Wrestling or boxing - which martial art would help me defend my daughter better if she gets attacked by a wolf?

Wrestling or boxing - which martial art would help me defend my daughter better if she gets attacked by a wolf?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Unless it's more than one wolf.

  2. 12 months ago

    Neither. Just get strong. There's a reason there's weight classes. Take a 240lb guy who can bench 4pl8 and put him up against Connor McGregor and thay little Irish homosexual would get demolished

    • 12 months ago

      I hate Conor McGregor but do not shit talk to bait responses like a class 1 moron. How about you just answer OP's question instead of pulling in meme celebrity and meme tangential subject.

      I will say wrestling, because wrestling is what people to fight dogs. I've never seen someone punch a dog in the face.


      The guys in OPs pic could definitely do it. Wolves are huge and strong, but their only weapon is their bite, which is easy to manage for an experienced grappler, and wolves bodies aren't designed to leverage their size and strength in grappling, unlike primate humans. 1v1 an Olympic wrestler will win, but versus more than one wolf and the second wolf will bite your neck while you are restraining the other one and kill you. If the wrestler has a butch knife and knows how to use it, the grappler could take on up to 3 wolves.

      Mountain lions are incredibly dangerous because they have razor claws AND teeth, and can do some basic grappling. They do that thing cats do where they hug you with their upper paws and then tear your stomach apart by kicking you with their lower feets claws.

      Most animals are completely harmless if they are declawed and have their teeth removed, since they aren't set up for grappling and striking the way primates are. A mountain lion without claws would get killed versus OPs pic wrestlers.

      >which is easy to manage for an experienced grappler,
      Nobody is able to "easily manage" a bite that comes at you as fast as a dog does. No matter what your reflexes a dog will snap faster.

      I'm really not sure a lot of these shitposters have any idea of how a dog's bite works. Have you ever been bitten by a medium or large sized dog in a serious way? Then shut the FRICK up, seriously.

      • 12 months ago

        >I'm really not sure a lot of these shitposters have any idea of how a dog's bite works. Have you ever been bitten by a medium or large sized dog in a serious way? Then shut the FRICK up, seriously.
        By a pitbull yeah, that's when I found out all the memes about pitbulls are false and they are actually b***hes. I could literally yank my wrist out of its mouth, I just picked it up and threw it against a tree and it ran back to its owner.
        This was back when I was a still a tubby fricking 16yo too.

        • 12 months ago

          Pitbulls come in very different sizes. That wound looks nasty.

          A dogs bite is about as fast as mike tysons punches, maybe slower.

          You don't have to be as fast a wolf to beat them in grappling anyway.
          I can't find it but there's a webm of some Russian guy wrestling a huge dog/wolf that came on his property and he chokes it out with a guillotine.

          >Just be Mike Tyson tier or some big Russian guy who's been wrestling dogs for years bro.

          haha, okay man, maybe it's dangerous for a soil boil, but in real life most dogs aren't dangerous at all. Catching rabbies is the scariest thing you'll get from a dog unless it gets lucky and bites your neck.

          Most dogs in real life are small for dog sizes.

          • 12 months ago

            >Pitbulls come in very different sizes.
            It was about 40-50kg, I know cause I lifted it over my head to spike it at a tree.
            >That wound looks nasty.
            Not really, the worst part was going back to the hospital twice a week for like 6 weeks to get rabies and tetanus shots because the owner slinked off and we couldn't be sure it didn't have rabies, it was during the big covid hospital pileup too so it sucked extra hard. I only have one scar and that's because they had to keep it from healing properly because of the rabies scare, I have a tiny piece of flesh missing under the skin but that's it.

        • 12 months ago

          Supremely based ape enjoyer putting canine fanboys in their fricking places.

      • 12 months ago

        A dogs bite is about as fast as mike tysons punches, maybe slower.

        You don't have to be as fast a wolf to beat them in grappling anyway.
        I can't find it but there's a webm of some Russian guy wrestling a huge dog/wolf that came on his property and he chokes it out with a guillotine.

        • 12 months ago

          >A dogs bite is about as fast as mike tysons punches, maybe slower.
          A dogs bite is profoundly slower than Mikes Tysons punches.

