Why the fuck do americans always go on & on about drinking copious amounts of water?

Why the frick do americans always go on & on about drinking copious amounts of water? If you're not thirsty, you shouldn't be drinking. Mindlessly and constantly sipping on a 4L tug of water is completely useless, especially if you're just sitting on your ass doing frick all. Can any amerilads explain why they have this mindset?

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  1. 10 months ago

    I fricking hate Americans so so so much, they just want to bulldoze the planet and make it into one giant concrete corporate city with cars everywhere you look. My dream is to live in a quaint place like Greece except whenever an American turns up we hunt them for sport.

    • 10 months ago

      Majority of America is wilderness. Europe is the place that makes everyone live in jam-packed walkable goytropolises full of african rapists. Greeks would beat the shit out of your homosexual ass.

      • 10 months ago

        I’m in Greece. Pull up pussy homie

        • 10 months ago

          How do you explain the absolute state of Athens?

      • 10 months ago

        I’m in Greece. Pull up pussy homie

        We outside dyel pussy come say that to my face

        • 10 months ago

          literally only upper scandanavia isn't overpopulated.

        • 10 months ago

          >*turns around*

          • 10 months ago

            The poster you are replying to is the Temple of Poseidon in Sounio, not the Acropolis.
            It's basically just a mountain with a few houses and a single winding road on the other side of that and three sides that are just the sea.
            This is still Athens btw.
            I had originally a 360 google view link but the system doesn't like it but you can check it on google maps yourself.

        • 10 months ago

          >ancient urbanization

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >Europe is the place that makes everyone live in jam-packed walkable goytropolises full of african rapists
        What % of America is white, again?

        • 10 months ago

          hard to say considering their census counts MENA >people as white

        • 10 months ago

          zero the closest they ever had was irishmen

      • 10 months ago

        this is true and other euros will seethe and cry about it
        i so hope i can get a visa soon i can't bare living herr

      • 10 months ago

        >EU population living in a city: 38.9%
        >USA population living in a city: 83%

        love when burgers have to make up imaginary scenarios to feel better about themselves.

        • 10 months ago

          Ironic considering your EU urban population figure is way the frick off.

          • 10 months ago

            i think their definition of "city" is probably just megaBlack persontropolis with 40,000,000+ plus people and they also don't count the "suburbs" aka projects 1km outside the city as part of the city. eurocucks don't even let people build in "greenbelts" so how are 71% of the population living outside cities?

            • 10 months ago

              I'm German and people routinely laugh about US zoning laws and suburbs but it's ridiculous here as well. Half the population lives in a sardine can in a gay pozzed metropolis, the other half lives in one of the 700 trillion different villages. No one is allowed to build even 1m outside of the metropolis. It must be high-rise skyscrapers and then nothing but medieval landscape directly afterwards for a bunch of km until the first goat village appears

              • 10 months ago

                It's funny because I have family still living in Germany that we keep in touch with as well as family friends who are German. I've visited large and small towns in Westphalia, Bavaria, Baden, Hesse. German cities were of course much nicer than American cities, but the two trips I've made over there since 2015 they resemble our worst cities much more closely. Koln was a pretty decent city and the last time I was there I felt like I was in Timbuktu mixed with Mecca. I have friends who, before coming to the US, believed any number of tales about American suburbs. You see pictures of the worst kinds of suburbs - usually in Arizona or southern California, where someone has built a jam-packed cookie cutter place in the middle of the desert for god knows what reason, and they apply that to everything here.

                Suburbs and American cities aren't anything great or special, but I'm in a suburb outside of a major city. I hate it here and plan on leaving for a truly rural area in the next 10-15 years, but even so I have a 2 acre lot, a 3500 square foot home, several mature fruit trees and a decent vegetable garden. We have several poplar, hickory, and oak trees that have to be over 100-150 years old based on their large diameter. I don't see my neighbors very often, and I can go outside on a nice day and enjoy peace & quiet and nature. Much is said about convenience and walkable cities and all of that, but Europeans will soon see what those things plus non-whites truly means in reality. When those urban centers become the crime ridden hellholes that they are in the US and it spreads to the extent that nobody feels safe, where will all the Dutch gleefully tisking Americans while describing their great bicycle infrastructure be? Getting attacked on the roadside by dindunuffin migrants, and if they fight back or say one word against it they'll be arrested by the diversity police.

      • 10 months ago

        >Majority of America is wilderness
        As an American, this is moronic cope. Have you seen any American strip mall? It's just concrete as far as the eye can see, with giant parking lots for every group of 10 stores. Have you ever seen a suburb? It's all just 1 species of grass and a few trees. What was the last American city you thought "Wow this city incorporates elements of nature so beautifully, what a peaceful city" ?

        The majority of American land by % might be wilderness, but the vast majority of the land that the vast majority of people see every day is absolutely a giant concrete city dominated by cars. Prove me wrong by walking or biking to your local grocery store lmao.

        This is why people who "hate cities" go to European cities on vacation.

        • 10 months ago

          Sounds incredibly lonely tbh

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah, it's quite terrible. This YouTube channel delves into American vs. European infrastructure and it's actually quite fascinating. As an American, I never realized how seriously God-awful our infrastructure is until I watched this channel and learned how backwards it is (i.e. developed for cars and not people).

            It's really opened my eyes. I now completely understand the inevitability of the spontaneous 10-car traffic jam every time I'm on a 50 MPH stroad and someone slows down to 15 MPH to turn right to enter a strip mall. And this can happen every 30 seconds on a stroad.

            • 10 months ago

              >I now completely understand the inevitability of the spontaneous 10-car traffic jam every time I'm on a 50 MPH stroad and someone slows down to 15 MPH to turn right to enter a strip mall. And this can happen every 30 seconds on a stroad.
              it's coz of overpopulation by moron immigrants not coz of whatever this guy is saying.
              every 10 years you can see drivers literally getting more moronic coz atleast 2 percent more drivers literally don't understand how to drive.
              this is why i can't wait for self driving cars - let the cattle go everywhere by bus and automated cars for the rest of us.

        • 10 months ago

          Bro what in the frick are you talking about

          • 10 months ago

            What do you think you're proving with that picture?
            >urban areas, defined as densely developed residential, commercial, and other nonresidential areas, now account for 80.0% of the U.S. population

            • 10 months ago

              >The claim: "The majority of America is wilderness."
              >The counter: Most of the population doesn't live in the wilderness
              Your point doesn't counter the original claim lol, it's just some bullshit you regurgitated to help you feel smart.

            • 10 months ago

              >urban areas, defined as densely developed residential, commercial, and other nonresidential areas, now account for 80.0% of the U.S. population
              “Urban” is anywhere in a metropolitan area or anywhere with a certain density and clear incorporated limits actually. These discussions belong on /misc/ not here homosexual. So try more like 93% of the population

          • 10 months ago

            What are you trying to say with that picture? Nearly everyone (90%+) in that picture lives in an area either in a city or in suburbs with strip malls, exactly what I was describing.

      • 10 months ago

        >jam-packed walkable goytropolises
        Oh no, the manmade horror of having the option to walk to the grocery store and not be forced to buy a gigantic shartmobile to take a short 50 minute car ride to get to the next shartmart

      • 10 months ago

        Majority of America is wilderness in terms of surface area, but certainly not in terms of population. The vast majority of your people live in cities. Cities occupy more of the total land area in Europe, but the percentage of people who live in them is smaller.

        On a side note: As a Euro, I think American leftists making this "walkable cities" bullshit argument don't really understand what our cities are about. Our cities aren't walkable because we hate cars so much (especially not here in Germany, we have about the same relationship with cars that Americans have with guns); it's more that our cities are OLD. The basic layout of the center of all major cities on this continent has been the same for centuries. Those cities were built long before cars were a thing; so it was simply impossible to build them "car-friendly". And living in the center of a major city in Europe SUCKS ASS; it's about as much fun as living in the center of LA or NY. Oh, sure, you'll find a few liberal arts homosexuals who tell you otherwise, how great the "hustle and bustle" of it all is and how much they feel culturally enriched by Ahmed stealing their eco-friendly fair-trade bike for the 14th time, but the reality is that most people who can afford to flee the cities in our countries and try to live next to major cities in the area that has a short commute to them. And guess what - they're all using cars. Essentially, everyone who can lives exactly like an American suburbanite in Europe, except for the few who are brain damaged enough to like cities and those that are more radical in their hatred for cities and prefer a rural lifestyle like me. Europeans and Americans picking on each other is the pot calling the kettle black.

        • 10 months ago

          It's also hilarious how neither side seems to understand that there isn't "the US" or "the EU". Living in Ireland is completely different from living in Spain; so is living in California vs. living in Colorado. I'd argue that an Irishman would probably feel more at home in New Hampshire than he would in Greece; and a Texan would feel more at home in Germany than in Hawaii. Therefore, it's completely pointless to discuss this who "Americans vs. Europeans" bullcrap.

