Why Otter is the goal

The question that is on man's mind since times immemorial: Otter or jacked?

Let's look at the evidence.
>Greek statues are mostly Otter
>Real life athletes are mostly Otter
>In all polls, women choose Otter

Why is this? Let's look at what people used to have to do to survive: Hunting, fighting, running, jumping, throwing, shooting. Notice something? All quick movements, and quick movements don't build muscle.
Have a look at decathletes: They can't do much strength training because they have to train 10 different track disciplines, and the day has only 24 hours. So, they do almost all speed training, all quick movements to prime their nervous system. Result: Little muscle mass. All function, no form.
Ancient man knew that to survive in a tribe or at war, he had to be fast, not massive. Throwing your spear further than the other guy or hitting him before he hit you was literally a matter of life and death, so the male ideal reflected this. As society grew more peaceful and decadent, muscle mass became more important, then those muscular societies got conquered by the speed freaks, eg. Greece got conquered by Rome.
This had an influence on biology, so to this day, women usually dislike massive physiques and prefer ones that look speed-specialized, hunters, warriors, soldiers, ie. ottermode.

Now you may say that romance novels show more muscular guys on the cover, and you're right, but how many chicks who read those do you know, compared to chicks who listen to boy bands or drool over Brad Pitt? It's a minority opinion, just like some guys like fake breasts and lip injections.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Otter was top dog body during hunter gather days and human brains are still wired to find that body most attractive

  2. 5 months ago

    I'm otter mode because I don't want to spend a shit load of money on food for the upkeep

    • 5 months ago

      Thats a meme answer. The difference in upkeep is like 300kcal. And even if its not lets just pretend its over 1000kcal. Well just buy ground beef thats higer%, its usually even cheaper. Or buy whole fat milk instead of skim milk. And when you eat rice and pasta just go for bigger portion of rice and pasta. Even at 1000kcal, the difference is like 50 cents per day or arguably even less. Again chicken thighs, 20% ground beef etc. is literally cheaper than buying leaner cuts. So you get more calories for less money in truth.

  3. 5 months ago

    They were ottermode "inside" with additional body fat.

    • 5 months ago

      Who "they"? Even 100 years ago, most people would have been hard pressed to become fat.

  4. 5 months ago

    Some women do like the jacked look

  5. 5 months ago

    It doesn't matter what preference they have, you need to be a level of jacked so they actually notice it. It's about grabbing their attention. It's always better to be a little bigger than what they would actually prefer. I mean we've been over the whole looking DYEL in a shirt thing a thousand times. There is just not enough of a difference between the otter guy and a regular in shape guy to stand out.

    • 5 months ago

      t. virgin

      Thing is, you'll only look DYEL in clothes if you do powershitting. Otherwise you'll have broad shoulders and a thin waist.

      Both lean and thin + super strong
      Do 10 sets at 90% 1rm isolation for each major muscle group per week plus 15 sets 1 second yielding isometric holds for arms and legs per week. The goal is to minimize hypertrophy while maximizing strength. Keep BF% below 12%

      >The goal is to minimize hypertrophy while maximizing strength.
      That's literally how track athletes train, and they don't do it with your schizo meme method.


      >quick movements don't build strength
      Power exercises build strength, like sprinting and low rep-range weightlifting and anything explosive really.
      Humans did a mix of cardio and power, but cardio would be our main tool.

      A homosapien in the Gravettian culture of Europe, some 20k+ years ago, was 178-184cm tall for males, equal to modern european averages, yet with a very low muscle-fat percentage and a mass of 75kg on average.
      Neanderthals, who were more built for power were around 160cm on average and weighed around 85kg.
      These people were lean, tall and muscular, something that is seen as universally attractive, and to gain that muscle at a low Bodyfat, you will need to do some kind of muscle-strength building exercises.
      >pic related
      Me at 175cm after doing weighted calisthenics, such as 34kg dips added to my already (at that time) 77kg frame.
      I didn't get this physique from some pushups and running.

      >quick movements don't build strength
      Whomst are you quoting?

