Why should I stop using this? I usually make them as edibles and they help with my mental health.

Why should I stop using this?

I usually make them as edibles and they help with my mental health.

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  1. 10 months ago

    I’m on day 1 of no weed and I’m already depressed as hell. Absolutely nothing to look forward to.

    • 10 months ago

      it takes about two weeks for this to go away

      • 10 months ago

        >2 more weeks!

        • 10 months ago

          Top jej

          • 10 months ago

            i dont get it

            • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      I always push weed back to bedtime and think about how bad it is for me...then I smoke during the day and remember it's delightful.

      For me, it's indica hybrids on a foundation of coffee buzz. Sativas make me too weird.

    • 10 months ago

      have you tried vidya?

  2. 10 months ago

    I did cannabis in edible form for my first time. I think I overdosed pretty hard bc it wasn't pleasant at all and I ended up puking and later passing out

  3. 10 months ago

    Brain fog always hurt my performance in work, sports, and hobbies. I loved weed but after a while it was just a net loss for what eventually became a lackluster high. It gets old tbh

  4. 10 months ago

    Once you get to the point that you put off things like eating/baiting/fricking so you can get a good high first, that's when you need to stop or tone it back

  5. 10 months ago

    What’s your body fat %. Weed gets me incredibly hungry.

    • 10 months ago

      Around 15%

      How the frick could I know if you should stop or not anon? At least give us more details if you want to know what we think.

      Weed is 100% valid as a medicine, but that doesn't mean you can't abuse it, but how the frick am I supposed to know if ur abusing it? How the frick am I supposed to know anon? tell me?

      I got anxiety and depression

      • 10 months ago

        Wtf dude, they help with you mentally but give you anxiety and depression?

        • 10 months ago

          Nah I already had those before weed

          • 10 months ago

            How's your late night paranoia? I have an anxiety disorder and it was helping until night time where I got paranoid as frick

  6. 10 months ago

    How the frick could I know if you should stop or not anon? At least give us more details if you want to know what we think.

    Weed is 100% valid as a medicine, but that doesn't mean you can't abuse it, but how the frick am I supposed to know if ur abusing it? How the frick am I supposed to know anon? tell me?

  7. 10 months ago

    Lowers your IQ.

  8. 10 months ago

    >Makes you comfortable with being bored
    >Gives you brain fog and makes you slow mentally
    >Costs money that could instead be saved
    >Fixed your anxiety, makes it worse by the time you're reliant on it
    >Slows down your prefrontal cortex (Actually hinders development if you're younger than 25)
    >Puts you in a shitty mood for 1 week to 1 month when you finally decide to grow up
    I've been chronically smoking weed for the last 2 years and am just now on day 3 of quitting and even with the shitty mood I'm more motivated to actually get shit done and make something of my life now when I get bored instead of just smoking. There's nothing wrong with smoking if your brain is developed and you can moderate it but I would argue 90% of morons including myself who claim not to be addicted are

    • 10 months ago

      This anon did a good summary

      Daily smoking or ingestion will make you depend on it, and soon you will make all sorts of selfrationalizations about it.
      >oh it helps me with this or that
      >oh i can stop anytime i want
      >maybe a quick hit before some big event in your life
      >one more wont hurt
      Etc etc

      I you want to have it, do it with some schedule. Maybe last day of the month or something like that.

    • 10 months ago

      Like I’m gonna listen to what some pot addict has to say

  9. 10 months ago

    Because getting high is a sin.
    But if you don't believe in God or worship satan, don't sweat it bro.

    • 10 months ago

      says who?

      • 10 months ago

        If you die while you’re high you automatically go to hell. It happened to my buddy Devin once. Rest in peace Devin.

        • 10 months ago

          you just said Devin is in hell he is not resting in peace homie

          • 10 months ago

            Well first time he died the paramedics revived him so he got released from hell. He vowed to never get high again to avoid automatic hell. The second time he died sober and for good so now he’s with the Lord thankfully. Rest in peace Devin.

    • 10 months ago

      is this actually in the bible or just something people made up

      • 10 months ago

        >burning bush bad ig

      • 10 months ago

        Catholic church says so and they have the ability to bind and loose.
        Also it makes logical sense via """sola scriptura""".
        Getting high off drugs is equivalent to drunkenness, which is explicitly a sin. Many protestant churches agree on this aside from hyper liberal churches.

        • 10 months ago

          that’s the opposite of sola scriptura. Scirpture says nothing about weed therefore it is up the church to determine the morality.

          • 10 months ago

            The dirty protestant secret is that they don't actually follow sola scriptura to a T, and will still infer and interpret how they see fit.
            Sola scriptura is a biblically bankrupt and outright heretical practice anyway.
            You need a centralized authority to interpret scripture. It can't interpret itself. If it did, we would not have +30k denominations all claiming to have the true faith.

        • 10 months ago

          >Getting high off drugs is equivalent to drunkenness, which is explicitly a sin.
          Jesus turned water into wine because his mom asked him to at a marriage reception. Yes, it's a sin to be a drunkard, but not a sin to drink casually. I'm pretty sure it's against the Qu'ran though

          • 10 months ago

            Yes, we are allowed to drink alcohol because it is possible to do so without getting drunk. Drinking excessively is what causes drunkenness. Thus, it is good and ordered to drink alcohol in moderation.

