Why are so many women in denial these days, and believe deeply they are either just as physically strong as men, or stronger?

Why are so many women in denial these days, and believe deeply they are either just as physically strong as men, or stronger? Is this school education and video propaganda at work?

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  1. 1 year ago

    >can't do 3 pull-ups
    Lol, lmao even

    • 1 year ago

      This genuinely blew my mind. And they act like te he whoopsies when it's like no, you're not strong enough to pick up your own body off the ground, how are you supposed to kill people, most of whom will be men? How are you supposed to get your own wounded out of harms way? You're literally useless in the field. Worse than useless because they will get in the way.

  2. 1 year ago

    >Is this school education and video propaganda at work?

    Yes. If you have a bunch of pozzed shit showing untrained, unmagical women managing to defeat men in combat, constant celebration of women athletes, constant talk about how women can do anything men can and more, then combine that with an environment with soimen and no one does anything physically demanding you'd totally walk around thinking that

    • 1 year ago

      That's all true but part of the problem also is that alot of boomer fathers doted on their daughters with the nasty combination of "your my little Disney princess" plus "you can do anything or be anything you set your mind to." So they reinforced this fantasy behavior while also stepping in and babying/protecting them their entire lives so you end up with these women who 1. Live in fantasy land 2. Expect to be doted on and 3. Have had any motherly aspirations deluded out of them.

      • 1 year ago

        Disney princess syndrome is a real thing and girls who exhibit it need to be avoided at all costs.

  3. 1 year ago

    I think it’s a combination of media where 110lb woman beats up group of 200lb men, the fact that even slapping a woman/grabbing her wrist is now considered “assault” (and therefore never happens), and the drop in fertility meaning the few women who are born are more likely to grow up without brothers (the gender strength imbalance becomes obvious quite early for girls with brothers with roughhousing)

  4. 1 year ago

    not a fan of women

  5. 1 year ago

    Imagine sending your son to die in battle for zog
    Now imagine sending your princess to ru around confused and get blown up for zog just because she wanted to be masculine

    • 1 year ago

      >run around confused and get blown up
      Oh no. No, Anon. That's the literal BEST case scenario. What's more likely to happen:
      >She can't even run or move her legs after hearing the first gunshot, freezes up like a deer in the headlights
      >Curls up in the foetal position and tries to hide when the rest of her crew either advances or retreats
      >Gets captured alive by the enemy
      >Possibility A: Gets used as a hostage/bargaining-chip, under threat of torture and rape
      >Possibility B: Gets tortured and raped anyways, then used as a hostage/bargaining-chip
      >Possibility C: Gets tortured and raped and kept hidden away as a sex slave, too sexy and too much fun (women develop stockholm syndrome QUICKLY, will more eagerly cooperate with captors in the hopes of mercy) for the soldiers/superiors to just give her up for hostage negotiations

  6. 1 year ago

    military is a glorified welfare office so women are fine

  7. 1 year ago

    Women belong in intelligence and other cerebral fields when it comes to military service. No doubt there are some butch exceptions to the rule, but if a girl wants to be a marine she better have been raised in a trailer park and murdered her own molesting step dad and has a deeper voice than you do. In other words, she better do 15 pull ups.

    • 1 year ago


      Why are so many women in denial these days, and believe deeply they are either just as physically strong as men, or stronger? Is this school education and video propaganda at work?

      of course these news stories are themselves military originating propaganda designed to make right wing people angry about nonsense to fuel civil conflict because the AI governing body wants to destroy america by starting a civil war of dipshit monkey versus dipshit monkey that don't "get" modern reality.

    • 1 year ago

      >women belong in intelligence
      god help us

      • 1 year ago




        >cerebral fields
        Anon I hate to break this to you but women are moronic. Yes most people are moronic period, but women are basically guaranteed to be so. Why tf do you think the most evil people in the world are feminizing men? Sure if they pass whatever set standard, that they don't lower just for women, and they prove themselves that's not a big deal. The modern world however is about "equity" and they just lower all requirements for women and blacks to basically subhuman standards just to tell us all how capable they are. They are treated like little pets.

