Will Bryan Johnson live to 120+?

Probably not the best place to ask considering IST isn't necessarily healthy and focus on stuffing their faces with calories and drugs to get mass but, Thoughts on pic related vegan diet and 100 pilld a day supplement routine?


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  1. 7 months ago

    im trans btw

  2. 7 months ago

    >Will Bryan Johnson live to 120+?
    Lol no way, he will die of some stupid shit like infection or cancer in his early 70's

    • 7 months ago

      >Lol no way, he will die of some stupid shit like infection or cancer in his early 70's
      He'll get struck by lighting or something even rarer just so people will argue over whether or not his $2 million dollar a year youth regime worked for the next 50 years

  3. 7 months ago

    The only drugs that actually work:
    > TRT (will cure depression)
    > Modafinil (make you productive)
    > Metformin (anti-aging, will keep you lean)
    > Tret (keep your skin good)
    > Hydroquinone (if youre indian)

    • 7 months ago

      >> TRT (will cure depression)
      marketing lies

    • 7 months ago

      >> TRT (will cure depression)
      Cardio + lifting + combat sports
      >> Modafinil (make you productive)
      Stop wasting your time with mindless shit (IST included)
      >> Metformin (anti-aging, will keep you lean)
      >> Tret (keep your skin good)
      Seafood and good quality meats, plus sunlight
      >> Hydroquinone (if youre indian)
      Pajeets GTFO

    • 7 months ago

      >> Metformin (anti-aging, will keep you lean)
      poisoning your mitochondria is not anti aging

    • 7 months ago

      >Hydroquinone (if youre indian)

      Sirs, what did he mean by this... ?

  4. 7 months ago

    No 80

  5. 7 months ago

    >focus on stuffing their faces with calories and drugs to get mass
    The testosterone patches and some of the supplements he's taking don't count as drugs I guess
    And he's not living up to 120, that's wishful thinking at best.

  6. 7 months ago

    honestly the one thing that he does that would *maybe* make sense to extend his lifespan significantly is the one thing everyone dogs on him for: getting blood transfusions from his healthy mid-20s son

    It's been shown to rejuvenate old mice/rats iirc, and I remember 19th century experiments with axolotls where an old axolotl had its life significantly extended by being surgically conjoined with another younger member of its species

    Honestly, if it's been shown to work in humans, the whole giving blood to your parent thing could catch on.
    >Extend your parent's life, get to spend more time with them
    >They get a better quality of life to boot
    >Ethically sound
    I could see it making sense to those who could afford it.

    • 7 months ago

      he also works out, doesnt drink, doesn't smoke, is lean. that alone puts him way ahead of the normal person. maybe some of the supplements he takes work as well

      • 7 months ago

        not drinking alcohol and not smoking is like 90% of aging gracefully

        • 7 months ago

          The big 4 are smoking, sun damage, obesity, and stress. Which alcohol contributes heavily to. Also hair loss but I’m not gonna open that up.

    • 7 months ago

      If you need a reason to have kids there it is. And grandkids too

  7. 7 months ago

    >maybe this I should check out this vegan shit it can't be THAT gay
    >first food to ear is sperm

  8. 7 months ago

    I hope so, do you think you are gonna get some good answers from IST. Mostly its coping

  9. 7 months ago

    100 pills a day sounds unhealthy? dont they use silica or some sort of material for the casing in the pills that can add up if you take too much?

    • 7 months ago

      i assume he takes pure variants with harmless casings. being a millionaire and all

    • 7 months ago

      Capsules are made from animal callogen

      Science is evolving at unprecedented levels, sure some things there will be found out later to be inefficient or straight up bad for him like smoking was thought to be beneficial. But there is no doubt we may learn to live to 150, 200 or more one day and this is the way to do it.
      The knowledge we have of supplements no one had before. Back in the day we basically only knew to be 100% effective is what you said which is exercising and good diet.

      Telomeres are why humans never (or hardly ever) make it past 120. If they can't get a fix for that there's no way to get past that number. What's most striking is how little "over the table" subsidized research there is towards this topic. The most prominent guys on youtube who studied this shit looked like poorgay hippies, and not like they were making any significant progress.

      • 7 months ago

        >Telomeres are why humans never (or hardly ever) make it past 120.
        Last time I checked people die of cancer and heart attacks, not from telomeres.

        • 7 months ago

          nta but the idea is that telomeres determinefinfluence the number of cellular regeneration cycles your body goes through before your cells start getting fricked up and growing into cancerous tumors. Eventually everyone dies of cancer, it's just that most people get killed by something else first. If you were somehow able to avoid all environmental dangers and live in a bubble your entire life you'd still get cancer and die from it.

          • 7 months ago

            thats moronic. zoo animals rarely if ever get cancer and live up to 3x longer than in the wild.

            • 7 months ago

              >zoo animals rarely if ever get cancer
              Black person what do you think is killing them? Nobody is giving chemo to some old ass giraffes, they just let them croak.
              > live up to 3x longer than in the wild.
              because of the lack of environmental dangers in a zoo enclosure.

              Eventually your cells begin to mutate with higher frequency as they reproduce, this is what cancer is. This is why your body breaks down and dies. It's programmed into your genes.

              • 7 months ago

                theyre not dying of cancer at high rates even though they live longer. your "theory" is moronic and wrong

              • 7 months ago

                It's not a theory, it's literally biology 101. You learned this in gradeschool when you drew pictures of blobs and your teacher talked about mitosis but apparently you weren't paying attention.