      >Power exercises build strength, like sprinting and low rep-range weightlifting and anything explosive really.
      As I said, yes, but they don't build muscle.

      I do when they are your mother, wife and daughter.

      Enjoy sloppy seconds, cuck.

      • 5 months ago

        >schizo meme method
        moron detected

      • 5 months ago

        Power exercises DO build muscle, you can google highweight-low rep ranges versus 'hypertrophy' rep ranges of 8-12 and there isn't a huge different in muscle mass growth.

        Gravettians jobbed to Neanderthals and WHGs both of whom were jacked and stacked manlets.
        The only gravettians who survived became shorter, broader, and more robust. However the genes for great height persisted, they never were tall.
        This isn’t otter tho

        Gravettians were alive AFTER neanderthal had died out and lived some 15k years before WSG's distinctly appeared as a genetic group, which had descended from Gravettians.
        They were also more robust than any of the subsequent humans, with greater bone densities.
        WHG were absorbed by anatolian farmers and their height diminished and bone density lowere due to their diets changing to less energy and nutrient dense grains.

        • 5 months ago

          Forgot pic when u asked who I was quoting.

  6. 5 months ago

    Both lean and thin + super strong
    Do 10 sets at 90% 1rm isolation for each major muscle group per week plus 15 sets 1 second yielding isometric holds for arms and legs per week. The goal is to minimize hypertrophy while maximizing strength. Keep BF% below 12%

  7. 5 months ago

    Here's a fact: a guy with some muscle mass and visible six pack doing 10 pullups will ALWAYS (100% of cases) look better than a 20%+ BF powershitter deadlifting 4+pl8.

    • 5 months ago

      Looks aside, there are people on this planet for whom carrying around dozens of kilograms of extra fat, not being able to do a single pull-up, or run a single mile, is a certain definition of fitness.
      >but muh 13 pl8 squat
      Peak fitness innit

      • 5 months ago

        You mean around 80% of the total population?

        • 5 months ago

          I meant powerlifters, the non-training general population doesn't pretend

  8. 5 months ago

    I agree with a topic but this has to be a more moronic line of reasoning that roe rogan could even come up with.

  9. 5 months ago

    >quick movements don't build strength
    Power exercises build strength, like sprinting and low rep-range weightlifting and anything explosive really.
    Humans did a mix of cardio and power, but cardio would be our main tool.

    A homosapien in the Gravettian culture of Europe, some 20k+ years ago, was 178-184cm tall for males, equal to modern european averages, yet with a very low muscle-fat percentage and a mass of 75kg on average.
    Neanderthals, who were more built for power were around 160cm on average and weighed around 85kg.
    These people were lean, tall and muscular, something that is seen as universally attractive, and to gain that muscle at a low Bodyfat, you will need to do some kind of muscle-strength building exercises.
    >pic related
    Me at 175cm after doing weighted calisthenics, such as 34kg dips added to my already (at that time) 77kg frame.
    I didn't get this physique from some pushups and running.

    • 5 months ago

      Gravettians jobbed to Neanderthals and WHGs both of whom were jacked and stacked manlets.
      The only gravettians who survived became shorter, broader, and more robust. However the genes for great height persisted, they never were tall.


      >Greek statues are mostly Otter
      Don't care. I require MORE.

      This isn’t otter tho

      • 5 months ago

        >This isn’t otter tho
        Precisely my point. I do not concern myself with "most", I want excellence.

  10. 5 months ago

    You care too much about the opinion of women.

    >t. 3 digit body count

    • 5 months ago

      I wouldn't be bragging about only banging 3 women.

      • 5 months ago

        I do when they are your mother, wife and daughter.

        • 5 months ago

          >instant butthurt reply

          • 5 months ago

            The only butt that was hurt was that of your loved ones, by my penis.

