Wrists Are The Ultimate Indicator For How Long You've Been Lifting/Strength

You can immediately tell how long/hard someone has been working out by their wrist thickness

As we all know, tendons grow just like muscles but it takes a long time for the tendon to grow and, due to their density tautness, they only respond to heavy workouts (unlike muscle fiber, tendon fiber is not easil broken down) This being said the wrist has lots of tendons close to the skin and over the course of several years they grow and thicken - leading to higher wrist circumference (if you are lifting heavy - 4pl8+ deadlifts for years). The wrist also has muscles that are nearly impossible to isolate and can only be grown through improved grip strength i.e. lots of deadlifts and generally just carrying weight

>the wrist doesn't have muscles!
Wristcel cope

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  1. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Who unironically PC posts?

      Wait.... are you really sitting down in a chair right now, stationary? Haha what the frick? I'm taking a shit about to go to the gym and will respond between sets. But you're dead ass sitting still in front of a screen for hours? What is wrong with you? No wonder you're triggered by this thread, there's not a chance in hell you even remotely look like you lift

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          Have sex numbercel

      • 12 months ago

        Keep visiting the Goy's Gym, homosexual. I'm currently sitting on my chair typing this between sets at my home gym.

        • 12 months ago

          >house is so small he has to put the power rack in his office

          thank frick for the red circle. if it wasn't for that I would've missed the wrist in this picture

          Nerds will unironically say the wrist is above the red circle

          we get it you eat shit from your hands

          Good 1 incel

          I PHONE POST,



          Take your meds my guy

          • 12 months ago


            • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            I didn't think of it myself. most all of the originalgays hate you. you should have a nice day. Hanging by the neck would be the least painful way.

            • 12 months ago

              Imagine seething this hard about a wrist thread lmao, get some fresh air incel

      • 12 months ago

        we get it you eat shit from your hands

      • 12 months ago

        I PHONE POST,

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >and will respond between sets
        Do you really browse IST at the gym??

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >I'm taking a shit about to go to the gym and will respond between sets
        You are cutting from your life activities to stare at the phone screen 24/7 everywhere you go.
        You are developing the attention span of a goldfish.

      • 12 months ago

        >dead ass sitting
        I hate americans

  2. 12 months ago

    thank frick for the red circle. if it wasn't for that I would've missed the wrist in this picture

  3. 12 months ago

    Schizo thread

  4. 12 months ago

    are you me

  5. 12 months ago

    My wrists are 7” around. I have been lifting for 6 years. I bench 405x2, squat 585x1, and 585x8 deadlift. I have tiny wrists but am stronger and bigger than you

    • 12 months ago

      7" wrists are above average but here:

      >585x8 deadlift.

      Is where your gay LARP fell apart. Who the frick puts their 8 rep max? Who the frick does sets of 8 on deadlift? Have sex incel and at least learn to LARP right moron

    • 12 months ago

      My wrists are 8.5", I've been lifting for six years. My bench is 440x1, squat is 495x3, deadlift is 675x1. And you can't do any of these things guaranteed.

      • 12 months ago

        My wrists are 7” around. I have been lifting for 6 years. I bench 405x2, squat 585x1, and 585x8 deadlift. I have tiny wrists but am stronger and bigger than you

        body weight x1 bench

  6. 12 months ago

    I have 7.5" wrists and squat deep into the 500s anon

    • 12 months ago

      7.5" wrists are above average

      • 12 months ago

        Oh my bad then, frick wristlets

  7. 12 months ago

    Lifting doesn't do much for your wrists. I have stick wrists despite powerlifting since I was 15 (31 now). Have rock climbed off and on too. Can row 150lbs dumbells, had a 515lb deadlift, and can do 8 pullups with 55lbs on a dip belt. Your wrist bones don't grow, and even with impressive grip on lifts I broke my wrist punching a soft heavy bag. Gymbros have way more strength behind their punch than their actual hands and wrists can handle, I only realized that a few years ago after getting into boxing and injuring my wrists and breaking fingers multiple times. You actually specifically have to train hands and wrists from an iron fist perspective, years and even decades of strength training doesn't do shit. You will still break them in a fight because modern men don't use their hands enough. Putting all that strength behind a weak wrist is just going to mean you end up with self inflicted broken bones in a fight.

    • 12 months ago

      Best ways to have strong wrists/ hands?

