Why is the mainstream media so evil? Why are they so scared of people getting fit?

Why is the mainstream media so evil? Why are they so scared of people getting fit?


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  1. 12 months ago

    Because it's mostly written by women who have always taken the path of least resistance through life.

  2. 12 months ago

    I dont want to read some toiler paper tier article and get bad vibes. I'd like to think its about saying be careful of your teenagers buying into the new trend and turning into gym prostitutes.

  3. 12 months ago


  4. 12 months ago

    I mean I think you should warn kids about the dangers of SARMs and roids. And of course how to deal with the gym's twink destroyer.

    • 12 months ago

      Why would you need an article to deal with yourself?

  5. 12 months ago

    I think the article might refer to female teenagers that usually don't want to get fit because they associate it with exercise a since they lack testosterone that makes us tolerate pain, ofc they wouldn't like the idea

    • 12 months ago

      Could be for both zoomies and zoomettes. Females think of getting fit as spamming cardio and becoming anorexic which obviously isn't sustainable or healthy. Males see random 16 year olds on tik tok benching 315 and jump on SARMs after not getting there in a year. Frankly there isn't a sport or physical activity that glorifies roids quite as much as bodybuilding - actual athletes at least take them as a means to an end, not as the end itself

  6. 12 months ago

    Why are people like you so dumb? Do you not realize the nu-internet is just a series of echochambers and clickbait to make low IQ people like yourself seethe for money? You can find an article supporting your argument whether its >blue eyed people are the most attractive, no >its brown eyed people. Its just a subscription based reality.

    Not only have you fell for their trap, you are making it worse by spreading stupid shit like this to IST.

    No one is scared of getting people fit IRL. Unironically go outside and talk to people. I swear to god Boomers and Gen-Z ruined the internet

  7. 12 months ago

    Fatties make better slaves

  8. 12 months ago

    >be fat
    >support the multi-trillion dollar food, pharma, and medical industries (which pay for articles like this)
    >be fit
    >not only do they not make any money on you, they LOSE it
    always money, always

  9. 12 months ago

    Fit people rise up
    Fat people lay down

  10. 12 months ago

    >Why is the mainstream media so evil? Why are they so scared of people getting fit?
    You're not ready for the early life section, anon.

  11. 12 months ago

    >Contrary to the dominant messages in our culture, "intentional weight loss is not sustainable and is incredibly dangerous," Darpinian said. By the time teens express wanting to change their bodies, it's likely "there is already a history of body dissatisfaction" that needs to be taken seriously.
    >"If parents don't feel they have the skills or tools to support their child's body image, they can seek a consultation with a therapist who is weight neutral, HAES-aligned (Health at Every Size) or a certified eating disorder specialist," Darpinian advised.
    I first saw this article on CNN, I'm guessing that right wing people will the ones in shape by DNC stooges get force fed goyslop and allowed to be fat. Should be interesting
    I remember in the 90s we had a whole ass campaign telling girls they shouldn't aim to get that skinny cocaine girl look

    • 12 months ago

      >I remember in the 90s we had a whole ass campaign telling girls they shouldn't aim to get that skinny cocaine girl look
      I remember that too and there's nothing wrong with that, because that was also an unhealthy body ideal. However, as a completely moronic reaction to the "you shouldn't be a skeleton" mentality (which is correct) the goalpost has been continually moved further and further up from the normal size that was at that time seen as fat as anorexic girls, to actual obesity, which is now touted to be "completely fine" by the body positivists. The actual goal should be to inform young people about unhealthy bodies, fat and overly skinny alike, not telling them that it's okay to be a lardass (but not a skeleton)

      • 12 months ago

        you're a moron

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, it yo-yoed in the opposite direction horribly. The Kate Moss waify coke addict look was unhealthy for most women, but now obesity is literally promoted as attractive and healthy, when it's ten times worse than the coked out skinny anorexic look.
      Fat Acceptance and it's consequences have been a disaster for modern young people

    • 12 months ago

      > you can't control your weight
      That is the defeatist disinformation campaign of modern mass media. They can control you much easier and you'll funnel money into goyslop food and pharma companies.
      I wonder ~~*who*~~ benefits?
      Also, less attractive women means fewer white babies. That's another reason they push troony shit.

  12. 12 months ago

    The conglomerates that own the media also own insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Unhealthy, drugged up disasters are their assets.

    • 12 months ago

      Who are these people that run this racket? How long have you been sitting on this information, anon?

  13. 12 months ago

    Last week there was a fricking questions and answers section of a national newspaper where I live where a mother asked if it was okay for her 15 year old son to use protein supplements for building mass, and the nutritionist said that protein supplements were slippery slope towards doing roids and shit. It was one of the stupidest things I've ever read.

    • 12 months ago

      It's a gateway drug

      But seriously, it's slop, all 3 brands I have in my cupboard have sucralose which destroyed your genes

      • 12 months ago

        >all 3 brands I have in my cupboard have sucralose which destroyed your genes
        Why not just get 100% whey protein like a sensible person?

        • 12 months ago

          First one I bought at random, ditched for lower carb, ditched 2 for lower cholesterol, 3 tasted like peanut butter which used to word filter to a different word on this site

    • 12 months ago

      Technically not wrong, but it's like weed. Smoking weed is fine if you're a functional person, most people who smoke weed never go on to do heroin or meth. But most people who do heroin didn't start by using heroin.

      Most people who go to the gym and drink protein won't ever do steroids. But everyone who does steroids started out by going to the gym and drinking protein shakes.

