Will girls actually start approaching you once you become fit? Or will I have to approach regardless?

Will girls actually start approaching you once you become fit? Or will I have to approach regardless?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Why does every homosexual on here try to come up with ways to avoid making the first move? Fricking pussies.

    • 9 months ago

      I don't avoid the first move, but when a girl approaches I know 100 percent there is some attraction from her, I don't wanna approach some b***h who might thinks I'm ugly

      • 9 months ago

        >i'm risk averse
        >i won't things to be certain

        • 9 months ago

          Have fun with your divorce.

          • 9 months ago

            >thread is about getting laid
            >autist virgin immediately thinks of marriage
            kek you are fricked up kiddo

          • 9 months ago

            Not that anon but

            >i'm risk averse
            >i won't things to be certain

            is right.
            You're more likely to go through a divorce (or more realistically breakups) by being a little b***h who can't make a move because he's too afraid of failure. Being risk averse is not an attractive feature and girls pick up on it quick. No matter if you're fit and look good, that's just first impressions. They're not committed to getting with you (in any capacity) just because they said hi.

            >thread is about getting laid
            >autist virgin immediately thinks of marriage
            kek you are fricked up kiddo

            >only reason to approach a woman is to get laid
            Hello incel

            • 9 months ago

              >You're more likely to go through a divorce (or more realistically breakups) by being a little b***h who can't make a move because he's too afraid of failure.
              This is an actual moronic take. The most likely outcome is that he'll just be single, and you can't divorce/breakup if you're not attached. The issue you describe is more of a risk for people that chronically date randos or use relationships as a salve for their personal problems. You can rationalize that he'll accept anything he's offered in his later years, but that's a totally separate issue from risk aversion.


              Will girls actually start approaching you once you become fit? Or will I have to approach regardless?

              Maybe, maybe not. Dependent on context and how hot you become. In any case, you will likely be treated more favorably if you're fit. There's less risk waiting to be approached, but there's also less opportunity, the choice is yours.

              • 9 months ago

                >The most likely outcome is that he'll just be single
                Of course. By "more likely to go through a divorce" I was referring to a situation where he has managed to find a girl or even marry her (which he was interested in doing). Point being that being risk averse doesn't get you better relationships or help you maintain those relationships which he seemed to think was the case.

        • 9 months ago

          Not that anon but [...] is right.
          You're more likely to go through a divorce (or more realistically breakups) by being a little b***h who can't make a move because he's too afraid of failure. Being risk averse is not an attractive feature and girls pick up on it quick. No matter if you're fit and look good, that's just first impressions. They're not committed to getting with you (in any capacity) just because they said hi.

          >only reason to approach a woman is to get laid
          Hello incel

          >girl wont like me if i dont approach
          this is only one of many things women are attracted to. what overrides this is if women KNOW you frick hot women. ive had women in my social circle approach me after theyve seen me on dates with other women. as long as your fit and a little social the pussy comes to you.

          • 9 months ago

            >>girl wont like me if i dont approach
            Who are you quoting?
            Those messages you replied to were talking about being so risk averse you're too afraid to approach women unless you already know for certain ahead of time you'll succeed. That's a trait that goes far beyond just approaching women. And it's completely different from simply choosing to not approach a girl.

      • 9 months ago

        Develop some social skills, learn to do polite but non-committal chit-chat while observing her reactions. If a girl isn't into you, you end the conversation politely and move along. She might tell other girls she didn't find you attractive but as long as you weren't a creep or a sore loser this won't hurt your prospects.
        How do you do chitchat? Easy, you say something nice about her clothes/hair/karaoke performance/ whatever, ask her, shake hands, ask her who she knows at the party or what brought her to this event. If she likes you she'll ask questions back, don't talk about yourself too much. If she mentions her boyfriend she doesn't want to continue the conversation, you say 'well it was nice talking to you, have a great evening'. Even if someone is rude to you you just stay chill and move around. If you are talking to a lot of women other women will notice and want to size you up for themselves. Make small talk with some less attractive women/ dudes too so you don't look like you're just desperate for pussy.
        The key thing is to keep moving around and not reveal your intention. If there's a girl you really like who doesn't hate you then something might happen the second time you talk - you've already been introduced so you just get back into her orbit and say 'oh hey, nice to see you again' and now you can have a real conversation.

        • 9 months ago

          Good advice

    • 9 months ago

      Probably because from jr high to college men are constantly rejected hard and given very real threats just for looking at women. But he was supposed to double down on his attraction even if she's showing extreme aversion and threatening to call the cops, right? Stay child free and employed by goldberg you dumb gay women. Y'all made your own bed.

    • 9 months ago

      because men are discouraged from doing so. this isn't the 60s anymore, men are repeatedly and actively told specifically that they shouldn't approach:
      > at the gym
      girls are just there to work out and improve themselves, leave them alone.
      > at work
      they're your coworker, don't hit on them and create a hostile environment, leave them alone
      > if they are working and smile at you
      she's just being nice because it's her job to be hospitable, leave her alone.
      > if they're your friend
      there's a certain word that was coined specifically for men who try to get romantically involved with friends that implies that the man was being underhanded, i forgot the name. but the point is you should leave them alone.

      if you dare approach in any situation (note how its literally almost every situation that you encounter a girl), you risk being branded a creep. which again, wasn't a big deal in the 60s where women were regularly written off as hysterics, but it is not a good thing to be branded as today.

      • 9 months ago

        this is one big cope frick you sound like a pussy
        >oh no some rando girl is gonna think i'm a creep better never try

        • 9 months ago

          >reputation doesn't exist

        • 9 months ago

          i was reported to hr for asking a coworker out

          • 9 months ago

            I was arrested and the police told me that only rapists and baby murders approach women

      • 9 months ago

        I don't avoid the first move, but when a girl approaches I know 100 percent there is some attraction from her, I don't wanna approach some b***h who might thinks I'm ugly

        Probably because from jr high to college men are constantly rejected hard and given very real threats just for looking at women. But he was supposed to double down on his attraction even if she's showing extreme aversion and threatening to call the cops, right? Stay child free and employed by goldberg you dumb gay women. Y'all made your own bed.

        cope it is very easy to tell if a chick is into you from body language and eye contact. you dont need to cold approach ever and when you do approach you can just have a normal conversation, if she likes you she will laugh at whatever you say and make an effort to keep the conversation going, if not shes not into you. you dont need to just approach random chicks and ask for their numbers thats incel shit.

        • 9 months ago

          Unless that body language is meant for another man, of course, and you're misinterpreting the signals. Or she doesn't want to look like a bawd.

          • 9 months ago

            Silence virgin the men are talking

            • 9 months ago

              Men aren't slaves to the whims of women, you are the virgin.

              • 9 months ago

                Nope, certified sex haver

              • 9 months ago

                Post your license.

                There is a much better eay to know whethet women are attracted to you
                I have a foolproof eay to tell which women find me attractive
                Is she post puberty? Biological female? Then she thinks I'm sexy no matter what senpai

                You tried to say f a m but got wordfiltered.

              • 9 months ago

                >Post your license

              • 9 months ago

                Checks out.

          • 9 months ago

            There is a much better eay to know whethet women are attracted to you
            I have a foolproof eay to tell which women find me attractive
            Is she post puberty? Biological female? Then she thinks I'm sexy no matter what senpai

      • 9 months ago

        It's over

      • 9 months ago

        It’s hard for you morons to understand but women microanalyze men’s behaviors
        most women can tell very easily why you’re talking to her and if you’re truly confident/comfortable with yourself or just trying to fake it
        having an unattractive person trying to hide that their conversation with you is a thinly-veiled flirting attempt is really fricking annoying and cringy

        • 9 months ago

          i like how girls have this super refined psihological skills when ugly guys aproach them 'because they want to frick them' (which is what basically 99% of people do) which suddendly turn off when rapists, drug dealers, alcholics, abusers etc. try to do the same.

          • 9 months ago

            the whole alpha male thing works when the guy really is like that, but women do have some inate ability to detect bullshit and it really turns them off. A lot of the times guys arent even that slick and their either attempt to come off as a dominate alpha male are pathetic displays of crude behavior or the "nice guy" act is really hollow. If you are just sincere and honest with women, they will at the very least respond more kindly too it.

            Im very forth coming and confident with women and have "won them over" guys I was basically competing with who were better looking or more muscular or richer than me because of this.

            And of course you can always point to dumb ghetto/white trash women picking moronic guys if you really want to

            • 9 months ago

              It’s hard for you morons to understand but women microanalyze men’s behaviors
              most women can tell very easily why you’re talking to her and if you’re truly confident/comfortable with yourself or just trying to fake it
              having an unattractive person trying to hide that their conversation with you is a thinly-veiled flirting attempt is really fricking annoying and cringy

              Women are right in a way when they say "just be yourself" as a tip for men trying to frick. You need to be comfortable with yourself and not try being someone else because it'll feel fake otherwise. And when you're faking a personality it just signals that "real" you does not deserve her.
              I'm wondering if PUAs had a point when they let losers approach women on the street 10s of times in a row.
              I imagine the first times you get rejected it hits really hard but over time you just get desensitized to it and you become more relaxed, natural. Which turns off the woman's bullshit alarm.

              • 9 months ago

                It also depends what you're after; if you just need to get through a night, with enough effort you can learn to bullshit for 3-4 hours in a row and probably even autists can get really good at it. It's stupid to think you can fake your way into something longer, unless you're a psychopath in which case you're not playing the same game as everyone else.

              • 9 months ago

                ive had ex gf’a tell me i’m a narcissist/bipolar damn maybe they’re right

          • 9 months ago

            Women are attracted to dominance and aggressiveness

        • 9 months ago

          >It’s hard for you morons to understand but women microanalyze men’s behaviors
          >most women can tell very easily why you’re talking to her and if you’re truly confident/comfortable with yourself or just trying to fake it
          this is so obviously and demonstrably untrue. go work a sales job and then tell me how sophisticated women's bullshit detectors are. they are easier to sell than men in a large majority of cases.
          oh wait you won't because you're just concocting shit to feel good. this is one of the most moronic myths out there, you can disprove it by using your brain for 2 seconds.

          i like how girls have this super refined psihological skills when ugly guys aproach them 'because they want to frick them' (which is what basically 99% of people do) which suddendly turn off when rapists, drug dealers, alcholics, abusers etc. try to do the same.

          also this

          • 9 months ago

            completely disanalogous you lying gay
            it’s easy to sell women shit because they’re subservient to authority and it’s harder for them to say no
            have a nice day if you think of responding like this

            • 9 months ago

              >it’s easy to sell women shit because they’re subservient to authority
              Then, behave like authority

      • 9 months ago

        Humanity is sick right now and it’s causing men to become incel cowards and women to become neurotic. Truth is you can flirt in almost any setting, what makes it tasteful to women is if you aren’t socially moronic and are able to adapt how subtle you are about it and pick up signals the woman gives. It really is that simple. Women want attention, most will stare at you in the gym mirror for half a second to signal that they’ve noticed you. Others will position themselves a few machines away from you as an “opening” for an approach. Don’t ask me how to flirt at the gym, I’ve never tried cause honestly it seems cringy and forced since I’m not a loud gym bro who flexes in the mirror and acts like they own the whole place.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah this is the root of the issue. The political messaging of the past couple decades have made people anxious and weird about sex. Men get gaslighted from feminists who say one thing and observable reality being very different, women are told every man is a potential rapist so a lot of these guys seem to overthink and worry about what should just be basic social interaction

          • 9 months ago

            > Men get gaslighted from feminists who say one thing and observable reality being very different

            Men don't realize since it's most under the anonymity of the internet but it's the ugly and fat women who say this shit who are also all the feminists. And if you aren't interested in the ugly and fat ones their opinions don't matter.

