would you join?

with the current monthly gym prizes, i mean... it's only 10 dollars for a workout. kickboxing is good for your body and you could even spar with others. at the costs of training with lgbtqp+ people.

would you join?

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    What kinda virtue signal is this? Why can't it just be a Kickboxing class?

    • 3 months ago

      because they wanted to make a gay one, dumb frick. quit complaining about how other people have chosen to create things while you sit there and create nothing but whining

      • 3 months ago

        >t. fingering the boys

      • 3 months ago

        >we are just like everyone else!
        >we need our own version of everything
        Pick one, homosexual

        • 3 months ago

          alphabet morons are so confused that they want total equality and segregation at the same time. The other day I heard a troony on the radio say that he was fighting for inclusivity, and ten second later he mentioned wanting public spaces to have a third bathroom for the gender-queer. Next they are going to ask to ride in the back of the bus or something

      • 3 months ago

        Cool, I'm going to make a straight, white only boxing club. By your logic that's totally OK, so I can count on your support if I get any pushback, right?

        • 3 months ago

          If straight white prople are oppressed and marginalized where you live, you can bet your ass I will fight tooth and nail right beside you for your equal rights.
          If there are spaces where being straight and white is unsafe and legally discriminated against, I will fight for you.
          Now you could begin by listing places/countries where this is the case.
          Where does being straight carry a death penalty?

          • 3 months ago

            Straight white people are the only group you can legally discriminate against lmao

            >Where does being straight carry a death penalty?
            Oh god this again, you dumb homosexual, none of this has applied to the civilized world for years.
            Everywhere genuinley homophobic is coincidentally a shithole you dont want to visit anyway

            • 3 months ago

              Oh? I don’t understand. Are you saying there is not literally a single place in the world where it’s unsafe for you to travel?
              What about the queer people who, you know, LIVE in those places that carry the death penalty for being a certain way?
              I guess human lives don’t matter to you at all.

              • 3 months ago

                >Are you saying there is not literally a single place in the world where it’s unsafe for you to travel?
                >What about the queer people who, you know, LIVE in those places that carry the death penalty for being a certain way?
                These places are shitholes that will eventually come to their senses and stop pointlessly harming the gays
                >I guess human lives don’t matter to you at all.
                They do, I just get angry that you, the western homosexual assume you are opressed because chechnya is a homophobic shithole

              • 3 months ago

                So you’re angry at me for wanting safety for other people that are not me?
                What kind of toddler mindset is this?
                Also I’m discriminated against pretty much every day. People still use gay pejoratively and all that. This is not something that’s made up. If you had any trace of empathy, you’d understand this without me having to explain it to you.

              • 3 months ago

                >So you’re angry at me for wanting safety for other people that are not me?
                No, just dont equate their situation to yours
                >People still use gay pejoratively and all that.
                Boo hoo, we used to chemically castrate people like you in the UK, things get better by the day, relax

              • 3 months ago

                Untill we are all free none us are. Every second wasted is another innocent life lost.
                That certainly is something worth fighting for and you’d understand if you had any comprehension about kinship.
                You’d be shitting your balls out if the island of lesbos suddenly started executing straight people with made up reasons.

              • 3 months ago

                Other than the platitudes/emotional nonsense.
                >You’d be shitting your balls out if the island of lesbos suddenly started executing straight people with made up reasons.
                Of course, but the opposite isnt happening in the civilised world either.
                You should focus your energy abroad if you actually want to help people

              • 3 months ago

                You didn’t know that france has been actively limuting the rights of lgbt couples?
                Are you also completely unaware of the thing they are soing against trans people in the us?
                Well I’m not from america so I’m literally focusing my energy abroad as we speak.
                Spesifically talking to c**ts who are trying to pretend that society wide homophobia is a thing of the past.

              • 3 months ago

                Gay marriage is a slippery slope, looks like you morons still haven't learned your lesson.

              • 3 months ago

                Most of Africa, North Korea, and some Islamic theocracies

              • 3 months ago

                >some place in saudia arabia or whatever kills gays for some reason

                There are many places in the world where gay people don’t even have a right to live. Even more places where they’re not allowed to get married.
                Do you now understand that these are just some of the rights gay people don’t have all around the world?
                Did you not know that this is the case?
                If someone just wants to be themselves it is in fact your choice to get annoyed by it. No person has the power to modify your feelings about this via a remote connection.
                You are responsible for your own feelings, not other people.

                How the frick does it help gays in Iraq to have a pride march in san francisco's castro district.

              • 3 months ago

                >How the frick does it help gays in Iraq to have a pride march in san francisco's castro district.
                they just like the attention, why do you think so many work in entertainment?

              • 3 months ago

                >How the frick does it help gays in Iraq to have a pride march in san francisco's castro district.
                So they know there are people like them all over the world. Helps to show them that the way of their government is wrong and that there is nothing wrong with them as people. I thought the consept of a protest was quite simple, but apparently not.

              • 3 months ago

                >So they know there are people like them all over the world.
                Trust me they arent paying attention to things elsewhere.
                They need these things in their own nations, not nations where its already won.
                >Helps to show them that the way of their government is wrong and that there is nothing wrong with them as people.
                It really doesnt, or if it does its a horrendously ineffective method
                >I thought the consept of a protest was quite simple, but apparently not.
                Its not a protest when its government sanctioned you frickwit

              • 3 months ago

                >so they know
                If they have access to the internet, they already know.
                If the government is controlling information access, it's useless to begin with (mostly only relevant to firewalled countries admittedly).
                >THEY'RE NOT ALONE!!
                "Gee Abdul, I'm sure glad I know there are other gays over there in america."
                "Yes Hakeem, it is important to know of the great satan so that we may guard against them. Now then, please jump off the building, we have a schedule to keep".

              • 3 months ago

                Queer people face disproportionate amounts of harrasment literally everywhere.
                Violence agains queer folk is also really common.
                But you’re a typical reactionary idiot who can only think trough their feelings while ignoring all facts.

                If straight white prople are oppressed and marginalized where you live, you can bet your ass I will fight tooth and nail right beside you for your equal rights.
                If there are spaces where being straight and white is unsafe and legally discriminated against, I will fight for you.
                Now you could begin by listing places/countries where this is the case.
                Where does being straight carry a death penalty?

                So you’re angry at me for wanting safety for other people that are not me?
                What kind of toddler mindset is this?
                Also I’m discriminated against pretty much every day. People still use gay pejoratively and all that. This is not something that’s made up. If you had any trace of empathy, you’d understand this without me having to explain it to you.

                Aee you seriously under the assumption that the gay kickboxig advert is up in saudi arabia or some such place so all the gays can turn up to a kickboxing place and not worry about getting executed, wven though no one would know your gay at kickboxing anyway and clearly anyway who sees the advert would have to feel safe being in public becuase it is presumably in a public place?

              • 3 months ago

                gays and troons are, if not completely possessed, thoroughly corrupted by demons. So no, they have ling since given up being human.

          • 3 months ago

            I still don't understand what "rights" gay people don't have compared to a normal person. If you choose to act like an annoying gay and get treated differently because of it, that's on you.

            • 3 months ago

              There are many places in the world where gay people don’t even have a right to live. Even more places where they’re not allowed to get married.
              Do you now understand that these are just some of the rights gay people don’t have all around the world?
              Did you not know that this is the case?
              If someone just wants to be themselves it is in fact your choice to get annoyed by it. No person has the power to modify your feelings about this via a remote connection.
              You are responsible for your own feelings, not other people.

              • 3 months ago

                >If someone just wants to be themselves
                Anon just want to create a white power exclusive martial arts club. Why can't he do that?

              • 3 months ago

                I don’t know. Why can’t he?

              • 3 months ago

                Again, not in the west/civilised society for fricks sake.
                >If someone just wants to be themselves it is in fact your choice to get annoyed by it. No person has the power to modify your feelings about this via a remote connection.
                You are responsible for your own feelings, not other people.
                These are just platitudes, its not rational to go out and hurt gay people or people in general, feelings have nothing to do with it.
                Hilariously, the "You are responsible for your own feelings" is never extended to the self-destructive gender nonsense.
                If they feel like they are in the wrong body, they should just un-feel that, right?
                Do you value feelings or not? I don't and can provide ample condemmation of violence and homophobia without ever bringing feelings into it.

              • 3 months ago

                Why is the west only thing that matters?
                The term gay is still used pejoratively in the west so that is the most simple example of discrimination.
                Racism is not the same thing as gender dysphoria and you trying to compare these things side by side only goes to show you’re a moron.

              • 3 months ago

                >Why is the west only thing that matters?
                >The term gay is still used pejoratively in the west so that is the most simple example of discrimination.
                These are the most minor of battles, dont get too torn up over them.
                >Racism is not the same thing as gender dysphoria and you trying to compare these things side by side only goes to show you’re a moron.
                1)I didnt compare the two
                2) Dysphoria is a condition, transgenderism is social-ideology
                3) answer the fricking question, do feelings matter or not?
                Or are you selectievly choosing the ones you agree with, hmm?

              • 3 months ago

                Gay people live in other places than the west too. Why are you trying to pick and choose what are real problems an what are not?
                Gay people getting killed anywhere is a major problem, I don’t fricking care of it happens in the moon, it doesn’t change anything.
                Racist feelings don’t matter since they are based on misinformation and injustice. I wouldn’t think this is so difficult.
                >selectively choosing
                You’re selectively choosing to ignore the problems of gays. Italy for example doesn’t recognize gay marriage and Italy isn’t exactly some backwards ass middle eatern country. Literally smack bang in the middle of europe.

