Why is it considered unhealthy?


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  1. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      >fat bad

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Beef tallow > seed oils

  2. 11 months ago

    you make a fair point

  3. 11 months ago

    If the ingredients are high quality then it's a very healthy meal. If you're getting it from McDonalds then you're just asking to get cancer

    • 11 months ago

      Black person how's a friendly 'burg give you cancer

      • 11 months ago

        >poor quality meat
        >excessive sugar
        >oxidized oils
        >lots of preservatives

        • 11 months ago

          How can you say any given burger will be poor quality meat with excessive sugar or preservatives?

          • 11 months ago

            Are you the mcdonalds CEO or what?

            • 11 months ago

              No all burgers don't come from McDonald's though kek.

              • 11 months ago

                99+% of burgers are mcdonalds or equivalent.

              • 11 months ago

                For every one burger I eat from fast food I probably eat fifteen homemade or high quality burgers

          • 11 months ago

            you can see it

        • 11 months ago

          Black person I asked you how it gives you cancer not random ingredients you dislike

          • 11 months ago

            Those ingredients increase your cancer risk you dipshit

            • 11 months ago

              So does living dipshit. To avoid it, have a nice day.

              • 11 months ago

                This BTFOs all the fatties.

              • 11 months ago

                Not fat, projector.

              • 11 months ago

                it's healthier to smoke a pack of cigs and drink 10 beers in a night out, at least your socializing while you do it. Fast food is fricking poison and should be banned

              • 11 months ago

                unironically true, make sure you smoke additive-free cigs such as american spirits.

              • 11 months ago

                I like how this post is just you agreeing with him, and admitting he's right.
                People really get lit up if you even suggest their addictions are bad for them.

      • 11 months ago

        not free roam cattle
        not grass fed
        bread full of corn syrup
        industrial pigment coloring
        industrial aroma

        your friendly bruger is a israeli poison

        • 11 months ago

          The myth that any significant number of US beef cows are NOT pasture raised is widespread and I'm genuinely curious to see some evidence that this occurs at all.

        • 11 months ago

          What's wrong with those things?

    • 11 months ago

      even with high quality ingredients the proportions are off, too much fat and not enough fiber

      • 11 months ago

        That's probably true- that notwithstanding a homemade burger is still not a terrible meal when you really step back and look at the type of shit people are out there eating.

        Btw it wasn't until like the 60s that the "classic burger" recipe was commonplace. It used to be called a "California Burger" because the lettuce and tomato were associated with being west coast crops. Anyways, I think the original burger was usually just a seasoned beef patty with either sautéed onions, or sort of steamed with the onions, with mustard and maybe pickles on a bun.

        • 11 months ago

          >the lettuce and tomato were associated with being west coast crops.
          Is this a Midwest thing? Because New Jersey has been known for its tomatoes for a long time.
          t. Garden State adjacent

          • 11 months ago

            No I'm from the deep south where we currently grow a ton of tomatoes (way more than new jersey). Also I'm talking about like major crop production not gardens and stuff- everyone grows tomatoes in their garden. Anyways that shit didn't pick up here until like the 80s. It is a curse though because crops like tomatoes require pickers. Row cropping corn and peanuts doesn't require any foreign labor. Also tomatoes are unironically the worst thing you can possibly grow in terms of being hard on the land.

    • 11 months ago

      If you take the beef patty out of a big mac, a big mac, fries and the rest of the sandwich are vegan (I dont think there is egg in the special sauce).

      WHo would be healthier after 6 months - someone who ate 2000 calories per day of just the burger patty or 2,000 caloires oper day of the fries, coke and bun/isndes?

      I would argue that event hough McDonalds beef patties arent the best meat, the patty eater would be stronger and healthier in general.

      The reason why cheeseburgers get a bad reputation is not so much because of the food that makes up the burger, but because it is emlematic of a slovenly diet and lifestyle geenrally. French fries are shit, no matter what the ingredients (except home made fried in beef fat)dvhs2d

      • 11 months ago

        The fries have beef in them and the sause is mayo so it's not vegan.