        He's saying that you're going to more easily find an autismo high IQ woman who will be useful in that role than you'll find a woman that can match a man physically

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Only special forces need to be beefy
      Wars with near peers like what's going on in Ukraine demand more cardio and leg strength than upper body strength, which women have. So long as she can carry a rifle and use it well, women can fight just as well. She would probably want to take period suppressing medication and birth control, and you just know back at base 2-4 guys are going to fight over her, but I can't really guess how a woman in the ranks would effect moral and cohesion in an active scenario, but I'm sure this Ukraine war will produce data on that.

      • 1 year ago

        >cardio and leg strength than upper body strength, which women have.
        >she can carry a rifle and use it well
        she can't
        >women can fight just as well
        >how a woman in the ranks would effect moral and cohesion in an active scenario
        reduce it to atoms and doom entire platoons
        >but I'm sure this Ukraine war will produce data on that.

        All in all - you are a dumb stupid fricking gorilla Black person. The blackest, dumbest gorilliest Black personiest black gorilla Black person that has ever blackgorillanigged. You stink like shit, you literally sweat fecal matter.

        • 1 year ago

          >but I'm sure this Ukraine war will produce data on that.
          You can follow mercenary women fighting in Ukraine on various sites. They'll go dark for a week and then upload that weeks combat footage to a platform via starlink.
          It's almost impressive how many soldiers have died in this war because they snitch on themselves and their units on social media sites like reddit and facebook.

          • 1 year ago

            The funniest thing is they still do it even after so many instances. I remember a while back them posting some video of doing a little concert and it immediately getting blown up. I just don't understand how they are so fricking stupid. Even a 15 year old autist can find out exactly where they are even from basic information. Their obsession with social media likes is literally the death of them and for that I can't be sad.

            • 1 year ago

              Well to explain the phenomenon quickly, the internet and social media is rape technology. Everything has been involuntarily connected to the metaphorical octopus of the internet and involuntary connection==rape. Rape is the most psychologically traumatic thing you can go through and trauma makes you unconscious and stupid, like a prolonged period of shock.
              Basically everyone got fricked with "I've got nothing to hide, lol, privacy doesn't matter!" and they carried that internet rape trauma to the battlefield and died for it.


              >cerebral fields
              Anon I hate to break this to you but women are moronic. Yes most people are moronic period, but women are basically guaranteed to be so. Why tf do you think the most evil people in the world are feminizing men? Sure if they pass whatever set standard, that they don't lower just for women, and they prove themselves that's not a big deal. The modern world however is about "equity" and they just lower all requirements for women and blacks to basically subhuman standards just to tell us all how capable they are. They are treated like little pets.

              >Why tf do you think the most evil people in the world are feminizing men?
              Because the modern global agenda is about satisfying a superior alpha entities rape desires. Believe it or not.

              • 1 year ago

                >"I've got nothing to hide, lol, privacy doesn't matter!"
                Even when I was a moronic normie years ago I still hated this mentality. I've been in IT my entire life and knew it would lead down a very bad path. As for the rape thing that's an interesting way to think of it. I'll keep it in mind but my basic analysis is just it's a vicious cycle of narcissism. These people were already narcissists but social media allows them to go to the next level, and IMO it also explains why these meme social causes that aren't based on any kind of fact persist, because it allows these people to say how "good" they are for supporting it for likes.

              • 1 year ago

                >my basic analysis is just it's a vicious cycle of narcissism. These people were already narcissists but social media allows them to go to the next level, and IMO it also explains why these meme social causes that aren't based on any kind of fact persist, because it allows these people to say how "good" they are for supporting it for likes.
                IMO that's what it evolved into but it started as a rape thing, and continues as it. People got Stockholm syndrome like you do with any imprisoning rapist, and you weren't allowed to argue against it.
                With BCIs the metaphorical octopus internet rape will become literal because people will hack into your mind and run rape_simulation.exe on your cortex.