              • 3 months ago

                >Gay people live in other places than the west too. Why are you trying to pick and choose what are real problems an what are not?
                >Gay people getting killed anywhere is a major problem, I don’t fricking care of it happens in the moon, it doesn’t change anything.
                I absolutley condemn homophobia and other harms against these people.
                But I have little to no ability to change centuries of religious dogma in foreign lands.
                I care, I just get mad when people from western nations claim they are opressed because something is happening elsewhere.
                >You’re selectively choosing to ignore the problems of gays.
                I have a concept of hierarchy, getting killed for being gay is far worse than being mocked for being gay, you equating the two is why people get annoyed.
                >Italy for example doesn’t recognize gay marriage
                That is so far down the list of priorities for the gays that I am not overly concerned.
                The (logical) arguments for gay marriage (I prefer the term same-sex marriage) relate to sexism and financial equality.
                Trust me, the world has bigger priorities than making Italy marry the gays.

                Focus on the worst things first, as the hierarchy of needs dictates.
                ie on chechnya and the middle east, on physical harms over emotional 'harms'

              • 3 months ago

                But you’re just denying and belittling every single form of discrimination that I tell you about. Even though all of these things are part of the same problem.
                Do you think that a pejorative use of a word doesn’t effect how people act towards a cerain group?
                Like nothing about this isn’t real to you because you don’t understand it and compelely refuse to listen to someone telling you how things are.
                Being openly gay brings with it all kinds of problems wether you belive it or not.

              • 3 months ago

                I am belitteling the tiny cultural battles you keep equating to the far far worse ones the gays have come through.
                Yes its all part of the same thing, but you should deal with the worst parts first.
                I know there are problems in civilized society, they are nothing compared to whats going on elsewhere.
                >Being openly gay brings with it all kinds of problems wether you belive it or not.

                >Focus on the worst things first, as the hierarchy of needs dictates.
                ie on chechnya and the middle east, on physical harms over emotional 'harms'
                Like first you say that it doesn’t matter because it’s not happening ”here” and now you’re saying that’s the only thing I should be focusing on.
                I think I accused you before of shifting goalposts and you’re doing it again right now.

                Its hard to sound consistent when Im having 2 arguments with different people.
                I am saying that the reason you should focus on the bigger problems elsewhere is because the ones you have in the west are not nearly as big, prioritise them appropriately.

                Also the right to marry isn’t exactly low priority
                Marriage is the state many people have been living in for centuries and it’s not a small deal that some people are just denied that right
                Do I have to explain marriage to you also?

                >Also the right to marry isn’t exactly low priority
                Its a cultural victory for the most part, In italy for example, you can have a civil union which would bring you in line with heterosexal couples financially etc.
                >Marriage is the state many people have been living in for centuries and it’s not a small deal that some people are just denied that right
                No, you are denyed the right to LEGALLY marry, within the framework of the law, marriage as a conecpt is meaningless which existed before laws and registers came to be, its legal implications are not.
                Again, you want the culture victory and will lose because the better arguments involve finance and legal jargon.

              • 3 months ago

                It wouldn’t be hard being consistent if you were consistent.
                Somehow you say you condemn homophobia while belittling all the forms of homophobia at the same time.
                Also I don’t get why you’re constantly accusing me of equating getting heckled to getting killed because I have not done that once.
                But both are problems worth attention and it’s not like the existance of the other somehow cancels out the other.
                It still means gays are in a shitty postition all around the world.
                What the lgbt community has done so far has been very effective on achieving it’s goals but there is still lots of work to be done.

              • 3 months ago

                >It wouldn’t be hard being consistent if you were consistent.
                meaningless statement
                >Somehow you say you condemn homophobia while belittling all the forms of homophobia at the same time.
                Nope, not ALL forms, just the minor cultural ones that are far far less important than actually saving lifes.
                >Also I don’t get why you’re constantly accusing me of equating getting heckled to getting killed because I have not done that once.
                It was a comparison, not a direct accusation.
                >But both are problems worth attention
                >and it’s not like the existance of the other somehow cancels out the other.
                No, but one needs far far more attention than the other.
                >It still means gays are in a shitty postition all around the world.
                Overall, yes, where I am, no.
                >What the lgbt community has done so far has been very effective on achieving it’s goals but there is still lots of work to be done.
                As long as mission creep doesn't keep occuring, I would agree.
                Otherwise, as gays are genuinley different, expect fair and equal treatment, but dont expect exatcly the same outcomes when you are so different.

                What you’re saying is basically you would need to ensure that no child in the entire world ever dies of starvation before you’re allowed to pack a school lunch for your own child. Do you see how little sense that makes?

                >What you’re saying is basically you would need to ensure that no child in the entire world ever dies of starvation before you’re allowed to pack a school lunch for your own child. Do you see how little sense that makes?
                Im not debating a shitty metaphor.
                When your immediate safety is assured, then you can help others, but when gay safety in the west is well assured, they should focus on elsewhere first.

              • 3 months ago

                >when gay safety in the west is well assured
                We ain’t there yet
                That’s the point
                If we were, separate gay bars would be utterly pointless
                And so would be pride
                >dont expect exatcly the same outcomes when you are so different
                What do you mean by this exactly?
                It’s not a shitty methaphor. It’s literally what you’re saying, I only changed the character and the reason of death

              • 3 months ago

                >We ain’t there yet
                you are so close that its selfish to not focus elsewhere
                >If we were, separate gay bars would be utterly pointless
                Nope, those serve a logistical purpose these days.
                >And so would be pride
                You keep insisting it be held despite having won virtually everything you want, its a frivolity these days and at worst a show of force.
                You won, stop celebrating, its arrogant.

                >What do you mean by this exactly?
                If you do physically different things, you wont get the same results.

                >It’s not a shitty methaphor. It’s literally what you’re saying, I only changed the character and the reason of death
                I explained the logistics of helping others....

                Your safety is assure, your battles here are vastly vastly won, move the frick on.

              • 3 months ago

                You really don’t even read what I say..
                We’re going in circels. All there is left for me to do is to repeat the same things I have told you over and over.
                Pride is still needed. All around the world. And it’s presicely because of people like you.

              • 3 months ago

                >Pride is still needed. All around the world. And it’s presicely because of people like you.
                Scream louder > receive pushback > interpret is as an attack > go on the defensive > scream louder, and repeat

                What a self centred, self important viewpoint. Like some entitled shit who turns their music up louder when you ask them to turn it down.

                For a bunch of people who claim to want to celebrate diversity, you sure do demand that everyone has to fall in line with your way of thinking

              • 3 months ago

                You really don’t even read what I say..
                We’re going in circels. All there is left for me to do is to repeat the same things I have told you over and over.
                Pride is still needed. All around the world. And it’s presicely because of people like you.

                You two are arguing different things / have vastly different perspectives.
                One anon is saying "when it comes to returns, focus on what brings you a 10 (gays not dying) rather than what brings you a 2 (gay being used as a pejorative, mean words, whatever).
                The other anon is saying "focus on local, because trickle down effect spreads across borders (...I think? He's not very clear in that).
                What he hasn't said but I feel is his underlying motivation is "never stop pushing until EVERYTHING is EXACTLY the same, and then continue being loud and public so that the public perception doesn't (inevitably) shift back the other way". Legal equality is one thing, and could be said to be admirable goal to strive towards, but attempts to influence public perception is absolutely foul.

                >It makes sense to want to fix up your home before fixing up the neighborhood.
                I hate metaphors, my point is their safety is secured, so the frivolities are pointless.

                Your marraige stuff is irellevant to same sex marriage, whatever marraige is, whatever its reasons, same sex marriage is logically inevitable if you argue against sexism.

                >Pride is still needed. All around the world.
                Not where you have already won, its like beating a dead horse.
                >And it’s presicely because of people like you.
                Im not your enemy whatsoever, but you are determined to make me one.

                I'm not the gay anon. I just said "it makes sense to focus on what's close to you".
                Personally my stance is that "social acceptance" is itself an ailment of society.
                "Complete social acceptance" is a product of the most fundamental unit of society being the individual, rather than the family.
                If the fundamental unit was the family, and voting rights / taxes / etc. were relegated to that, then for the homosexual to play ball in influencing society, he would have to still produce a family. The same would go for the hordes of single wine aunts, catladies, incels, players, etc. Focusing on the individual is the height of selfishness in my opinion.
                Marriage benefits exist to start savings so that you're more financially comfortable to have children.
                >insurance / property rights
                Shouldn't be tied to marriage in the first place.

              • 3 months ago

                seen, read, nothing in response other than:
                I agree, gay-anon would likley never stop even if he got more than what he wants, which is why he annoys me.

              • 3 months ago

                So I’m again responsible for your personal feelings because you choose to belive some nonsensical slippery slope scenario that you just came up with?
                Why do I even bother.

              • 3 months ago

                What you’re saying is basically you would need to ensure that no child in the entire world ever dies of starvation before you’re allowed to pack a school lunch for your own child. Do you see how little sense that makes?

              • 3 months ago

                >Focus on the worst things first, as the hierarchy of needs dictates.
                ie on chechnya and the middle east, on physical harms over emotional 'harms'
                Like first you say that it doesn’t matter because it’s not happening ”here” and now you’re saying that’s the only thing I should be focusing on.
                I think I accused you before of shifting goalposts and you’re doing it again right now.

              • 3 months ago

                The financial benefits to marriage were explicitly to promote child rearing, and given the birthrates in the west there needs to be more incentives.
                Marriage, from a societal viewpoint, was never about "love" or "fairness". If it was purely love then polygamy and/or incest would be allowed.
                Objectively there's nothing wrong with polygamy from either a love nor a child rearing perspective, it's merely "few men take all the women == not enough women for other men == other men have less incentive to participate in society", similar to the hypergamy / incel / MGTOW / whatever route that's being talked about.

