Why is the IT job market so bad in australia? the only jobs here are. >miner. >farmer. >coffee shop servant

Why is the IT job market so bad in australia?

the only jobs here are
>coffee shop servant
>uber eats
>gov job where you pretend to work

Unis get a huge amount of their funding from foreign students.

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  1. 3 months ago

    >Unis get a huge amount of their funding from foreign students

    • 3 months ago

      Not OP.



      • 3 months ago

        alt link: https://youtu.be/QByN_XJIn8s

      • 3 months ago

        Why would you link a youtube video as a source, have a nice day

    • 3 months ago

      >In terms of the highest percentages of international students, Federation University has approximately 48%, RMIT has around 46%, and Murdoch University has about 40%
      Most universities have 30%+ international students. It's pretty obvious when you go there. I went to 3 different universities and they were everywhere. I don't really mind them but it does make it harder for local students to get a placement. The universities do it because they're trying to make as much profit as they can, despite spending as little as they can on actual course content, usually just the single lecturers wage and running costs of lecture theatres. During my degree which was $50k+ per year I reckon they spent no more than $100 total on materials for practical exercises

    • 3 months ago

      Common sense

      Are you moronic?

  2. 3 months ago

    Profession jobs in general tend to pay bad compared to their overseas counterparts. A lot has to do with our economy based on mining, property investment and tradie worship.

    • 3 months ago

      >tradie worship
      Well, the US has been slobbering on tech's knob for the last 30 years, and look where we are. So maybe it's not such a terrible thing.

    • 3 months ago

      > mentions IT
      > has nothing to do with technology

      seething chinese in this thread: lmao.

      >Unis get a huge amount of their funding from foreign students

      it's factual. once upon a time university education was free then all these politicians that benefited from free education killed it to save money. geniuses. universities started going broke throughout the 1980s. university fees paid by most student was via HECS (like US college loans but cheaper - at the time) so uni would get their money when graduate starts earning more than a certain amount. it put further strain on the system. what the government started doing in the 1990s was giving preferential placements to full fee paying studens over australians. you could have been the best high school graduate in the universe, if you didn't have the full amount for your fees some street shitting indian or chink will get your place instead. that's how we ended up dependent on their cash.

    • 3 months ago

      We dont even do our own mining anymore mate. We give contract directly to india and china and they come in and just pilfer everything themselves and send it back home. Then keep all the profit as well.
      It's insane.

      Everything. EVERYTHING is outsourced to china and india

      • 3 months ago

        >We dont even do our own mining anymore mate.

      • 3 months ago

        >We dont even do our own mining anymore mate
        the frick on you about, i know real aussies who earn fricktons mining in WA

      • 3 months ago

        >We dont even do our own mining anymore mate.

        >We dont even do our own mining anymore mate
        the frick on you about, i know real aussies who earn fricktons mining in WA

        Most of their economy is centered around mining and exporting it directly into the veins of the Chinese. Can’t really blame them to be honest, they’re so far away from any other manufacturing centered economy besides the Chinese, that they’d be kind of screwed if they didn’t.

        We export rice to China too. Let that sink in.

        • 3 months ago

          based. china kneels to Australia

          • 3 months ago

            Since post-WWII after """winning""" WWII, our succeeding governments progressively sold off all industries, all automotive industrialisation, sold our dairy farms to China (we don't technically own our own farmland), our ports to China, the LIMA agreement (designed to send industies and jobs to developing countries. Australia complied and 98% of manufacturing has gone offshore) perpetually since 1975, the abolishment of the white Australia policy progressively from post-WWII. And every single step along the way Aussies just "took it." Just constant reaming and raping up the arse.

            And for the past near century all Aussies have said in response to getting ASS FRICKED is "she'll be right, mate!" (it won't, your children will be either brown or raped or working in sweat shops).

            For a half century of emasculation and realising the entire population is literally just livestock farmed by governments and corporations, this is the most emasculated people on Earth. Emasculated people are: weak, lazy, pathetic, mediocre. Why fight against the system? Someone who fights is seen as different. Someone who struggles to achieve is seen as different. Someone who tries to rise above the sinking ship with everyone holding onto their own shitslop McDonald's coupons is dragged down. It's human psychology because someone who tries to be better further humiliates and emasculates them, because they're all weak cowards. All the fight is non-existent in the soul of White Australians. They're waiting to die

    • 3 months ago

      i did a trade for a few years and the first year I was paid $6.20 an hour. Most of the qualified tradies were paid like less than $40/hour as employees. A way a lot of tradies make money is by starting their own business and charging huge amounts for on call jobs and dodging tax. I've paid plumbers before like $300 for 10 minutes work, it's totally ridiculous, but they all charge that much so there's nothing anyone can do

  3. 3 months ago

    I'm retired now but I earned my living in IT in Australia there was always plenty of work

  4. 3 months ago

    Nobody wants to work with Aussies.
    They're about as friendly as the average kangaroo

    • 3 months ago

      you have it twisted. nobody wants to work with chinks and indians.

