Wil HEMA make me fit?

Also is the wrestling they teach a legit martial art or would it get my ass kicked if I tried it without armor?

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  1. 1 year ago

    I did it for the better part of a decade. It can be good fun but a majority of people you'll meet who do it are dysgenic, skinnyfat, weirdos. If you join the rare club that actually emphasizes the importance of fitness then it can be good but even then getting in shape will be more something that you do out of club time rather than during. For the wrestling it can be good but will probably be ultimately inferior to what you'd get from studying more popular modern grappling styles (judo, catch, bjj, folk wrestling, etc.) and if it's being taught by someone who lacks background in those kinds of things in the first place then it will be even worse. The sword stuff can be good fun.

    • 1 year ago

      HEMA is fun but like said it wont get you fit. The wrestling is alright and even the sword stuff has some benefit in teaching you to fight. Try to join a club that actually spars. There are some that fall into the martial arts trap of obsessing with theory over pressure testing.

  2. 1 year ago

    HEMA won't make you fit.
    Kendo, depending on the dojo, is excellent for both cardio and calf gains- it won't make any pretention to teaching you to wrestle though.

    • 1 year ago

      I did it for the better part of a decade. It can be good fun but a majority of people you'll meet who do it are dysgenic, skinnyfat, weirdos. If you join the rare club that actually emphasizes the importance of fitness then it can be good but even then getting in shape will be more something that you do out of club time rather than during. For the wrestling it can be good but will probably be ultimately inferior to what you'd get from studying more popular modern grappling styles (judo, catch, bjj, folk wrestling, etc.) and if it's being taught by someone who lacks background in those kinds of things in the first place then it will be even worse. The sword stuff can be good fun.

      Damn, what if I do MMA and HEMA at the same time? Both 3 times a week. It wouldn't leave time for going to the gym but would it keep me fit?

      • 1 year ago

        it would be okay if you could recover quick enough

        • 1 year ago

          The first month would probably be pretty brutal huh?

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah you got to remember your fighting with that comes injuries and doms. Doing just one is difficult but doing two at the same time will be like going thought buds. Just do mma for a few weeks and then add hema on top of it if you want to get most of both.

  3. 1 year ago

    If you are adamant on training with sword fighting and armor, then stay away from HEMA
    It is fun if you're into that stuff, but it is usually full of cosplay DND nerds and the like that don't actually want to get athletic
    There are some that really do hard training and put a lot of emphasis on exercise and sparring, but at that point you are better off trying to find an actual armored combat league
    A majority of armored sports provide training armor if you don't have your own kit yet
    And yeah, the people that do those too are also huge nerds, but they at least want to actually fight and get fit

    • 1 year ago

      I like "functional" sports that actually teach you things that would be useful in a real fight, even if my chances of getting into a real swordfight are 0. So if HEMA is just larp and Kendo or Fencing have next to nothing to do with actual sword fighting then what is left?

      • 1 year ago

        Actual armored combat sports
        Nothing will prepare you for a fight more than having a 200lb angry nerd punch you as hard as possible with a steel gauntlet

        • 1 year ago

          Isn't that just an alternate name for HEMA?

          • 1 year ago

            no, that's an alternate name for buhurt

            • 1 year ago

              That looks cool. I'll try to see if there are any clubs nearby. The only HEMA group I found in my town was just a Christian larp group anyways.

      • 1 year ago

        >So if HEMA is just larp and Kendo or Fencing have next to nothing to do with actual sword fighting then what is left?
        Sports fencing absolutely has "something to do" with actual sword fighting technique. There was a period of time where European civilians carried smallswords and swordfighting was about putting the end of your metal toothpick into your opponent before they put theirs into you. Fencing will teach you some of that skill.
        Kendo takes a while to get there, but it does get you there.
        What fencing and kendo both have that Hema kind of lacks is that you can support your family using them on a professional circuit. There's no weapons-based martial art in the world that forces you to risk your life, but professional fencers and kendoka do risk their wellbeings and the wellbeings of their fanily when they fight. That trickles down into their teaching and the general standards expected of you when you take part.