          • 10 months ago

            >and a Texan would feel more at home in Germany than in Hawaii
            Now that’s some straight bullshit lmao

        • 10 months ago

          >Those cities were built long before cars were a thing;
          bro you realize every major American city was built before cars were made, right? Someone needs to retake history 101.

          • 10 months ago

            what are suburbs

        • 10 months ago

          >Euro moron thinks driving 10 minutes to go into a walkable city is the same as driving 25 minutes through strip malls to go anywhere for any single task (and more driving if you have to do more than 1 thing)
          You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Have you ever actually driven through America?

      • 10 months ago

        I love America's national forests. They are truly incredible. I took a family trip to America when I was a boy and we traveled from coast to coast, camping in the national parks. There is nothing like it over here in Europe. This continent is overglorified.

      • 10 months ago

        Ignorant homosexual, greeks mostly saw nature as something to tame and control. Living outside of civilization was brutish.

    • 10 months ago

      My dream is similar, but instead of quaint like Greece, America is quaint like the Amish parts of the country and we hunt down the post industrial revolution technology mongrels
      >inb4 you're posting using technology
      Yeah, I know, and in my ideal world we wouldn't have it

      • 10 months ago

        Majority of America is technology. Amishland is the place that makes everyone live in technology-free walkable goytropolises full of mormon rapists. Amish would beat the shit out of your homosexual ass.

        • 10 months ago

          are you moronic?

          • 10 months ago

            shut your Mennonite ass up homosexual

        • 10 months ago

          literally the most fundamentalist, high brow and strict quaker church in the heart of lancaster county and all major amish businesses rely entirely on power tools, automobiles, electricity, fossil fuels, tractors, everything.

          You have never worked with the amish. they're rocking the newest iphone, they're on facebook, they stay in business because they hire non-amish to run the entire business logistics and management half of their businesses. these businesses exist almost purely to extract wealth from not-amish 2023 americans and deposit it permanently into the pockets (not the pocket with the $900 phone in it, no not the pocket with the calculator in it either) of actual insane morons who simultaneously use 5g smart phones daily, and will use that smart phone to tell you that reality itself is 4,000 years old, and that every fossil in every musesum is a fake, and that a basic understanding of nature or plants beyond the GMO corn they are supplied with by big agriculture is witchcraft.

          You haven't worked with the amish, maybe you've worked with some weird offshoot sect that is actually still stuck in colonial era America, the majority are an extremely well-cultivated culture of literal zero-cost, zero-impact, pacifist slave farmers who pride themselves fiercely on not intervening with the outside world while utterly submissive to it's ways.

          they have tolerance for their lifetimes of suffering, not strength. They have zero understanding of dietary nutrition and you'll see them gorging every day at lunch on the same goyslop an unknowing or uncaring parent would pack for their kid. these are people who think "essential oils" is hard-facts medicine while pretending the abundance of fungal or plant medicine all around them in the heartland of amish country in PA is some vile satanic witchcraft or otherwise some feminine trifle to be ignored by men.

          zero chance you've had long term dealings with the Amish, your carriage ride as a kid doesn't count.

          • 10 months ago

            I have never preached explicitly against technology. You seem to have me confused with some sort of Amish luddite type. Don't you realize I'm typing this on a mechanical keyboard attached to a computer powerful enough to calculate vectors for a Mars mission? Where did I ever say that technology IN ITSELF is a problem? It's not. It's just applied science and engineering. To me, the bow and the rifle are the same in that they harness natural energies to propel a piece of metal into the heart of an animal and cause swift death. One is quiet and requires strength and skill. The other is loud and requires strength and skill, just of a slightly different type. I'm not living in clay huts and eating out of banana leaves, I'm pointing to SPECIFIC problems arising from our SPECIFIC situation in this cursed year of our Lord 2023.
            I think your problem is you delineate "nature" in a quite confined and didactic sense whereas I see nature, and things that arise from nature, as being a smooth curve with no real dividing point. What I consider to be unnatural are purely human things, such as living in gyprock homes and relying solely on electricity providers for power and letting one's physical and mental faculties rot from disuse because machines can now lift and think for us.
            My battle is against principalities and powers, human powers, and powers arising from human folly. I'm not going to reject the fruits of civilization just because I see that much of it is rotten. If you're going to keep replying to me, do try to stick to the words I've actually written and not the things you've hallucinated that you probably picked up on /trad/ social media.

        • 10 months ago

          >Majority of America is technology
          Holy kek. Last time I visited murica a couple of years ago, they still had Black folk doing the tasks that are automated in yurop

      • 10 months ago

        Majority of America is technology. Amishland is the place that makes everyone live in technology-free walkable goytropolises full of mormon rapists. Amish would beat the shit out of your homosexual ass.

        Bros let's sit back and watch two morons argue.

    • 10 months ago

      >Someone working for a plastics company made bank on common (and impoverished) euroseethe
      I almost hate to say it, but based. But multilevel marketing is mutating in strange and alarming ways now.

    • 10 months ago

      >bulldoze the planet and make it into one giant concrete corporate city with cars everywhere you look

    • 10 months ago

      I hate eurocucks because they bend over and take it in the ass without protest

      • 10 months ago

        Americans do this too but pretend there's pride in it

    • 10 months ago

      Americans just like to argue and shout every fricking opinion they have into the void.
      They made a huge deal out of homosexual rights a decade ago and they're still shouting and seething today about "the other side". It's like everything has to be a neverending competition. My country gave homosexuals rights a decade before amerilards and nobody gave a crap until a few years ago when the culture wars poisoned my country via social media.
      Same with abortion
      Same with trannies
      I hate america
      Nuke America

      • 10 months ago

        >my country
        too embarrassed to say?

    • 10 months ago

      >I fricking hate Americans so so so much

    • 10 months ago

      >it's a bike cuck shitting on cars again

      Go back to your cultish echochamber at reddit you dick shiter.

    • 10 months ago

      Imagine being a European and you only ever drink carbonated water. So much so that at a restaurant you need to actively request "still water" if you don't want it carbonated. It's WATER. What the frick is wrong with you?

      • 10 months ago

        are you scared of bubbles?

    • 10 months ago

      >they just want to bulldoze the planet and make it into one giant concrete corporate city with cars everywhere you look
      Unlike Europe where everyone lives with smelly pajeets and Black folk but it's okay because there's a cool mountain or two

      • 10 months ago

        But we have a smaller percentage of them than you have african americans, not counting all the other minorities you have

        • 10 months ago

          Half your countries are mogged by Texas

    • 10 months ago

      Everyone hates America, the moment the UFO shit comes out the whole world will wipe them off this planet together with the Ayys.

      Glory times ahead, Black person.

      • 10 months ago

        The US Government is the one running the current alien psyop moron

    • 10 months ago


      Why the frick do americans always go on & on about drinking copious amounts of water? If you're not thirsty, you shouldn't be drinking. Mindlessly and constantly sipping on a 4L tug of water is completely useless, especially if you're just sitting on your ass doing frick all. Can any amerilads explain why they have this mindset?

      Lmao fricking eurocels, when will they learn

    • 10 months ago

      water is the medium through which all life processes occur

      rent free

      • 10 months ago

        Your rent is 2k on average, kid lmao!

        • 10 months ago

          I own a rural house and my mortgage payment is $2k

          you live in urban squalor

          we are not the same

    • 10 months ago


      Maybe too much social media for you.

      Some Americans are AGAINST drinking water.

      >Why do you drink so much water?
      >Why don't you drink soda and booze instead?
      >I don't like water, water is boring, diet coke is better.

      I guess it depends on who you ask, water is an essential nutrient.

      I don't want to bulldoze the planet.

      I don't hate you back, fight fire with water.

      Remember to stay hydrated and drink lots of water.

    • 10 months ago

      >My dream is to live in a quaint place like Greece

    • 10 months ago

      America live rent free in every single other countries head.
      Meanwhile, we don't spend any time thinking about you, and that's why we're on top bb

    • 10 months ago

      nothing like seething shitskin tears to brighten my lovely American morning

  2. 10 months ago

    If you're thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Maybe if you weren't so brain damaged from dehydration you could've stopped pakis from raping 10,000 children.

    • 10 months ago

      White is the minority in America

      • 10 months ago

        Wrong and not an argument

        • 10 months ago

          He's not wrong, they stopped tracking demographics accurately in the early 2010s when they realized if whites are informed about their intentional and planned replacement they become hostile to the diversity narrative. According to official sources the estimate for total number of illegal immigrants in the US has remained at 11 million for almost 30 years now, even though the actual number is closer to 50-60 million. Whites are close to 50% of the population in the U.S currently, the won't officially declare them a minority until they have no power as a voting block anymore.

