Why do some people just love to work out? Running, swimming, lifting, etc. Is it a genetic thing?

Why do some people just love to work out? Running, swimming, lifting, etc

Is it a genetic thing? Because even on here, on IST you see people who don’t really like it and try to take shortcuts and see it as punishment, but some people love it and do it no matter what

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  1. 12 months ago

    >average age include the high infant mortality
    >HUUUUR most people didn't live past 20
    I hate morons

    • 12 months ago

      > I hate morons.
      How do you live with yourself then?

      Life expectancy was still around 30-50 before you croaked.

      • 12 months ago

        No it wasn't you dumb Black person.

    • 12 months ago

      With infant mortality its even worse, since a lot of cultures just accept kids croaking early as a sign of whatever manifest destiny existing. By the same token getting deathly ill and surviving is a sign true blessings.
      Child mortality is therefore completely underreported until you get memology in later socities such as Catholic church books and very early baptism.

      Workplace accident? Infection from workplace accident or hunting?
      Being unable to swim and go fishing from a boat? Handling wild toxic fumes, such as working with led or arsenic refinement? Working in a mine with toxic substances? Get Diarrhea and die horribly like some third worlder? Get lost in the frontier, just like modern tourist hikers?
      And a lot more. Various forms of OHSA is underrated

    • 12 months ago

      >infants aren't people

      • 12 months ago

        He's right you moron. It wasn't all too uncommon for people to live into their 70's, 80's, or 90's even thousands of years ago. Including infant mortality in life expectancy in those days is like saying that statistically the average person has one testicle

    • 12 months ago

      Imagine being triggered by a meme

  2. 12 months ago

    because it's fun?

    • 12 months ago

      Yes but why is it so black and white? Either someone HATES it or they LOVE it, you never hear about people who lift just because ”eh whatever”

  3. 12 months ago

    morality. and shit taste in music. i swear every time i hear a song now i want to do pullups of pushups just because of the energy it gives me.
    Dont think is genetic, its just the mindset they have towards it or how fast they make progress. Im only on my second year of lifting and i fell in love simply because of what it gives you. The afterbreath of relief after a hard set. The scenarios in my head. Dunno, maybe people are just stupid, because i was never active in my life until now.

    • 12 months ago

      Dopamine addicted moron doesn't know they are addicted to the dopamine factor.

  4. 12 months ago

    I enjoy mogging others. Its not enough that I'm better than them. I need to to know how miniscule they are in comparison to me. I make more money than most people. I have a nicer house. I have a better family. I run faster, lift more, jump higher, harvest more of my own food, I really just love being better than others. So it isn't so much that I really like swimming, its that I enjoy it when women say stuff like "omg, you're a fricking 10" or my buddies go "dude you're crazy how can you do all this shit" , or when I get hit on on the reg. Its hard to explain. I guess you're born a chad or your not.

  5. 12 months ago

    Cardio without any sort of engagement is mind-numbingly boring. You need to be in the right headspace or it will suck even if it feels good at a basal level (runner's high, etc). Add on top of that the fact that when your body is shit any kind of exhertion feels like shit, and a treadmill facing a brick wall might as well be a medieval torture device to your average normie.
    I'm far from a bikegay but I can spend the whole day trail biking, whereas anything more than 10 minutes of stationary biking is an ordeal.

    Now pumping iron feels good no matter what. If you aren't enjoying it you're doing something wrong.

    • 12 months ago

      >Cardio without any sort of engagement is mind-numbingly boring.
      cus your mind is boring anon

  6. 12 months ago

    it's a getaway from normal life

  7. 12 months ago

    How the frick can you not enjoy it?
    Lifting is my favorite part of the day, the pump, the adrenaline, the intensity

  8. 12 months ago

    Everybody in my family is a fat sack of shit and I’m the only skinny and fit person so it can’t be genetic

  9. 12 months ago

    Fun things are fun

  10. 12 months ago

    >Why do some people just love to work out?
    It feels good. Not always right away but after you spend some time building up a foundation.

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