  11. 5 months ago

    >As society grew more peaceful and decadent, muscle mass became more important, then those muscular societies got conquered by the speed freaks, eg. Greece got conquered by Rome.
    It's actually socialism or proto-socialism. the ideal moves from warrior to worker, Reminder that the Farnese Hercules was rightly criticized in its time for looking like a hard working slave, not a soldier or athlete. Big muscles is something a slave needs, he doesn't need to fight or jump, he needs to carry and lift.

    In other words, big muscles always were a commie thing. Subconsisciously, we can even see this in 80s action movies where the Soviet fighter guy is always very big and muscular. It's a foreign ideal, another symptom of an empire on its last legs.

    • 5 months ago

      It is fascinating how close one can be to truth yet still manage to utterly misunderstand and subvert it. The Hellenic gymnasion was an aristocratic institution par excellence. Access to it was jealously guarded, with slaves and metics being forbidden to enter. To spend one's days in athletic persuit under some sacred grove was a distinguishing mark of nobility to the Greeks. It was the elite, and the elite only, who had the resources to spend their time (an aristocratic youth could be expected to spend as much as 8 hours a day in the gymnasion) on non-productive labour. It was in these gymnasia that the symmetrical and muscled physiques later translated to Greek statuary were first developed. Slaves did not possess those bodies. They eeked out an existance being almost wholly sustained on bread alone, and their labour did not produce muscle. If you could go back and inspect the typical Greek slave, he would've been short and wirery. Muscle has never been a characteristic of the labouring class.

      • 5 months ago


        As late as the Renaissance, everyone knew fighters were thinner and less muscular than workers, but faster and more powerful. Look at depictions of medieval knights, they're even more DYEL than the Greeks or Romans were. Because they were all about function.

        • 5 months ago

          >You shall see Gentlemen, Knights and others, to bee most strong and nimble in running or leaping, or in vaulting, or in turning on Horseback, and yet are not able by a great deal to bear so great a burden as a Country man or Porter: But in contrary in running and leaping, the Porter and Country man are most slow and heavy, neither know how to vault upon their horse without a ladder.
          > For the end of this art is not to lift up or bear great burdens, but to move swiftly.
          Giacomo Di Grassi, 1594

        • 5 months ago

          >You shall see Gentlemen, Knights and others, to bee most strong and nimble in running or leaping, or in vaulting, or in turning on Horseback, and yet are not able by a great deal to bear so great a burden as a Country man or Porter: But in contrary in running and leaping, the Porter and Country man are most slow and heavy, neither know how to vault upon their horse without a ladder.
          > For the end of this art is not to lift up or bear great burdens, but to move swiftly.
          Giacomo Di Grassi, 1594

          >gets run through by the farmers and porters
          Knightxirs… why can’t we beat the Landesknechts?

          Also, depictions of ancient Germanic tribesmen showed them to be musclebound. It’s almost certainly exclusively cavalry that selects for a tall and lean man. The ideal fighting form is muscular when it comes to atavistic forms of warfare.

      • 5 months ago

        100% right. I can only recommend the great book "Economic though before Adam Smith" by famous Rothbart. Helenic state cities were ruled by oligarchic class where all labor was performed by slaves and low class. Only oligarchs could spend time to cultivate their minds and their bodies.

  12. 5 months ago

    >Greek statues are mostly Otter
    Don't care. I require MORE.

  13. 5 months ago

    I'm really counting on the possibility that seeing my abs will motivate me to keep at it, even if my physique will likely be minuscule.
    t. skinnyfat spammimg cardio, pushups, pullups and bw squats

    • 5 months ago

      >wants abs
      >doesn't train abs
      Fricking 80 IQ subhuman

  14. 5 months ago

    Didn't completely read but I'm otter and prefer to be jacked

  15. 5 months ago

    didn't read any of that.
    Ottermode is the goal because it is the lowest bar everyone should pass. If you're satisfied with it just leave it at that. If not you now have the knowledge and tools to go further

  16. 5 months ago

    Otter sucks and tribal warriors aren’t otter safe for in high humidity areas.
    ALL Northerly populations are strongfat.
    Northern races have uniformly subjugated Southerly ones.
    >Caucasus HG
    >West Euro HG
    >Teton Sioux/Lakota

    Throughout history Northerly peoples have always conquered otter mode races.
    Greek statues in otter mode are boys. The ideal Greek man was muscle bound.
    Brad Pitt isn’t good looking physically, he is all face/status.

