Why are Zoomers so scared of aging?

Even more than millennials, zoomies are absolutely TERRIFIED of the prospect that they won’t look 20 forever. They all avoid the sun or wear sunscreen and every 24-27 year old I know uses tretinoin. They also LOVE being mistaken for looking younger than they are and will brag about it constantly.

What’s so different about this generation? Is it the fear of losing youth (which they probably wasted doomscrolling) and having to grow up?

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  1. 5 months ago

    social media. thats about it. image matters a lot more, and image is about looks. not deep at all.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Where are the photos?

      • 5 months ago

        > at walgeens

        My frickin sides dude

      • 5 months ago

        Nonce face

    • 5 months ago

      This, but also advertising (which goes hand in hand with social media). Hardcore spruiking of skincare, sunscreen, etc, involves a hardcore campaign of "you will become gross and irreparably ugly every milisecond your face and body aren't bathed in our expensive products."
      In reality, the opposite is often true, with a lot of products being detrimental (either inherently, or to certain skin types/conditions).
      It's a super easy grift too, because so many skincare products will cause problems, allowing you to then sell more "solutions."
      I say this as someone with a skincare routine, but it's pretty minimalistic and customised to me. It's super easy to get memed into feeling like you have to pay out the ass for skincare and dedicate a substantial part of your day to performing it.

  2. 5 months ago

    >zoomies are absolutely TERRIFIED

  3. 5 months ago

    >thread about zoomers
    >OP pic is some random Gen Alpha kid

    • 5 months ago

      the guy in the photo Bryan Johnson and he's 46 which would make him a Gen X

  4. 5 months ago

    Bryan Johnson looks so uncanny. He looks like an android from Detroit: Become Human

    • 5 months ago

      its the plastic surgery

  5. 5 months ago

    Aging is decline and who in their right mind would like to decline?

    t. using tretinoin, finasteride and rapamycin among others

    Frick aging, frick naturalists, frick muh wisdom and frick you OP. I wanna live forever.

    • 5 months ago

      entropy is an undeniable and fundamental fact of the universe. you're not living forever, you're dooming yourself to a life of anxiety that will, at best, be marginally larger in quantity but way worse in quality. free your mind from superficiality and live

      • 5 months ago

        how's it lower in quality? if that's the case why even go to the gym and not just become a complete hedonist? it feels better to be healthy

      • 5 months ago

        >entropy is an undeniable and fundamental fact of the universe.
        Entropy is a statistical construct and in no way relevant to humans today. Life itself locally defies entropy by becoming ever more complex.
        > life of anxiety
        I got pills for that too 😉
        >larger in quantity but way worse in quality.
        Not at all, my healthspan is great too because I no longer hate the person I see in the mirror. I am fitter now than I am in my teens because I took control over my biology.

        >does horribly and alone due to modern medicine

        You will die of a heart attack because you fell for the carnivore diet.

        • 5 months ago

          yes, I meant entropy in a poetic sense. but to be precise, the shortening of your telomeres certainly isn't a statistical construct

          • 5 months ago

            >the shortening of your telomeres certainly isn't a statistical construct
            Telomere length isn't the limiting factor of longevity right now. We have enough cell stock to last us 150 years and by 2150 or so we should already have potent telomerase inducers.

            Have you noticed any effects on the rate of muscle growth? One of the main functions of mTORC1 is regulating protein synthesis, after all.

            Rapamycin doesn't completely block mTORc1 activity. I use it biweekly/monthly at a higher dose and so far it hasn't affected my muscle mass or gym performance at all.

            • 5 months ago

              you're not getting to 2150. the idea that we're close to longevity escape velocity is fishscale tier copium

              • 5 months ago

                Getting to 100 is already possible with current medication.

                >telomerase inducers
                Telomerase activation leads to the development of cancer. Threading the needle between regenerating the body's tissues and preventing uncontrolled growth is hard to do, and it's the challenge that deflated the hype around hormone replacement in the 90s. There is a very real possibility that you will fail catastrophically in your quest for optimization and shorten your lifespan unnecessarily.

                >Telomerase activation leads to the development of cancer
                Which should also be cured by 2100 or so.
                >There is a very real possibility that you will fail catastrophically in your quest for optimization and shorten your lifespan unnecessarily.
                My current intervention is not THAT experimental.

              • 5 months ago

                Nothing is able to stop brain deterioration. Nothing. You're gonna spend the last 30+ years senile.

              • 5 months ago

                That's just your cope, boomer. We have plenty of medications today that slow or even reverse brain aging. SSRIs, for example, have shown to help in increasing gray matter volume.

                I'm going to be physically and mentally IST for quite some time.

              • 5 months ago

                >hat slow or even reverse brain aging. SSRIs, for example

              • 5 months ago

                diet, physical exercise, mental engagement
                but yes cognitive decline is inevitable and steep after a certain age. there's a reason while most scientists achieved their most important breakthroughs in their 20s ( early 20s even). artists peak later, but most writers produce their best work in their 30s/40s and fall off. academics too. it's inescapable. especially things like working memory and processing speed, they tend to go in your 20s

              • 5 months ago

                >but yes cognitive decline is inevitable
                No it is not. Cognitive decline can be reversed just like physical decline can, see

                That's just your cope, boomer. We have plenty of medications today that slow or even reverse brain aging. SSRIs, for example, have shown to help in increasing gray matter volume.

                I'm going to be physically and mentally IST for quite some time.

              • 5 months ago

                it really can't. I can link you a study that claims SSRI's cause neuronal apoptosis, and it wouldn't mean anything. there's a consensus in cognitive science that we don't have the means to stave off cognitive decline at all. only very experimental and dubious options, which you cling to with the desperation of a drowning man

              • 5 months ago

                >I can link you a study that claims SSRI's cause neuronal apoptosis
                Well do so then. I just posted a study done in humans which showed increased gray matter volume.
                >there's a consensus in cognitive science that we don't have the means to stave off cognitive decline at all.
                > only very experimental and dubious options
                Even the alzheimer's research has finally shown some improvement.
                >which you cling to with the desperation of a drowning man
                Why are you so hostile to people fighting the very thing killing us all? Do you want to die?
                Anyway I'm still fairly young so by the time I'll hit 80-90, FDA-approved medication with the sole purpose of improving brain mass will already exist and be off-patent. Not that I'll ever need them anyway because my current stack will keep my brain in good shape until well until by 100s.

              • 5 months ago

                because it's hubris. I'm not hostile to it, I pity it. you're talking as if you hitting 100 is a near certainty. that's bordering on arrogance

              • 5 months ago

                In order to achieve something, you must visualize doing it first. I believe in myself.

