Why does noone discuss their injuries here?

Why does noone discuss their injuries here? You're not like gaslighting n*rmies that pretend it doesn't happen right?

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  1. 12 months ago

    What do you want to discuss about them?

    • 12 months ago

      Does scar tissue go away completely? Is the STARR rehab method of powering through a muscle strain/tear bullshit? I tried it and it never fricking healed. When does tendonitis become tendonosis? I can't tell without an expensive mri.

      Just some questions on my mind that I'd appreciate answers to, but the usual suspects like jeff and manlet jeff don't touch on much.

      • 12 months ago

        >Does scar tissue go away completely?
        no, it's there to stay unless you get surgery for it. the whole point of scar tissue is that the injury was too big for regular tissue regeneration so it needed to heal over quickly and permanently.
        >Is the STARR rehab method of powering through a muscle strain/tear bullshit?
        in theory it should work for small muscle tears. problem is you're not a trained professional so it's hard to tell if it's an actual myofiber or tendon/ligament tear.
        >When does tendonitis become tendonosis?
        when you don't let it leave it alone to recovery before usage. tendonitis is just an inflamed, overused tendon - keep overusing it and the inflammation never goes down leading to tendinosis. if some workout keeps giving you tendonitis and form isn't an issue just drop it from the program

  2. 12 months ago

    I never really had an injury from lifting. I now have a bulged disc from sitting at my PC all day and that fricks with lifting but what is there really to discuss?

  3. 12 months ago

    My shoulders are always fricked, i can't bench.
    The whole reason i go to the gym is to combat back pain. Because of this i never escape skinnyfat mode and have decided to become a skeleton instead. The fat will go

    • 12 months ago

      Do a full bikram yoga session. If you can't get to a studio learn the moves, one by one, and do it at home.

      Bikram Yoga will slowly cure all back and shoulder problems. I was a mess before I started. Now I'm totally pain free and can move and way I like.

  4. 12 months ago

    There's injury threads all the time you fricking tourist. Problem is they're usually vague as frick and posted by morons like "my back hurts, how do i fix it???"

  5. 12 months ago

    I luxated my right shoulder a few years ago and that had me out of the gym for like 3 or 4 months. It was annoying as hell but thankfully recovered, and now that shoulder is my most stable one.

  6. 12 months ago

    >aww man I really need an excuse to not workout
    >I've got it! It's dangerous!
    >hey wait a minute, no one seems to be talking about getting hurt
    >they're gaslighting me!!

    have a nice day eurocuck. I can just tell you're from that shithole part of the world by this pussified beta post

    • 12 months ago

      Normies do gaslight all the time, its like how they never complain about being hungover. Or guys saying they don't even lift when they obviously do.

    • 12 months ago

      A ton of guys I know have fricked backs from deadlifts.

      • 12 months ago

        sounds like they did it with shitty form or ego lifted, because deadlifts should strengthen your back and not injure it

        • 12 months ago

          You're still gonna say this after tons of big name lifters have called it a ticket to snap city?

          • 12 months ago

            deadlifts improved my posture and make me feel good

          • 12 months ago

            nta, but what about Romanian deadlifts? I tend to enjoy those and they're not too difficult

          • 12 months ago

            at what weight do deadlifts start becoming dangerous? I'm only lifting 60kg so far

            • 12 months ago

              >Do 5 reps or more
              >Keep your back straight
              >Put the weight down gently
              >Enjoy a lifetime of injury-free deadlifting

              Statistically, benchpress is far more dangerous.

    • 12 months ago

      why do sharts always try to dab on eurogods by making fun of their own anglo brothers?

  7. 12 months ago

    Why did God invent joints? Just for us to suffer? Shoulders, elbows, knees, not to mention the spine. Good Lord have mercy on me.

    • 12 months ago

      >Shoulders, elbows,
      Deadhangs, my man

      >knees, not to mention the spine
      Look up thekneesovertoesguy on youtube. My knee and lower back have been fricked for years yet now they're stronger than ever

      • 12 months ago

        can vouch, thank frick for this movement

      • 12 months ago

        Thanks anon

        • 12 months ago

          Checked and good luck. Don't thank me, thank the Good Lord to whom you prayed for mercy.

          Get a pullup bar if you haven't already (and secure it properly). They're cheap as frick and even if you never do a single pullup in your life it will pay for itself in deadhangs, and scapular pullups (which are also great for shoulder health). Pullups are still great though.

          Also don't neglect actually training your shoulder muscles when healthy enough to do so, meaning all three heads of the deltoid. Specifically the rear delt as it gets mega neglected in most cases and is essential to shoulder health. Cable machines are great for shoulders I have personally found, because you only have directional force rather than the downward force of gravity that you get with dumbbells/barbells so it feels like less strain on the joints while still being able to work the muscles.

          Cable lateral raises for mid delt, front raises for front delt, facepulls and lat pulldowns for rear delts are my preferrence. Deadhangs helped me a lot with pain and clicking etc but it was when I started actually training the shoulders (and back) that I saw even more improvement. Take it slow though, light weights, be safe and focus on deadhangs first. When you can deadhang for 2 minutes you're in good shape, and enjoy the forearm gains.

          Also fix your posture and posture muscles. Bad poster=rounded shoulders=impingements, dislocations, herniated discs, you name it.

      • 12 months ago

        I did deadhangs every session since I started for a year and still got my shoulders entirely fricked up

        all pushing movements make them sensitive and they will start clicking hard when rotating the joint

        • 12 months ago

          They won't make you invulnerable to damage if you're doing things that are prone to shoulder damage. It sounds like you stopped doing them alongside the things that caused the damage so all I can suggest is start doing them again if nothing else, and if the damage is really that bad it might be worth seeing a physical therapist if you can.

