Why do midwits pretend calories are real?

Why do midwits pretend calories are real?

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  1. 4 months ago

    It’s a smart sounding Latin word they want you to think they’re smart and then they go eat a tub of ice cream (this has many kilojoules of energy that may be converted into adipose tissue) and just look moronic to real ones like me

  2. 4 months ago

    CICOtards be like just go run for 8 hours to burn that off bro

  3. 4 months ago

    is this bait?
    what's up with the recent trend on IST that acts like there's some hidden esoteric knowledge about weight gain/loss, and that there's somehow so much more nuance to it than there actually is.

    no. it's pretty fricking simple. more calories, more weight. less calories, less weight. there's one simple universal law: something cannot come from nothing, and nothing cannot be made into something. find me one single exception to this rule you fricking can't

    • 4 months ago

      if I ate a 1000 calories of grass, would my body actually absorb any of the nutrients?

      • 4 months ago

        nutrition is separate from calories, they're two different things

      • 4 months ago

        absolutely moronic question. Must be bait.
        Doesn't even deserve a (You)

      • 4 months ago

        if I pissed in a fountain, would a horse frick a goat?

    • 4 months ago

      fit just really is that stupid.

    • 4 months ago

      Because IST has gotten overrun by fat dyel morons who are more concerned with protecting their obesity, autistically arguing over the most irrelevant details and looking for loopholes (no matter how moronic) than with actually losing fat, training and getting shredded. They are very much aware that fork putdowns is the only thing that works, but acting like it isn't and acting like things are beyond their control gives them mental comfort.

      Just disregard the morons and continue training. Next year, you will be stronger and fitter than you are now. Meanwhile, they will continue to be the same bunch of fat idiots still arguing about how physics isn't real because you can't eat grass (or some other stupid shit). Life is too short to waste your time with caring about all the NGMIs and the unsaveables.

    • 4 months ago


      Because IST has gotten overrun by fat dyel morons who are more concerned with protecting their obesity, autistically arguing over the most irrelevant details and looking for loopholes (no matter how moronic) than with actually losing fat, training and getting shredded. They are very much aware that fork putdowns is the only thing that works, but acting like it isn't and acting like things are beyond their control gives them mental comfort.

      Just disregard the morons and continue training. Next year, you will be stronger and fitter than you are now. Meanwhile, they will continue to be the same bunch of fat idiots still arguing about how physics isn't real because you can't eat grass (or some other stupid shit). Life is too short to waste your time with caring about all the NGMIs and the unsaveables.

      CICO has been debunked ages ago, only redditors and midwits believe in dat shit. It's what you eat, not how much you eat.

      • 4 months ago

        post body with timestamp

      • 4 months ago

        So you're saying the same sized portion of calorie dense unhealthy food will make you gain more vs the equivalent portion of chicken breast and broccoli? Color me fricking surprised, no shit anon. You're not really disproving cico here.

      • 4 months ago

        >It's what you eat, not how much you eat.
        It's both you fricking moron

      • 4 months ago

        Go back

    • 4 months ago

      Calorie denialism is absolutely essential piece of dogma for ketolards. They’ve been spreading that bullshit since 70s. Nobody would eat the most calorie dense diet possible of 70% fat to try to lose weight otherwise. That’s why ketolards have to keep spreading the lie.

      • 4 months ago

        We're right though because it's impossible to gain fat without insulin spikes to actually store it

        • 4 months ago

          Insulin doesn’t store fat. Get your facts straight.

        • 4 months ago

          so diabetics couldnt get fat because they are insulin resistence, right? „insulin spike“ is a meme buzzword, and in any case its actually dietary fat that gets stored in the fat cell.

          • 4 months ago

            Yes? This is literally the reason diabetics withered a died during childhood before the invention of insulin injections.

            • 4 months ago

              the same would hapen to ketoids as well but their body is still functional enough to produce glucose (the same essential nutrient which they regard as nonessential and evil just becuase „did you know, i bet you didnt, that the dietary requirements for carbs is actually 0.00000 grams a day. yup“)

              diabetics couldnt use glucose and paid the price for it. insulin saves lives because glucose saves lives

              • 4 months ago

                Ketolard talking point of “carbs not being essential” makes no sense considering in absence of that body goes full catabolic and starts breaking down muscle and fat to make at least 200g of it a day to keep brain functioning. And how ketolards who have been at it long enough go on carb binges, brain survival mechanism overriding everything else leading to uncontrollable binge lasting days after which they are like “w-what happened?!”