      • 12 months ago

        I agree with you. Wrestling is best in this scenario.
        I have punched a dog in the face though.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        damn that's really cool
        wonder if this was an exception or the norm
        did they do more of these wrestler vs roider matchups?

        • 12 months ago

          You can watch Thor get submitted constantly by Gordan Ryan, also watch Putinowski get KOed

          • 12 months ago

            You can watch Thor whine for cheating during WSM too. I swer on muh duttir!
            You can watch Thor lose in arm wrestling, not doing pull ups, and all sorts of stuff.

        • 12 months ago

          not that anon but I yeah it's a common occurrence, usually a big strong guy will come to first day of practice and get his ass handed to him by people twice as old and half as heavy. It's always fun to see 🙂

          HOWEVER: basics in any martial art can be quickly learned, and in my experience after 6-9 months of training bigger guy will always win and that's why we have weight classes. And for how important basics are just look at any olympic judo match and you'll see that 95% of the time they spam the same seven moves over and over again (and boxing is the same as far as I can tell). It's not about learning some exotic forbidden technique passed on by shaolin samurai, rather it's getting really good with a handful of moves.

          t. judogay

        • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Yeah but he'll never beat sleep apnea

    • 12 months ago



      Weight classes mostly exist as a means of dividing normies and spurring competition. IE: if two untrained guys start fighting, the bigger guy probably will win.

      The situation changes once you introduce non-tangible factors like training and background (farmer vs hair stylist) that can't be accounted for by simple biological observation.

      Its why UFC and MMA in general is boring a frick now compared to the pre-2000s. You used to get actual size and training differences going against each other, and it was a more accurate measure of greater skill.

      • 12 months ago

        MMA is still as interesting to watch now as back in the day, if you think everybody has the same homogenised style then you have no idea at all what you are watching.

  3. 12 months ago

    But the best protection against animals is genuinely to have a certain presence about you.

    • 12 months ago

      Yes. Strong, firm, empathetic, respectful. "Animals" are usually a better judge of character than other humans.

  4. 12 months ago

    Do you guys think you can kill a mature, alpha wolf in a fight only with your bare hands?

    • 12 months ago

      1vs1, undoubtedly.

    • 12 months ago

      >"alpha" wolf
      >170lbs at absolute MAX fat frick weight
      fricking twink canines thinking they can step to us APE CHADS

    • 12 months ago

      The guys in OPs pic could definitely do it. Wolves are huge and strong, but their only weapon is their bite, which is easy to manage for an experienced grappler, and wolves bodies aren't designed to leverage their size and strength in grappling, unlike primate humans. 1v1 an Olympic wrestler will win, but versus more than one wolf and the second wolf will bite your neck while you are restraining the other one and kill you. If the wrestler has a butch knife and knows how to use it, the grappler could take on up to 3 wolves.

      Mountain lions are incredibly dangerous because they have razor claws AND teeth, and can do some basic grappling. They do that thing cats do where they hug you with their upper paws and then tear your stomach apart by kicking you with their lower feets claws.

      Most animals are completely harmless if they are declawed and have their teeth removed, since they aren't set up for grappling and striking the way primates are. A mountain lion without claws would get killed versus OPs pic wrestlers.

      • 12 months ago

        >Wolves are huge and strong
        they are literally neither of those things man

        • 12 months ago

          >"alpha" wolf
          >170lbs at absolute MAX fat frick weight
          fricking twink canines thinking they can step to us APE CHADS

          170 lb animal == 235 lb human in terms of strength and athleticism generally. Humans have too much general devolution of their bodies from living mostly in civilization. They get all purpose combat hardened physiques from living a life of non-stop hunting, surviving, and fighting, while humans go to the MMA gym for 6 hours a week and the weight and cardio gym for 2-4 hours a week, and that schedule will turn out a beastly physique.... for a human. Humans strength is, as always, our brains.

          • 12 months ago

            >170 lb animal == 235 lb human in terms of strength and athleticism generally
            Where do you get this dumb shit from?
            First of all, 170lbs is absolute max weight bordering on obese for a wolf.
            Humans are apes, still stronger then most animals pound for pound, canines are actually pretty weak generally and the average MMA fighter is way bigger and stronger then the vast majority of humans in history, who had absolutely no trouble bodying wolves with ease.
            Just another thing, the average horse can kick with 8722 Newtons of force, guess the average force of an MMA fighters kick? 9000 Newtons.
            You severely underestimate your own species.

