Why do you not train BJJ? All that lifting is useless. You can't fight. Learn to fight.

Why do you not train BJJ?
All that lifting is useless. You can't fight.
Learn to fight.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Cuz I don't wanna.

    >inb4 mad replies
    Don't care

  2. 10 months ago

    I plan to once my kids are old enough

  3. 10 months ago

    Just buy a gun homosexual

    • 10 months ago

      I own several. Fighting is fun tho

      • 10 months ago

        >rolling around with men under set rules
        If you're into that type of fighting might as well play raw vs smackdown. Same shit without man sweat

        • 10 months ago

          Experience fighting under those "set rules" and then make your mind up about Bjj

    • 10 months ago


  4. 10 months ago

    I just don't have time anymore. my wife and I trained for about two years 4 times per week until she got told she needed to go back to working in the office. we both don't get home until around 5-530 and our gym was 30 minutes away so it would have been unfair to our dogs to keep them crated all day then again for a few hours at night. we pop into open mat on Sunday mornings every once in a while but we for sure miss it.

    • 10 months ago

      ive been training since 2015 and this is becoming a burden on me too. one kid now, another on the way, and i can only make lunchtime classes nowadays if work allows.
      i wish i didnt enjoy it so much so i could just quit.
      i think hobbies that require you to be there a certain time are a massive pita for guys with young families

      • 10 months ago

        shit man we don't even have kids(just a lot of pets) and we were finding it difficult. not to mention wanting to do tournaments and going on trips to other gyms with everyone.

  5. 10 months ago

    This shit is 100% for closeted homos and will be completely irrelevant if some dickhead at a bar is talking shit to you.

    Take 1 on 1 boxing lessons for like a few months.

  6. 10 months ago

    I do Judo because throwing someone to the ground is leagues better.

    • 10 months ago

      Lol no

    • 10 months ago

      Then once your on the ground a jiu jitsu player throws you in an armbar or RNC then what?

      • 10 months ago

        Judo teaches ground techniques better than BJJ.

        • 10 months ago

          not even good bait

          • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Why would I join the guy on the ground? I'd just leave or kick his head in.

      • 10 months ago

        Slam on the ground than kick the head .
        Punch someone on the nose than as soom as they dropped kick the head

      • 10 months ago

        How would the BJJ player throw me in an armbar when Judo teaches me to go from throw to submission seamlessly and they're already caught in one?

        • 10 months ago

          Because pure modern Judo was raped to death by olympic rules and Judokas will lose 99% of the time against a similar level grappler
          If you want to prove me otherwise just go and win the ADCCS it's open to you guys

  7. 10 months ago

    I'll lift one of the gay homosexuals who like giving out blowjobs like how I lift muh 400s. Weight class exists for a reason and even if they know how to punch or kick my muscles would be to rock hard solid to be hurt

  8. 10 months ago

    well many people lift for looks and you are perceived dozens or even hundreds of times a day and your appearance creates an impression on the people that see you, being big and strong creates an emotional reaction, generally positive, in others
    you are forced to defend yourself against others most likely never
    and if you're so obsessed with it just train a bit of judo, get good at reading situations, creating space and concealed carry + practice at range

  9. 10 months ago

    Am 21, been doing Jiu Jitsu and Judo since i was 13, my knees, shoulders and elbows are permanently damaged. I can't squat without pain. All in all, be careful

    • 10 months ago

      This. I've been training for over 10 years and always defended BJJ with my life. Now recently I got a slipped disc from being stacked one time too much and I'm not so sure anymore, I've had time to think it over. I've always ok'd most of the injuries but I think most people have to acknowledge that the injury rate is quite high. I've lost count of how many people have gotten back, knee or shoulder injuries, on top of broken tooth, cauliflowers and minor ones. Unless you are doing some soft sparring with wimps you are going to get black and blue, and as you get older your recovery gets worse. Some juijiteros wear that like a badge of honor but talk to the older ones and they are all nursing an old injury.

  10. 10 months ago

    pick one

  11. 10 months ago

    Do martial artists lift?