    • 4 months ago

      I wouldn't classify it as bait, it's more like a meme/joke. Technically some idiot could take the joke as "bait".

      • 4 months ago

        Oh, ive grown away from insincerity and irony as comedic satirical devices because it feels weak and stupid as I garner more authenticity towards myself, how I see the world, and my place in it as a foundation rather than a sarcastic passive observer. I've been on IST since 2007 and it just gets old after a while.

  4. 4 months ago

    cico isn't the whole story

    • 4 months ago

      It's basically the whole story.

      You'd have to do something really stupid like eat 500g of sugar in water as your only caloric intake to "disprove it".

      If you live like a normal human being and you know, eat food, it's the whole story. Like, some meat or some nuts and some whole vegetables and then fill the rest with whatever. Then it's CICO. Doesn't matter if you have a modest amount of carbs or do some stupid shit like carnivore or keto, the results to your body will be the same. To your social life and wallet? Well yeah they'll be different.

      • 4 months ago

        The typical high protein bodybuilder diet is already far from being standard and I agree that it's not bad.
        But there are more things, for instance super low fat will wreck your hormones. You say CICO is almost the whole story, because your macro split is already pretty good.

  5. 4 months ago
    Professional Spaniard

    CICO is a garbage pseudoscience that tries to borrow credibility from a real science (physics, thermodynamics) and applies it to a domain where it doesn't belong.

    Midwits love CICO because they're smart enough to count calories, but too dumb to understand why it's a hoax.
    It also provides a convenient justification for their bad habits like eating refined carbohydrates boiled in sneed oils, and other addictive poisons.
    The food processing industry and big pharma push CICO because they want you to think that it doesn't matter WHAT you eat, only the quantity, measured in "calories".
    It's a trillion dollar lie that enables people to eat foods that kill them or cause crippling disease, and think themselves smart for it.

    No, you can't just "burn" those donuts on the treadmill. These seed oils will crystallize and be stuck in your arteries for years to come. And they accumulate over time.
    The fat you gain from consuming carbohydrates and the fat you gain from eating animal fat are very different kinds of fat.

    It has been scientifically demonstrated that feeding the same species of animal the EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF CALORIES but from different foods results in weight gain at very different rates.
    The group feed primarily sneed oils (which the food processing industry loves) got the fattest in the least amount of time.

    The hormonal effects foods have is key. Even feeding these animals the EXACT SAME FOOD but with different textures (finely ground vs coarse) resulted in very different rates of weight gain due to the different spikes of insulin.
    Even if CICO wasn't a pseudoscience and calorie counting didn't come with a ~20% error margin, eating 2,000kcal of carbs daily will always result in a very different body composition than eating 2,000kcal worth of meat.
    You eat meat to satiation every day and you grow stronger. You eat carbs and you'll be always hungry and fat no matter how much you count calories.

    The shit people will argue to justify their carb addiction.

    • 4 months ago
      Professional Spaniard
    • 4 months ago



      This is what you're doing to yourself every time you use CICO to justify eating sugary snacks.

      No one is arguing eating unhealthy foods isn't unhealthy and doesn't come with major complications down the road, just that you'll still lose weight if you eat less

    • 4 months ago

      >No, you can't just "burn" those donuts on the treadmill. These seed oils will crystallize and be stuck in your arteries for years to come. And they accumulate over time.
      >The fat you gain from consuming carbohydrates and the fat you gain from eating animal fat are very different kinds of fat.
      T. Pseudoscientist

  6. 4 months ago
    Professional Spaniard

    This is what you're doing to yourself every time you use CICO to justify eating sugary snacks.

    • 4 months ago

      wow injecting anabolic hormone into cell causes cell anabolism. if you are in a caloric deficit the overall long-term insulinic activity is still low enough that you lose fat, just like drinking caffeine won‘t magically cause fat loss even though you could just as well say that „fat cells treated with caffeine shrink“. calories and hormones interact, and the body is smart enough to use its energy storages when it needs energy.

  7. 4 months ago

    Midwits believe corporate advertising.

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