        Prossesed meat is directly linked to cancer says the WHO. Saturated fat is linked to heart disease.

        The fries also have saturated fat and trans fat so it's probably equal.

        If you cut the fries out the coke and bun alone would be the best. They are both empty calories but not actively causing harm but really it's all shit.

        • 11 months ago

          Why do you lie?

          Fries do not have beef. In America McDonalds fies are 100% plant based seed oils. No beef tallow in US McDonalds fries.

          linked is not "cause" Wet streets are "linked" to rain - does that mean wet streets cause rain? No. Obviosuly. And your use of the word "linked" is ourposefully misleading and fraudlent.

          Fries do NOT have meaningful amounts of saturated fat and transfat, no more than is any of the many plant based seed oils that vegans consume and advocate. Trace sat fat and transa fat occur naturally in most fats, even seed oils. So although I agree that fries are garbage, this is misleading to put here. McDonalds french fries are vegan and low in satutated and trans fats.

          Coke is vegan. Trash, but vegan. The bun is vegans. Trash but vegan.

          The special sauce is mostly plant based with trace amounts of egg yolk. Depending on how devout one's veganism is, they may or may not concume it. Most vegetarian types, or carniphobes find it acceptable.

          So, once again, after 6 months who would be healthier and stronger: 2k calories oper day of the patty OR 2k calories per day of bun, fixins, fries and coke? One would be pure carnivore and one would be vegetarian, if not vegan.

          I know which group I would want to be in.

          • 11 months ago

            The fries have "beef flavoring" in them that has milk in it.

            You could with the link for red meat. Not prossesd red meat. That shit causes cancer and the evidence is as strong as cigerets and plutonium but not saying eating bacon is equal to smoking.

            The fries have 2.7g of saturated fat and .1g trans in a medium 370 cal fries. In a 2000 calorie diet that would be pushing it Not terrible but not great. Less then the 3.5g of saturated fat in the 250 calorie patty alone.

            In 6 months both with run into deficiencies but if you where to add some of these to a more balanced diet the bread, coke and fries would be better then the prossesed meat and cheese.

    • 11 months ago

      the meat isn't the problem at mcdonalds, it's fatties getting fries and other shit
      get on the black teenager diet of mcchickens and mcdoubles and you're fine

  4. 11 months ago

    If it's made of crushed up beetle buttholes and pesticide veggies, it's obviously not the most healthy thing in the world.

  5. 11 months ago

    miniscule amount

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      I won't eat the bugs.

  6. 11 months ago

    nice, it's been almost a week since we last had this thread, thanks for posting it again

    • 11 months ago

      has it ever been refuted tho

  7. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Ronald McDonald posting on fit

    • 11 months ago

      Cheeseburger bot strikes again

    • 11 months ago

      Big Cheeseburger is shilling
      also to address the point despite OP being a bot
      >meat is usually overcooked & low quality
      >bread is bread (bad)
      >lettuce (does nothing)
      >the cheese is usually low quality plasticized garbage
      so the only passable thing is onion & tomato. i get those without the garbage

      • 11 months ago

        >get 100% whole wheat buns
        >get fresh 93% lean ground beef
        >get deli fresh fat free cheese
        >put in any veggies I want
        >serve with potatoes/rice/fricking anything healthy on the side
        I don’t see the issue here.

  8. 11 months ago

    there's a lot of salt in fast food burgers

  9. 11 months ago
  10. 11 months ago

    Reminder that the vast majority of beef comes from cows that are fed corn and onions + tons of drugs to counteract the negative effects of being fed an unnatural diet. Take the grass-fed beef pill instead, It's worth the extra dollar or two per pound.

    • 11 months ago

      I can't say what goes on at the lot in detail for the two months between yearlings being sold and processing... but all beef cows are pasture raised until sold.

