Why are potato chips bad for fat loss exactly?

Why are potato chips bad for fat loss exactly?
If you eat less than your caloric maintenance you lose fat so I can compensate for the extra calories by doing more cardio, eating less of other foods or just eat clean the following days, right? So why can I not enjoy a bag of chips once in a while?

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  1. 8 months ago

    They arent inherently bad. It's just a bad strategy for thosen who already struggle with eating less. But if you have good control over your eating, eat 1500 kcal in chips if it suits you.

    • 8 months ago

      Unless it's literally poison, no food is bad.
      But if you're trying to lose weight, eating something that's calorically dense may not be the best strategy if you lack the self control.
      That's all there is.
      Well, you might not want to maintain a diet of ONLY chips.

      As long as you eat below your caloric maintenance level, eat 1.2-1.6g per kg of bodyweight and hit all 3 macros you should be good.

      Very little food for a lot of calories. Just not worth it.

      Good luck eating in a deficit when eating this poison, homosexual

      Don't forget the 1200 calorie Starbucks (tm) "coffee" they have every morning, with their 1000 calorie lunch, and 1500 calorie dinner.
      "But I skipped breakfast teehee!"

      >muh calories deficit
      oh god the CICO Gestapo has arrived
      tell me exactly what a calorie is
      >it's a unit of energy
      yes, but food does not come in energy
      what's the difference in 50 cal worth of apples vs 50 cal worth of pig liver?
      according to you they have both 50 calories, but where are they? what do they have in common?
      where is this imaginary substance in both apples and livers?

      also not a single biochemistry textbook has "calories" as an input
      you consider carbs, fibers, alcohol, protein, fats and so on
      "energy" is a concept from physics and not appropriate in dietary science

      • 8 months ago

        >according to you they have both 50 calories, but where are they? what do they have in common?
        The measurable 209 joules released in their combustion.

  2. 8 months ago

    i've never seen a thin person eating potato chips

    • 8 months ago

      I was underweight throughout my childhood yet I loved eating lays as long as my mom bought it. 🙂

      • 8 months ago

        How is that relevant to what he said

        • 8 months ago

          He said
          >i've never seen a thin person eating potato chips
          I said
          >I was skinny throughout my childhood yet I loved potato chips.
          How is this NOT relevant to what he said?

          • 8 months ago

            Were you in his field of view? Is he lying? Nobody asked about you.

  3. 8 months ago

    >why are potato slices drenched in seed oil bad
    Black person

  4. 8 months ago

    why do you israelites do this with everything man. Keto, cico, etc. You are supposed to do cico and keto with natural high quality foods because you aren't spending a frickton on volume you can overspend on quality. None of these diets are sustainable you cut to the weight you want and then resume living you workout to avoid too much muscle loss or even gain some. Jesus fricking christ. IF it helps you lose weight than sure, but that doesn't mean you will be better than someone eating natural healthy food and working out, just cause le herp derp im the same as you bro cico BRO.

    • 8 months ago

      eating healthy is a meme just as all the other diets. I feel better eating garbage than I do eating healthy. Sleep better. More energy. Better bowel movements. Simple as. Literally everything is better for me eating fast food and other garbage.

      • 8 months ago

        Based "dirty" food eater. All that matters is macros.

  5. 8 months ago

    Unless it's literally poison, no food is bad.
    But if you're trying to lose weight, eating something that's calorically dense may not be the best strategy if you lack the self control.
    That's all there is.
    Well, you might not want to maintain a diet of ONLY chips.

    • 8 months ago

      As long as you eat below your caloric maintenance level, eat 1.2-1.6g per kg of bodyweight and hit all 3 macros you should be good.

    • 8 months ago

      >Unless it's literally poison, no food is bad.
      are you fricking moronic ?

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          There are all kinds of stuff in foods that can be bad for you even if its not literal poison. Pufas, anti nutrients, etc. Also lack of nutrients.

          • 8 months ago

            You can still look lean and muscular eating junk food if you're below caloric maintenance, have adequate protein and hit your macros. Just not as efficient

  6. 8 months ago

    Pringles are not potato chips , lets clear that out first so we can have a nice chit chat

  7. 8 months ago

    What should I eat my hummus with?

    • 8 months ago

      your mouth

  8. 8 months ago

    seed oils, you are better off frying your own in olive oil.