        • 9 months ago

          The thing with these "signals" is that women will always have some plausible deniability. Women need more than a physically attractive man. When you open your mouth and sound like a wimp she'll look at you disgusted. Say something that bores her and she'll walk away.
          I think many of us can remember times where that happens. It's just hard to say something when there is nothing to work with but a vague "signal". I personally just hate to play these games because it's rigged and I hate jumping through hoops. Plus, it's a no-lose situation for her. I'd rather ignore her.

      • 9 months ago

        Incel cope.

        If she likes me, why wont she approach

        Why don't you approach her first you fricking pussy? Since you obviously like her, by your own criteria why aren't you doing it?

      • 9 months ago

        Those are all just rules for unattractive people.

    • 9 months ago

      shit in a lot of cases the woman makes the first move, it's just really subtle and you have to watch carefully for it

    • 9 months ago

      Because women can literally ruin your life if they didn't want to be approached (or you're just ugly).

      • 9 months ago

        >or so I heard on the internet

        • 9 months ago

          Dawg I've had a woman try to claim sex with her wasn't consensual after she came over to my apartment and started rubbing my dick through my pants first so don't give me this shit about it being an internet thing you stupid virgin.

          • 9 months ago

            You are incredibly low in CHR if this is an issue
            If you are alone with a woman and there is proof she wrnt willingly to br alone with you it is hearsay
            As long as you have a clean criminal record and know how to talk there is 0% chance of being convicted of anything short of murder you do to her

            • 9 months ago

              My only saving grace was that she was literally moronic and sent a text later saying she did want to have sex, but was actually just trying to hold herself back. After that I went off on her then she tried to run me over with a car.

              And how would these false rape allegations in any way be prevented by who approached who?
              You said
              >women can literally ruin your life if they didn't want to be approached
              implying approaching a woman who didn't want you to approach can ruin your life. That's not at all the same as a false rape allegation made after you've had sex with a girl who approached you.

              Dude it takes no time at all for you to get a rep of being the "creepy" guy at the gym/work/wherever and then after that it takes no time at all for you to be completely ostracized or even fired and the only thing you can do at that point is go to a completely new area and start over again. Who the frick wants to have to do any of that over trying to get some pussy when you can just hire an escort or find tinder hoes that will hop on your dick like it's nothing? Women created this stupid moronic environment of making approaching them worthless and potentially even life ruining.

              • 9 months ago

                >talking about sex in text or even on the phone ever
                You probably will get charged with rape one day

              • 9 months ago

                ?? how is having evidence bad??? besides she sent the text after she left saying that shit wasn't consensual, I didn't even bring up the sex and I have zero control over what other people send

              • 9 months ago

                I don't even leave hard evidence I exist
                I buy a new phone every week fampai
                How can thr police get a warrant gor my phone records if my number changes twice a week

              • 9 months ago

                >it takes no time at all for you to get a rep of being the "creepy" guy at the gym/work/wherever and then after that it takes no time at all for you to be completely ostracized or even fired
                Literally "I learned this on LULZ" material.
                You don't get a "creepy rep" by talking to a girl. You get a creepy rep by being genuinely creepy. Something that escapes many IST posters.

              • 9 months ago

                >You don't get a "creepy rep" by talking to a girl. You get a creepy rep by being genuinely creepy. Something that escapes many IST posters.
                You must be genuinely moronic or too attractive and in ignorant bliss to realize that all you need to do to get a "creepy" rep from women is to just be unattractive or catch them in on an off day. Hell you don't even need to talk to them or do anything abnormal to be labeled creepy for no reason.

              • 9 months ago

                No I just interact with real people in the real world instead of learning about "how things really are" through greentext stories and clickbait articles.

                >you don't even need to talk to them or do anything abnormal to be labeled creepy for no reason.
                hello middle school

              • 9 months ago

                Nah, it's clear you've never interacted with anyone at all, especially not women. They talk about guys they think are creepy all the time, throughout college there were always girls talking about the creepy guys in groups and since I actually interacted with both groups (unlike you) it was obvious that they just called a perfectly normal person creepy because he wasn't attractive to them.

              • 9 months ago

                I never said girls don't call some guys creepy.
                You're the one depositing this notion that being called creepy leads to being completely ostracized and fired from your job. And I quote:
                >the only thing you can do at that point is go to a completely new area and start over again
                >women can literally ruin your life
                This is LULZ creepypasta shit.

                You admitted yourself
                >They talk about guys they think are creepy all the time, throughout college there were always girls talking about the creepy guys
                Yet I don't see guys having to drop out and move to another city and start their life all over "all the time". It's some shit that happens a few times a year in some college halfway across the country and you see a headline about it. Seems like a girl calling a guy creepy isn't a death sentence after all, who would've figured???

              • 9 months ago

                >Yet I don't see guys having to drop out and move to another city and start their life all over "all the time". It's some shit that happens a few times a year in some college halfway across the country and you see a headline about it. Seems like a girl calling a guy creepy isn't a death sentence after all, who would've figured???
                Where in the ever loving frick did I ever say it happens, "all the time"?? And one or two times is one or two times too many anyways. I specifically said they CAN ruin your life. People definitely get fired all the time for creating "hostile" work environments for daring to approach a woman out of their league. It's not going to be a fricking news headline every time it happens and if having to uproot your life isn't a problem then you're just straight up moronic. Anyways nice backpedaling dumbass.

              • 9 months ago

                Anta but
                >They can ruin your life
                So can a falling brick when you go outside. The real question is of how often it happens, and the answer is not that often.
                And if you're that scared of it happening, just go pick up chicks in a different city/country and use a fake name.

              • 9 months ago

                Happens constantly
                Even talking to women can get you convicted falsely with rape, that's why I frick men only even though I'm straight
                Can't risk rape cha

              • 9 months ago

                >So can a falling brick when you go outside. The real question is of how often it happens, and the answer is not that often.
                Falling bricks don't hit people often, so I know, I should just stand under a building and have my friends throw bricks down at me since it doesn't happen often! Your analogies are pretty shitty, I get what you're trying to say, but your examples are completely irrelevant. There is zero risk for a women to frick your shit up if you just don't approach them and just frick them in other ways. It just doesn't make sense to me to put yourself at unnecessary risk because it "doesn't happen often" and is just not the smart thing to do.

              • 9 months ago

                These incels will never understand that even talking yo womrn ruins your life
                I made eye contact with a woman on accident for the first time in years last month and I'm currently facing trial for 2nd degree battery and sexual assault she made up

              • 9 months ago

                >Falling bricks don't hit people often
                You'd be surprised.
                >I should just stand under a building and have my friends throw bricks down at me since it doesn't happen often
                You're a moron, since the analogy is obviously about falling bricks, not people throwing bricks at you, but whatever.
                >It just doesn't make sense to me to put yourself at unnecessary risk because it "doesn't happen often" and is just not the smart thing to do.
                So move to a place with no brick buildings then.

              • 9 months ago

                >when you throw something, it doesn't fall

              • 9 months ago

                >your honor, I didn't shoot the victim, the bullet just fell on their head really fast!
                Good luck getting out of court with that one.

              • 9 months ago

                Okay? moronic point you're trying to make.

              • 9 months ago

                Not my problem you can't distinguish between a brick falling and a brick being thrown at you.

              • 9 months ago

                Now you're saying falling? First it was drop. Okay, since you seem to be braindead and think that objects that are thrown don't have drop to them, I'll just say instead I stand under a building being demolished then.

              • 9 months ago

                >Now you're saying falling? First it was drop

                Anta but
                >They can ruin your life
                So can a falling brick when you go outside. The real question is of how often it happens, and the answer is not that often.
                And if you're that scared of it happening, just go pick up chicks in a different city/country and use a fake name.

                >So can a falling brick when you go outside. The real question is of how often it happens, and the answer is not that often.
                Nope, it was "falling" from the very beginning. Problem is, you're a moron who can't read.

                >>You don't understand, I was only pretending to be moronic
                You don't even know what that means, that only works when someone cops out of argument by playing dumb. Getting baited like you did is just moronic newbie shit.

                >goes on a whole tirade about how his loser paranoid attitude is correct
                >n-no I was b-baiting you ha ha n-n-newbie
                Ok moron
                >cops out of argument by playing dumb
                Which is exactly what you're doing. Which is textbook behavior for a cowardly loser.

                Just say that you're scared of women. This is what it all boils down to anyways.

              • 9 months ago

                lmao the seethe is delicious. Lurk moar newbie.

              • 9 months ago

                Stay losing, baby.

              • 9 months ago

                No seriously though, the guy switched jobs 17 times this year alone and can't even live near schools all from workplace rumors, it's clearly a true story.

              • 9 months ago

                Doesn't make a difference, objects that are thrown fall too. Quit being moronic.

              • 9 months ago

                Ok and?
                Women talk shit all the time, gossip is their defining trait. Unless there are legal repercussions involved, what women think is irrelevant, so why do you care?
                >oh noesies, the girlies think I'm cweepy
                Frickin middle school tier.
                Maybe if you focused more on yourself and your business instead of fretting about whatever moronic shit comes out of these women's mouths, you'd be more successful.

              • 9 months ago

                Successful people actually care what others think about them unlike losers like you.

              • 9 months ago

                So much this
                Don't bother arguing with these incels
                Had a friend who tried to chat up a eoman at my job, hr got fired two weeks later and killed himself
                Never talk to women
                Only have male friends
                Only have sex with prostitutes

              • 9 months ago

                Yes, I'm sure all the celebs get real fricking depressed whenever some rando talks shit about them in the comments.
                You're a moron and a coward. Successful people keep doing what they're doing, and if someone decides to talk shit, they act like the bigger man and ignore it or treat it jokingly. They don't spazz out like an autist.
                And just as a sidenote, successful people only care about the opinions of their superiors. If you care about the opinions of everyone, that means you're at the bottom of the hierarchy.

                It's obvious you are an incel. Even a simple rumor can get you fired from work. I've had to switch jobs 17 times so far this year since women constantly report me for stalking harassment and assault at jobs. Cancel culture shit is real and ruins your life, I can't even live near schools.

                >Even a simple rumor can get you fired from work.
                Yeah, if you're some weird loner homosexual that has no friends. If you make friends and are social, your words weigh more than the accuser's, which makes the rumor worthless.
                >I've had to switch jobs 17 times so far this year
                >I can't even live near schools.
                Well maybe it's cause you actually are a creepy frick. I would've understood if rumors got you fired from 2 or 3 jobs, but 17? In ONE year? There's a history there, and you're the common denominator.

              • 9 months ago

                >If you make friends
                See, this proves you know nothing and are an incel. I've had the same 5 male friends since highschool. It's almost impossible to make friends as and adult. You'll learn when you grow up kid.

              • 9 months ago

                >I have the bare minimum number of friends, and I only have them because of high school
                >this proves that you are the loser
                Fricking hell
                >it's almost impossible to make friends as an adult
                Not really. It's pretty ez, but you don't know that, because you're a coward loser.
                >you'll learn
                What? You've obviously learnt nothing since high school, proof bring the source of your friendships.

                >Yes, I'm sure all the celebs get real fricking depressed whenever some rando talks shit about them in the comments.
                >You're a moron and a coward. Successful people keep doing what they're doing, and if someone decides to talk shit, they act like the bigger man and ignore it or treat it jokingly. They don't spazz out like an autist.
                >And just as a sidenote, successful people only care about the opinions of their superiors. If you care about the opinions of everyone, that means you're at the bottom of the hierarchy.
                You said it yourself you moron. They care about their superiors and the people that they build obvious bonds with or people that look up to them. Obviously there are going to be haters when you're successful, and they can specifically ignore those haters BECAUSE they actually care about the opinions of others that have helped make them successful. They are going to care about some moronic seething tadpole like you, but they are going to care about others opinions still because if they did not they would not get anywhere. You can't be successful when everyone hates you or thinks you're creepy or whatever like you.