      • 3 months ago

        Aussie here, can confirm.

  5. 3 months ago

    Are you moronic OP?

    t. making $180k + super and have previously made $1,100/day as a subby contractor

    • 3 months ago

      >t. making $180k + super and have previously made $1,100/day as a subby contractor


      • 3 months ago

        Software eng.

        before or after tax, homosexual?

        Before tax, but excludes my bonus. As a subby you can funnel the cash through a company which gives you numerous tax advantages. Lower tax via corpo tax rates if you keep it in the company, and also write offs.

        Avoid banking.
        Avoid government like the FRICKING PLAGUE.
        Avoid studios.

        • 3 months ago

          >Avoid banking.
          >Avoid government like the FRICKING PLAGUE.
          >Avoid studios.

          What about uni?

          • 3 months ago

            I have no uni degree, but it can help if you're a beginner. It's possible to get into tech without a degree if you can show you can do the job.

            If you're lazy and have zero effort as a beginner you won't get anywhere.

            You MUST have one or more of these if you have no degree:
            - Side project, ideally successful by some metric
            - Open source contributions, ideally high profile projects
            - Personal website

        • 3 months ago

          how old are you? roughly if you mind asking, i wanna know if its too late

          and what languages/framework do you know could you please share

          • 3 months ago

            Early 30s. I only joined the industry in my late 20s. I was self employed doing a side business website before then.

            • 3 months ago

              How well was your side business doing?

              Also, what languages/frameworks or what tech should I study to get the most money in Australia?

              • 3 months ago

                In the best year 140k. Average was more like 50k.

                I suggest TypeScript, React first. These are approachable languages in very high demand. Then consider learning modern Java. I wouldn't recommend PHP, while jobs exist it's going out of favor. The lower level languages can be good to get a more deep understanding but aren't essential and there aren't many jobs.

                I can't insist enough on how important it is to show you can do the job. Build something. It can be extremely simple. A guy made a website around hard drive prices and it's literally just a sortable table that shows the cheapest price per TB and it makes $5k/m.

                Make a tiny io game.

                What skills do you have thus far?

              • 3 months ago

                python, angular, c#, django

                3 year employment gap + cs degree

                I am in aus btw, 1 year professional employment

              • 3 months ago

                You could probably get interviews for junior or mid level roles. But the market is kinda hard right now. My employer has had a hiring freeze for 9 months.

              • 3 months ago

                >Also, what languages/frameworks or what tech should I study to get the most money in Australia?
                cloud development, like azure or aws, they're paid up to like $250k/yr in some cases

    • 3 months ago

      before or after tax, homosexual?

      • 3 months ago

        ask nicely, b***h.

        • 3 months ago

          >ask nicely, b***h.
          before or after tax, c**t?

    • 3 months ago

      Aussie here, can confirm.

      you have it twisted. nobody wants to work with chinks and indians.

      What is the job market like in straya

      • 3 months ago

        Some layoffs in tech, but there are still jobs available. The contracting market is a bit rough atm.

  6. 3 months ago

    why do you keep making this thread? on multiple boards as well

    • 3 months ago

      seething chinese man is furious with australia. an entire continent lives rent free in their commie minds.

  7. 3 months ago

    You forgot
    >Anti vape police

    • 3 months ago

      Vaping was unbanned in Australia and it's been a total disaster.
      Nearly every time I go into a cigar shop I see teens that are clearly underage browsing the vape section. The staff just don't care and will serve vapes to anyone regardless of age, I've seen this in multiple cigar shops now.
      Kids vape in public, they post videos of themselves vaping, guys of age will trade vapes with young girls who are too nervous to buy their own, in exchange for God knows what.
      The regulation is there but no one cares and it's hardly enforced.

      • 3 months ago

        replace vape with ciggies and you have Australia in the mid-late 1900's, its just the circle of life.
        vaping is extremely lame but I rather the kids have vapes than ciggies and there's no point of regulating it until the next hit piece research paper in 10-20 years time that shows vaping causes lung damage and the gov will treat vapes similar to tobacco.

