why do I sometimes get farts from eggs and turkey? carnivores promised me no farts

why do I sometimes get farts from eggs and turkey? carnivores promised me no farts

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >I don't like X
    >no... I don't have an irrational fear of X, I just dislik-

    someone explain this behavior to me
    is it projection?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Its a knee-jerk response due to social programming,

    • 4 weeks ago

      People cling to extreme stances on things when they are unhappy in life. You see this with the trans fad, veganism, carnivore, raw foodism etc. Its a kind of tribalism that's extended past people-grouos and onto objects or ideas because it makes people feel secure thinking that they have some kind of hidden truth that isnt what is commonly held as true. You have never seen a productive, happy, non esteem person who is trans, or eats raw meat, or is on any kind of extreme diet, because normal people who contribute to society and aren't unhappy with themselves dont engage in these coping behaviors

      • 4 weeks ago

        tl dr
        >you're a loser if your diet is much different from npc slave diet

      • 4 weeks ago

        That's an extreme oversimplification and not really true.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Its not, and its pretty true.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It absolutely is an oversimplification and doesn't really have any basis in fact. I don't think you actually know these people for you to say this, you're simply repeating a tired cliche that simply reinforces the status quo. To suggest that life choices or stances that are often considered "extreme" according to mainstream standards are only made/held by certain people because they hate themselves or whatever is moronic, sorry. That's usually the case for folks like trannies and vegans but there are a million other non-mainstream points of view that have a good basis for them that isn't just about feeling different. That's just a moronic and extremely naive normalgay point of view.

            • 4 weeks ago

              I'm not reading your blogpost. Its true and applicable if you are at all familiar with any of the scientific and medical literature pertsknign to human intrationst, depression, and compign mechanisms.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Zoomer homosexual can't read a paragraph and appeals to corrupt authorities pushing pseudoscience. What an easy win.

                >no argument
                >just keeps calling him moronic
                Yeah way to rpove him true. You have no arguements except projecting your negativity on other people. You have made zero claims of substance and the other anon outlined perfectly logical pathways for the mechanism


              • 4 weeks ago

                >continuing to prove him right by projecting his unhappiness
                Okay man thanks

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yawn. You're not as smart as you think you are.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >SO WE LOOKED AT THE DATA
                >WE LOOKED AT THE DATA

            • 4 weeks ago

              >no argument
              >just keeps calling him moronic
              Yeah way to rpove him true. You have no arguements except projecting your negativity on other people. You have made zero claims of substance and the other anon outlined perfectly logical pathways for the mechanism

            • 4 weeks ago

              are you actually suggesting that vegans are extreme but eating RAW fricking meat is not? either they're both extreme or neither of them are.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Eating raw meat isn't some kind of freak thing that only morons like sv3rige do, plenty of people around the world including Euros have a tradition of incorporating some raw meat into their diets. It's the idea of eating only raw meat that could be considered extreme, but the difference between somebody eating a raw meat diet and a vegan diet is that the raw meat diet will actually provide them with some nutrition and satiety whereas achieving either of those (much less both) is a Sisyphean task for a vegan.

                why would you take health advice from people on such an unhealthy diet and lifestyle?

                What's so unhealthy about it?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >It's the idea of eating only raw meat that could be considered extreme,
                i mean yeah i guess that's what i meant. everyone technically eats vegan just by accident occasionally, so it's not weird to eat a raw meat thing occasionally either. if i eat a piece of dry toast and handful of nuts for breakfast i'm not suddently considered a vegan

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's like the meme of the cuck looking like a dog barking incel at a guy and then turns around and ask the girl for sex. Guys think if they act like other guys have "toxic" masculinity they will be rewarded with sex.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Just don't associate with leftists. You'll be happier.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It an impotent attempt at social control. It's the exact same tactic that teenage girls use to enforce conformity on their peers

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Are you moronic OP?

    Do you also think there's a magical diet that means you dont have to shit?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Zero Carb got me to one solid non-wiper per day

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Idk why someone told you meat=no gas but in fact more protein generally gives a person more gas.

    I'm sure some smart anon could tell us why that is but idk. Anyway it's worth it to feel and look better.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's dietary fiber that causes gas. The sulphurous compounds in egg, specifically overcooked eggs, is what causes OP's flatulence. You're all morons, have a nice day

  4. 4 weeks ago

    you have to eat it raw to have no farts you dumb slave

    • 4 weeks ago


  5. 4 weeks ago

    You dont get farts from eggs if you eat them raw. Last year I ate 900 eggs either raw or semiraw. Never farts. But as soon as I eat a cooked egg, its gonna be disgusting.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't live in japan where eggs have no salmonella. I'm not risking it

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I don’t get farts if I eat eggs raw
      Fixed that for you bud. Blows my mind how people extrapolate their N=1 experience to 8 billion other humans, particularly with digestion. A buddy of mine gets no hangovers even after drinking 10+ drinks in a night. Imagine how fricking dumb he would sound if he proclaimed hangovers aren’t real

  6. 4 weeks ago

    what are you, gay? just fart

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Sounds like a (you) problem.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    You might be allergic to eggs. Also what kind of turkey are you eating? A lot of turkey meat has additives.