                The rationalization hamster in your head is about to fricking die from exhaustion.
                >They care about their superiors and the people that they build obvious bonds with or people that look up to them
                Nope. Just people that are superior to them. Maybe their equals if they're not snobby. No one cares about those below them. So why the frick do you care about the opinions of random people? Why do you care that some random woman thinks you're creepy? You care because you're a loser, and because you think that everyone is superior to you. And as long as you will keep fretting about everyone's opinions, you will remain a loser.

              • 9 months ago

                >Yes, I'm sure all the celebs get real fricking depressed whenever some rando talks shit about them in the comments.
                >You're a moron and a coward. Successful people keep doing what they're doing, and if someone decides to talk shit, they act like the bigger man and ignore it or treat it jokingly. They don't spazz out like an autist.
                >And just as a sidenote, successful people only care about the opinions of their superiors. If you care about the opinions of everyone, that means you're at the bottom of the hierarchy.
                You said it yourself you moron. They care about their superiors and the people that they build obvious bonds with or people that look up to them. Obviously there are going to be haters when you're successful, and they can specifically ignore those haters BECAUSE they actually care about the opinions of others that have helped make them successful. They are going to care about some moronic seething tadpole like you, but they are going to care about others opinions still because if they did not they would not get anywhere. You can't be successful when everyone hates you or thinks you're creepy or whatever like you.

              • 9 months ago

                Going from your posts alone I assume you are an asovial autsitic creepy weirdo yeah you aint wrong
                I saw you looking at my girl Id have a hand on my gun no cap

              • 9 months ago

                Did you steal some of your moms alcohol from the cabinet or something?

              • 9 months ago

                My mom is getting fricked by your dad rn why do you ask

              • 9 months ago

                It's obvious you are an incel. Even a simple rumor can get you fired from work. I've had to switch jobs 17 times so far this year since women constantly report me for stalking harassment and assault at jobs. Cancel culture shit is real and ruins your life, I can't even live near schools.

                >getting baited this hard in the year 2023 of our lord

              • 9 months ago

                >You don't understand, I was only pretending to be moronic
                Yeah ok, you're still a loser and a coward.

              • 9 months ago

                >>You don't understand, I was only pretending to be moronic
                You don't even know what that means, that only works when someone cops out of argument by playing dumb. Getting baited like you did is just moronic newbie shit.

              • 9 months ago

                It's obvious you are an incel. Even a simple rumor can get you fired from work. I've had to switch jobs 17 times so far this year since women constantly report me for stalking harassment and assault at jobs. Cancel culture shit is real and ruins your life, I can't even live near schools.

              • 9 months ago

                >I've had to switch jobs 17 times so far this year since women constantly report me for stalking harassment

                You're full of shit or are doing something fricked up

              • 9 months ago

                Nah, it's clear you've never interacted with anyone at all, especially not women. They talk about guys they think are creepy all the time, throughout college there were always girls talking about the creepy guys in groups and since I actually interacted with both groups (unlike you) it was obvious that they just called a perfectly normal person creepy because he wasn't attractive to them.

                You are essentially correct, but you're missing some of the big picture. The girls who go around shit talking everybody also shit talk other girls, women like that aren't totally normal with one weird quirk about trashing men as creeps, it's always the one's with a screw loose, and they're a problem everywhere they go. They stir up shit at work, with their friends, with family, etc. Focusing on them, you'll actually make things worse for yourself, because if someone ever confronts you like "x said you were being weird", you've automatically primed yourself to have a panic attack when you hear that information. You can choose not to let that shit affect you. Yes fake accusations with authorities/jobs are potentially life ruining, but so are car accidents. If you drive nervous, you're more likely to get in an accident.

              • 9 months ago

                I just cannot comprehend why you gays care about your life being ruined or whatever
                Are you guys immortal?
                If you are gonna die why live life in fear

              • 9 months ago

                Check your fire, I'm one of the guys saying it's not worth worrying over.

              • 9 months ago

                None are normal. Women shit talking everyone isn't some little thing that goes on. A majority of women are shit talking b***hes with a chip on their shoulder. Women are primal as frick, there is a pecking order if they don't all play around with that order then they get ostracized just as much. If someone doesn't care about their social life since they likely don't have one anyways like this moron

                I just cannot comprehend why you gays care about your life being ruined or whatever
                Are you guys immortal?
                If you are gonna die why live life in fear

                then obviously it doesn't matter. It's just best to not approach women and just do other things to interact with them if you just want pussy.

              • 9 months ago

                >since they likely don't have one anyways like this moron
                I do and I mostly onteract with women, all my friends are women
                In what fantasy scenario do I get accused of rape?
                Who is going to risk their life, the lives of their family members, just to try and maybe get me in prison for a few years? Who benefits? Setiously explain to me autist, what woman is going to risk her life just to accuse me of rape?

              • 9 months ago

                Probably none since you sound like a huge homosexual and obviously aren't having sex with any of them.
                >Who benefits?
                The women, they get to feel like a victim which is something that is praised in society now.
                >what woman is going to risk her life just to accuse me of rape?
                What risk? Literally nothing happens when a woman falsely accuses a man of rape 99% of the time.

              • 9 months ago

                >obviously aren't having sex with any of them
                Why would I have a friend that I didn't have sex with?
                >Literally nothing happens when a woman falsely accuses a man of rape 99% of the time.
                That is a you problem. I've only been accused of rape once and just like Kevin Spacey the allegations disappeared after some coincidneces unrelated to me

              • 9 months ago

                >Why would I have a friend that I didn't have sex with?
                So you are a gay or have zero guy friends? I don't see why any one would want to be friends with women at all.
                >That is a you problem
                This response literally doesn't make sense.
                >In what fantasy scenario do I get accused of rape?
                >I've only been accused of rape once
                genuinely moronic

              • 9 months ago

                Why would I want to interact with men?
                All the girls I know are like daughters to me it's fun to do stuff with them and frick them
                You sound like the gay one son

              • 9 months ago

                >All the girls I know are like daughters to me it's fun to do stuff with them and frick them

              • 9 months ago

                Franz did nothing wrong

              • 9 months ago

                Again, you're not wrong, but you're missing the bigger picture. It's like people who are paranoid of germs, yes there are germs everywhere, some of the them super deadly, but you can't live your life thinking about that. But I do agree, it's best not to approach women and use dating apps instead or seek out environments where you basically have social permission to hit on them, like bars. But I envy guys with the balls to cold approach girls, I wish I had that level of confidence.

              • 9 months ago

                >Again, you're not wrong, but you're missing the bigger picture. It's like people who are paranoid of germs, yes there are germs everywhere, some of the them super deadly, but you can't live your life thinking about that
                And you can't live your life just ignoring the incredibly deadly germs. It's about being smart, not paranoid or living in fear. You don't go rolling around in a pile of shit with cuts all over you because the germs would obviously wreck your shit. There doesn't have to be any extreme where you just ignore all risks or are constantly paranoid of all risks. You can ignore risks that are minimal and still be smart about the ones that are worse.

              • 9 months ago

                Me personally, I tend towards paranoia so that's the extreme I consciously work to curtail. You sound like you do as well but ultimately that's not for me to say.

          • 9 months ago

            And how would these false rape allegations in any way be prevented by who approached who?
            You said
            >women can literally ruin your life if they didn't want to be approached
            implying approaching a woman who didn't want you to approach can ruin your life. That's not at all the same as a false rape allegation made after you've had sex with a girl who approached you.

            • 9 months ago

              If a girl approached you she probably has BPD so it's easier to defend yourself in court
              >your honor this b***h be craycray frfr on god

              • 9 months ago

                In that story she was the one rubbing his junk and yet he still got in trouble by a false rape allegation, so it's not really a good example to exhibit how you can get in trouble for approaching girls.
                Unless the solution is to literally go mgtow.

              • 9 months ago

                The solution is to not be a fricking loser
                Kevin Spacey has raped and killed over 100 boys
                There is nothing to fear of rape allegations if you always act like a rapist who knows how to not get caught
                Big brain

    • 9 months ago

      Fpbp, just go there and talk to her, literally anything to signal that you want her number to meet and etc

      • 9 months ago

        Anon you should never make a girl think you want to date her
        Make her think you want to frick her

    • 9 months ago

      leftover thinking from highschool. everyone is scared of making a move because they fear the rejection that, back then at least, would mark your reputation among everyone as negative, or so you would fear.

      the thing a lot of them don't get is that as an adult out of school if you asked anyone the frick out at a bar or whatever social thing, if you get rejected it's basically "lol no worries" and you never actually see that person again and no one even fricking remembers the day after. there really is nothing to fear as an adult because there's no negative rep happening.

      • 9 months ago

        This was true in the pre-smartphone/social media era, now almost EVERYTHING is documented and everyone pulls out their cameras (phones) at any slight IRL cringe to post that content online. Send an awkward intimate text to a girl? The girls are all already laughing at screenshot in the girl group chat? Do an awkward thing IRL? You're already being laughed at on tiktok/instagram by thousands. Not to mention the entire MeToo cancel narrative.

        It's also one of the reasons why zoomers are so deathly afraid of doing anything even just showing emotions because they are all deathly afraid of any possible cringe so they remain flatline at all times

        • 9 months ago

          >This was true in the pre-smartphone/social media era, now almost EVERYTHING is documented and everyone pulls out their cameras (phones) at any slight IRL cringe to post that content online. Send an awkward intimate text to a girl? The girls are all already laughing at screenshot in the girl group chat? Do an awkward thing IRL? You're already being laughed at on tiktok/instagram by thousands. Not to mention the entire MeToo cancel narrative.

          i had dated exclusively through tinder for the last 6 years or so and i think i bagged maybe over 20 girls in that time, and i had never actually encountered this once ever. I also do not have a facebook, and texted exclusively through snap or a google voice number. I really think it depends on the type of girl you're going for, and if you're going for a girl who is that obsessed with that kind of shit, and then exposes you for whatever reason, the only people who are actually, truly caring or documenting you are people you probably won't ever be associated with ever, and in reality would never affect you anyway.

        • 9 months ago

          >This was true in the pre-smartphone/social media era, now almost EVERYTHING is documented and everyone pulls out their cameras (phones) at any slight IRL cringe to post that content online. Send an awkward intimate text to a girl? The girls are all already laughing at screenshot in the girl group chat? Do an awkward thing IRL? You're already being laughed at on tiktok/instagram by thousands. Not to mention the entire MeToo cancel narrative.
          You're not that interesting. And even if you do get filmed and laughed at, you an I both know the lifespan of anything viral on the internet. You are forgotten in 1 month tops.

          • 9 months ago

            >you an I both know the lifespan of anything viral on the internet
            That's the lifespan of global virality yes. But such thing stay forever locally.

            What you are writing is the equivalent of saying to an OnlyFans girl that it doesn't matter that her future kids will be able to find her pictures/videos online because most people will forget about it by then.

            • 9 months ago

              Onlyfans chicks post multiple high definition photos and videos of themselves from multiple angles. Also they make porn, which is in the very top of interesting things.
              Some shitty 1 minute vid of you being awkward, filmed with some potato camera held in a pocket is gonna be forgotten in a month. And as long as you weren't genuinely being creepy, your peers are gonna side with you, since filming someone unknowingly is a dick move.