            • 10 months ago

              You can smoke without getting all fked up too..

              • 10 months ago

                To what end though?
                Liquor can be enjoyed for its taste without experiencing any impairment.
                Marijuana and other such substances explicitly causes impairment, regardless of how debilitating you may personally define this impairment. I have never in my life heard of someone that smokes marijuana in moderation to NOT get high while doing so. A recreational marijuana user would scoff at the very idea of marijuana that did not get you high.
                If the act of smoking is what you enjoy, there are alternatives such as cigars that do not alter your mind.
                Really, I do not see any reason for recreational marijuana usage.

              • 10 months ago

                I guess you're right. Personally I dont drink alcohol for enjoyment so both are the same for me in that case.

              • 10 months ago

                You're probably better off not drinking liquor anyway due to its inherent estrogenic effects and caloric content (literally just empty calories). I'd caution anyone that partakes in liquor consumption to severely limit their intake for the sake of their own well being, just like I would say about consuming fast food. But as far as spiritual matters go, those are fine under control.

      • 10 months ago

        Genesis 9:3
        Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant.

        • 10 months ago

          That doesn't mean you can get high off pot and shrooms.
          Getting high = drunkenness.
          Sober mindedness is preached throughout the bible. Drunkenness (and by extension; getting high) impairs one's ability to make morally sound decisions. Impaired moral decision making means a heightened ability to sin. Thus, consciously impairing your mind knowing that you won't be able to control yourself of temptation means you are in fact sinning. This is why drunkenness or getting high is a matter of grave sin.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah I guess.

          • 10 months ago

            Ok then that would also mean eating shitty food or watching television or anything else like that is also just as much a sin since all of that changes your state of mind.

            • 10 months ago

              You’re beginning to understand.

            • 10 months ago

              You could probably argue a large portion of things alter your mind beyond just fast food and television.
              But all those things you listed can be enjoyed in moderation without a mind altering / moral impairing effect just as you can with alcohol. Hence consuming any of these aforementioned material things would not be explicit sin.
              I will say though, that if fast food or television does verifiably cause you personally to sin, then I would say that you'd refrain from consuming these materials. I'd argue it's sinful if you know for a fact that these materials cause you to sin, and yet you still consciously consume them.
              Fast food and television for example can bring one into a state of gluttony, and if one cannot easily moderate their usage, then it is better that they do not consume at all. It's the same thing for alcoholics; they have no control over enjoying liquor in moderation, so it is necessary for them to avoid it outright.

              >Matthew 5:29
              And if thy right eye scandalize thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee. For it is expedient for thee that one of thy members should perish, rather than thy whole body be cast into hell.

  10. 10 months ago

    >helps my mental health

    • 10 months ago

      Best answer ITT.

  11. 10 months ago

    weed literally makes you gay

    • 10 months ago

      What does it do if you’re already gay?

      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      just because I suck dicks while high doesn't make me a homosexual anon

  12. 10 months ago

    Eventually if you decide you want to do anything with your life and actually reach your goals and attain your dreams instead of constantly planning to take action then either not doing it or cutting corners and doing a shitty job, then you'll realize on your own that it's a waste of your time. Also
    >Helps with muh mental health
    Lol. Yea, weed is kinda like therapy, it's helpful at times but you shouldn't endeavor to be in therapy the rest of your fricking life and shouldn't be comfortable with needing drugs til you die to get your mind right.

    >T. Smoked weed basically every day all day age 16-24 and had a mmj card for a year to treat muh "depression and anxiety"
    I feel a lot better since I started working on my health and mental health on my own instead of relying on weed to do it for me. Don't take my word for it though, you'll figure it out eventually. Better sooner than later though.

  13. 10 months ago

    I’m just concerned that since I smoked since I was a kid heavily that my brain can’t produce enough serotonin anymore and I’ll wake up one day and shoot myself in the head.

    • 10 months ago

      Grant cardone was a habitual drug user 15-25. And now he's a billionaire with a very fulfilling life. If you do the work to get your shit together and try to be healthy then everything will equal out eventually. It won't be easy at first though and it won't happen by itself

      • 10 months ago

        grant cardone is also a miserable scam artist

        • 10 months ago

          Doesn't seem miserable to me lol. Although a lot of the shit he says is moronic and in undercover billionaire it was kinda cringe how he pretended he was doing EVERYTHING by himself when he was literally being followed around by a film crew, and everyone in town obviously knew helping him out would pay off for them. Still though, he recovered from drugs and doesn't seem like they left any lasting damage. He's an butthole sure, but he was probably always an butthole

  14. 10 months ago

    RIP Devin.

  15. 10 months ago

    F Devin

  16. 10 months ago

    rip in piece devin

  17. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      unironically admirable that he’s the best at something. Thousands of stoner morons sitting at home doing frick all while this stoner moron is at least outside getting an award for it.

