Will these frick up my fast?

Will these frick up my fast?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    They help your fast. I had zyns and Celsius up the wazoo, which aided me in my weight loss.

    • 4 weeks ago

      How's your heart?
      t. Caffeine and Zyn fiend (I'm gonna have a heart attack before 40)

  2. 4 weeks ago

    No you're good

  3. 4 weeks ago

    I have these instead of eating but when I do eat it's just cookies and croissants

  4. 4 weeks ago

    You're getting cheated by like 3mg of nicotine and $5 every time you buy this shit. Every other brand is better zyn is just the one that is marketed the most.

    • 4 weeks ago

      this is true. fre, on! and rogue are all better, cheaper and give you more pouches. no one ever buys them and the clerk doesn't even know what they are half the time.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I like the big pillowy pouches but yeah Ons are on sale 3 for $5 like half the time and you can't beat that

    • 4 weeks ago

      this is true. fre, on! and rogue are all better, cheaper and give you more pouches. no one ever buys them and the clerk doesn't even know what they are half the time.

      I had an on! the other day at work hadn’t had one in quite a while, and I started to sweat profusely and I ended up having to poop twice in 15 minutes kek

    • 4 weeks ago

      I've been going through the 4mg On!s really fast but I don't want to use the 8mg ones since I'm afraid it'll make me shart

      • 4 weeks ago

        Just cap your intake at one per hour and half, then one every odd or even hours. Then about every 2.5 hours. I'm down to like 5 or 6 a day of the 4s and there's no pull to do more than that unless I'm drinking.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Its amazing how many different shills post on fit. All form of nicotine will frick you up. With regular use you will develop HTN and subsequent CHF, it is unavoidable. There is nothing fit about nicotine products, the testosterone gains are marginal at best, you would get more from sleeping more and getting more sun. All nicotine shills deserve the rope tbh.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Smoking is very bad for you. Nicotine pouches are not the same as smoking.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yes they are you fricking moron. Do you think that cancer is your biggest risk? Brainlets like you almost deserve the shit that nicotine does. Let me break this down for you: your chances of getting cancer from smoking is extremely small, your chances of developing hypertension due to nicotine products is nearly guaranteed. Hypertension leads various forms of cardiovascular disease but especially heart failure. Heart failure will cause fluid to back up into your lungs causing you to drown in your own fluids. You will spend your 40-60s on medications trying to slow down the progress of your eventual heart’s failure simply due to taking nicotine products regularly. I have taken care of thousands of patients with CHF all from nicotine use.

        • 4 weeks ago

          take your meds you histrionic woman.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Suck my dick you fricking homosexual shill. Nicotine is one of the most moronic drugs. All you gays push it deserve death.

            • 4 weeks ago

              being a chronically seething schizo woman is much worse for your health than a little nicotine. you got serious problems morono.

              • 4 weeks ago

                coincidentally, nicotine is good for schizophrenia.

              • 4 weeks ago

                untrue, a high percentage of schizophrenics smoke
                it’s the other way around

              • 4 weeks ago

                Because they self medicate with it

                Suck my dick you fricking homosexual shill. Nicotine is one of the most moronic drugs. All you gays push it deserve death.

                Yes they are you fricking moron. Do you think that cancer is your biggest risk? Brainlets like you almost deserve the shit that nicotine does. Let me break this down for you: your chances of getting cancer from smoking is extremely small, your chances of developing hypertension due to nicotine products is nearly guaranteed. Hypertension leads various forms of cardiovascular disease but especially heart failure. Heart failure will cause fluid to back up into your lungs causing you to drown in your own fluids. You will spend your 40-60s on medications trying to slow down the progress of your eventual heart’s failure simply due to taking nicotine products regularly. I have taken care of thousands of patients with CHF all from nicotine use.

                U need some nic to calm down

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Although nicotine acutely increases BP and heart rate, the effects of regular daily cigarette smoking on BP are not clear. In studies with casual office BP measurement, BP tends to be lower in cigarette smokers compared to nonsmokers.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Cigarette smoking is the single most important risk factor for the development of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases
            >Studies on the effect of smokeless tobacco on lipid profiles, chronic blood pressure elevations, increased fibrinogen levels, and insulin resistance suggest that there is an association between an adverse cardiovascular risk profile and smokeless tobacco use
            Frick off homosexual

            • 4 weeks ago

              Black person, did you even read the studies, let alone the abstracts?
              > We present a case report and review the literature on this subject.

              A 57-year-old man presented with a history of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and myocardial infarction. His medications included an aspirin, a β-blocker, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, and a statin. He had quit smoking 3 years earlier, after a 50 pack-year history, but continued to chew as many as 2 cans of tobacco each day (30 g of tobacco per can).

              > however, the role of nicotine in the pathogenesis of these diseases is incompletely understood
              > Male C57BL6/J mice were exposed to air (control) or nicotine vapor (daily, 12 hour on/12 hour off) for 8 weeks.