                I am belitteling the tiny cultural battles you keep equating to the far far worse ones the gays have come through.
                Yes its all part of the same thing, but you should deal with the worst parts first.
                I know there are problems in civilized society, they are nothing compared to whats going on elsewhere.
                >Being openly gay brings with it all kinds of problems wether you belive it or not.

                Its hard to sound consistent when Im having 2 arguments with different people.
                I am saying that the reason you should focus on the bigger problems elsewhere is because the ones you have in the west are not nearly as big, prioritise them appropriately.

                >Also the right to marry isn’t exactly low priority
                Its a cultural victory for the most part, In italy for example, you can have a civil union which would bring you in line with heterosexal couples financially etc.
                >Marriage is the state many people have been living in for centuries and it’s not a small deal that some people are just denied that right
                No, you are denyed the right to LEGALLY marry, within the framework of the law, marriage as a conecpt is meaningless which existed before laws and registers came to be, its legal implications are not.
                Again, you want the culture victory and will lose because the better arguments involve finance and legal jargon.

                >I am saying that the reason you should focus on the bigger problems elsewhere is because the ones you have in the west are not nearly as big, prioritise them appropriately.
                Not the gay anon, and while I disagree with him on a fundamental level, on this statement alone (concerning motivations) he has a point. if the west has moved past the serious things, it makes sense to focus on the less serious things. Pushing for an end to the serious problems in frickistan potentially leads to international conflict, a conflict of differing cultures, all kinds of shit.
                It makes sense to want to fix up your home before fixing up the neighborhood.

              • 3 months ago

                >It makes sense to want to fix up your home before fixing up the neighborhood.
                I hate metaphors, my point is their safety is secured, so the frivolities are pointless.

                Your marraige stuff is irellevant to same sex marriage, whatever marraige is, whatever its reasons, same sex marriage is logically inevitable if you argue against sexism.

                You really don’t even read what I say..
                We’re going in circels. All there is left for me to do is to repeat the same things I have told you over and over.
                Pride is still needed. All around the world. And it’s presicely because of people like you.

                >Pride is still needed. All around the world.
                Not where you have already won, its like beating a dead horse.
                >And it’s presicely because of people like you.
                Im not your enemy whatsoever, but you are determined to make me one.

              • 3 months ago

                >I’m NoT yOuR EnEmY
                >you need to stop pride NOW
                Make up your mind schizo

              • 3 months ago

                Is holding a parade essential to your safety?

              • 3 months ago

                There would be no safety for me without it. It’s what allowed it in the first place.

              • 3 months ago

                It is no longer of utility, please stop.
                There was a time I would have agreed with you, that time has long since passed.

              • 3 months ago

                You’re entitled to your opinion, but it’s false.
                Pride is still extremely important and much needed.

              • 3 months ago

                >Pride is still extremely important and much needed.
                Not in the west, where you enjoy the fruits of legal supremacy.

              • 3 months ago

                Laws don’t prevent people from discriminating and being violent.
                Exposure and wide participation in a society is what does. Pride ticks both of these boxes.

              • 3 months ago

                >Laws don’t prevent people from discriminating and being violent.
                No they just punish it, dipshit.
                Laws cant prevent things, only punish them.

                >Exposure and wide participation in a society is what does. Then participate in society as people, just exist normally.
                >Pride ticks both of these boxes.
                Pride prevents discrimination? How?
                Pride (the esxclusive gay event) encourages participation? how?

              • 3 months ago

                >Pride prevents discrimination? How?
                See: progress made because of pride
                Straight people are very welcome to pride also as is everyone else. Again you’re coming up with fictional things to get mad about.

              • 3 months ago

                >See: progress made because of pride
                But the progress has been made, its purpose is fulfilled.
                Its over, you won.
                >Straight people are very welcome to pride also as is everyone else. Again you’re coming up with fictional things to get mad about.
                You know what I meant, its not FOR them

              • 3 months ago

                It absolutely is FOR staight people also what the frick are you talking about?
                You know fricking NOTHING

              • 3 months ago

                >It absolutely is FOR staight people also
                Enlighten me, I know they can attend.

              • 3 months ago

                Most gay people have straight parents. And usually many straight friends. Everyone is welcome.

                > that’s not a rational reason to hate or get annoyed by them.
                If someone is being fricking annoying, as part of a group, on behalf of that group, you are going to dislike that group.
                Seriously. I am warning you here.

                I don’t care about the feelings of homophobes. You’d have no issue with pride if you weren’t one.
                I bet you’d even be too afraid to wear a rainbow pin.

              • 3 months ago

                >Most gay people have straight parents. And usually many straight friends. Everyone is welcome.
                cool, I dont care
                >I don’t care about the feelings of homophobes.
                You should at least try to understand why they become like that.
                >You’d have no issue with pride if you weren’t one.
                I dont hate/fear gays etc, I disagree with the continued pride stuff in the face of near-total victory.
                >I bet you’d even be too afraid to wear a rainbow pin.
                True, I would never wear that.
                But thats because I dont want to mislead people.

              • 3 months ago

                I know exactly why they’re like that. Belive me I’m much more aware of the many forms homophobia takes than you.
                Hating a man for acting effeminate or flamboyant is not a valid reason to hate them.
                You also argued that you start hating groups based on the acts of a singular person. And that’s also just utter nonsense. That’s literally how racism functions.
                I don’t eve hate arabs as a group even when some among them throw mu friends off roof. This is the fundamental thing people like you do not understand.
                Not all people carry extreme prejudice like you do.
                Wearing a rainbow doesn’t mislead people. Merely shows you’re supportive, but if you’re interested there is also a separate straight ally flag too.

              • 3 months ago

                >I know exactly why they’re like that. Belive me I’m much more aware of the many forms homophobia takes than you.
                I cannot experience/know everything, you have won the major battles though.
                >Hating a man for acting effeminate or flamboyant is not a valid reason to hate them.
                I completely agree, got bullied at school for 'being gay' not even gay, just a bit effeminate.
                >You also argued that you start hating groups based on the acts of a singular person. And that’s also just utter nonsense. That’s literally how racism functions.
                It was more of a comment about policing your own and being careful of image.
                I agree judging a group by an individual is wrong.
                >I don’t eve hate arabs as a group even when some among them throw mu friends off roof. This is the fundamental thing people like you do not understand.
                see above
                >Not all people carry extreme prejudice like you do.
                I really don't....
                >Wearing a rainbow doesn’t mislead people.
                People thought I was gay when I was in school because I had a rainbow phone case, I was 11 and liked the colors, I dont like what it makes other people think.
                >Merely shows you’re supportive, but if you’re interested there is also a separate straight ally flag too.
                Nah, my support is verbal and logical.

              • 3 months ago

                If you weren’t homophobic you’d have no problem people thinking you are gay. It doesn’t effect you.
                >policing your own and being careful of image
                Exactly, you don’t want people acting gay, even if they are gay, because for some reason that annoys you.
                >my support
                You’re the opposite of supporting. You want pride to end. That’s not supporting. You’re directly opposing.

              • 3 months ago

                >If you weren’t homophobic you’d have no problem people thinking you are gay. It doesn’t effect you.
                It effects me because they have been homophobic to me before.
                >Exactly, you don’t want people acting gay, even if they are gay, because for some reason that annoys you.
                Why do you equate 'annoying' to 'acting gay'. I dont.
                We all know what annoying means.
                >You’re the opposite of supporting. You want pride to end. That’s not supporting. You’re directly opposing.
                Are you too dogmatic to see that someone can absolutley support gay rights etc but not like pride parades etc?

                >That’s the way the have been raised and conditioned by society
                Not excusievly, you wouldnt understand it but some people have bad experiences that shape their views.
                >See above, there is plenty of examples on this thread as is
                name a single example the straights wont understand

              • 3 months ago

                You’re confused and probably quite young. I’m done with this conversation.
                >support gay rights etc but not like pride parades
                Sigh. Just side with the homophobes, you’d be more at home over there.
                In fact I don’t want whatever your idea of this support is.

              • 3 months ago

                >You’re confused and probably quite young. I’m done with this conversation.
                Im 25
                >Sigh. Just side with the homophobes, you’d be more at home over there.
                Fricking hell you can't accept anything outwith your narrow worldview can you.
                >In fact I don’t want whatever your idea of this support is.
                So, you want total support or nothing else? christ

              • 3 months ago

                Now you're getting it. These people want unthinking compliance, asking questions is hatred

              • 3 months ago

                total homosexual death

              • 3 months ago

                >If you weren’t homophobic you’d have no problem people thinking you are gay. It doesn’t effect you.
                It does affect you if you're trying to attract friends or girlfriends. Some jocks don't want to hang out with "the gay guy", some girls won't want to accept your advances because they don't want to be seen dating a guy who was "once into guys".
                That's not homophobia, even on the part of the other kids, it's mere association preferences. Much like how a lot of people don't want to date others of other political bents, how some girls don't want to date nerds, etc.

              • 3 months ago

                >they don't want to be seen dating a guy who was "once into guys".
                Bi guys have this issue constantly

              • 3 months ago

                >I know exactly why they’re like that.
                why then?
                >Belive me I’m much more aware of the many forms homophobia takes than you.
                Any actual examples? Educate me.

              • 3 months ago

                Not him but I believe they come in

              • 3 months ago

                I think you mean

              • 3 months ago

                That’s the way the have been raised and conditioned by society
                See above, there is plenty of examples on this thread as is

              • 3 months ago

                >I dont hate/fear gays etc, I disagree with the continued pride stuff in the face of near-total victory.
                When are you going to finally take their word for it, that total mainstream public acceptance and government enforced equal/superior treatment isn't "victory" to these people? This is the propagation of a social contagion, a virus, not an earnest campaign for some specific change that can be ended when a definable goal is achieved. They will never declare victory. They will never be happy with you. They'll simply push and push for ever-growing and increasingly-aggressive perversion until their host society dies out and the Amish and the Mormons inherit the continent by default.

