Why do women never use fictional characters as motivation? Pic related would be a perfect ass motivation.

Why do women never use fictional characters as motivation? Pic related would be a perfect ass motivation. Yet I have only seen men use characters like Goku to get enough motivation to never stop exercising.

Why is this?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Women generally aren't motivated creatures. If you give a guy and woman a goal post, they try to achieve it in different ways. Look at the many instances of men vs women in survival situations. There are exceptions but very few.

    • 11 months ago

      Is it because women live life on easy mode, where they don't really have to do anything, because they have an inherited value?

      • 11 months ago

        That might be over simplifying it but it's not entirely off track. From an evolutionary standpoint, women are not built to do this kind of effort. They are mentally, emotionally, and physically fragile compared to a male. God put their stat points in fertility, subservience, and sentimentality so they can survive and raise offspring effectively. Of course females dominate the college population due to this yet they still lack in volume for positions in upper management. Decisiveness, restless action, and drive to do the unreal against all odds is a masculine behavior. I love women but a guy needs to understand that she can't be held accountable for herself.

        • 11 months ago

          based women are meant to raise your next generation of kids

  2. 11 months ago

    Because instead of taking it as inspiration to improve themselves they get jealous and spiteful and will say things like that are “unrealistic expectations.”

    • 11 months ago

      But OP girl has quite a normal body, doesn't she?

    • 11 months ago

      >and will say things like that are “unrealistic expectations.”
      But they are.

      But OP girl has quite a normal body, doesn't she?

      If normal means borderline anorexic with ass implants to you, then yes.

      • 11 months ago

        >borderline anorexic with ass implants
        Bull fricking shit, for over a decade I have seen girls in the gym squatting, dealifting and hipthrusting their way to a bigger better ass. It worked for them, it will work for you... as for unrealistic expectations... I only frick fitness models these days, just because I can

        • 11 months ago

          >OP ass is fit
          How the frick do your eyes work?

      • 11 months ago

        that's a normal body in europe

  3. 11 months ago

    Models and women online are already fictional characters due to plastic surgery, photoshopfu and facetune. They don't even look like their own pictures. Why would we need to find characters from media? I remember me and other girls already following ab workout routines we found in a teen magazine when we were like 11 or 12, getting into ProAna stuff. Most women and girls are deeply insecure and really don't think we're all hot shit with no improvement necessary. Also the difference is that nobody expects you to look like Goku and your girlfriend isn't jerking off to him, but women are expected to look like the fake images men jerk off to and lust after

    • 11 months ago

      L O N D O N

    • 11 months ago

      >but women are expected to look like the fake images men jerk off to and lust after

      Maybe in the 2000's this was true. I see endless tiktoks of men liking "thicc" women. Hell most men ridicule other men for even saying a chubby woman is fat. Women are given a lot more slack today. Most men are disgusted by plastic looking women. Most men I see are walking around with fat as frick women and these are twig looking guys. Don't bullshit me about my own sex. I wont deny there are men out there that have unrealistic expectations, but most men don't expect a whole lot.

      • 11 months ago

        I want a woman who's loyal, won't bolt the second my life goes through a downturn, and won't try to destroy my life if I say or do something she doesn't like. Percentage of women that meet that? 0.000000001%. Yeah, my standards are infinitely high.

        >Pic related would be a perfect ass motivation.
        How would that fat ass motivate anyone to hit the gym?

        "Work out harder or you'll get a fat ass like that"

        • 11 months ago

          >"Work out harder or you'll get a fat ass like that"
          You're saying reverse psychology works better on women?

      • 11 months ago

        Standards haven't changed as much in my country. It's just not AS insane anymore where even underweight girls were considered fat due to having wide hipbones or not having a flat ass. Though I did notice that all the scrawny guys in the gym nowadays have 10/10 skinny fit qt GFS and the biggest guys have slampig girlfriends who don't really workout, but just follow them around in the gym.
        >Most men are disgusted by plastic looking women.
        Keywords are plastic-looking, men are bad at being able to tell a woman had surgery and you only hate it when it's overdone. Same thing with how guys can't tell that the 2 hour "no make up" make up routine is more make up, effort and fakery than slapping some red lipstick on. Just because you notice the latter more. Practically every girl I studied with had self admitted plastic surgery, injections, eyelash extensions, veneers, 2+ hour make up routines and guys couldn't tell. Guys have gotten desensitized by social media and TikTok and unless they have sisters or something, have no idea what a woman looks like anymore. Girls will put on make up before you wake up even. Don't even bother trying the taking her swimming trick, that stuff stays nowadays.