              • 5 months ago

                life is such a fragile, fleeting thing. one of my best mates died of a brain tumor at 26, despite being health-conscious and leading an active lifestyle. your life is an infinite equation that can equal death at any moment and you only have a very limited set of variables within your control. just remember to enjoy life

              • 5 months ago

                My biggest fear. I worry I’ll do everything right only to get israeliteed by bad luck in the end. I’m not even talking about le longevity but in general

              • 5 months ago

                yes, I know that feeling too. his death made me contemplate the callous randomness of our existence. I mean that insight is always there in the background but experiencing it firsthand is elucidating

                either way, if investing in longevity actually gives you meaning, in a deeper existential sense, not just out of fear-driven hedonism or the dread of missing out, by all means go for it friend

              • 5 months ago

                What is the point of living for the sake of living?

              • 5 months ago

                Wtf are you talking about?

              • 5 months ago

                >my current stack will keep my brain in good shape until well until by 100s.
                what's your current stack?

            • 5 months ago

              >telomerase inducers
              Telomerase activation leads to the development of cancer. Threading the needle between regenerating the body's tissues and preventing uncontrolled growth is hard to do, and it's the challenge that deflated the hype around hormone replacement in the 90s. There is a very real possibility that you will fail catastrophically in your quest for optimization and shorten your lifespan unnecessarily.

        • 5 months ago

          >I got pills for that too 😉

      • 5 months ago

        just have a nice day then. life is suffering, get it over with.

    • 5 months ago

      >does horribly and alone due to modern medicine

      • 5 months ago

        >t. malding brainlet that falls for meme diets

    • 5 months ago


      Even more than millennials, zoomies are absolutely TERRIFIED of the prospect that they won’t look 20 forever. They all avoid the sun or wear sunscreen and every 24-27 year old I know uses tretinoin. They also LOVE being mistaken for looking younger than they are and will brag about it constantly.

      What’s so different about this generation? Is it the fear of losing youth (which they probably wasted doomscrolling) and having to grow up?

      When death comes for you, you will weep while He laughs.

    • 5 months ago

      That's an immunosuppressant.....anon pls

      • 5 months ago

        Not if you use it once a week/biweekly/monthly at a higher dose. It's the medicine with the most robust evidence for life extension in all animals its been tried at so far.

        • 5 months ago

          Have you noticed any effects on the rate of muscle growth? One of the main functions of mTORC1 is regulating protein synthesis, after all.

    • 5 months ago

      >not dutasteride for maximum anti aging

      • 5 months ago

        I cannot tolerate dutasteride, likely because it messes up my T-E ratio too much which fin didn't. I'm aware of dutasteride effects on 5ar1 which leads to skin anti-aging effects.

        Most guys didn't need these things until recently. Stay receding, zoomie


    • 5 months ago

      The concepts of fighting again age, time and destiny itself have been covered since the ancient greeks.
      Zoomies will gladly be the unwitting actors of ancient tragicomedia in real time.

      • 5 months ago

        >The concepts of fighting again age, time and destiny itself have been covered since the ancient greeks.
        Back then they didn't have medicine and technology.

        • 5 months ago

          Nothing is new under the sun

          • 5 months ago

            What kind of uberboomer are you?

    • 5 months ago

      >I wanna live forever
      careful what you wish for

    • 5 months ago

      People have been wishing this forever. We did not evolve for it. Even if we did have magic restore shit. The only way you’re living forever if putting your brain into a computer and at that point are you even still alive?

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah i wanna put my brain in a computer.

  6. 5 months ago

    Zoomers made "being young" part of their identity and now it's slipping.

    • 5 months ago

      >Zoomers made "being young" part of their identity
      They really did tho lmao

  7. 5 months ago

    You are expected to have a pure image through social media and pictures which has superseded the total effect of walking into a room your voice your movements your actual personality none of this is really there it's just one of 50 shitty cell phone pictures with the right filters and touch-ups and Lighting and then a short blurb that's you

    • 5 months ago

      Ah, so this is why I have trouble gaining followers on my personal Instagram account.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah I mean I have no problem picking up women and stuff in real life but the temptation to sit inside in your underwear and just browse human beings is there. I've seen girls scrolling absolute Chad thunderwieners but if you're okayish looking and you just talk to her, engage personally, boom you're first in line. Phone goes in Pocket, we're good.

        Unless you're actually getting paid to post pictures squatting on top of protein powder in a Miami Airbnb that porn was recently shot in, I don't see what the point of caring about stuff like Tinder or Instagram followers is. The juice just is not worth the squeeze.

    • 5 months ago

      Also I'd add yeah we're getting anti-aging in touch up stuff like motherfrickers 20 and getting Botox all of these receding hairline eunuchs on minoxidil and finasteride etc etc but it's not going to be like Soma in Brave New World it's not going to be a thing everybody's on and everyone's on the same page it's going to be probably a lot of Millennials aging like shit due to inactivity and no culture of basically looks maxing sociopathy while still being man children and Zoomers sort of inhabiting this social media field space of mostly filters and Lighting or paying professionals to curate their image and probably a lot of erectile dysfunction and man boobs along the way caused by some of these substances for hideous surgeries gone wrong like fake asses and so on.

      You'll have some very good looking Rich famous people and a lot of losers trying to live up to the standard and failing miserably sometimes at the cost of their own health or lives.

      • 5 months ago

        >all of these receding hairline eunuchs
        Finasteride and dutasteride luckily do not have a negative influence on sperm quality.
        >and probably a lot of erectile dysfunction
        Which can also be addressed by modern medication such as tadalafil, statins and l-citrulline.

        Your whole post is just a giant boomer cope.

        • 5 months ago

          Most guys didn't need these things until recently. Stay receding, zoomie

  8. 5 months ago

    I assume they want to return to a time when someone took care of or gave a shit about them desperately.

  9. 5 months ago

    more likely people just don't want to become proper adults. It will change when gen A starts coming up and suddenly 25 year old zoomers won't be able to relate to 16-17 year old Alpha's that are bringing in the new culture, words, memes, etc.

    People think life peaks at 21 because you look your best, have no responsibility and that if you haven't made it as a millionaire dropshipping vlogger by 23 you're a failure. Reality will hit them like it hits everyone that they won't even get a mediocre life if they don't get their shit together and grow up a bit.

    • 5 months ago

      >more likely people just don't want to become proper adults.
      Proper adult != becoming a boomer
      >suddenly 25 year old zoomers won't be able to relate to 16-17 year old Alpha's that are bringing in the new culture, words, memes, etc.
      So what? How does that relate to wanting to look, feel and be young?


      When death comes for you, you will weep while He laughs.

      Why are you such a cuck? Why do you worship your own demise? Are you moronic?

      • 5 months ago

        I've made peace with my coming demise. I am complete. Are you?

        • 5 months ago

          So you are a loser and a quitter. I, for one, want to at least fight and win against aging with the tools currently available.

          • 5 months ago

            Surrender is not acceptance. I will live beyond my body. My will and my actions will ring in the hearts of those I've loved. Can you say the same, homosexual?