    • 9 months ago

      because they want to know how good it feels to be the one doing the rejecting
      (shit feels SO cash)

    • 9 months ago

      I see you're not ugly.
      You wouldn't get it.

    • 9 months ago

      Welcome to the modern world. Some of these girls could smile at a guy or not be a raging c**t, that would be apreciated by many men.

  2. 9 months ago

    Tbh it makes no difference, I've been scrawny, fat, and I've been fit and I've had the same success with women either way

    Don't wait for girls to approach you brah it will never happen, you gotta go approach them, introduce yourself and make a move

    • 9 months ago

      This anon is right. Women are spergs and cowards, they won't make the first move, ever. Either you're not good looking enough for them to be motivated, or you're intimidatingly handsome, there's no in between.

      • 9 months ago

        I am

        I've been approached by women before, but because I was still in highschool I didn't know what was going on yet still somewhat had the natural intuition saying she might be into me. I would talk to my older sister about it and she would tell me I was just seeing things that way because I was male and the male brain is arrogant, horny, and evil.
        Basically, she was a hardcore femnazi during the early 2010s, but I didn't have the experience to know this. I trusted her because she was family and 5 years older than me. That sister later became a female to male troony because she was apparently always just insecure and envious of men. To make matters worse, when I wouldn't act on the advances girls gave me, they would cope with it by attacking me behind my back. More than once girls made it their mission to spread rumors that I was gay because they couldn't handle even the most least dramatic rejection maturely.

        I fricking hate women. Female idiocy is never punished.

        I was then a turbo DYEL and (still) a 5'7 manlet with FtM looking face and long hair. Not a chad in any angle.

        • 9 months ago

          sorry I am

          Till date I have only been cold approached once in my life (probably the last) some older girl from my uni saw me sitting in the campus and asked me for my insta after saying I have a nice t shirt. I told her I don't use insta and she walked away. Few months Later I made an insta and she found my account somehow and sent me a request. She had a boyfriend by then.
          I sometimes pass by her in the hallways but I avoid eye contact like plague.

        • 9 months ago

          I am actually

          I've been approached by women before, but because I was still in highschool I didn't know what was going on yet still somewhat had the natural intuition saying she might be into me. I would talk to my older sister about it and she would tell me I was just seeing things that way because I was male and the male brain is arrogant, horny, and evil.
          Basically, she was a hardcore femnazi during the early 2010s, but I didn't have the experience to know this. I trusted her because she was family and 5 years older than me. That sister later became a female to male troony because she was apparently always just insecure and envious of men. To make matters worse, when I wouldn't act on the advances girls gave me, they would cope with it by attacking me behind my back. More than once girls made it their mission to spread rumors that I was gay because they couldn't handle even the most least dramatic rejection maturely.

          I fricking hate women. Female idiocy is never punished.

          and just finished my laundry only to return to find some manlet "accidentally" claiming he's me. I'm actually 6'2" and was one of the tallest guys in my highschool hence the fact women approached me in case anyone was wondering. But the whole thing about women being overtly indirect and cowardly is 1000% accurate. If you combine that with all this fricking feminist shit that's been shoved down our throats for the past decade there is absolutely no way in hell a young man is going to catch these hints. Real life is not like like your romance fanfictions and teen novels, males are real humans and just like you we don't know anything when we're young. Asking us to just know what you want us to know despite constant messages telling us the opposite is not reasonable. Maybe one or two guys learn it young or somehow miss all the feminist propaganda, but its not typical in this day and age.

          • 9 months ago

            homie your post and mine

            Till date I have only been cold approached once in my life (probably the last) some older girl from my uni saw me sitting in the campus and asked me for my insta after saying I have a nice t shirt. I told her I don't use insta and she walked away. Few months Later I made an insta and she found my account somehow and sent me a request. She had a boyfriend by then.
            I sometimes pass by her in the hallways but I avoid eye contact like plague.

            were right beside thats why I accidentally quoted you, cut me some slack.

      • 9 months ago

        theyre not cowards most women nowadays have massively inflated egos now due to social media so they assume every guy likes them. the reason they dont approach is because it is a test to filter out beta males. they give extremely obvious signs but if hes a beta he still wont approach.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah I’m a gurl and it’s because if a guy won’t come up to you, he isn’t interested enough to make it worth being with him.
          Loads of men will be receptive to a woman they find mid actively asking to sleep with them, but if they consider you mid they’re probably just going to try to get an easy lay and then never call you again after they’ve sobered up. If they bother to approach, they find you attractive enough that they’re more likely to enter a relationship with you.

          Confidence is also a very attractive quality

          • 9 months ago

            So instead we’ll just maybe smile at you or ask what you do for work or something and if you’re not actively working to seduce us then we don’t want it

          • 9 months ago

            >if a guy approaches you he wants a relationship with you
            This is how a roastie is made. Many such cases. Enjoy being pumped and dumped, hope you like cats, feel bad for whoever you marry if you do.

          • 9 months ago

            I can’t believe I’m agreeing with a woman who posts on IST. this is pretty accurate but obviously there are exceptions to the rule. if a girl is too eager/easy it’s a turn off for most men and yeah it makes me think less of them. men should be approaching most of the time, it’s just nature. let’s not forget that most women will drop countless of hints and make it easier for the guy to make the first move.

          • 9 months ago

            So instead we’ll just maybe smile at you or ask what you do for work or something and if you’re not actively working to seduce us then we don’t want it

            >if a guy approaches you he wants a relationship with you
            This is how a roastie is made. Many such cases. Enjoy being pumped and dumped, hope you like cats, feel bad for whoever you marry if you do.

            I can’t believe I’m agreeing with a woman who posts on IST. this is pretty accurate but obviously there are exceptions to the rule. if a girl is too eager/easy it’s a turn off for most men and yeah it makes me think less of them. men should be approaching most of the time, it’s just nature. let’s not forget that most women will drop countless of hints and make it easier for the guy to make the first move.

            The foid is right. Whoever approaches first, loses. The power dynamic is decided. The approached party knows it has all the power to play games and make the other one grovel on his knees. Basically the same thing these guys are saying

            Doing nice shit for a woman without being prompted sets the expectation that that's how the whole fricking relationship will go. If you approach and take the initiative, get ready to do that for the whole relationship. As someone who has been in that kind of relationship, i would rather be single than do it again


            So much this. "Approach" is a game for scammers and simps. If you just want to get laid, and are socially savvy enough, you can follow a woman's signals and expectations long enough to do the deed, which is all you need. If you're not, and/or you want something longer-term with a woman, you lose this game as soon as you start playing because you will NEVER be able to follow every signal, hint, innuendo, indirect "move", or "extremely obvious sign" for longer than a couple of weeks, if that. If you do, you're either a social savant (i.e., psychopath) or you're so obsessive and analytical over it that she's got your brain in her pocket and you're now easy to manipulate, plus easy to blame everything on because "you should have known".

            Women get away with this because they can, which sadly makes most attractive women not worth the effort because they can either get Chad to read the hints for long enough to bust, or beta Taro to read the hints for long enough to get suckered into a one-sided sexless relationship. And it works, I see it all the time. When I look back on cases where a woman "gave signals" or "gave hints", I'm relieved because I dodged a bullet. NEVER get attached to someone like this.
            >but that's how 99% of women are
            I'd rather be alone than with 99% of women then. Been there, done that, juice ain't worth the squeeze.
            >but you'll never get into a relationship at all
            I've been in many, and the only one where I took the effort to "read signals" and try to "take hints" she had borderline personality disorder and I was blackmailed into hell for five years I'll never get back. No fricking thank you.

        • 9 months ago

          >massively inflated egos
          >social media
          Nah dog, they have absolutely destroyed their self-esteem with that shit. Approaching and telling her you think she's gorgeous works 90%of the time, because you're saying that person-to-person, not with Insta filters between you

  3. 9 months ago

    Based Arnold, it's shame what israelites did to him

    • 9 months ago

      >people aren't in control of their own choices
      You have the lowest form of cuck mindset there is.

      • 9 months ago

        >people aren’t misled by other people into making choices that end up slowly destroying them
        if he’s a cuck then you’re the one trying to read “gullible” on the ceiling

    • 9 months ago

      Circumcised him? Because he's circumcised.

      • 9 months ago

        Emasculate him

      • 9 months ago

        Wat? Why the hell did that happen?

    • 9 months ago

      Did what? He loves israelites and you should too

  4. 9 months ago

    i highly doubt Arnold actually said that while being over 20y/o. that's pedo + incel shit

    • 9 months ago

      Ok old hag

      • 9 months ago

        >wanting to frick hot girls is now incel shit
        either reddit or post wall roastie.

        fricking underage girls is degenerate Black person behaviour you raging coombrain morons

        and you can't compensate for teen love in that way either, if you missed it that's it, no coping

        • 9 months ago

          >doing what literally every single man did in the last 6000 years is degenerate Black person behaviour

        • 9 months ago

          hello twitter

          people have gotten MARRIED around 13-15 for thousands of years. all the way up until the early 1900s. but because muh laws in the last 100 years drew an arbitrary line at 18 now it's pedo incel behaviour lmaooo.
          btw the age of consent isn't 18 in most places. that's just the age girls have to be to appear in porn. the only contact you have to sex, so I get why you'd be confused.

          • 9 months ago

            >in the last 100 years drew an arbitrary line at 18 now it's pedo incel behaviour
            This isn't even the case anywhere outside the anglosphere or feminist shitholes like korea

            • 9 months ago

              I know, but according to that anon it is. That's what I was referring to.

        • 9 months ago

          The internet HATES it but if you're over 25 you're old.
          >okay zoomer
          No, I mean you're old in terms of dating and shit like that. Arnold is right. The best time to date is when you're 16, by the time you're 25 you should be married with a kid and planning on or having already put a downpayment on a house.

          All these old millennials faking families at 40 because they missed out being bawds in their 20s and 30s are done. The zoomers are making the same mistake, they're done too. People get married at 40 and have a downie kid and wonder what they did wrong. If it was 1000 years ago, a 40yo man would be encouraging his son to find himself a wife. He'd be a grandfather in his 50s. He'd be in the grave in his 60s. The increasing life expectancy memed people into thinking you could stay young forever, but over 25 isn't young, it's middle aged historically speaking and human capabilities reflect that- with test declining in your early 30s, that's the point where your health will only ever get worse. You were at your peak when you were 20, that was where you should have found your wife. But everyone will cope, use test and say "I'm still young".

          Roasties, especially, hate the frick out of these cold hard facts.

          • 9 months ago

            >If it was 1000 years ago
            it's not a 1000 years ago you fricking mongoloid moron idiot

          • 9 months ago

            >People get married at 40 and have a downie kid and wonder what they did wrong.
            My cousin did just that. The irony is that his wife is a well-paid doctor and now they're getting the best downie toys and downie care for their downie kid. Really was worth putting off that first child until their mid-40s so they had the money needed to take best possible care of a moron.

            But there are shades of larp to your post. It doesn't really matter what people did in pre-industrial times when we don't live in those times and you actually do need to find a woman to start a family. You can't just imagine a perfect one into existence according to how things "should" be. Would it be nice to marry in your early 20s? Sure. Do you come off as a lunatic to 95% of "modern" women if you try that? Also yes.

            >You were at your peak when you were 20
            Men physically peak around 30-35. In terms of athletic performance etc.
            There's a reason rookies aren't dominating sports leagues.

            • 9 months ago

              >Men physically peak around 30-35. In terms of athletic performance etc.
              >There's a reason rookies aren't dominating sports leagues.
              Depends on the sport. 35 is very old for soccer.