              Quit conflating nicotine with smoking and tobacco.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Cigarette smoking is the single most important risk factor for the development of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases; however, the role of nicotine in the pathogenesis of these diseases is incompletely understood.
                Let me complete the sentence you cherry picked. Just because we know fully know the mechanisms doesnt mean we cant correlate the two
                >quotes a single study in a systematic review
                Seems that nicotine usage has already caused your brain to become oxygen starved

              • 4 weeks ago

                you're the one cherry picking, I finished the rest of the sentence for you since you you can't even quote the whole fricking thing and are choosing it as evidence. Along with picking a CASE STUDY of a former heavy smoker and tobacco user with COMORBIDITIES.

                >Seems that nicotine usage has already caused your brain to become oxygen starved
                >Preclinical models and human studies have demonstrated that nicotine has cognitiveenhancing effects. Attention, working memory, fine motor skills and episodic memory functions are particularly sensitive to nicotine's effects. Recent studies have demonstrated that the α4, β2, and α7 subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) participate in the cognitive-enhancing effects of nicotine.

            • 4 weeks ago


              • 4 weeks ago

                >Cigarette smoking is the single most important risk factor for the development of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases
                >Studies on the effect of smokeless tobacco on lipid profiles, chronic blood pressure elevations, increased fibrinogen levels, and insulin resistance suggest that there is an association between an adverse cardiovascular risk profile and smokeless tobacco use
                Frick off homosexual

                I wrestle and use zyns and it's fricking obvious that they kill cardio. coffee does too but not as badly

              • 4 weeks ago

                Take taurine

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Although nicotine acutely increases BP and heart rate, the effects of regular daily cigarette smoking on BP are not clear. In studies with casual office BP measurement, BP tends to be lower in cigarette smokers compared to nonsmokers.

          >Smokeless tobacco was weakly associated with chronic hypertension in 4 of 6 cross-sectional studies.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You're working patients who have comorbidities, you should understand this, or do you just collect bedpans?

        • 4 weeks ago

          No one is going to die from hypertension due to Zyns lmao

        • 4 weeks ago

          >I have taken care of thousands of patients with CHF all from nicotine use.
          no you havent and I know that you haven't because you'd never say that they had CHF from "nicotine use"
          I guarantee you're some kind of biology major currently in college or something, or a "physio" major/physiotherapy doctoral student
          literally nowhere would that connection be drawn for a patient except in their chart, where it would say "Hx smoking/nic use, refused cessation" or something similar
          CHF is overwhelmingly linked with aortic stenosis + HTN + genetic risk with ACTN1/MHC polymorphisms or ACE polymorphisms that make people resistant to -pril's
          HTN alone is never going to cause CHF, and a tremendous majority of instances of decompensation in HF happen due to either an associated MI in concert with stenosis of the AoV, or due to treatment of an aortic valve stenosis with a TAVR without treatment of an associated mitral valve regurgitation/prolapse

          smoking is a risk factor for a constellation of cardiac disorders, but is a cause for none of them. I'm not touting benefits of smoking, and no one should take up the habit, but you don't understand the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disorders.
          You're exactly the type of person who thinks that ANY arrhythmia will DEFINITELY CAUSE a stroke and the patient needs ablation RIGHT NOW, even if they're completely subclinical and get detected on accident.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >With regular use you will develop HTN and subsequent CHF, it is unavoidable.
      hypertension doesn't cause heart failure. it's a contributing factor, but most americans live in permanent prehypertension at least. CHF is not a widespread disease
      >the testosterone gains are marginal at best
      it's not about testosterone gains, it's about aromatase inhibition
      >you would get more from sleeping more and getting more sun
      categorically untrue as sleeping and getting sun doesn't inhibit aromatase

      no, you shouldn't pick up a habit just for marginal gains but if you have ADHD smokeless or tobacco-free nicotine is a SIGNIFICANT harm reduction over amphetamines. Vaping with pure nic+PG+VG or snus is ideal, since I don't trust that there aren't harmful carrier substances in Zyns.

      One question I have is why do these frick me up sometimes? I have never gotten dizzy or sweaty or lightheaded from a cigarette but the first time I zynned it knocked me on my ass.

      are you moronic and put it in your bottom lip?
      there's more nicotine in zyns, but they're a derivative of snus, not dip. dip goes in the lower lip, snus goes in the top lip. if you put a zyn in your lower lip, you'll be gutting a shitton of nicotine in addition to the transdermal oral route, meaning it'll frick you up very fast.


      I wrestle and use zyns and it's fricking obvious that they kill cardio. coffee does too but not as badly

      >a mild vasoconstrictor and stimulant kills cardio
      no shit sherlock
      I love nicotine but even I dry myself out from it for an hour before working out

      Mama said they're filed with crushed glass to frick your gums up.
      But the real problem is the smell, stains and needing to spit all the time.
      I don't even like lollipops because it feels like I'm drooling.

      snus, upper tooths
      dip, lower lip

  6. 4 weeks ago

    absolutley, throw that homosexual shit away and pack this isntead.