        • 3 months ago

          >and the gov will treat vapes similar to tobacco.
          they already are treating it as such and it's far worse than tobacco. not that it makes any difference, tobacco companies were behind some of these vape products using shell companies. they were shilling vaping as the next best thing after cigarettes. tobacco is already bad enough but vaping chemicals produced by fricking chinks lmao get the frick out of here.

          • 3 months ago

            yeah nah glycerol and vegetable oil is significantly less dangerous than coating your lungs with carcinogenic black tar and poisoning your blood with carbon monoxide. Your lungs will hate you either way and will become damage with enough abuse (especially since vaping is way easier so you do it more often) but it's the reason why UK gives vapes to smokers. It's a lesser evil. Some kids are predisposed for looking to smoke weed and ciggies, giving them a vape instead will curb a large part of the harm.

            • 3 months ago

              you know so little about anything that it's remarkable to read your schizophrenic dribble. not a single fricking part of your schizo rant was based in reality apart from blood and carbon monoxide. you can seethe as much as you like and write whatever schizo nonsense you like but it changes absolutely frickin nothing, homosexual.
              > glycerol and vegetable oil
              post face. i can guarantee your eyes are so slanted it's like someone was shining headlights into your eyes.

              • 3 months ago

                >schizo babble
                didn't read. smoke yourself into the grave champ

              • 3 months ago

                > ching chong chang
                stick to your topic of expertise: eating dog and the fast way to pimp your children on the streets of beijing. this is a board for straight white men, not worthless schizo chinks.

              • 3 months ago

                I know the OP image is the Australian flag, so I'll forgive you for thinking this is /misc/, but here you go


                off you go chief

            • 3 months ago

              man the wack shit about Vapes in the UK is that shops only stock 20mg vapes. They do not have 0% disposables, meaning the moron kids who are predisposed to vaping all the time don't have a 0% version, they have to go onto crack addict 20mg.

  8. 3 months ago

    should i upgrade my internet speed, i can afford it

    • 3 months ago

      > $299 dollary doos
      i know people living in europe that pay 30 or less in euro and have 1gbit. prices are obscene here.

  9. 3 months ago

    I don't exactly work in tech, but I have some basic knowledge of data gleaned from googling shit on the job; managed to become weirdly load-bearing in my role- which is in government, albeit administration-based, and while I have been promoted for it (because I do work really hard), the promotion is up the management-stream and I am losing my mind: no matter how much I automate, the second my stress levels normalise they give me more tasks and/or more people to manage. Been spending more of my days locking down the data validation settings for Excel workbooks, for other people to fill out without fricking ruining all the cell references/formatting, than anything meaningful lately.

    I earn 70k AUD a year doing this. Can't even save up for the downpayment on a house on that, let alone pay off the mortgage.
    What do I have to learn to get out of this? I'm a late bloomer due to some medical issues that only recently got sorted (33 y/o) and it feels like you need to earn six figures in this country now to have a chance at a life.

  10. 3 months ago

    >why is the job market so shit in australia
    government keeps flooding the labour market with Indians, giving them visas like they're out of a cereal box. As an Australian citizen, your only goal is to get a degree/career, a part time job on the side to prop you up, and fricking leave once done, otherwise you will be in constant agony. The country is a joke

  11. 3 months ago

    What do you expect from a Chinese mining colony?

  12. 3 months ago

    >Why is the IT job market so bad in australia?
    Service gig economy propped up by property market and immigration. As soon as my mum dies im moving os for good i hate it here
    >the only jobs here are
    For non whites lol its spot the whitey even in tiny rural towns and citys
    Lol no
    Nope mates just sold theres no money in it
    >coffee shop servant
    *Slave ex hospo gay here ive done it all taxi ict gardening carer basically any job their all shit and your lucky to get 1k after tax a week
    Shit spot the aussie
    >uber eats
    Definitely no whites doing this anymore either
    Also done this its shit
    >gov job where you pretend to work
    And have to put up with lgbtiq pedo crap like i see stickered in every station hospital and whatnot? Never done govt jobs frick that!
    >Unis get a huge amount of their funding from foreign students.
    Last time i set foot in one was a decade ago frick that

  13. 3 months ago

    >gov job where you pretend to work
    That's me

  14. 3 months ago

    Archie Luxury has the answer. You need to find his 12+ videos on why the IT market sucks in Australia:

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