              • 9 months ago

                That's because most soccer players have completely busted legs by 35.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah but that's because they've accumulated a ton of minor injuries and repetitive strain from competing at a high level for 20 years at that point. Your body isn't built to push yourself to the limit against others who are the best in the world at their physical peak several times a week for 6-9 months out of a year.

                Yet even in pro sports the best players are around 30 years old. Someone who keeps themself fit but whose profession doesn't force them to overexert themselves constantly will stay at that peak closer to 40.

            • 9 months ago

              >If it was 1000 years ago
              it's not a 1000 years ago you fricking mongoloid moron idiot

              >But there are shades of larp to your post. It doesn't really matter what people did in pre-industrial times when we don't live in those times and you actually do need to find a woman to start a family.
              You guys aren't getting it

              It doesn't matter if it's not 10,000 years ago, you literally can't outrun biology just because people live longer and can 'do more stuff' and retire later and be old to an age that people in ancient times would have considered you "the oldest guy in town who remembers when the emperor marched to conquer this place generations ago" or whatever. Biology is irrefutable, having kids late is demonstrably a bad thing, financial incentives or societal copes cannot change this or your friend's downie kid.

              Your post is so delusional and out of touch with reality/society you probably haven't left your parents house yet. Definitely haven't graduated high school because then at least you'd have some grasp on basic economics. I'm guessing... 14 years old?

              Found the roastie.

              • 9 months ago

                >you literally can't outrun biology
                You kinda can. It's called modern medicine.

                >You guys aren't getting it
                You're not getting it. I didn't deny that a lot of what you mentioned is true. And it's a good guideline for a ton of "should've"s and "would've"s. But the thing is, you need to find a real flesh and blood woman living in 2023 to start your family. How you imagine things would be if they were perfect like in your hyperborean fantasy doesn't make a lick of difference. You can't just make the world into how you wish it were no matter how nice that would be. Especially when it involves another person. Especially when that other person is a woman, who are even more shaped by societal pressure than men are.

              • 9 months ago

                >You kinda can. It's called modern medicine.
                You can't. Freezing eggs only has a 2% chance of success. The dream of the 45yo roastie having kids on the same level she could have had when she was 25 is just that, a dream.
                >YOU NEED A REAL WOMAN
                That's crazy dude but it's just not worth having a downie. Zoomer girls want to frick 25+ men but don't want to settle down 'with an older guy' but don't want guys the same age as them? That sucks but America is a shithole so what are ya gonna do?

                There are, in fact, people who do settle down early. They will inherit the future. The ones who waited until 40 are done, they're over, their genes are spent. Better to be on a tropical beach with a thai ladyboy than have a downie kid.

              • 9 months ago

                >Freezing eggs only has a 2% chance of success.
                Freezing eggs isn't the only thing modern medicine does. People in their 30s are much healthier and stronger than they were say 500 years ago. Nutrition and natal care and preventive medicine and all that shit plays a huge role in that. Of course modern medicine can't fix everything, but it certainly plays a big role in why people today don't have to do everything like people 1000 years ago did.

                >There are, in fact, people who do settle down early. They will inherit the future.
                I wish, but in my experience those who had kids early are mostly morons who breed more morons. Yes, there are some religious sects that settle down early, good for them. I hope nothing but the best. But in the current year most people who have kids early are just high school drop outs who were too drunk to use a condom. And they'll barely take care of their kids while binging on welfare-funded alcohol and cigarettes, leading most likely to another similar generation of frickups.

                >so what are ya gonna do?
                You can try to make the best of it. I'm not a fan of any of those developments you mentioned either. And I certainly don't want a downie kid.

              • 9 months ago

                >You kinda can. It's called modern medicine.
                You can't. Freezing eggs only has a 2% chance of success. The dream of the 45yo roastie having kids on the same level she could have had when she was 25 is just that, a dream.
                >YOU NEED A REAL WOMAN
                That's crazy dude but it's just not worth having a downie. Zoomer girls want to frick 25+ men but don't want to settle down 'with an older guy' but don't want guys the same age as them? That sucks but America is a shithole so what are ya gonna do?

                There are, in fact, people who do settle down early. They will inherit the future. The ones who waited until 40 are done, they're over, their genes are spent. Better to be on a tropical beach with a thai ladyboy than have a downie kid.

            • 9 months ago

              >There's a reason rookies aren't dominating sports leagues.

              When you enter a league where everyone is just as or even more physical than you, you need more that physicality to dominate. Rookies don't have that experience that's why they don't dominate.

              • 9 months ago

                In physical sports like hockey or american football it's mainly the physicality that's keeping rookies back. They usually have better technique and speed. Obviously experience plays a role too, but it's just an anecdote. Men physically peaking around 30 has been studied a ton.

                Also, look at sports that don't involve any direct contact to other players but are still physical. Like running, track and field, weight lifting etc. Men in their 30s win the most championships.

          • 9 months ago

            Your post is so delusional and out of touch with reality/society you probably haven't left your parents house yet. Definitely haven't graduated high school because then at least you'd have some grasp on basic economics. I'm guessing... 14 years old?

            • 9 months ago

              I don't see an argument in there... or are you just venting? Usually I go to

              when I need to really let it out.

            • 9 months ago

              You’re old and missed out on finding a wife oldgay

    • 9 months ago

      >wanting to frick hot girls is now incel shit
      either reddit or post wall roastie.

    • 9 months ago

      >i highly doubt Arnold actually said that while being over 20y/o. that's pedo + incel shit

  5. 9 months ago

    > Google search reveals no source for the quote besides some nonce /misc/ thread
    Checks out.

  6. 9 months ago

    What a good time to be jacked that was. Nowadays it's nowhere near that impressive or cool. What a boring world to live in, you can cut a kid's breasts or dick and you are a progressive hero, but if you have sex with a 16 yo you are an irredeemable monster

    • 9 months ago

      I must return to a small village in the motherland, where the tallest building is the church.

      • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        Love to get flooded out of my home every spring

  7. 9 months ago

    >just approach girls bro
    >i have a boyfriend
    >pepper spray
    >eww creep

    >chad sits at bar
    >girls surround him

    • 9 months ago

      tell me you are incel without telling me

    • 9 months ago

      >a dug dealer with tattoos sits at bar
      >girls surround him

    • 9 months ago

      moronic Elliot Rodger mentality, the vast majority of the time the guy needs to put in atleast some effort to get attention from women

  8. 9 months ago

    Friendly reminder that only guys had (and have) Arnold posters in their rooms, not girls.

    You will attract more guys with a physique like that than girls.

    • 9 months ago

      So he got more pussy than he knew what to do with AND was worshipped by millions of men? And this is... a bad thing?

  9. 9 months ago

    Yea they will but you still gotta spit game

  10. 9 months ago

    Girls will make the first move if you’re hot enough, but their version of “the first move” is giving you eye contact and a small smile, maybe tucking hair behind her ear, and then looking away to talk to her friends for the rest of the night. That’s it.

    If that’s not enough of a signal for you to go over and start talking to her, you’re a pussy, so there’s no point in a girl ever physically approaching.

    • 9 months ago

      This was the reason I stopped giving a frick to women. My fling always did this and it annoys me why she does it.

      • 9 months ago

        It annoys you that she likes you and wants you to approach her?

        • 9 months ago

          If she likes me, why wont she approach

          • 9 months ago

            >w-women have to do all the work for me
            >I can't be expected to have any agency
            >I'm an alpha male though frick b***hes

    • 9 months ago

      I had girls straight up asking me out or sitting next to me and cuddling their feet up to mine.
      I am fit but also 6.4 tall with a wide frame.

      • 9 months ago

        Girls will make the first move if you’re hot enough, but their version of “the first move” is giving you eye contact and a small smile, maybe tucking hair behind her ear, and then looking away to talk to her friends for the rest of the night. That’s it.

        If that’s not enough of a signal for you to go over and start talking to her, you’re a pussy, so there’s no point in a girl ever physically approaching.

        Both are true. Some won't give more than a smile to the most handsome man on earth, some will go talk to anyone the deem above a 5/10. It mostly depends on the girl. It's rare that a girl would act all coy and give "hints" to one guy but take the lead with another just because he's taller or has a wider frame or whatever. Both are signs of attraction and it's just a difference of style, not the degree of attraction.

    • 9 months ago

      yeah women are pussies

      so much for all the girlboss feminist woman stronk bullshit

      • 9 months ago

        there’s almost no reason for women to approach men
        if a very attractive woman approaches another man it’s almost always for some sly reason
        women can get all the attention they need without having to say a word. Be welcoming but cautious if a woman ever approaches you romantically/sexually

  11. 9 months ago

    Why dont they approach you already? Are you dumb? Just go to a bar or club and they come talking. b***hes love to talk

  12. 9 months ago

    My pokemon nerd playing pokemon everyday ugly balding with zero woman contact in his life coworker is always telling me to say hi to every single woman and hes always telling me that i should practice talking to them. This fricking gay doesnt understand im 32, ive had a ton of failed relationships and i dont give a flying frick about being a lady killer. I dont bother with speaking to women unless there is a reason for it and i dont befriend or flirt with them if they arent interesting to me, which they almost never are. He says women never give the first step and i know for a fact hes fricking wrong because almost every woman ive dated has asked me out. Stop being desperate, women absolutely hate that. It is also preferable to die alone than marrying a fricking crazy b***h who wrecks your whole life. I feel loved and beautiful enough, i dont need to beg women for atention. Grow the frick up.

    • 9 months ago

      you're a gay more pussy is always better

    • 9 months ago

      Are you a self diagnosed sigma as well?

    • 9 months ago

      Who hurt you sweetheart

    • 9 months ago

      based, rejecting women is almost as good as sex, sometimes better

    • 9 months ago

      >It is also preferable to die alone than marrying a fricking crazy b***h who wrecks your whole life. I feel loved and beautiful enough, i dont need to beg women for atention. Grow the frick up.
      Cope. Obviously being desperate for ANY girl is a terrible mindset, but giving up because you had some nasty breakups is almost as much of a loser mentality.
      Your children are your legacy. This isn't Reddit where eating fruity loops and watching cartoons while smoking weed in your 40s because you've managed to avoid responsibilities is cool. And you aren't "grown up" for being jaded and cynical.

  13. 9 months ago

    I've never in my life been approached by a random girl. I get compliments from dudes near daily at this point, but not once has a girl ever done so (barring a stripper who said I was cute). I've been laid here and there, but that's a near sisyphean task not worth the effort.

  14. 9 months ago

    When I was in high school I was scrawny as hell but 6'4 so women approached me and asked me out all the time. Now that I'm older and in great shape women don't approach, if they're interested they'll just give me the look (you know the one) but still expect me to go up and do everything. I think getting approached largely has to do with age.

    • 9 months ago

      >give me the look (you know the one)
      Yeah, of course I do. Explain it to me, just so I know you actually do too

      • 9 months ago

        Its like a smile, but different from the polite one that we're conditioned to give to people we dislike at work. The only way I can describe it is like they're smiling with their whole face, not just the mouth muscles. Like think about how you would smile at a woman you think is hot, and the difference between that and how you'd smile at a work colleague.

        • 9 months ago



          So much this. "Approach" is a game for scammers and simps. If you just want to get laid, and are socially savvy enough, you can follow a woman's signals and expectations long enough to do the deed, which is all you need. If you're not, and/or you want something longer-term with a woman, you lose this game as soon as you start playing because you will NEVER be able to follow every signal, hint, innuendo, indirect "move", or "extremely obvious sign" for longer than a couple of weeks, if that. If you do, you're either a social savant (i.e., psychopath) or you're so obsessive and analytical over it that she's got your brain in her pocket and you're now easy to manipulate, plus easy to blame everything on because "you should have known".