              • 3 months ago

                Idk, I'm naiive enough to think I can have them disarm.

              • 3 months ago

                An accurate and self-aware assessment. You approach in good faith and suggest that maybe we've gotten to a good place and we all can get along and get on with our lives. An olive branch. The response is an effort to guilt you, shame you, and demand you drop to your knees and kiss the ring of this weirdo's sexual tastes.

                I make one promise to you: The relief you feel will be immense when you finally let go, call that homosexual a fricking homosexual, and tell him to frick off and leave you alone.

              • 3 months ago

                "The right to be left alone" should be the gold standard for societal behavior, I think.
                "Public acceptance" == forcing them to welcome you.
                Being against violence == having them leave you alone.
                I'm all for the anti-violence, but not the social acceptance.
                Which pairs hand in hand with right to association. Someone tells you to frick off, just respect that.

                effeminate anon here, you are right, its fear over other people's views, not my own views being hateful

                glossophobia: fear of public speaking
                agoraphobia: fear of (being in) public
                doxophobia: fear of expressing opinions
                allodoxaphobia: fear of hearing other people’s opinions
                I wonder what the term of actually being afraid of what the opinions of others is, or if that's just "normal behavior'. It's not explicitly saying yours or listening to theirs, just what their underlying opinion is.
                Anyway, hope you're doing better these days anon. I myself like to bake and clean and things I consider "normal" but other consider effeminate for some silly reason.

              • 3 months ago

                >Anyway, hope you're doing better these days anon. I myself like to bake and clean and things I consider "normal" but other consider effeminate for some silly reason.
                Oh yeah, It was something that only happen when I was young, now I'm 6f2 and buff, no one gives me shit

              • 3 months ago

                >I wonder what the term of actually being afraid of what the opinions of others is,
                no no, I was afraid of them being homophobic towards me

              • 3 months ago

                >"The right to be left alone" should be the gold standard for societal behavior, I think.
                And that's why you (and our society as a whole) find yourself feeling like you're being dragged down into mud defending yourself while weirdos demand you kiss their ring or get branded a bigot - This isn't a standard, it's an anti-standard. You can' ban power. You put power down, the circus rolls into town and picks it up.

              • 3 months ago

                In fairness I said societal behavior, i.e. standard civilians, not politics / power play. I do recognize that there's a certain power vacuum that will exist if not already filled.
                Gold standard to me means "something to strive for", not necessarily "something we can achieve". I probably use the incorrect words for that though, my apologies.
                Feudalism has the potential for nobles to abuse their power, communism has the potential for government to abuse their power, democracy has the certainty of morons voting for whatever. I don't think there is an ideal way, just try to make the best of whatever.

              • 3 months ago

                >Most gay people have straight parents
                I wonder why lol

              • 3 months ago

                >I bet you’d even be too afraid to wear a rainbow pin.
                I don't wear a French flag either. I don't hate the French, I'm not scared of them, I just don't see the relevance of wearing insignia or symbols of groups I'm not part of.

              • 3 months ago

                Lmao the irony

                Western society in general is oversexed and is beginning to correct itself. This is just generational bullshit and was easily foreseeable. Multiple trends are converging towards modesty outside of sexual preferences

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Do you truly believe that if pride parades were to be stopped for some reason, be it lack of interest from the gays (for some reason), or lack of public display permits or whatever from the city's side, that public sentiment would drift back to "hmm, well, that's kind of gross ain't it? let's just kill them all again."

              • 3 months ago

                Replying to:
                But I want

                There would be no safety for me without it. It’s what allowed it in the first place.

                to see this.

                I wonder if pride parades are now starting to lower acceptance of gay stuff, as they are pointless and over-expose gay stuff to the straight majority.

              • 3 months ago

                Lgbt rights in the us and europe have already started going backwards. I know this is news to you since you don’t know anything.

                Replying to:
                But I want [...] to see this.

                I wonder if pride parades are now starting to lower acceptance of gay stuff, as they are pointless and over-expose gay stuff to the straight majority.

                No such thing as ”over exposing” that’s just a homophobic argument from beginning to end. It implies that people would be more olay with gays if we started hiding again.
                Of course homophobia lifts it’s head at the same rate gay visibility increases. But that is entirely a one sided problem (the problem being homophobia)
                Normal people literally don’t give a single shit if they see a rainbow flag on a flagpole, but of course a homophobe would take issue with it.

              • 3 months ago

                >Lgbt rights in the us and europe have already started going backwards.
                No you moron, their rights are static, cultural acceptance has decreased because you over-played your hand.

                >No such thing as ”over exposing” that’s just a homophobic argument from beginning to end.
                When you are such a small minority, yes, its very easy to be over-represented.
                >It implies that people would be more olay with gays if we started hiding again.
                Not hide, just dont seek attention pointlessly.
                >Of course homophobia lifts it’s head at the same rate gay visibility increases.
                Because being fricking annoying INDUCES homophobia.
                > But that is entirely a one sided problem (the problem being homophobia)
                How anyone presents to the public matters.
                >Normal people literally don’t give a single shit if they see a rainbow flag on a flagpole, but of course a homophobe would take issue with it.
                You constantly assume that anyone who disagrees with you hates you.
                Im just sick of seeing it everywhere, not because its gay, because im tired of it.

                >So I’m again responsible for your personal feelings because you choose to belive some nonsensical slippery slope scenario that you just came up with?
                Its not my feelings or belief, you have no end-game and so you will keep fighting a nonexistant battle, against a nonexistant threat to your safety.

              • 3 months ago

                Utter nonsense

              • 3 months ago

                going to make an argument?

                Seriously, if straights being violent can cause gays to avoid straight people.
                Then gay people being annoying will cause straights to hate them.

                be less annoying

              • 3 months ago

                That’s just homophobia. If gays annoy you for being the way they are, that’s not a rational reason to hate or get annoyed by them.
                It’s just your fragile feelings that you apparently have no control over.

              • 3 months ago

                > that’s not a rational reason to hate or get annoyed by them.
                If someone is being fricking annoying, as part of a group, on behalf of that group, you are going to dislike that group.
                Seriously. I am warning you here.

              • 3 months ago

                If people stood outside your house singing gospel music every day you'd eventually get sick of it and ask them to go away. By your conceited logic that would be proof that we NEED more gospel singers, and they should sing outside your window 24/7 with megaphones until you change your hateful ways and start enjoying it

              • 3 months ago

                these dipshits seriously think that any resistance indicates hate, I keep trying to tell them its just annoyance and they keep making it worse.

                pushback is not equal to prejuduce

              • 3 months ago

                >Lgbt rights in the us and europe have already started going backwards.
                Because we've run the Acceptance Experiment, and the results have come back awful. Time to roll it back. Enjoy arguing with these softies who all still accept the fundamental thesis that your lifestyle should be accepted and advanced by society in general while it lasts.

              • 3 months ago

                >No such thing as ”over exposing”
                I had many gay rights activist professors in California lament the state of the LGBT community today because they're pushing for, in their words, "too much".
                Paraphrasing here, but "why the frick are they prancing around in leather tights and giving blowjobs when there are children 10 feet away in public? Any other parade and they'd be arrested immediately." There's a generation divide. Then again there are such divides in every culture / movement, so I shouldn't be surprised it struck there as well.
                He also would go on about "gay marriage shouldn't be a thing, but not because of any religious reasons, but that healthcare / taxes shouldn't be tied to marriage either. There's no reason to not just have your company insurance be a +1 you designate whoever." Basically if two gay men wanted to frick and be together, then do it, rather than getting everyone else to accept you. I respect his stance and it made me think they weren't all crazy. Wanting to just be left alone is respectable.

                Laws don’t prevent people from discriminating and being violent.
                Exposure and wide participation in a society is what does. Pride ticks both of these boxes.

                Exposure does indeed, when the "exposure" is "maybe these guys aren't so different than you and me after all". Exposure in the form of dog mask wearing dog-walking degenerates just fuels the flames of animosity.

                That’s just homophobia. If gays annoy you for being the way they are, that’s not a rational reason to hate or get annoyed by them.
                It’s just your fragile feelings that you apparently have no control over.

                >the way they are
                The other thing I remember him venting about (in the form of a psychology 101 class, top kek) is that they tend to play into / adopt the gay stereotypes as a means to signal to other gays they're gay when it's absolutely irrelevant to the social situation, such as being in a classroom where your primary purpose is to absorb material / education rather than attracting mates.

              • 3 months ago

                >Of course homophobia lifts it’s head at the same rate gay visibility increases.
                You're fricking married to this persecution complex, aren't you? Have you considered for one minute that actually Teh Evil Straights don't sit there fuming all day at your very existence, most people don't give a frick, they just want to go about their lives not having fringe minority propaganda shoved in their faces.

              • 3 months ago

                By that logic we should have annual suffragette protests to make sure women don't lose the vote, and regular race riots to ensure slavery doesn't get reinstated

              • 3 months ago

                what do you mean by pride anyway?
                how generally are we speaking?

              • 3 months ago

                >in Saudi Arabia gays are executed!
                >and that's why it's super important we get a whole month of special treatment, here, in the west, where homosexuality is completely legal

          • 3 months ago

            >predictable wall of text to cope with breach of logic
            didn't read, hypocrite nonce

          • 3 months ago

            Found the israelite.

