking miserable. Failure of attainment in any area is prone to giving men depression.

            • 9 months ago

              I see the figures on my CRM dashboard every day. I singly handedly make the company half a million dollars every fortnight and I get a measly 50k and a pat on the back.

              Why not work retail while you apply for real jobs? It's steady pay for basically standing around and bsing with your bros.

              You mean doing backbreaking soulcrushing work and trying not to deck arrogant boomers in my face constantly for no money at all? I did that when I was in high school. Never again.

              • 9 months ago

                Backbreaking? I do almost nothing besides chat with girls all day and they never punish me for it.

              • 9 months ago

                You do realize, depending on the nature of the business, that you have to share the credit with sales, engineers, the product guys (net of the market spend and COGS of course).

                And then even getting half of that remaining would be considered above market. You talk like the same idiot engineers that claim 10M incremental sales through an incremental A/B test, forgetting all of the infrastructure that has to exist in the business for them to even deploy such a thing.

                Making the company half a mill is fricking nothing. Get over yourself, this is your reality check.

          • 9 months ago

            Why not work retail while you apply for real jobs? It's steady pay for basically standing around and bsing with your bros.

          • 9 months ago

            >I’m pretty good at negotiating.

            Cope. Education beyond an undergrad and you’re struggling to break six figures. I’m not even done my bachelors and I’m making the equivalent of 98k USD in marketing for my second internship. You’re not anywhere near as valuable to a company as you think you are.

            You wouldn’t last a day doing illegal shit. You have the self-awareness of a teenager. Get the frick over yourself. “Wah wah life is hard, sitting around playing games all day as a NEET is cool. I’m also totally worth more than 80k!” Literally a useless man. This is why you’re depressed. Blame the world, blame the situation, blame everyone except yourself. Look within and take control of your life instead of sitting around whining. This type of shit is probably why your woman left you too.

            I’m 28 btw, spent my years doing stupid degen NEET shit before deciding to turn my life around. COVID wrecked me too man, I get it’s hard, but seriously, quit lying to yourself. You think the antisocial losers who sit at home playing video games all day aren’t depressed? You need to go do shit with your life, go do something that makes you respectable instead of a huge crybaby who doesn’t get out of bed because the world looks like shit. That shit is pathetic. You’re better than this, no?

            • 9 months ago

              This guy gets it.

              Gotta grind for attainment. Now that I'm 30, looking back I realize the hard part isn't getting attainment in one area of your life it's figuring out how to get serious attainment in multiple parts of your life at the same time. The hard part is somehow staying fit and strong while working an intensive career while cultivating relationships in your life while developing an appreciation for the hobbies that bring you joy. It's a fricking hard balancing act, but the only way we get there is by pushing our ability to handle all of that all of the time every day

              So go fricking figure out how to make 100k and I promise you'll feel better. For reference, I've made over 600k in a year before, so trust me on this.

              • 9 months ago

                >while developing an appreciation for the hobbies that bring you joy.
                Yeah the hobbies part is the part I suffer with most. After work and relationships my hobbies suffer quite a bit, to the extent that ive been pondering selling all my music gear. I know if I do that though ill feel a lot happier in the future and will kick myself knowing I haven't got those tools at my disposal anymore should I have the passion again.

            • 9 months ago

              >$98k USD marketing internship
              might have convinced someone if you didn’t have that bullshit in there

            • 9 months ago

              This guy gets it.

              Gotta grind for attainment. Now that I'm 30, looking back I realize the hard part isn't getting attainment in one area of your life it's figuring out how to get serious attainment in multiple parts of your life at the same time. The hard part is somehow staying fit and strong while working an intensive career while cultivating relationships in your life while developing an appreciation for the hobbies that bring you joy. It's a fricking hard balancing act, but the only way we get there is by pushing our ability to handle all of that all of the time every day

              So go fricking figure out how to make 100k and I promise you'll feel better. For reference, I've made over 600k in a year before, so trust me on this.

              lol millennials

              You're still incel losers, just with a little more money.

          • 9 months ago

            I see the figures on my CRM dashboard every day. I singly handedly make the company half a million dollars every fortnight and I get a measly 50k and a pat on the back.
            You mean doing backbreaking soulcrushing work and trying not to deck arrogant boomers in my face constantly for no money at all? I did that when I was in high school. Never again.

            My bad, misread. Honours degree is undergraduate, yeah?

            Dude. Learn to negotiate. “I’m pretty good at negotiating” —> judging from the way you write on here, you come off as a baby with no backbone. Talking about hope and shit, being demoralized. Jesus.

            You go to your boss, you say I’m making the company X amount, I’ve received 80k offers, would love to stay here if you can match that. But otherwise I’ll be leaving in 2 weeks.