          Women get away with this because they can, which sadly makes most attractive women not worth the effort because they can either get Chad to read the hints for long enough to bust, or beta Taro to read the hints for long enough to get suckered into a one-sided sexless relationship. And it works, I see it all the time. When I look back on cases where a woman "gave signals" or "gave hints", I'm relieved because I dodged a bullet. NEVER get attached to someone like this.
          >but that's how 99% of women are
          I'd rather be alone than with 99% of women then. Been there, done that, juice ain't worth the squeeze.
          >but you'll never get into a relationship at all
          I've been in many, and the only one where I took the effort to "read signals" and try to "take hints" she had borderline personality disorder and I was blackmailed into hell for five years I'll never get back. No fricking thank you.

          Imagine being in a relationship where you have to dig this deeply into your partners behavior. Talk about a red flag.

          • 9 months ago

            >Imagine being in a relationship where you have to dig this deeply into your partners behavior.
            Dont even know what you're talking about bro. Im just saying most people can easilly tell the difference between someone giving you a "just being polite" smile vs an "i like you" smile.

            • 9 months ago

              Most guys on here are on here because they're not socially adept, notice all the "normies" in this thread glossing over this and acting like everyone else has their acumen. If you do, good for you, but telling guys here to "just approach and read the signals" is borderline sociopathic because for most this idea is so bad that it's better if it doesn't work (no relationship/hookup) than if it does (setting an expectation you can't fulfill). Unless, again, you're just looking to slam, in which case most non-autists can probably build up the skillset through practice to make the scam work enough to be worth the effort.

              • 9 months ago

                dude thats how the shit works. you talk to the girl and try to strike up a conversation like you would with anyone. make small talk about whatevers happening around you if they are interested continue if theyre not move on

              • 9 months ago

                Why would I talk to anyone?

              • 9 months ago

                If you are on IST, you are not a normie. The normie sounding folks here were most likely socially inept or underdeveloped at one point. The reason why they don’t delve into the minutiae of approach and flirting is because worrying about that is what made them frigid and socially paralyzed to begin with. Some people here just need a confidence boost while others need actual practice at socializing.

              • 9 months ago

                i get called a normie on here all the time but its the only place on the surface web where you can talk about holocaust being fake, 9/11 being orchestrated by israelites or how muslims and Black folk should be shot on sight

              • 9 months ago

                >le 9/11 was orchestrated
                crazy how such a massive conspiracy theory that would require thousands of people working together completely in secret hasn’t had ANY leaks

              • 9 months ago

                What do you want? Us to lie to you? Tell you what you want to hear and how it's not your fault? There are plenty of websites for that, primarily Reddit and Twitter come to mind.
                Yeah, if you lack basic social skills you're going to have trouble interacting with other people. That's how it is. There's nothing "sociopathic" about this notion.

  15. 9 months ago

    I have looked all over and I can't find a single source for this quote. It's bullshit

  16. 9 months ago

    I've been approached by women before, but because I was still in highschool I didn't know what was going on yet still somewhat had the natural intuition saying she might be into me. I would talk to my older sister about it and she would tell me I was just seeing things that way because I was male and the male brain is arrogant, horny, and evil.
    Basically, she was a hardcore femnazi during the early 2010s, but I didn't have the experience to know this. I trusted her because she was family and 5 years older than me. That sister later became a female to male troony because she was apparently always just insecure and envious of men. To make matters worse, when I wouldn't act on the advances girls gave me, they would cope with it by attacking me behind my back. More than once girls made it their mission to spread rumors that I was gay because they couldn't handle even the most least dramatic rejection maturely.

    I fricking hate women. Female idiocy is never punished.

  17. 9 months ago

    Till date I have only been cold approached once in my life (probably the last) some older girl from my uni saw me sitting in the campus and asked me for my insta after saying I have a nice t shirt. I told her I don't use insta and she walked away. Few months Later I made an insta and she found my account somehow and sent me a request. She had a boyfriend by then.
    I sometimes pass by her in the hallways but I avoid eye contact like plague.

  18. 9 months ago

    Woman will approach you (especially if drunk) in the literal sense of the word; they'll come to your group or general area and just exist. They might even talk to you, usually "I like your shirt" or whatever. But from there rarely will they be the ones to actually say the magic words and actively try to get with you, that part is up to you. Unless they're so obliterated that fricking them might not be ethical anymore.
    t. actually leave my pisscellar from time to time unlike most of you larping morons

  19. 9 months ago

    In my experience, being fit makes women more receptive to you talking to them.

    If you want women to actually approach you, you gotta already be dating/with a woman. Seriously, even if that woman isn't with you, suddenly women will start approaching you. I've had women buy me drinks at the bar, bank tellers give me their phone number, waitress's give me their number on receipts, invites to parties, and just having a lot more women approach to just talk. This only ever happens when I'm already in a relationship, soon as I'm single that shit never happens.

    • 9 months ago

      If I hang out with escorts just to chat, will I learn to talk to women? I'm so desperate I'm willing to pay them to hang out and learn to interact with females. Also, if random women see me hanging out with females, they will think I have something going on, right?

      • 9 months ago

        >paying to talk to hookers and have them around you
        you probably feel pathetic even considering it but that’s actually very common of really wealthy men to do...if you are loaded enough you can buy endless 10/10 prostitutes
        Some of those guys really see women as nothing more than fricktoys because when you have that kind of money they really are that

      • 9 months ago

        If you call an expert who offers GFE (girl friend experience) and say you'd like to take her out to dinner first they'll probably be fine with it. If you straight up say you are trying to improve your social skills they'll likely help you a lot. I've dated a few hookers and had platonic friendships with a bunch of them and they appreciate honesty. Btw if you pay up front when you meet (put the cash in an envelope) your evening will go 5x better because she won't be worrying about the impending awkward request for payment. I gather some guys have post-nut disgust and it comes out in a mean way.
        Hookers are opportunists by necessity but are mostly nice people in my experience.

        • 9 months ago

          Thanks bro. Appreciate it. Won't they think I'm a serial killer if I tell them "I don't want sex, only a chat"?

  20. 9 months ago

    >lifting 8 months
    >wore a tank to the gym for the first time
    >feeling insecure cuz i got BTFO and made fun of in the last CBT i posted in ("shit tattoos!! nice gyno homosexual!!" and so on)
    >blast shoulders and chest while listening to Gulch/Sunami split (feels good man)
    >getting my stuff from the cubby after my workout
    >theres a note with a number saying "sorry im awk as frick, text me? #"
    >text for a few weeks, hangout
    >go to a show together eventually
    >have a ton of fun, but she keeps wanting to go into the pit and im just vibing jumping around in the front row and I think that gave her the ick

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago


        fricking degenerates

        • 9 months ago

          Only the miserable begrudge people for the things that make them feel happy.

    • 9 months ago

      Go into the pit. She wants to see if you're a protector/can handle other people. She's giving you an opportunity to wrap her in those big strong arms, dope.

  21. 9 months ago

    >go on a date this weekend
    >girl holds onto my arm
    >"oh wow anon, you got some muscle!"
    >asks me to flex for her

  22. 9 months ago

    Doing nice shit for a woman without being prompted sets the expectation that that's how the whole fricking relationship will go. If you approach and take the initiative, get ready to do that for the whole relationship. As someone who has been in that kind of relationship, i would rather be single than do it again

    • 9 months ago

      So much this. "Approach" is a game for scammers and simps. If you just want to get laid, and are socially savvy enough, you can follow a woman's signals and expectations long enough to do the deed, which is all you need. If you're not, and/or you want something longer-term with a woman, you lose this game as soon as you start playing because you will NEVER be able to follow every signal, hint, innuendo, indirect "move", or "extremely obvious sign" for longer than a couple of weeks, if that. If you do, you're either a social savant (i.e., psychopath) or you're so obsessive and analytical over it that she's got your brain in her pocket and you're now easy to manipulate, plus easy to blame everything on because "you should have known".

      Women get away with this because they can, which sadly makes most attractive women not worth the effort because they can either get Chad to read the hints for long enough to bust, or beta Taro to read the hints for long enough to get suckered into a one-sided sexless relationship. And it works, I see it all the time. When I look back on cases where a woman "gave signals" or "gave hints", I'm relieved because I dodged a bullet. NEVER get attached to someone like this.
      >but that's how 99% of women are
      I'd rather be alone than with 99% of women then. Been there, done that, juice ain't worth the squeeze.
      >but you'll never get into a relationship at all
      I've been in many, and the only one where I took the effort to "read signals" and try to "take hints" she had borderline personality disorder and I was blackmailed into hell for five years I'll never get back. No fricking thank you.

  23. 9 months ago

    It's happened to me like 3 times ever, but it has happened

  24. 9 months ago

    The idea that men have to approach women or that they're subtle with hints seems like a cope to me tbh. When I was in school women flocked to the popular guys and made it very clear who they were interested in. You can tell when they're into you and they'll make it known.

    • 9 months ago

      they wont approach but they'll drop hints

    • 9 months ago

      >The idea that men have to approach women or that they're subtle with hints seems like a cope to me tbh
      > You can tell when they're into you and they'll make it known.

  25. 9 months ago

    My ex kept edging closer and closer until she was sitting right next to me at a work party. We hadn't spoken before that

  26. 9 months ago

    it depends on how big you are i guess. i don’t go out besides work and the gym. about 1.5 years ago when i was less IST i had two coworkers ask me out on a date. since then i’ve gotten more jacked and haven’t been approached since if you don’t count giga bawds.

    usually the girls i meet will be more shy/intimidated and tend to spill spaghetti more. it made me see how cowardly women are and the things they consider ‘making a move’ are a joke. the shyness can get annoying though

    some stuff that’s more common now
    >fidgeting with an item she has in her hands
    >constantly adjusting her hair
    >can’t stop smiling
    >struggles to maintain eye contact
    >when sex happens they can’t help but mire your body

  27. 9 months ago

    The only time I had girls approaching me was when I was a skinny dyel

  28. 9 months ago

    Based Arnold. Lover of teen dicky.

    oh, yeah, yes you'll always have to make thr first move. Fat, fit, broke, rich. Doesn't matter. The only change is that the nos start to become yeses.

    • 9 months ago

      best take ITT
      18 year old girls wouldnt have the confidence to approach arnie at the beach
      he was out there hunting and working for teenage pussy

      • 9 months ago

        there are pictures of Arnold at Polanski's israelite Manor in a pool with a naked 15 year old.

        How he has skirted past the law and metoo era is actually incredible.

        • 9 months ago

          you can get away with anything if you are attractive enough

        • 9 months ago

          Lmao you didn't talk bullshit
          I looked it up, he makes out with the naked 15 year old Natasja Kinski in 1976 in a Pool in Polanskis manor, he was 30 at the time
          Kek back then it was an obvious fact that women age 12 to 16 are way hotter than 18 year olds
          It was a better time

          • 9 months ago

            >It was a better time
            Truly. Now everyone is fat and gross straight out of the womb.

  29. 9 months ago

    Being fit is a status boost on a weapon, but it isn't the weapon itself.

    If you're funny and dress ok, it'll make your jokes that aren't good funnier and your outfits that aren't "effay" more "effay"

  30. 9 months ago

    Expecting your partner to "take hints" and and guess what you want is such insane, narcissistic behavior that I'm amazed it's not met with stoning, let alone being "normal" and "just the way things are". How did it get this bad?

    • 9 months ago

      spoken like a mf who gets no pussy

      • 9 months ago

        I'd rather get none than play some abusive mind-reading game for it. But respect to people who go through that, I know a lot of people who can play this game just fine and get laid, just don't expect anything more on the other side.

