>women say that being fit isn't attractive for them and that they prefer fat lazy guys in dad bodies

>women say that being fit isn't attractive for them and that they prefer fat lazy guys in dad bodies
>yet irl I get mires from almost every woman after I've started lifting

Why do women always have to put this facade and say that they don't actually want a fit chad to frick their brains out?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Filters out the weak.

    • 8 months ago

      Seconding this. Simps do exactly what women say they want and set themselves up for failure.

  2. 8 months ago

    Look man, idk what the frick women even have as their rationale. But just know you can lasso most girls if you are in shape, charismatic, make money, look good and responsible. They won't tell you directly but it is what it is.

    • 8 months ago

      Most of them are basically like children. Most don't outgrow that until their 40s or so. Treat them like you're their brother when casually dating and treat them like you're their father when it's more serious. Genuinely that simple.

      • 8 months ago

        >Treat them like you're their brother when casually dating
        So I have to make her pout at me and call me "onii-chan"?

        • 8 months ago

          If you're doing it right a lot of women will unironically do shit like that sometimes or they'll start pillow fights or other silly stuff that you'd do with your brother. For real

      • 8 months ago

        So if I had minimal interactions with my brother is it over for me? I live with a dysfunctional family

        • 8 months ago

          I don't mean literally like every woman has a brother to base it off of. I mean the types of healthy interactions you'd see between a brother and sister. It's not over

      • 8 months ago

        Sorry I just treat all women like I'm their distant pedophile father who raped them starting at 12
        It's just who I am
        They like it

  3. 8 months ago

    most women don't find ripped bodies attractive if your face card isn't at the same level.
    there was a trend on Instagram with lifters sharing their gender ratio of followers and every single dude no better if 5k or 1 million, had like 99.99% men following them.

  4. 8 months ago

    Same reason as guy who say they prefer “thicc” landwhales
    Just cope because they know they can’t do better so they idolize what they see as attainable

  5. 8 months ago

    As usual women have no idea what they want.

    They operate off of "vibes" aka vague emotions they dont understand. They arent malicious when they give you advice on that is unintentionally the opposite of what women like, they are just using logic on what they think women in general "should" like but when they look at their own lives it is opposite, which then makes them append onto their idea (well personally I don't go for it but OTHER WOMEN yeahhh)

  6. 8 months ago

    never listen to women. only trust their actions.

  7. 8 months ago

    Women don’t say that

  8. 8 months ago

    >listen to what women say
    >take it as fact
    I wonder where OP went wrong

  9. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I'm down

    • 8 months ago

      im down too, lets see

  10. 8 months ago

    >women say that being fit isn't attractive for them and that they prefer fat lazy guys in dad bodies
    No they don't.
    >b-but i saw some woman write it on her social media or say it in a video
    There are no girls on the internet, moron. If you didn't hear an actual female say it in real life, it didn't happen.

  11. 8 months ago

    >women say

  12. 8 months ago

    Hey anon, it says "gullible" on the ceiling!

  13. 8 months ago

    >implying women are intelligent enough to know what they're talking about

  14. 8 months ago

    Women are liars by nature. It's just like how they call deformed people beautiful and how they say they wear revealing clothing to the gym because it's comfortable and not because of male attention

    • 8 months ago

      I wouldn't say liars by nature but of course they are manipulative and say and do things that secure their place in the social group they want to belong to. If our current society was overwhelmingly fat-shaming, women would have no problem saying they want fit men or whatever else they actually want other than fat.

  15. 8 months ago

    I think this is just a vocal minority on the internet.

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, the lesbians of course

  16. 8 months ago

    Their idea of a dad bod is a fit as frick guy with a bit of fat. What the media tells you is that a dad bod is the body of a sedentary slob

  17. 8 months ago

    They have nothing to gain from telling the truth.