          • 3 months ago

            1. Gay people are not marginalised
            2. Being marginalised doesn't mean you get more rights than everybody else (the right to create exclusive clubs)
            3. Anywhere that punishes being gay with death is not going to be a place that accommodates lgbt kickboxing classes
            4. Whining about things online is nit a "fight"

          • 3 months ago

            Except nobody asked for your help. Not a single fricking person wants or needs your help. You engage in what's known as altruistic egotism because you NEED to feel you're making change/progress. You can't tolerate the fact that people won't notice you. So what do you do? You pick the easiest, lowest effort, most socially-safe way to crusade against a non-existent threat. You see yourself as some kind of revolutionary when in reality, you're just a child who never received enough attention growing up. You have no marketable skills, hence why you are trying to force yourself into social circles instead of creating anything. Getting together with a bunch of gays and screaming isn't revolutionary, you're just annoying.

          • 3 months ago

            >Where does being straight carry a death penalty?
            united states

          • 3 months ago

            >for your equal rights.
            Well this is a chance right now, if you're allowed to make a gays only kickboxing club then straights not being allowed to means the rights are unequal.

        • 3 months ago

          Not that anon, but you have my support.
          Freedom of association is THE most basic of rights, beyond even freedom of speech and blah blah.

    • 3 months ago

      You’d be surprised but alot of regular spaces are potentially really unsafe for LGBT people. Better to be clear with your intentions from the start.
      You also hate the fact that gaybars exist, correct?

      • 3 months ago

        Gay bars make sense as the facillitate gay specific things for a small group.
        A gay-specific kickboxing class makes no sense as kickboxing isnt a sexual thing

        >regular spaces are potentially really unsafe
        When they have legal supremacy and a stranglehold on politics?
        No, that is utter bullshit

        • 3 months ago

          Queer people face disproportionate amounts of harrasment literally everywhere.
          Violence agains queer folk is also really common.
          But you’re a typical reactionary idiot who can only think trough their feelings while ignoring all facts.

          • 3 months ago

            Im not the guy you replied to originally, but I can assure you these people would get less hate if they weren't so fricking annoying

            • 3 months ago

              So other people are responsible for your feelings?
              What a strange way of going about it.
              What is so annoying about gays anyway?
              You don’t like the fact that they know they are being discriminated against?

              • 3 months ago

                >So other people are responsible for your feelings?
                Go poke a bear and find out
                >What is so annoying about gays anyway?
                Attention seeking, demanding, overly political, insistant on massive overrepresentation that doesnt exist organically. Demands a whole parade etc
                >You don’t like the fact that they know they are being discriminated against?
                The few things where people still 'discriminate' is entierly due to their annoying social habits and abrasive behavior

              • 3 months ago

                you'd probably be surprised how many marches go on every year in your nearest city anon. for example, how do you feel about fans of a sports team congregating to celebrate when they win a big match?

              • 3 months ago

                I think they are c**ts, a sports team winning something is nonsense.
                Genuinley Im very consistent on this

              • 3 months ago

                Pride is a march for human rights and basic dignity.
                I don’t see how you’d be against that.
                You have to remember that gays have never had any rights given to them. Everything has had to be fought for.
                You don’t understand because you have never faced these issues and don’t even seem to understand them when people tell you straight.

              • 3 months ago

                >I don’t see how you’d be against that
                Because you achieved your goals many moons ago in the west
                >You have to remember that gays have never had any rights given to them. Everything has had to be fought for.
                Like every other group ever
                >You don’t understand because you have never faced these issues and don’t even seem to understand them when people tell you straight.
                No because I grew up in a world where the gays werent actievly discriminated against, you might have

              • 3 months ago

                Gays are being actively discriminated agains in the west and you are wearing rose tinted glasses if you think otherwise.
                You’re literally willingly ignoring a problem and pretending it doesn’t exist.
                Proving that you don’t actually know anything about it.

              • 3 months ago

                Describe this 'diacrimination'
                If its actually just an outcome of the reality of same sex attraction it doesnt count.

                You didn’t know that france has been actively limuting the rights of lgbt couples?
                Are you also completely unaware of the thing they are soing against trans people in the us?
                Well I’m not from america so I’m literally focusing my energy abroad as we speak.
                Spesifically talking to c**ts who are trying to pretend that society wide homophobia is a thing of the past.

                What are they doing then?
                Transgenderism is ideological nonsense, I dont support identity bullshit, the gays are fine with me though.
                Cool, where are you? Im in UK

              • 3 months ago

                Feminine gays get heckled regularry, guys holding hands in public get harrased and same sex couples get attacked for showing attraction towards each other in public settings.
                Gender dysphoria is a real thing and it doesn’t matter how you feel about it.
                You can’t will it away.
                >What are they doing then?
                You said that nothing is happening and now when I tell you something is happening you’re acting confused.
                How about you educate yourself in stead?

              • 3 months ago

                >Feminine gays get heckled regularry, guys holding hands in public get harrased and same sex couples get attacked for showing attraction towards each other in public settings.
                In france? Give it time, it will improve. The youth care less and less.
                >Gender dysphoria is a real thing and it doesn’t matter how you feel about it. You can’t will it away.
                Im aware dysphoria is a real phenomena but as you said "It doesnt matter how you feel". And the feelings of dysphoria are irrational and unsatisfiable.
                Dysphoria is real, but what it demands and expects is irrational nonsense.
                >You said that nothing is happening and now when I tell you something is happening you’re acting confused.
                No, I said that overall its not bad, but asked for specifics as to what you percieve the problems are
                >How about you educate yourself in stead?
                I am, hence the questions

              • 3 months ago

                >And the feelings of dysphoria are irrational and unsatisfiable.
                Do you have gender dysphoria?
                Why are you assuming such an expert opinion on this?
                >hence the questions
                Well this thread is filled with answers already
                And there are plenty of actual reliable resources, you don’t have to take my word for it

              • 3 months ago

                I dont have to have gender dysphoria or be an expert on it to know that a male insisting he is a female doesn't make sense.
                The phenomena is a real thing, people do feel this way, its just that the feelings are not rational feelings as they demand the impossible and expect an exception to standards that cannot occur without collapsing defintions.

              • 3 months ago

                What’s so bad about collapsing definitions if they never accommidated for everyone in the first place?
                Because to me it seems you’re simply uncomfortable with this because you’re afraid something bad will happen if you allow freedom to others.

              • 3 months ago

                >What’s so bad about collapsing definitions if they never accommidated for everyone in the first place?
                Because if anyone can be something, and there are no meaningful criteria, the definition does not exist.
                It ceases to exist without a standard of some form.
                >Because to me it seems you’re simply uncomfortable with this because you’re afraid something bad will happen if you allow freedom to others.
                You are making an emotional and unfounded argument here.
                I want people happy, but not at the expense of rationality and empircism.

              • 3 months ago

                But I thought you didn’t care about identity in the first place but now you’re saying you’re scared if it goes away?

                Not him but something bad will absolutely happen.
                Freedom? You can't have everything you want. Time to grow up and accept that.

                What will happen?

                exceptions to the rule do not invalidate it, dishonest poster.

                Not a very good rule if it’s so hard to define that nobody can do it effectively.
                Almost as if its totally made up in the first place

              • 3 months ago

                I dont consider "woman" an Identity, I consider it a physical category.
                There is no fear, only logic

              • 3 months ago

                All this talk about logic has surely poisoned the water in the well honestly.
                You call it logic yet you can’t logically define it.
                I think saying you’re ”logical” is just supposed to imply that you’re smart. Which I don’t think is the case here.

              • 3 months ago

                >You call it logic yet you can’t logically define it.
                Can't logically define what?
                Woman; Adult, Human, Female
                Of the two sexes it denotes the sexually mature category of female. Its a worthwhile standard as a sexually dimorphic species that undergoes sexual reproduction.
                All other concepts are cultural/social and I dont care about those as they are not functional.

              • 3 months ago

                >What will happen?
                The death of empiricism and standards.
                And thus the cornerstone of modern society and all its functionality.
                A return to superstition and unquestioned dogma, the dark ages of non-evidence.

              • 3 months ago

                What evidence do you need about other peoples feelings?
                You can’t exactly map a persons psyche on paper in a repeatable manner.

              • 3 months ago

                That was not what was discussed.
                My point is that for something based on physical criteria, peoples feelings are irrelevant

              • 3 months ago

                That’s just not how it works. An the scientific community is on my side with this.
                Peoples feelings define what they identify as.
                Identity is not a physical thing.

              • 3 months ago

                Woman is a physical criteria, and so feelings are irrelevant.
                Identity is not a physical thing yes, but that is why it does not exist in any meaningful way.
                Im sure 'feelings' cause people to 'identify' as something.
                But when what they 'identify' as has physical criteria, it is utterly irrelevant.

                No matter how sincere a feeling, it does not alter physical reality.

              • 3 months ago

                But I don’t understand what your issue is. Trans women are pretty much just another category of women. Your problem seems to be that you want to hold especially strict criteria for what it is to be a woman, but I don’t see how that is beneficial to anyone.
                Like who or what are you trying to protect?
                Because all you’re doing is just basically laughable gatekeeping.
                Gatekeeping things that don’t even particularry concern you.

              • 3 months ago

                Firstly, nothing survives without gatekeeping.

                Secondly, if you are so insistent that "trans women" (males) are women, what definition of "woman" can include them?
                I eagerly await your response

              • 3 months ago

                ”Someone who identifies as a woman”
                Would be sufficent

              • 3 months ago

                Incorrect, that definition is circular and recursive.
                A definition containing the word being defined doesn't work.

              • 3 months ago

                Okay, so what is your correct answer?