          • 10 months ago

            Even taking the most pessimistic view (30+ million illegal aliens, Black folk >13%) whites are still slightly over 50% probably around 55% (excluding middle easterners and the like). And even so, no other group is near 50%, the largest is probably hispanics which may be as much as 30%, so whites are still the majority single group and will remain so for a while, that's why the left is obsessed with grouping all non-whites together (bipoc which is hilarious in it's own stupidity), to go for the so called minority-majority. But what do reason do hispanics and Black folk have to be allies? And orientals (though they are a much smaller factor). Don't get me wrong, our current system is an atrocity, but non-hispanic whites of European descent are not a minority strictly speaking without playing games.

          • 10 months ago

            >He's not wrong, they stopped tracking demographics accurately in the early 2010s when they realized if whites are informed about their intentional and planned replacement they become hostile to the diversity narrative
            You could just look up census quickfacts and get the American community survey data for July 2022 no clue why you have to lie.
            >According to official sources the estimate for total number of illegal immigrants in the US has remained at 11 million for almost 30 years now, even though the actual number is closer to 50-60 million.
            Not true either. As a matter of fact illegal immigration was relatively minimal until the late 1980s

            • 10 months ago

              woha the stat magically stopped going up when obama was elected, that's crazy

              • 10 months ago

                The recession actually zoomer

              • 10 months ago

                You mean the one that started in 2008... the year obama was elected...?

        • 10 months ago

          Even taking the most pessimistic view (30+ million illegal aliens, Black folk >13%) whites are still slightly over 50% probably around 55% (excluding middle easterners and the like). And even so, no other group is near 50%, the largest is probably hispanics which may be as much as 30%, so whites are still the majority single group and will remain so for a while, that's why the left is obsessed with grouping all non-whites together (bipoc which is hilarious in it's own stupidity), to go for the so called minority-majority. But what do reason do hispanics and Black folk have to be allies? And orientals (though they are a much smaller factor). Don't get me wrong, our current system is an atrocity, but non-hispanic whites of European descent are not a minority strictly speaking without playing games.


          >He's not wrong, they stopped tracking demographics accurately in the early 2010s when they realized if whites are informed about their intentional and planned replacement they become hostile to the diversity narrative
          You could just look up census quickfacts and get the American community survey data for July 2022 no clue why you have to lie.
          >According to official sources the estimate for total number of illegal immigrants in the US has remained at 11 million for almost 30 years now, even though the actual number is closer to 50-60 million.
          Not true either. As a matter of fact illegal immigration was relatively minimal until the late 1980s


    • 10 months ago

      >Can't go 10 minutes without completely breaking down without water in average euro summer heat
      Americans are so mongrelized they can't even handle traditionnal european heat.

      • 10 months ago

        It's funny that Europeans think it's hot where they live ever really. Aside from the Nordics and Slavs your winters are also a joke.

        • 10 months ago

          Can’t speak on other euros but I’ve heard brits on multiple occasions cry about it being too hot in 60° (F) weather. That’s literally my winter unfortunately. I’ve seen them lather no joking entire bottles of sunscreen between 2 people on themselves so it was gooping off of them. I can’t imagine being so weak.

          I’ve also seen them in moderate colds of 30° while on vacation elsewhere with layers on layers on layers and massive puffer jackets.

          • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              And you wouldn't survive one second of a Florida Winter

              • 10 months ago

                This [...]

                Didn't a bunch of people die at a London marathon due to a """heatwave""" with temps getting into the low 70s F?
                Like, lol. Lmao.

                >all that tiny dick screeching
                looks like mutts didn't learn that due to humidity and other factors the same heat in europe is much worse than in muttistan
                surprising how easy it is to make mutts insecure

              • 10 months ago

                >he can't read
                Huh, I thought literacy rates were high in Europe, you must be one of those fresh off the boat pakistanis huh?

            • 10 months ago


              And you wouldn't survive one second of a Florida Winter


              Pre-emptively annihilating Eurosoft cope in response to these posts:
              >"m-muh humidity!"
              Nice try Eurosissy. Europe has extremely low dew points. Relative humidity is worthless. Europe is basically paradise in terms of humidity.
              >"b-but our commieblocks are built to keep in heat!"
              Insulation works both ways, Incelpean. During your horrible heat waves, when your daily highs are 90F and drop to a BLAZING 60F at night, your homes will cool and keep cool throughout the day. You are just too used to living in near-perfect temperatures so you are not acclimated to dealing with "extremes" (I use this term very lightly, as European heatwaves are normal Summer or even Spring/Fall temperatures in other parts of the world lol)
              TL;DR kneel eurogays


            • 10 months ago

              Didn't a bunch of people die at a London marathon due to a """heatwave""" with temps getting into the low 70s F?
              Like, lol. Lmao.

            • 10 months ago

              I can already hear the Arizona half-beans crowing about how they wear sweaters on cool days of 130f and don't turn on the AC until its over 200f.

            • 10 months ago

              Brits are the biggest pussies, I had a britbong explain to me that cricket is insane because they "bowl" up to 128 kilometers/hour. Took me a second to realize it but major league baseball pitchers throw faster than that by 10 to 20 mph faster than that.

              • 10 months ago

                Baseball is for school girls. Most places call it rounders

            • 10 months ago

              A British "heatwave" is only around 30°C or 86°F and it is also very humid in Britbongistan. The main issue is that lots of their infrastructure isn't build for heat so most homes don't have any air conditioning, less than 5% of people do. I live in Canada and it's been that hot here in summertime and its not that bad, but still not many homes have A/C compared to the US so people still have died, though mainly elderly people, hundreds of them died a few years ago during a heatwave.

            • 10 months ago

              British heatwaves are a fricking joke. Call me when you can run 8mi in a heat index of 115F you British homosexuals
              .t Chad Floridian

              • 10 months ago

                woah, im so jealous of your sweltering brown jungle shithole

          • 10 months ago

            Summer in Europe isn't that impressive.
            >t. brazillian who've dealing with 40°C almost every sunny day.

            Pre-emptively annihilating Eurosoft cope in response to these posts:
            >"m-muh humidity!"
            Nice try Eurosissy. Europe has extremely low dew points. Relative humidity is worthless. Europe is basically paradise in terms of humidity.
            >"b-but our commieblocks are built to keep in heat!"
            Insulation works both ways, Incelpean. During your horrible heat waves, when your daily highs are 90F and drop to a BLAZING 60F at night, your homes will cool and keep cool throughout the day. You are just too used to living in near-perfect temperatures so you are not acclimated to dealing with "extremes" (I use this term very lightly, as European heatwaves are normal Summer or even Spring/Fall temperatures in other parts of the world lol)
            TL;DR kneel eurogays

            • 10 months ago

              >The highest temperature officially registered in Brazil was 44.8 °C (112.6 °F) in Nova Maringá, Mato Grosso state, on 4 and 5 November 2020.

              >According to the World Meteorological Organization, Greece held until 2021 the official record for the highest temperature in Europe, with 48.0 °C in Elefsina and Tatoi, which are located in the Athens metropolitan area.


              • 10 months ago

                Please use real numbers next time

              • 10 months ago

                You would 10000% rather experience 48 in Greece than 45 in Brazil. Tropical humid heat is the worst.

              • 10 months ago

                >the highest recorded temp in yurop was just another week in July for me

          • 10 months ago

            It's because they don't have aircon and their homes trap heat like an oven you moron

        • 10 months ago

          Former Yugoslavia is warm in the winter, the only Slavic country experiencing rough winters is Russia. Look at a map once in a while, you'll see things other than your trailer park

          • 10 months ago

            what about finland? or the baltics, ukraine? I bet their winters are nasty too

            • 10 months ago

              Finland is not Slavic. And Ukrainian winters are mild.

              • 10 months ago

                >Ukrainian winters are mild
                I don't know how it is now, but when I lived in Odessa almost every winter the Black Sea was solid frozen to the bottom for a kilometer from the shore and fairly thick ice extended for 3 more kilometres.

          • 10 months ago

            No one was referring to the Balkans when talking about the types of winters some Slavs endure. I can't tell if Europoors are pretending to be autistic sometimes or just 90% mouth breathing peasants by nature.

            • 10 months ago

              Then just say Russian instead of Slavs, if you're going to ignore all Slavic countries except one.
              Lol, rekt!

              • 10 months ago

                Well that wouldn't be true because Ukraine and Belarus still have harsher winters than most of Europe as well. Now you're just being stubborn.and low IQ, so I guess it is unironic autism after all.

              • 10 months ago

                No they don't, they're relatively flat countries, a southern country with more mountains would have a harsher winter.
                Boom! Rekt again, lol

            • 10 months ago

              Then just say Russian instead of Slavs, if you're going to ignore all Slavic countries except one.
              Lol, rekt!

              Sjenica (Serbia, Balkans) was coldest inhabited place in Europe for few years.