    • 4 weeks ago

      forgot to attach picture

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Mama said they're filed with crushed glass to frick your gums up.
    But the real problem is the smell, stains and needing to spit all the time.
    I don't even like lollipops because it feels like I'm drooling.

    • 4 weeks ago

      what year is it?

    • 4 weeks ago

      You don't need to spit and they don't have a smell or cause stains, those are the tobacco ones, also the glass thing sounds like the people saying tea has heavy metals or some shit

  8. 4 weeks ago

    even nicotine pouches are bad for your gums

  9. 4 weeks ago

    You can do some harm reduction of the nicotine by fasting and avoiding it around eating windows and taking taurine.

    Avoiding it around eating windows because of the way it effects insulin sensitivity. Taurine because
    >Taurine supplementation to nicotine-treated animals reversed the contractile dysfunction and restored the endogenous GSH levels and decreased high lipid peroxidation and MPO activities in both tissues. These data suggest that taurine supplementation effectively attenuates the oxidative damage because of chronic nicotine administration possibly by its antioxidant effects.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Currently sitting next to five different flavours. Zyn is fricking amazing. Not only did it make me, a smoker of 5 years quit, it has also helped me consume less calories because it's kinda gross to eat with a zyn in.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Ever notice how every single time Theres one of these zyn threads its the same exact pic

    • 4 weeks ago

      based nooticer

      One question I have is why do these frick me up sometimes? I have never gotten dizzy or sweaty or lightheaded from a cigarette but the first time I zynned it knocked me on my ass.

      more nicotine+very fast delivery. I started with snus and smoking does literally nothing to me

  12. 4 weeks ago

    One question I have is why do these frick me up sometimes? I have never gotten dizzy or sweaty or lightheaded from a cigarette but the first time I zynned it knocked me on my ass.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    You're not really athletic until you achieve Mormon Mode and live without drugs.

    Weaning coffee now. When I'm off nicotine will go too then I'm in business baybee.

    You gotta go gradual as hell though.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You won't be any more athletic than before quitting. Your individual athleticism is only a factor of how smart/hard you train

      • 4 weeks ago

        t. moron

        I've been doing this a long time and I know how vasoconstrictive stimulants affect cardio

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Weaning coffee now
      I can understand giving up cigarettes or junk food, but coffee? That's taking the self improoovment a little too far imho. Coffee is one of the greatest things God has given us. A delicious drink that gives us energy, tastes good AND doesn't have any calories.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Coffee is amazing but if you do a super intense thing like wrestling the difference is obvious. I noticed in college, you "gas" sooner with artifically elevated blood pressure and heart rate

  14. 4 weeks ago

    yeah nicotine is poison junkies need to stop coping

  15. 4 weeks ago

    There's a reason You Know Who has been railing against nicotine. Just like meat and eggs, nicotine is actually good for you.

    • 4 weeks ago
      • 4 weeks ago
        • 4 weeks ago

          BTW, nicotine has other benefits beyond what is described in these images.

          It's very good at increasing testosterone and metabolism. Nicotine is also a really good nooptroic, and shows promise as a means of preventing or even reversing alzheimers.

    • 3 weeks ago




      BTW, nicotine has other benefits beyond what is described in these images.

      It's very good at increasing testosterone and metabolism. Nicotine is also a really good nooptroic, and shows promise as a means of preventing or even reversing alzheimers.

      I thought coof wasn't real and the vaxxies were all getting groomed into something? Make up your minds.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    >arguing with addicts

  17. 3 weeks ago

    I use Zyn on a cut. Works pretty good, man.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    no but it does cause hairloss so not worth it

    • 3 weeks ago

      There is literally no evidence that nicotine has any relationship wit hairloss.

      • 3 weeks ago

        zyn causes hair loss, not nicotine

        • 3 weeks ago

          Then why does Tucker have such lush hair?

  19. 3 weeks ago

    Have fun trying to quit nicotine pouches when you've had one in your mouth from the moment you've woken up to the time you go to sleep. The delivery of the nicotine pouch is practically weaponized at this point in getting and keeping you hooked.

    Nicotine is bad, do not do it for any reason.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You're right Mr. Pfizer. We should only take approved drugs from trustworthy companies and the doctors they bribe to prescribe them.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Are you a paid shill? Why do you have to take any drugs or medications you dumb c**t

        • 3 weeks ago

          Sometimes you have to use medications in order to either cure/treat yourself of some sort of ailment, or to enhance your pre-existing abilities, which ofc is optional and not necessary.

          There's no reason to forgo literally all pharmaceuticals or non-pharma 'supplements', that's moronic and myopic. Obviously macro dosing nicotine on a daily basis, a euphoric substance, is likely to result in dependency, if not full blown addiction. However as the pol schizo infographics show, perhaps there's some value in dosing nicotine whilst one is sick with COVID to aid in treating oneself faster and more effectively.

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