            • 5 months ago

              >Slathering acid on your face
              >Anti aging
              Just kek. Retinoids are for acne precisely because they speed up the process of cell mitosis (aging). In the long term it is going to destroy your face which is why 25 year old zoomer women look like shit because they've been putting that shit on their face along with makeup.

              Ideal anti aging is sedentary life style with minimal training for posture, dutasteride and BPC-157 (use sparingly). MK-677 can be used on occasion to clear up your skin and reduce wrinkles but don't use it longer than 3 months since high long term ages you. Short term it can conceal aging and heal you to levels your body otherwise wouldn't

              Absolute boomer cope.

              • 5 months ago

                You didn't answer the question. Answer it Narcissus.

              • 5 months ago

                Boomers would rather spend what's left of their children's inheritance just for five more pathetic, sedentary years of watching TV than face their death with whatever dignity and grace they have left.

          • 5 months ago

            Why do you wish for more time?
            To throw it away on luxury? living in the moment? very african of you.
            no future nor past, only the ever fleeting moment.
            It makes sense, you can not influence your future, you are a slave to ZOG, and therefore when someone looks to your wasted past, you can only feel shame as you timidly say "yeah well im still young, i still have time, ill succeed one day"

            • 5 months ago

              Because I want to be alive.
              Imagine killing yourself to own le ZOG fricking moron.

              • 5 months ago

                >gracefully accepting the inevitable is surrendering to ZOG
                It’s not heroism that drives you it’s vanity.
                Heroism would be accepting and living in spite of old age. Not wasting your life trying to deny a subset of life.

      • 5 months ago

        >So what? How does that relate to wanting to look, feel and be young?
        because no matter what supplements, filters, clothing, etc. the actual young people are going to consider you an old frick that's pathetically coping. The same way young people look at bogged older celebrities.

        You're posting as if people aren't getting fatter and uglier each passing year. I've seen 18 year olds hit the wall already. Every single 19 year old thinks "I'm going to be different" and then life smacks them in a face with a shovel and you're out there in the open water just trying your best to balance everything.

        • 5 months ago

          >the actual young people are going to consider you an old frick that's pathetically coping.
          >I've seen 18 year olds hit the wall already.
          I've seen many people my age hit the wall hard already when I still get treated like I'm in my young 20s by strangers. Not even a manlet.

        • 5 months ago

          this is true. it's also much more genetically determined than people want to accept. in any case, if you want to fight and look good, that's a noble cause to a certain extent. but don't delude yourself in thinking you'll look a decade younger, you'll look your age but you'll be in prime condition for your age. the rest depends on your baseline looks

          • 5 months ago

            exactly, that's what I'm trying to get this other moron to understand. Ultimately nobody gives a shit how young you look, and sperging about protocols isn't going to shoo away the reaper.

            Be healthy because you're going to have more quality years in year life, but a couple of wrinkles or a higher hairline? Grow the frick up.

            • 5 months ago

              >Ultimately nobody gives a shit how young you look
              Looking young and handsome is beneficial for you regardless of age. It'll also help you feel better.
              >Be healthy because you're going to have more quality years in year life
              If you look like shit, you won't have quality years ahead of you.

      • 5 months ago

        >worship your own demise
        What demise, it's just a transition into a new form

  10. 5 months ago

    I don't blame them. Past 30 you're just waiting to die. You're just wagie cattle. Typical boomer talk, mutual funds, mortgages, and their wife divorcing them, and how young people suck. What a miserable existence.

    • 5 months ago

      >You're just wagie cattle. Typical boomer talk, mutual funds, mortgages, and their wife divorcing them, and how young people suck. What a miserable existence.
      This lol. remember how when you were a kid and you thought "grown ups" were lame and dorky? well thats what most people turn into once they hit 25. lol.

  11. 5 months ago

    >not wanting to be in as good of shape as possible, for as much of your life as possible
    Some people definitely take it too far, past the point of severely diminishing returns, but it's largely just a broader awareness of the deleterious effects of excess sun exposure, poor skincare, etc.

  12. 5 months ago

    No one really wants to grow old and die. The more old you get the less you want to get older. At least faith made some people accept it now that is gone and the terror is worse.

    • 5 months ago

      Also people just aren't really living. We partied really hard and there was a controlled media presence you know like people with Polaroids and stuff or flip phone cameras iPhones were kind of new. Now the primary point of a concert or whatever is to translate that experience into social media on record so people are kind of performing while they're there. They're not actually partying if you know what I mean.

      I think that has a lot to do with not feeling like you fricked enough people not feeling like you had enough hard experiences Wild Nights all that stuff. I don't think people are having real experiences in real human interactions so they're not progressing as human beings they're kind of just reaching sexual maturity and then...and then and then.

      Our great grandfathers were going to war in 15 our grandfather's were supporting families at 18 and our fathers were settling down with our mothers at 23. I barely felt like I was ready for a full-time job or to cohabitate with my girlfriend at 22. I still wanted to play World of Warcraft in my underwear all day. A lot of these younger dudes are in their early twenties and haven't had sex it's not just IST.

      • 5 months ago

        Just ignore it. Skip the partybro phase and go straight through to grumpy old hermit more. Focus on wealth, study mathematical esoteric hitlerism and be that eccentric recluse that everyone is afraid of. Stop treating set backs as crutches and instead use them as ladders. Let the rest of the zoomers flounder with muh no sex and working at toys r us at 27. You need to be reclusemaxxing. You need to become a literal vampire. Whatever childish fantasy you had: become that. Become Dorian Gray. Become Hitler. Become Napoleon. Become Batman. Stop focusing on stuff you don't excel at (relationships).

        As for effective anti aging dut is the way to go. Estrogen if you want to be a literal troony. Retinoids are a meme and so are nootropics

        • 5 months ago

          Well we were Goths so we got to both party and act like vampires that was part of the fun. I'm not taking Estrogen. I've seen an entire generation change their pronouns in their bios and take up anime PFP's to die alone, like youth marching off to the front in WWI.

      • 5 months ago

        You sound naive and asian. The more things change, the more things stay the same. You aren’t as special as you think you are.

        • 5 months ago

          No you guys are just genderless spergs.

      • 5 months ago

        I agree with that first paragraph, you can't 'let loose' anymore, lest you end up being videoed or made fun of.
        There is more to life than being a teenager/young adult too, and people don't understand that so want to hold onto those years as much as possible.

        You sound naive and asian. The more things change, the more things stay the same. You aren’t as special as you think you are.

        So people spending all day on the internet, not having kids or sex is 'the same' as it always has been?

      • 5 months ago

        I would encourage you to take a 1 week long break from the internet. The internet is not representative of real life.

        • 5 months ago

          He's right though and it is the most apparent at social events and parties. The people with the most groomed online presence and most attuned to photo/video/snapchat story ops are physically there but not actually there. It's a performative existence centered around curating an image of living at the expense of actually living

  13. 5 months ago

    That's litereally me. I'm 23 already and im terrified

    currently my morning/night routine is:
    >cleanser with glycolic acid
    >retinoid/sea algae based cream
    >finish with lavander oil

    I also quit sugar and processed foods

    I still feel like I'm not doing near enough tho


    • 5 months ago

      How far are you willing to go and what is your budget? What are you goals? As a white or black male, you should definitely add finasteride/dutasteride and sunscreen.