          • 10 months ago

            Its not warm here in the winter wtf..

        • 10 months ago

          Nordic here, our winters are a joke as well. American Midwest probably has harder winters than we have here.
          Gulf stream ftw

      • 10 months ago

        Summer in Europe isn't that impressive.
        >t. brazillian who've dealing with 40°C almost every sunny day.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah, but then again, you're Brazilian

          • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        How fricking dumb do you have to be to think Europe is hot compared to the US

      • 10 months ago

        White slavery failed, while so many african Black folk died within months that they literally had to be "seasoned" in the carribean before being resold in the American South our heat is so bad you ignorant homosexual.
        Go look at when people started living in Florida and look up when HVAC became a thing in American homes. Its like 10k to 10 million in 2 years kind of shit.

      • 10 months ago

        Lol and europoors like to shit on Americans for being uninformed on other countries. We have hotter summers and colder winters than you; not to mention more extreme weather events and natural disasters on average. Also, wildfire season.

      • 10 months ago

        I remember when my uncle from London came to visit me and my family in Florida and had a heat stroke.

    • 10 months ago

      i don't wanna hear from americans on this topic.
      they can't even manage to do something as simple as drink water without gorging themselves to death.

      • 10 months ago

        That story was really suspicious. I assumed it was actually (intentional) suicide.

    • 10 months ago

      >at least our daily school shooters are well hydrated!!


    • 10 months ago

      "if you're hungry, you're already starving"

      no you're not

    • 10 months ago

      It's because Americans drink BOTTLED water, since their tap water isn't safe.

    • 10 months ago

      "if you're hungry, you're already starving"

      no you're not

      Classic murican mentality. Fat homosexuals.

    • 10 months ago

      >if you feel the urge to drink, it means that you need to drink
      nature is truly incredible

  3. 10 months ago

    It's a byproduct of being fat for one, gotta stay more hydrated than a normal person. Other than that it's like a substitute for snacking / eating, just grab a water bottle or sparkling water so you're consuming something constantly. Commonly thought that it's healthy, plus helps to not stay bored.

    • 10 months ago

      LMAO fatties don't drink water. It has no "flavor"

  4. 10 months ago

    lmao so it's true? drink some water calm the frick down

  5. 10 months ago

    lol it's so easy to work eurotards, good lord

  6. 10 months ago

    Rome had free water fountains everywhere. I never saw that shit in the US

    • 10 months ago

      portland has them

      • 10 months ago

        Hobos pissing in the street doesn't count as "water fountains"

      • 10 months ago

        15 years ago I would have trusted those fountains. Now you don’t know what you’d get from then, but I don’t go into Portland anymore it’s a cesspit

    • 10 months ago

      We definitely have them in parks and stuff but they're admittedly typically beaten to shit. If you go to a public building they also have free water fountains.

    • 10 months ago

      We definitely have them in parks and stuff but they're admittedly typically beaten to shit. If you go to a public building they also have free water fountains.

      public parks often have bathrooms and water fountains. But America isn't a Commie shithole so we don't need the government to provide everything. Just walk into any grocery store, Target, Walmart, shopping mall, etc and use their bathroom and water fountain. Fast food places and gas stations also typically have bathrooms though they might not have water fountains, and if it's in a really shitty part of the city then they might be for customers only.

      • 10 months ago

        Wow almost like it's the same everywhere.

    • 10 months ago

      because in the US the israelite has monopolized water and you have to buy it from him in a plastic BPA bottle. they are currently working on a way to charge for air as well.

      • 10 months ago

        always was told that's why (they) have such big noses; because the air is still free

  7. 10 months ago

    Im tired of Americans to some point , you always try to buy tickets to a free entry club lmao.... and take your meds , you are so excited about everything that's its looking like a mental problem to some point.

  8. 10 months ago

    >one random twitter user got mad

  9. 10 months ago

    Imagine getting this mad over someone doing something as harmless as drinking water

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        >I hate college and I hate white people
        The wording sounds like it was written by a female. So a moronic Black female.... This b***h is a future government bureaucrat for sure.

    • 10 months ago



  10. 10 months ago

    Total midwit health advice to "just drink more water bro", being a Watergay is the redditor's idea of a healthy person

    • 10 months ago

      This. It's like the health equivalent of "just get a haircut" for dating advice.

    • 10 months ago

      This. It's like the health equivalent of "just get a haircut" for dating advice.

      Like the reddit advice for all problems is get therapy, break up with whomever you are with, and drink water.

  11. 10 months ago

    I’d be malding too if I had to live in Europe.

    • 10 months ago

      Those puppets have the Casper Van Dien tier jawlines (no homo)

  12. 10 months ago

    Gawd i wish that was my wiener

  13. 10 months ago

    Wtf is this thread about? I don't even know what to say. Eveyrone I know drinks water and probably has better water to soda ratio than Americans.

  14. 10 months ago

    Most americans are water creatures at this point.

  15. 10 months ago

    It's a psyop to prevent kidney stones due to the horribly unhealthy diet we have over here, which helps reduce national attention towards said unhealthy diet.
    Also stop being a stereotypical Euro that hangs on the every word of/about the USA. We know we're top dog, you don't have to constantly remind us and it's not helpful that you do.
    I think European's Amerocentrism is fundamental to many of the ills plaguing first world societies.

    • 10 months ago

      When I see "risk factor", I know I can sleep soundly after immediately disregarding anything attached to it.

  16. 10 months ago

    I drink close to a gallon of water a day but not on the streets
    why would you drink in the street? so you have to go piss in some rank toilet God knows who used before you?
    naw dude, I only drink at home
    guess that's why amerilards are known for being streetpissers in every european country

  17. 10 months ago

    >Why the frick do americans always go on & on about drinking copious amounts of water
    shut the frick up homosexual, we didnt become the greatest nation in the world for nothing. drink your water moron.

    • 10 months ago

      >Causes outrage
      No it didn't. Literally no one was outraged by it.

      >we didnt become the greatest nation in the world for nothing
      Correction: You never became the greatest nation in the world to begin with.


      >Why the frick do americans alw-
      Stopped reading. Rent free.

      • 10 months ago

        I saw some wedge tails yesterday. They're fricking huge, really cool birds

  18. 10 months ago

    It's scientifically proven humans are garbage at knowing what we need. We have lost all instinct. Even accurate senses of hunger, thirst, etc. Our senses are fricking garbage.

  19. 10 months ago

    How do euros function without anywhere to get gumbo? Surely white boy cant cook no gumbo.....

  20. 10 months ago

    When it's 90 degrees and you're working outside you have to be regularly drinking fluids like every 15 mins. But that's just from my experience. Dunno why sedentary indoor wagies need so much

    • 10 months ago

      problem is you drink enough to replace what you sweat and you also need electrolytes

      dnno the best way to get them
      Gatorade is just sugar water and its expensive

      • 10 months ago

        I switch back and forth between powerade and plain water.

  21. 10 months ago

    because we can, i'm sorry you have lukewarm sulfuric water from 250 year old pipes op. I have been enjoying ice cold spring water from the pacific northwest in my stainless steel water bottle.

    • 10 months ago

      There are entire regions of your country where the inhabitants have brown lead-filled tapwater that they can't even take a bath with.

      • 10 months ago

        >entire regions
        How large are these regions

        • 10 months ago

          Typically only a few miles wide, and the color of the water has a very tight correlation with the average skin shade in said region.

      • 10 months ago

        That’s like a single town, which contains maybe 50k people affected out of 300mil total Americans. Typical European mindset thinking everything is all squished together.

        • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago

            PFAS isn't a US exclusive contaminant, and we're only finding it because we're actually looking for it now. It's virtually impossible to find a human alive that doesn't have PFAS in their body.

            Also the standards we have set for PFAS remediation are straight up unobtainable to actually remediate to. The entire push to hyper-focus on it as a contaminant is super confusing to most people that work in remediation when there is way worse shit to focus on. I think it's because there's deep pockets to go after but the public response to PFAS in no way reflects the actual danger it presents.

      • 10 months ago

        The funny part about that water is that it's perfectly safe to drink from the filtration plant and the distribution lines, it only gets contaminated when it travels through the ancient piping in the apartment buildings these people are living in. The problem could have been solved decades ago by ether installing point source filtration, or preferably, holding slum lords accountable for their shitty apartment buildings. It was more important to keep the water contaminated though as a propoganda victory because finding actual examples of "systemic racism" is becoming increasingly impossible.

  22. 10 months ago

    Shouts out to my /tea/ homies

  23. 10 months ago

    >Why the frick do americans alw-
    Stopped reading. Rent free.

    • 10 months ago

      They hate us because they ain’t us

  24. 10 months ago

    Where is the body’s water tank? Where is it stored and why do we have to pee? Why can’t it just stay in our bio-reservoir?

