Why does my father outlift me? We eat the same food and do the same exercises

Why does my father outlift me? We eat the same food and do the same exercises

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  1. 1 year ago

    suck daddy's wiener

  2. 1 year ago

    microplastics and oestrogen in the water from pesticide and contraceptive pills

    • 1 year ago

      Wtf happened to eastern Europe

      • 1 year ago

        fall of communism

      • 1 year ago

        communism is anabolic

      • 1 year ago

        the eastern europe and africa data points suggest its the food not the plastics.

        • 1 year ago

          What if the food is the plastics anon?

    • 1 year ago

      if that chart is accurate that is pretty disturbing. no wonder everything became so homosexual in the last few decades, and the worst part is that the established power structures have no incentive to fix it, since masculinity = competition.

      • 1 year ago

        Having a couple decades more experience lifting and having a more physically demanding life tends to do that, moron. Did you think your dad would stop lifting at 25 and just coast for 20-30 more years?

        It is. The majority of it is not caused by the reasons


        microplastics and oestrogen in the water from pesticide and contraceptive pills

        is sperging about though. While microplastics and pesticides and the like are definitely a big health concern, the vast majority of test decline is caused by a dramatic shift to more sedentary lifestyles in the "civilized" world.

        For instance, North Africa, seemingly has high test, however countries like Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt have FAR more contaminants (both microplastics and pesticides and shitty water sources) in their food due to poor regulation and even poorer enforcement. While they collectively have more homecooked meals on average than the west, the food that goes into them isn't great for the vast majority of the populace. Yeah great, that goat was raised by your neighbor. Look at that neighbor's yard. That goat is foraging on literal trash heaps from commercial and industrial dumps and being fed a random assortment of food that even the 1st world farms rejected as unfit for animal consumption.

        But I digress, even with all the garbage they're forced to eat, they still manage to have high test. Why? They're outside all day. They do a lot of manual labor. Even the rich walk way, way more than their counterparts in the west. There are far, far fewer office jobs and even running a market stall in Morocco is more physically demanding than a store job in the US/Europe while also being exposed to the sunlight more.

        There is a LOT of shit I could say about food in Morocco specifically as I have the most experience in that region (my wife is Moroccan and was born/raised there), but that'd take several posts and I'm getting pretty close to the limit already.

    • 1 year ago

      What the destruction of the eastern bloc does to a man...

    • 1 year ago

      I think it's just people being fat b***hes because high test people drink the same water and get the same plastics.

    • 1 year ago

      the west has fallen

    • 1 year ago

      Given IST’s current demographics, most posters probably have parents born in the 70s.

    • 1 year ago

      it's over

    • 1 year ago

      Got mine tested(heh) and I'm at 900+. Sucks to suck, testlets.

      • 1 year ago

        doesn't matter if your receptors are shit

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      now let's see the correlation with bodyweight.

    • 1 year ago

      how the frick exactly are contraceptive pills ending up in our water supply? i find this a bit hard to believe

      • 1 year ago

        Women pee it out

      • 1 year ago

        Womem take them. They piss. They flush. Water gets treated at a treatment plant, typically with filtration and chlorine gas. Rigorously too, the treatment works unbelievably well on biologic and sediment hazards. But is doesn'y remove chemicals absorbed in the watrr too well which is why tap water tastes different depending on the treatment plant it comes from.

        • 1 year ago

          >Water gets treated at a treatment plant,

          People flush it. Pee has it. All the water that carries sewage is only cleaned and then re supplied in urban areas worldwide.

          Best way to deal with water pollution is to boil it in a steel or copper vessel then use those long copper coils to cool the vapor down to liquid form.
          Otherwise get a RO+UV and store water in steel/copper vessels and bottles.

          >All the water that carries sewage is only cleaned and then re supplied in urban areas worldwide.
          you guys are fricking with me right? tap water comes from dams

      • 1 year ago

        People flush it. Pee has it. All the water that carries sewage is only cleaned and then re supplied in urban areas worldwide.

        Best way to deal with water pollution is to boil it in a steel or copper vessel then use those long copper coils to cool the vapor down to liquid form.
        Otherwise get a RO+UV and store water in steel/copper vessels and bottles.

        • 1 year ago

          And by boil i mean completely steam it all up and condense that steam down. Not just boil the water .

          There're videos on YouTube with people having all the apparatus.

    • 1 year ago



  3. 1 year ago

    he has better genes than you

  4. 1 year ago

    Your mother has inferior genetics to your dad and thusly you ended up becoming an inferior copy of your dad. Men are just gonna end up becoming more and more dysgenic due to hypergamy making even superior men desperately settle for inferior women.

  5. 1 year ago

    Genuine morons with no life experience itt. It's called dad strength. Strength is primarily a skill and by moving your body and doing physical work for decades you get really strong

    • 1 year ago

      Having a couple decades more experience lifting and having a more physically demanding life tends to do that, moron. Did you think your dad would stop lifting at 25 and just coast for 20-30 more years?