            Bam, done. 30k raise. Assuming that 500k you’re making them doesn’t equate to 1k after costs, they’d be stupid to lose you. Move on to the company offering 80k.

            Unironically go watch the Jordan Peterson vid where he talks about salary raising and negotiating for a higher price. It takes 3 minutes and will probably be more effective than whatever “never split the difference” type of books you’ve read.

            • 9 months ago

              Nah I fricking guarantee you this 500k number isn't his real value add. It just happens to be the revenue he happens to touch. He was claiming he drives this every two weeks.

              If that shit was actually incremental, you'd be a marketing specialist working freelance making 500k+/yr , and not sadboi posting on IST

            • 9 months ago

              Bro you're 28 and you sound like the edgelord friend I had at school who ended up going nowhere. Also I broke up with my gf because I knew it was never gonna work long distance. But hey whatever. I'm pretty comfortable knowing I at least make more than average for my age group and don't have a crippling addiction to shit like vidya, weed or alcohol. Life's pretty good I guess.

              >Train every other day and go for a walk on non-training days.
              >Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night
              This is probably why you're tired. Thats the normal sleep a sedentary person should be getting, but you train hard several times a week which will require more sleep to recover from. If thats not feasible try finding ways to improve the quality of your sleep instead.

              And yeah I think it's just sleep. I struggle staying asleep at the best of times for some unknown reason. Every time it's time to go to bed I just want the next day to start. I never actually feel tired.

              • 9 months ago

                >while developing an appreciation for the hobbies that bring you joy.
                Yeah the hobbies part is the part I suffer with most. After work and relationships my hobbies suffer quite a bit, to the extent that ive been pondering selling all my music gear. I know if I do that though ill feel a lot happier in the future and will kick myself knowing I haven't got those tools at my disposal anymore should I have the passion again.

                >Go seek a career that earns you the amount you want.
                I have an honours degree in marketing and I've applied to about 600 jobs and taken about 24 job interviews this year alone asking for at least $80k a year and consistently im told no. I'm not letting myself be undervalued. I'm just asking for more and being denied it. I'm pretty good at negotiating. Theres literally no reason for me not to give up and start doing illegal shit.

                Also how old are you? I don't think you seem to understand the demoralising level of effort it takes to simply exist now. Pre-covid there was a glimpse of hope but nah, say goodbye to your gf she's fricking back off to Canada, back into mommy's spare room it is, and I was making 40k USD STRAIGHT OUT OF COLLEGE.

                Frick this world. NEETs are based.

                OP judging from the way you type, theres the answer alone. You sound like one thread away from kms. It's depression. Go out and feel the touch of a woman. Take a day off and do something fun. Ditch the restrictive diet and eat a high carb caloric meal. Frick a prostitute.
                Sometimes with all this self improvement and delaying gratification it gets depressing. You need a balance with this shit like anything else. Your brain is a muscle that gets overworked as well.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah I was going nowheres til I ended up fixing my life. You asked my age because you think I couldn’t relate? I’ve been pretty low man. I feel for you, but good lord. Despite my degeneracy, I’ve never adopted this “frick the world, dicking around all day is based” attitude. This is literally how high schoolers think.

                But yeah idk bro, get defensive when somebody points out your obvious flaws. You’re tired all the time because what the frick do you have to get you excited? Your job sucks, no b***hes, and you make excuses as to why you’re stuck in momma’s basement. Valuing yourself very highly but you’re getting 24 interviews from 600 applications despite having solid marketing experience. Right. I’m not trying to be a dick here, I do career coaching on the side and there is something wrong with pay applications if those are the numbers you’re getting.

                I threw in all that Tate-edgelord-tier shit because you’re additionally saying some cringe shit about being “good at negotiating”, “worth more than 80k”, and debating “doing illegal shit”. You’re a crybaby who sees themselves in a much higher light than reality would allow. Keep on denying this, and you’ll just keep on being disrespected everywhere you go. And subsequently, you’ll feel tired all the time because male brain needs some feeling of importance once in a while. Or at the very least, some stimulation beyond the shitshow you’re living through right now.

              • 9 months ago

                >You’re tired all the time because what the frick do you have to get you excited? Your job sucks, no b***hes,
                thats just what life is like for literally 99% of zoomer men.

  39. 9 months ago

    I find I feel more drained when I spend too much time looking at a computer or phone screen, when I eat too much sugar, and when I have to attend multiple different events and obligations over the day.

  40. 9 months ago

    You need to do more cardio and lose weight.

    • 9 months ago

      I literally have no bodyfat

      • 9 months ago

        you feel bad because you have no bodyfat

  41. 9 months ago

    >Good fats, avocado, nuts etc...
    you need saturated fats, ANIMAL FATS
    >Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night
    shit sleep regardless of time

  42. 9 months ago

    ive unironically become that why do i feel bad all the time? meme
    literally every point
    frick im such a pos

  43. 9 months ago

    >Train every other day and go for a walk on non-training days.
    >Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night
    This is probably why you're tired. Thats the normal sleep a sedentary person should be getting, but you train hard several times a week which will require more sleep to recover from. If thats not feasible try finding ways to improve the quality of your sleep instead.

