why do midwits seethe so hard when you point out that CICO works and that the mediterranean diet is the best diet.

why do midwits seethe so hard when you point out that CICO works and that the mediterranean diet is the best diet.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Because if that's true, that means they have to do it

    • 4 months ago

      lol, I'd save it if this wasn't a redditfrog thread.

      • 4 months ago

        Why would you save something from IST?

        Do you also collect trash from the curb?

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, why?

    • 4 months ago

      This. People like making excuses about why they can’t lose weight. I literally had a friend telling me how he wanted to lose weight the other day and I told him CICO. It’s what I do when cutting which has clearly worked, but he’s looking for alternatives

  2. 4 months ago

    Bc it doesn’t work. Calories out is a guess.

    1,000 calories of sugar is not the same as 1,000 calories of broccoli

    • 4 months ago

      But, it literally is

      • 4 months ago

        It’s not. Your body reacts differently to it. Metabolism is real. You and I can eat the exact same food down to the ounce and our bodies would react differently. We won’t burn off the exact same amount of.

        CICO is video game autism of wanting everything to be a simple closed system.

        • 4 months ago

          This. I would add the thwre is non exercise termodinamic. Calory out is stupid. Some people can eat a shit ton of calories and their body will increase body temperature and start doing involuntary movements like shaking to burn the extra calories. While others can decrease calories and tgeir methabolism will slow down by more than the decrease in calories.
          Calories in is retaded as it's just the energy of burning food in pure oxigen. Paper is high in calories, but our body just doesn't absorb it. Or one can eat fruit and will shit out all the fiber, while other eill have it processed into short chain fatty acids by his microbiome. One will have all sugar absorbed straight into bloodstrem while other will have his gut microbiome eat most of it and produce short chain fatty acids.
          All in all, cico doesn't work on systematic level. If it work's, it's by accident. And when it works it's not maintainable.

          there are minor differences from person to person in terms of metabolism, but its less than 100 calories on average, which is so negligible that it still makes sense to say CICO from a practical aspect

          • 4 months ago

            >but its less than 100 calories on average
            I doubt that

            • 4 months ago

              He's right. I have hypothyroidism and my CO part of CICO isn't somehow horribly deflated compared to what it should be according to what BMR calculators say.

              • 4 months ago

                I had subclinical hypothyroidism and got my BMR measured. It was almost 20% below the expected value for my age/weight/sex...

                Even if you’re right, your point still doesn’t really matter because cico doesn’t mean that EVERYONE eats 1200 calories and reacts the same as you propose, it means that a deficit might be 2000 for me, 1500 for you, etc. why would you argue from the perspective that we all need different amounts of calories therefore cico isn’t real? That doesn’t make sense lol. It’s like saying different cars have different gas tanks but they all need to get the same mpg for some reason

                except the same deficit might feel fine for one person, while absolutely horrid for another. some people don't even notice losing a pound per week on their energy levels or mood, while others don't have any energy and get anxious and depressed if they eat little enough to lose the same pound per week.

              • 4 months ago

                your thyroid is fricked cause you make excuses all the time. seriously, you subconsciously give up and your bodies endocrine system follows suit. if you weren't such a pussy things would be better for you.

            • 4 months ago

              Even if you’re right, your point still doesn’t really matter because cico doesn’t mean that EVERYONE eats 1200 calories and reacts the same as you propose, it means that a deficit might be 2000 for me, 1500 for you, etc. why would you argue from the perspective that we all need different amounts of calories therefore cico isn’t real? That doesn’t make sense lol. It’s like saying different cars have different gas tanks but they all need to get the same mpg for some reason

            • 4 months ago

              well, after controlling for age, sex, activity, etc

          • 4 months ago

            Way more than 100 cal.
            Have you ever seen any fat animal in the middle of the summer? When d3 is high, which means it's summer, wild animals are insanely lean. It woupd be moronic for your body to store fat if there is absence of food. Only when it becomes scarce, it starts to gain fat. Think about that.