      What you're really talking about is whether a grain finished cow makes better quality meat than a grass finished cow. Now a certain amount of that comes down to how lean you like the meat but amongst most people(all other things being equal) there is a agreement sentiment that grain finished makes for higher quality meat (le grass fed meme is somewhat of a recent occurence). Even old timers who finished and butchered their old cows grain finished them.

      Btw, my guess is that "grass fed" aka grass finished just means one group of cows on the lot got a grain mix and the other group gets a hay mix or something kek.

      • 11 months ago

        I live around farms and have bought meat directly from the ranch that was grass fed from start to finish. Also there’s a butcher shop in town thats meat is grass fed and grain finished. The grass fed tasted like how beef should taste like and the grain finished was definitely missing the beefy flavor. You can tell right away the difference in quality

        • 11 months ago

          I literally grew up working on a farm that was 50% a beef operation. Now obviously I don't see the details of what happens when yearlings get sold, but grain finished is such a staple because it is the norm to fatten an animal up before slaughter so you can get the most tender, fatty, well marbled meat possible. Again I already told you that alot of it comes down to taste but the very phrase "tasted like how beef should taste" is a meaningless circular phrase of pure moronation.

          Do you want it lean or fatty? Again alot of that could come down to taste. The general concensus though is that you want the meat as well marbled and somewhat fatty before slaughter. What do you think the term "fatted calf" meant in ancient times? Why was it reserved for celebrations and sacrifices?

      • 11 months ago

        Cows’ digestive systems are hyper specialized to only digest grass. Eating corn makes them sick and unhealthy

        • 11 months ago

          It is my understanding that typically corn mixes are like half corn with a protein supplement and then fiber and silage etc. Corn must be balanced in the mix with alot of fiber and you only tend to get digestive problems feeding animals like that fine ground corn.

          Anyways look by the time you start finishing a cow it is going to be slaughtered in like two or three months kek- the literal goal is pack on as much tender fatty meat as possible this isn't like feeding an person a particular diet for a decade.

      • 11 months ago

        There's a different between "finishing" the cattle with corn and feeding them nothing but corn.

        • 11 months ago

          I am not aware of any yearling operations that are not pasture raised. At most you will see supplements with hay. Now veal is fed grain I'm pretty sure.

          Anyways I've never heard of people raising beef cow yearlings on grain but I suppose if you had really poor pasture it could be necessary? Idk again I've never heard of it. If you fed yearlings grain from day one it would rapidly become a money-losing endeavor. Selling yearlings only makes sense because they can be fed on hay and pasture. However I would not be that suprised if some people got a little head start on the finishing before selling some yearlings but again at a certain point it cuts into the margin.

  11. 11 months ago


  12. 11 months ago

    >easy to have on the go
    >goes really well with diabeetus juice and sneed sticks, to the point that if you order just a sandwich the cashier will ways will do a double take.
    >the establishments that sell them also churn out other garbo like corn softees. slop begets slop.

    • 11 months ago

      oh, and shit macros but that goes w/o saying with slop

  13. 11 months ago

    >overly salted rotting mystery meat patty
    >rotting flavorless soggy veg

  14. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      it's not spelled joos, but israelites

  15. 11 months ago

    because I eat 4 or 5 of them

  16. 11 months ago

    those brioche buns are pretty high calorie, I think they are made with a lot of butter

  17. 11 months ago

    americans don't even what what bread and cheese are

  18. 11 months ago

    Because it's processed bread and fat, the lowest quality meat a human can consume plus frozen vegetables.

    • 11 months ago

      That's probably true of fast food burgers. In undergrad I used to work at sort a bar/burger joint and wheb I started I assumed it was going to be like slop- but my experience in the kitchen is that they were legitimately just cooking homemade burgers with good ingredients (except maybe the sauces) from what I could tell.

  19. 11 months ago

    just usually high calories. but if you can fit it in, its fine

  20. 11 months ago

    It's not unhealthy
    the fries and drink are
    because you have now consumed way more calories than you expend and they're empty

  21. 11 months ago

    Because ingredient quality is extremely important and burgers usually use white buns with tons of added simple sugars, ground beef thats at least 20% fat, and processed american cheese slices. It also has a really bad ratio of bread to meat to veggies.

