Why do so many tribal african men seem to have gyno?

I've realized tons of tribal africans with some gyno. They have active lifestiles and apparently little to no hormonal unbalances, what can lead to this?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Difference in fat deposits. It's perfectly natural to have a little puff in your nipples. Only in America do people have the luxury to do unnecessary surgeries for minor aesthetic changes

  2. 7 months ago

    Blacks in general get disproportionately to other men. They have high estrogen.
    Nigs will cope and say they’re high test but literature states they have average test, use steroids more than any other race (because they buy into the portrayal of big strong Black you see in media so often and they realize quickly they aren’t like that naturally), they also have denser bones which is a mechanism of high/excessive estrogen. As we know they are hyper emotional and lack self control, another aspect of excessive estrogen.

    Idk why this isn’t common knowledge to most people it’s obvious without even reading the studies.

    • 7 months ago

      Why don't you go leave? I don't want to hear about your insecurities here, I want a proper answer.

      Not my problem if you are mindbroken by Blacks to the point of screaming your schizobabble, chill

      • 7 months ago

        I gave you your fricking answer do you need me to also teach you how to read beyond a 4th grade level you stupid emotional piece of rat shit?

      • 7 months ago

        you seemed genuinely sincere in the op, but now it is clear you're just one of those homosexuals who makes threads asking questions with uncomfortable answers just so you can turn around and try to gaslight posters into believing they are crazy. what's the fricking point? you are sad and pathetic.

      • 7 months ago

        Interesting, post nose.

        • 7 months ago

          Your country is getting bombed again

      • 7 months ago

        why can't you handle the truth?

      • 7 months ago

        >Asks for an answer
        >doesn't like the answer given and complains like a shitlib
        Civil war now!

      • 7 months ago

        >Waaaa, facts I don't like iz rayzist!

        sees a puffy nipple
        ever stepped into a fricking hot ass desert? nipples get puffy. put this same dude into snow and gyno will disappear

        Are you a fool or disingenuous?

      • 7 months ago

        He may be racist, but he is not wrong, anon.

    • 7 months ago

      we have so high test some aromatize to estrogen. Same issue roiders have

      • 7 months ago

        I have mild gyno and also acne on shoulders and back for some reason, could be due to this?

      • 7 months ago

        Lol that’s not how it works. The body doesn’t just make a ton of test it can’t utilize. That only happens when you forcibly increase the bodies test well beyond what it can utilize (as in, you coping moronic monkey, by injecting synthetic test). That’s why when someone takes gear they keep an AI on hand, to prevent that from happening.
        Like I said, the insecure black bois will cope about this. Please continue making a fool of yourself Quamoi!

      • 7 months ago

        It's about the ratio which means you just convert a disproportionately high amount of the test to estrogen relative whites

    • 7 months ago

      they love shoes too and so many are gays with AIDS

    • 7 months ago

      >high estrogen.
      high t and adrogen receptivity too

    • 7 months ago

      Can you provide some sources brother? I need these to argue with BBCcopers

      • 7 months ago

        You do understand some get disproportionate large wieners because of the higher estrogen, right?
        Same reason og trannies (shemales) have massive wieners

        • 7 months ago

          Wtf how does that make sense, surely wiener growth is related to testosterone during puberty. Tall guys usually have longer wieners.

          • 7 months ago

            Nope. Exactly the opposite happens. I wouldn't be able to tell you why but that's how it is

            • 7 months ago

              too high t fuses dick growth plate haha... but seriously it is likely same as with ftm trannies who need to start at low t dose and slowly increase or they get frog voice

    • 7 months ago

      >but literature states
      yikes my guy, this meta analysis has different findings to you

      • 7 months ago

        >ay nigguh I cherry picked one of hundreds of articles and only posted one defending my argument so I could cope and not face the reality you posted out ooga booga niggyuh
        And if you were Mexican you’d have posted one of the handfuls of studies which claim Mexicans have the highest free T.