        • 4 months ago

          In CICO - This is called calculating your maintenance level

          • 4 months ago

            You are never going to know your maintenance level and it’s going to change based on what you’re eating. One person metabolism might crash on sugars and another’s doesn’t.

            CICO is over simplified game mechanics for real life.

            • 4 months ago

              >You are never going to know your maintenance level
              Why not? Get a scale, count your calories, you'll figure it out after a month or so. Not difficult you fat moron

              • 4 months ago

                Until you’re eating a caloric deficit of mostly goyslop and processed “health foods” (which 99% of CICO tards do), and then your hormones and metabolism fricking crash and there you go you’re back to square 1

          • 4 months ago

            You are never going to know your maintenance level and it’s going to change based on what you’re eating. One person metabolism might crash on sugars and another’s doesn’t.

            CICO is over simplified game mechanics for real life.

            Great example, I wrestled and have a lot of experience cutting weight. I could be at a 12,000 calories deficit a week and barely lose 1lbs. How is that possible when 3,500 calories is a pound? Bc my body wouldn’t actually let go of those calories. Start starving it and its maintenance calories go off a cliff.

            But I could cut all bread, pasta, rice, and sugar and easily drop 3-5 lbs, or I could fast and cut water and lose 7lbs from Thursday to Saturday for the meet.

            • 4 months ago

              >But I could cut all bread, pasta, rice, and sugar and easily drop 3-5 lbs
              god you are stupid, you are just dropping glycogen stores (water). its why that weight will immediately come back once you start eating carbs

              • 4 months ago

                You ignored how a 12,000 calorie deficit doesn’t turn into a 3.5 lbs loss like your game manual says it will.

              • 4 months ago

                You weren't at a 12,000 calorie deficit. Simple as

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                >example 18378 of our bodies being more complex than a 1st grade math problem
                >nuh uh! You were doing it wrong!

              • 4 months ago

                2,000 calories of sugar and McDonalds is not the same as 2,000 calories of chicken and broccoli


            • 4 months ago

              >claims to burn 12,000 calories
              >but my body wouldn't actually let go of those calories

              which one is it moron? How the frick did you get energy without burning calories?

    • 4 months ago

      I don't think you know what a calorie is
      I think you're confusing it with a gram ?

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      One time I had my metabolism measured and it was within 200 calories of the online calculator despite 1/2/4/5

  3. 4 months ago

    CICO works in idiotic straightforward sense. The reason people overeat is because they have small variety of diet, lacking in micronutrients. That is why they eat more than necessary.

    Take any fat person and substitute their high carb diet with high fruit diet (same carb content). Not only will they feel more full, but they will get more micronutrients that their body needs, making them eat less and CICO works easier.

    Does CICO work on its own? Sure. But you need to get over the metabolism slowing down, which is already is hard for someone lacking basic micronutrients.

    • 4 months ago

      The reason people overeat is that they have no self control.

      • 4 months ago

        Part of the reason, sure. I won't disagree with you there. But would that self control be there if they got their basic nutritional needs met? Look at where inflation hit. Most electronics never got such a sharp price increase as medicine, school or food did. The elites want us dumb, poor, sick and malnutritioned.

        Part of it is as you said, self controlled, part of it is they have no time and energy so they supplement with cheap life thrills and easy calories.

        Drinking cola is much faster and cheaper than eating a bowl of apple slices or drinking freshly squeezed orange juice. Put that into perspective.

        • 4 months ago

          >drinking your calories
          nig me

    • 4 months ago

      >But you need to get over the metabolism slowing down, which is already is hard for someone lacking basic micronutrients.
      Their metabolism isn't slow it's inflexible. In the sense they can't switch between fat and carb metabolism because their blood sugar never gets low enough for it. That's the real danger of obesity because it means they're constantly circulating fat it can't even stay in it's cells it's just constantly being released and can't be metabolized so it's stored again. If they are having deficiencies it's because they can't process fat including their own. A deficit will get them there but it's not like a/b scenario does it work because the lower carbs let's their blood sugar get low enough to metabolize all this fat or does it work simply because they're eating less than expenditures. They're both right but it's because you can't sensibly do one without the other.