      • 5 months ago

        why? to delay my bone growth or something?

        >What are you goals? As a white
        I wanna look like pic rel at 30

        • 5 months ago

          >to delay my bone growth or something?
          Finasteride is used to keep your hair which can make or break your appearence as a male.
          Finasteride should only be used as an adult when you are done growing and if anything, the 10% higher estrogen is good for bone mass.
          >I wanna look like pic rel at 30
          Then finasteride, sunscreen, a moisturizer and tretinoin should be enough.

          • 5 months ago

            For hair I'm using a mix of rosemary, castor and argan oil which is scientifically proven to revert hair loss and work as good as a 2% minoxidil

            I noticed only a slight bit tinning and since I've started using these my hair looks fuller and like I regained some of my hair

            • 5 months ago

              >For hair I'm using a mix of rosemary, castor and argan oil which is scientifically proven to revert hair loss and work as good as a 2% minoxidil
              I've seen the studies and the methology was awful. None of those substances are anywhere near 2% minoxidil in reality.
              >I noticed only a slight bit tinning and since I've started using these my hair looks fuller and like I regained some of my hair
              That's the placebo effect, unironically.

          • 5 months ago

            >the 10% higher estrogen is good for bone mass
            lying troony

            why are you trying to fool young men you fricking piece of shit. to join your los illuminados like resident evil cult?

            • 5 months ago

              >why are you trying to fool young men you fricking piece of shit.
              Why are you trying to make other men go bald? Stop being a bald piece of shit.

    • 5 months ago

      finasteride. DHT ages you like crazy. when i started fin I would get mistaken for a teenager

      • 5 months ago

        Please tell me there is something better than a troony drug

        • 5 months ago

          men have been using fin since the 90s. troonys barely existed 5 years ago. it's not their drug.

          • 5 months ago

            You're talking to an alt-right baldie who thinks self-care is for trannies. Don't even bother trying to argue with those types because they are completely moronic.

    • 5 months ago

      >Slathering acid on your face
      >Anti aging
      Just kek. Retinoids are for acne precisely because they speed up the process of cell mitosis (aging). In the long term it is going to destroy your face which is why 25 year old zoomer women look like shit because they've been putting that shit on their face along with makeup.

      Ideal anti aging is sedentary life style with minimal training for posture, dutasteride and BPC-157 (use sparingly). MK-677 can be used on occasion to clear up your skin and reduce wrinkles but don't use it longer than 3 months since high long term ages you. Short term it can conceal aging and heal you to levels your body otherwise wouldn't

      • 5 months ago

        Oh yeah. Don't fall into the nootropic trap. Metformin is garbage and so are the ray pest troony pills like pregnenolone

        • 5 months ago

          >Metformin is garbage
          It's an relatively safe off-patent drug that can be used for weight loss and decrease a diabetic's need for insulin, it goes without saying that no one without a prescription should be gobbling down random drugs based on forum posts.

      • 5 months ago

        So you're telling me to ditch glycolic acid, retinol and also not buy the hyaluronic acid?

      • 5 months ago

        Glycolic and Hyaluronic Acid for Anti-Aging:

        >Glycolic Acid: Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that can help exfoliate the skin, leading to smoother texture and potentially reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can also promote collagen production. However, it's crucial to use it in appropriate concentrations and follow the recommended usage guidelines to avoid irritation.

        >Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic acid is known for its ability to hydrate and plump the skin. While it doesn't directly address aging signs like fine lines, it helps maintain skin moisture, contributing to a more youthful appearance.

        These acids are generally considered beneficial for anti-aging when used correctly, but individual reactions vary.


        >Retinoids and Aging: Retinoids, such as retinol and tretinoin, are widely recognized for their anti-aging properties. They can stimulate collagen production, promote cell turnover, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. While they are indeed effective, they can cause irritation, and it's essential to introduce them gradually into your skincare routine.

        >Cell Mitosis and Aging: The statement that retinoids speed up the process of cell mitosis (cell division) leading to aging is not accurate. Retinoids can increase cell turnover, which is often beneficial for skin renewal. However, misuse or overuse can cause irritation, and it's essential to follow proper guidelines.

        • 5 months ago

          Because acid causes stress to the skin and causes cell division which promotes the appearance of younger skin (because it is technically). Long term it is terrible the same way HGH is terrible long term but makes you look younger short term

          • 5 months ago

            do you think putting ice on skin everyday would help or make it even worse

            • 5 months ago

              Literally nothing. Temporarily it can reduce bloat but doesn't address the causes of bloating or inflammation.

              Actually make your skin younger with dutasteride to wipe out DHT or literal estrogen

              • 5 months ago

                >Actually make your skin younger with dutasteride to wipe out DHT or literal estrogen
                i will NOT use troony drugs

                I just wanna decrease aging from outside with skin care and inside being only no sugar and shit processed foods. no drugs

              • 5 months ago

                Bro, caring about your skin is for trannies bro. Listen to OP and tan yourself in the sun like a real man bro.

              • 5 months ago

                if you can stomach them, go ahead. but the idea that systemically eradicating dht is a good option for most men seems unfounded to me. I experimented with 5ar-inhibitors, and while my dick din't fall off I did feel more anxious, depressed, less energized

              • 5 months ago

                >I experimented with 5ar-inhibitors, and while my dick din't fall off I did feel more anxious, depressed, less energized
                Which could very well be placebo. Newer studies have up to 60% of people experiencing side effects in the placebo group (compared to 62% in the finasteride group).

              • 5 months ago

                possibly. but I also experimented with elevated levels of dht and the mood improvement is incredible. this is corroborated by anyone who has taken highly androgenic steroids

                the idea that you're inhibiting your most androgenic hormone is somewhat frightening. I know many fin copers like to claim that DHT is a superfluous hormone post-puberty but the fact remains that the system of interaction is so complex we don't even understand the more subtle implications long-term

              • 5 months ago

                >but I also experimented with elevated levels of dht and the mood improvement is incredible. this is corroborated by anyone who has taken highly androgenic steroids
                I felt like shit with my naturally high DHT even before I lost hair.
                >the idea that you're inhibiting your most androgenic hormone is somewhat frightening
                It may be "most androgenic" but because it's a paracrine hormone, it won't help with muscle growth nor with fertility (at least not natural DHT).
                >but the fact remains that the system of interaction is so complex we don't even understand the more subtle implications long-term
                Finasteride has been used for over 30 years and there are dozens of studies done on it. How much more "long-term" do you need?