            • 12 months ago

              Have you ever fought a pitbull? You're gonna tell me they're not strong? A wolf is stronger.

              • 12 months ago

                this is me


                >I'm really not sure a lot of these shitposters have any idea of how a dog's bite works. Have you ever been bitten by a medium or large sized dog in a serious way? Then shut the FRICK up, seriously.
                By a pitbull yeah, that's when I found out all the memes about pitbulls are false and they are actually b***hes. I could literally yank my wrist out of its mouth, I just picked it up and threw it against a tree and it ran back to its owner.
                This was back when I was a still a tubby fricking 16yo too.

                yes, pitbulls are weak as shit, any fully grown man should be able to throw them around like toys

              • 12 months ago

                You utter moron. The animal doesn't just wait for you to grab a hold of it and throw it around, its main weapon is teeth lmfao. The state of urbanites is fascinating sometimes. The most viable strat is to give the canine one limb and then punch it continuously. You could technically also get them into a choke if they get your leg but there is a danger they will reach your balls.

              • 12 months ago

                Well the guy you are responding to has actually been bitten and beat up a 45kg pit bull while you sound like a paid shill for security dogs.

              • 12 months ago

                It was attacking my dog, I tried to pull it off but it didn't want to let go so I would have only pulled a piece out of my own dog, I pushed my hand into its mouth and squeezed, it yelped and let go then immediately went to chew on my wrist, I yanked it out of its mouth and it tried to go for my dog again but I managed to catch it under the forelegs and I just lifted it up, it tried to turn around in my hands to bit my face so I spiked it as hard as I could at a tree and that was it.
                They don't have fricking speed force dude, you can react to their actions just fine, especially when you are hopped up on adrenaline.

              • 12 months ago

                Was having a life or death battle with a rabid animal fun?

              • 12 months ago

                No, I was worried about my dog the entire time, maybe if I was the only person at risk it would have been kinda fun? The effects of adrenaline are fricked up though, my vision was blurred the entire day afterwards, it was like I was seeing at a lower definition and my heart was beating super fast even hours after it happened.

            • 12 months ago

              The average horse can kick with 8722 Newtons of force, guess the average force of an MMA fighters kick? 9000 Newtons.
              >You severely underestimate your own species.

              A Horse weighs 700kg and can run at 88kph with a chimpoid on its back. The fastest Human can only run half that shit. There is no fricking way an MMA b***h can out kick a horse.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes way, to be fair the horse is just kicking back while the MMA fighter can put his whole body behind the kick, the point was that humans can exert way more then enough force to kill a wolf.

                You can't kick it in the face dipshit, it's evolved to avoid being kicked in the face by a goddam moose that can kick way faster than your pathetic human body can. And you've given it something to bite and and pull you over which it will.

                You can grab it and stomp on it.

                Nothing can. A wolf can move so fricking fast it will have your throat with 400lb of bite force before you can even react. You're not going to get it off you because it's evolved handle being kicked by a 250kg+ Elk, and they never hunt alone.

                No it fricking won't, they are not that fast.

            • 12 months ago

              Shut up moron

            • 12 months ago

              >Humans are apes, still stronger then most animals pound for pound
              Apes are literally weaker pound for pound than other animals, especially carnivorans like wolves, cats, and bears.
              >muh chimp gorilla strength studies in the 1930s where they said they had a billion gorillion pound bench press
              They're like 1.3x stronger than humans pound for pound of lean mass.

              • 12 months ago

                I had a 3.5x bodyweight deadlift at one point, but was never delusional enough to think I could take on a chimp. To put that into perspective most men can't deadlift 1x their bodyweight, their other lifts are going to be weak as well if they don't train. So if they begin training they'll be 1.3x stronger than they were fairly quickly, within a year most likely. You're saying a man with 6 months in the gym is stronger than a chimp? Simply no.

                Raw strength measure aside, chimps fight ruthlessly. Men don't know how to go apeshit like that, they wouldn't stand a chance.