        • 11 months ago

          Look, hun. I know you're mad because you only get stuffed with a different black dick 6 days a week instead of 7 but no one here cares. Go back to chugging dicks or go ahead and rope, you're not fricking welcome here.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm a volcel virgin and hate darkies more than you do. Keep your blacked fetish to yourself, tyvm
            >Verification not required

            • 11 months ago

              Lmao, there is no such thing as a roastie volcel. Go die in an aids fire, you moronic prostitute.

        • 11 months ago

          Yea I'll agree with some of that. People are generally pretty bad at noticing fakery unless it's overdone to a crazy standard. I think I'm the outlier in that, but I could be dunning krueger. I think women do whatever gets them a good amount of good attention. They adopt a physique that men may ogle at, In that regard I can see where you're coming from. But it does go both ways. I'd say at least men are trying to improve something, because they're told to. Women should at least be told try and stay in physical shape and not make excuses for it the same as men. What country do you live in btw?

        • 11 months ago

          idk what country you are from but it sounds fricking based. i live in the comunist shithole of europe where women are encouraged to be disgusting pigs and monobrows. i can tell you, at least in this shithole woke country, men dont buy that shit. a b***h who does anything plastic surgery related is mocked and called a fraud, even if her surgery is not noticeable or it looks good. she will always carry the shame of not being natural, or the retouch being temporary because most of them look like shit after a number of years. i have this foid coworker who bleached her hair barbie doll style, inyected her lips with botox or some shit to get sausage lips and wears fricking outlandish clothing and shoes (she spent 6 months wearing the same transparent stripper platforms) and everybody makes fun of her because she looks like a moronic bimbo and i bet my left nut she didnt get a tit job because shes fricking poor.
          >as my dad says
          >"women dont know what men like, instead, they do as gay men in the world of fashion say, but they dont know gay men hate women".

    • 11 months ago

      breasts or gtfo roastie.

    • 11 months ago

      This. But also keep in mind a lot of men don’t expect you to look impeccable, and a lot of women do expect a man with a herculean build. It goes both ways, but nobody wants to accept nuance. We all have to be the the victim somehow.

  4. 11 months ago

    Because men and women seek different things. Women want to feel emotionally validated inherently, because they are by society, especially today. Men want to gain it because we have 0 value starting out. We have to make it, and we routinely seek it, and we chew other men out when they don't adopt this mindset, whereas women don't. This leads to a group of achievers and one of losers. What I say is considered misogynistic, but I believe it's the truth. I feel like if it wasn't, women wouldn't be attacking artists and videos games for depicting women the way they do.

    TL;DR: Men are taught to be achievers and to take every form of ridicule, women are free from it and encouraged to disagree with.

    • 11 months ago

      Kinda true, but women can be real b***hes to eacnother. Matter of fact, in my experience some of the most toxic people I've met in my life have been women, and these women were ruthless to other women in their criticisms as well.

    • 11 months ago

      Men do have inherent value. It’s true society treats them differently, but that doesn’t mean it has to be true. Nothing wrong trying to better yourself, but don’t go around claiming women never put any effort into anything, just cause there’s a vocal minority of libs doing offputting shit.
      If “Society” teaches us XYZ, don’t you think it needs to change as opposed to only women have to?

      • 11 months ago

        >Men do have inherent value.
        Tell me what inherent value do men have that they don't have to gain.
        > don’t go around claiming women never put any effort into anything
        Never said they don't put effort into anything, I was trying to say that they're not expected to nor are they encouraged to. In fact they're encouraged to just do whatever and eat themselves into a coma. Do all women do that? Of course not. Are a lot more women doing it now though? Frick yea. It's what you get when you tell people to just sloth away.
        >If “Society” teaches us XYZ, don’t you think it needs to change as opposed to only women have to?
        Not sure what you mean. Do you mean stop allowing people to make voluptuous women in videos game because it might hurt womens' feelings? Or do you mean stop spreading false body standards? And if so, what do you mean by that? I'm not sure what you mean here 100%. I'd like to know.