        • 9 months ago

          the absolute state of men. sad! get your test levels checked.

          • 9 months ago

            >if you don't get played by women you're low t
            My test levels are fine despite being 5% bodyfat. Whatever, enjoy some batty harpy b***hing about you not "getting the hint" to do X, Y, or Z moronic bullshit for the next 20 years, at least you're "high T" lmao

  31. 9 months ago

    I've had one girl actually acknowledge my size, this small qt3.14 nerdy chick. Other than that the only people who have said anything were all guys.
    Realistically nobody will appreciate your physique besides guys, if your goal is lifting to get pussy you're moronic.

    • 9 months ago

      Women are smart enough to not directly compliment men on their looks, so men don't get a bigger ego and think they are better than women. Men aren't smart enough not to do that.

    • 9 months ago

      Women are smart enough to not directly compliment men on their looks, so men don't get a bigger ego and think they are better than women. Men aren't smart enough not to do that.

      What the frick
      I have never once had a guy compliment me
      Only women and girls

      • 9 months ago

        That's you, but most men are compliment starved. I know it's difficult not to believe your personal experience means everyone gets that experience, but just cause you get compliments doesn't mean every man does. Your personal experience doesn't surpass hundreds and thousands of men saying they don't get compliments. And considering the absolute most common advice to get women is compliment them first, nah your just the tiny minority there.

        • 9 months ago

          Idk probably women don't compliment men because I've had girls tell me how weird men can be when complimented. If a girl I know compliments me I might say "Uh, thanks?" But usually I just flat out ignore it when people compliment me. Like shouldn't it feel insulting to get comolimented, you're a man. If someone compliments me they're implying I'm insecure like a woman or child and need their recognition to understand my own value and worth. The very action of a compliment is an insult.

          • 9 months ago

            Giving someone a compliment is a way of telling someone you like them moron. I mean you can and should just say 'i like you' in many cases but you're allowed to have a vocabulary larger than 6 words.

            • 9 months ago

              Idk I'm an evil soulless sociopathic son of a b***h so telling me you like me is just saying you're a moron imo.
              When someone tells me they love me I can't help but sneer inside

              • 9 months ago

                >When someone tells me they love me I can't help but sneer inside
                That just means you're insecure/low self-esteem

              • 9 months ago

                No anon, I know in their minds they have legitimate reasons to think they like me
                They are just too stupid to understand I will betray them and that disgusts me

              • 9 months ago

                >He still larps as a sociopath
                I grew out of that back in high school.

              • 9 months ago

                I wish tbqh

              • 9 months ago

                I forget that fit slants younger than any other board, you'll grow out of it too.

  32. 9 months ago

    Becomes easier

  33. 9 months ago

    There's no such thing as an approach, there's only continuous, ongoing social activity. It's like saying what's the first day? There isn't one they all roll into the next. Women won't cold approach you but neither should you cold approach women. The trick is to just get to know people over time, the wider your social circle the more chance of meeting females, the more chance you will bond with one and and end up fricking/marrying/impregnating one. Just be open to experiences, and, importantly, people.

    • 9 months ago

      This is the only game that works. Everything else is incel/chad/pua/roastie shit.

    • 9 months ago

      take my reddit gold good sir

    • 9 months ago

      >The trick is to just get to know people over time, the wider your social circle the more chance of meeting females
      This is true, but frick it if I hate talking to women. Absolutely not worth it. And I say that as an elderly gentleman (in my thirties) who did successfully play that "social circle" game for years. Well, to call it a game is misleading, it's just life. But it's a shitty way to live.

    • 9 months ago

      Still I want to approach hot babes I see on the street/market/social venues because frick it. What are they going to do? Papper spray me? 99% of the time they make clear they don't want nothing to do with me. Is it the end of the world? No.
      I just do it because they're hot and I like to make them afraid. Frick women

    • 9 months ago

      >don't cold approach girls
      >girls won't cold approach you
      >just get to know people over time
      How do you 'get to know people over time,' if you don't approach them you fricking moron.

      • 9 months ago

        Enjoy getting cancelled

      • 9 months ago

        They talk to you? You're in a situation where conversation naturally arises instead of talking to them out of the blue with some cringe pick up line?

      • 9 months ago

        >How do you "get to know people over time"?
        hobbies that include other people
        mutual friends
        social events like church (although I don't like the idea of people using church like a dating service, it's certainly not a bad place to find a partner)
        just being where people are, you'll inevitably interact with people without it being some weird cold approach shit

    • 9 months ago

      >your friend circle are gamer nerds who dont know any women

      • 9 months ago

        have you considered making new friends?

  34. 9 months ago

    christ the autism in this thread... none of this would be an issue if you just went to the philippines. the women over there dont do bullshit like this AND they love white guys. win win.

    • 9 months ago

      >just spend thousands to go to a foreign country full of run-through ladyboys

    • 9 months ago

      What about Latin America? Those countries are closer. What Latin American country should I go to for a cutie Latina waifu?

    • 9 months ago

      yeah but women in philippines/thailand/that part of the world are literally the ugliest on the entire planet
      it's not even their fault, it's the genes

      • 9 months ago

        Anon at least Southeast Asians are mostly natural, some East Asians look better but thats because they have the highest incidences of plastic surgery in the world. Have you compared their before and after pics?

  35. 9 months ago

    Girls started approaching out of nowhere around the time I turned 24; cute girls too, none of that oldhag shit. I also started making gains out of nowhere around this time.

  36. 9 months ago


  37. 9 months ago

    in order for women to start to approach you you'd first have to learn how to appeal to the female gaze, just being insanely roided and jacked is literally only gonna get you mires from other men

  38. 9 months ago

    why even bother trying to approach women? they're only good for one thing and no way sex feels better than jerking off

  39. 9 months ago

    Women WILL approach you if you look attractive, but remember that women find 80% of men unattractive so you better put in the work to look good.

  40. 9 months ago

    If you're a manlet it won't matter anyways.

  41. 9 months ago

    >tfw I've been called attractive by women multiple times
    >still never been approached

    were they lying?

  42. 9 months ago

    >it's dangerous to make the first move

    you have been persuaded to internalize the female mindset of look pretty and have potential mates come to you.
    you can never be attractive because you are spiritually a woman.

    • 9 months ago

      I see this perspective, but at the same time
      >women will maybe give you tiny hints of interest, otherwise you're expected to do everything yourself

      is internalization of a slave mindset. At it's worst (personality disorders), it's actually worse than slavery: slaves are told what to do, people who get sucked into this thinking believe they're being irresponsible if they don't figure out how to serve their masters.

      • 9 months ago

        The only good thing about having womrn approach you is you get to flex by ignoring them

      • 9 months ago

        >is internalization of a slave mindset
        No, it's the mindset of being a fricking man with agency and initiative.
        Making things happen on your own accord without having mommy lay down the tracks so you can't possibly make an oopsie is about as far from "a slave mindset" as can be.

      • 9 months ago

        A good balance is basically
        >Grug wants woman
        >Grug goes after woman
        >Woman wanna make Grug jump through hoops
        >Grug goes after another woman
        The other anon is right about passively waiting for things to happen being a feminized way of living but that doesn't mean you should pursue a woman like her pussy is the holy grail. I think part of being a man is making calculated effort towards things, meaning you don't sit on your ass waiting for something to happen but also doesn't waste all of your energy on worthless pursuits.
        Also, any woman who thinks she's better than you and sees herself as some kind of prize is a waste of time.

        • 9 months ago

          >Also, any woman who thinks she's better than you and sees herself as some kind of prize is a waste of time.
          Ain't that the truth brother. My favorite is
          >if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best
          b***h if you need to be handled you belong in a cage.

          • 9 months ago

            >b***h if you need to be handled you belong in a cage.
            Good retort.

        • 9 months ago

          Obviously, but there's a giant leap from "a woman doesn't approach me" to "a woman is making me jump through hoops". Having to make the first move or even the second or third isn't jumping through hoops.
          Of course you shouldn't degrade yourself by putting the pussy on a pedestal and doing favors for them or some weird shit, but simply talking to a girl isn't and shouldn't be considered some Herculean task that requires a ton of willpower and sacrifice. Unless you've been coddled into a feminized mindset where things just happen to you on their own.

          • 9 months ago

            The point some other anons are making is that this sets a bad precedent for the relationship: if she knows you can jump through one, two, three, etc. hoops, she's going to take advantage of you because you're actively seeking that, so obviously it's what you want. Many women think like this, that men are just put on earth to serve them, and men that they were put on earth to serve women. Me, I'm just not going to do any "initial approach". I know, I'm sorry, it's just that I'm not doing it hahahahahahahahaha

            • 9 months ago

              >if she knows you can jump through one, two, three, etc. hoops
              And the point I'm making is that talking to someone isn't considered "a hoop" unless you're really in that coddled, feminized, afraid to step outside your berdroom mindset where people are scary and girls even scarier.
              I'm not saying you should chase after a woman no matter how difficult she makes it. Just that waiting for you to go talk to them isn't a big ask unless you're afraid of human contact. In which case she's probably glad you didn't.

              >I'm just not going to do any "initial approach"
              Personally I don't really care what you do, but I'm sure the women of this earth are devastated by the news.

          • 9 months ago

            That's why my meme-arrows include
            >Grug goes after woman
            I think the worst thing about current times is how people only go for the extremes. Is like we live in a world that's actually combative towards nuance. homies will either become a supreme gentleman and think they're entitled to pussy just for existing or become totally buckbroken and act submissive towards any hoe who acts like fricking her 5/10 ass is some kind of privilege.

            • 9 months ago

              >people only go for the extremes.
              I'm sure there's a way to blame social media. We've all been blasted with nothing but the far end of any topic of issue for close to two decades now. It's gotta have an effect on how we think in general. Probably hits zoomies the hardest since they have no connection to the world before.

              • 9 months ago

                Don't "blame" social media, just know that people are much more willing to talk in extremes on social media because it's low-effort and nobody is going to punish them, in fact it gets rewarded by fueling even more extremity. That's why I love IST, you get to see the Elder Troll version of every argument; complemented with daily life, people who are thoughtful can explore life philosophy in rich detail, versus in reality alone where everyone's self-censoring or online alone where everyone's just shit-flinging. It's called a "reality check" for a reason.

              • 9 months ago

                >just know that people are much more willing to talk in extremes on social media because it's low-effort and nobody is going to punish them
                Sure. I don't even use social media (outside IST). I don't really care about the state of social media. And it's not unique to social media as TV did the same to a lesser extent before that.
                What I meant was that these days you see "BEST MOVIE EVER" and "WORST MOVIE EVER" on your Youtube front page, but much fewer "this movie had some good and some bad things about it" videos. Same with politics and ideology and culture and style etc. Everything is so strongly compartmentalized and labeled.
                So I kinda get why that would make kids either go to the "gentleman" camp or the PUA camp. When you just learned by watching some older kids in your town instead of being recommended "the best hoopup tips" or "dress like an english gentleman" based on your previous viewing people were more... nuanced?

  43. 9 months ago

    Girls have always approached me
    Even when I was chubby lol

  44. 9 months ago

    Only girl to ever come on to me was a BPD freak bawd who did it because she knew I was married. Kept trying to touch me, was very weird.