    • 10 months ago

      >Where is the body’s water tank? Where is it stored
      All of your cells, as well as the plasma in your blood.
      >why do we have to pee?
      Hydration/dehydration is more related to the ratio of water:salt inside and outside of your cells rather than the absolute amount of water in your entire body. When you have too much water in the plasma, you are overhydrated and need to pee. That said, some of your pee is uric acid, meaning your body will always being getting rid of some waste through urination, even if you are properly hydrated.
      >Why can’t it just stay in our bio-reservoir?
      You're constantly spending some water every time you breathe out, as well as just through evaporation. You are not a perfect closed system.

  25. 10 months ago

    There’s so me thing about the American diet that makes you ridiculously thirsty all the time. And retain water. Look at American women that carry giant water bottles every where worth them, they are all swollen.

  26. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      shouldn't the chad have stainless steel bottles? Plastic bottles nuke your test

  27. 10 months ago

    I am from phoenix and our east coasters also don't drink water. I lived in delaware and waiters literally don't fricking bring it without asking and when they do they don't refill it. There are kidney dialysis places EVERYWHERE there. I worked a physical job and almost nobody ever drank water. They would drink gatorade or soda or iced coffees.

    • 10 months ago

      >There are kidney dialysis places EVERYWHERE there
      That's because of diabetes.

  28. 10 months ago

    are europeans this poor? I thought it was just a meme.

    Guess that's where you end up after 300 years of decline and abandonment of cultural identity with all hope of some nationalist revival systematically reinforced against by it's own dying cultures, willingly replaced by mob rule of mass imported violent 3rd worlders and the ~~*leaders*~~ you welcomed through the east/west border after the USSR collapsed with smiles on your faces.

    Pretty sad, Americans are fricking stupid and our democracy is pretty much openly a puppet show for entertainment at this point, but the dumbest mexican illegal still has clean drinking water so long as he's on american soil. baka.

  29. 10 months ago

    Americans are so weird. They’ve become so over socialized and removed from nature and basic instinct that they treat drinking water as some sort of act of medication. Eating and now drinking have become distorted for them, not to mention of course sex, the human body, science, reproduction, religion and more.

    They literally worship BBC too.

  30. 10 months ago
    Racist Tomboy Anon

    The average person in America drinks less than 8 cups of water a day. Meanwhile, I have one kidney, so I drink about one and a half gallons daily in order to keep it healthy. People here usually look at me like some kind of freak when I tell them how much water I drink.

    Incidentally, I also got into an SHTF situation a few years ago, and this left me needing to provision three fricking people with water— I had debated not bringing my extra water that day, but did anyway. In retrospect, we would have been fricked if I didn’t. This experience has left me with an unquenchable thirst, and the cursed knowledge that I can always carry along even more extra water in my stomach.

  31. 10 months ago

    It gets hot in Texas during the summer.

    • 10 months ago

      Only thing hotter than a Texas summer is you.

  32. 10 months ago

    Sociopaths typically have an aversion to hydration, anon

  33. 10 months ago

    if you are sweating, drink more. if not drink up to 2l. done

  34. 10 months ago

    Americans don't even drink water, they just drink differently coloured versions of corn syrup.

  35. 10 months ago

    Someone went to americans and was like this "water" is zero-calorie soda. yanks cant stop drinking it now lol

  36. 10 months ago

    If you're not actually shitting your pants, why go to the toilet?

    • 10 months ago
  37. 10 months ago

    americans only drink bottled water
    europeans only drink tap water

    thus americans never see a european drinking water

    stupid american fricks

    • 10 months ago

      I have American family and they asked if the tap water was safe to drink in Scotland. These "people" are utterly clueless. They insisted on doing everything with bottled goywater instead

      • 10 months ago

        >I have American family and they asked if the tap water was safe to drink in Scotland
        Ik you're larping because anyone that doesn't drink from the tap here almost always just doesn't like the taste (the minerals mind you, I've never had tap water that's tasted rancid by any means).

        • 10 months ago

          Nope, they weren't sure if it was "safe"

  38. 10 months ago

    "Murrica vs Yurop" is the lowest form of conversation.

  39. 10 months ago

    Maybe Americans don't recognise it as water because it doesn't contain high fructose goyjuice lol

  40. 10 months ago

    to all the moronic burgers in this thread

    >do americans really not include tax on their pricetags
    >do americans really need to sign for every card purchase
    >do americans really not use electric kettles because their sockets don't provide enough voltage
    >do americans really rely on tips
    >do americans really pay to go to the doctor
    >do americans really call their main course an entrée
    >do americans really drive everywhere
    >do americans really not have roundabouts
    >do americans really wear shoes inside
    >do americans really write the date mm/dd/yyyy
    >do americans really put sugar in their bread
    >do american toilets really fill the whole bowl
    >do americans really use fahrenheit
    >do americans really use the imperial system
    >do americans really not drink until 21
    >do americans really not get paid maternity leave
    >do americans really not get paid sick leave
    >do americans really pledge allegiance to the flag in school
    >do americans really let you pay a cash bail
    >do americans really need to use third party services to send money
    >do americans really have to file their own taxes
    >do americans really not know how to drive stick
    >do americans really have to practice shooter lockdown drills in school
    >do americans really have to pay $25k a year to go to college
    >do americans really believe they're the best country in the world

    • 10 months ago

      >>do americans really wear shoes inside

      • 10 months ago

        >do americans really wear shoes inside
        this is truly fricked up I hate Americans now

        Americans pretty much seem to wear shoes everywhere in the house except maybe shower. They probably even have sex and sleep with shoes on.
        Also another thing I want to add
        >do americans really not wash their butthole in the shower because touching it is "gay"
        >do americans really not wipe or use bidet because interacting with the butthole is "gay"
        >do americans really regard the naked human body as taboo

        I dont know anyone who doesn't take shoes off inside their own house. We do this british-tier etiquette pissig contest thing when having guests over where the visitor will politely ask of they should remove their shoes, and the host will politely say "no, it's ok" as to not inconvenience the guest even though they would probably really prefer if no shoes were worn

    • 10 months ago

      >do americans really wear shoes inside
      this is truly fricked up I hate Americans now

    • 10 months ago

      Americans pretty much seem to wear shoes everywhere in the house except maybe shower. They probably even have sex and sleep with shoes on.
      Also another thing I want to add
      >do americans really not wash their butthole in the shower because touching it is "gay"
      >do americans really not wipe or use bidet because interacting with the butthole is "gay"
      >do americans really regard the naked human body as taboo

    • 10 months ago

      >>do americans really need to sign for every card purchase

    • 10 months ago

      >>do americans really not use electric kettles because their sockets don't provide enough voltage
      I'm curious how this one came to be. Go to any shop and you can buy an electric kettle here. A lot of people don't though because were not in the habit of drinking a lot of tea

    • 10 months ago

      >do americans really not include tax on their pricetags
      most of the time
      >do americans really need to sign for every card purchase
      >do americans really not use electric kettles because their sockets don't provide enough voltage
      this isn't why
      >do americans really rely on tips
      >do americans really pay to go to the doctor
      >do americans really call their main course an entrée
      >do americans really drive everywhere
      yes, except for city gays. frick you driving is fun in most of america
      >do americans really not have roundabouts
      we do. they're called traffic circles, rotaries, and roundabouts depending on the region
      >do americans really wear shoes inside
      >do americans really write the date mm/dd/yyyy
      >do americans really put sugar in their bread
      jews do it and americans let it happen
      >do american toilets really fill the whole bowl
      >do americans really use fahrenheit
      >do americans really use the imperial system
      >do americans really not drink until 21
      many people drink well before that. the law doesn't stop people from drinking if they want to
      >do americans really not get paid maternity leave
      >do americans really not get paid sick leave
      some companies offer this, but it's few and far between
      >do americans really pledge allegiance to the flag in school
      >do americans really let you pay a cash bail
      >do americans really need to use third party services to send money
      >do americans really have to file their own taxes
      yes, sometimes this is better
      >do americans really not know how to drive stick
      many do. automatics are better dailies, seethe
      >do americans really have to practice shooter lockdown drills in school
      gen z and gen a, yes
      >do americans really have to pay $25k a year to go to college
      depends on the college, community colleges are very affordable
      college is also a scam pretty much anywhere not just america
      >do americans really believe they're the best country in the world
      liberals hate america.

    • 10 months ago

      >do americans really not use electric kettles because their sockets don't provide enough voltage
      Americans have this thing called a "microwave oven." It's pretty neat technology, maybe Europeans will get them someday.
      >do americans really not get paid maternity leave
      >do americans really not get paid sick leave
      there's a reason we get paid more than you.
      >do americans really not know how to drive stick
      I don't know how to ride a horse either. What is up with Europeans thinking your inferior technology is something to brag about?
      >do americans really have to pay $25k a year to go to college
      Do Europeans really have to use your taxes to pay for somebody else to get a bullshit liberal arts degree?

