Why do so many guys on here think calisthenics don't have any effect?

Why do so many guys on here think calisthenics don't have any effect? Obviously you won't get the insane results that lifting heavy will give you, but you are still repping your own bodyweight in exercise positions, that has to mean something.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Because most calisthenics bros don’t eat enough to grow so that they can progress to doing cool moves like one arm chinups easier. Calisthenics works fine for building a good physique if your goal is to build a good physique. Just like how if you eat TOO MUCH food so you can squat heavier weight, lifting won’t give you a good physique.
    Every bodybuilder on earth trains chinups. None of them train one arm chinups. This isn’t a coincidence.

    • 1 year ago

      But general fitness guys and bodybuilders are not the same breed. How much should a general fitness guy eat then?

      • 1 year ago

        If you don’t want to get bigger then this doesn’t apply to you. If you want to stay the same size and just get more defined and lean then you don’t need to eat more.

        • 1 year ago

          But general fitness guys and bodybuilders are not the same breed. How much should a general fitness guy eat then?

          I’m not trying to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. I’m just explaining why people say calisthenics won’t make you grow. They’re confusing the issue, they think calisthenics bros don’t usually get big because they do calisthenics. In reality calisthenics bros don’t usually get big because of their diet.

          • 1 year ago

            I see. I asked you how much a general fitness guy should eat because I would like increased function but I also need to drop weight. I am not skinny though. I don't think I have the genetics for bodybuilding stuff though.

            • 1 year ago

              If you’re fat then calisthenics will work even better for getting in good shape. It’s simple really.
              >guy who weighs 200 pounds doing bodyweight exercise
              >guy who weighs 120 pounds doing bodyweight exercise
              Which is harder? Obviously the first.
              Anyways go look up calorie maintenance counter, punch in your stats, and eat 500 less calories per day than that. Use a phone app to track it. Alternatively you can go for the much simpler thing of “eat less” if you have the willpower to do so. If you try this and find you’re not really losing weight than there’s no shame in counting calories.
              Aside from how much you should eat, what you should be eating is pretty simple. Just try to stick to whole foods, fruit, meat, vegetables, potato, rice, whole bread, etc. Avoid nuts and seeds because they’re VERY high in calorie. They’re not unhealthy but they’re bad for weight loss. Don’t feel down on yourself about having a cheat ***meal*** here and there. Never go for the all out cheat day though. That’s what fricks people over. Dieting is pretty simple if you’re serious about it.

              • 1 year ago

                Yes I do have the willpower, recently it's been water fasting and lots of reps. And eating things like eggs and vegetables. There will be long periods of times where all I will have is water.

              • 1 year ago

                You’ll probably be able to go harder when you workout if you eat some carbs beforehand, just so you know

                There are also plenty who lift and do calisthenics too. I do two barbell and/or DB compounds per session followed by all calisthenics for assistance, sometimes weighted, sometimes not. I find it to be a best of both worlds where I get bread and butter compound lifts in followed by a nice high volume of low impact calisthenics.
                Examples: barbell standing OHP followed by DB bench, then pull ups, dips, and weighted chins
                Barbell front squat followed by DB Bulgarian split squats then high rep walking lunges and hanging left raises
                I mix up different compounds and calis every time I train depending on what I am trying to accomplish.

                Yeah I kinda do similar. I’m taking a break from gym though for a few weeks to focus entirely on building up my explosive power with things like clapping pushups and kettlebell swings, clean and jerk, high pulls, etc. Because I have a lot more grindy strength than explosive power. I’m curious to see if working on this imbalance will actually end up improving my barbell lifts when I go back. Just a little experiment for fun.

          • 1 year ago

            There are also plenty who lift and do calisthenics too. I do two barbell and/or DB compounds per session followed by all calisthenics for assistance, sometimes weighted, sometimes not. I find it to be a best of both worlds where I get bread and butter compound lifts in followed by a nice high volume of low impact calisthenics.
            Examples: barbell standing OHP followed by DB bench, then pull ups, dips, and weighted chins
            Barbell front squat followed by DB Bulgarian split squats then high rep walking lunges and hanging left raises
            I mix up different compounds and calis every time I train depending on what I am trying to accomplish.

    • 1 year ago

      Conclusion: whether you cut for calisthenics or lift weights for bodybuilding, powerlifting is fricking stupid and should never be done.

      • 1 year ago

        But don't bodybuilders often use a strength base like powerlifting? Powerlifting is pretty good but my heart can't take what they do, which is bloating up and then lifting very heavy weights.

        • 1 year ago

          they did in the past but not anymore
          bronze and silver era bodybuilders were big and strong

      • 1 year ago

        It’s a sport bro, train for it if you like it. There’s nothing wrong with powerlifting the problem is people shilling it as “the optimum way to get jacked for naturals” or whatever people on here garble about.

        But don't bodybuilders often use a strength base like powerlifting? Powerlifting is pretty good but my heart can't take what they do, which is bloating up and then lifting very heavy weights.

        Train for powerlifting if you want to be a powerlifter.

        • 1 year ago

          I've read on some websites that a powerlifting program for a few months is good to shock your body and switch things up. But I think powerlifting guys take their heart health for granted. Mine would explode if I did what they do.

  2. 1 year ago

    nice try crossfit gay

  3. 1 year ago

    Ive done cali, weights and plyo so I can shed some light

    >Why do so many guys on here think calisthenics don't have any effect
    How many of the posters on this board do you think put in a lot of thought and effort into fitness compared to the amount of cumbrains, attention prostitutes and just randos that discuss meme shit. Id love for this board to filled with ppl sharing regimens, recommending equipemt etc but most ppl here barely know more than totally sedentary ppl

    >you won't get the insane results that lifting heavy will give you, but you are still repping your own bodyweight in exercise positions
    Not very spec but mostly correct. You will train you muscles, get stronger and more definition but hyperthrophy is usually achieved thru low rep high weight. A lot of ppl doing cali struggle w/ legs either bc its a large strong muscle and bodyweight doesnt provide a lot of stimulation or bc it has a low ROM and you need to do super high rep to diminishing effect. There is plenty of stuff you can do for your torse-arms

  4. 1 year ago

    I've got no problem with a fitizen wrongly thinking calisthenics won't do much & therefore sticking with lifting weights instead of thinking calisthenics are the way to gain muscle & only making like 60% of the gains they could make.

  5. 1 year ago

    Calisthenics is just skeletons swinging around pretending they are strong while the reality is they are just very light.

  6. 1 year ago

    Calisthenics definitely work, first week of benching I got up to 265 lbs from doing tons of pushups and shit whilst fat. That was about my bodyweight at the time.

  7. 1 year ago

    There is this guy at my gym who only comes to do the most showy calisthenics. I have seen him come for over a year now and he still looks like a teenager. It's not hard to do a muscle up when you are 50kg. Seeing him do those one legged squats while a teenage girl next to him squats his bodyweight for 10 reps is the image I have of calisthenics. It's just a fad because showy things do well on apps like Tiktok nowadays, just like how crossfit did well a few years ago on youtube.

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