  45. 9 months ago

    depends on what you mean.
    Having muscle, yeah.
    Being a roided freak, no. Men appreciate body builders more than women do

  46. 9 months ago

    A bit unrelated, but today I got black pilled and anti-black pilled in a span of several hours. I was in a casino playing 5-10 No Limit when this super hot white chick joins the table. One of the local regs starts chatting/flirting with her. He is a 30 yo Asian guy, good local reg, chatty and friendly but average looks, average height, slim build. I doubt any of you would give him above 6/10. They are chatting about this and that when suddenly in comes a Chad. I swear, this guy is the most handsome and beautiful man I've seen in my life. 10/10 face and hair, tall, wide shoulders... think of young Dolph Lundgren with slightly more feminine face. And it was obvious from his designer clothes he is rich af. Every chick in the building is mesmerized obviously. Waitresses and dealers couldn't get their eyes away...

    Here is what happens next. Upon joining the table Chad immediately starts flirting with the hot chick. She is blown away too, visibly attracted to him. Playing with her hair, smiling, giving him looks... Meanwhile our Asian reg is not phased and continues chatting with other guys. Amid all of this very big hand happens and Asian reg loses 3k pot to the Chad set on set. He says "good hand" and reloads. Game continues and Chad is obviously is a weak player, he loses several big pots and his mood completely changes. He is visibly upset and becomes very quiet. Meanwhile Asian guy continues chatting with everyone including the hot chick. After several hours Chad is down 11k and mentally crushed. Asian reg is preparing to leave. Hot girls asks him if he is leaving and he says "yeah, I'm gonna have late dinner. Wanna join?" And they leave together. Confidence and good social skills beat everything else, even with average looks.

    • 9 months ago

      >Confidence and good social skills
      Anon the asian just won a bunch of money lol...
      Funny how autistic people see things through such a warped lens
      Always intrigues me

      • 9 months ago

        He didn't. I think he was about break even by the time he left. He is just a chatty guy in general, his conduct wasn't different from his usual behavior.

        • 9 months ago

          Okay so she wasn't a prostitute or golddigger which is rare for casino regulars but what was the moral of the story
          Most women don't rrally care about looks that much
          Surely everyone knows this...

          • 9 months ago

            Women do care about looks, but socials skills are more important.

            • 9 months ago

              But why are you assuming thr hot guy wanted to frick that b***h?
              I'm hot and flirt with every mildly pretty girl I'm near even tho I have gf and side girls, flirting is just habit
              I would not actually do shit with vast majority of women I flirt with

    • 9 months ago

      This is an anomaly. Looks still gave him a massive edge but he acted like a total beta after some setbacks. If the guy kept his composure and laughed it off, the asian guy would stand no chance.
      Attractive guys are also usually more charismatic because they simply get more positive interactions/experiences with women and have more chances to refine their flirting. If I had more experience talking to women I would also be less awkward around them. It's a positive spiral.
      Asian guy just hit the charisma lottery here.

      • 9 months ago

        Anon do you think hot young rich attractive guys go to casinos to frick women? Lol. homie was probably depressed af

      • 9 months ago

        >If the guy kept his composure and laughed it off, the asian guy would stand no chance
        True, but Chads don't always keep composure facing setbacks and if you can keep your cool you have advantage against most of them.

        Anon do you think hot young rich attractive guys go to casinos to frick women? Lol. homie was probably depressed af

        I don't think he was depressed at all. He was having fun until he started losing. Also, he was attracted to her, he showed a lot of attention to her exclusively in the beginning, but his energy faded off when he started losing. This happens a lot with recreational players.

        • 9 months ago

          >This happens a lot with recreational players.
          I always get manic the more I lose and suddenly start winning if I lose enough first

      • 9 months ago

        >Attractive guys are also usually more charismatic because they simply get more positive interactions/experiences with women and have more chances to refine their flirting. If I had more experience talking to women I would also be less awkward around them.
        The solution to this problem is to go out and socialize on a regular basis but with a plan to not flirt or get anyone's number. Take the pressure off yourself before you go out, make it your objective to talk to people but not to hook up. If you're going to a nightclub or similar and someone says 'are you here on your own?' you can even say you had a breakup recently but you decided to put and have fun instead of moping at home. Just practice hanging out and you'll be surprised how quick your social life improves.

  47. 9 months ago

    i hate to agree with the cancer leanposters but they have a point.
    I lost alot of weight and got very lean and thin after a lifetime of being obese, but I noticed I had some loose skin so I started putting on muscle and bulking to fill it out. I noticed I started getting female attention for the first time in my life when I was at my leanest and for about 10-15 pounds of bulking after that, but as I kept going and crossed into "jacked" territory I was never ever looked at anymore except by other guys

    • 9 months ago

      >loose skin
      That's terrible anon
      I'm losing weight now and my biggest fear is maybe having to deal with it

      • 9 months ago

        Don't worry women will never ser it
        Impossible to have sex nowadays since women accuse you of rape if you think about them

      • 9 months ago

        thanks, I'm cutting now since I've seen some people post here that loose skin can tighten up slowly over time, I didn't even give my body a chance to do that, I just immediately went into bulking. hopefully it goes away.
        even if it doesn't. it wasn't too much, I think it's still worth it to be leaner

  48. 9 months ago

    You won't be as invisible to them but you're still going to have to put the work in.

  49. 9 months ago

    The only possible way for me to ever even just try to get a girl is to hire a professional assassin and pay him tens of thousands of dollars to literally seek me out at random times putting a loaded gun on the back of my head where if I don't approach at least one girl he'll blow my brains out on the spot or something like that.

    I have no clue how anyone is actually motivated enough to seek girls, try to win them over and then spend money, time and effort to try to keep them with you after that. All what happens in my brain when I see a hot girl anywhere is just "damn, she's hot" and I continue on walking, that's it

  50. 9 months ago

    >anon gets shit on for being moronic
    >pretends to be moronic on the other side of the argument to make that side look bad
    >just makes himself look even more moronic

  51. 9 months ago

    >mfw thr autist doesn't realize everyone is agasnst him and that he's being bullied for his paranoia mental illness and soi brain

  52. 9 months ago

    girls will start approaching you as long as youre above a 5 facially. that being said it is very few and far between. in addition to that the girls that are desperate enough to approach a guy are 95% of the time massive prostitutes. a girl does not need to approach to get laid. if she's approaching you she has approached plenty of men before. if you want a nice girl that doesnt frick around, you have yo get her yourself. and to do that, you have to have some sort of fricking personality. unfortunately incels on here cannot comprehend a person being worth anything beyond thier body, so that's the only thing the work on. a loser sees a girl with big fat breasts and a nice bunda and thinks "if only i had the male equivalent of big breasts and a nice ass, girls would want me as much as i want them" wrong, jungle Black person. if you want to stand out youve got to be more than just physically attractive. there are 100s of 1000s of good looking guys on the planet. youre just another plain faced boring c**t with a nice body.
    think of it like an interview. you apply for a job, and youve got all the skills they want and then some. but they dont give you the job. why? because youre a socially awkward moron who struggles to make basic conversation. you have the charisma of a used fricking tissue. you know who they gave the job to instead? the guy with as many qualifications as you, but he was actually enjoyable to be around. no amount of lifting bulking and cutting will make up for you being the boring, uninteresting, weird, and so on. go out there and learn to be an actual fricking human, like every other kid did. being fat doesnt help, but the biggest thing stopping all you losers getting laid, is that youre just a bunch of boring nobodies, fading into the background. get a fricking personality.

  53. 9 months ago

    The other day, a smol qt jap girl came up to me while I was doing rope ab crunches and said she's done with the barbell she was using. First time we talked. I actually wanted to use the barbell since it's the only one in a power rack

    What does it mean?

  54. 9 months ago

    A few weeks ago a shy looking 8/10 girl kept staring at me at some event. She would whisper to her friend and point at me evrry so often. She waved at me anf smiled big wh4n I made eye contact but she never approached me so I ignored her until I left. I did good right bros? She would have accused me of sexual harassment if I talked to her.

  55. 9 months ago

    After reading this entire thread I conclude that I will rather die a kissless virgin than deal with any of this shit.

    How the frick do any of you willingly do all these various charades just to maybe get laid is beyond me

    • 9 months ago

      I don't flirt woth girls to get sex I reward girls with sex if I thought the game was fun
      It ain't about the results homie

    • 9 months ago

      Kek yeah you gotta be a fricking detective sherlock holmes motherfricker to get b***hes nowadays reading minds and shit

    • 9 months ago

      I don't. I let the chicks do all the work and I just respond if I like them.
      The problem with all anons ITT is that they're desperate and they think they have any power in this. Chicks are the gatekeepers of sex. Unless you're actively clubbering them over the head to get some, it's their job to do the first move, not yours. If they want to frick you, they'll let you know. Your only job here is to be decent, act decent and respond in kind.
      >inb4 but it's the man's job to initiate
      Ofc they'll tell you that, they're lazy as shit.
      >inb4 what about coy chicks
      Frick em. The dick is in your pants, not theirs. If they want it, they should come and get it. If they won't, then they didn't like you that much to begin with so it's not worth the hassle.

      Now is this an incredibly successful technique? Nope. But it cuts down on 95% of the headache, which makes it worth it.

      • 9 months ago

        That strategy only works if your outgoing and around people/women alot. What if you're a semi shutin that works from home, and works out from home, and barely ever meet anybody.
        Basically my only option is dating apps and women NEVER do the approaching there.

        • 9 months ago

          Find a reason to be outgoing, and stop relying on your job to get you outside. That's where most people fail. They always rely on outside factors to make relationships, like high school, or college, or the job. instead of actively going to places where people are, they rely on an external force to bring random people together. And that's why most of them are depressed and have no friends, because as soon as that force goes away, their social circle frickin dies.
          Go to an actual gym. Go find a social hobby where you hang out with people a lot. Find reasons to do shit outside where people are.

          Also, learn to be approachable.
          >Inb4 how
          Be tidy, be fit, be dressed well, be well spoken, smell nice, be relaxed. Basically, imagine the shittiest, nastiest, smelliest, most disgusting drunken hobo you can think of, and be the exact opposite of that.

        • 9 months ago

          I just signed up for dancing lessons. Should be a good way to interact with women right? Im not looking for hooking up, I just want to interact with females and learn to talk to femoids

  56. 9 months ago

    Bros I actually got approached last week. I was sitting on a bench outside of my appartment building and some cute girl just randomly sat down with me and we started talking.
    Im pretty sure I acted completely awkward though, and she still didnt seem to mind. She told me her appartment number and I promised myself id knock on her door this weekend to ask her out. But I pussied out.

    Not even when I get shit literally handed to me can I succeed, I should KMS

    • 9 months ago

      > walking the dog
      > three young women walk towards me
      > when they're close, one says to me "how are you? What's your name?" While trying to shake my hand
      > I say "sorry I won't buy anything" and keep walking
      > I hear her say "thanks" with an annoyed tone
      Women don't randomly approach dudes unless they want something, right?

  57. 9 months ago

    women look at me a lot and in the times i have talked to them theyre usually pretty friendly but im still nervous about it every time. back of my mind i fear i'll look like a loser

  58. 9 months ago

    Frick playing "the game". If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't.

  59. 9 months ago

    Every time I randomly get approached by a woman I just kind of reject them, because at that specific moment I wasnt ready for it. So I just try to get away from the situation as fast as possible, making them feel rejected.

    Why am I like this

  60. 9 months ago

    I simply do not care to put in the effort of pursuing an american woman, literally the most boring creature on earth, I'd rather just frick prostitutes till im decrepit or take my money and get the hell out of this god forsaken country and marry a woman who isn't batshit insane

  61. 9 months ago

    Anyone who grew up watching bond flicks knows that even if you're a turbochad thunderwiener secret agent you have to jump through tonnes of female mindgame hoops to actually land some pussy.

  62. 9 months ago

    Im saving this thread for future autists as it contains good info
    Thanks for all the anons that contributed.
    Pray for me, I'm not dying without trying to be a social being

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