Why doesn't everyone have a homegym?

Why doesn't everyone have a homegym? A basic set up pays for itself in 5 years due to no gym membership and actually increases in value, I can sell mine now for more than what I paid for it 15 years ago.

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  1. 1 year ago

    >Why doesn't everyone have a homegym
    1. Space you stupid moron.
    2. Not everyone is a power shitter who only uses a bar for their workouts.

    That sums it up. What a dumb thread.

    • 1 year ago

      1. You can easily fit one in a spare bedroom or unused dining room or even build a shed for one
      2. They can come with lat machines and you can buy dumbell handles what else do you need?

      • 1 year ago

        >1. You can easily fit one in a spare bedroom or unused dining room or even build a shed for one
        Maybe in a 3rd world country.
        > They can come with lat machines and you can buy dumbell handles what else do you need?
        Machines. Not everyone can squat due to injury. Same with other lifts.

      • 1 year ago

        Lots of people on this board are european or asian, meaning they live in a 1400sq ft flat or tiny home with 5 other people, and pay 2800 euros a month for it. As far as the americans, if you own a home a better use of a spare room would be a home office, objectively speaking.

        I need
        >Smith Machine
        >Rowing Machine
        >45 lb weights, 25 lb weights, 10 and 5s
        >20, 25, 30, 45, 50lb, and 60lb dumbells
        >dip machine
        >pull up bar since my wife has banished me from using in the home since I ripped off a bunch of trim
        >hip abductor machine for my groin muscles
        >hamstring curl and quad extension machine
        >incline bench

        Even if I wanted this stuff, I could only get about half of it in, or else I wouldn't feel like I got a full workout (I alternate which cardio I do based on my energy level), and I'd also have to do it on carpet, which doesn't work in my brain. Fitness is not meant to be performed on carpet.

        • 1 year ago

          >better use of a spare room would be a home office
          >Smith Machine
          >my wife has banished me from using
          >hip abductor machine
          >I alternate which cardio I do based on my energy level
          Never has a post on IST more clearly spelled out I AM A MASSIVE LITTLE b***h PUSSY than this. Back to rddit NOW

          • 1 year ago

            Whatever you say man. I don't go on reddit, not since I found out is was owned by china. I'm an old gay and I've actually made it. I own a 2800sq foot home, I have 3 loving children and a loving wife, I have regular sex, I'm down 45 lbs (former fat), and I cultivate 30% of my own food. I make 150,000$ a year and I don't even know what I'm doing at work. I just bullshit because we use AGILE and head to the gym when the kids are napping or before they wake up or after they go to bed. My life is great. Not everyone here wants to be a jacked ripped arnold in his prime dude. Some of us just wanna be the hot dad and live long enough to walk their daughter down the aisle and watch their sons start successful lives themselves. Get some perspective on life and stop sperging out on people lol

            Don't bother replying. I do not value your opinion.

            • 1 year ago

              I will frick your daughter. Just a heads up
              >having a daughter
              >Hits pipe

              • 1 year ago

                what are you supposed to do, chuck it in a river?

              • 1 year ago

                Think about it logically
                Zeus style Persephone her

            • 1 year ago
            • 1 year ago

              >hurr I need space
              >durr I have a 2800 sqft house
              frick off you're a lying sack of shit posting from your moms basement

        • 1 year ago

          what a onions post. only thing you need is a barbell, rack, flat bench, gymnast rings, rubber bands and weights

          • 1 year ago

            >no bar

            post body

            • 1 year ago

              stfu moron

    • 1 year ago

      A lot of words to say "I'm too poor"

      • 1 year ago

        Everyone is poor right now we're in a global recession

        • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          That's how you find good deals.

        • 1 year ago

          are we? I don't watch the news. I know that ever since they elected that old frick and got rid of trump, everything has gotten more expensive.

          • 1 year ago

            im from europe and the prices for everything is 20-25% more than 2 years ago

  2. 1 year ago

    i live in the poonited bindom where we all live in tiny little cucksheds

    • 1 year ago

      Same here in Germanistan. My parents have a big farm house and I bought a second hand power rack for their basement when I still lived there but no space for such luxuries in my little cuck apartment.

    • 1 year ago

      That 80iq incel shooter had a pretty sweet home gym

  3. 1 year ago

    I enjoy getting out of the house as I have 3 children under 4 years old. My gym is only a 2 minute drive away, and has every machine possible for 20$ a month. It is also open 24/7/365 with no one manning it. Its more of a "I can't study if I'm at home with distractions so I go to the library" type of concept but applied to physical fitness.