        Picrel the original study which your study is derived from which you also seem to have interpreted to be significant by the wording, but with the detail of the original we see it’s an average 0.003 variation which is negligible, significant on paper maybe and in the context of your cherry picked study, but insignificant IRL in application.
        The next study I post will show higher concentration level in whites than blacks, despite that other studies such as yours say no difference in concentration. I’m hoping you’re keeping up with the point of that and can comprehend what this means instead of going into a temper tantrum

      • 7 months ago


        >ay nigguh I cherry picked one of hundreds of articles and only posted one defending my argument so I could cope and not face the reality you posted out ooga booga niggyuh
        And if you were Mexican you’d have posted one of the handfuls of studies which claim Mexicans have the highest free T.

        Picrel the original study which your study is derived from which you also seem to have interpreted to be significant by the wording, but with the detail of the original we see it’s an average 0.003 variation which is negligible, significant on paper maybe and in the context of your cherry picked study, but insignificant IRL in application.
        The next study I post will show higher concentration level in whites than blacks, despite that other studies such as yours say no difference in concentration. I’m hoping you’re keeping up with the point of that and can comprehend what this means instead of going into a temper tantrum

        Hope you’re still following the point here. Notice it also about halfway in claims that blacks had lower estradiol, see next post.

        Hint because I can already see your moron seethe incoming: the point here is about cherry picking
        >Inb4 the moron who unironically says “yikes” still misses the points and seethes in response

        • 7 months ago


          >ay nigguh I cherry picked one of hundreds of articles and only posted one defending my argument so I could cope and not face the reality you posted out ooga booga niggyuh
          And if you were Mexican you’d have posted one of the handfuls of studies which claim Mexicans have the highest free T.

          Picrel the original study which your study is derived from which you also seem to have interpreted to be significant by the wording, but with the detail of the original we see it’s an average 0.003 variation which is negligible, significant on paper maybe and in the context of your cherry picked study, but insignificant IRL in application.
          The next study I post will show higher concentration level in whites than blacks, despite that other studies such as yours say no difference in concentration. I’m hoping you’re keeping up with the point of that and can comprehend what this means instead of going into a temper tantrum


          >but literature states
          yikes my guy, this meta analysis has different findings to you

          And look at that this one also claims no difference in concentrate

          >n-nooo f-free t is a-all tha—
          Stfu Black person I already told you that is not the point I am making here. There are COUNTLESS studies contradicting one another, half of them just use other studies findings reworded while leaving out information to highlight researcher bias. There’s more in depth and actually accurate studies taking people from all over the planet, people of different races form the same environment, grouping them by age and body composition. For example the brunt of these American studies neglect body composition in their sampling so they’ll pit overweight blacks and whites against lean Mexican American adolescents and say “OH WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT THEY HAVE HIGHER FREE TEST!” No shit. Next time don’t just post the first study/article you find off google which helps you cope, I understand reading isnt your strong suit though.

          Why is it that anon answering the OPs question truthfully makes you so upset and insecure that you take these measures to cope?

          • 7 months ago

            You or whoever was the first one to post "muh blacks have higher estrogen". Then when I post another study showing no such thing all of a sudden you get butt mad.
            What the frick? Then you said it was answered truthfully. how can it be truthful if all the studies contradict each other.
            Absolute moron, kys

            • 7 months ago

              >I-I posted a singular “study” (meta analysis) so I’m right! I will neglect your handful of counter studies making the point of how moronic that was of me!
              Are you actually fricking stupid? Did you really miss the entire point I made which I flat out very fricking clearly told you I was making multiple times?
              Furthermore I did offer a rebuttal source to that


              And look at that this one also claims no difference in concentrate

              >n-nooo f-free t is a-all tha—
              Stfu Black person I already told you that is not the point I am making here. There are COUNTLESS studies contradicting one another, half of them just use other studies findings reworded while leaving out information to highlight researcher bias. There’s more in depth and actually accurate studies taking people from all over the planet, people of different races form the same environment, grouping them by age and body composition. For example the brunt of these American studies neglect body composition in their sampling so they’ll pit overweight blacks and whites against lean Mexican American adolescents and say “OH WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT THEY HAVE HIGHER FREE TEST!” No shit. Next time don’t just post the first study/article you find off google which helps you cope, I understand reading isnt your strong suit though.

              Why is it that anon answering the OPs question truthfully makes you so upset and insecure that you take these measures to cope?

