why is your girlfriend/wife obese?

well, IST, what is your damage? provide a concise and direct response using harvard referencing thanks

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  1. 11 months ago

    >Never talk to fat girls
    >Never talk to girls with kids

    It makes life easier

    • 11 months ago

      yes sound advice even by reversing the genders. nothing attractive or intelligent about being built like a big mac and/or carting around an overgrown sperm you dumped into some bpd b***h out of wedlock

  2. 11 months ago

    Dude waited 2 years of her getting dicked down just for his turn. Lol

  3. 11 months ago

    >waiting 2 years
    >for that
    wtf, why? does she have a magical wish granting pussy or some shit?

  4. 11 months ago


  5. 11 months ago

    because we met online and she hid it from me

    • 11 months ago

      and you still went ahead with it?

  6. 11 months ago

    another angle so you can understand the full extent of your suffering when you make these silly low self-esteem decisions

    • 11 months ago

      He's bald

    • 11 months ago


      well, IST, what is your damage? provide a concise and direct response using harvard referencing thanks

      Wtf is this ESL b***h trying to say?

    • 11 months ago

      Italian women sure do love their Mediterranean diet. Don't knock it until you try it, IST! Sugar industry spokesman and PUFA pusher Incel Keys proved a direct correlation of a pasta heavy diet with longevity using carefully selected data points from a vast network of options. Trust the science!

      • 11 months ago

        You're American, aren't you?

  7. 11 months ago

    Like an autism weighted blanket that you can frick

    • 11 months ago

      Wtf now I understand why those moron blankets exist. Tragic.

  8. 11 months ago

    because I haven't been intimate with a women for over 5 years, and I've never been in a relationship so I'm going to use her as practice. I'm 33 so I really need to start settling down.

  9. 11 months ago

    I don't mind the chubby ones at all. Some of the behaviors that seem to be common with them are unattractive though.

    I am pretty picky in other ways so I'm glad to date a chubby chick if she meets my criteria.

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Its fricking enrages me all this fricking hypocrisy that excuses womens bad behaviour 24/7/365. People with legit mental or physical disabilities get treated like shit and usually forgotten by society, but if a b***h cant contain herself of eating 8 hamburgers a day you have to be "sensitive", "approach her in a healthy way", "be respectful" and all this fricking kind of shit. Ofc, only if you are a woman, if you dare to be a fat man, you are in deep shit. I fricking hate women and globohomosexual with a passion. Everyday when i go to the gym, the landwhales there keep looking at me, b***h, if you dare to ask my instagram im shooting the fricking gym, i dont kill myself 6 days a week at the gym to get hitted on by a fricking lard golem. What the frick.

        • 11 months ago

          What I've learned is that if you're a fat man in modern society you are absolutely 100% FRICKED beyond belief for dating.

          I'm so fricking glad I'm gonna be fit by the end of the year and not be a fat frick - only halfway there and already people acknowledge my existence again + smile + compliment + do small talk. It's night and day difference - almost like I'm a human again.

          If you're a fat man and you aren't actively working to stop being fat - it's over. Society only coddles fat women. Being a fat man is worse than being short, I think.

          • 11 months ago

            Good job, king, keep going. Ive been working on my body for the last 6 months too and ive noticed what you said too. Now the fuel that keeps me going to the gym everyday is being fit to redpill fatty men and brutalize fat women to get them down their high horse. Dating apps are fricking ridiculous, these lardgolems expect a 10/10 multibillonaire and you arent able to even tell their gender due to the excess of fat in their faces and its even worse sometimes because some of them even buzz their hair to look like some Hollywood b***h but they end up looking like down syndrome tards, and you are supposed to accept it. Its fricking unreal.

            • 11 months ago

              Absolutely unfathomably based. We're gonna make it anon, I can feel it.

        • 11 months ago

          >Ofc, only if you are a woman, if you dare to be a fat man, you are in deep shit

          Yep. There is a facebook group dedicated to this called "The man is never fat" lmao. It's a page where they'd post screenshots from "body positivity" pages. There is a trend where these women would post images of 400 pound women kissing a tall, muscular, fit, handsome man.

          My kindest side wants to say "Yes, you do deserve to be happy", but it's hilarious how they will never depict themselves with a man of their size. I'm not trying to defend fat guys either but holy frick, way to turn yourself into a begging chooser and a victim at the same time. They're literally admitting they see the undesirableness of being overweight.