      • 10 months ago

        Imagine fiddling around endlessly with a timer to make sure your water has boiled rather than just using a device that boils your water then shuts off automatically. Why are Americans so scared of efficiency?

        • 10 months ago

          I put a kettle on my stove and boil it. Big deal. Why would I buy an electric kettle?

        • 10 months ago

          >a device that boils your water then shuts off automatically
          like a microwave?

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Good troll. I'll bite as an AMerican working for a European country.

      >do americans really not include tax on their pricetags
      Unlike you Greta Thurnberg toadies, we have a strong healthy distrust of government and prefer for the people to see how much money the government is confiscating from you every day.

      >do americans really need to sign for every card purchase
      No. We just don't have a long history of gypsies and turkroaches scamming our credit cards in restaurants like you Eurotrash do so we are totally trusting with our waitresses not being part of some Eastern European crime wave.

      >do americans really not use electric kettles because their sockets don't provide enough voltage
      Lol. What a joke. I have an Amazon Basics kettle that boils my tea faster than I can prep the teapot, and milk most times. We also use gas stoves which the majority of you Eurotrash cant afford to buy because of muh Greta Thurnberg global warming.

      >do americans really rely on tips
      Not really, its just our wait staff are smart about it so they make $70k a year doing this method. Plus it also provides good service which the majority of European restaurants suck at. Oh lets go to a dinner with 10 people and have Fritz the lazy Kraut show up once every 10 minutes to be indiffferent to our needs. (I am fluent in German and my colleauges / wives are all multigenerational Bavarians so frick off with the "lol they just don't like Americans" bullshit.

      >do americans really pay to go to the doctor
      Yes. Most americans with jobs pay a copay of like $40 to $60 per visit. Big whoop.

      >do americans really call their main course an entrée
      Not sure if this is an insult? Yes French words are used a lot in the food industry. Even in Europe too. Remember when Louis the Sun King ruled your pathetic colony like a b***h and made all of you speak french in your royal courts? Yeah, thats why your menus have french words in them too.


      • 10 months ago

        >Not sure if this is an insult? Yes French words are used a lot in the food industry. Even in Europe too. Remember when Louis the Sun King ruled your pathetic colony like a b***h and made all of you speak french in your royal courts? Yeah, thats why your menus have french words in them too.
        America uses it wrong, the entree in the original french and as adopted everywhere else in the world is the first course (appetiser), not the second (main). It literally means 'entrance,' as in the beginning of a meal. But I guess Americans are so fat that they don't consider the meal to have begun until it's half over.

        >Yes, we type our dates EXACTLY like normal human beings speak it. We don't say its the 10th of August, we say its August 10th like god intended.
        You say it like that because you write it like that.
        Here we say the 10th of August, because that's how it's written and because more often than not you'll just need to say "the 10th" since the month will just be the current month, so it makes sense to start with the most pertinent information.

        >do americans really need to use third party services to send money
        We use Venmo and Cash app. Not sure what you are talking about here. I'm sorry your shithole Romania cracked down on you guys because of your ponzi schemes, but its not a problem here.

        >do americans really have to file their own taxes
        Yes, smart Americans do this to avoid paying the ridiculously high taxes the sucker richgays in Europe do. Its a filter of sorts to make sure that the rich stay rich, and the new rich who got lucky get poor. Its a israelite thing.

        >do americans really not know how to drive stick
        We do, we just prefer not to because our cars are cheaper to buy, fix, maintain and gas so we don't try to israelite tourists at rental car places by charging extra for automatic transmissions (lol). I'm serious American's, Euros are THAT poor and scammy.

        >do americans really have to practice shooter lockdown drills in school
        Yes, we have a lot of guns, drugs and races here. But give it a little time. All those Africans floating over, combined with all the Ukrainian scam US weapons coming online, and the collapse of your manufacturing economies, you'll be just as bloody as us, and probably more so. Good luck with that France.

        >do americans really have to pay $25k a year to go to college
        This sucks, but our colleges are the best in the world. Google the top 100 colleges in world and see how many are Romainian. LOL

        >do americans really believe they're the best country in the world
        Not really, we just believe that we are so much better than what we see elsewhere. Our culture, art, financial services, tech, women, investing attitudes, commercial products, advertising, is omnipotent around the world and we are seperating from the pack even more so. Elite human capital in any industry worth measuring is almost entirely American, and any elite from the rest of world usually moves here within a generation and become American. We're like a football team who gets the first pick every

        >We use Venmo and Cash app. Not sure what you are talking about here. I'm sorry your shithole Romania cracked down on you guys because of your ponzi schemes, but its not a problem here.
        Our banks do it for us, because it's their job.

        • 10 months ago

          >America uses it wrong, the entree in the original french and as adopted everywhere else in the world is the first course (appetiser), not the second (main). It literally means 'entrance,' as in the beginning of a meal. But I guess Americans are so fat that they don't consider the meal to have begun until it's half over
          If I don't have an appetizer, then the "main course" is the "first course," and most of the time we don't bother with appetizers.

          • 10 months ago

            That doesn't change the fact that americans use 'entree' wrong.

    • 10 months ago


      Good troll. I'll bite as an AMerican working for a European country.

      >do americans really not include tax on their pricetags
      Unlike you Greta Thurnberg toadies, we have a strong healthy distrust of government and prefer for the people to see how much money the government is confiscating from you every day.

      >do americans really need to sign for every card purchase
      No. We just don't have a long history of gypsies and turkroaches scamming our credit cards in restaurants like you Eurotrash do so we are totally trusting with our waitresses not being part of some Eastern European crime wave.

      >do americans really not use electric kettles because their sockets don't provide enough voltage
      Lol. What a joke. I have an Amazon Basics kettle that boils my tea faster than I can prep the teapot, and milk most times. We also use gas stoves which the majority of you Eurotrash cant afford to buy because of muh Greta Thurnberg global warming.

      >do americans really rely on tips
      Not really, its just our wait staff are smart about it so they make $70k a year doing this method. Plus it also provides good service which the majority of European restaurants suck at. Oh lets go to a dinner with 10 people and have Fritz the lazy Kraut show up once every 10 minutes to be indiffferent to our needs. (I am fluent in German and my colleauges / wives are all multigenerational Bavarians so frick off with the "lol they just don't like Americans" bullshit.

      >do americans really pay to go to the doctor
      Yes. Most americans with jobs pay a copay of like $40 to $60 per visit. Big whoop.

      >do americans really call their main course an entrée
      Not sure if this is an insult? Yes French words are used a lot in the food industry. Even in Europe too. Remember when Louis the Sun King ruled your pathetic colony like a b***h and made all of you speak french in your royal courts? Yeah, thats why your menus have french words in them too.


      >do americans really drive everywhere
      Yes. Cars are awesome and great for personal freedom / job changing power. You wouldn't understand Fritz because you are born in the same town you work in and your company treats you like shit.

      >do americans really not have roundabouts
      Some do. I'll give this to you here European. Roundabouts are way better but based on the 3rd worldedness of our new immigrants, roundabouts are not feasible.

      >do americans really wear shoes inside
      In Europeans houses we do, just to piss you off. I take my shoes off at my friends houses all the time. If I get a whiff of Eurotrashness like yours, I go full Dave Chapelle frick yo couch homie mode.

      >do americans really write the date mm/dd/yyyy
      Yes, we type our dates EXACTLY like normal human beings speak it. We don't say its the 10th of August, we say its August 10th like god intended.

      >do americans really put sugar in their bread
      Another thing I'll hand it to Europeans. THeir bread is vastly superior to American. I blame Black folk and israelites for this.

      >do american toilets really fill the whole bowl
      We are bigger in America and its why we dominant your sissy Euro's in all the sports that matter. Our shits are larger and thus require bigger toilet bowls. 1.6 Gallons per flush is fine and not wasteful because even Europeans have to flush twice on big shits, saving exactly nothing. Also you have those moronic toilets in the wall because your bathrooms are built in small cubby's where your ancestors would just shit / piss on the rushes like animals. Those toilets are a pain in the ass to fix too; ask any plumber in Europe.


      • 10 months ago

        homie stop posting immediately

        • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago

            homosexual phone poster shitting up every goddamn board, go write a fricking novel Black person

            • 10 months ago

              I responded to a Eurotrash thread, and gave a point by point rebuttal to everything he wrote in one or two sentences. 10/10 dominated him tbh. Would do it again.

              • 10 months ago

                You responded to shit with entire volumes shit of you jive turkey.

    • 10 months ago


      >do americans really drive everywhere
      Yes. Cars are awesome and great for personal freedom / job changing power. You wouldn't understand Fritz because you are born in the same town you work in and your company treats you like shit.

      >do americans really not have roundabouts
      Some do. I'll give this to you here European. Roundabouts are way better but based on the 3rd worldedness of our new immigrants, roundabouts are not feasible.