              • 12 months ago

                >You're saying a man with 6 months in the gym is stronger than a chimp?
                Yes moron. Chimps just bite. That's it. That's why they're dangerous.
                >Raw strength measure aside, chimps fight ruthlessly
                Because they bite. In terms of killing ability, they can barely kill old ladies. If you train a martial art you have more killing ability than a chimp does. A chimp looks at an old granny and spends 30 minutes gnawing fingers and biting skin instead of choking or snapping necks.

              • 12 months ago

                >pull up the video of chimp attacks!


              • 12 months ago

                Not only is a monkey armed (teeth), it only uses it's hands for moving, so it's hands are like your legs.

              • 12 months ago

                >it's hands are like your legs
                Not even close
                Human legs are crazy powerful
                Chimps only have like 1.25x as much upper body strength as humans do
                Humans can kick as hard as horses can

            • 12 months ago

              most wolves got killed with bows or spears though

      • 12 months ago

        ya thats why wolves fight in packs

    • 12 months ago

      I watched a nature documentary that had a brown bear who was able to scare off five or six wolves, didn't even have to put up a fight.
      There are still people who think they can take on a bear.

      • 12 months ago

        >There are still people who think they can take on a bear.
        This son of a gun literally can.

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Most people are moronic. They don’t live in Alaska, Canada, Montana, etc. where dangerous animals actually live. You would get fricking BTFO’d by a wolf, much less a moose or a bear. Wolves are opportunistic hunters as well as pack animals. It is rare to be attacked by a single wolf, unless they have rabies.

      Anyways, these animals have natural weapons that we do not. People who survive bear or wolf attacks often get their faces torn off. It’s fricked up how little face meat you need to live. Google it if you want.

      • 12 months ago

        We were talking about one wolf vs one man, not a whole pack vs one man. The only advantage a wolf has over a human is sharp teeth, it's smaller, weaker, less enduring, dumber and less dexterous. Most people that get attacked by wolves(barely any) survive with minimal injuries.

        • 12 months ago

          >Most people that get attacked by wolves(barely any) survive with minimal injuries.
          This is false.

          • 12 months ago

            There has been like a single wolf attack fatality in the 21sz century and it was a kid.


            >dogs aren't faster than humans
            >if human teeth were sharper they could do this
            >dismisses the power to quick as a flash penetrate and break human skulls with their bite force as having sharp teeth.
            You' a moron bro.

            >dismisses the power to quick as a flash penetrate and break human skulls with their bite force as having sharp teeth
            They literally can't penetrate skulls though. Their bite is too weak for that.
            Human bites could do that and way worse.

            • 12 months ago

              Neither bite can do that, thick bone is hard as frick

              • 12 months ago

                I mean human bites could leave someones face looking like that, but yeah there are not a lot of animals that can bute through human bone. Some could break a bone chewing on it but bite through it? Hippos probably could but I doubt even a hyena can just break bones with one bite.

            • 12 months ago

              >There has been like a single wolf attack fatality in the 21sz century and it was a kid.
              There's been more than that, however that's not a good measure since wolves rarely attack humans and when they do the human is not trying to prove a point in 1 vs 1 combat.

              Admittedly, looking at a wolf they don't seem as dangerous as an attack dog. Wolves are supposed to be dogs but a more aggressive and dangerous variety, if wolves actually aren't as dangerous as a dangerous dog then I'll step back from some of my claims.



              >dogs aren't faster than humans
              >if human teeth were sharper they could do this
              >dismisses the power to quick as a flash penetrate and break human skulls with their bite force as having sharp teeth.
              You' a moron bro.
              the power to quick as a flash penetrate and break human skulls with their bite force as having sharp teeth
              >They literally can't penetrate skulls though. Their bite is too weak for that.
              It's been done rarely enough but they've done it.

              >Human bites could do that and way worse.
              Rubbish. Humans can't snap like that, their bodies don't move like that and they don't have the sort of jaw required to do that. Don't bother coming back with something like humans actually have a very powerful jaw, just because a human jaw can focus power on crushing nuts and the like - so can a cow I would say and yet you don't usually have cows using their bites as weapons and on the offchance they are they're not very effective.

              Humans can NOT use biting in the same way dogs can, like how ridiculous can someone's conception of the world be.