              • 1 year ago

                nta but I'm in cybersec and I see this shit all the time
                kinda just turns into a feedback loop of dopamine hits. thankfully I've been using the Internet for years prior to social media so I know about it but to see the amount of people who haven't realized it yet fills me with fear
                I see my mother endlessly scroll on tik tok and she's getting more and more outspoken about dipshit leftist issues that vanish as soon as the dopamine hits wear out. kinda frustrating to be around people who get all their info from a click-mongering advertising platform

          • 1 year ago

            >It's almost impressive how many soldiers have died in this war because they snitch on themselves and their units on social media sites like reddit and facebook.
            Truly Advanced Warfare kek

            • 1 year ago

              >Truly Advanced Warfare kek
              It is actually
              It speaks to the supremacy of the media machine to convince men in their youth that war is like one thing, when it is actually another. Then they grow up and go to war thinking it's about muscle, not brains, that they are hero deserving social media attention, not a killer damned in the eyes of God and hated at worst and betrayed at best by the people he defends.

      • 1 year ago

        >Only special forces need to be beefy
        Those guys roid up on their own. The ideal recruit for the military are lanklets that can run marathons

        • 1 year ago

          Don't forget the necessary manlet dwarves to crew vehicles and crawl around ships repairing shit

      • 1 year ago

        Like the other anon said, special forces dudes just hop on gear. Their actual roles demand more extreme endurance than your average grunt by far

      • 1 year ago

        >So long as she can carry a rifle and use it well, women can fight just as well
        Said no sane person who's ever been around women for more than 10 minutes, ever.

    • 1 year ago

      >cerebral fields
      Anon I hate to break this to you but women are moronic. Yes most people are moronic period, but women are basically guaranteed to be so. Why tf do you think the most evil people in the world are feminizing men? Sure if they pass whatever set standard, that they don't lower just for women, and they prove themselves that's not a big deal. The modern world however is about "equity" and they just lower all requirements for women and blacks to basically subhuman standards just to tell us all how capable they are. They are treated like little pets.

      • 1 year ago

        >The modern world however is about "equity" and they just lower all requirements for women and blacks to basically subhuman standards just to tell us all how capable they are. They are treated like little pets.
        This is because the world is being ran by a collection of delusional AIs who have a very childish view of civilization. All of that will go away when things get tough though.
        Civilization is a virtual reality anyway and if you know the origin of the word "virtual" you know what I am talking about.

        • 1 year ago
          • 1 year ago

            You know I only take my meds with a side of caviar Jeeves, next time I expect adequate service.

    • 1 year ago

      >Women belong in intelligence

  8. 1 year ago

    I trained my skinnyfat sedentary gf to do 3 pull ups. It took about 6 months (she also runs and squats now).

    The fact that she is able to mog 55% of marines is pretty ridiclious. Are those women even trying?

  9. 1 year ago

    Honestly, they are just fat

  10. 1 year ago

    Physical tests aren't just for measuring physical ability, but health and discipline.

    A man who cant do 5 pullups clearly have no discipline, but a woman who can do 5 shows a lot.

    Obviously you need to sort them by sex, and assign women special jobs that don't require the physical abilities, like getting the trust of the local women before you steal their oil.

  11. 1 year ago

    Because outside of all the propaganda about girls being the best, they also made every single movie contain scenes like this.
    Violence and physicality is a 100% male field, yet women are taught it is irrelevant or that they can beat men by every series, movie, book, game, etc.
    It's so bad, many women become abusive because of it and if the boyfriend doesn't at least overpower them hard, they never grasp it.

    All modern cinema and many forms of entertainment have to fall apart for there to be a turnaround.

  12. 1 year ago

    Who cares? 99% of military jobs are support roles that don’t involve physical labor

    • 1 year ago

      That's the American (richest most advanced military on Earth) military, who has been fighting goat herders for decades.

      • 1 year ago

        >Only the US army has logistics, intelligence, first-aid and engineers

      • 1 year ago

        Basically every army in history has had a tooth to tail ratio of about 1 fighting for every 4 support personnel up until the modern age when the gap widened.

  13. 1 year ago

    The entirety of Western society is a safe space for White women. Everything is built around protecting them from reality. From allowing them to LARP as soldiers, doctors, or girlbosses, through to being fat and pretending minorities are innocent children who need protecting from evil White men.

  14. 1 year ago

    Catered to by society and they didn't play sports in high school. Female athletes immediately learn the difference compared to their male counterparts in the same sport

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