    • 10 months ago

      Some do, some don't. The higher the skill level the more people lifting as well you'll find.

  12. 10 months ago

    I like BJJ but I vastly prefer getting someone to the ground. I am not even interested in learning BJJ more completely until my wrestling is good. I got hurt in January and have been enjoying my time just doing regular workouts, not in a rush.

    • 10 months ago

      I was surprised by how little my BJJ gym focused on takedowns and wrestling. Everyone happy to just lie on their backs and pull guard. I’m 6’4 and 100kgs with a rugby background so I’m able to get top position pretty easily and my cardio seems to be higher than most.

      The younger/fitter higher belts seam to just absorb my strength though and end up submitting me, but the older high belts get mad when I pass and tell me to “slow down” because my technique is sloppy and “scrambling will only get you so far”.

      For a self defence sport that’s pretty moronic, if I’m pinning you and can punch/ground and pound the fights over before you can slowly work your way into a submission.

      Overall it’s fun as frick though, and I like that I can roll almost everyday without getting too sore or concussions.

      I want to train wrestling to supplement but there’s only one Greco Roman wrestling gym in my city and it’s 40+ minute by car without traffic.


      • 10 months ago

        Sounds like a shit gym. We usually spend half the lesson on a takedown and half on ground

        • 10 months ago

          I should add it's an mma gym and we incorporate a lot of wrestling in bjj and the training is a full sequence with entry, defenses, overcoming defenses and the sub/takedown rather than the standard bjj training of
          >stard on knees
          >here is submission
          >do it for 30 mins
          >okay roll

      • 10 months ago

        6'3" 105kg former defensive end / current purple belt here

        And can confirm. Unless you're training with guys your size, top position is easy to snag. After that, sustained pressure opens a ton of easy submissions.

        Then if you're lucky enough to roll with guys your size there's never space to drill takedowns "live" or even 80% live. I wish gyms would intentionally drill / do situational work from standing more, but the Brazilians all hate it

        Gotta find a Sambo gym sor sth

      • 10 months ago

        6'3" 105kg former defensive end / current purple belt here

        And can confirm. Unless you're training with guys your size, top position is easy to snag. After that, sustained pressure opens a ton of easy submissions.

        Then if you're lucky enough to roll with guys your size there's never space to drill takedowns "live" or even 80% live. I wish gyms would intentionally drill / do situational work from standing more, but the Brazilians all hate it

        Gotta find a Sambo gym sor sth

        That's why I do MMA. We always do ground and pound, and often include slapping in sparring to give each feedback that you'd be getting your shit punched if you took that much time irl.

        That said first poster seems like some insecure cuck who doesn't understand the concept of technique learning. When you learn you go slow and focus on quality SO THAT you're more effective irl.

      • 10 months ago

        In 2 years, I think if I were to guess, out of 100 classes we might have done standup 6 times. I found it odd that a sport that relies on ground fighing gives you zero ways to get it there.

        If you can find wrestling, do it. You'll mog everybody at nogi then. I learned a little bit of Judo from a Korean friend of mine and soon as a bjj dude figures out you know how to grip fight, most will just pull guard or sit down. I use georgian grip and a modified russian 2 on 1 all the time.

        Everybody told me Id get injured more in wrestling - sure, maybe if I wrestling in high school but just at a hobby gym, I actually get injured less than bjj. Class is definitely more demanding than bjj but I don't leave and feel joint pain in my shoulders and shit like I did with bjj.

      • 10 months ago

        Train knee on belly and watch the submissions open up lmao

    • 10 months ago

      Same here, man. Did BJJ for close to 2 years, didn't like the complete disregard of standup and pretending laying on my back was a form of fighting. Found a wrestling and judo gym and now I do each 2x a week and enjoy it far more.

      • 10 months ago

        I like BJJ but I vastly prefer getting someone to the ground. I am not even interested in learning BJJ more completely until my wrestling is good. I got hurt in January and have been enjoying my time just doing regular workouts, not in a rush.