        • 11 months ago

          I keep hearing misogynistic crap about women and how they’re to blame for the downfall of society, so whenever I hear someone recite the same lines from the red pill, it’s like they surrender their agency and act like a hive mind. What I meant is that society’s expectations towards both genders should change. The red pill denies you to ever express your feelings if you’re a man, so you bottle everything up and starve yourself of connection. At the same time, if you are a woman, it tells you you are just that - emotional and therefore not capable of rational thinking. I could go on and on about the bs the red pill makes up about women, but you seem to have understood my point.
          Also no person with common sense would fall for sjw bs or fat positivity. But body negativity certainly doesn’t work.

  5. 11 months ago

    >Pic related would be a perfect ass motivation.
    How would that fat ass motivate anyone to hit the gym?

  6. 11 months ago

    Women are collectivist by nature. They rarely have heroes of their own. They follow what the herd does.

  7. 11 months ago

    women don’t play vidya

  8. 11 months ago

    Because women are literal mental children and they think its easier to make the world change instead of changing themselves. Thats why body positivity only exists in the woman dimension and fat homosexuals are called disgusting fat homosexuals.

    • 11 months ago

      I blame single parent households and young girls being raised by their moms who constantly trash talk men. Of course girls grow up without respect for men and their own bodies - to sleep around and think not a thing is their fault. Female accountability is out the window in western society.

  9. 11 months ago

    women only use fictional characters as motivation. photoshop, dude

  10. 11 months ago

    I was just looking at aliexpress today and noticed they portray women's fitness needs/abilities very differently than most places

    • 11 months ago

      >new chinese liveleak footage dropped

  11. 11 months ago

    They do. The influencers who they watch every day and wish to be are fictional.

  12. 11 months ago

    I don' think you understand, people with actual capability of motivating themselves to be better with ficction are minority, and YOUR favourite ass projection isn't even close to what the ones that are want or deserve. Now go grow another two foot because of Jack Reacher

  13. 11 months ago

    I hate both men and women.

  14. 11 months ago

    >Why is this?
    Autists have a problem with distinguishing between fantasy and reality, that's why they have impossible standards and get depressed because they can't ever be reached.

    Normal people are more realistic, male or female.

  15. 11 months ago

    Because anything better than their current state breeds jealousy and envy.

  16. 11 months ago

    Femanon here. Unlike the game devs or 3d design team that sculpted this ass, we can’t recreate this shit in the gym 1:1. Sure we can work out, but the giant breasts and hour glass figure don’t come from working out. It’s easy to draw a character making every feature flawless, then comparing them to real life women and be disappointed.
    I know irl men don’t judge women THIS harshly. But it’s not very motivating seeing a picture perfect female character on screen. It’s like asking a bald dude why he doesn’t strive to look like a character with a full head of hair. Some of us will have hip dips, stretch marks, small breasts, celulite, etc. If you don’t like it, thank you next.

    • 11 months ago

      >it's not very motivating seeing a picture perfect female character on screen
      Dumb roastie b***h. It's supposed to be an ideal, not a goal. Something to strive for, not to achieve. If it was achievable you could stop lifting after getting there. Fictional stuff is there to keep you working indefinitely.

    • 11 months ago

      baldness is curable if its caught early. A few months on estrogen and I completely regrew my hair and its gained fullness, volume and looks 3x better than its ever been

      If you let your baldness progress to the point of being a chrome dome i'm sorry but you wanted to be bald or were too depressed to do anything about it

  17. 11 months ago

    everything they do has a social motivation and fictional characters aren't social; they'd be more interested in a fandom or something
    it's like anti-autism and just as unpleasant when intense

  18. 11 months ago

    I fricking wish.

  19. 11 months ago

    For the zoomers, the OP pic is from P.N.03 and her body was the usual late 90's beauty standard and nothing unusual. Her ass is not even big and her breasts are small, it's just an athletic body. You all got body dysmorphia from hebrew pornography and shittok.

    • 11 months ago

      >it's just an athletic body
      Her ass is fat, anon.

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