>yeah there's this drug that can give you demi god strength and you basically look like hercules even in old age but you shouldn't take b...

>yeah there's this drug that can give you demi god strength and you basically look like hercules even in old age but you shouldn't take because it's le bad

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  1. 1 year ago

    If you need drugs, you don't deserve your strength.

    • 1 year ago

      If you need nutrients, you don't deserve your strength

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


  2. 1 year ago

    you ever notice those 30+ year olds dude who lift heavy by themselves and no one ever wants to talk to them, but they keep trying to start conversations with others?

    • 1 year ago

      They peaked early and maybe miss it

      I sometimes felt like peaked in high school because i was really popular there and i always just wanted to go back, i know this is cringe and i am 99% over it i feel, but i see this in other people too

      • 1 year ago

        Really? I was under the impression the popular kids and Chads at school generally had better outcomes than the average. Sure, I imagine you do get some handsome jocks who make bad choices and end up living shitty lives working as wagecucks, or w/e, but most of them are psychologically far healthier than the nerd or awkward kid.

        In fact, especially nowadays, the nerds and socially awkward kids are actually MORE likely to have bad outcomes because instead of sublimating their frustrations in constructive directions (STEM, intellectual pursuits) they end up wasting their time and energy on vidya and other mindless entertainment and stimulation, and never develop the real skills to compensate for their lack of natural talents and skills.

      • 1 year ago

        >I sometimes felt like peaked in high school because i was really popular there and i always just wanted to go back
        Me too. I had loads of friends, a beautiful gf who was physically out of my league, played guitar in a band, the teachers all liked me, I never thought I'd be the guy who peaked in high school but that's undeniably the truth.

      • 1 year ago

        holy fricking shit nobody cares

      • 1 year ago

        It’s called being stuck in highschool or never leaving your hometown, it’s cringe and I like to point out to dudes who are like that how they sounds like they’re still in highschool

    • 1 year ago

      >walks over to you
      >"hey man, why do you look so angry?"
      >"I- I'm, you just, I- I'm inner dem-"
      >"who easy there man, nevermind"
      >*later that day*
      >you ever notice those 30+ year olds dude who lift heavy by themselves and no one ever wants to talk to them, but they keep trying to start conversations with others?

    • 1 year ago

      that's because everyone who is 30+ already has a home gym. I fricking hate and do not want to talk to people. Only the social butterflies go to a gym. Younger also have people go for social reasons but there are also a lot more that just don't have the gym equipment or a place to put it if they wanted.
      Any time you see someone over 30 talkin to people being social or whatever, something's wrong with him. he's lonely. He's not right.
      MOST of us just want to frick off and be alone or with our family or a chick.

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, they came of age at a time when people could still socialize with each other

    • 1 year ago

      >talking to people BAD
      The world is fricked

  3. 1 year ago

    Mike O'Hearn is my second favorite natty behind Ronnie Coleman.

    • 1 year ago

      >>"Natties" Coleman and O'Hearn.


      • 1 year ago

        anon I think they are joking

      • 1 year ago

        Ronnie said he was natty his first couple of Olympia wins. Sorry you have incel genetics

        • 1 year ago

          Are you moronic enough to believe him?

          • 1 year ago

            Some of us don’t have incel genetics. Sorry you have shit genes, maybe pick up rock collecting or something

  4. 1 year ago

    >yeah you can take something that destroys your health and breaks your relationship with your gains but you will look pretty good i guess

  5. 1 year ago

    > Even in old age.

    It's le bad because it massively reduces your likely hood of making it to old age. Ya blew it.

  6. 1 year ago


    Who gets butthurt about steroid use? Little internet incels. Seriously, go to Facebook (suck my dick you losers who don't have Facebook, nobody loves you) and look at any video of a guy lifting who appears to be on gear. Then go look at the comments of who is posting "it's only bc of le steroids!" And then go look at the profile of all the people "liking" the comment. They're Seriously all a bunch of scrawny, greasy losers

    Know who doesn't care about steroid use? Women. And LMAO if you care about the opinion of some loser who doesn't even make $50,000 a year over a hot 110lb chick

    • 1 year ago

      >Know who doesn't care about steroid use? Women.
      LMAO get a load of this loser, he cares what women think.