          The absolute irony of
          >You as a fat woman are not less desirable and you do not deserve less
          >You as a fat woman deserve a fit, athletic man
          >"What's wrong with a fat man?"
          >They're less desirable

    • 11 months ago

      what actually is the appeal though? when you frick them vs someone skinny/fit, what makes your dick so much harder (if that’s the case)? I genuinely don’t understand :/

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          Idk man, women should be soft and thick. Women naturally have more fat than men in general. Men usually like thickish thighs, thick butt that isn't completely rock hard, big breasts, etc. Some of us just don't mind them a bit bigger than other men like them lol.

          yeah but isn’t it nicer to have the butt be muscly rather than jiggly and cellulite-y

          • 11 months ago

            frick men then lol

            • 11 months ago

              okay post bussy

          • 11 months ago

            The muscle alone just doesn't add much size. I like a big floppy jiggly fat ass lol.

      • 11 months ago

        Idk man, women should be soft and thick. Women naturally have more fat than men in general. Men usually like thickish thighs, thick butt that isn't completely rock hard, big breasts, etc. Some of us just don't mind them a bit bigger than other men like them lol.

        • 11 months ago

          Women are to men what children are to women. It doesn’t matter how much autonomy women think they have, they will always look towards men for leadership. That’s why it’s up to us to set a good example for them to follow.

  10. 11 months ago

    Why is that caption written so moronicly

    • 11 months ago


  11. 11 months ago

    It's because he's bald so his options were either a fat woman or no woman.

  12. 11 months ago

    Recent ex was overweight, she looked great pre covid

  13. 11 months ago

    Originally I had a big blog post written out describing all my long term relationships, but figured no one would care so I deleted it.
    Suffice to say, every girl I dated was either fit or at most ever so slightly overweight, and only gained weight as the relationship progressed (except for one fit girl that had to stay fit because of sports she played).
    At this point, I just want a giant tiddy girl that I can plap plap plap all I want and keep her perpetually pregnant.

  14. 11 months ago

    Because life kicked her ass and she got major league depression, which went both undiagnosed and untreated for years, and our lives were so turbulent I did very little to help her. She lost her purpose in life after becoming disillusioned with being a nurse, I had difficulty holding down a job for a long time, and at one point we were given the opportunity to take over a small business in our town...right as COVID happened (the fact that the previous owners were scumbags who basically unloaded a failing business onto us while lying about their revenue didn't help things either). All of this shit built up to the point where she just didn't give a damn about herself, and even now that we are stable financially the habits she picked up during those days remain. She was a tomboy in high school, a fit and muscular tomboy, and the fact she has fallen so far is tragic. But after all this time, I am done taking it sitting down. I am lifting and getting fit, and I will do everything in my power to get her back to the thin, healthy woman she used to be, the one I know she can be again.

    • 11 months ago

      And YOU are responsible for HER shit because....? Do you think she would stay by your side if you had a car accident and you got paralyzed even if it was just for 8 months? I dont know about you, but im fricking tired of having to take care of adult children. Women can go frick themselves with a cactus.

      • 11 months ago

        >And YOU are responsible for HER shit because....?
        I'm not. But I'm still going to do what I can for her because I love her.

  15. 11 months ago

    more ass, more breasts, softer

    need I say more

    • 11 months ago

      Then you go thick, never obese.

      • 11 months ago

        I do, generally 400lbs is the cutoff. Especially if they are under 6ft

        • 11 months ago

          >400 is the cutoff
          Buddy most women are obese at 200, you are a certified fat fricker

  16. 11 months ago

    You told IST balding is a death sentence, and now you’re mad at him for landing a fatty?

  17. 11 months ago

    skinny women don't make my pp hard

    >see big fat ass and belly
    >blood flows to penis

    I don't make the rules man I just make sure I don't get hit by cars n shit

    • 11 months ago

      >I don't make the rules man
      It's deplorable how you have such little control over your own mind and body that you believe you cannot alter your sexual preferences.

      • 11 months ago

        Not him but could you alter your preferences to like 400 pounders? I assume it’s like a foot fetish, no idea how that shit happens but clearly it does.

  18. 11 months ago

    I see fit/slim dudes with ham beasts all the time
    It's demoralizing

  19. 11 months ago

    >begging to a fricking landwhale
    The absolute state of modern men. Have some fricking self respect.

  20. 11 months ago

    She's overweight because she just gave birth to twins

  21. 11 months ago

    My wife is not obese. She is 4 months post partum though and has agreed to strength train with me because the baby is getting heavy enough that her arms and back are getting sore from picking him up and carrying him and she wants to lean up and put on some muscle.