              • 12 months ago

                >attack dog
                Look up police dog mortality rates.
                Whenever the criminal actually decides to fight back against the dog instead of juat giving up, the dog dies almost every time.

              • 12 months ago

                thats most likely cause they have a weapon

              • 12 months ago

                I looked it up and found nothing. Source or you are bullshitting out of your ass.

                I really don't know what it is with some of you guys. Why do you insist on claiming that dogs aren't strong adversaries of healthy strong humans? Are you that insecure in yourself you can't understand that?

                A powerful and dangerous dog attacks you and you'll have very little chance. I could post youtube videos of intruders getting beaten the shit out of by even small dogs. And now here you are "oh the intruder didn't decide to fight back or he would have killed the dogs". You're nuts.

              • 12 months ago

                >A powerful and dangerous dog attacks you and you'll have very little chance
                I have literally been attacked by a large and agressive dog before, no they are not strong adversaries.

                >Humans are apes, still stronger then most animals pound for pound
                Apes are literally weaker pound for pound than other animals, especially carnivorans like wolves, cats, and bears.
                >muh chimp gorilla strength studies in the 1930s where they said they had a billion gorillion pound bench press
                They're like 1.3x stronger than humans pound for pound of lean mass.

                Cats are stronger pound for pound, but dogs are weaker.

        • 12 months ago

          >dogs aren't faster than humans
          >if human teeth were sharper they could do this
          >dismisses the power to quick as a flash penetrate and break human skulls with their bite force as having sharp teeth.
          You' a moron bro.

    • 12 months ago

      Bare hands probably not. I don't get the obsession with martial arts when we have guns and the ability to makeshift weapons out of anything. Hitting a guy in the head with a pipe wrench is pretty much the same legal issue as beating a guy unconscious with boxing. In both cases, you cover your face and run away

    • 12 months ago

      Wolves are just big dogs. Unless we're talking some kind of record breaking giga-wolf

    • 12 months ago

      Americans are deulsional.

      • 12 months ago

        Americans are just tougher than brits and many of them actually have fought those animals and won.

      • 12 months ago

        >win elephant unarmed
        I imagine some moronic boomers didnt get the question and just answered yes to all cause they got their gun on dem always yeeehaaw

    • 12 months ago

      its possible, but wolves are pact hunters and opportunistic hunters. they will avoid a hunt if there's a decent chance they'll lose.
      A strong man has a chance against a single wolf, especially if he knows how to grapple or carries a knife, even a small one. But there's always a significant risk.

    • 12 months ago

      If you push your hands down its troath yes.

  5. 12 months ago

    Wrestling is probably better against animals, although you can kill a wolf barehanded pretty easy if you are a fully grown man who is not a complete pussy b***h.

  6. 12 months ago

    practice shooting, with guns

    • 12 months ago

      For a wolf? Seems like overkill.

      • 12 months ago

        >a wolf attack for a little girl? Seems like overkill.

  7. 12 months ago

    Neither. Just give it a solid kick to the face and it will back off. Same applies to all untrained dogs.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        I'm absolutely 100% correct and you are a big gay.

        • 12 months ago

          You would be killed almost instantly.

          Your best hope of surviving an attack from a powerful dog is to hope it doesn't see you as any sort of threat and lets you be.

          If you kick it you will wildly provoke it.

          This happens with old people and sticks a LOT - a dog comes near and they start waving their stick about, then they get the idea to whack the dog with the stick, the dog explodes and attacks them savagely.

          • 12 months ago

            haha, okay man, maybe it's dangerous for a soil boil, but in real life most dogs aren't dangerous at all. Catching rabbies is the scariest thing you'll get from a dog unless it gets lucky and bites your neck.

          • 12 months ago

            Bro I spent all of college volunteering a dog rehab center in a one of America's niggiest cities. One good smack and they back the frick down, even the big pits.

            • 12 months ago

              You weren't involved in any close up action were you.

    • 12 months ago

      You can't kick it in the face dipshit, it's evolved to avoid being kicked in the face by a goddam moose that can kick way faster than your pathetic human body can. And you've given it something to bite and and pull you over which it will.

  8. 12 months ago

    i wrestled in highschool like 10 years ago.
    never used it.
    if you're a decent guy and not an butthole, you'll probably never need to fight in your life.

    for actual self defense, get a gun.

