Why do women always complain about having to work hard to look good when men have to work much harder?

Why do women always complain about having to work hard to look good when men have to work much harder?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Because they are lazy, and complaining is like breathing to them.

  2. 10 months ago

    do you know how long it takes to remove body hair, do nails, pluck eyebrows, apply makeup, style hair, colon cleanse, and put on a cute outfit?

    • 10 months ago

      >colon cleanse

    • 10 months ago

      >colon cleanse
      we're talking about real women

      • 10 months ago

        "we're talking about women"

    • 10 months ago

      >pluck eyebrows
      >style hair
      that's something men do too
      >do nails
      at least trimming and filing too

      but yeah, principally you're right
      OP just ignores all other work women put into their appearance

    • 10 months ago

      >pluck eyebrows
      >style hair
      that's something men do too
      >do nails
      at least trimming and filing too

      but yeah, principally you're right
      OP just ignores all other work women put into their appearance

      That's not work, that's stupid superficial shit. Give me a hairy broad over one who needs to spend an hour a day shaving and another hour complaining about it.

    • 10 months ago

      An industry and standard pushed and perpetuated by women

    • 10 months ago

      >style hair
      >put on clothes
      These are the only things that are truly necessary for presentability/hygiene and need to be done frequently. They are neither difficult nor time consuming. Men do the exact same thing except we shave less frequently.

      >Do nails
      >Pluck eyebrows
      >Apply makeup
      All entirely optional. Not really even that time consuming to begin with unless you're obsessed with it.

      >Colon cleanse

    • 10 months ago

      Women will do nearly anything to avoid accountability and responsibility. Your problems don't matter, only theirs do.

      >colon cleanse


      >colon cleanse
      we're talking about real women

      For what it's worth I've never been with a woman who was willing to prep for anal. Couldn't figure out the purpose even when explaining a horrible shitdick experience. Would always get within seconds of nutting when they have to go take a shit cuz i fricked them too long.

  3. 10 months ago

    women still have to do cardio and at least some "strength" sport to look like this
    also the
    and the men there is objectively a higher league than the women, there are way few men that look like this than they are women who look like your pic

    i know you just want to hate on women
    but women statistically spend way more time on average to look good than men

    just as example
    for my face to look good, I wash my face, trim my beard (and other facial hair), put on some beard oil, hair wax, comb and am finished after 15min max.
    my girlfriend on the other hand shaves her whole body, then spends the next 30min on her makeup and hair to look good
    she's neither better nor worse looking than me, just a standard routine and she need 3x as long

  4. 10 months ago

    >women are children
    I mean that's pretty much it

  5. 10 months ago

    Both He-Man and Barbie inspire a sense of inadequacy to men and women respectively, but the difference is that when men compare themselves to He-Man they aspire to be like him, and also know that He-Man isn't fricking real. For some reason women reify Barbie as though this plastic doll is really a standard of beauty.

    • 10 months ago

      I think its because unlike HeMan, its actually possible, with a modicum of discipline, to look like Brbie. The blonde in the picture to the left is a pretty realistic reporesentation of BArbie. Perhaps a bit flat chested, but definetly a thin, realsitic, a=ttainable body with a nothing more than a reasonbale diet, and some sort of ligfht exercise like walking, bicyling or dancing.

      He-Man is also realistic, in that if you want to be a roided out, full time, Mr Olympia caliber bodybuilder, you can look like He-Man. Men know that unlike Babrie, it will take years and years of massive amouns of training, food, bulks and cuts and drugs. Even then, most men probably can never look like he-man.

      Barbie or a real version of her is doable, and thats daunting. HeMan or the real version of him is not really doiable without devoting a decade or more of your life to a bodybuilding and drg lifestyle.

      So botches be triggered, because they are lazy.

      • 10 months ago

        If you have a shit face, bad skin and pancake breasts then you will never look like barbie, at least not without surgery and makeup which I think is the point.

  6. 10 months ago

    Because there is more expectation to look good in general. As a guy you have the option of looking like complete shit and nobody will really care, maybe you bang slightly fewer girls but that's about it.

  7. 10 months ago
  8. 10 months ago

    >my dad sees commercial for new Barbie movie
    >"She's too fat to be Barbie!"

    • 10 months ago

      there was a morbidly obese barbie in the movie
      almost gagged every time she was on screen

      • 10 months ago

        was she black?

  9. 10 months ago

    Women have higher beauty standards, men's looks don't really matter

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