      • 12 months ago

        I've posted this a million times here and I'll post it again:

        Gymbros can't really increase their hand and grip strength at the gym. The tiny muscles and tendons in your hands have to be trained by constantly using them, so you'd have to get an active hobby to really build them up (a hobby where you do 1000 "reps," not 5 hours a week at the gym total). This is why men with active jobs like firefighters and mechanics can look like total dyels but still crush your hand when they shake it. No amount of gym work will ever compare to a guy who cranks on a wrench for 12 hours a day 5 days a week or picks up hamplanets on a stretcher all day

        • 12 months ago

          >The tiny muscles and tendons in your hands have to be trained by constantly using them
          Source: my schizo brain

          What you're basically saying is:
          >"bro the tendons and muscles in the hands are different than the other tendons and muscles in the body because they're SmAlLeR. Listen, they're just sMalLeR ok?! And that's why you gotta train them 24 hours a day in order to grow them"
          >"what? What do you mean the muscles that are associated with grip strength are located in the forearm?! Listen, I know what I'm talking about, ok."

          Everything you say and have said is null and void. You are moronic. There is no coming back from this

          • 12 months ago

            The muscles in your hand literally ARE different than other muscles because they're almost entirely glycolytic whereas other, larger muscle groups have oxidative muscles as well. Because the fiber composition is unique they have to be trained differently. A pitcher for example probably has stronger hands than a football lineman, even if he's overall much weaker. I'm sorry that you have no understanding of anatomy and think gymbroing for an hour every other day is the be all end all to fitness


            I work at a warehouse.

            And you look like you have strong hands. I would bet a lot of the posters here whose only physical activity is 5 hours a week at the gym don't have vascular palms.

            • 12 months ago

              Once again, muscles responsible for grip strength are located in the forearm, not the hand

              >flexor digitorum profundis (FDP) and flexor pollicis longus (FPL) contribute to wrist flexion and grip force production


              ^both of those muscles are found in the forearm moron.

              >The muscles in your hand literally ARE different than other muscles because they're almost entirely glycolytic

              I've posted this a million times here and I'll post it again:

              Gymbros can't really increase their hand and grip strength at the gym. The tiny muscles and tendons in your hands have to be trained by constantly using them, so you'd have to get an active hobby to really build them up (a hobby where you do 1000 "reps," not 5 hours a week at the gym total). This is why men with active jobs like firefighters and mechanics can look like total dyels but still crush your hand when they shake it. No amount of gym work will ever compare to a guy who cranks on a wrench for 12 hours a day 5 days a week or picks up hamplanets on a stretcher all day

              you say: "Gymbros can't really increase their hand and grip strength at the gym. The tiny muscles and tendons in your hands have to be trained by constantly using them"

              Well guess what, dumbfrick?

              >"Resistance exercises, as opposed to endurance exercise, target fast glycolytic fibers by focusing on short, powerful movements THAT ARE NOT REPEATED OVER LONG PERIODS"

              Get absolutely rekt moron. You have no idea what you're talking about

              • 12 months ago

                But I'm not talking about he forearm, I'm talking about the-

                Nevermind. You're a moron. It's not worth the effort

              • 12 months ago

                >But I'm not talking about he forearm, I'm talking about the-
                Yeah, you went off on schizo tangent about "bone strength" and "fighting" in a wrist thread lmao. Just get rekt moron, you have no idea what you're talking about. The damage is done, you exposed your idiocy

        • 12 months ago

          I work at a warehouse.

      • 12 months ago

        The BEST way is what this guy said

        I've posted this a million times here and I'll post it again:

        Gymbros can't really increase their hand and grip strength at the gym. The tiny muscles and tendons in your hands have to be trained by constantly using them, so you'd have to get an active hobby to really build them up (a hobby where you do 1000 "reps," not 5 hours a week at the gym total). This is why men with active jobs like firefighters and mechanics can look like total dyels but still crush your hand when they shake it. No amount of gym work will ever compare to a guy who cranks on a wrench for 12 hours a day 5 days a week or picks up hamplanets on a stretcher all day

        You have to work with your hands more, the hand and wrist/forearm muscles are designed for a lot more volume than what a modern lifestyle gives them. We used to make and do everything with our hands, now everything is automated. If you don't have a hobby or job that you get a lot of hand movement from, I advocate washing your dishes by hand or washing clothes the old school way. Never skip an opportunity to change your own oil and things like that which involve working with your hands.

        do palm strikes help not breaking your shit during a real fight?