              I would say the one who is “butt mad” is the dumbfrick ball of rat shit who posted the first meta analysis research paper off google as his defending source, feeling so full of seethe he couldn’t help but respond to anon with it as a cope but still seemingly misses the point.


              • 7 months ago

                >feeling so full of seethe he couldn’t help but respond
                so much projection of feelings

              • 7 months ago

                >nuh Uh n-no you!
                Keep coping Darnell Beasley I’m sure it’s gotten you very far in life lol

      • 7 months ago

        >meta analysis
        Kek what a moron.

        • 7 months ago

          Lmfao as seen what I worded here for the absolute coping moron in a way one with a 4th graders reading comphrension could understand


          >ay nigguh I cherry picked one of hundreds of articles and only posted one defending my argument so I could cope and not face the reality you posted out ooga booga niggyuh
          And if you were Mexican you’d have posted one of the handfuls of studies which claim Mexicans have the highest free T.

          Picrel the original study which your study is derived from which you also seem to have interpreted to be significant by the wording, but with the detail of the original we see it’s an average 0.003 variation which is negligible, significant on paper maybe and in the context of your cherry picked study, but insignificant IRL in application.
          The next study I post will show higher concentration level in whites than blacks, despite that other studies such as yours say no difference in concentration. I’m hoping you’re keeping up with the point of that and can comprehend what this means instead of going into a temper tantrum


          And look at that this one also claims no difference in concentrate

          >n-nooo f-free t is a-all tha—
          Stfu Black person I already told you that is not the point I am making here. There are COUNTLESS studies contradicting one another, half of them just use other studies findings reworded while leaving out information to highlight researcher bias. There’s more in depth and actually accurate studies taking people from all over the planet, people of different races form the same environment, grouping them by age and body composition. For example the brunt of these American studies neglect body composition in their sampling so they’ll pit overweight blacks and whites against lean Mexican American adolescents and say “OH WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT THEY HAVE HIGHER FREE TEST!” No shit. Next time don’t just post the first study/article you find off google which helps you cope, I understand reading isnt your strong suit though.

          Why is it that anon answering the OPs question truthfully makes you so upset and insecure that you take these measures to cope?

          there’s posting a cherry picked article to cope, then there’s posting a cherry picked article with an obvious motive and bias which didn’t even conduct its own fricking study to cope. Absolutely fricking pathetic

  3. 7 months ago

    My guess is they don't eat their ancestral diets anymore. I don't think hunger gatherer tribes like hadza have gyno

    • 7 months ago

      Even those who have gyno have nice physiques and performance

    • 7 months ago

      What is their ancestral diet? Dirt Cookies?

    • 7 months ago

      Lots of tribal Africans eat corn now.

  4. 7 months ago

    Built for big israeli wiener

  5. 7 months ago

    could be all that dairy if we speak about east african pastoralists

  6. 7 months ago

    sees a puffy nipple
    ever stepped into a fricking hot ass desert? nipples get puffy. put this same dude into snow and gyno will disappear

    • 7 months ago

      >breast tissue disappears in cold weather

      • 7 months ago

        >anon finds out skin expands and shrinks with the ambient temperature.

        the majority of men have some degree of breast tissue by the way.

        • 7 months ago

          Breast tissue is not skin you stupid homosexual. Breast tissue is mammary glands. A womens tit isn’t just skin and it’s not all fat either. It’s a tit. Men are not meant to have breasts the only reason we even have nipples is because we start out female during fetal development.

  7. 7 months ago

    don’t discuss cuckold’s favorite subject

  8. 7 months ago


  9. 7 months ago

    born to buck

  10. 7 months ago

    60+% of all males of any ethnic background have it. It's mostly left over from early puberty.

  11. 7 months ago

    starvation induced stress reaction, can even cause males to lactate.

  12. 7 months ago

    Sorry, but Black folk don't have high test. According to science they have the same test levels as whitey. They are #1 in some things though:
    >highest estrogen levels
    >highest transgender rate
    >highest homosexuality rates
    >highest AIDS rates
    >highest genital warts and herpes rates

    • 7 months ago


  13. 7 months ago

    This is actually normal and we are lead to think otherwise by our western deviation

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