    • 11 months ago

      >bad ratio of meat to veggies to bread

      It seems to me a burger really fits into the food pyramid. Lots of bread, relatively little meat and cheese. The only things that are missing is the veggies and there might be too much fats in them.

  22. 11 months ago

    It isn’t

  23. 11 months ago

    >refine empty card
    >fatty cheese
    >basicly no veggies
    >prossesed meat

    • 11 months ago

      finna order a burgeh

      • 11 months ago

        Eat this instead.

        >whole grain bun
        >healthy mono fat
        >lots of veggies
        >bean burger

        • 11 months ago

          That's like a falafel not a burger.

          Avocado is really hard on the land and are not eco friendly m8.

          • 11 months ago

            That's not avocado bro that's vegan avocado

          • 11 months ago

            Some avocado is way less the the cheese alone. Cope harder.

            • 11 months ago

              Notice how it is always limited to green house emissions and muh methane kek. NO mention of soil degredation, no mention of monoculture, impact on pollinators, chemical use, fertilizer use, water run off, etc etc. Kek the funny thing is how boldy you proclaim things eco friendly while openly only focusing on methane alone and ignoring everything else. Do you think that is clever or are you literally just moronic?

              These types of graphs are for midwits who attached some authority to any graphic/graph they see- and are probably designed by vegan activist orgs etc. in reality.

              All judgment I make about the effect of a thing on the land is from first hand experience. Most non human production corn does not go to cows it goes to ethanol. Cow patures soil is still in fine shape. Cow pastures require no chemicals or runoff. No irrigation, no spraying nothing. Produce literally permanently rapes the soil, uses tons of chemicals, creates massive runoff etc etc.

              • 11 months ago

                Excellent Points. Regenrative Agriculture needs to be taken more seriously. When SHTF cows, sheep, goats, pigs and chcikens will save us. "Plant based" franken foods and highly proicessed ":vegan substitutes" will not."

                Why wont they? Anyone? Because ultimately, cows, pigs, sheep, goats and chickens are cheaper and less eneegry intensive. Period. Thats why they fed us 2,000 years ago and thats why they will still be feeding us - no matter what happens - 2k years from now.

              • 11 months ago

                Feeding an cow for 4 to 6 years thousands of calories a day has a far bigger impact then some one eating an avocado.

                Even if it was case and all the non Carbon effects are worse people aren't pounding down avocados at every meal like they are with meats and cheese.

                Eating a plant based diet is far better for the environment then a meat focused one. Not even vegan just less meat.

                Also before you start with the "grass feed" meme. There is no way we have enough land to feed that level of live stock with out massive ecological devastation.

                Cope more.

              • 11 months ago

                Nice try moron but beef cow for slaughter are usually under two years old. Heifers are grass/hay fed.

                Also row cropping corn is intensive on the land but it is far less intensive than something like tomatoes for example. Furthermore if you will look at your stupid graph... MORE corn is used for ethanol than it is feeding beef yet the same type of people b***hing about beef were part of the eco movement which helped inspire the push for corn based ethanol which is hard on the land and ruins car engines. Also many vegan women DO pound avocados daily and even vegoids who don't pound that particular produce do "pound" something equivalent that is just as hard on the land (like tomatoes).

                I would also add that those number look like 2010ish numbers more recent numbers indicate that of non-human consumption field corn, 53% goes to ethanol, 12% to corn syrup, 20% to feed pigs and chickens, and 5% to feed cattle.

                In conclusion- your arguments are moronic, you have clearly never been involved in agriculture and your worldview and ability to express your beliefs is literally founded on childlike graphs and info graphics kek. Not to mention this is about the third time I have personally btfo you on this exact topic I mean I'm happy happy indulge you again but I have to ask why you keep coming back for more over and over again kek.

