Why do people keep trying to fight me and start shit with me now that I'm more fit?

Why do people keep trying to fight me and start shit with me now that I'm more fit?

Why didn't this happen when I was fat as frick?

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  1. 1 year ago

    People do this to me but I’m 5’7 so that’s probably why, I’m also passive in general

    • 1 year ago

      I'm 5'10, is that why?

      Tall anons do you get challenged often?

      • 1 year ago

        6'3, 230lbs, not fit
        nope, never. Few times I wanted to get into a fight I had to throw punches first.

        • 1 year ago

          Fighting with strangers could be an incredibly cool thing, like fight clubs except in the street... one might call it "street fighting", except you don't know when some idiot could pull out of a knife or a gun or just go ape and smash someone's skull for no reason.

      • 1 year ago

        No but I'm in canada where everyone who says they want to fight is either drunk and incapable of it, or is just posturing because they also know its canada and (almost) nobody will fight them

  2. 1 year ago

    Now you’re a threat

  3. 1 year ago

    Can't tell you why but it happens to me too. Men are way more likely to get aggressive with me now that I've put on significant muscle.

    I'm kind of a wuss about real fights, too scared he has a weapon or his friends will jump me so I always try to defuse or escape. Why did this happen? I just wanted to enjoy exercising and look good.

    • 1 year ago

      Get bigger and eventually they stop

  4. 1 year ago

    don't worry bro the neet brotherhood's got your back. Just let us know where this was and we will deal with it.

    • 1 year ago

      this, but if there's any. Black folk involved I'm not getting involved

    • 1 year ago

      When I was at the gym yesterday i was wiping down one of the incline benches when a syranfe skinny 40 yo white guy came up lying to my fave that this was his bench, I told him I checked and made sure it was no one else's and that it's mine
      Dude repeated himself, I repeated myself, then he claimed that ny 45 lbs dumbbells were his... when I got it off the weight rack (it's not rocket science to know that racked weights are unused until you take it, ejivh is what I did)

      Then he claimed he won't fight me for it as I was looking at him dumbfounded (and honestly a bit on edge since clearly he may have been schizo so I was ready to defend myself)

      The blink staff that saw from afar confirmed I wasn't imagining things and that I was right, they said I shoukd report him

      What was unsettling was the conviction with which he said the lie, then switched to a new lie mid conversation and committed to it all while looking hostile in the face

      Its disturbing that there are people out there who are programmed wayyyy differently from what we may individually consider objective common sense and rationality, some people are just crazy

  5. 1 year ago

    anon! behind you!

  6. 1 year ago

    Girls want to fight with me in the bedroom, if you know what I am trying to convey.

    • 1 year ago

      Damn bro stop trying to rape

      • 1 year ago

        my rape is consentual

      • 1 year ago

        He's not trying to rape. He IS raping.

  7. 1 year ago

    The more fit you are the more you intimidate people with your presence.
    At the most unfit, no one is intimidated, and no one presses you.
    At the most fit, everyone is too intimidated to press you.
    In the middle, they're intimidated but not enough to steer clear, this is the challenge zone.

    • 1 year ago

      danger zone anon here
      it's true, if you look good and have some muscle but don't look intimidating everyone will seethe and pick on you
      i want to get just buff enough to avoid people picking on me
      it's also funny to see how girls' attitudes change towards you as you get more fit

    • 1 year ago

      a low IQ person made that chart because holy frick its so terribly conveyed

  8. 1 year ago

    High test makes other men look at you as a threat, makes them want to prove something. Makes me think of pic related.
    I had a short dwarf looking piece of shit try to start a fight with me because I'm 6'1 and a pretty boy, was saying how nice my life must be being a justin bieber looking mother fricker, which pissed me off because at 23 that was literally the worst time of my life. I called him duck dynasty after the bieber comment and that really set him off but he didn't do shit. Insecure men like that need to be put down.

    • 1 year ago

      I forgot the fricking picture

    • 1 year ago

      He wanted to frick you

  9. 1 year ago

    oddly I find I can be a dick easier, and people take me now that I’m jacked (by normie standards) and not obese anymore

  10. 1 year ago

    It's a shit test, just bump shoulders and see what they do

  11. 1 year ago

    It's going to happen. Drunks seem to like to do this.
    Below average idiot starts shit.
    Loses fight to fit guy, no big deal
    Somehow wins fight with fit guy, looks like tough guy.

    I tried to walk away from a situation last summer. The idiot wasn't having it. Had to fight. Whooped his ass and ended up looking like the bad guy. Oh well. He left with a fricked up face in the back of a cruiser, I just ended up with fricked up knuckles. Wish he would've just let me walk away though.

  12. 1 year ago

    I got into my first fight about 3 years ago and just fricking destroyed a guy who had like 4 inches on me. Best day ever. I got into several fights ever since with varying results but generally fighting is a huge mood booster if you dont get your skull caved in. Whether you win or lose life feels more electrified for a week after

    • 1 year ago

      Idk I feel like an absolute moron every time, never lost one either, just feels so stupid and unnecessary.

    • 1 year ago

      My contempt is too high for like 99% of people to bother fighting them. Nothing to gain.

    • 1 year ago

      >just risk ending your life for a 1-week buzz bro
      no thanks, i'm getting the FRICK away from any confrontation

      • 1 year ago

        Fights with strangers are fricking moronic. Just fight in a fight gym, same effect.

    • 1 year ago

      In my experience most men just don’t fight back. Like a throw one punch and then they just sit there and wonder what the frick happened. I’m in college and have t had a real fight since I was boxing in highschool. Taller guys usually just do their own thing around me I usually only Get confronted by my height or a few inches taller

  13. 1 year ago

    Take it as a compliment. It means you're making guys insecure, and a lot of guys can't properly process that feeling. If you're making dudes insecure, it means the women around are looking at you. Just get big enough where people will be too scared to frick with you.