        You guys must train at pretty shitty gyms. We always start standing at my gym and we drill takedowns for a solid 20-30 minutes each class. I recommend trying a good Jiu Jitsu gym. As someone who wrestled in college and did Judo when I was young, BJJ is the superior submission grappling art. Just train it how it's supposed to be trained.

        • 10 months ago

          I agree that if bjj is done with a holistic view like your gym, than it is the best grappling art because it can encompass and engulf all the others so to speak - it has the most open ruleset usually.

          However, Ive tried 5 different bjj gyms man and NONE of them consistenly drill takedowns. Finding one like yours, at least in Canada is not common. It's why I train judo 2-3x a week with uni Judo team and 2x a week of wrestling with an actual wrestling coach that runs classes for adult beginners.

          • 10 months ago

            It's just the classic jits cope: point out that they're shit at takedowns and the one guy who has a gym that does takedowns will screech that BJJ trains it. Doesn't matter that jits standup is worse than a fricking child, they pretend that their 25mins of half assed outside singles and inside trips once a week compares to wrestlers or judoka

            • 10 months ago

              Exactly dude. Guys always come out of the woodwork telling me how their gym trains takedowns - I've trained at half a dozen gyms across Canada and I haven't seen it in any consistency and what I have seen is bad and treated like an afterthought.

              The gym I've spent the most time at dedicated a week of classes to standup. Usually after we drill, we move to positional sparring which everybody does. The week we did standup, positional sparring was basically wrestling - Id say a 30% of the class wouldn't participate.

              I learned more wrestling twice a week for 3 months than anybody taught me at bjj for standup. At judo I got shown a nice counter to a single leg (our gym trains even leg techniques for judo). Basically sprawl, get the georgian grip (over the back and grab the belt) and then do a sumi gaeshi. MAN, did it at bjj which is super easy cause those guys can't shoot to save their lives and the people there will get SUPER fricking salty over it. BRO WHY DIDNT YOU JUST SPRAWL.?!?!? Don't give me an easy grip then let me roll through to mount.

              Do 6 months of Judo which still makes you a moron in Judo, but just seeing how easily bjjers give up super dominate grips is laughable. Oh, you're going to give me a high collar and sleeve grip? Thanks buds

              • 10 months ago

                It's just the classic jits cope: point out that they're shit at takedowns and the one guy who has a gym that does takedowns will screech that BJJ trains it. Doesn't matter that jits standup is worse than a fricking child, they pretend that their 25mins of half assed outside singles and inside trips once a week compares to wrestlers or judoka

                I am a purple belt and have trained all across the united states, 7/10 gyms will spend a quarter to half the class working take downs. You can also always go to an open mat and work on it or between/after classes. The classic Judo/wrestling cope is saying BJJ guys can't do take downs. It's fundamentally incorrect. When Jiu Jitsu is trained properly you will have solid take downs. /thread

              • 10 months ago

                And I'm telling you that all the gyms I've visited up here do NOT do that. Jesus christ man. Also, if you're a purple belt that honestly believes you can just work on judo takedowns at open mats you're out to lunch. Trying to teach yourself a lot of takedowns is asking to injure someone else cause you have ZERO idea wtf you're doing.

                I've even tried to work on takedowns I've been shown at wrestling/judo and most bjj gays won't want to cause theyre too chicken shit/lazy OR theyll agree, I establish grips and then they sit the frick down.

              • 10 months ago

                >classic judoka cope
                I've literally mogged Judo Black belts when they come in. Granted I did wrestle in college. There is a reason you don't see judokas winning ADCCs and other submission grappling tournaments, it is an incomplete martial art.

              • 10 months ago

                Kek, I'm a wrestler turned judoka so nobody at jits gyms will stand with me.

                >classic judoka cope
                I've literally mogged Judo Black belts when they come in. Granted I did wrestle in college. There is a reason you don't see judokas winning ADCCs and other submission grappling tournaments, it is an incomplete martial art.

                The best judoka aren't allowed to cross train until they retire from judo unfortunately, I still agree wrestling will give you superior results to judo but a wrestler learning judo is an irl cheat code

  13. 10 months ago

    I PRACTICED it for a year. No gi.
    Do judo instead.