  22. 11 months ago

    i love being lean
    i love thin women
    i want to live in a land of no fatties

  23. 11 months ago

    She eats to much

  24. 11 months ago

    My wife (married 12 years, dated 6 years before that) is fat. She is 5'2" and last time I saw (when she had surgery earlier this year, more on that in a minute) was 230 pounds. This is more than me; I'm 6'-1" and 220 pounds.
    >inb4 he fell for the bulking meme
    It's virtually all baby weight, she has not perceptibly gained weight outside of having kids. We have three and she probably gained 30 pounds with each one. Doesn't lose it. Before she wasn't petite but not chubby either, just had/has big breasts.
    She carries it all in her belly too, legs, hips, and butt (she has no ass and never has) look almost normal.
    As to why, ultimately because I don't make her lose it. I'm busy with work, kids, etc., so is she, it doesn't happen. I work out at home and what I have not suited for her specific situation, hard to get out and walk/jog with kids running around (I obviously don't do cardio anyway), whatever other excuses.
    She has also had some health problems not related to being fat and on top of three kids has had two miscarriages, last one caused her to need surgery which was rough on top of the mental toll. We are trying again now but it's stressful, we are getting old, and not looking forward to her gaining a lot more weight then not losing it.
    tbh senpai I am over it all. Not really that attracted to her, but there are so many moms in our peer group way more obese than her. Probably 1 in 5 are normal weight in spite of living in a fairly affluent community and sending kids to a nice private school. I know a handful of legit milfs and they flirt with me but it doesn't even register that much anymore, it's all so pointless.

    • 11 months ago

      >ill bite
      she took the eating for two seriously. there is a healthy amount of weight gain based on the starting weight of the mother, she blew all metrics out of the water, even for the slimmest of pregnant women
      she likely already has problems that are caused/worsened by her weight. for her sake and that of your children, she should lose weight

      • 11 months ago

        >for her sake and that of your children, she should lose weight
        This is my point, this doesn't register with me. I just don't care anymore, even knowing it endangers her health and might leave my kids without their mom

    • 11 months ago

      >three kids already
      >two miscarriages, one requiring surgery
      >trying for another child
      >other health problems
      >not attracted to her anymore, with the concession being bu-bu-but the other mothers are fatter! lmao
      >reason he doesn’t flirt back with the milfs is only because he’s so numb and disillusioned…
      by what exactly? living an adult life with responsibilities that you actively wanted to have and maintain, and having to adapt to dangerous and spontaneous life changing circumstances. let your wife recover first, man. but of course why would she need to? the only important things under strain here are your mental health, emotional resignation, and her last belt loop
      I can smell you divorcing her when the kids hit high school because her being and/or sick, in labour, unattractive due to said sickness and labour, and too busy working and running your household to give you bittie on tap while you only work to pay the bills and mortgage is just so stressful and such a dampener on the fulfilling life you could be living (see ‘fantasy’, ‘dream’, ‘psychotic break’, ‘low IQ homosexualry’). pathetic, but not surprising in any way

    • 11 months ago

      maybe you're too far gone, you sound jaded and costing through life. It's your job to get your family on track in a direction you want to go. If it's hard to workout with her because of kids, find a solution. That's your job, find a viable solution and stick to it that suits both of you. You're supposed to be lifting people up-this is the woman you chose to procreate with. So do it. You're responsible for this change, and to communicate with her that you feel your(hers and yours) current lifestyle is unhealthy and making you unhappy, do this in a non-judgemental way. Wish you the best.

  25. 11 months ago

    She was thin and fit, got pregnant , gained 100 lbs and never went back. I have no idea how to motivate her, she turned from an organized, energetic woman into a fat lazy slob who I hardly even recognize over the course of a year. And now 4 years later I'm miserable and work all day just to come home to a fat wife in a disgusting house. At least my daughter is a bright spot in the darkness

    • 11 months ago

      so, what's your plan? It's tough, pregnancy can legit screw people up. Have you tried suggesting work outs with her? Or have you helped her by cooking healthier meals yourself? I'm a guy and my wife has fallen from grace slightly as well. It can be tough, but I'm trying to fix our diet lately. I hope it works. This is my fault as the head of the household and I am older, so basically I believe it is my responsibility to help my partner through action.

      Comfort breeds poor results. We got comfy.

  26. 11 months ago

    It stems from cutting
    You're permanently hungry for a bigger meal and you end up confusing food with women

  27. 11 months ago

    She is overweight, however she's below average weight and above average height. We're dieting together, so I'm proud of her progress.

  28. 11 months ago

    she used to be fat in her teenage years and never really worked out and just lost weight. Now she's gone the opposite way and ended up skinny fat with no muscle mass.

    I'm trying to convince her that pregnancy is going to be hell if she doesn't build something but she's hesitant because "she doesn't want to look like a man" and "woman are meant to be soft to have children"

  29. 11 months ago

    She was slim until moving in with her grandma for a handful of years and gained the pounds over time from the constant treats and cooking the grandma did. 150 pounds in those few years and hasn't been able to lose it sense. Her eatings better and have her going to the gym here and there but even with losing weight the excess skin worries me.

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