will this actually help with hair growth/regrowth?

will this actually help with hair growth/regrowth? Is a shampoo "infused" with rosemary oil gonna do ANYTHING or do I need pure concentrated raw rosemary?

I can get the minoxidil treatment shit at walmart but I'm scared to try it because I've heard it causes hair loss at first, and my hair is very long so any amount of hair I lose at the root is gonna make everything uneven and gross looking.

Also I want to keep the hair I still have. I can only actually see the thinning parts of my hair in a BRIGHT white overhead light. I'm not even sure it's visible in regular daylight. And I'm blonde, and my hair is naturally lighter at the root so I genuinely can't tell by looking how bad the thinning is...

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  1. 6 months ago

    Post pic we won't laugh, we are here to help

  2. 6 months ago

    The only scientifically accepted way to prevent male patterned hair loss is Finasteride. Anything else is cope. You'd have to be seriously moronic to consider Minoxidil before Finn, like, you'd have to have zero understanding of the mechanisms involved to voluntarily pick something with worse outcomes, lifelong dependence, and serious medical risks.

    God I hope Pyrilutamide passes FDA testing just so you morons can stop shitting up this board with your moronation.

    • 6 months ago


      I'm not loving this, anon.

      • 6 months ago

        Did you even read the article you linked?

        >evidences from large population-based long-term placebo-controlled studies using validated questionnaire and objective method for assessing sexual function suggested no substantial evidence of ED in men receiving finasteride.
        >Finasteride has been an effective drug in preventing low-grade prostate cancer but its role in increased incidence of high-grade prostate cancer has been attributed to better performance of PSA screening in prostate cancer detection.

        The internet is literally FULL of bald trannies seething they got fooled by other bald trannies who were seething ad infinitum and were too stupid to save their hair because a reddit post scared them. Don't let this be you. Finasteride has literally been in use for decades by hundreds of millions of men, you're fricking stupid if you think you're privy to some magic knowledge about how it's actually evil and the rest of the world isn't.

        • 6 months ago

          >Rosemary oil is a natural DHT blocker. That means it can stop dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from binding to receptors in your hair follicles [3]. DHT is a key hormone that contributes to male pattern baldness. By preventing DHT from binding to your follicles, you can slow hair loss and possibly promote regrowth.

          I'll stick with based rosemary oil and ditch the troony drugs, thanks, tho

          • 6 months ago

            Lmao take oral Minoxidil , do micro needling , PRP

            Don't take fin orally if not comfortable. But topical fin has no side effects.

            • 6 months ago

              >But topical fin has no side effects.
              Its also expensive $99 a month for basically almost identical results as with DHT blocking oils

              • 6 months ago

                >But topical fin has no side effects.
                >Its also expensive $99 a month for basically almost identical results as with DHT blocking oils

                Damn. land of the free eh ha ha ha. You can just start saving for a transplant.

                I mean 99$ per month for atleast one year or more , and if you stop the hair fall starts again.

                Just go to Turkey and get a transplant after a few years or now.

                Probably more cost effective than life long Min+fin /essential meme oils

              • 6 months ago

                >meme oils
                It's scientifically proven it blocks DHT in hair follicles so idk why does IST still considers them shitty meme oils

              • 6 months ago

                because they are mentally unwell schizoids

              • 6 months ago

                >meme oils
                >It's scientifically proven it blocks DHT in hair follicles so idk why does IST still considers them shitty meme oils

                As much as 2% min. Which is given to girls for androgenic alopecia. It's not even as strong as 5% min.

                Fin is much stronger.

                I am calling it meme because it's not as effective.

          • 6 months ago

            And just like that another seething bald troony will be born in a few years, and so the cycle repeats.

    • 6 months ago

      >The only scientifically accepted way to prevent male patterned hair loss is Finasteride. Anything else is cope. You'd have to be seriously moronic to consider Minoxidil before Finn, like, you'd have to have zero understanding of the mechanisms involved to voluntarily pick something with worse outcomes, lifelong dependence, and serious medical risks.
      >God I hope Pyrilutamide passes FDA testing just so you morons can stop shitting up this board with your moronation.

      Minoxidil has positive effect even in androgenic alopecia, obviously in earlier stages.

      Finasteride can cause ED and low test so one has to consider whether to lose manlihood or lose hair.

    • 6 months ago

      Biotin has almost zero effect on hair fall/increasing length.

      Just take Minoxidil and fin , do micro needling , PRP and save for hair transplant bro.

      Ditch all the onion oil , natural remedies bull shit.

      bros.. my gf has traction alopecia(?) from tying her hair so tight as a kid. she has a 5head and a weird ass hairline. will minoxidil-microneedling-tret be enough to regain some ground or am I gonna have to stop being a poorgay and get her hair transplant?

      • 6 months ago

        Bro, your "gf" is a male

  3. 6 months ago

    Biotin has almost zero effect on hair fall/increasing length.

    Just take Minoxidil and fin , do micro needling , PRP and save for hair transplant bro.

    Ditch all the onion oil , natural remedies bull shit.

    • 6 months ago

      >Ditch all the onion oil , natural remedies bull shit.
      Rosemary oil is scientifically proven to be blocking DHT or some shit in hair and to work as effective as minoxidil

      So it's not bullshit

      • 6 months ago

        >Ditch all the onion oil , natural remedies bull shit.
        >Rosemary oil is scientifically proven to be blocking DHT or some shit in hair and to work as effective as minoxidil
        >So it's not bullshit

        As effective? Pls tell source.

        • 6 months ago


          >In contrast, both groups experienced a significant increase in hair count at the 6-month endpoint compared with the baseline and 3-month endpoint

          • 6 months ago

            >In contrast, both groups experienced a significant increase in hair count at the 6-month endpoint compared with the baseline and 3-month endpoint
            It's against 2% Minoxidil which is given to female patients of androgenic alopecia.

            Men are prescribed 5% minimum , even 10% topically and most effective being oral Minoxidil which significantly increases serum concentration.

            Though thanks for linking the study and not baselessly claiming. Will look further into it.

  4. 6 months ago

    Rosemary oil
    Dilute it with castor oil, pumpkin seed oil and argon oil

    • 6 months ago

      >Dilute it with castor oil, pumpkin seed oil and argon oil


      • 6 months ago

        Because rosemary oil is essential oil and it works better with a carrier oil. You can use 1 so rest of the 2 are optional

  5. 6 months ago


    This guy says rosemary oil recovered his hair and the majority of the comments are positive saying it's helping them as well. It's not some snake oil bs according to science it does something to stop DHT in hair follicles

  6. 6 months ago

    >the balding troony is now samegayging a thread only 5 ips in it thinking anyone won't notice

    • 6 months ago

      are you unwell?

  7. 6 months ago

    If you are interested about hair loss, Ferrigno Freedom will see if his hair came back after going carnivore for 3 years

  8. 6 months ago

    Rosemary Oil, micro-needling and Saw Palmetto are the only thing that works. After that, it's minoxidil and fin, I assume you already know the downsides of those two. Don't be so down on yourself, there are a lot of guys who look more masculine with short/bald hair, pray that you're one of them, if not, RIP.

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