      It is. The majority of it is not caused by the reasons [...] is sperging about though. While microplastics and pesticides and the like are definitely a big health concern, the vast majority of test decline is caused by a dramatic shift to more sedentary lifestyles in the "civilized" world.

      For instance, North Africa, seemingly has high test, however countries like Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt have FAR more contaminants (both microplastics and pesticides and shitty water sources) in their food due to poor regulation and even poorer enforcement. While they collectively have more homecooked meals on average than the west, the food that goes into them isn't great for the vast majority of the populace. Yeah great, that goat was raised by your neighbor. Look at that neighbor's yard. That goat is foraging on literal trash heaps from commercial and industrial dumps and being fed a random assortment of food that even the 1st world farms rejected as unfit for animal consumption.

      But I digress, even with all the garbage they're forced to eat, they still manage to have high test. Why? They're outside all day. They do a lot of manual labor. Even the rich walk way, way more than their counterparts in the west. There are far, far fewer office jobs and even running a market stall in Morocco is more physically demanding than a store job in the US/Europe while also being exposed to the sunlight more.

      There is a LOT of shit I could say about food in Morocco specifically as I have the most experience in that region (my wife is Moroccan and was born/raised there), but that'd take several posts and I'm getting pretty close to the limit already.

      Yep, you 2 get it.

  6. 1 year ago

    Why does she look like that? Cosmetic surgery?

    • 1 year ago

      Years of wienersucking does that to ya

    • 1 year ago

      she's upside down

  7. 1 year ago


  8. 1 year ago

    You're a 130lb b***h. Second I bulked I mogged my dad so hard he's spending his dementia constantly seething about me. Some highlights
    >I have IBS
    >I have every form of COVID
    >I have "no grip strength" while he cried trying to pick up a gallon of milk
    >I lift "too violently" (hasn't seen me lift in 6 years)
    >took up walking in the park once a month to tell me that I have "bad cardio"
    >he tells me I do every lift wrong which I reply with "do one pull up" and he makes an excuse about "bone spurs"
    >talks about roids being bad while literally injecting HGH
    >tells everyone he's a vegan 24 hour rolling faster then eats hotdogs all day
    >talks about how he "unracked" 4pl8 back in the day and snapped his back and believes that lift was more legit than my 4pl8 comp style squat and 450 deadlift
    >kicked out of all the gyms in the area for incoherent screaming at passerbys so now he does push-ups once every two months and posts shirtless on facebook which my mom shares to me and I want to die from cringe
    >gave me lectures about my "inner abs" while he has a beer gut

    >inb4 tradlarper comes in to say my dad is based
    Nobody falls for that shit you 16 year old boomer.

    • 1 year ago

      Anon, you may be right but if he's spending his dementia seething about you, you're spending your sanity seething about him... let some of that shit go.

    • 1 year ago

      You have IBS because all the cum in your colon fricked up your gut flora. Your dad is based, and I feel bad for him because he seethes knowing you use "I'm going to the gym" as a euphemism to get your poo stabbed by dark-skinned men.

    • 1 year ago

      He's an angry old man and if you're not careful you'll be a young version of him.
      >but he's such an butthole !!!!
      I know. Break the cycle and get above it.

    • 1 year ago

      >tfw IBSmaxxing with covid-20 gripping all the milk violently in the park with bone spurs full of HGH while eating hotdogs and unracking icoherent screams at passerbys about inner beer guts

  9. 1 year ago


  10. 1 year ago

    jessa rhodes

  11. 1 year ago

    Ok who the frick is this chick.

    • 1 year ago



      seek Jesus, coomers

    • 1 year ago

      the name is literally in the thread

      • 1 year ago

        >implying I read the thread before posting

  12. 1 year ago

    Your dad looks like THAT?

  13. 1 year ago

    Non meme answer: he's probably on TRT, they give it out to boomers like it's candy, but the boomers rarely admit to taking it.

  14. 1 year ago

    Your father is straight, as proven by your existence. You're a gay, as proven by your being OP.

  15. 1 year ago

    a couple of decades worth of time to build more muscle

  16. 1 year ago

    High protein reduces T?

    • 1 year ago

      I feel like that chart is fricked. Dieting sure lowers the test, but THAT much for going to 9%? Doesn't seem right tbh.

  17. 1 year ago

    it's simple. you got half of your DNA from your mother, and are therefore half woman.

    all men are pale shadows of the masculinity of Adam. back in the time of Genesis you have something closer to gender purity, which is why you have things like Noah living hundreds of years.

    nothing to be ashamed about, nothing you can do about it. on this board means you're striving to max out your potential — it's just natural that it's not the same as generations past.

  18. 1 year ago

    Sauce homie

  19. 1 year ago

    >Why does my father outlift me?
    Your mom's weak ass genetics--For real though, think about it for a second...your average man prefers short women with slender bodies (lanky by male standards) and soft facial features...all of these features are perfectly capable of being passed on to her male children. Accordingly there's a good chance you got your mom's feminine genetics.

    For the record, this is why hapa guys get fricked more often then not. Their dad's yellow fever means 50% of their genetics end up being from a midget with soft borderline non-existent facial features. picrel

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