Why isn't pull-ups every day recommended?

Why isn't pull-ups every day recommended? They are incredibly low impact, high recovery and the king of upper body lifts

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  1. 6 months ago

    I pull up to your mom's house every day

  2. 6 months ago

    You will burnout from training everyday, trust me bro. I've currently hit a massive plateau and have to seize training for pretty much this entire week and it fricking sucks. There is sone degree of truth to what Mentzer preached. Too much volume, and frequency will yield a net negative in the long run, even if you take steroids.

  3. 6 months ago

    Let me lwt you in on a little secret: most guys dishing out advice on here are powershitters. (Hence why everyone recommends barbells when machines are much more efficient.) Powershitters generally cant do more than a handful of pull ups so they hate them

  4. 6 months ago

    I do pull ups, push ups and crunches everyday. Weighted on days I am targetting an area.

  5. 6 months ago

    just do them every other day and you'll be absolutely fine

  6. 6 months ago

    >They are incredibly low impact, high recovery
    Not if you are heavy or do them weighted. In fact they seem to generate a lot of fatigue, at least for me. Def not something for me to do every day.

    And training something every day is not the optimal or even a good method of training for strength and hypertrophy.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah pull ups are far more fatiguing then lat pull downs for example

  7. 6 months ago

    I once tried doing pull ups everyday ( 25x5) and ended up with golfer elbow that took like a year to not feel pain anymore.

    Now I can no longer do pull ups, only chin up and neutral grip nowadays.

    • 6 months ago

      I did 300 pull ups five days a week for years and ended up with the same problem. I also pulled something in my trap muscle and now I can't do a single pull up. I do think back fondly of when I was an absolute unit, but at what cost to my body?

      • 6 months ago

        wow, I also have the same problem in the lower trap area on the left side.

        I am

        I once tried doing pull ups everyday ( 25x5) and ended up with golfer elbow that took like a year to not feel pain anymore.

        Now I can no longer do pull ups, only chin up and neutral grip nowadays.

        , and I also believe this happened because of the moronic amount of pull ups I did daily.

  8. 6 months ago

    Elbow tendons high weekly volume of pullups or even chin ups will frick up your elbows fast. Grease the grove pullup training is littered with people who get injuries before the third week. You can mitigate it heavily by doing pullups right but you have to not be coming off or heading towards an injury to do this and have built up your tendon strength/durability a bit before because it's unlikely they'll catch up if you start doing this out of the blue.

    • 6 months ago

      I have this at the moment, lots of pullups and rock climbing. Any tips for helping the elbow tendons?

      • 6 months ago

        Don't false grip in training. It's fine for doing impressive shit but with actually training volume it tends to but more stress on those tendons.
        Don't flare or narrow your elbows too much doing tricept extensions or drop them entirely.
        Drop db pullovers entirely if you have an elbow tendonopathy. They're great and won't cause an injury usually but they'll aggravate one.
        Find a diffent way to jerk off particularly if you do it on your back or with a straight elbow joint.
        If you're rowing try switching to underhand grip for a week and work on your rehabilitation drills.

        • 6 months ago

          Thanks man. I can feel it after waking up on rest days now.
          I am defo over gripping in climbing as well

      • 6 months ago

        I did 300 pull ups five days a week for years and ended up with the same problem. I also pulled something in my trap muscle and now I can't do a single pull up. I do think back fondly of when I was an absolute unit, but at what cost to my body?

        Elbow tendons high weekly volume of pullups or even chin ups will frick up your elbows fast. Grease the grove pullup training is littered with people who get injuries before the third week. You can mitigate it heavily by doing pullups right but you have to not be coming off or heading towards an injury to do this and have built up your tendon strength/durability a bit before because it's unlikely they'll catch up if you start doing this out of the blue.

        Most of the I notice an injury is building up what has helped is strengthening or stretching the opposite muscle. Like if you feel pulling motions is annoying your elbows, then do some stretching of triceps and tricep exercises.
        Whenever I get a tinkle in my knees from running I do deep extended stretching of both quads and hamstrings, both groups move the knee joint.

  9. 6 months ago

    >They are incredibly low impact, high recovery
    Because this is not true at all. Pull ups are relatively heavy on the CNS and the upper body. If you wanna go make the argument that the human body should be capable of doing heavy compound lifts every day, fine, but saying that pull ups are low impact and high recovery is just straight up false. It's a relatively stressful compound lift that also puts a fair amount of stress on the CNS.

    • 6 months ago

      yeah, i feel so tired after doing pullup workout - would just lay and do nothing rest of the day.
      Today another 5 sets of pullups, maybe i will drink coffee before, i do weighted 15kg and last time i failed to do 6 reps in last set.
      Do you also have this? Procrastination of last series because it has most reps and you are afraid you will fail it?
      I procrastinate last set like that sometimes, heavy for CNC for sure, also breathing technique must be perfect for me - breathe in while still on floor, jump pull up while breathe out, slowly pull down while inhaling, pull up exhale. If i fricked this up there is even less chance i will be able to complete series.
      Pushups or dips are easier i think because its easier to stop series for a few seconds in a hold and catch a breath.
      But its harder for me to stop doing pullups for few breath and hold

  10. 6 months ago

    impressive very nice
    let's see him in a shirt

  11. 6 months ago

    OP here
    I think the movement itself is very valuable and needs to be trained daily because by default, as we exist right now, we are barely using our lats in the day to day life. Even after you wake up, you need to stretch your lats and get some blood pumping there because the muscle is so grossly underutilized

    • 6 months ago

      >Even after you wake up, you need to stretch your lats and get some blood pumping there because the muscle is so grossly underutilized
      Ok but, why exactly do we need to stretch and get blood pumping to a muscle that we naturally don't use that much in our daily life? What exactly is your argument for this? What happens if I get some blood pumping to my lats in the morning?

      • 6 months ago

        Frick, I don't know. I didn't think of that yet. I just wanted to say something interesting...

      • 6 months ago

        Avoiding muscular atrophy and imbalance. Most people are so weak they can't even do 1 single pull-up cold

        • 6 months ago

          Ok but what if you have a balanced workout schedule like most people have here. Lets say, you do push pull, and your lats got a proportional amount of stimulus, 1x or 2x per week. Surely, you wouldn't face muscular atrophy or imbalance that way. So why would we need to stretch it in the morning, or even train it daily?

  12. 6 months ago

    Top G checkin in.

  13. 6 months ago
  14. 6 months ago

    because of tendonitis

  15. 6 months ago

    for about 3 months last year i did pullups 5 days a week monday to friday along my usual lifting, tuesday and thursday was weighted, the other days bodyweight. weighted i did neutral grip, the other days other grips. always trying to get biceps out of the movement as much as possible. worked well and did not cause me any joint issues. had however my biceps still chronically too tired to do curls effectively. was still a nice start with weighted pullups, got my added weight up nicely

  16. 6 months ago

    I did them every day for years with no issues. I used to do 10 pullups off the rafters every time I got a soda out of the garage fridge. Later I put a pullup bar in my bathroom doorway and did pullups every time I went to piss. the only consequence was I got really good at pullups and could eventually do several one handed with either arm. of course, I was Skelly mode at the time. if you're a fat ass, your results may vary.

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