              • 7 months ago

                its wrong. Get over it

              • 7 months ago

                >theyre not dying of cancer at high rates even though they live longer.
                moronic assertion as there's no practical way to measure cancer rates and mortality in wild populations to even make a comparison. Why would you even think this would be true in the first place?

              • 7 months ago

                I was talking about zoo animals. Go to your local zoo and ask

            • 7 months ago

              >zoo animals rarely if ever get cancer and live up to 3x longer than in the wild.

              theyre not dying of cancer at high rates even though they live longer. your "theory" is moronic and wrong

              theyre not dying of cancer at high rates even though they live longer.

              I was talking about zoo animals. Go to your local zoo and ask

              >I was talking about zoo animals. Go to your local zoo and ask

              Ask them what? How they know for a fact that zoo animals don't die of cancer at a higher rate than wild animals despite having no data on the cancer rates of wild animals?

              Age is the #1 risk factor of cancer in all animals. Zoo animals live longer, therefore their risk of cancer is higher, they also are exposed to less environmental dangers, meaning the risk of death caused by other factors is reduced.

              There is zero evidence to support your claim that wild animals are dying of cancer at equal or greater rates than those in captivity.

  10. 7 months ago

    people really want to live in this shitty world for a really long time????

    • 7 months ago

      He's rich, its probably not as shitty for him.

  11. 7 months ago

    I hope so I love ACDC

  12. 7 months ago

    He will probably live to 500 once epigenetic reprogamming becomes available

    • 7 months ago

      Most disease is caused by the lifetime accumulation of toxins found in the food we eat. PUFAs, vitamin A, heavy metals, etc.
      Death isn't programmed into our genetics so there is highly limited ability for epigenetic therapies to do frick all for longevity.
      Last time I looked it up, people die of heart attacks and cancer, not "their DNA decided it was time to let them die".

  13. 7 months ago

    He'll be wearing used tissue boxes on his feet and storing his urine in jars in ten years time

    • 7 months ago

      What is that supposed to mean

      • 7 months ago


  14. 7 months ago

    Do you think someone who takes 102 pills every day is really gonna live that long? His mistake will be that he took it overboard instead of just taking the unhealthy things away and eating well and exercising

    • 7 months ago

      Science is evolving at unprecedented levels, sure some things there will be found out later to be inefficient or straight up bad for him like smoking was thought to be beneficial. But there is no doubt we may learn to live to 150, 200 or more one day and this is the way to do it.
      The knowledge we have of supplements no one had before. Back in the day we basically only knew to be 100% effective is what you said which is exercising and good diet.

      • 7 months ago

        >Science is evolving at unprecedented levels
        yet lifespan is decreasing.... science is a meme.

  15. 7 months ago

    Depends on how far he is willing to go. He could probably extend his life a lot if he lives out his days in a country where he can buy organs on demand.

  16. 7 months ago

    nobody is meant to live with that little bodyfat for an extended period of time. also
    >6ft - already working against him. 99% centenarians are below 5"10; the heart won't be able to pump blood through the limbs efficiently, so first mobility goes down, *then* that takes the rest of the body down with it.

    • 7 months ago

      Base rate fallacy
      Overwhelmingly majority of people are shorter than that (including men, let alone woman who are the majority among centenarias, how many woman are taller than that? Lol what are the odds those very few ones would go over 100 years to make any statistical significance to alter the overall %).
      Over 4% in USA are 6'2 and taller, and way less in asian countries where we have the most centenarians

      It's like saying tall man can't into physics nobels because most winners are below that height when in reality almost everyone is below that height.

      • 7 months ago

        Asians live longer

  17. 7 months ago

    Probably not, yet random babushkas who had 15 children, smoked all their lives and never excercised somehow do.

  18. 7 months ago

    He takes fish oil.
    Fish oil guarantees cancer

  19. 7 months ago

    not with that shitty diet

  20. 7 months ago

    A 120 yo person is a undead. Everything is turning off and melting while the person is alive
    If you try to fart, you shit yourself
    If you eat and breath at the same time you choke
    If you move to much you fall and die from blood poisoning from a broken bone
    You are aways kinda confuse
    All you like is past
    All you knew is dead
    Then your grandson enters the room dressed as a girl speaking with a rider woman voice

  21. 7 months ago

    Isnt a richgay? richgays tend to get exposed to more risk via things like private helicopters

  22. 7 months ago

    Doubt it but I find him an interesting character. He's a fricking weirdo yes, but he's at least doing something beneficial to mankind with his money by volunteering to test potential life extension experiments. That's a lot better than spending it on some yacht or bribing some politician.

  23. 7 months ago

    >has millions of his own money
    >decides to spend it on measuring everything he can to allow science to dictate his diet and exercise
    >doesn’t beg anyone for money.
    >doesn’t abuse taxpayer dollars like most public university funded studies
    >gives away all his data for free
    >objectively has top tier physical form

    Yet you frickers still complain and talk shit.

  24. 7 months ago

    The fact he isn't eating animals proteins tells me all his research is bullshit

  25. 7 months ago

    >IST isn't necessarily healthy and focus on stuffing their faces with calories and drugs to get mass
    But this is exactly what bryan is doing. He's stuffing his face with calories and drugs and as a result he's bigger, stronger, leaner, than 99% of IST users.

    • 7 months ago

      He eats 2k calories a day only

      The drugs he uses are supposedly for health benefits, not to gain muscles at the costs of hard side effects

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