  14. 10 months ago

    Fights are unlikely to occur, especially for nerds who post on underwater basket weaving forums.

  15. 10 months ago

    >All that lifting is useless. You can't fight.

    lifting is at least good for lifting.

    BJJ is good for fighting one person within a certain size range of yourself that doesnt have a gun and isnt alone.

  16. 10 months ago

    Fighting without weapons is UNNATURAL. No war in history was ever fought without weapons. Even the gruggiest cavemen figured out that by picking up a rock you turn into a superior killing machine to any rockless grug. Human hands break easily because they're meant to hold objects not punch.
    Martial arts are gay and stupid, none of you "can fight".

  17. 10 months ago

    I'm afraid of being maimed and bullied.

    >damn bro I held the heel hook too long? looks like you'll never walk right again and have knee pain for life damn that's crazy bro accidents happen though haha it was just an accident prove otherwise see you later yeah haha cool bro have a nice life dude

    • 10 months ago

      train with someone you trust instead of some random dickhead

  18. 10 months ago

    Know what happens when people fight irl? Guns and knives appear and all your holds and chops are suddenly worthless.

  19. 10 months ago

    Why do sportsgays not go to IST but shit up IST is beyond me. All those punches to your face must have fricked up your brain.

  20. 10 months ago

    I only train BJJ to let the girls land triangles on me then i also drag them on top of me so they sit on my face shits cash

  21. 10 months ago

    I mean if you said mma/kickboxing but BJJ is a really weak take, you gonna wrestle a guy while two others frick you up?

  22. 10 months ago

    >he's going to "fight" another man by "grappling" him instead of throwing hands
    Even if you win everyone thinks you're a massive homo

  23. 10 months ago

    it's useless sport and translate low to real life fights. in real life fights, boxing is king.
    you may have jeans and can't do ur sporty moves but u can always knock someone with box and then run
    if you get on the floor, their mates will crush ur skull with kicks etc.

    best is boxing. get 1 jab and strong right, then RUN THE FRICK AWAY

  24. 10 months ago

    Imagine training to fight with BJJ and the guy you're grappling with just shoves his fingers into your eyeballs. Absolutely useless.

    • 10 months ago

      Or grabs your throat
      Or breaks your fingers
      Or pulls your hair
      Or bites you
      Or scratches you
      Or gores your nutsack
      Or starting punching the back or your head
      Or bodies you against the ground
      Or twists your nipples
      Or starts sitting in your face and calling you're mom a Black person
      Or slides his dick inside your wet bussy

      Bjjgays have this delusional fantasy where they instantly disable their opponent and send them to sleep before they can respond in any way because nuh grappling is fooking superior

  25. 10 months ago

    >Why do you not train BJJ?
    I tried BJJ classes for awhile. I didn't like how they forced you to stay on the ground in a clinch all the time. They would even start a match on your knees. Of course striking, not allowed. Body slamming , or anything like that, not allowed.
    BJJ is a pretty incomplete martial art in that regard.

  26. 10 months ago

    >be bjj guy
    >someone robbing your house
    >instead of knowing how to punch the guy, you drop to the ground and tell the robber to get in your guard
    >robber has a confused look on their face and runs away

  27. 10 months ago

    >heh, prepare to witness my incredible takedown techni-ACK!

    Shucks guys it turns out most city walkways aren't made of comfy gym mattresses, years of training wasted for nothing

    • 10 months ago

      I think you misunderstand the purpose of takedowns

  28. 10 months ago

    idk man I did it for a couple of months and I feel like realistically it'd be better to learn how to box or muay thai, BJJ was kinda gay as frick, so gay that people on the internet make ironic gay jokes about it because its so not gay, right? h-ha, nothing manlier than having some sweaty man ontop of you

  29. 10 months ago

    i do boxing, the most foolproof of martial arts.
    it's good enough for me.

  30. 10 months ago

    >Knowing how to fight

  31. 10 months ago

    >Why do you not train BJJ?
    Loses to mma, wrestling, judo, sambo and catch wrestling.