              • 5 months ago

                >the idea that men would eradicate Dht is unfounded to me
                >I experimented with drugs that eradicate Dht

              • 5 months ago

                what could possibly be so confusing about that as to inspire three (3) question marks?
                he got meme'd into something and then later researched more and decided the concept was unfounded

              • 5 months ago

                How is it unfounded if he himself once thought it was a good idea. Whatever rationale he had in experimenting with it for the first time, can he not understand that other men may have that same rationale? Or is he too busy jerking off to Le Science and his own intelligence?

              • 5 months ago

                sometimes people just get convinced about something and don't do robust research themselves or look for contrary opinion
                it seems like that's what happens more often than not. way more people espouse that DHT and other 5ar reduced steroids are useless or harmful after puberty than vice versa so it's pretty understandable

          • 5 months ago

            >Many skincare acids, such as glycolic acid, are used for exfoliation and promoting skin renewal. While they can cause a mild "stress" to the skin by encouraging cell turnover, this is generally considered a positive effect as it helps to remove dead skin cells and reveal fresher, more youthful-looking skin.
            Cell Division and Younger Skin:

            >The idea that increased cell division caused by acids leads to the appearance of younger skin is somewhat accurate. Exfoliating acids can promote cell turnover, stimulating the production of new, healthier skin cells. This can contribute to improved skin texture and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
            Long-Term Effects of Acids:

            >The long-term effects of using acids on the skin depend on various factors, including the type and concentration of the acid, as well as how well an individual's skin tolerates it. When used correctly and in moderation, many acids can be beneficial for long-term skin health. However, excessive or improper use can lead to irritation and other issues.
            Comparison to HGH (Human Growth Hormone):

            >Comparing skincare acids to HGH is not entirely accurate. HGH is a hormone involved in growth and development, and its use for anti-aging purposes is a complex and controversial topic. Skincare acids work locally on the skin's surface and are not systemic like HGH.

            • 5 months ago

              Yes, cell division Black person. Aka aging. And your comparison with HGH is laughable
              >Skincare works locally while HGH is systematic
              Uh yeah? Doesn't disprove the fundamental point that cell division is aging at it's corr

            • 5 months ago

              Thanks chat gpt

        • 5 months ago

          >Cell Mitosis and Aging: The statement that retinoids speed up the process of cell mitosis (cell division) leading to aging is not accurate.
          How so?
          I use retinol and I know that it speeds up cell turnover. It's my understanding that over the span of lets say 20 years my skin will go through more cycles than a non-retinol user.

          Sure my skin will look better during that time, but won't the increased cell turnover result in more accumulated damage due to more cell division cycles?

          • 5 months ago

            Your skin has more cell stock than you could possibly use up in 100 years, even with tretinoin.

            • 5 months ago

              then why the frick do we die so soon? why do we get wrinkled at all?
              (not that anon)

              • 5 months ago

                The hayflick limit is the the limiting factor for longevity. Right now we are mostly dying due to ASCVD (apoB/LDL, high blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes, obesity), cancer (can be caused by food, weight, genetics or due to sheer randomness), infections, accidents, alzheimers/dementia and a few others. If we addressed most of those, we'd get to 120-150 and only at that point does the cell stock run out (but even for that there are solutions).

              • 5 months ago

                *is not the limiting factor

              • 5 months ago

                interesting stuff.
                cancers are caused by cell mutations, right? so i'd guess that, as we get to the last decades of our potential for cell division, the probability for a significant mutation just approaches 100% for most people? especially those with poor genetic/lifestyle factors, but even just pure chance after a certain point.
                do any elderly people truly die of "natural causes" where they've just outlived their potential for cell division, or is it all various illnesses that become almost inescapably probable past a certain amount of time?

              • 5 months ago

                Even if you can avoid cancer completely, once all or most of your cells enter senescence your body becomes incapable of fulfilling most of its functions and shuts down.

            • 5 months ago

              doesn't more cell division = more accumulated DNA damage from cell division
              >cell stock

              • 5 months ago

                There's no data to suggest that tretinoin increases skin cancer rates. Likely it cancels out because the younger skin suppresses cancer better than old skin.

                >gracefully accepting the inevitable is surrendering to ZOG
                It’s not heroism that drives you it’s vanity.
                Heroism would be accepting and living in spite of old age. Not wasting your life trying to deny a subset of life.

                >gracefully accepting the inevitable is surrendering to ZOG
                Why don't you have a nice day to really OWN the ZOG? /misc/ would be proud of you.
                >Heroism would be accepting and living in spite of old age.
                I don't want to be considered a hero by some /misc/ shitskin on IST.

              • 5 months ago

                >There's no data to suggest that tretinoin increases skin cancer rates. Likely it cancels out because the younger skin suppresses cancer better than old skin.
                sure but skin cancer isn't the only thing that DNA damage can lead to. You also get senescent cells and probably other shit I'm not aware of
                > https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/35/22/7417/2401019

              • 5 months ago

                Not all senescent cells are bad for your health (some aid in wound healing).

        • 5 months ago

          What's the difference between cell turnover and cell division?

        • 5 months ago

          >Many skincare acids, such as glycolic acid, are used for exfoliation and promoting skin renewal. While they can cause a mild "stress" to the skin by encouraging cell turnover, this is generally considered a positive effect as it helps to remove dead skin cells and reveal fresher, more youthful-looking skin.
          Cell Division and Younger Skin:

          >The idea that increased cell division caused by acids leads to the appearance of younger skin is somewhat accurate. Exfoliating acids can promote cell turnover, stimulating the production of new, healthier skin cells. This can contribute to improved skin texture and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
          Long-Term Effects of Acids:

          >The long-term effects of using acids on the skin depend on various factors, including the type and concentration of the acid, as well as how well an individual's skin tolerates it. When used correctly and in moderation, many acids can be beneficial for long-term skin health. However, excessive or improper use can lead to irritation and other issues.
          Comparison to HGH (Human Growth Hormone):

          >Comparing skincare acids to HGH is not entirely accurate. HGH is a hormone involved in growth and development, and its use for anti-aging purposes is a complex and controversial topic. Skincare acids work locally on the skin's surface and are not systemic like HGH.

          >Im 23
          you don't need an anti-aging routine.

          tretinoin is basically a prescription version of retinol, if you've heard of that. don't bother using either of them until you're pushing 30, it can actually be detrimental to younger skin.
          the way it works is it increases the skin's turnover rate, so the outer layers that are damaged and wrinkled are shed, exposing smoother, younger looking skin underneath. plus is stimulates collagen production, which plumps up the lower layers of the skin.
          it's not something you need until your skin actually begins aging, which yours hasn't yet. it can also be extremely drying and increases your sensitivity to sunlight, which can actually increase photoaging unless you add in an SPF product.

          at your age, unless you have specific skin issues, all you really need is moisturiser. maybe a gentle cleanser in the evening to get rid of environmental pollutants accumulated throughout the day (followed with moisturiser). maybe an SPF in the morning if you have prolonged exposure to sunlight throughout the day, but that's overhyped by people whose skin is extra sensitive due to things like retinol use.