              • 11 months ago

                >controls for the worst part of animal agriculture
                >picks the one of least environmentally friendly fruits
                >deflects to ethanol for no reason
                >"I work in animal agriculture so I'm not bias trust me bro"
                > hur durrr. I have personally btfo you

                The cope here is unreal.

                No major environmental org is going to tell you to eat meat over veggies for the environment. But I'm sure they just are all captured by big ~~*vegan*~~.

              • 11 months ago

                >environmental org
                Kek did this argument actually sound reasonable in your tiny mind? Those orgs are all hijacked by lefty morons and vegans- almost openly so. No one takes them seriously because of this.

                You posted a graph which included old numbers for ethanol usage and I pointed that out while additionally pointing out that the same environmental orgs that pushed ethanol also beat up beef for using LESS corn than ethanol? It is fair to to bring that up because it genuinely does make you all look dishonest and moronic kek.

                Anyways look you're basically just sperging now throwing things against the wall. It's like you finally realize alot of produce is bad for the environment and your response is just "no no no let's pick a different veggie" kek you're just shamelessly coping at this point honestly. What made you think this convo was going to go any different than it did the last three times?

              • 11 months ago

                >that pic
                >I'd give the same answer too.

                Why does it feel like more? I know it isn't, but if I ask my brain what it thinks, it says that the red liquid is more.

              • 11 months ago

                Why would you answer incorrectly if you know the correct answer?

              • 11 months ago

                >feeding an cow for 4 to 6 years
                Way to out yourself as a no-nothing urban parasite who has probably never laid a finger on a cow.

            • 11 months ago

              agriculture is one of the most destructive things to the planet.

              Fertilizers decimate local flora and contribute to the creation of anti biotic resistant flesh eating bacteria

              Clearcutting destroys all animal homes

              pesticides decimate all insect populations and thus whatever birds or critters left over have no food to eat

              both pesticides and fertilizers can get into the aquifer and poison it.

              With agriculture, the biodiversity of a piece of land which housed many tens of thousands of insects many hundreds of birds and squirrels and moles and snakes and other animals is essentially reduced to just a few plants.

              • 11 months ago

                It's good cause idgaf about wildlife I care about getting swole for cheap

              • 11 months ago

                Not wrong. Modern farmers fields are lifeless deserts. Take the home garden pill, it's so nice to have healthy flavourful food for little to no money at your doorstep.

              • 11 months ago

                I agree about modern farming. I keep a substantial garden twice a year plus some annuals (meaning I used a tractor etc. to cultivate a large garden plot). And even then, I only get a few bursts of certain crops in the summer and fall. You will rapidly be overwhelmed with with the time and ability to process and preserve what you can't eat right away. What am I going to do with 1,000 lbs of potatoes? At best it is a seasonal supplement to what your'e eating imho. And if you aren't doing it fairly large scale it is going to be a pittance. I still recommend it though it is a great hobby and you do get to have some benefit from it in the form of home grown foods.

                The real solution is that people just need to strike a better balance between using land for large scale farming and setting land aside for other purposes. Reduce the use of the most damaging crops and practices to the largest degree possible. A certain amount of land must be "put to work" but that doesn't mean we just go whole-hog with the worst practices and level everything. Also yeah keeping a garden could, in a small way, maybe take some of the pressure off the intensive stuff but it isn't going to like eliminate he need for agriculture lol.

            • 11 months ago

              What is this? Per acre? Per ton produced? Per liter?

          • 11 months ago

            hard on the land? they come from a regular-ass tree you hippie homosexual

            it's not my problem that the current world pop is equivalent to a ravenous locust plague that would put Moses to shame

            oh you made the desert bloom to fuel the spic-nig cycle and grow fricking ALMONDS? shit better take an axe to my nan's walnut tree and save le planet!

            I will consider eating tofu once you start putting castrating agents in humanitarian rations

            • 11 months ago

              Produce and most orchard fruits and nuts are fairly hard on the land. Chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, water runoff, complete soil degredation, etc. Some types of fruit and nit trees are not so bad but avocados are sort of intensive.