              • 3 months ago

                Woman; Adult, Human, Female

                Not my definition, THE definition

              • 3 months ago

                Ok so ”someone who identifies as a female” should work just fine then

              • 3 months ago

                Nope, as female is a physical category.
                If you do not meet the physical criteria, you are not female.

                >THE definition
                Is it written in the stars or?

                It is near universal and denotes the female difference of being post-sexual maturity

              • 3 months ago

                >near universal
                So it’s incomplete?
                What you’re doing here is proving that there is still work to being done in this field. Your approach to this is regressive at best.
                You earlier said something weird about gatekeeping too. I don’t think women and men are going anywhere even if we allow transpeople into the mix without separate categorizing.
                But seeing how you have highjacked this conversation to following your strict feelings about how things ought to be, I don’t think there is much chance of this conversation going anywhere.
                Talk about logic all you want, however it’s just your superficial way of defining the goalposts to this conversation and it allows you to simply reject everything that doesn’t strictly follow your worldview.
                Expose yourself to a community who actually knows things about stuff.

              • 3 months ago

                Not that anon but right back at you. There is a fundamental disagreement between you sick fricks and anyone with any kind of sense. The average human will never look at a man in drag and say that he is a woman unironically. If shemales just stuck with the term transvestite or ladyboy most of the hate would have dissipated by now but the need for acceptance as something you obviously aren't and subsequent brute forcing your way into spaces and positions you have no right to is making you detestable and shows the world just how much of a degenerate sexual freak you lot are.

              • 3 months ago

                bless you, have a toad

              • 3 months ago

                your post made me think of diogenes chicken. people try to make an objective category to put men and women in, and its normal, nature dictates it, they are acting upon this. we don't question if a rock is hard, we can feel it. we can question why the rock is hard, just like we know that a male that believe he is female or vice versa, is and will never escape their reality, the question now is the "why", why is a male a male, why is a female a female, and why some believe they are the other sex. Science has gotten pretty far and we now understand more about the way male and female are, just like we understand more that a rock is hard because of how tightly bonded its molecules are at an atomical level. In the case of Plato and Diogenes, people already knew what a human is, but plato goes a step further and wants to put it into words "a featherless biped". Then, Diogenes comes back with the chicken, you all know the story I presume. The mistake here, is perhaps the shortcut of Plato, even if he would not be wrong, we are bipedal and have no feathers, He basically pointed at a circle, but can't say every digits of Pi, the issue, and thats what I believe gayanon is doing, is to not see the circle for what it is, but to fall in Diogenes' rethoric, Diogenes did not actually believe the chicken was human, but since we can't see the full thing, as we are not omniscient, it is pointless to assume we know the objective completion of the equation, but we still see the result and don't assume that since we don't have all the numbers, that the result is undoubtedly wrong. For now, the man who believe he is a woman, is just like a chicken who believe it is a human, and unless we want to deal with the absolute headache that giving chickens human right and citizenship would ensue, we can stick to the lab for now, knowing that a man is a man, and a woman is a woman. Thank you for reading my esl ass, and apologies for any typos or turn of phrase that would impede reading.

              • 3 months ago

                well put
                god bless

              • 3 months ago

                >So it’s incomplete?
                No, its just that languages vary too much for me to speak with certainty, virtually everywhere distinguishes between childhood and adult hood, and all distinguish between male and female.
                >What you’re doing here is proving that there is still work to being done in this field. Your approach to this is regressive at best.
                wrong, see above and basic empiricism
                >You earlier said something weird about gatekeeping too. I don’t think women and men are going anywhere even if we allow transpeople into the mix without separate categorizing.
                It would as it makes zero sense for a male to be considerd a woman or a female to be considered a man. Take that to its logical conclusion and man/woman are redundant categories that would collapse.
                >But seeing how you have highjacked this conversation to following your strict feelings about how things ought to be
                Its not feelings, its basic logic and criteria. Its not 'ought' it's IS.
                >Talk about logic all you want, however it’s just your superficial way of defining the goalposts to this conversation and it allows you to simply reject everything that doesn’t strictly follow your worldview.
                You are right that I anchor my worldview around logic, your inability to thrive in that or provide meaningful arguments within that means that you and your agruments are not logical 🙂
                >Expose yourself to a community who actually knows things about stuff.
                "Knows things about stuff" you sound like a child lmao

                You can't (won't) define woman/man, you ignore phyiscal reality, your arguments are nothing but statement and your outcomes are nothing but ideological and cultural.

                you will go the same way as religion, superstition and dogma: to the flames

              • 3 months ago

                >Take that to its logical conclusion and man/woman are redundant categories that would collapse.
                I think that's the point

              • 3 months ago

                we always have male/female as a failsafe, but I like distinguishing between post/pre sexual maturity, even though the groomers dont lol

              • 3 months ago

                Incomplete brain human with male and female permutations

              • 3 months ago

                For anyone wondering where "To the Flames" comes from.

                As a Scot, the Scottish Enlightenment is very important to me.

              • 3 months ago

                I would kill Hume.

              • 3 months ago

                The Humophobia is off the scale

              • 3 months ago

                >THE definition
                Is it written in the stars or?

              • 3 months ago

                >Trans women are pretty much just another category of women.
                That's a nice opinion you have. Any facts to back it up? Because my opinion is that trans women are a category of men, and I have lots of facts to support that.

              • 3 months ago

                Cool, I identify as black. Give me a scholarship, cracka

              • 3 months ago

                You're entitled to whatever feelings you want. You're not entitled to your own facts.

              • 3 months ago

                Not him but something bad will absolutely happen.
                Freedom? You can't have everything you want. Time to grow up and accept that.

              • 3 months ago

                >What’s so bad about collapsing definitions if they never accommidated for everyone in the first place?
                You're a tiny minority. Nobody cares what you think and you aren't valid. Deal with it.

              • 3 months ago

                I have body dysphoria and I don't get why a woman with it gets free test but even though I identify as prime Arnie I don't get free test too and instead it's a felony for me to posess

              • 3 months ago

                Transition from male to alpha male lmao

              • 3 months ago

                I have body dysphoria and I don't get why a woman with it gets free test but even though I identify as prime Arnie I don't get free test too and instead it's a felony for me to posess

                I'll support them the moment they fight to legalize test for me, also winny

              • 3 months ago

                >Do you have gender dysphoria?
                >Why are you assuming such an expert opinion on this?
                Do you have schizophrenia? No? Then who are you to tell schizophrenics that the voices in their heads aren't real?

              • 3 months ago

                >How about you educate yourself in stead?
                NTA, but I will never educate myself. I don't care enough about you people to go through the trouble. If you want me to learn you can spoonfeed me or get fricked.

              • 3 months ago

                Well the least you can do is to stop claiming things that are not true.
                Nobody really cares about you or your opinion unless it’s actively harming others.
                But since some of you are so interested in this stuff it would do you good to look into this at least a little.
                Just enough that you’re not spewing nonsense constantly.

              • 3 months ago

                NTA means "not that anon" by the way

              • 3 months ago

                Okay, but the same applies to you too. You don’t have to care or even be interested, just don’t go saying things you know nothing about.

              • 3 months ago

                >just don’t go saying things you know nothing about.
                I haven't, and its beyond arrogant to think only you have some "hidden knowledge" on the matter.

              • 3 months ago

                Quite the contrary, all of my knowledge about this is very public and readily available for anyone to see.
                The answer to why you are feeling this way is simply ”ignorance”
                Meaning you don’t know the same things I do and that’s okay
                You can educate yourself any time

              • 3 months ago

                So if I disagree with you I am ignorant?
                Christ you sound arrogant

              • 3 months ago

                What are we dissagreeing about?
                If it’s about facts then yes you are ignorant.

              • 3 months ago

                Which facts exactly?
                You certainly haven't presented anything

              • 3 months ago

                I’m sorry, but I don’t know what this is about. But to me it seems you’re looking for some sort of gotcha moment.

              • 3 months ago

                Nope, Im just wanting to know if I missed anything?
                Can you show me I did?

              • 3 months ago

                This is an anonymous forum so I have no way of knowing which messages are yours I’m afraid.
                So according to me you’re free to go. You have my premission.

              • 3 months ago

                Haha yeah that is a problem, Its why we should have poster ID like /misc/ does, it makes conversation more traceable.

              • 3 months ago

                Can I spoonfeed you a tasty carrot soup?
                I made it myself 🙂

              • 3 months ago

                fair! out of interest, are there any examples of people gathering in a public space that you do think is worthwhile? we're digressing a bit but i'm interested - what about, for example, a bunch of fisherman on the pier? how do you feel about people dining al fresco?

              • 3 months ago

                Lol. Social gatherings, exercise. Or useful civil disobedience.

                Can you describe with your own words what is so mindless about it?
                What are these political differences you hold that you’re concerned will make you evil?

                Im right wing for very bland reasons like the free market etc but people think I hate the gays, which I dont, although I do think they are culturally weird.
                The mindless part is the identity politics and my utter disagreement with gender as identity. Im agnostic for the same reasons I dont think identity exists; theres no criteria and it exists on statement alone.

                there you go anon - thats why the poster signals that its being organised by a bunch of gays - so you don't have to go and waste yours and their time

                I take issue with the constant demand for isolation/seperation, it doesnt seem sensible as surely its best to be comfortable around the vast majority of people? Rather than always seeking your own

              • 3 months ago

                I don’t quite get it. Are you a gender abolitionist?
                What’s your point and how does it take away from you if someone else wants to identify as whatever?

              • 3 months ago

                My point is that the concept of "identifying as" something doesn't mean anything as there are no criteria and as a result it exists on statement and statement alone. And so, it doesn't exist meaningfully and I therefore am opposed to it.

                I dont idenify as a man, I simply am one by being an adult human male.

