Will losing weight/getting jacked change your personality?

People will treat a person that was once fat better as a result of their weight loss, and in turn that wave of new attention that ex-fat person had never seen before will affect their ego and make them more confident, which negatively or positively affect their personality and how good of a person they seem. Confidence can make someones personality seem night and day. Am I right to think this? I've definitely seen it before

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  1. 9 months ago

    depends of the person, if you're a shitty one being fat, chances are you will still are once ripped, homieaa

    • 9 months ago

      but everything else would be better so still worth it

      • 9 months ago

        Some of the best flavors of life come from not just attainment of the goals, it’s who you become in the process which is unfathomably delicious. If you suck at basketball/social/whatev that shit blows, but the things you get good at become more fun, life especially. You have more range, ability, feeling, “privilege” through your hard work and experience. The accolades shows on your face, your body “of work”, your wit, your poise.

        Ironically these abilities become baseline for you, and you chase the dragon of greatness eternally. Which is pretty sweet. Everything becomes more fun, and when obstacles can be seen as “growth”, everything can be fun.

        • 9 months ago

          profound, anon, will be copying and pasting onto my motivation wall

  2. 9 months ago

    Completely off topic but how do you get TRT as a 19 year old?

  3. 9 months ago

    It doesn’t matter.
    >Are you mogging?
    That’s all that really matters. If somebody is a strong leader, people will put up with their terrible personality. I swear you homosexuals are overly socialized.

  4. 9 months ago

    mate if you are natty you will never 'be jacked' to the point of other people noticing it.

    As a natty you either choose;
    >be fat but big (big in clothes also)
    >be lean but small (small in clothes also)
    you can't have both.

    Sorry for ruining your anime/manga fantasy tho.

    • 9 months ago

      t. roidtroony

      • 9 months ago

        post body (you won't)

    • 9 months ago

      This is moronic, you are moronic

      • 9 months ago

        post body or show me one example of natty athlete who looks BIG and LEAN to the point of people looking them up. You won't tho.

        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            If I could just combine hearnz routine and that super young looking guys pill protocol I believe I could finally have sexo

    • 9 months ago

      Nah, you're just a DYEL.

  5. 9 months ago

    > in turn that wave of new attention that ex-fat person had never seen before will affect their ego
    As an ex-fatso (BMI 26.1 down from 39.9) I can tell you these compliments will be meaningless to you, especially when they come from men or women that are fatsos themself.
    What will boost your ego really is the look in the mirror every morning, the ambient to push it further and further and the mires from girls/women, the short moment of them trying to pretend they ignore as they walk your by but use the last 5 meters to check you out.
    Losing weight and lifting will ignite a fire inside of you, the outside world will just respond to how bright it burns.

    • 9 months ago

      manga sauce?

      • 9 months ago

        Sun ken rock I think

        • 9 months ago

          I think you're right

          • 9 months ago

            Really wish the story wasnt so badly written the art is fricking amazing

  6. 9 months ago


  7. 9 months ago

    It might help, but if you have genuine issues then no

  8. 9 months ago

    You won't get nearly as much attention as you're anticipating. No matter how big you get everyone around you eventually gets used to it and treats you the same. Then when you meet new people that's all they've ever known you as. They might make some comment at first but it's really not a big deal after a couple of skinnyfats have asked you what you bench broooooo

  9. 9 months ago

    What if you lost a bunch of weight, are treated better and get universal praise + admiration, but never believe any of it because of extremely low self esteem from being fat? I feel like the more I lose the more I want to avoid people so the compliments and small talk can stop, because I don't believe the positivity coming from people is genuine and I feel like they're just doing it to encourage me to lose more. Btw, this is why I'm still a 28 year old kissless hugless handholdless dateless virgin who rejected sex a few times because I genuinely believed it's impossible for a woman to find me sexually attractive unless I can't pinch any fat on my abdomen

    It's over.

  10. 9 months ago

    I went from skinny at 128lbs to buff (fat muscle) at 170lbs but nothing changed because I'm 5'7. People complimented me at first but really it doesn't mean shit nobody respects a manlet, women aren't attracted to me, all of my friends ended up abandoning me. And I'm average face

  11. 9 months ago

    When i started my fitness journey and i made some visible changes, some people warned me fit people become unbearable and some others jokingly said i was becoming too wienery. Reality is, those who said fit people are unbearable are the ones that always were spitting on me and expecting me to be grateful, and the ones who told me i was becoming wienery were the ones that were genuinely happy about my change. You fitness dont change you, it changes the way people perceive you. You switch in a few months from being perceived as the left over fatty to a normal/aparently successful person, and those who want to take you down will not appreciate it. People who really cares about you and feel no malice towards you, will be happy for you. And thats a fricking fact.

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