  9. 12 months ago

    Based Gatsalov poster. Ibragimov was still going in Tokyo lmao. He was like 38 and looked like a defrosted caveman. Saritov was there repping Romania too. But let's be real, those Rio bronzes were the last stop for these guys.

  10. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Suicide driver

    • 12 months ago

      Wrestling is pretty OP. Boxing comes somewhat naturally, but you start grappling with someone who has no experience and if you get them on the ground, they're fricked (assuming same weight class).

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          >didn't knock him out with that punch
          I have no idea how that lad managed to withstand that.

          • 12 months ago

            rugby players are built diferent.

          • 12 months ago

            Lands flush to the side of the head, then the wrist crumples forward. Probably hurt like hell, but not a punch that's moving the brain around much.

          • 12 months ago

            He has no leverage on that punch. Imagine of he threw a baseball like that, do you think it would fly with any force? Also, he's hitting with his fingers not his knuckles, so his wrist bends which makes the punch weak. Probably hurt his wrist pretty bad there lol.

          • 12 months ago

            cause rugby playes are gays

    • 12 months ago

      Greco guys are so strong wtf

    • 12 months ago

      holy shit

  11. 12 months ago

    Go watch a video on YouTube of wolves hunting their prey. There's a really horrible one of wolves attacking a baby moose near a pond with steep grassy cliffs around it. They don't just charge and lunge at your neck. They encircle you and take turns nipping at your limbs from different directions, or whatever else they can get a hold of without having to worry about taking damage, and grind you down through blood loss and exhaustion. And once you show signs of exhaustion, that's when they go in for the kill with one of them grabbing and holding onto your neck while the rest of them dive bomb on to you and start ripping your guts out while you're still alive. And so the only way you're going to survive that is if you have a gun and manage to shoot at least one of them. Hopefully they turn on the wounded wolf and start eating it and allow you to escape. That's the only chance you have. Mother Nature is absolutely fricking brutal. Never go outside into the wilderness without a firearm. Don't listen to the "experts" who tell you that you only need to make a lot of noise, stand up tall, wave your arms around to look big and scary, and then slowly backing out. And don't believe them when they tell you that bear spray has actually been more effective than a firearm. They're citing biased studies that were created by supporters of conservation and environmentalism. They don't want a bunch of yahoos stomping through the forest and shooting the wildlife. And so they brainwash people into not carrying guns. Someone also went through all of the reported incidents of people shooting bears with handguns. And even small-ish calibers like 9mm were still extremely effective with success rates of 90%+. And so also don't listen to the old timers who say you need a .44 Magnum at the bare minimum, or preferably a large caliber rifle. Honestly, a subcompact SIG P365 chambered in 9mm will probably be enough for most bears, let alone wolves.


    • 12 months ago

      And having a large magazine capacity will help you with dealing with a pack of wolves. You can get 17 round mags now for the SIG P365. But even 12 should be fine probably. You'll save a ton of weight that way since .44 Magnum revolvers are heavy as shit. And rifles are even heavier. It's also much easier to conceal a SIG P365, and so you won't scare other normies while out in the wilderness by open carrying a large firearm.

    • 12 months ago

      With a big knife and backing against a tree, you could survive. But you'd get injured

    • 12 months ago

      A single wolf is ez gg
      I don’t think any unarmed human is surviving a pack of them

  12. 12 months ago

    Note also that if we're going strict unarmed animal vs unarmed animal, humans should be in the nude. It's like we just take for granted that we have clothes and shoes on, let's see you take on a foaming at the mouth large aggressive dog with no clothes.

    Imagine having access to bare skin instead of having to go through several layers of pullover, t-shirt, etc. the bite is always going to be far less that way. If you look some vicious dog attacks online, many dogs will insist on jumping up trying to get the hands or face to the point of looking silly. Obviously they should generally go for the leg anyway and then when he's down can get to other places, but they know that there's no flesh available there so it's more hit or miss. Imagine having to go through nylon or even denim compared to it all being bare. While they can still penetrate through, it'll never be near the same penetration as if they were just chewing straight on the flesh.