  8. 12 months ago

    If you don't train like a moron (see: low volume, adequate rest days, autoregulating according to your stress) then injuries shouldn't really be a thing. A strain here and there that goes away the next day is no biggie.

    • 12 months ago

      Strains last for weeks, grade 2 or tears for months. You're thinking of DOMS

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          Categorically yes, you don't even know what a muscle strain is.

          • 12 months ago

            Shut up b***h before I smack you across the mouth and put you out of commission for a month for being a silly hoe.

            • 12 months ago

              Frick off moron.

    • 12 months ago

      You sound really weak. I bet I can bench more than you can deadlift. You need to fly as close to the sun as possible without melting your wings, but sometimes you get burnt and injuries happen.

  9. 12 months ago

    I've never had an injury in my life but I'm also not a moron.

  10. 12 months ago

    >Why does noone discuss their injuries here?
    Because we don't get them.

  11. 12 months ago

    Because you get called a troony juts for saying hi.

  12. 12 months ago

    >Tfw broke collarbone as a kid doing sick bike jumps
    >Never healed properly, but doesn't cause any pain or ROM issues
    >90% sure this has an effect on my lifts still, feel pumps from curls in unbroken arm, can't ever seem to feel them in other arm
    >Somehow my broken side looks bigger to me, but can't seem to properly flex that side either
    What the frick bros

  13. 12 months ago

    Boring subject, make a thread about if u want
    Basically warm up properly, increase intesity slowly and be mindful of form
    If u injure urself rest for a few days then do daily and gradually loaded low intesity high rep eccentric movements, and light stretches with the muscle
    All there's to it no OP?

    • 12 months ago

      You've never injured yourself yet. Happens to everyone eventually, probably underage given your spelling.

      • 12 months ago

        Yes I have, several light to medium injuries over the last year and I'm overage
        How about you just kys and delete your shit thread?

  14. 12 months ago

    sometimes my arm feels like its asleep during/after some heavy duty macho man lifting
    is it over

    • 12 months ago

      brachial plexus compression or something look up rucksack paralysis. Harmless really

      I did deadhangs every session since I started for a year and still got my shoulders entirely fricked up

      all pushing movements make them sensitive and they will start clicking hard when rotating the joint

      call their bluff

  15. 12 months ago

    my leg after my sex change surgery, there's another to match on the fibula side. inside is enough metal to spook the spooks at every airport
    I still squat, DL and run with this on a regular basis I also squat with huge ankle flexion despite the negative press covfefe.
    I've had many a musculoskeletal booboo, they mainly happen when you're weak
    You can work through basically anything I generally will continue my programs with injuries. The body will fix itself
    I believe in the body in motion ie how you heal an injury is to maintain a diminished workload on the injury and increase it to reasonable discomfort
    Spit out the MD koolaid of wanting to baby everything that shit takes forever and produces worse results than an active approach
    If I listened to the doctors I'd probably be on 8 oxy a day right now wearing shape ups

  16. 12 months ago

    Because all it does is encourage absolute dyels, I'm talking about "does pushups during loading screens" dyel, to pop in and give you "advice." I had one explain how yoga is actually more of a display of strength than lifting atlas stones.

  17. 12 months ago

    Injuires are for
    Dyels with shit form
    Roid trannies

  18. 12 months ago

    Like what about muscle knots, myofascial trigger points? I have a bunch on my neck, like little pebbles, thought they were swollen lymph nodes but no.

    Never heard IST talk about them even once. Scientists don't even understand how and why they come about.

  19. 12 months ago

    In January of this year I managed to get a disc hernia in my lower back, which covered up the sciatic nerve in my right leg, making walking long distances a painful thing.
    Did that stop me from going to the gym?
    Did that stop me from training legs?
    Was it a bad idea?
    Probably idk

    Injuries can and will happen to you wherever you are and whatever you do. Don't be a pussy and just lift

    • 12 months ago

      This is how Ronnie Coleman ended up in a wheelchair.

  20. 12 months ago

    I don't lift heavy when using barbells, never had an injury lifting in the gym, however when I was fighting I broke many bones and dislocated many joints that healed fine because I was in my teens, my major problem is my right arm and left leg are much more powerful due to that and I have to train my limbs separately ad much as possible to reach failure

  21. 12 months ago

    It comes up all the time, it's just that other than warning others and sharing rehabilitation methods there's really not much to talk about. Watch yourself, fix your shit and carry on is the end of it.

  22. 12 months ago

    i was a moron back when i was 16 and thought hitting the bag for hours without any protection at all was actually a good thing. thanks to that my right wrist is fricked and now i cant lean on it when im doing any bodyweight exercise.
    been trying some wrist strengthening exercises for a while and i think its going away, but i thill ill eventually go for a check up.

  23. 12 months ago

    >Broken clavicle from skateboarding at age 19
    >Ruptured Achilles tendon from soccer at age 26
    >Shoulder muscle strain once from weightlifting, only weightlifting injury ever, kept me from doing fun stuff for like a week
    >Stitches here and there but those aren't real injuries, nor do they come from weightlifting

    Lifting weights is possibly the safest form of exercise. Even more so if you're not an idiot about form and you don't test 1 rep maxes.

  24. 12 months ago

    I’m currently taking a break because my AC joint has been nagging me for a couple of months. It’s getting better but very slowly. I’m 99% sure bent over barbell rows are what irritated it.

  25. 12 months ago

    I got a pulley injury from rock climbing like 4 days ago
    it sucks, my dude

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