      Slippery slope fallacy and not a valid argument. Nutritionist isn't a title that requires formal training and advice like that really shows a lack of critical thinking skills.

      • 12 months ago

        In my opinion, just like most people who went to heroin from weed would probably end up on heroin without weed, so people who do steroids would probably end up there without protein shakes as well. In fact, if this mother refuses her son to use protein shakes, and he's really truly motivated to lift, I would think it's more likely for him to eventually consider steroids for easier gains.

        • 12 months ago

          If it isn't weed, it would be alcohol, or prescription drugs or whatever is easiest to obtain.

          If it isn't whey protein, idk what it would be. People need to eat and there's no way to really stop a teenager from bulking without depriving them off food. Which is more fricked up then anything mentioned in the article.

          Side note, there's a really jacked dude at my gym who is similar in build to me (height, frame, wrist size). We're around the same age and he told me the other day he started lifting 10 years ago. He was 16 at the time. I started two years ago when I was 25. My biggest regret in life is not starting sooner. I did so much damage to my life and body by not taking up nutrition and weightlifting earlier in life. Kids should be encouraged to exercise if they show interest in it.

      • 12 months ago

        yeah dietician is the protected (not sure what the actual terminology is) title that requires training and/or education. Doesn't stop HAES infiltration but it does filter out some of the crazier ones.

      • 12 months ago

        I'll do you one better;
        >Most people who go to the gym won't ever do steroids. But everyone who does steroids started out by going to the gym.

    • 12 months ago

      with these people you have to fight their malice with even more wilful ignorance.
      Here's how you get the serpent to bite its own tail

      >oh I understand doctor, so I shouldn't let him eat meat and drink milk anymore, right. Protein is a drug for him that will lead him to worse.
      >doc fumbles...N-No mam, some protein is good, others are bad...uh bad sources...Meat and milk is fine.
      >Ah I see...so what is this powder protein made from? My son calls it ''way''. Where does it come from?
      >Uh...well...you see, whey is a derivative of milk. It's a liquid which contains a lot of protein.
      >Oh so it comes from milk? Then why should I let him drink milk?
      >B-Because we remove the whey from the milk before it's sold, so it's...healthier or nicer to drink, ma'm. Anyways what's bad about these powders is that they instill practices which can become more extreme.
      >Oh so eating protein is good, you just shouldn't make it a regular practice?
      >N-no...well...yes and no. You need to eat some protein to be healthy. But you shouldn't overdo it.
      >Ah...and how exactly do you know how much? Because he told me he takes it because he can't eat enough protein daily.
      >Well, it depends on age, and weight.
      >And what does protein do, doctor?
      >It helps in the synthetization of muscle, that is why those bodybuilders take it.
      >Oh so you are telling me that for my son to grow big and strong, he needs to eat protein.
      >Yes...but be mindful of the source! Please!!!
      >Oh that's fine, I guess since now i know whey protein comes from milk, it should be fine.
      Thanks very much doctor.

      The key to deal with these liars is to lead the conversation and consistently trip them up in their own circular logic, and backtrack on their words, and seem like you're doing it from an authentic position of interest and curiosity kek.

  14. 12 months ago

    I don't need to read further to know this is about body positivity instead of telling kids to not turn into roidtrannies and die at 30 (at best)

  15. 12 months ago

    How do you find this shit? I've never seen this fake body positivity bullshit in real newspapers or on tv. Its always some american clickbait site

  16. 12 months ago

    I agree with the article. You do want to know WHY your kid wants to start working out. Is he insecure, is there a girl he likes, does he think he's gay and he wants to attract men

    There's all kinds of reasons to work out. If you're going to be your kids coach, you should know their goals. Maybe their goal isn't to hit 2/3/4/5. Maybe their goal is to do a handstand, and now everytime you take them to the gym they get upset with you.

  17. 12 months ago

    >Has your child expressed the desire to be fit and healthy and enjoy a better quality of life?
    >You'd better watch closely - this could be bad. Here are ten signs to watch for as they go down this dangerous path!
    >Has your child been groomed by pedophiles on discord servers and social media groups, and now they claim they want to take hormone drugs and mutilate their genitals to express their "true" identity?
    >Here's ten reasons why you are morally obligated to be a passive observer/cheerleader and should have CPS called on you if you ask too many hard questions
    Death to America and Israel tbdesu.

  18. 12 months ago

    >skim article
    >notice HAES acronym
    >opinion immediately discarded

  19. 12 months ago

    It's israelites.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        no fricking shot that greedy little shit drank even a gallon of that

      • 12 months ago

        Wtf is even in that? Like a slushie or something? That little c**t is going to get diabetes

        • 12 months ago

          Chaim probably sold it to his friends and made some quick cash.

  20. 12 months ago

    >decide to stop being skinny fat loser in high school
    >start eating half decently
    >sister sees me doing push ups in my room one night
    >tells my mom im doing steroids bc she saw some movie in health class about it
    >parents think im on gear and have an eating disorder
    >gets my school involved
    >counselor talks to me about body dysmorphia and self love and the dangers of steroids
    >they all think im crazy
    >chad gym coach teaches me how to tune out the haters
    >end up ok

    • 12 months ago

      There's a lot to be said for a good teacher who knows the bullshit that a young fella needs to avoid. We had a PE teacher at our school who let us use the weights room and gave advice on form. Good memories of that guy

  21. 12 months ago

    Its something in their breakfast

  22. 12 months ago

    People who are in shape have higher self esteem and are less likely to brainlessly make comfort purchases. Its a scheme to extract money from poor people.

  23. 12 months ago

    The weak are always trying to subvert the strong.

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