        Absolutely, palm strikes to the right areas are brutal. Hammer fists as well. We overuse fist strikes in fights and they are indeed dangerous. They are the best thing however for certain areas like the lips, jaw, orbitals, uppercuts, rib and liver shots. I don't advocate temple punches because it's too close to the hard part of the skull, I missed and ended up with a boxer break. You gotta avoid landing on those pinkies.


        Is there any kind of punching bag that would work in a setup in an apartment? I know they have those like kids inflatable ones. Do those scale up? would that kind of punching bag help to develop punch strength for an adult?

        What's a good home/aparment punching bag setup with the premise I can't hang anything from the ceiling.

        You'd have to get one with its own stand, and holy shit will your neighbors hate you for the noise and vibration. I never join a gym that doesn't have heavy bags. It's one of the ways to spot a fake gym.

        • 12 months ago

          ALSO even though hard manual work is the best way to strengthen hands, iron fist training is a good supplement if not fine on its own. You're not going to gain grip strength from it but it will help you avoid breaking your own bones in a fight. Look up Shaolin iron fist training. You don't have to do the excessive crazy shit that breaks your bones. Just stuff like push-ups and holding yourself up on your knuckles to strengthen the bones and wrists. Hit heavy bags to get strong punch form down, eventually work to hitting them gloveless. Some gyms will yell at you for doing this because you leave dead skin and blood all over them, be respectful and wipe them down. If they never find biohazards all over their equipment they won't go looking for the source to blame for it.

      • 12 months ago

        Knuckle push ups. Finger push ups.

    • 12 months ago

      do palm strikes help not breaking your shit during a real fight?

    • 12 months ago


      Is there any kind of punching bag that would work in a setup in an apartment? I know they have those like kids inflatable ones. Do those scale up? would that kind of punching bag help to develop punch strength for an adult?

      What's a good home/aparment punching bag setup with the premise I can't hang anything from the ceiling.

      • 12 months ago

        >can't hang anything from the ceiling.
        Do you have a porch or balcony?

  8. 12 months ago

    I agree. Wrist growth (and corollaries in the ankles and other structures) is an underrated advantage of consistently working out over the years.

    Even if it takes many years, it is happening and it is worth noticing. I assume people intend living 10 years from now and lifting can add a significant amount to your wrist in that time - and girls love big wrists, how much would you pay for those extra centimetres then?! Probably not something to dwell on but just another of the many ways lifting's got you covered.

  9. 12 months ago

    Could be right.

    I was (am?) a totally little wristlet. But my thing is being small and strong, not a powershitter, but a somewhat normie looking dude with high functional power.

    I lift the heaviest rock there is. or try to. Once I can. I find an even bigger one. Sure my wrists now are not big, and never will be, but when I see "wristlet" threads or small wrist measurements, I am now around 2 inches bigger. Which is a lot for a wrist. I am sure my tendons have grown.

    Even my big friends 6'4" and over with massive wrists are so much weaker, it freaks me out, how I can easily control them.

    • 12 months ago

      Listen dude, I'm glad your shitty country finally got internet but if you could kindly stay off .com websites us Americans would greatly appreciate it

      • 12 months ago

        Racist. Yes I am from the Republic of Umbongo and you're an American wristlet.

        • 12 months ago

          Heard about the school massacre today bro, sorry to hear it. Almost 50 kids dead for some bullshit, that's fricked.

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah but they had learned some LGTV4K+ evil shit online, so they deserved it.

            In The Republic of Umbongo, a female can not, and will never have, a penis.

  10. 12 months ago

    How long lifting?

  11. 12 months ago

    My wrist is just like that and I barely lift in the past 6 months and prior to that never went beyond even 250lb squat

  12. 12 months ago

    your wrist doesn't look like you lift tho?

  13. 12 months ago

    Your veins are fricked up. Thats some damage you got that will bite you in the ass when you're older. I guess your cardio is shite.
    And no, its not because they are big, its because they are not straight

  14. 12 months ago

    I got child sized hands and my wrists got bigger from lifting and now I don't want to post hand or wrist because people will just think I'm fat when I'm not.

  15. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago
  16. 12 months ago

    >Stands in your path

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