          Honestly if you need all of this to attract another female it's been over for you for a while now. By now you should have realized this.

          • 5 months ago

            Looksmaxxing doesn't just improve your dating life, it improves all aspects of your life. Anyone saying otherwise is a coping, balding loser.

            • 5 months ago

              I like how you assumed I was talking to you. It's really over for you.
              Shit genetics, reroll.

              • 5 months ago

                Keep coping boomer

          • 5 months ago

            >Attract another female

        • 5 months ago

          Yes goy, ditch the long chain naturally occurring amino acids (peptides) for synthetic chemicals

      • 5 months ago

        Goodbye dick

        • 5 months ago

          As someone who actually got side effects from dutasteride when I had none from finasteride, I gotta say that dutasteride is still a very safe drug and over 95% of people don't have any side effects on it either.

  14. 5 months ago

    This guy looks like he's at least 40

  15. 5 months ago

    social media, everyone is getting ridiculed about everything nowadays

  16. 5 months ago

    What its tret? Im 23 and never heard of it. I use sunscreen tho. Whats a good anti aging routine?

    • 5 months ago

      >Im 23
      you don't need an anti-aging routine.

      tretinoin is basically a prescription version of retinol, if you've heard of that. don't bother using either of them until you're pushing 30, it can actually be detrimental to younger skin.
      the way it works is it increases the skin's turnover rate, so the outer layers that are damaged and wrinkled are shed, exposing smoother, younger looking skin underneath. plus is stimulates collagen production, which plumps up the lower layers of the skin.
      it's not something you need until your skin actually begins aging, which yours hasn't yet. it can also be extremely drying and increases your sensitivity to sunlight, which can actually increase photoaging unless you add in an SPF product.

      at your age, unless you have specific skin issues, all you really need is moisturiser. maybe a gentle cleanser in the evening to get rid of environmental pollutants accumulated throughout the day (followed with moisturiser). maybe an SPF in the morning if you have prolonged exposure to sunlight throughout the day, but that's overhyped by people whose skin is extra sensitive due to things like retinol use.

      • 5 months ago

        Can you provide some info for anti-aging/skin care routines?

        t. 30 years old and I get mistaken for early 20s, but afraid it will start to fade in the next couple of years

        • 5 months ago

          Sure dude. Wash your face. Be a man. Don’t be weird about it or troon out.

        • 5 months ago

          i'm no expert, consider this a jumping off point rather than a specific routine recommendation.
          i'd say these are the main components of an anti-aging skincare routine, and you don't necessarily need all of them:

          >a cleanser (morning and/or evening)
          self explanatory
          (i use cera ve's salicylic acid cleanser in the morning. salicylic acid is a BHA, an oil-soluble chemical exfoliant. basically it can break up things like blackheads/acne/sebaceous filaments, which i get. if you have dry skin, avoid this).
          >a retinoid (evening)
          increases skin cell turnover and collagen production
          (i use The Ordinary's 1% in squalane up to twice a week. if you've never used a retinol before, start with the lowest percentage you can find and don't use more than twice a week for at least a month. i did eventually build up to daily use without visible issues, but it made my skin feel sensitive so i dialled it back down. expect some acne and flaking in the first few weeks, as well as increased sensitivity to sunlight, hence only using it in the evening, along with a sunscreen in the morning)
          >an antioxidant
          mops up free radicals caused by sun exposure to help prevent damage before it starts
          (i used to use Timeless's vitamin c/e/ferulic serum every other evening, but it's expensive so i'm shopping around for a new one)

          • 5 months ago


            >a sunscreen (morning)
            prevents sun damage in the first place
            (i use any cheap 15SPF moisturiser to get me through my morning commute. search for moisturisers with SPF rather than sunscreens, otherwise you'll only find the greasy beach kind. you should definitely use a sunscreen if you use any retinol or exfoliants, but honestly i think sunscreen is a bit overhyped so long as you generally wear a hat, favour the shade, and don't spend all day by a sunny window)
            >an exfoliator (evening)
            to shed dead skin cells and unclog pores
            (my cleanser sort of does this, but i also use The Ordinary's AHA/BHA peel every ~4 weeks. use with real caution, very strong stuff, honestly kinda overkill but i have it so i use it. but in general, always favour a chemical exfoliant over a physical one, as they're counter-intuitively more gentle so long as you use them correctly. as said, BHA is oil soluble and cleans up excess oils, whereas AHA is water-soluble and cleans up dead skin cells)
            >a moisturiser (morning and evening)
            self explanatory, and honestly the only particularly important one on the list
            (i use anything affordable that smells and feels nice. been using various Sukin moisturisers for a while)

            honestly i would start with JUST a moisturiser and maybe a cleanser, stick with those for at least a month, and see how your skin adjusts to being fricked with. that way your skin can get used to it, and if things go south there are only a few suspects to blame. loading up your skin with 1000 new products is a recipe for disaster, even if they're all good.
            after that, add in a sunscreen and wait another month. then add in any of the rest as you like, one at a time.

            but like i said, it's mostly just about moisturiser lmao. don't take this to be a shopping list, just some starting information to help you not get TOO lost in a void of consumerism.

          • 5 months ago


            >a sunscreen (morning)
            prevents sun damage in the first place
            (i use any cheap 15SPF moisturiser to get me through my morning commute. search for moisturisers with SPF rather than sunscreens, otherwise you'll only find the greasy beach kind. you should definitely use a sunscreen if you use any retinol or exfoliants, but honestly i think sunscreen is a bit overhyped so long as you generally wear a hat, favour the shade, and don't spend all day by a sunny window)
            >an exfoliator (evening)
            to shed dead skin cells and unclog pores
            (my cleanser sort of does this, but i also use The Ordinary's AHA/BHA peel every ~4 weeks. use with real caution, very strong stuff, honestly kinda overkill but i have it so i use it. but in general, always favour a chemical exfoliant over a physical one, as they're counter-intuitively more gentle so long as you use them correctly. as said, BHA is oil soluble and cleans up excess oils, whereas AHA is water-soluble and cleans up dead skin cells)
            >a moisturiser (morning and evening)
            self explanatory, and honestly the only particularly important one on the list
            (i use anything affordable that smells and feels nice. been using various Sukin moisturisers for a while)

            honestly i would start with JUST a moisturiser and maybe a cleanser, stick with those for at least a month, and see how your skin adjusts to being fricked with. that way your skin can get used to it, and if things go south there are only a few suspects to blame. loading up your skin with 1000 new products is a recipe for disaster, even if they're all good.
            after that, add in a sunscreen and wait another month. then add in any of the rest as you like, one at a time.

            but like i said, it's mostly just about moisturiser lmao. don't take this to be a shopping list, just some starting information to help you not get TOO lost in a void of consumerism.

