Why do men age like milk? Why is gen Z aging like absolute shit?

Why do men age like milk? Why is gen Z aging like absolute shit? Why do most guys in their 18-25 years already look like gross mid 30’s dudes?

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  1. 8 months ago

    The duality of man

    • 8 months ago

      Pitt grew up when they had lead in gasoline
      Leo is not



      Tom too breathed divine lead vapor

  2. 8 months ago

    Women age like bad milk, men age like a fine milk

    Tom Cruise is a young looking old man. Most milkmen age like women, Tom Cruise ages like a postman, who delivers wine

    Most women age like specialist postmen who deliver milk, also known as milkmen. Tom Cruise ages like a postman who delivers wine, a wineman

    It's real. Tom Cruise aged like a fine wine. The lady aged like a milk

    Fine wine ages like a 56 year old cheese. Milk ages like a Tom

    Tom Cruise looks 35 but is 56. When Tom was 32, he looked older than he does now, even when he played a man of 24. Now that he's 56, he could play a man of 68 who looks not a day over 44

    Some cheeses get better with age. A 56 year old fine cheese ages better than a 2 year old regular cheese

    28 regular cheeses ageing for 2 years will just about equal the amount of ageing of a fine cheese ageing for 56 years

    Tom Cruise is 56 and has aged like a fine wine. Bela Lugosi stopped ageing in 1956, because he died

    Tom aged like a fine wine, Cruise aged like a fine cheese

    Tom Cruise died, but looks like he hasn't aged a cheese over 56. Milkmen age like woman wine

    If a Tom Cruise opens a cheese, he's a master milk. If a woman's lock is opened by wine, she's a shitty cheese.

    If Tom Cruise ages like cheese and leaves the station on a train travelling 56 mph, and at the same time Bela Lugosi leaves a milk station travelling in the opposite direction at 44 mph, and both stations are 56 years apart, how long before both trains age like a woman?

    Tom Cheese was 56 years old when he first went on a cruise

    When Tom Cruise received his first paycheck, the first thing he bought was a 56 year old hot cheese

    When Tom was a 56 year old Cheese he aged like a cruise

    The quantity of wine divided by how long the cheese takes to age like a fine Tom Cruise equals 56.

    Tom Cheese goes cruising to look for milk

    And the cheese goes to: Oscar Cruise

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      The passage you've provided appears to be a series of humorous and nonsensical statements and analogies involving the aging process of individuals, particularly Tom Cruise, and various food and beverage items like milk, cheese, and wine. There doesn't seem to be any clear or meaningful message or point being conveyed in this text. Instead, it seems to be a playful or absurdist use of language to create a humorous and surreal narrative.

      It's important to note that this passage doesn't contain factual information or a coherent argument. It's likely intended solely for entertainment or comedic purposes and doesn't have a deeper meaning or message.

      • 8 months ago

        Frick off chatgpt

    • 8 months ago

      I kneel

  3. 8 months ago

    Men who age well just looked young for their age to begin with

  4. 8 months ago

    Yeah it's so weird that Leonardo DiCaprio has aged in the last 25 years. It would be not weird at all if he still looked 20 at age 50.

  5. 8 months ago

    Young women date older so men age faster. Simple.

  6. 8 months ago

    turns out the "AVOID SUNLIGHT AT ALL COSTS ITS BAD FOR YOU" is bad for you, plus add in SSRIs and ritalin since the age of 12, hormone disruptors in the water, air, everywhere, microplastics, etc.

  7. 8 months ago

    Am I the only one who thinks that Leo still looks fine for his age? What did you guys expect?

    • 8 months ago

      modern men think like women and try to remain children for as long as they can

    • 8 months ago

      No one on here knows what people actually look like. You're talking to shut-ins whose only frame of reference are pictures of famous people from the internet.

      • 8 months ago

        Leo mogs 99% of men his age and even men who are a decade younger than him. It's not fair to compare him to zoomers in their 20s.

  8. 8 months ago


    Where are you guys seeing this? Zoomers in my area look young. I would never mistake a 20yo zoomer for being 30

    • 8 months ago

      The average zoomer looks 30-40 years old at 18-25. That Is what a decade of scrolling, cooming, vaping and binge drinking does for you.

  9. 8 months ago


    The average zoomer looks 30-40 years old at 18-25. That Is what a decade of scrolling, cooming, vaping and binge drinking does for you.

    worthless californian posts

  10. 8 months ago


    From my observation, gen z seems to have higher test than millennials. Most of the zoomers are know are larger, stronger and hairier than millennials, despite being younger. Most millennials I see at the gym struggle with the weights my underage little brother use

    • 8 months ago

      I call this bullshit. Millennials become obese onions boys after hitting 25. Many of us were still rather normal in our teens. Also, zoomer girls are way more obese than millennials were at their age. Even the non-obese ones are built like a shot putter. There used to be plenty of skinny and frail gils in my youth and fatties were ostracized. Not anymore.

      • 8 months ago

        >Also, zoomer girls are way more obese than millennials were at their age. Even the non-obese ones are built like a shot putter. There used to be plenty of skinny and frail gils in my youth and fatties were ostracized. Not anymore.
        Not the topic, irrelevant
        >Millennials become obese onions boys after hitting 25. Many of us were still rather normal in our teens.
        You were normal as in small and skinny. For zoomers, going to the gym is the norm. Everyone go to the gym. Millennials idealized looking skinny, while zoomers idealize being huge. You can see that from the size of the superhero actors or even here on IST where zoomers look up to sam sulek while millennials still strive to look like brad pitt in fight club. Zoomers are also taller.

  11. 8 months ago

    Men can age like wine only if they don't get fat. 60% of gen Z are fat and 30% are skinny fat.

  12. 8 months ago

    He doesn’t look that bad imo. On average men age a lot better than women do. They still get ugly eventually but is typically comes later and is more gradual. With women it’s like they hit 30 and become ghouls over night and no amount of fake up can hide it. Which is actually really notable, 35 year old women look as bad as they do with pounds of makeup while 35 year old men look how they do without it. There’s definitely a difference but obviously always exceptions and all that.

  13. 8 months ago

    I see a lot of men get super bloated past 25, coupled with losing their hair means at 30 men look a bit sour.

  14. 8 months ago

    Drugs, alcohol, little to no care for health. Those are the major factors

  15. 8 months ago

    Is it possible to age gracefully as a twink prettyboy?

  16. 8 months ago

    >gen z
    >posts leonardo di caprio

    Why are you such a moronic homosexual?

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