Why is a small wrist seen as a negative when a lot of strong athletes don't have very large wrists?

Why is a small wrist seen as a negative when a lot of strong athletes don't have very large wrists?

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  1. 7 months ago
  2. 7 months ago

    it's a IST thing
    80% of the shit on this site just odesn't come up in the real world

  3. 7 months ago

    Compensation for dick being not girthy.

  4. 7 months ago

    Having thick wrists just seems more manly.

  5. 7 months ago

    Masculine cultures are very homosexual

    If a man isn't some hairy power bottom with thick wrists he isn't a man

    • 7 months ago

      This is israeli thinking to enable more feminine societies. Just like saying deflation is bad to enable excessive inflation. Just dishonest.

      Society has never been more feminine, yet we have the most homosexuals, while in the past it was more masculine, and we had less.
      >Inb4 close cope

      With great power (masculinity) comes big responsibility, and men bear responsibility very well.

  6. 7 months ago

    Because majority of IST likes to talk about good genetics, while being either genetically shit, pajeets, Black folk or all of the three.

    Each time you're getting called an incel, dyel or whatever, the chances are that the person behind this post is literal weak small and ugly trash.

    • 7 months ago

      this. I bet you hard earned money half of the race and IQ posts on /misc/ and IST are written by brownies, not because they're wrong mind you, similar to lookism; only ugly people know what makes a face attractive and only brownies know what they're missing out on. so these wrist/Manlet hate/dyel...etc are made by shitskin Black folk
      >t.ugly mena wristlet

      • 7 months ago

        saar no speak like that sar

        I was a wristlet when I was younger, but I spammed a lot of direct forearm work and worked construction for 2 years. My wrists got thicker by 1 inch/2.5cm Went from 16.5cm to 19cm. So there is always a chance. It's not by any means impressive or anything, but I used to believe IST when they said you can't make your wrists thicker, bullshit.

        • 7 months ago

          Interesting. How old were you when you did that?

          • 7 months ago

            I was 20 when I was still a total wristlet. Started working out back then, started proper work on construction site. I'm 25 now. But my wrists were already thicker 1-2 years into all of this.

            I did a lot of forearm work though. I literally spam Reverse Curls, Hammer Curls, Underhand Wrist Curls and frick a lot with Hand Grippers/Captain something or whatever. Forearms at least 3x a week.

            • 7 months ago

              Do you think i have a chance to make my wrists bigger?

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, why the frick not. Lift heavy at caloric surplus, spam forearms 2-3 times a week and you'll be fine.

              • 7 months ago

                What about now?

              • 7 months ago

                He has thick wrists compared to his forearms and overal arm size, so I don't know what you're getting at.

              • 7 months ago

                His wrists are small, compare them to his hand, look again at the cropped photo.

    • 7 months ago
      From the slums of bhingari hello sirs

      homies don't post on here its mostly spics

  7. 7 months ago

    it's mainly a baggage shit. if you'd compile small wrists with manletism, small dick, narrow clavicles, no jaw or chin...etc you'd end up with a genetic deadend whose gollum parents should've never reproduced.

  8. 7 months ago

    Because you’re on 4chin, on a board where mentally ill people stress and cry and sob over the most moronic superficial shit in their body dysmorphia-induced agony

  9. 7 months ago

    But Mike Tyson does have thick wrists? All hard hitting boxers have at least 8 inch wrists.
    Just because his wrists look small in proportion to the rest of his body doesn't mean they're small.

    • 7 months ago

      very thin wrists and ankles for iron mike

  10. 7 months ago

    The idea is that thicker wrists -> thicker bones -> can support more muscle mass. According to this if you have thin wrists you have less potential for building muscle. And if you have thick wrist you have a thicker skeleton which means you can hold on to more mass.

    The thing they don't tell you is that thinner wrists help in aesthetics by giving you better proportions.

  11. 7 months ago

    This place, and the internet in general, really is a moronic body dysmorphia machine. Imagine how well adjusted we'd all be if we never heard all this bullshit repeatedly.
    >Interested in fitness
    >Go to library to learn more
    >There's no book called 'Small Wrists Are For gays'
    >Go to the gym
    >Speak to experienced bros
    >Nobody mentions wrist size
    >Everything is cool

  12. 7 months ago

    Tyson has big wrists

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