    I also doubt that MMA vs horse kick stat, there must be some fudging going on there by MMA fans. How could an animal as big as that be beaten by some MMA gay? A good horse kick caught right will break every bone standing in its way, it's a notorious power of ungulates. A heavy horse or cow can weigh 1,000kg, and you're telling me gaygor McGregor is shifting that type of impact kek? The impact is different to the force, it would be the momentum or something, whatever google it, it's not going to be the same as a horse.

  13. 12 months ago

    I mean many dog attacks you literally see them pulling on a sleeve. Now imagine instead of a sleeve that was flesh/skin. yeah, different ballgame.

  14. 12 months ago

    >my daughter
    I'd be more concerned about when she starts dating the wolf.

  15. 12 months ago

    Do MMA.
    That's boxing AND wrestling.

  16. 12 months ago

    Wrestling. I remember an interview with Tank Abbot who used to be an all american wrestler when he was young and trained boxing with carlos palamino. Paraphrasing what he said was basically yeah boxers are tough guys and they'll fight if they feel ready for it their fight. The wrestlers he knew will fight anyone at any time if they are challenged whether they'll win or not. It's not bad mouthing boxers it's just saying wrestling seems to build this extra level of grit for some reason, which is true for people who are all in on wrestling.

    • 12 months ago

      Idk dick about wrestling
      but if you actually fight too much, you will vastly increase your odds of brain damage since they’re actually hitting each other on the head rather than choking/tapping/whatever is done in wrestling
      this is truer the larger you are
      this is why heavy weights don’t have long careers in boxing/mma IIRC

  17. 12 months ago


  18. 12 months ago

    Nothing can. A wolf can move so fricking fast it will have your throat with 400lb of bite force before you can even react. You're not going to get it off you because it's evolved handle being kicked by a 250kg+ Elk, and they never hunt alone.

  19. 12 months ago

    Wrestling is better but they don't really have clubs you can join as an adult.

  20. 12 months ago

    You need a weapon to beat a wolf there's no or punching wrestling beasts with jaws

    • 12 months ago


  21. 12 months ago

    I swear mma gays are the vegans of fitness. It's just nonstop whining, pretending to be experts and threads like
    >see this *untrained guy vs trained guy in a specific sport with specific rulesets*

  22. 12 months ago

    why would you only rely on martial arts if it's an animal? can't get into trouble if you shoot or stab it with a big knife, just get some weapon anon, being strong would also be a bonus

  23. 12 months ago

    I love these threads where IST always come out two digit IQ morons.

  24. 12 months ago

    Can you learn wresting as an adult?

    • 12 months ago

      Yes. In my city there is a wrestling club that teaches adults as well as children. The coaches are former champions.

  25. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Do these morons not know how to group up and grab someone?

      • 12 months ago

        No, humans have completely lost touch with nature. Being pack hunters with excellent unit cohesion got us to where we are, but now it's every man for himself in current society. You'll notice in more primitive parallel societies, Black folk for example, they still have their pack mentality and gang up on people. Seen here in webm.

        • 12 months ago

          Isnt it beautiful they can work together as a community to achieve a common goal

      • 12 months ago

        Like a Hollywood movie.

      • 12 months ago

        a major part of any martial art is positioning, hes obviously moving away when there's more than 1 agressive person near him

  26. 12 months ago

    Boxing wouldn't help at all because you aren't going to punch a fricking wolf. Wrestling will help a bit but honestly your best bet if unarmed would be to kick it.

  27. 12 months ago

    Just fricking pick up a rock or something moron

  28. 12 months ago

    Both, and carrying a weapon like a man. Even just a knife. We don't have fangs and claws, so unless you master the brutal fighting style of apes you're ngmi in the wild. There's a reason apes are so goddamn strong, their body style sucks for fighting vs something like say a bear, tiger, or wolf that has built in weapons.

    • 12 months ago

      Gorillas don't have claws but they do have really strong bites and large canines though unlike humans

      • 12 months ago

        Gorillas very rarely bite, they rely mostly on smacking around adversaries.

  29. 12 months ago

    Shooting. Running from a wolf I think is stupid too.

  30. 12 months ago

    why are you limiting yourself to one style?
    optimally you want to train wrestling, boxing , mma, and gatling gun/flamethrower/air strike tactics.

  31. 12 months ago

    Why would you willingly put your daughter in a situation where a wolf could attack her?

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