Why did low fat/low sodium diet work in Finland?

Why did low fat/low sodium diet work in Finland? Lowering alcohol consumption is a no brainer, how much did the other parts pay a role?

>In the 1970s, cardiovascular diseases were more prevalent in Finland – particularly in eastern Finland – than in other countries. Public officials came to the conclusion that too many citizens were dying of heart attacks and decided to fight the risk factors. An experiment named after the eastern province of North Karelia was launched.
>the project succeeded in scientifically determining the cardiovascular risk factors increasing the mortality rate in eastern Finland, the top two being smoking and fatty food.

When looking at France, people ate/eat similar amount of dietary cholesterol and smoke way more than Finns did, but still they don't suffer from cardiovascular disease. Is there something else going on here? Also good thing to note here, is that the people that partake in North Karelia project were relatively fit as they were mostly lumberjacks.

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  1. 4 months ago

    I would assume the French just eat less calories, overconsumption of calories is the top correlation in all metabolic disease, followed by makeup of the diet.

    • 4 months ago

      I agree. Someone also noted that since vitamin d is fat soluble, Nordic genetics may be more prone to preserve it with fat, as they don't get much sunlight during winter.

      But this topic interests me, as there is much discussion about carnivore, keto, ect. being the healthy diet, while here's direct results of low fat diet working wonders for some people. I personally feel better if I add more saturated fat (eggs, milk, beef) to my diet, but still, the cardiovascular disease scares me, also being genetically prone to it.

      • 4 months ago

        >the cardiovascular disease scares me
        Its the seed oils that cause the issues and always have been.
        As long as you don't consume that shit or other processed foods you'll be fine.
        Not even joking, seed oils are at the heart of cardiovascular issues, its massive sunk cost fallacy and at this point no one wants to admit that all governments, doctors and scientists have been fricking idiots for the past 120 years while killing millions of people with straight up poisonous shit they claim is hearth healthy.

        • 4 months ago

          >no one believes my ridiculous conspiracy theory
          Oh no, anyway

        • 4 months ago

          I assure you, no one in Finland ate seed oils in the 70s. Mostly butter and ghee, when it came to fats

      • 4 months ago

        Eggs, milk, and beef are all nutritious foods, which probably explains why you feel good eating them. As long as you get lean beef and avoid processed food, you don’t have to worry that much about saturated fat, since the amount present in eggs and milk just aren’t that high.

        You can eat 20 g of saturated fat a day and still be considered low intake. 1 egg has only 1.5 g saturated fat inside it, and one cup of whole milk only has 5 g.

  2. 4 months ago

    What turns Cholesterol into Vitamin D? What doesn't Finland get for 9 months a year? Shit I feel like people are borderline moronic when I'm the smartest person in a room

  3. 4 months ago

    Oh also, Pekka Puska, responsible for North Karelia Project is a liar, c**t and a pathetic wiener sucking goblin.
    He made shit up, was wrong about everything and never ever apologised for his hand in causing the obesity epidemic in Finland, he's happily retired.

    I just hope he dies very slowly and painfully.
    Just look at this lying piece of shit, zero fricking sources for anything other than "t-trust they experts"-tier bullshit and appealing to authority:

    • 4 months ago

      ah shit, forgot it has no subtitles, oh well

    • 4 months ago

      Katsotaanpas. Onhan tuo Pohjois-Karjala projektin tutkimustulos kuolleisuuden pienentämisestä kiistämätöntä, mutta en itsekään usko rasvojen olevan pääsyy tämän suomalaisten verisuonisairauksien epidemian takana. Tupakka ja alkoholi varmasti olleet isoja osallisia. Mutta vielä nykyäänkin Kainuun alueella korostuu tuo verisuonisairauksien yleisyys nuoremmilla sukupolvilla.

  4. 4 months ago

    >Why did low fat/low sodium diet work in Finland?
    It didn't.
    How you should eat to stay healthy depends on how you use your body.

    low fat low sodium, low everything is for inactive people like you.

    • 4 months ago

      I do sports or go to gym every day, so no, I am not inactive. Also, instead of just relying on some information from ketoschizo or vegan basedboy on youtube, I try to find the optimal diet by analyzing different results from different studies. I am not saying low sodium, low fat is good; I am just rising the question whether it is.

      • 4 months ago

        sodium is not an issue, obesity is. the whole sodium scare is based on the correlation with blood pressire, which is not even that strong to begin with and obviously ignores dozens of other factors. east asians consume by far the most salt and have the lowest blood pressures, the medgay cope about them getting more omega 3 is complete cope.

  5. 4 months ago

    genetics or something

  6. 4 months ago

    Biggest difference is vitamin D, frogs get much more of it. Also the low stress/little work lifestyle for sure.

  7. 4 months ago

    >muh saturated fat

  8. 4 months ago

    Genes, smoking and drinking. My eastern finnish side of the family has more cardiovascular problems, my western finnish side suffers from cancer.

  9. 4 months ago

    Finns are a mongoloid race, French are (were) European. So as a white person I will follow the French way.

    • 4 months ago

      But mongoloids are known for their high intake of meat and milk. That would conclude in the exact opposite. Would it be possible, that higher carb diet, that was introduced only around 1700s with potatos and later with rice, causes pre-diabetes with the Finnish race?

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