    • 8 months ago

      >seed oils
      >better off frying your own in olive oil (seed oil)

      Fricking idiot.

  9. 8 months ago

    potato chips
    crispy crispy
    potato chips

  10. 8 months ago

    >PUFAs and carbs

    why the frick would you eat that shit

    • 8 months ago

      >salty (muh electrolytes plus joocy pump)
      >fatty (tast)
      >good carb realtively (potato, no fodmaps, quite easy digestion)
      >shelf stable
      can also be traded for corn/tortilla chips for the same effect
      I already shilled this combo before on fit
      seems moronic for cutting though, I would do white potatoes for that not chips, too easy
      only for bulking if you wanna get more kcals

  11. 8 months ago

    Oh my god, I would eat the frick out of those little Black folk. Why is the unhealthiest food the most delicious

  12. 8 months ago

    >I can compensate for the extra calories by doing more cardio, eating less of other foods or just eat clean the following days, right?
    This introduces complexity, and complexity introduces error. Which in turn is how people get fat despite exercise. The simpler and therefore more successful route is to not eat them at all. Or to eat them in small recommended portions.

    • 8 months ago

      >people get fat despite exercise
      That's because normies don't exercise - they "exercise". They eat and drink like garbo, but think a pickup game on the weekends and the occasional 5k "run" or half-assed kettlebell routine will somehow keep them trim.
      It's not easy to overeat if you are serious about cardiogayging or legit play sports. Add some strength training on the side, and now *if* you happen to overeat at least 1/3 of that surplus will go towards gainz.
      If your diet doesn't allow for a bag of chips you're either a couch potato or an autistic 12% Bgay. Don't blame poor Mr. Pringleschtein.

      All that said, lay's are literally pieces of cardboard drenched in sneed grease. I don't know how you Black folk can stomach that shit.

      • 8 months ago

        You're both right and wrong. You're right that most peoples' exercise is stuttering or nonexistent. But even where people take on regular real exercise (e.g. an hour on the treadmill at not 4mph), the instinct is to eat more with less disciplone because "1000 cals is fine, since I just burned 1800 cals". In reality, they eat 2000 cals, only burned 1300 cals, and gain.
        Most people don't have the discipline to outrun the fork.

        • 8 months ago

          The problem is hamster wheel cardio that borders on torture. If you do shit you actually enjoy then you won't feel the need to 'reward' yourself with food. And if cardio makes you hungry (which is a pre-conditioned response and has no physiological basis - if anything intensity suppresses hunger) then just time it with your regular meals.

          • 8 months ago

            In my experience scheduling cardio at a time of day where you start to get hungry is extremely effective for weight loss.

      • 8 months ago

        Don't forget the 1200 calorie Starbucks (tm) "coffee" they have every morning, with their 1000 calorie lunch, and 1500 calorie dinner.
        "But I skipped breakfast teehee!"

  13. 8 months ago

    Very high calories for how little hunger and nutritional needs your satiating.
    Chips are fine if you're not fat or on a bulk, but for trying to lose weight you may as well be eating deep fried butter balls like the zero self control, big fatty fat-fat you are if you can't even cut chips on a weight loss program without a second thought, and you'll achieve the same final result.

    Seriously, if you're trying to lose weight and feel the need to argue over fricking salty, fatty carbs you may as well just give the frick up right now if you're not running 5 miles every morning to compensate for your snacks.

  14. 8 months ago

    Because it is very addictive. Easier to go cold turkey on all junk snacks than to eat it once per week.

  15. 8 months ago

    get oven baked less fat
    its not inherently its just caloric dense

  16. 8 months ago

    Shit nutrition which will make your body crave actual food. Now please overdose on junkfood.

  17. 8 months ago

    Very little food for a lot of calories. Just not worth it.

  18. 8 months ago

    >seed oil sponges
    enjoy your exploding arteries and cancer.

  19. 8 months ago

    Good luck eating in a deficit when eating this poison, homosexual

  20. 8 months ago

    High calorie density from oily foods suppress satiety signals and makes you hungry causing overindulgence.

  21. 8 months ago

    “Bad” food doesn’t exist, only bad diets. CICO all the way.

  22. 8 months ago

    I can eat 2000 calories in one sitting for cheap.

  23. 8 months ago

    You are completely right

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