      • 10 months ago

        they all look like that

  18. 10 months ago

    >and they help with my mental health.
    Yeah no

  19. 10 months ago
  20. 10 months ago

    >Help with mental health
    No it doesn't. Only use weed if you have a chronic pain as it's better than ~~*their*~~ pain killers. Aside from that, it'll have pretty adverse effects with constant use.
    I've stopped caring about my mental health as life is funner this way, but aside from that, it's still a "drug" and should be used in moderation.

  21. 10 months ago

    If it works for you then no worries.

  22. 10 months ago

    >Eventually if you decide you want to do anything with your life and actually reach your goals and attain your dreams instead of constantly planning to take action then either not doing it or cutting corners and doing a shitty job, then you'll realize on your own that it's a waste of your time. Also
    with muh mental health
    >Lol. Yea, weed is kinda like therapy, it's helpful at times but you shouldn't endeavor to be in therapy the rest of your fricking life and shouldn't be comfortable with needing drugs til you die to get your mind right.
    >>T. Smoked weed basically every day all day age 16-24 and had a mmj card for a year to treat muh "depression and anxiety"
    >I feel a lot better since I started working on my health and mental health on my own instead of relying on weed to do it for me. Don't take my word for it though, you'll figure it out eventually. Better sooner than later though.
    Basically same for me except ages 15-23 and I had a mmj card for those last 2 years

  23. 10 months ago

    Raises prolactin, lowers ambition, lowers hrv, increases stress.

  24. 10 months ago

    Just tried it for the first time last month seemed pretty kino

  25. 10 months ago

    >smoke like 0.1g for better mind body connection before lifting
    >listen to demon slayer ost imagining I'm Rengoku
    >get breathing under control

    It's honestly therapeutic for me. Smoking anything more just causes anxiety for me now and I have been smoking on and off for 13 years. Abused that shit a lot.

  26. 10 months ago

    why stop? just use it responsibly and as a reward. Edibles are good, take them around 7pm and enjoy a nice mellow evening. i wouldn't use them when I have anything that I need to do, but taking a sativa edible and playing 18 holes of golf is one of the most kino experiences, i cannot recommend it more

    know your limit, most mainstream edibles are 10mg which is a HUGE dose for people that don't do it. Indica strains are head-high, Sativa is whole body pleasant feelings. cut the edibles in half or into thirds if you're not sure about the right dose. better to do too little and be like, "man i almost feel something" than to take too much and have an unpleasant experience

  27. 10 months ago

    rip Devin and rip Rengoku

  28. 10 months ago

    Negatively impacts REM sleep, which is the most important part of sleep. Even if you sleep 8 hours it's as if you just slept 4-5 hours because the quality of those 8 hours were garbage.
    That's why everyone can easily see that stoners cognitive function is noticably slower. They're essentially sleep deprived all the time.

    It's not as harmful as many other drugs, but the exact same rules apply. If you're going to use drugs or alcohol, do it max once a week and preferably even less often than that. Don't turn into a drug addict who abuses it every day

    • 10 months ago

      One of the biggest natty dudes I know smokes weed everyday. But he's also at like +20% bf, but he's blessed with very high testosterone levels. I know you're not associating the impact on REM sleep with gains, but this could be anecdotal evidence that REM sleeps doesn't really matter for gaining muscle.

      • 10 months ago

        REM sleep matters a whole lot for recovery of both our bodies and brains. There's no shortage of research on this and nobody in medicine disputes it. Even the biggest potheads in the world acknowledges that the only real negative that comes from smoking pot is that it fricks with your REM sleep.

        >During REM sleep, the body shifts its resources to the task of repairing tissues and cells. It also begins to reboot CNS energy and function; this is an absolutely vital task after physical and mental stress occurs.

        • 10 months ago

          weed helps you fall asleep but the quality of the sleep is dogshit. there's a strong feedback loop between "need to be high to go to sleep" and "man i'm so tired i'm just going to smoke and pass out"

          you can use it, but do it responsibly and ideally have it wearing off BEFORE you go to bed

          So that guy I know would've been even bigger or gotten his gains even faster if had he not smoked all that weed all the time. Would also be helpful for his mental health.

      • 10 months ago

        Negatively impacts REM sleep, which is the most important part of sleep. Even if you sleep 8 hours it's as if you just slept 4-5 hours because the quality of those 8 hours were garbage.
        That's why everyone can easily see that stoners cognitive function is noticably slower. They're essentially sleep deprived all the time.

        It's not as harmful as many other drugs, but the exact same rules apply. If you're going to use drugs or alcohol, do it max once a week and preferably even less often than that. Don't turn into a drug addict who abuses it every day

        weed helps you fall asleep but the quality of the sleep is dogshit. there's a strong feedback loop between "need to be high to go to sleep" and "man i'm so tired i'm just going to smoke and pass out"

        you can use it, but do it responsibly and ideally have it wearing off BEFORE you go to bed

  29. 10 months ago

    >Why should I stop using this?
    Fricks up your sleep quality.
    >I usually make them as edibles and they help with my mental health.
    Hopefully it's bait.

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