  14. 1 year ago

    That's how people are. It's not even exclusive to fitness, I have conditioned myself over the years to talk like a moron irl because if I'm too well-spoken I get weird passive-aggressive reactions and people trying to one-up me in that regard. You can't stand out in any way, even if you're not trying to, or it triggers some confrontation mechanism in their brains

  15. 1 year ago

    Now all you gotta do is act extra nice and kind to people if they come at you all aggressive like ''hey bro what's up? are you doing okay? how are you?'' and you'll basically send all those sour angry losers back into a deep depression pit when they realize you can be fit and kind.

    It's funny because some people seem to assume that anyone who is fit spends 99% of their time at the gym and is dumb, or is a full on piss finished egotistical butthole. KEK
    It just stings extra hard when they realize you can be all that and all of these are not mutually exclusive. Unironically being kind and friendly in a ''what's going on?'' amused way is the best way to really twist the knife on the judgmental buttholes who want to take it out on other people free of charge.
    Plus it really exposes them to everyone around if you react in a ''wow where did this come from'' way but friendly and kind way...

  16. 1 year ago

    - Might be because you cut and look skinny (weak)
    - Might be because your face looks beta but your body looks built so they see it as an easy win to assert their insecurity and repressed homosexuality
    - Might be because now that you go to gym you go outside more often so you run into more people (hence more possibilities to meet a jerkass)

  17. 1 year ago

    happens to my friend a lot, he's tall and very good looking. girls gaze at him in the street. before he was skinny and often got shit from jelly guys. know he's added like 25lbs and is pretty built, but he gets even more shit. poor guy. I've told him to train his neck and traps, since that gives you the intimidation factor

  18. 1 year ago

    you still get open antagonization from your peers anon? it means you are dyel. get bigger and antagonization will come only from behind your back.

  19. 1 year ago

    You weren't worth it when you were dyel
    Now you've made yourself more socially valuable and higher status, if I fight you and win then I look that much better, you know what I mean?
    Congrats basically, you're making it

  20. 1 year ago

    I am scared of both physical and verbal confrontation even though I’m one of the strongest looking and leanest guys at my gym, still dyel by IST terms. I’ve never been in a fight but I feel it would be good for me as it would force the b***h out of me and I could be more confident in social situations even though I only leave my house for work or gym. I really need to join a mma gym as I’ve always wanted to learn boxing and I follow ufc/boxing closely.

    • 1 year ago

      Highly recommend a fighting gym. You’d be surprised by the difference between a regular and true punch. But keep in mind that weight is a huge factor in fights. why I haven’t fought big guys in college? They probably don’t feel insecure enough to go bullying people smaller than them

  21. 1 year ago

    I've never had anyone talking shit/trying to start a fight with me, but many out-of-shape guys guys give me the stink eye at the beach/pool/when I'm cycling shirtless in the summertime.
    A similar thing happens when you dress nicely. I wear a suit and tie (medgay) when going to work and it's mostly middle aged (35-45) guys that give me the stink eye when they dress like your average slob (sneakers, jeans, T-shirt, whatever).

    • 1 year ago

      Why would you wear a suit as a medical worker?

      • 1 year ago

        Why not? I don't wear it when interacting with patients (we have scrubs for that), but (mostly in the U.S) it's pretty much a dress code for doctors and lawyers to wear business attire. It's nothing too fancy, like a 5000$ custom-made suit, but just some trousers, dress shirt, tie and jacket, but the shoes are good and expensive. Overall it's something like pic related.
        You'd be surprised on how you are treated differently (in a good way) when wearing a suit or something bizcaz.

        • 1 year ago

          Not that anon but a suit works if it fits to your role at a job. But I agree on causal business wear. Just don’t overdress for the sake of looking respectable. Just read the room and fit in. At my office most people wear casual polos with jeans. Anything over that and you’re probably from another company visiting or something.

          • 1 year ago

            Does your company also have latex thursdays?

  22. 1 year ago

    This is gonna sound stupid but, I still wear a mask because I have a face that makes other men feel insecure and envious. It just makes my life easier to hide my face in public. I've nearly gotten into fights over my appearance. I don't personally think I am super good looking but women seem to like it and some men resent it.

  23. 1 year ago

    Im 193cm at 110kg. I’ve been working out all my life and would say I’m built.
    I’ve had people flirt with my wife at bars while looking at me trying to get me to fight them and their buddies because noone is alone. I’ve had people run from far away just to slam into me and hit me on my chest screaming to fight them. I just shrug it off and keep to my self and people get all emotional and confused. Some even start crying. I’m 36 and have never been in a fight but a lot of people want to fight me.

    • 1 year ago

      Handsome tall athletic men have to know how to fight and defend themselves because there is no end to envious haters. If you are a 6'2" handsome bodybuilder, the only chance regular guys have to get laid competing with you is to kick your ass. So yeah, they're gonna try and kick your ass.

  24. 1 year ago

    I’m 120lbs and feminine looking for a man even if I’ve been rude or cheeky with men they’ve still not tried to fight me lol, idk why guys never even consider the concept of fighting me it’s weird cause they’d probably win

    • 1 year ago

      Do you give off a gay vibe?
      If you're tiny and seem homosexual and walk through the wrong neighborhoods you could get jumped.

      • 1 year ago

        Some people say I do, but I don’t go to wrong neighbourhoods usually, I just go to parties and stuff.

  25. 1 year ago

    OP come fight me.

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