  18. 8 months ago

    >women say that being fit isn't attractive for them and that they prefer fat lazy guys in dad bodies
    It's true, but more to that, they prefer confident and "don't give a frick" attitude. Throughout most times fit, muscular, huge guys were the ones who didn't give a frick. Nowadays being fit is tryhard and cringe, every other zoomer hops on tred to get fit, gym culture is a thing. Fat hairy guys are those who don't give a frick. And most of all, women don't like guys who try too hard. It's true, even in day to day life, guys who try too hard and are too out there are usually mocked. Laid back and yeah, even lazy guys or those who exhibit a lazy, chilled, don't give a frick attitude are the ones who are the most desirable

    • 8 months ago

      Gym culture is a good point, mostly because it reinforces some of the negative stereotypes associated with being fit (living a certain lifestyle). So even if you are genetically blessed, which would be desirable to them, they will still assume that you attained your body the same way or for the same reasons all the tryhards did.

  19. 8 months ago

    "Dad bod" is literally chris bumstead on off season for women.
    You guys have to understand dad bod is not "fat lazy" body. Its swole, masculine, bear type of body where you are basically 15-20% bf and muscular asf. Bonus point for "attractive bodyparts" like forearms, shoulders, biceps and back.
    Women say they want a dad bod and its normal. 15% bodyfat looks more healthy and normal than a 10% shredded metrosexual worrying about his daily salad.
    >women say they want normal, masculine looking men
    >men understand "be lazy and fat"
    >"why am I incel ?!"

    • 8 months ago

      >Its swole, masculine, bear type of body where you are basically 15-20% bf and muscular asf
      kek that's not a dad bod at all

  20. 8 months ago

    Shit test probably. When you get new wheels on your car you expect them to work you do not change how you drive for them. Women bing picky is good in the long run we do not ant weak ugly men reproducing. 1 girl settling destroys an entire genetic linage

  21. 8 months ago

    You actually listen to women? And believe them?

  22. 8 months ago

    If there’s one piece of advice you have to know about women is that you pay attention to what they do, never what they say.

  23. 8 months ago

    >Boxing/kickboxing for 12 years, always did OK with girls. I was pretty much a lean machine fighting at 65kg 5'9

    >December 2022 I started lifting weights, following a proper routine eating clean and being consistent every week.

    I'm definitely more attractive to the opposite sex. My wife has been up for a threesome with another for a few years now but we didn't have any luck, I started a new job last month and yesterday my team leader gave me her personal number; I figured I was imagining that she liked me... BUT she told me she had a tinder date, I told her me and my wife considered that to find a girl for a 3way and she messaged me at 1am telling me she was having inappropriate thoughts

    Today I asked about it in person in passing when she was leaving and she got all embarrassed. I've asked for details and later I'll probably proposition her to a date. I want to see my wife eat her pussy and shes got some nice big breasts I want to play with.

  24. 8 months ago

    They have zero self awareness and say things they think make them sound like good human beings when really they’re all just pathologically evil, narcissists and say whatever they can to try and hide that fact. Look up Florence Nightengales explanation of women.

  25. 8 months ago

    I don't ever listen to women on anything ever. she could be right and I will treat her like she is wrong because it's never once in my life benefited me when I listened to women. I also hate them

  26. 8 months ago

    women do not experience sympathy, emotions, or think like guys. they are like children trying to avoid getting into trouble with you and everyone.
    A woman can be more fit, more educated and have more money than you but she is entirely unable to make real choices that benefit herself or others, she is essentially a burden to bear. now luckily they are cute and if you don't fap all the bad shit gets swept under the rug, hell her father might have programmed her with the correct things to parrot.
    but she herself doesn't know anything she is a collection of repetitions that are approved by those around her.

    when you get to her core she's often genuinely horrible so without her lies she will drive men away from her.
    it's not all bad though, we got our own bad parts as guys as well but in general never trust what a girls opinion on anything is and don't try to beat them with logic just beat their emotions. Pretend you are the dominant in her coomer romance books.

  27. 8 months ago

    Imo it’s cope. They’re afraid they can’t be with a guy like that and if they tell others that’s the kind of guy they like, in there minds they have to find that fit guy or else they’re settling and they’ll hate themselves. If they say they like fat guys and he’s fit, TeeHee I didn’t even notice he was fit until I already liked him.

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