      >do americans really wear shoes inside
      In Europeans houses we do, just to piss you off. I take my shoes off at my friends houses all the time. If I get a whiff of Eurotrashness like yours, I go full Dave Chapelle frick yo couch homie mode.

      >do americans really write the date mm/dd/yyyy
      Yes, we type our dates EXACTLY like normal human beings speak it. We don't say its the 10th of August, we say its August 10th like god intended.

      >do americans really put sugar in their bread
      Another thing I'll hand it to Europeans. THeir bread is vastly superior to American. I blame Black folk and israelites for this.

      >do american toilets really fill the whole bowl
      We are bigger in America and its why we dominant your sissy Euro's in all the sports that matter. Our shits are larger and thus require bigger toilet bowls. 1.6 Gallons per flush is fine and not wasteful because even Europeans have to flush twice on big shits, saving exactly nothing. Also you have those moronic toilets in the wall because your bathrooms are built in small cubby's where your ancestors would just shit / piss on the rushes like animals. Those toilets are a pain in the ass to fix too; ask any plumber in Europe.


      >do americans really use fahrenheit
      Yes. 0 being the coldest day a normal German every experienced and 100 being the hottest day a German ever experienced is a quite logical and relatable temperature system. Why a human system of weather measuring / conversation starting has to be based on the boiling temperature of water at 100 is not clear to us? All science in America uses metric in the lab for that reason.

      >do americans really use the imperial system
      Yes. We weren't fooled by Napoleon into tricking people into ignoring inflation (real reason Metric system was implemented) at the barrel of a gun. Its why the Bolsheviks implemented it as a highest priority when they took over Russia. Its perfectly logical to measure things in units of measurements relatable to a normal human being (foot, pound, inch, stone) rather than by the meter which is calculated by the speed of light in a vacuum on the way to Jupiter (look it up Kraut, its actually true)

      >do americans really not drink until 21
      Yes, alcohol is evil. I can't think of single human being who's life would have improved had he/she drank at 18 instead of 21. Don't believe me, go to a Canadian bar and talk to a bunch of 18 year olds drinking? Its cringe as frick.

      >do americans really not get paid maternity leave
      This sucks, but why do we have a much higher fertility rate as a result. Germans get like two years off paid for every kid and yet no German women have kids?!?! Too lazy to frick you pussies?? I don't get it.

      >do americans really not get paid sick leave
      No, we just get new jobs if we get fired. Capitalism rocks Fritz, you should try it.

      >do americans really pledge allegiance to the flag in school
      Yes, we believe in integrating all people into a common nationality. You frickers keep causing world wars with your stupid "flags are cringe" bullshit.


      • 10 months ago

        >do americans really need to use third party services to send money
        We use Venmo and Cash app. Not sure what you are talking about here. I'm sorry your shithole Romania cracked down on you guys because of your ponzi schemes, but its not a problem here.

        >do americans really have to file their own taxes
        Yes, smart Americans do this to avoid paying the ridiculously high taxes the sucker richgays in Europe do. Its a filter of sorts to make sure that the rich stay rich, and the new rich who got lucky get poor. Its a israelite thing.

        >do americans really not know how to drive stick
        We do, we just prefer not to because our cars are cheaper to buy, fix, maintain and gas so we don't try to israelite tourists at rental car places by charging extra for automatic transmissions (lol). I'm serious American's, Euros are THAT poor and scammy.

        >do americans really have to practice shooter lockdown drills in school
        Yes, we have a lot of guns, drugs and races here. But give it a little time. All those Africans floating over, combined with all the Ukrainian scam US weapons coming online, and the collapse of your manufacturing economies, you'll be just as bloody as us, and probably more so. Good luck with that France.

        >do americans really have to pay $25k a year to go to college
        This sucks, but our colleges are the best in the world. Google the top 100 colleges in world and see how many are Romainian. LOL

        >do americans really believe they're the best country in the world
        Not really, we just believe that we are so much better than what we see elsewhere. Our culture, art, financial services, tech, women, investing attitudes, commercial products, advertising, is omnipotent around the world and we are seperating from the pack even more so. Elite human capital in any industry worth measuring is almost entirely American, and any elite from the rest of world usually moves here within a generation and become American. We're like a football team who gets the first pick every

    • 10 months ago

      >>not include tax on their pricetags
      >>sign for every card purchase
      No. I rarely need to sign.
      >>not use electric kettles because voltage
      I don't use a kettle, but my mother does and hers is electric.
      >>rely on tips
      Most Americans do not get tips as part of their job, so no.
      >>pay to go to the doctor
      Usually, but the costs are pretty minor for a checkup.
      >>call their main course an entrée
      Usually no.
      Not always, but usually.
      >>not have roundabouts
      We have them.
      >>wear shoes inside
      Some do, some don't. If they do, usually the floor isn't carpet or they wear "indoor" shoes.
      the date mm/dd/yyyy
      >> put sugar in their bread
      A lot of bread here has it, like most food, but you can find it without it.
      >>do american toilets really fill the whole bowl
      Of course not; if it did, it would overflow once you "contribute" to it.
      >>use fahrenheit/imperial system
      We use SI metric and US customary units, sometimes both.
      >>not drink until 21
      We can drink before 21, just not sell booze to people younger than 21.
      >>not get paid maternity leave
      Not by default, but some jobs offer it.
      >>not get paid sick leave
      Most salaried jobs do, but only so many sick days a year.
      allegiance to the flag in school
      We used to. I doubt it's done much anymore.
      >>let you pay a cash bail
      Yes. Once you go to court, you get the money back.
      >>need to use third party services to send money
      >>file their own taxes
      >>not know how to drive stick
      I and others do, most don't.
      shooter lockdown drills in school
      Kind of. We had pretty much the same lockdown drill for many situations, like severe weather.
      >>pay $25k a year to go to college
      Depends on the college. Community colleges are pretty cheap (< $10,000 a year).
      they're the best country in the world
      Some do, others don't (yet don't move...)

      Overall I think the US is the best country in the world, but it is far from perfect.

  41. 10 months ago

    If drinking a shit load of water helps you avoid snacking then I see the logic. I do the same thing but I drink Pepsi max. Just have to watch out for the phosphorioc acid & diarrhea if I drink too much.

  42. 10 months ago

    I don't know why you're trying to turn this into an us vs them type situation (proably for attention because you have the same mental maturity as a tik tok roastie) but drinking water is good for you. No amount of random fake drama bullshit you try to create will change that. Ausbro by the way, so I don't have a dog in your made up argument.

  43. 10 months ago

    it's women who don't drink water
    I've never seen women drink water

    • 10 months ago

      You know, you have to actually be around a woman to see them right?

      • 10 months ago

        i manage an office of 40 employees and 38 of them are women

        • 10 months ago

          Sounds like hell

        • 10 months ago

          must be where you live
          I swear every woman in Australia has a 2 litre bottle of water in their handbags

        • 10 months ago

          There's no way this is true unless you literally haven them chained to their cubicles. Women can't cooperate with each other. They'd also be losing their shit every time a single half normal looking male walked by.

  44. 10 months ago

    Excessive thirst is one of the first clues that you might have diabetes.

  45. 10 months ago

    Isn't the main diabeetus symptom excessive thirst?

    • 10 months ago

      reposting from current /fph/ thread with the relevant part highlighted

      • 10 months ago

        Reading this, I'm now certain that diabetes is God's punishment for gluttony

    • 10 months ago

      Of corse! That makes sense now

  46. 10 months ago

    I had a friend from the US visiting me in France. He drank water all the fricking time and it was December. He said that if your piss is not clear like water then you don't drink enough water. Are all americans like this? If we're die because of lack of drinking water and global warming someday, blame them

  47. 10 months ago

    They don't trust their kidneys.

    • 10 months ago

      yep i give my kidneys an extra workout with a bottle of hennesy every day

  48. 10 months ago

    surely you morons have one (1) better thing to do than what you are currently doing here in this container assembly basilica

  49. 10 months ago
  50. 10 months ago

    I think a bit part of it is a lot of American food is very dry, and very salty. Whereas European food is easily quite fresh and has moisture.

    I've also found that American obese people are obsessed with how much water they drink and seem to believe it makes them healthy.

  51. 10 months ago

    I live in Alicante and it's hot as hell in summer. I drink 3,5 liters/day as a minimum, OP.

    • 10 months ago

      That's crazy don't you get tired of bathroom breaks? I live in Athens we had a 15 day heatwave a while ago and even then I didn't drink over 2lt.

      • 10 months ago

        No. I'm well used to go to the bathroom. I work from home mostly.

  52. 10 months ago

    Americans do understand that the tourist parts of Europe aren't the entirety of Europe right?

    • 10 months ago

      Americans don't even understand they don't actually live in a Democratic society they live in Capitalist Republic.