    • 1 year ago


      Why doesn't everyone have a homegym? A basic set up pays for itself in 5 years due to no gym membership and actually increases in value, I can sell mine now for more than what I paid for it 15 years ago.

      Legit that OP. You don't have small children. When you got little kids, good luck ever being at peace when you're home. There will always be something to do. If you're physically not there, you can actually focus on your workout and enjoy yourself.

      • 1 year ago

        Yep, not only that, you're at risk of them hurting themselves.

    • 1 year ago

      I also have 3 kids and I studied for my masters online just fine, along with working out in my basement with no issues. They were 4, 2, and 6 months when I started grad school.
      But for me, I absolutely can't stand other humans and would hate seeing other people at the gym. Cant study in real comfort at a library either. Pick your poison kind of thing.

  4. 1 year ago

    1. Space
    2. Power shitters shilling that you can only work out with 51mm play plates and 400-600 adjustable dumbbells

  5. 1 year ago

    So I can mog everyone else in the gym.

  6. 1 year ago

    Many people like the atmosphere, have a cheaper gym to go to, or like going outside with people.

    I am the opposite, so I have a home gym. I also have enough room to have a rack, cable home gym/machine, and a nice used market I can find almost anything cheap.

    I also like old school stuff, which is only found used. Most modern gyms are kinda sterile.

  7. 1 year ago

    I can't exchange eye conctact with girls in my home and fantasize about them being my GF later.

  8. 1 year ago

    So I can creep on woman. I like to use their machines after them when its warm and sweaty.

  9. 1 year ago

    i have both. Sometimes I lift at home. Sometimes I utilize equipment I dont have or i just like to be able to go somewhere different. I typically train a bit harder at a real gym. But I get a lot out of it. There's really no excuse not to have one. if you cant afford 800 dollars to set up a squat rack, by a couple hundred pounds of weights and a couple bar bells what are you doing with your life. If you dont have the space you need your own house. If you dont already own a house or are close to getting one, you need to get off of fit and fix your life.

  10. 1 year ago

    >and actually increases in value

    I'll scalp you if you try to sell me used iron weights for more than $1.60/lbs

  11. 1 year ago

    I have a home gym and very rarely use it because my gym is excellent
    It's WL only so all dedicated people, lots of friends, great coaches, fully stocked on equipment, and a fantastic atmosphere to train in
    I am glad I have home gym equipment if I ever need it but if I hadn't bought it before coming to my current gym I probably wouldn't have it

  12. 1 year ago

    God dammit I want a home gym but I have a back injury and I require machines to work out my legs. I have yet to find a reasonable solution for this. Leg presses, extensions, curls all take up way to much space. I would need 2 seperate rooms.

    • 1 year ago

      play ice hockey unironically

      I would say go rollerblading but you have to have a hockey stick and a tennis ball or something since it is a scientific fact that it is impossible to look not gay when rollerblading independently

    • 1 year ago

      That's a tough one. Most good leg machines... are solo machines. Smith machines work, but not with your back probably.
      Belt squat could work but then you still need a rack for other things.

      Yeah most benches can do extensions+curls, but to get more mass you really need a leg press/squat of some type.

    • 1 year ago

      I just use these attached to my pulley machine to do curls and extensions. Leg press can you substitute for hack squats or something?

      • 1 year ago

        Decent idea. How effective are they for curls and extensions?

        Could just do sissy squats or lunges for quads and what you suggest for the rest.

        • 1 year ago

          I can't use as much weight as I can on a machine, like the dumbell argument I think it uses stabilising muscles more so you're getting just a good as a workout with less weights. You definitely feel the targeted muscle moving and working and my quads are noticeable bigger, harder to tell with my hamstrings because they were big anyway

          • 1 year ago

            Very good to hear. Cheers for that idea. I think it might actually be what I need. Going to buy some now to test at the gym.

            • 1 year ago

              I found sitting or laying on a bench and doing them that way is much better than standing also. Stops any cheating

  13. 1 year ago

    I do have a homegym but it's at my house, I live in my apartment at the other end of the state so I'll probably sell the equipment if I don't end up moving to a second house at the end of the year when my lease is up.

  14. 1 year ago

    Even though i have a 4000sq ft. Home id rater not gym here because of two little kids and a wife.
    Which mens i would have to interupt workout to change a diaper or just to "hold on to the kids for a sec". Saying "no, I'm working out" would unleash hell in the household.
    When I go to the gym it is more like "good for you, have fun love you" kinda deal

  15. 1 year ago

    not everyone can have a homegym duh

  16. 1 year ago

    ctrl+f 0 results holy shit op did u actually

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