            This sounds very gay

  17. 5 months ago

    We Need To Talk About Bryan

  18. 5 months ago

    Just be asian. You can be 35 and look 5 to 10 years younger

    • 5 months ago

      Truth. However, the scientific reason is that Asian skin tends to be oilier and thicker than other races.

      Honestly, at the end of the day, a massive part is genetics but aside from that just do the following:

      - Little to no alcohol
      - Plenty of sleep (this varies from person)
      - Lots of water (just drink when thirsty)
      - Moisturize your skin when it's dry
      - Avoid overly processed foods, especially those high in sugar
      - Stay thin/Exercise a few times a week (even just walking)
      - Stay stress-free (we're all going to die anyway at which point everyone will forget any mistakes you made)

      • 5 months ago

        What's funny about that list is that Asians follow none of that and look considerably younger

        • 5 months ago

          Some people have the right genetics that easily bring them over the age of 100, others will decline in their 50s unless they combat it using modern medicine. Is this a difficult concept for you to understand?

      • 5 months ago

        Seeing the jap for the first time made me realize that women don't innately hate older men dating younger women, just when the man has aged physically. No one would care if he dated some twenty year old. Women hate seeing beautiful women being with an ugly man, it honestly makes sense eugenically/evolutionarily. An ugly man has poor genes, an old man poor sperm; both with poor offspring as a result, weakening the tribe. If you sufficiently keep your health up and stay young, this will affect your sperm quality as well. I also think that people are just very visually programmed and if someone looks young, them being old does not compute in one's head. If you don't want to get bothered by gays for dating someone your junior you better youthmaxx

        • 5 months ago

          To add to this, a beautiful woman being with an ugly man gives the impression of coercion. Why would it otherwise happen? Same with young/old couples. Women don't care about old female young male couples in this regard cuz the female wouldn't be able to physically coerce the man. Also, both sexes experience conflict of interest in the judgement of old/young couples with regards to their own romantic options

  19. 5 months ago

    IST and especially /fit never helps. you ask them for skin care tips and they tell you to fricking use troony drugs. Out of all the skin care in the world it's useless and I should use drugs instead? why are you IST c**ts always so useless.

    • 5 months ago

      Ok then do OMAD, lather urine on your face (uric acid removes acne) and eat little refined carbs. Quit your job so you can sleep when you want

    • 5 months ago

      >you ask them for skin care tips and they tell you to fricking use troony drugs.
      Why do you care about skin care? Are you a troony? Only women and trannies do skin care!!! Real men tan in the sun and eat meat soaked in butter!!!

      • 5 months ago

        Real men suck each others wieners and frick each others buttholes

        • 5 months ago

          This. Anyone who isn't into hardcore gay stuff is a troony.

  20. 5 months ago

    We saw you old and wrinkly motherfrickers, and decided that we won't be like that.
    You can keep your lizardskin.

  21. 5 months ago

    One proven way to eternal life

    • 5 months ago

      I believe in god but not in life after death.

    • 5 months ago

      Oh no, the christtard confuses his beliefs for factual information.

  22. 5 months ago

    having a family ages the shit out of you. most of my friends are early 30s and once they got a kid or two things really started to crash down. one doesn't have kids or a serious relationship, but his lifestyle is horrible. smokes, uses heroin, stressful corporate job, yet he looks by far the youngest. like mid 20s at most

    it's seems a roll of the dice mostly. and yeah, don't have kids if you want to look young

    • 5 months ago

      did you post in another thread about your younger looking heroin user friend?

    • 5 months ago

      >don't have kids

  23. 5 months ago

    Brainless will not themselves while high IQ MishimaChads know the only real solution to this dilemma of youthful beauty

    • 5 months ago

      This. If as a man, you think you need to be beautiful, just have soldiers laugh at you while you have a nice day.

  24. 5 months ago

    He seems that he is gonna make it somehow despite the load of shit scam products that he take

  25. 5 months ago

    It's that but I think mainly its the prospect of not being able to have sex with prime sexual partners, especially for men cause we really value youth and fertility.

  26. 5 months ago

    That's a gen alpha not gen z

  27. 5 months ago


  28. 5 months ago

    high saturated fat
    tallow moisturizer
    red light therapy box and green roobios tea serum
    magnesium potassium for electrolytes

    good luck
    >late 20s troony rocking the emo aesthetic that gets mistaken for 16-19 r

    • 5 months ago

      You look like a creepy manikin, wtf your legs look massive for your uncanng child head.

      • 5 months ago

        >he doesn't know

    • 5 months ago

      >high saturated fat
      Remember to smoke and drink alcohol aswell. That way you can die even faster 🙂

  29. 5 months ago

    This is a sign that the end is coming.
    In the 50s and 60s, John B Calhoun began doing experiments on brown rats. For four years, he and his research group created utopias for rats - plenty of living space, endless food and water, protection from predators, and so on. He conducted the experiment multiple times, including with mice instead of rats.
    The result was not utopia. The population did initially increase, but it also - eventually - flatlined, and then collapsed.
    And the behaviour of the rats became erratic. Females were either unable to bring pregnancies to term. If they did give birth, the number that abandoned some or all of their the litter went up, as if they simply forgot the babies.
    The males showed other odd behaviours, including sexual deviancy, cannibalism, and a drive to isolate and hide until the others were asleep.
    But there were also groups that Calhoun called "the beautiful ones". They stayed away from the most crowded areas and would do nothing but eat, sleep, and groom themselves. They kept themselves looking pristine, but had no interest in breeding or in doing anything.
    The conclusion that Calhoun had about the rats was that the behaviours seen were a result of overcrowding as the population increased. If that is the case, the overcrowding of society is to blame.
    Perhaps another explanation would be stress. The rats became stressed by overcrowding; the zoomers are stressed by something in society.
    But all of the signs seem to be there. Not all Zoomers are terrified by the prospect of aging and ugliness, but some are. They are analogous to beautiful ones.
    There are others in society who are comparable to the sexually deviant group (the dogfrickers, for example). The hikikomori types are comparable to the rats who isolate themselves.
    More and more women do not want their children, but unlike the rats they have access to abortions.
    And mental illnesses that degenerate the ability to socialize are more common.
    The end is coming.

    • 5 months ago


  30. 5 months ago

    ok I'm new
    how do you get tretinoin, I use retinol instead

  31. 5 months ago

    We see our parents on 12 medications and suffering because of their poor health, and want to prevent it.
    An attraction to health is a good thing, if anything you can see the boomer to millennial generation as a transient phenomena of ignoring health over a much longer human history of being very health conscious.

  32. 5 months ago

    How does he look younger every time I see a new photo of him? The real life Benjamin Button. From the thumbnail I thought this was a handsome young fresh faced teenager.

  33. 5 months ago

    zoomers think that reaching 30 is a death sentence

    • 5 months ago

      Because getting old fricking sucks.

      Wouldnt be so bad if the world werent run by israeli Blackmancers.

  34. 5 months ago

    Because getting old fricking sucks.