              • 3 months ago

                >I simply am one
                So what you have just told me is that you identify as a man. You’re trying to leverage on useless semantics. If you feel that you’re a man ”because you just are one” that most defenately is proof that you IDENTIFY as a man no matter how you’re trying to dress it.

              • 3 months ago

                No no, its not an identity, I meet the criteria for being one and therefore am.
                Im not comfortable nor uncomfortable about it, its utter neutrality.
                Even if I did/didn't 'Identify as' a man, it would not matter, as I objectievly meet the criteria for being a man

                I do not have identity

              • 3 months ago

                Your criteria, your opinion, your point of view. Being a man isn’t strictly defined anywhere.

              • 3 months ago

                It is; Adult (sexually mature), Human, and Male (sperm producing)

                So if someone beats me up or kills me for hitting on them, there is no danger present for me for hitting on them because they might face consequenses?
                Is this what we’re working with right now?

                You have the same protections as a heterosexual man has if he his beaten up for offending a guy.
                Id say thats equality

              • 3 months ago

                How is hitting on someone comparable to an offence?

                So people who cannot produce sperm are by definition women?

              • 3 months ago

                >hitting on
                Its not, but some straight guys are so insecure that they think being hit on by a guy makes them gay.
                >sperm thing
                Nope, but as only males produce sperm, that is why the category exists

              • 3 months ago

                exceptions to the rule do not invalidate it, dishonest poster.

              • 3 months ago

                There's XY with typical XY characteristics (boys, men), XX with typical XX characteristics (girls, women, postmenopausal hags). Everything else can fall under the umbrella term 'freak'.

              • 3 months ago

                I know you are wording it rudely, but the sexual binary is enforced functionally by the fact that anything outwith the normal is less fertile and/or results in mental and physical moronation/malformation.

              • 3 months ago

                >So people who cannot produce sperm are by definition women?
                This disingenuous troony logic makes me rage. If you're a man who can't produce sperm, youre a defective male, not a female.
                >herp derp, but i think youll find YOUR definition just said...
                Shut the frick up. A dog is a quadripedal mammal. Say you find a three-legged dog. Does that invalidate the entire definition of "dog"? To be true to my own strawmanned logic would I have to declare this dog a new species, to save face? No, you idiot, its a defective dog. The category "dog" is still valid, most normal people who have two braincells and who aren't arguing in bad faith understand the concept of exceptions to a rule, and no, the existence of an exception doesn't mean you the rulebook is torn up and you can identify as a dog.

              • 3 months ago

                Why base your definition on "produces sperm" rather than "possesses XY chromosomes" ?
                Also, a difference between "defective" and "injured". I wouldn't call a dog "defective" because he's missing a leg. Crippled, sure. If you're going off proper terminology use then make sure you're using the proper terms yourself.
                Specifically, defective implies "no longer able to serve its function", and a man has more than one function than simply producing sperm. Hell, he could have ED and produce it just fine just fail to be able to deliver it.

              • 3 months ago

                There wouldn’t be a need to separate if all spaces were equally safe. You have the cause and effect backwards.
                Of course queer people would love to share spaces with straight people but how about when a gay guy goes into a normal bar and tries to hit on other men?
                There is a very real risk of violence right there.
                You think that society is perfect in this way but unfortunately that is not the reality we live in.
                And eve when gays try to partake and be visible in a regular society (pride march) there is always some jackass throwing pipe boms or tear gas into the crowd.

              • 3 months ago

                >how about when a gay guy goes into a normal bar and tries to hit on other men?
                This is a logistical issue, gay bars serve a function; removing chance.
                >And eve when gays try to partake and be visible in a regular society (pride march)
                Actually a pride march is the least normal thing you could do to fit in, but you are too biased to see that.
                >There wouldn’t be a need to separate if all spaces were equally safe.
                Enlighten me, in the age of so many laws and rules protecting you, which space isnt safe?

              • 3 months ago

                >least normal
                If this is the level of your rethoric, I’m done talking to you. You’re the one who is biased and your bias in this case is whatever you consider ”normal”
                >which space isn’t safe
                Ah, well lets see now, how about the regular bar that I used as an example before many times?

              • 3 months ago

                Its about statistics, the gays are statistically abnormal, its not my opinion.

                And the bar example, its safe for you to hit on guys, because they are criminalised if they attacked you for it, its just logistically pointless as so few are into guys.
                I know some guys would have a bad reaction but they shouldnt.

              • 3 months ago

                So if someone beats me up or kills me for hitting on them, there is no danger present for me for hitting on them because they might face consequenses?
                Is this what we’re working with right now?

              • 3 months ago

                Boring and angry, what a great combo!

              • 3 months ago

                Celebrating sportball victory is a little different than celebrating sucking wiener

              • 3 months ago

                >So other people are responsible for your feelings?
                What would happen, hypothetically, if to told you that you will never be a real woman?

            • 3 months ago

              what about the ad is bad?
              >some gays want to start a kickboxing club
              >they don't signal on the ad that they're gay
              >now they get to deal with a proportion of people showing up being at the very least awkward about being around gays
              is that the preferred outcome?

              • 3 months ago

                Are people actually awkward around gays?
                Is that a thing?
                Fighting is intimate but its not sexual ffs

              • 3 months ago

                judging by the responses in this thread, yes, some people wouldn't be comfortable going to a club where the majority of people there were gay

                not saying everyone, its just a non zero number. you ever been on a work night out when the girls want to go to a gay bar? and at least someone in the group seems kinda uncomfortable? idk, subjective experience but i've seen it happen

              • 3 months ago

                I would be uncomfortable in a gay bar and in a gay crowd but thats primarily because of political differnces I dont want to be accused of being evil for holding.
                I dont hate people, I just think the whole lgbtbbq thing became mindless recently

              • 3 months ago

                Can you describe with your own words what is so mindless about it?
                What are these political differences you hold that you’re concerned will make you evil?

              • 3 months ago

                there you go anon - thats why the poster signals that its being organised by a bunch of gays - so you don't have to go and waste yours and their time

              • 3 months ago

                >you would feel uncomfortable being in a place where gay men would assume you're gay too, and hit on you?
                >see! homosexuals are totally oppressed. I rest my case

              • 3 months ago

                Help i can't get through one martial arts class without bringing up how much i love getting wieners up the ass I'm being genocided nowhere is safe for me

          • 3 months ago

            If you can tell a guy is gay just by the looks of it they deserve getting their face punched. Same thing applies to nazis or commies, dont you think?

            • 3 months ago

              Ehh no. I don’t understand why are you making comparisons between these groups as if they had something in common.
              I think that if you can see that someone is gay, they deserve the same respect and dignity as everyone else.
              The fact that you’re annoyed by people wanting to be who they are is the exact reason why gay people still need their own seperate spaces to be safe.

            • 3 months ago

              >If you can tell a guy is gay just by the looks of it they deserve getting their face punched. Same thing applies to nazis or commies, dont you think?
              Shit, I can't even disagree with this. Anytime someone makes their 'thing' into their whole personality you should really just lynch them.

              • 3 months ago

                This is the state of braindead we are working with.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                When I say we I’m talking about people who are relatively normal.
                And don’t lose sleep over how some people carry themselves.

              • 3 months ago

                fair, I think its extreme too

          • 3 months ago

            None of what you said there are facts. Homos b***h about how they're treated more that the average person because they're told they're treated worse when really everyone is treated like shit

            • 3 months ago

              Correct. Homos attribute everything bad that happens to them, to homophobia.

              Something bad happens to a black guy, its racism. Something bad happens to a woman, "see, this right here is why we need feminism".

              Straight white guys are the only people on the planet who sometimes get shitty luck for no reason. For everyone else, it's a conspiracy, usually with straight white males as the villain.

          • 3 months ago

            You are delusional and live in a (my) fantasy

      • 3 months ago

        >You’d be surprised
        >a lot of regular spaces
        It can be ubiquitous or it can be surprising. Not both. I'm sick of hearing about schrodinger's oppression, that is somehow at once pervasive and overbearing and yet also elusive, hidden, surprising. The -ists and -phobes are everywhere, making everything unsafe all the time, and yet it's "surprising" because of course nobody ever actually sees or hears from one or actually spots an instance of them excluding anyone from anything.

        • 3 months ago

          i think he means you'd be surprised as a non gay, because it doesn't affect you it's not visible to you until it's announced (therein lies the surprise)

    • 3 months ago

      >What kinda virtue signal is this? Why can't it just be a Kickboxing class?
      It's a subtle gay mixer. There is no reason to mention LGBTQABCDEFG if not to promote some kind of degenerate sexual activities during or after the event. I'm not even joking, read between the lines.

      • 3 months ago

        What's the subtle sign for straight fit woman mixer?

        • 3 months ago

          There is a sign outside that says "massage" and another sign that say "open"

      • 3 months ago

        >It's a subtle gay mixer.
        To be fair, every gay event is a gay mixer as its a sexuality-based category

    • 3 months ago

      Its a cover for an orgy club. gays do that all the time. Avoid everything with gay symbols if you dont want aids.

    • 3 months ago

      “Virtue signal” my brother in Christ it’s just like a women’s kickboxing class.

      It’s harder for queer ppl to go to sports shit. Should they gaf? No. But other people definitely do.

      It’s a more welcoming space. That’s just how it is as a minority in some areas. Like women’s only engineering clubs, or black men’s engineering clubs. Men should get some of these clubs in women dominated fields but I digress

    • 3 months ago

      It's for gay sex, but they want to filter out the """bears""" (fatgays)

  2. 3 months ago

    Sounds like it's 10$ a day.
    Even if it's a month gay liberal middle class kickboxing is just crossfit with a bit of martial arts flavor.

    If it's real kickboxing yeah gays are good sparring partners.