  44. 9 months ago

    Talk to your doctor
    Maybe it’s overtraining
    It happened to me
    Expect to do some labs hunting for what’s wrong

  45. 9 months ago

    Drink frick tons of water - dehydration has a sedative effect. And wake-up naturally. If your alarm is waking you up, then you're not getting enough sleep. Need to be up at 6? Try going to bed at 10pm. Still hitting the alarm? 9pm. 8pm. Keep going until you find the sweet spot (I personally make sure I'm in the bed, lights out, at 10pm and normally wake up between 4 and 5am). You should be out of bed before that alarm goes off. Willingly. Like "I'm done sleeping. I'm not tired anymore."

  46. 9 months ago

    High protein is a meme, high sugar is important.
    Nuts are shit fats, drink milk and eat beef and cheese.
    Training every other day is overtraining, stop living in the gym.
    Low T is a side effect, not the cause.
    You are suppressing your thyroid by eating garbage and stressing your body too much.

    • 9 months ago


      "eat high qualities of greens, avocados, nuts"
      you're probably expending a lot of energy trying to digest large quantities of insoluble fiber

      try going meat+salt+water
      look up PKD, eat fatty meat
      3 week experiment - nothing to lose
      you'll feet like shit in the first few days because of glucogenesis and bacteria dumping, but that'll go away

      >Good fats, avocado, nuts etc...
      you need saturated fats, ANIMAL FATS
      >Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night
      shit sleep regardless of time

      Good advice.

      You need to do more cardio and lose weight.

      In any case, stop lifting for a couple months because you've been overdoing it for a long time like all the other compulsive exercisers here.

      Try lower protein, creatine. Could be your kidneys.

      Bad advice.

  47. 9 months ago

    Low motivation
    also how's your social life

  48. 9 months ago

    "eat high qualities of greens, avocados, nuts"
    you're probably expending a lot of energy trying to digest large quantities of insoluble fiber

    try going meat+salt+water
    look up PKD, eat fatty meat
    3 week experiment - nothing to lose
    you'll feet like shit in the first few days because of glucogenesis and bacteria dumping, but that'll go away

  49. 9 months ago

    >Doesn't eat carbs
    >Why the frick am I so tired and demoralised all the time?
    You're American, aren't you?

  50. 9 months ago

    Drink water

  51. 9 months ago

    anyone else think it's time to quit caffeine? I'm thinking of just not having any coffee at all next month to see how I feel.

    • 9 months ago

      Ok so caffeine is fine but coffee is poison that rots your innards and slowly atrophies your dick, so cut that shit today.

    • 9 months ago

      Do it. I'm on day 2 right now and it isn't pleasant but I'm looking forward to having actual satisfying sleep again. All the lethargy and headaches of the short term are worth it to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and energised, instead of groggy with these exact short term caffeine withdrawal symptoms I'm currently experiencing every morning for life.

      • 9 months ago

        every time I've quit caffeine for a week+, I can actually get great quality sleep again and wake up feeling refreshed, but then I immediately think "Oh how bad can one cup of coffee be" and then I'm right back to having 3 or 4 cups a day. Coffee is so gay

  52. 9 months ago


  53. 9 months ago

    do you take any recovery weeks?
    look up CNS fatigue or nervous system overstimulation or overtraining

  54. 9 months ago

    >>Peak physique
    Without picture it's impossible to say but probably under eating

  55. 9 months ago

    Don't know if it has been mentioned in the thread, but could it be possible for you to have sleep apnea ? It do not just affect fatties. You might have a deviated septum or some unknown issue

  56. 9 months ago

    it could just be in your head. Im autistic and I dont register all sensory input I should, as a result I can get hot (like during winter sitting under a blanket) without noticing it which makes me sleepy. White noise youre not noticing could trigger it, boredom, lack of sunlight, depression, lack of food etc can all make you sleepy.
    Sometimes just getting up and doing some stretches really helps wake me up.

  57. 9 months ago

    Could be quality of sleep? This is silly, but I used to let my cat in my room while I slept and eventually figured out that it was fricking with me as I slept which is why I never felt rested, unless I was on vacation. I shut her out and now I sleep way better.