  32. 10 months ago

    >Grappling is so much superior to striking bro
    >Gets hit once
    BJJ Black folk dont know how to fight

  33. 10 months ago

    Two things, I no longer have a gym in my neighborhood so it's pretty inconvenient. I grew out my hair and it became a b***h to train with. - forever blue belt

  34. 10 months ago

    Why do all BJJ homosexuals look like this? I've never seen anyone brazilian do BJJ, it's all whitoids who look like child molesters

  35. 10 months ago

    I haven't been in a fight since 3rd grade, chimp

    • 10 months ago

      Unless you live in Iceland or in Japan or something its gonna get pretty bad in the next 10 years, better know how to defend yourself.

  36. 10 months ago

    Is it true that you can train without risking serious injuries even if you're old?

  37. 10 months ago

    Does someone have the Yujiro vs Ali Jr. panels?

  38. 10 months ago

    I did for 6 months and stopped because of annoying small injuries.
    >hurr train correctly
    >hurr warm up
    >hurr stretch after
    >hurr do yoga
    Doesn't work.
    BJJ will frick your body up, no way around it.
    I have been lifting for more than 10 years, surpassed 1/2/3/4, no injuries ever. 6 months into BJJ my left shoulder and elbow got fricked.
    Never again.
    >you need to learn how to fight
    Only Black folk ever fight in the street.

    • 10 months ago

      >Only Black folk ever fight in the street.
      the type of person to fight in the street has a tendency of pulling into fights with them people who wouldn't normally do that.
      if you get the rare punk trying to prove himself big who won't leave you alone, knowing how to fight at least gives you a better chance to punch him in the gut/throw him and run away.
      these are all rare hypothetical scenarios, but even if you never get in a fight, contact sports are still good for cardio, balance, agility and reflexes.

  39. 10 months ago

    I'll be hijacking this thread because the other one died

    Strikingbros, I need some advice.

    Before the coof I did boxing for a while under a great instructor (retired Latin America champion with a 34/3/1 card https://boxerlist.com/pt/boxer/mauricio-amaral/5101), BUT in 2021 he was forced to close down the gym and pursue other career options, he's now a lawyer and only goes to classes as a guest instructor some times. I've been able to find some pretty reputable gyms nearby that hold boxing and MT classes and the instructors in each seem to know their stuff skills and teaching-wise. Should I go back to boxing under a new coach or try to switch up to MT? My main goals are to generally become a strong figther and have occasional amateur fights and maybe try out MMA (I also do BJJ), while also getting something that can save my skin in a pinch (I live in Latin America getting mugged s a common concern).

    While I do love boxing and the focus it places on developing fast and powerful hands I always felt insecure about not really knowing how to use the rest of my body in an MMA or self-defense scenario. I'm also shorter and wider than average for my weight class, so I perform best as an infighter, which I believe would work nicely with MT's clinch work.

    >inb4 just do both
    I don't have enough time and it'd be too rough on the body, as I also do weight lifting 5x or 6x per week.


    • 10 months ago

      MT is more harmfull for the body. It is more complete martial art thou. It's also much different - different stance, footwork, MT is overall more aggressive martial art.
      Just give it a try, maybe You'll like it. If not - You can still switch back to boxing. Also if You want to try some MMA, then transition from MT to MMA is way easier than from boxing to MMA

      • 10 months ago

        Harmfulnin what was? I know bone damage is a MT staple, but you can heal from that. It's organ and specially brain damage that's more spooky.

        • 10 months ago

          MT is less directed into evasion than boxing.
          Also there are more things to worry about while fighting because of bigger variety of hits. In boxing You need to protect only Your body and head, in MT there are aso legs. In boxing You need to worry only about hands - in MT there are also knees, elbows, legs and if they are teachig lethwei - head.
          But i have to admit, I'm theorizing about MT, I've never practiced that, I'm into boxing. I just sometimes watch MT guys at my gym (they start their practice right after us) or some fights, it's different world.
          Also, about brain damage - I'm not sure about that, but i think it's comparable in both boxing and MT

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