    • 4 weeks ago

      some cheap turkey without additives.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >cheap turkey
        >without additives

        • 4 weeks ago

          I don't live in muttamerica, it's in one peace, there's no additives mentioned on package

          • 4 weeks ago

            >mentioned on package

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Kek. They are quite literally painting anything health-promoting as "right-wing." Next, it's gonna be "Tanning is Fascist."

    To answer your question, it's likely that the eggs and turkey you're eating come from animals still eating too many seeds and thus building up too much lineoleic acid in their bodies. This is why mamy carnivores stick to beef, because it'sucj easier to find meat from ruminants that eat their natural diet (grass) than meat and eggs from poultry that eat their natural diet (leaves, grass, seeds, berries, insects, worms, snails, frogs, and small reptiles).

    I get absolutely no gas from grass-fed beef, but I definitely do if I eat conventional eggs or chicken.

    • 4 weeks ago

      new level of seed oil delusion unlocked

  10. 4 weeks ago

    I don't think anyone are afraid of vegetables except the most autistic fad dieters that article has to be a crock of horseshit.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    >eating meat is right wing
    >not eating meat is right wing

    • 4 weeks ago

      Being able to afford food is a white trait.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Unironically, this. Only Whites can go to the store and fill their cart with anything besides empty carbs and preservative slop... and even then only the 99th percentile. All minorities know is eat funyun and seethe.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Leftists really have no consistency of thought, do they, nor does it occur to them that perhaps they should have a well defined set of values that inform what they stand for. Instead they're content to just be a contrarian swarming mass, always on the attack, uncoordinated and on every front, willing to use anything that resembles a figurative club to attack LE BAD HWYTE CONSERVATIVES even if it undermines them in the process.

      • 4 weeks ago

        you're right but conservatives do the same shit honestly. also, these articles are written by individuals using buzzwords to get clicks, they're not really coordinating in some grand strategy to attack conservatives most of the time.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Except liberals control the media so it’s not a fair fight. Liberals have no convictions, they blow whichever way the figurative wind is blowing and align with their values with the path of the least resistance
          >anti gun shit
          >pro Palestine
          >pro Ukraine
          >pro Islam
          >anti Christianity
          >pro abortion
          >anti capital punishment
          >love Elon musk, now hate him
          They’re hypocrites and they lack any actual morals. Not that conservatives are any less of hypocrites, but they at least have some consistency and they stick to their guns and crucify their own. And they don’t have the mouthpiece of the legacy media and Hollywood to help them out. They’re fickle and they lack any real conviction, and none of their views withstand any logical or reasonable scrutiny so they need to immediately silence any and all opposition by calling somebody an “-ist”, which is a very serious allegation in todays society and can cost you your livelihood if the internet catches wind of you doing a no no word. It’s scary how fast the internet will dox and ruin your life if you dare to speak your mind. They are authoritarians and authoritarians are scary. They are also ideological terrorists, using coercive tactics tk browbeat people into silence and capitulation.

          They’re more dangerous than rughtoids at this point in time because they LOVE controlling other people and cannot handle people who don’t tow the line

          • 4 weeks ago

            >they stick to their guns and crucify their own
            i'm still waiting for them to crucify Trump for doing almost everything the Bible says you shouldn't do

            • 4 weeks ago

              And see that's another glib misrepresentation of ideals. You ascribing every single one of them as a hardline evangelical or something but thats unfair to the millions of others who aren't.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You ascribing every single one of them as a hardline evangelical or something but thats unfair to the millions of others who aren't.
                i didn't say it was every single one, but don't pretend that the evangelical wing of the party isn't the one with the most influence over his political fate. they accept his avarice and adultery and clap for him while he teargases our own countrymen because they get a christian scotus in return. the rest of you non-evangelicals are just along for the ride with no say in the matter

            • 4 weeks ago

              >*don’t crucify their own
              You can’t throw away the baby with the bath water. It’s objectively the less bad of the two options, but it will ultimately yield the same result. It’s over, the wheels are in motion and the inevitable can only be delayed, it won’t be prevented.

              At least the orange man is funny

      • 4 weeks ago

        They're literal mindslaves to an FBI COINTELPRO program designed to castrate and neutralize any political radicalism that threatens the Bretton Woods system, so you need to cut them slack

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >you're afraid!

    I was afraid of many things as a child. And people would use my fear of things Asa reason why my opinion had no value in that area.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Jokes on them, I don't even think about vegetarians: I'm an omnivore who eats steak and salad.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I don't fart much and I eat pretty simple.

    Starches - sweet potato, rice, pasta
    Veggies - green beans asparagus and zucchini
    Fruit - seasonal
    Meat - at least 170 grams of protein a day.

    Have you tried to find out what makes you gassy?

  15. 4 weeks ago

    i saw a vegetable the other day and scraemed out loud

    • 4 weeks ago

      Did it sound like this?


  16. 4 weeks ago

    Been on carnivore for 1 month so far and zero flatulence.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    If you have a healthy digestive tract and a healthy guy microbiome, you shouldn't produce any significant amounts of gas from meat or eggs. Farting from eggs basically means that you are unhealthy. Cut out the processed foods, lower the sugar intake, eat some fruits, eat some sauerkraut (and other fermented stuff). This should fix your gut in a relatively short time.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    I only get garlic farts

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Why are right wingers so afraid of men eating vegetables?

  20. 4 weeks ago

    why would you take health advice from people on such an unhealthy diet and lifestyle?

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Eat/drink eggs raw. literally zero farts.

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