    • 3 months ago

      >gays are good sparring partners.

      • 3 months ago

        Gabriel Varga is a poo eating gay and he knows his shit

        • 3 months ago


          Help i can't get through one martial arts class without bringing up how much i love getting wieners up the ass I'm being genocided nowhere is safe for me


      • 3 months ago

        If you lose the match you get molested.
        Pretty good motivation.

  3. 3 months ago

    Powerlifting and martial arts turned soi af after covid

  4. 3 months ago

    Sparring with gays will get you HIV

  5. 3 months ago

    I would rather this than a normal BJJ class, shits gay already.

  6. 3 months ago

    I don't get it. Is this so you can beat up gay folk? Why would homosexual queers need their own class? Do they practice dick suck grapples or something?

    • 3 months ago

      Not sure anon. Maybe they give each other footjobs before practice so they have extra grip in the ring?

    • 3 months ago

      10 dollars to beat up gays? Based.

      They get off to it, like all the gimps here who want to get beaten up by Japanese girls.

  7. 3 months ago

    Why the frick would you risk getting exposed to their tainted blood and sweat?

    • 3 months ago

      >tainted blood and sweat

      are you also walking arround with gloves and masks because gay people might touch the door handle you used?


      with the current monthly gym prizes, i mean... it's only 10 dollars for a workout. kickboxing is good for your body and you could even spar with others. at the costs of training with lgbtqp+ people.

      would you join?

      try it out. Maybe you meet some beefy guys which happen to be gay

      • 3 months ago

        >are you also walking arround with gloves and masks because gay people might touch the door handle you used?

        He should be

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah he should also take his next booster shot

          • 3 months ago

            Booster shot against gays is just getting pussy

      • 3 months ago

        taking aids medication every day and saying
        >omgz it's not a death sentence anymore
        might be normal for you homosexuals - but the rest of us do not want hiv.
        everyday life for heterosexual people does not involve being exposed to hiv-positive blood.

  8. 3 months ago

    >be a 195cm tall male
    >buffed as a silverback
    >angry as a bull whose testies are being squeezed
    >racist as an ant
    >straight as a steed
    and your asking me if i am gonna sign up to frick up some homos and pedophiles?

    • 3 months ago

      bulls dont have testicles

      • 3 months ago

        Oh shit, Im retarted

      • 3 months ago

        Yes they do, you are thinking of steers

    • 3 months ago

      an ant is a peculiar choice, please expand upon it

      • 3 months ago

        An isolationist homogenous society that attacks outsiders in their domain

        • 3 months ago

          Very clever

  9. 3 months ago

    Only 10 dollars and I get to beat up some homosexuals. Sign me the frick up. I might not be allowed back for a second class, but I will be sure to get my moneys worth.

    • 3 months ago

      This, what's the catch?

      • 3 months ago

        Your aids when they bleed on you

  10. 3 months ago

    >Don't live in New Orleans
    >Travel there
    >Accidentally clock a troony in the face
    >Run out of building
    >Run five blocks to your car
    >Leave town
    >Refuse to elaborate

  11. 3 months ago

    >ten bucks to get handsy with cute dykes
    What's the catch?

    • 3 months ago

      >What's the catch?
      Constant feelings of longing

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          You cant have her though

  12. 3 months ago

    Also, I love buff bottoms

    • 3 months ago

      Gayboy :3

  13. 3 months ago

    >pros: beat up gays
    >cons: can catch AIDS

  14. 3 months ago

    If you started screaming while punching people in that class, would they kick you out?
    >Mr. Ymous stop! This is-
    >”Uh, I’m releasing my anger in a safe environment: I’m tried of people calling me that online on my fitness carrier pigeon dress up website.”
    >Oh, uh well, wait wh-
    You could go ape shit and no one would stop you. They’d be scared of your tard rage.

  15. 3 months ago

    Damn what a fricking steal, only $10 to beat a bunch of homosexuals asses?

  16. 3 months ago

    this thread and most of the posters in it are cringe as frick

  17. 3 months ago

    All those morons going like
    >lol 10 quid to beat up homos
    not realising they'd most likely enjoy the frick out of it, probably moaning after your ever punch, arching into your grapples, trying to cop a feel, etc.
    yall are homosexuals for real if you want to participate in this

    • 3 months ago

      OK, I changed my mind. Yeah gays would love it and also even if you did beat the shit out of them they'd feel 'heckin validated about le ebin whitesupremerinos'

  18. 3 months ago

    >get AIDS for 10 bucks
    If that's your cup of tea...

  19. 3 months ago

    >paying $10 to punch homosexuals and trannies that have never fought before

    guarantee some Black folk are gonna have fun with this in new orleans

  20. 3 months ago

    >$10 to kick the shit out of queers and fat women
    this is like IST's dream

    • 3 months ago

      I doubt a real woman would step foot in a gay gym, no matter how fat and dykish she is.

      • 3 months ago

        gay gyms are based and its mostly because they let you take your shirt off

    • 3 months ago

      Or $10 to get railed after you get KO'd

      • 3 months ago

        sounds fun :3

  21. 3 months ago

    >All the gays you can bash for 10$

  22. 3 months ago

    Good opportunity to maul some homosexuals and trannies, yes

  23. 3 months ago

    Do they spar? Sounds like a good way to beat up homosexuals without going to jail.

  24. 3 months ago

    Also the right to marry isn’t exactly low priority
    Marriage is the state many people have been living in for centuries and it’s not a small deal that some people are just denied that right
    Do I have to explain marriage to you also?

  25. 3 months ago

    Don't join. This is for gay people who don't wanna deal with heteroids

    • 3 months ago

      do they have to prove they are gay?

  26. 3 months ago

    >new orleans
    Black person NO theres no way in hell youd get me to go there that shit is dangerous
    we call it gotham city for a reason
    t. down the bayou liver

    • 3 months ago

      do you enjoy gumbo?

      • 3 months ago

        yes when you skim the grease off the top

        • 3 months ago

          Thank you

          • 3 months ago

            white beans are better thoughever

  27. 3 months ago

    What if it's a setup by some guys who just want to beat up gays?

  28. 3 months ago

    >tfw no bf to beat and choke

  29. 3 months ago


  30. 3 months ago

    >pay $10 to beat up gays

  31. 3 months ago

    >hello, I'm here to kickbox against queers

  32. 3 months ago

    Black person get a pair of rings, find a tree and you got your gym.

  33. 3 months ago

    >textbook example of homophobia
    >that’s not homophobia
    I’d say never change but I know you’re unable to so it doesn’t really work as a joke

    • 3 months ago

      I think people are saying that whilst its homophobia, there are far worse forms that should be prioritised

    • 3 months ago

      If you're referring to the effeminate anon above, -his- homophobia wasn't the issue, per se, but rather that of the other kids. Nothing he can do about it.
      Also, as my own minor point of conflict, I hate how the word homophobia is used. Phobia isn't hatred, it's fear.
      Gynophobia (fear of women) is not misogyny (hatred of women).
      Use the right terms please.

      • 3 months ago

        effeminate anon here, you are right, its fear over other people's views, not my own views being hateful

  34. 3 months ago

    By the way to the gay anon, after reading this entire thread, no where did you say / cite / link /a anything about whatever the frick France is doing.
    You SAY "rights are being dialed back, it's almost another holocaust!" but then fail to actually support your argument, falling back on the "educate yourself".
    IF the fight for gay rights / acceptance / whatever is under such duress, you should be spreading the facts so that other anons who are engaging you in good faith get the chance to go "wow, you're right, I didn't know that".
    Browsing a fitness thread any taking the low hanging fruit of discourse is very different than looking it up yourself.
    The only thing I could find from a cursory search is "France debates anti-gay apology", for when 10k people were apparently locked up for being gay almost for a few decades almost 100 years ago. IF that's what you're referring to, that's not anti-gay that's just "whatever, shit happened, you guys are fine now", as it opens the door to tons of other stuff the state would have to spend money on.
    And if it's NOT what you're referring to, then how the hell am I supposed to know whatever it is without you explicitly saying it?

    • 3 months ago

      I think theses guys FEEL like its getting bad, but in actuality people are just pushing back a little bit without any intent of removing gay rights

  35. 3 months ago

    Hell yeah! A chance to beat up homosexuals and suffer no legal repercussions. NOLA for the win!

  36. 3 months ago

    >going here and just heeming the frick out of everybody
    >only $10
    not a bad deal
    worst case maybe I get plowed by a potentially passing twink

    • 3 months ago

      If he's "passing" (passing as what, a woman?) then he's not muscular, so if you get plowed by him you were literally asking for it or roofie'd.

  37. 3 months ago

    There's a gay friendly rugby club in my town
    Fricking why
    Why do they feel the need to make wiener a vital part of the club's identity?
    They say oh you don't have to be gay to join
    There's no fricking way I'm going to join a team of homosexuals and engage in a contact sport with them, or shower after a match with them

    • 3 months ago

      all contact sports are gay anyway

  38. 3 months ago

    I read this whole thread and I have come to this conclusion: queers are the WHINIEST people ever. Boohoo people are mean to you, who fricking cares? Oh you were killed and persecuted. So was literally everyone else in history and it's still going on. Shut up. Christ. You know I wanted to buy some Smartfood at the store the other day but it was plastered with rainbow shit and GLAAD crap, now I can never enjoy that popcorn again because I'm so fricking tired of queers being shoved into everything.

    • 3 months ago

      >I read this whole thread and I have come to this conclusion: queers are the WHINIEST people ever.

  39. 3 months ago

    both those defending and criticising this are moronic.

    • 3 months ago

      Le ebin 'both sides' phallusy

  40. 3 months ago

    Why pay for something that is already free?

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