              • 11 months ago

                it's a fricking TREE. trees don't rape the land. the spic-nig cycle does.
                a single medium-sized tree will feed 5-6 families every day when in season. it has no negative footprint on the soil. it's a tree, my Black.

              • 11 months ago

                Most fruit trees are "in" for like three weeks and something like avocados have immense spoilage. One fruit tree won't feed shit kek.

                You plant those things for hundreds of acres on a tight margin and it is going to require alot of spraying, watering, etc. etc. Something like pecan orchards are fairly light on the land but avocados are just particularly intensive like peaches.

  24. 11 months ago

    Red meat and cheese are bad for you

  25. 11 months ago

    It's the perfect food.
    Meat is good for you. Eat more of it, you animal.

    • 11 months ago

      No don’t eat more of it this man is lying to you

  26. 11 months ago

    I'd say if you removed the bun and made it a lettuce wrap; along with taking away the ketchup it'd be fine to eat, but ground beef is more calorie heavy than chicken anyway.

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        I mentioned nothing about Keto you stupid Black person. I also mentioned calories which ketogays don't include.
        have a nice day you fricking mobilegay

        • 11 months ago

          Ok, ketolard

      • 11 months ago

        moxyte say something that isn't bot generated

    • 11 months ago
  27. 11 months ago

    Remove the sugary bread and you’ve improved the macros a lot. Next remove the big dab of sauce where half the calories are.
    You have created a minced meat meal with a salad side.

  28. 11 months ago

    The concept of "healthy" food is highly subjective, as long as you're aware of your macros and keep track of it you should be fine, be careful with salt too.
    A hamburger with good quality ingredients is perfectly fine.

  29. 11 months ago

    They are calorically super dense. One quarter pounder with condiments is 1/3 your calories for the day. It's also low protein. Their buns also have more oil than you find in a supermarket bun. Enjoy your carbs and fat.

    If you really need fast food look for chipotle or subway.

    • 11 months ago

      no it isnt its 500 cals i eat 2500 at maintance
      get some muscles bros

  30. 11 months ago

    It's not. It's just as a restaurant meal it's usually laden with fatmaxxed sauces.

  31. 11 months ago

    >X food is unhealthy because Y
    no no no
    >X food is unhealthy because some people eat it all the time in large quantities
    yes yes yes

  32. 11 months ago

    Fat-fricks never have a single burger.
    It's 2 or more, double cheese and patties, large fries, 1k calories of cola and that's just lunch for the average big fat fatty McFatfrick.

  33. 11 months ago

    kek lmao even
    kek lmao even
    kek lmao even
    kek lmao even
    This is the american standard of food. Not real bread, not real meat, not real vegetables and not real cheese

  34. 11 months ago

    When it turns into a burger it becomes poisoned by israelites

  35. 11 months ago

    >20% fat beef, cheese
    Like look it's not bad but it's really fatty and just buttloads of cals
    >shitty sugary sauces like ketchup, bbq other horshshiet

  36. 11 months ago
  37. 11 months ago

    >fake cheese
    if this doesn't scream unhealthy to you, you're a fricking moron

  38. 11 months ago

    It isnt

  39. 11 months ago

    This is not cheese.
    Burgers is goyslop and not even tasty.
    Souvlaki (pita gyro) though is good for you.

    • 11 months ago

      That looks good. And I agree that is not real cheese in OP pic... HOWEVER the classic american burger is obviously the undisputed king of sandwiches. Seasoned beef patty, toasted bun, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles, onion, ketchup, mustard, mayo.... it's literally the perfect sandwich and it's not even really arguable at this point imho.

      Anyways the other contender might be the club sandwich.. that is also a damn good sandwich but burger ultimately mogs. Middle Eastern gyro style wraps are damn good too don't get me wrong but not burger-tier sorry.

  40. 11 months ago

    Burgers are good for you!!

  41. 11 months ago

    Bread isn't healthy.

  42. 11 months ago


    He's obviously saying that way to mock morons like that, so his post are inherently facetious.

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