    • 4 months ago

      This. I would add the thwre is non exercise termodinamic. Calory out is stupid. Some people can eat a shit ton of calories and their body will increase body temperature and start doing involuntary movements like shaking to burn the extra calories. While others can decrease calories and tgeir methabolism will slow down by more than the decrease in calories.
      Calories in is retaded as it's just the energy of burning food in pure oxigen. Paper is high in calories, but our body just doesn't absorb it. Or one can eat fruit and will shit out all the fiber, while other eill have it processed into short chain fatty acids by his microbiome. One will have all sugar absorbed straight into bloodstrem while other will have his gut microbiome eat most of it and produce short chain fatty acids.
      All in all, cico doesn't work on systematic level. If it work's, it's by accident. And when it works it's not maintainable.

  4. 4 months ago

    You cant do Mediterranean diet in America. The food is just to shot. I remember going to istanbul and eating at some restaurant bunch if small dish , fish and all the rest, and it was so fresh and different. Just seed oils for the israelite controlled anglo and diversity golem

    • 4 months ago

      Do you live in some sort of food desert? Maybe the midwest?

    • 4 months ago

      a vegetable is a vegetable. Doesn't matter if you're in europe or the US.

  5. 4 months ago

    Low carb beats Mediterranean every single time. Now proceed to cope

  6. 4 months ago

    ozempic proves CICO

    people we just eating too much lmao

  7. 4 months ago

    Stupid people can only fathom the elimination of foods or food groups. Intelligent people can understand moderation.

    • 4 months ago

      >I’m so intelligent I eat poison in “moderation”!

  8. 4 months ago

    >CICO works
    >this and that diet is the best

    if CICO works there is literally 0 difference what diet you are on, are you stupid ?

    • 4 months ago

      NTA but although CICO works, health isn't limited to weight and bodyfat

  9. 4 months ago

    People simply don't understand the "CO" of CICO. Your CO can change with metabolism, insulin resistance, etc etc. All they see is the "CI" and find it doesn't work because they are only focusing on half of the equation.

    It's simply not as simple as people believe it to be, but it is ultimately calories in, calories out.

    • 4 months ago

      I think they understand most of it, but they want to dismiss the idea of CICO because it's not "precise", although this is a detail that doesn't invalidate the concept. The argument makes no sense because the overarching rule still stands that you need to eat less or exercise more if you're not losing weight; exactly how much is irrelevant.

  10. 4 months ago

    stop eating today. never eat again. weight will never go up again.

    some people ask a doctor to explain this to them lmao.

  11. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >eat goyslop within caloric expenditure
      >don't get fat, but get horrifically unhealthy
      >eat healthy food within caloric expenditure
      >don't get fat, be healthy
      wowee zowee so difficult to understand.

      I hate j*ws as much as the next goy, but come on my guy you are a moron. I unironically think pictures like that are made to poison the well.

      • 4 months ago

        Except the average CICO autist literally and unironically believes that eating 1500 calories of skittles has the EXACT same affect on your body as 1500 calories of steak and eggs
        Thing I’m wrong? Just wait for the replies

        • 4 months ago

          No, I havent met ANYONE who thinks like that.
          That is probably just you projecting your moronation on others.

          • 4 months ago

            Then you don’t believe in CICO bc calories in calories out means just the calories matter

            • 4 months ago

              No, CICO doesn’t mean that only CI matters and it doesn’t mean that calories are the only thing that matters for body composition and health.

        • 4 months ago

          No, no one thinks that.