  35. 5 months ago

    There is no reason to be old. In ages past old men and women could participate in the community and nation and 100 men working together could drive the course of history.
    No such thing is possible in the highly curated daycare that is Western Americasphere.
    All there is in the daycare, is youth, and you do not want to be an old man in a daycare.

  36. 5 months ago

    >In primitive societies life is a succession of stages. The needs and purposes of one stage having been fulfilled, there is no particular reluctance about passing on to the next stage. A young man goes through the power process by becoming a hunter, hunting not for sport or for fulfillment but to get meat that is necessary for food.
    >This phase having been successfully passed through, the young man has no reluctance about settling down to the responsibilities of raising a family.
    >Many modern people, on the other hand, are disturbed by the prospect of physical deterioration and death, as is shown by the amount of effort they expend trying to maintain their physical condition, appearance and health. We argue that this is due to unfulfillment resulting from the fact that they have never put their physical powers to any practical use, have never gone through the power process using their bodies in a serious way.

  37. 5 months ago

    >this is the terrified zoomer I've been telling you about

  38. 5 months ago

    feminine kpop looks got popular

    • 5 months ago

      It's called youthmaxxing.

      Sure dude. Wash your face. Be a man. Don’t be weird about it or troon out.

      Only troons wash their wash.

      • 5 months ago

        eat my crust troony

        • 5 months ago

          t. ranny

          Any "le infographics" for it? I rarely visit mongol boards anymore and looksmaxxing forums are full of mentally ill zoomers.

          I don't have any pictures for it. Look up youtube channels like Dr. Brad Stanfield, Nutrition Made Simple, Physionic, Dr. Peter Attia, haircafe and Bryan Johnson to gain an understanding of how to keep yourself looking and feeling younger.

          >i can’t BREED!
          Not my problem.

          You talked about marriage for life, not about breeding (which 40% of people already don't do anymore). Once you go bald expect your wife to leave you.

          • 5 months ago

            That was my first post. Dont reproduce.

            • 5 months ago

              I will reproduce while you will stay bald and ugly.

              • 5 months ago

                Bald people still reproduce and frick, outside of America at least. But I know you'll call that coping and go back to mewing so that your tinder success rate increases by 0.001%.

              • 5 months ago

                America isn't even the worst country in regards to looksmaxxing. China and South Korea are the most extreme in that regard because there's a huge excess in men in both countries and the women are selective as frick.

      • 5 months ago

        Any "le infographics" for it? I rarely visit mongol boards anymore and looksmaxxing forums are full of mentally ill zoomers.

  39. 5 months ago

    Influence of the spirit of Saturn. Their youths were robbed from them by shitty, child abusing parents, and they're desperate to get what they were supposed to get when they were young. They will die on that hill because there's no way forward without it that isn't slavery or insanity. Unfortunately many seem to have let vanity take hold, so they are only focusing on the aesthetic side of youth.

  40. 5 months ago

    You stop caring when you
    a) find a woman that will love you as you grow fat and bald
    b) epiphany that physical charisma is not going to make you happy
    Of course horny Zoomers are trying to sustain an image that they are at the peak of their lives. They also know the choices they make now will compound in 25 years. You’re being bitter anon

    • 5 months ago

      >a) find a woman that will love you as you grow fat and bald
      Divorce rates are over 50% nowadays
      >b) epiphany that physical charisma is not going to make you happy
      Money doesn't make you happy either but I'd rather be rich and unhappy than poor and unhappy.

      • 5 months ago

        >i can’t BREED!
        Not my problem.

        You stop caring when you
        a) find a woman that will love you as you grow fat and bald
        b) epiphany that physical charisma is not going to make you happy
        Of course horny Zoomers are trying to sustain an image that they are at the peak of their lives. They also know the choices they make now will compound in 25 years. You’re being bitter anon


    • 5 months ago

      A woman will love you less if you become fat and bald. Would you want to keep fricking your wife is she became fat and has her hair cut short?

      • 5 months ago

        She already bought the cow and took an oath. Your fault if you wife someone that holds those promises lightly or is too delusional to accept Father Time’s blessings. Romance is not skin deep

  41. 5 months ago

    It’s like the guy in his 30s or 40s who wears his hat backwards still. Or the old ladies who still try to dress hot. Some people this is all they have.

  42. 5 months ago

    I remember when troony threads used to get taken down and OP would be banned.

  43. 5 months ago

    Because of how millenials look now

  44. 5 months ago

    I'm pushing 40, spent my entire youth out in the sun, and still do as much as possible. I take 0 supplements, and my skincare routine consiats only of unscented dove bar soap. Everybody i meet mistakes me for about 10 years younger than i actually am. If I werent't bald, i'd prob look 15 years younger. Zoomers and their tren can't beat wrinkly genes

    • 5 months ago

      And there are centarians who smoke and don't go to the gym therefore smoking and being sedentary is good for you, right?
      You're a coping baldie who probably looks late 50s.

      • 5 months ago

        If i was just coping, then it wouldn't be other people telling me i'm young, now would it, you coping smarty pants. And i didn't say smoking and being sedentary was good. I implied the quality of all those supplements people take are overblown

      • 5 months ago

        >outliers disprove statistics
        Here is your moron Black person medal

  45. 5 months ago

    >every 24-27 year old I know uses tretinoin
    Are you meming or is that even remotely true?

  46. 5 months ago

    >They all avoid the sun or wear sunscreen
    So what you're saying is that there's an increase in potential big titty goth gfs?
    Damn. I should go outside more- or not, they won't be there.

  47. 5 months ago

    After all that work getting a haircut and changing clothes is 90% of what makes him look younger

    • 5 months ago

      Because he never used sunscreen before 40.
      That kinda damage is hard to reverse

  48. 5 months ago

    >Hey fellow kid, want some candy?

  49. 5 months ago

    Holy frick. Gen buttholes are high school freshmen and sophomores.

  50. 5 months ago


  51. 5 months ago

    Whoa, this guy looks 18 even though he is 30. Nice.

  52. 5 months ago

    Lack of religion. If you think death is the end of your existence then aging should terrify you.

    • 5 months ago

      Even with god, life after death is in no way guaranteed.

  53. 5 months ago

    Because they accomplish nothing. Spending their days killing time on dopamine-dripping social media """content""", the passage of time fills them with dread. Growing old, and yet accomplishing nothing, that's what they fear. The last men, passing without leaving a mark on the world, daydreaming about their perfect lives, wishing for them to come true and remain frozen forever.
    Many die to young, many more die too old. Die at the right time, when it comes.

    • 5 months ago

      So what if you accomplish le great thing (like what, earning lots of money for Mr Shekelberg?), you will still decline and die eventually which leaves you with nothing. That's why people have started to focus on anti-aging which at least leaves you with more time for yourself.

  54. 5 months ago

    i already quit my day job to have to less stress. what else can i do?

    • 5 months ago

      Fasting and cutting out foods high in sugar.

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