  58. 9 months ago

    >fulfilling career
    >loving gf
    >loving parents
    make sure you have these checked too

  59. 9 months ago

    Check your iron and vitamin D levels

  60. 9 months ago

    How many carbs u eat?
    When I am cutting and on sub 200g carbs I am depressed deflated low test low libido homosexual
    When I bulk on 400g carbs I am basically Superman fricking my gf 7-10 times a week

  61. 9 months ago

    I wanna breed that redhead so bad

  62. 9 months ago

    I too have been suffering from this, and I have recently come to believe it is spiritual in nature. We are warriors in a society that constricts us and gives us no freedom and no way to fight

  63. 9 months ago

    Low iron, you're bleeding inside or your diet sucks. Go see a doctor moron.

  64. 9 months ago

    Depression is cringe

  65. 9 months ago

    Good chance it’s poor sleep or lack of sunlight or you just have a job that is unnatural.

  66. 9 months ago

    Check iron and thyroid

  67. 9 months ago

    how much sugar is in your diet, and how much cardio do you do? High sugar and low cardio can lead to fatigue

  68. 9 months ago

    how much sex are you having?

    • 9 months ago

      he's on IST so none.

      • 9 months ago

        so am I but I had sex last night. She didnt get off but I did

        • 9 months ago

          >She didnt get off but I did
          4 C H A N

  69. 9 months ago

    spend a week where every waking hour that isn't dedicated to work requries you to be somewhat active and in the sun. Either walking in nature or playing a sport or doing some yard work, etc.

    If you aren't turned on by then go to a doc and get your blood work done.

  70. 9 months ago

    i have the same thing on clean diet, its get so monotone, switch up your routine? new exercise, write down your goals and how long you got to achieve it, soon you are 30 my friend, youth is gonna dissipate fast

  71. 9 months ago

    >another thread where magically everyone on fit excels and dominates at every single aspect of life
    >everyone with top career, relationships, tons of hobbies, fitness, families, etc
    What a fricking surprise

    • 9 months ago

      >the most disciplined and autistically /sig/ged board
      >coincidentally has their lives in order
      It's not a surprise

      • 9 months ago

        >>the most disciplined and autistically /sig/ged board
        Most of the board is filled with fat people trying to diet with random fads

        • 9 months ago

          During peak American hours yes

  72. 9 months ago

    firstly try to expose yourself to the sunlight more. And learn to properly use caffeine. That's probably it.

  73. 9 months ago

    >eats a lot of greens, nuts and "good fats" with no mention of actually nutritious foods
    >takes multivitamins
    >sleeps 7 hours a night
    Everything you're doing is wrong except your workout routine (if you are in peak physique).

    Your diet sounds absolutely horrible considering you didn't mention eggs (nature's multivitamin), organ meats like beef liver (the literal vitamin storage organ), red meat or even any fricking fruit. Look at this picture and tell me how many of these nutrients you are completely deficient in (supplements don't count because they are worthless). Protip for the future: if you are taking supplements, your diet is bad, no exceptions. If you want more specific advice, respond to me with a full day of eating.

    Sleeping 7 hours a night is the bare minimum to stay alive and conscious. You should be aiming for 8 or 8.5 hours, depending on how long your sleep cycles are, especially if you are exercising frequently. I also have no idea what your sleep hygiene is like and whether your room is dark and you stay off your phone before bed.

  74. 9 months ago

    whats her name?

  75. 9 months ago

    Do you work a desk job staring at a computer all day?

    I do graphic design for work and I get the feeling that’s the cause of my perpetual tiredness. In my case I WFH so I feel it’s mentally draining to constantly communicate with others via MS Teams

  76. 9 months ago

    The dude is training every other day and 50 iq npcs spouting overtraining

    The Mentzer meme really spreads like a disease lmao

  77. 9 months ago

    could just be dry eyes that feel tired. try eyedrops.

  78. 9 months ago

    You need to eat more. I hit a plateau and was tired all the time. Slept maybe 10-12 hours a day. Started eating a lot more recently and I'm not tired anymore. My lifts have also gone up pretty steadily since I started eating more. Although I went from ottermode to the Starting Strength fridge mode.

    • 9 months ago

      >You need to eat more
      what if he is cutting?

      • 9 months ago

        Then he should be cutting with foods that have actual nutrients in them, because cutting with an extreme micronutrient deficiency (AKA OP's diet) is moronic.

  79. 9 months ago

    Just stopping by to say that I jerk offd to this picture a couple hours ago.

  80. 9 months ago

    Look up iron deficiency. It's pretty tricky to actually absorb it, especially if you often drink milk, eat eggs or drink coffee. High calcium will actually make you feel tired because of the interaction it has with iron. Spinach is a shit source for it btw. Just eat liver

  81. 9 months ago

    Sleep more, people who don't do shit all day need 7-8 hours a night, you're doing more than that

  82. 9 months ago

    >Train every other day and go for a walk on non-training days.
    this is your problem. the walking is fine but you should be training every 5 days or so. As you get stronger as a natural, your strength and mass outpaces your ability to recover, requiring even more concentrated intensity and recovery

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