  12. 4 months ago

    It's not as simple as CICO considering how many people have GI diseases nowadays (because of GMOs and whatnot).
    Coeliac disease, ulcers, lactose intolerance and many other types of intolerances will make your body harder to digest nutrients - what is well known as malabsorption, so 1000 calories for a person who is not absorbing nutrients properly, won't be the same.

    you have a take into account a shit load of possible causes for either obesity or being underweight. Another big one is hyperthiroidism or hypothiroidism. Stress related low/high levels of cortisol will also influence how well you absorb nutrients and how much of that will be fat/muscle.

    So yes, CICO works for a big % of people but not people will diseases.

  13. 4 months ago

    being on the left side of the curve is nothing to be proud of, anon

  14. 4 months ago

    The mediterranean diet is a diet for europoors and third worlders living on shitty wages.
    CICO mogs the frick out of any poverty diet

  15. 4 months ago

    morons fighting to be more right to sell something or try to force a hole in a concrete and tested theory by over analyzing nomenclature and semantics, again to try and sell something. Anyone who says CICO is wrong will never post body

    • 4 months ago


      why do midwits seethe so hard when you point out that CICO works and that the mediterranean diet is the best diet.

      The elephant in the room is ketoschizos. They hate cico because it devalues the keto marketing as some special sauce when its just cico at work as with every other elimination diet
      Like clockwork if you see anyone argue against keto you will start seeing them at some point inserting a carbs bad talking point into the discussion


      Great example, I wrestled and have a lot of experience cutting weight. I could be at a 12,000 calories deficit a week and barely lose 1lbs. How is that possible when 3,500 calories is a pound? Bc my body wouldn’t actually let go of those calories. Start starving it and its maintenance calories go off a cliff.

      But I could cut all bread, pasta, rice, and sugar and easily drop 3-5 lbs, or I could fast and cut water and lose 7lbs from Thursday to Saturday for the meet.

      Its pretty easy to identify them and they are all keto/carnivore shills

      • 4 months ago

        >Like clockwork if you see anyone argue against keto
        Against cico* of course

      • 4 months ago

        Hell most normal keto people (which means people not on IST and twitter) advocate Keto in conjunction with CICO

  16. 4 months ago

    >mediterranean diet is the best diet
    Frick you I'm eating cheese.

  17. 4 months ago

    What is the Mediterranean diet? It's such a loose term, but that's why you use it, huh? That's also ranked best based on cherrypicked data that they used to push cattle feed onto children through the USDA's food pyramid and "calories in, calories out" mantra to justify poor nutrition from their programs causing obesity.

    • 4 months ago

      >What is the Mediterranean diet?
      Fish, poultry, veggies, nuts, light dairy, and whole grains.

      >Rest of the schizo post
      Didn't read and don't care.

      • 4 months ago

        Okay, what do the Mediterraneans from the studies actually eat? Don't just keep making things up, soijak.

        • 4 months ago

          Are you implying we have no idea what Mediterranean people eat or ate? Stop being a schizo pls

          • 4 months ago

            No, YOU have no real-world data about this fabled "Mediterranean diet" and it's a guess manufactured by those who were trying to push cattle feed, as you do. You don't even know where the Mediterranean diet was coined from, soijak. Educate yourself and come back a better man.

            • 4 months ago

              Okay schizo have fun shitposting

  18. 4 months ago

    I went to Greece and everyone is fat as frick
    Still the best food in Yurope though and I will not stop eating mousakka

  19. 4 months ago

    Because 1. They don't want to do it and 2. They want to feel smart and have "secret knowledge" that makes them better than others
    Point 2 there is also why people fall for shit like flat Earth

  20. 4 months ago

    Yeah it works, but if you actually want to help someone eat less and lose weight you would switch them over to a highly nutrient dense diet. They will feel better and have less cravings. Pretty simple. Take someone who barely eats veggies and make them eat 5 servings a day and they will naturally lower their weight over time.

  21. 4 months ago

    Because they don't care about diets, they just want to piss off vegan liberals claiming the best diet is carnivore.

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