  4. 1 year ago

    Depends on what you're doing but the armor will vary from a ton to fairly little. I just started doing thrust only rapier and for that all you need is a fencing mask and gorget. I eventually intend on working towards being able to do heavy longsword sparring which requires a ton of protective gear. As for exercise I have noticed that it is good for cardio and legs, but not a ton for arms or core. Also depends on the stance, Destraza has you standing upright in a fairly relaxed stance, and doesn't really require lunges. Fabris is hard.

    • 1 year ago

      Ideally I would want to do it in actual armor with blunted weapons.

  5. 1 year ago

    just fricking lift and run and do calisthenics like EVERYBODY ELSE and SHUT THE FRICK UP

    do your gay larp shit on the side

    • 1 year ago

      Hitting other nerds with metal sticks is more fun so frick off.

  6. 1 year ago

    Do these guys look legit? They are the only group I can find in my vicinity.

    • 1 year ago

      They're very clearly just larpers right?

      I can't find a single buhurt group here.

      • 1 year ago

        lyézus ereje bojler eladó

        yeah ez elég színészkedésesnek tűnik
        >mfw hungarian basket weaving forum

        • 1 year ago

          Te ismersz Miskolci buhurt helyeket? Egyet se találok.

          • 1 year ago

            nope (nice dubs) az uruszág másik szegletéből való vagyok, de buhurt csapatokat nem kifejezetten láttam sehol sem - mondjuk ahhoz nem kell sok ész, hogy beöltözz némi vasba és elkezdjétek egymást a haverokkal és a környékbeli lakatos magnetókkal izomból gyepálni ... a buhurt nem sokkal több ...

          • 1 year ago

            also keep in mind that azért, mert egy bemutatón nem ütlegelik egymást, még lehet jó edzésük

            • 1 year ago

              Mit gondolsz erről?

              • 1 year ago

                bemutató, relatíve ügyesek, szép a ruhájuk, fogalmam sincs, hogy hogyan vívnak
                mondom, az a legjobb, amit csinálhatsz, hogy kipróbálsz többet is, tetszik-nemtetszik, keresel tovább ... az egyetlen hiba az lenne, ha nem tennél egy lépést sem

                soha ne sajnáld, hogy nem "igazi" vagy "jó" klubban kezdtél, minden tapasztalat előrébb segít, ha Isten akarja

              • 1 year ago

                ja igen, még egy gondolat: ahogy vki föntebb is írta, nem igazán lesz olyan klub (legyen ez basically akármi, judo, mma, box, lófaszhabbal), ahol a cél edzés mellett még arra is jut idő, hogy erőt, állóképességet, rugalmasságot, stb. fejlesszenek ... ezért nem fognak
                az háziföladat

              • 1 year ago

                is that Allison Parker?

    • 1 year ago

      odamenni, kipróbálni - ha csak afaszverés megy, úgyis föltűnik
      >check out skallagrim for proper knowledge compare and CUM to conclusion

  7. 1 year ago

    depends ENTIRELY on the club and the trainers

    it can range from mcdojo tier to as intense as a boxing club, depending on how hard you and your trainers push yourself

    at my club we do 2 hours of drills based on manuscripts and then 30min of full kit, full contact sparring - grapples encouraged but no trips because of the hard wooden floor

    there's also a club i visit occasionally for a full 90min of full contact sparring (in a gym funnily enough)

    basically this will get you some good cardio fitness if you do it for long enough:

    all this said, if you're looking for hypertrophy+strength and not just dominant arm endurance and cardio, your exercise routine won't be complete without a proper gym schedule

    • 1 year ago

      >grapples encouraged but no trips because of the hard wooden floor
      get wrestling mats

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