  53. 10 months ago

    if you properly retain water you don't need to rehydrate every 5 minutes.
    eat more salt

  54. 10 months ago

    This whole thing was started by fats trying to pretend they are healthy.
    News flash: fruits and vegetables are mostly water

    • 10 months ago

      look out, we got a no water weirdo over here

    • 10 months ago

      I think it was started over not being able to get water for free in restaurants (you can, but it's tap water)

      • 10 months ago

        Americans trying to israelite Europe again like for past 500 something years , not even surprised at this point...

        • 10 months ago

          bro America isn't even 250 years old

  55. 10 months ago

    >Why the frick do americans always go on & on about drinking copious amounts of water?
    Nestle marketing. They don't even realize it. The entire "hydrate" meme is pushed by Nestle to sell bottled water.

  56. 10 months ago

    For any USA v Euro debate, just bring up the World Wars, our economy, our inventions, our military, our Olympic medals, and our 19th century immigration from your tiny shithole countries we had eventually had to liberate. Now suck my red, white, and blue wiener, you European metrosexual homosexuals. Also, you Black folk need to drink more water. You even try to make people pay for it at restaurants. Shameful

    • 10 months ago

      >Thinks Europe is one big country

      • 10 months ago

        True, but a lot of the Euros take advantage of this too. They rarely admit where they’re from, in terms of specific countries, because then it will turn into a Euro on euro fight.
        >in my country, Romania…

      • 10 months ago

        Ain't nothing big about you homosexuals

        • 10 months ago

          Idk, I think the average penis size of Europeans has increased significantly in recent years

          • 10 months ago

            Euros would rather seethe endlessly at Americans than genuinely seethe at the invasion of African migrants pouring into their countries
            >inb4 muh Mexicans at the southern boarder
            Euros just can't help themselves. I pity them.

    • 10 months ago

      if you take all European countries together we have more inventions and Olympic medals than the rest of the world combined

      • 10 months ago

        Coope and seethe, Black person. We're only one country, half the pop of Euro in total, way less than half of the history, but still have more money, military might, technology, and for being half the population and a single nation, we still have half the medals if y'all and the most of any single country. Suck our dick, you fricking queers

        • 10 months ago

          Pretty sure the USSR had more Olympic medals than the US.

          • 10 months ago

            Check it, gay

  57. 10 months ago

    Euros mad at Americans for drinking water? What? This is stupid guys no more brother wars

    • 10 months ago

      >no more brother wars
      stop drinking so much water and we can negotiate

      • 10 months ago

        I like my water bro I squeeze a little lemon into it and man that shit is just too good

  58. 10 months ago

    Americans don't have water pipes so they drink bottle water which costs a lot more. israelites who sell the water push drinking excessive amount of water.

  59. 10 months ago


    Frick off back to you c**tainment board homosexual

  60. 10 months ago

    Yup, tell that to your kidneys when they're trying to dispose of all the fricking waste without water

  61. 10 months ago

    If all Americans left the board tomorrow, then the next day these threads would be exactly the same, but just seething about the British instead.

    • 10 months ago

      America could be nuked into oblivion a hundred years ago and euros would still find a way to b***h about us

  62. 10 months ago

    Yuropoors drink goyslop and whatever other tarnny estrogens their government allows them to consume

  63. 10 months ago

    Are Europeans actually complaining that other people drink water?
    Is this shit forreal?

  64. 10 months ago

    is it true that European restaurants don't even give you free water? And that you can't just go into a store or restaurant to use their bathroom? Does Europe have water fountains?

    • 10 months ago

      None of that is true.

      • 10 months ago

        Wow almost like it's the same everywhere.

        Maybe it depends on the specific country but a lot of people say that there aren't many free bathrooms in Europe. Here's an article I just found talking about how the Dutch make people pay to use the bathroom:

  65. 10 months ago

    Americans as in a single American on twitter

  66. 10 months ago

    Bros, I just took 3 grams of creatine about 2 hours ago, I've been drinking 500ml of water every 30 minutes since then, pissed thrice and I'm still thirsty. I need to drink more water.

  67. 10 months ago

    Sodium from the triple bacontator with a side of cheese fries and a half gallon of Pepsi

  68. 10 months ago

    >All this unhinged kicking and screaming baby rage from Euros in thread from being told to drink water

  69. 10 months ago

    Maybe thats one of the reasons americans are so fat
    >you have to drink a lot of water
    >any liquid is water
    >end up drinking a bunch of sugary 'water'

  70. 10 months ago

    I have better lifts and runs if I drink a lot of water. I like to at least drink at least a half gallon of water before my lifts. Also, drinking that much water makes it where I eat less and not drink any cokes

  71. 10 months ago

    Europoors stay dehydrated. Fricking poor morons. It's crazy how poor you morons are. I saw a job posting for a role equivalent to mine in England. It was just salary, 40k pounds. I make 180k USD base + bonus + equity. Maybe drink some water and make money. Get AC.

  72. 10 months ago

    >there are americans that think it's healthy to drink 4L of fluoridated water per day

  73. 10 months ago

    People took a meme about being hydrated and made it their entire personality because they probably don’t have much else going on

  74. 10 months ago

    Fr, its moronic. I used to follow that dumb fricking advice when I was in my teens, at one point I was getting skipped heartbeats, like 10 a minute, and felt like shit. A doctor told me to stop being a moron and drink when I'm thirsty, because I had low sodium and potassium from drinking all that fricking water.

  75. 10 months ago


  76. 10 months ago

    Well maybe you should drink more water have you ever thought of that?

  77. 10 months ago

    The only American culture is consumerism (and Black person worship) so of course they will take some basic health advice like "water good" and take it to the extreme to please their international financier rulers.

  78. 10 months ago

    There's no downside to being overhydrated other than having to piss a little more frequently. Meanwhile the downsides of dehydration are so numerous that 9 times out of 10 when you're not feeling well, it's actually just dehydration and not some other ailment. Drink more water.

  79. 10 months ago

    Americans come to Europe as tourists, obviously they are going to lug around some water. Europeans can just drink tap water in their own homes, why would anyone bother taking a bottle when they do their regular business outside

  80. 10 months ago

    Truly rent free

  81. 10 months ago

    they are moronic. everything americans do and say is moronic. just look at them and you will realise this. don't take anything they say seriously.

    • 10 months ago

      How’s China?

  82. 10 months ago

    lol im sure cavemen were running around with hydroflasks, guzzling water like this is not normal or healthy. there are plenty of more hydrating liquids out there too, milk being one of them. it is NOT normal to be drinking fluids all day and you are not supposed to

  83. 10 months ago

    this thread has finally proven that europeans are literally mindbroken by americans

    • 10 months ago
  84. 10 months ago
  85. 10 months ago

    What outrage? This is first I heard of this. However an American woman had a mental breakdown at me when I asked about mountain dew

  86. 10 months ago

    Actually aren't you the ones who drink nothing but mt dew?

  87. 10 months ago

    american water has no minerals
    thirst is driven by lack of electrolytes in animals, not lack of water
    up until just very recently water was THE source for electrolytes. your body just hasn't caught up
    aand america is babel

  88. 10 months ago

    i hate europeans they are so dumb and useless and fail at everything they do.

  89. 10 months ago

    Ultimately, America is a European outgrowth and they are both two sides of the same coin
    No more brother wars

    • 10 months ago

      No, Europe is fricking gay and they owe us everything despite being ungrateful c**ts. At least one positive of America being in decline is that now all the Eurohomosexuals are free to kill each other endlessly like they've been doing for thousands of years

  90. 10 months ago


  91. 10 months ago

    They psyop health conscious people into sabotaging themselves with extra fluoride. It's like how income tax is a higher % on higher earners. They want to limit people from becoming too powerful. Don't need to handicap europoors so much because they live in winter 3/4 the year and are naturally unambitious (stayed in cold, crowded europe because of fear or stupidity)

  92. 10 months ago

    Maybe it's because there is an actual health and fitness culture in the United States? We have a shitload of obese fricks obviously but the nation is basically divided between people who care about their health and people that don't, so you get one side of either extreme. Europeans have no real fitness culture at all and they are mostly just obese or extremely skinny, no culture around cardio or lifting that I'm aware of. I go on 6-7+ mile runs often (over 10km) in the sweltering heat of Florida, and if I do not drink at least a gallon of water a day every day then during my runs my legs will go numb, I will get lightheaded, and I will puke my guts out no matter what. So I have to drink as much water as I can stomach. Also Europeans are just stupid

  93. 10 months ago

    >oi mate you’re drinkin too much of that vital resource required to survive please stoppit

    the absolute state of europoors lmao

  94. 10 months ago

    No, I do drink water. I don't breath air, though.

  95. 10 months ago

    Because everything in america has sugar or artificial sweeteners in it.
    Drinking water excessively is the only way they can reduce this consumption.

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