    Neanderthal mode is superior to Ottermode.
    Note! This does not mean fat.
    Muscle maxing is the dominant strategy. We even see it among animals with more muscular canines, ursus, pachyderms, felines, etc all outcompeting weaker ones.

    • 5 months ago

      Sup /misc/.

      This is your muscle bound northerly tribesman.

      • 5 months ago

        Nice empire you had there. Maybe you shouldn't have degenerated your race through interbreeding with inferiors and Asiatics leading you to loose your asabiyyah and get conquered by still vitalic barbarians.

      • 5 months ago

        He is certainly a lot more muscular than Brad Pitt.
        But he’s a starved southern Gaul apart of Brennus’ expedition.
        Here is a depiction of a Goth. Very muscular
        >/misc/ is pointing out the self apparent facts of Northern groups outcompeting equatorial groups
        L O L
        Take a look at Y DNA maps from the UP to present. Northern males replace southern males with near 100% uniformity.

  17. 5 months ago

    I noticed since zoomers are fat they started to idealize brad pitt fight club bodies. Theres that zoomer meme of skinny guys with brocolli hair fricking your hot crush

  18. 5 months ago

    Doesn't it make most sense for us to be attracted to a runner physique? Skinny and lean?

    Our ancestors didn't have weights, so would've all been pretty lean and thin but with high endurance from running all day

    • 5 months ago

      Our ancestors didn’t run all day. The theory of persistence hunting was from one study from one tribe in east Africa.
      They extrapolate this to, erroneously and ironically, mean because humanity’s ancestor was from east africa, this way of living by primitive tribesmen is how primitive man lived.
      Ignoring that the human ancestor was found in the ethiopian highlands not the plains and was more ape than man in morphology while east africa has racially progressive types.
      Our ancestors were largely ambush hunters and the most successful strategy was ambush hunting which won out time and again and often put greater demand on physical strength than onto endurance.
      A short burst of aggression is significantly safer than tracking animals for hours in end and running them to exhaustion, furthermore it is also much less taxing on fatigue.


      >This isn’t otter tho
      Precisely my point. I do not concern myself with "most", I want excellence.

      Brad Pitt isn’t excellence tho.
      Also human excellence isn’t objective, it’s relative to time and place. being North European is hands down the best. Their technological supremacy is the definition of human excellence and permits them to live even in extreme places such as the outer atmosphere, the arctic, and deep sea.
      However, not everyone is north euro. Not everyone is has the faustian limit of excellence to achieve.
      Tiny Pygmy tribes living in the Congo are going to have a different ideal to strive for.
      And if somehow magic returned and technology ceased to function, excellence may more resemble something like our ancient ancestors who were not very technical but were exceptionally physically capable.

      • 5 months ago

        >Brad Pitt isn’t excellence tho.
        Brother I am trying to tell you that I don't want to look like Brad Pitt. OP (a homosexual) said Greek statues are "mostly" ottermode, to which I replied that I "didn't care", and wanted "MORE". Accompanying this was an illustration of a Hellenic statue which is decidededly not ottermode. This image is "picrel", which is a shortening of "picture related". The implication being that it is the sublime form of the dying Achilles to which I aspire. In any case, I can tell by the rest of your post that you are a man of great vril and of good breeding, so I wish you, fellow son of Thule, nothing but that your endevours may be blessed and that Providence guides you on your journey in this Iron Game. Hell och säll, fren.

  19. 5 months ago

    ottermode is lowest body fat aesthetic and the less body fat you have the bigger your dick is. I had an 8 inch dick when I was under 9% body fat. Now that I am in the 15% for bulking / holiday season it is only 6 1/2 inches.

  20. 5 months ago

    is a man's job to be whatever a woman thinks she wants him to be?

  21. 5 months ago

    Ascended otter is most superior

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