      • 1 year ago

        >I don't care what women think so much that I don't even have sex with them!

    • 1 year ago

      Ok M*llennial, time to go back to the barcade

  7. 1 year ago

    >yeah there's this drug that can get you to a healthy weight and you basically are way healthier but you shouldn't take it because you le didn't le earn it

  8. 1 year ago

    Women owe me sex

  9. 1 year ago

    That's right fellas, simple drugs will MAKE you a real man! Sign here with your skin, ballsack, and endocrine system.

    We'll make a real tran- manly man, out of you.

  10. 1 year ago

    >demi god strength
    kek i have a couple of roidtroonys at my gym and yeah they look big (although ridiculous) but they are weak as frick. i know guys who can outlift them within a year of training. but hey whatever floats your boat, if you wanna be a pathetic cheater, go ahead

  11. 1 year ago

    It turns you transgender, makes women disgusted by you, destroys your organs to the point you probably won't have an old age unless your rich and have million dollar doctors supporting you, and it makes you infertile.
    But you know,
    >im da based alph-ACK

  12. 1 year ago

    >l-look g-guys just start roids for the rest of your life (you will lose all gains as soon as you stop) because 1 genetic elite dude has no health complecations, just ignore the countless roiders who died before 40 and arnolds who had 3 open heart surgeri-ACK

    • 1 year ago

      They took a lot. You can be smart about it. People should talk about doing it safely more than gays like you that just say dont do it.

      • 1 year ago

        except even TRT increases the risk your heart getting fricked, why else do you think non trt clinic doctors won't even give it to low range T guys unless they have real symptoms?

    • 1 year ago

      >>1 genetic elite dude has no health complecations

      They took a lot. You can be smart about it. People should talk about doing it safely more than gays like you that just say dont do it.

      The safe way to do it is only as a doctor prescribed when you have hypogonadism. If you don't have hypogonadism, you don't need it.

  13. 1 year ago

    coping noble natty general

  14. 1 year ago

    i rather be a healthy lean natty who will live till 90 and still look young, pic rel is 56

    • 1 year ago

      >he thinks he’s natty

      • 1 year ago

        This homie has slightly smaller version of me except his abs have way more cut than mine.
        I think he's Natty. Might be able to get same effect if omad maybe

      • 1 year ago

        that guy is not natty 100%

        maybe his shoulders are a bit sus but his abs are just genetic insertions, this is how someone looks who didn't fricked himself with booze and cigarettes and actually gave a frick about his health.

        • 1 year ago

          anon he is 56, you can't look like that without test
          which is ok, I plan to start test in my 40s, maybe 50s

    • 1 year ago

      that guy is not natty 100%

    • 1 year ago

      Hideo Kojima on the sauce now??

  15. 1 year ago

    >you shouldn't take because it's le bad
    You do what the frick you want, you'll just have to deal with the many negative consequences.
    Live your life, who cares about one more roider in the gym really.

  16. 1 year ago

    Yeah but first u need to know that hopping on gear will change u forever and will inevitable ruin ur life if u're a poorgay.

  17. 1 year ago

    >yeah bro it makes me strong as frick
    >wait a minute anon what do you mean it causes imbalances I take other hormones for that
    >what is do you mean by liga-ACK

  18. 1 year ago

    He looks like a clown. Brad Pitt looks better and is a decade older

    • 1 year ago
  19. 1 year ago

    Mike is an absolute giga Chad and you cannot compare yourself to him. He's been on gear for like 35 years, probably half a gram of test a week type of dosages, and can reverse bench press five plates in his mid 50s. He'd probably be able to max out with 315 on incline bench natty. Great genetics, great response to drugs, you almost certainly won't look like him. Even if you have good genetics and blast gear, the health consequences of taking enough gear to make you that big will force you to downsize instead of being that big for 35 years like Mike.

  20. 1 year ago

    So steroids arent magic pills. What steroids do is let you train more often and for longer than what you could do naturally, you still have to eat right and work out hard. This kind of discussion is welcome on the IST discord, its called NattyVille but not all of us are natty. discord.gg/a9zucXzc4n

    • 1 year ago

      >What steroids do is let you train more often and for longer than what you could do naturally
      It only lets you recover faster. You can only train as long as the cv and respiratory systems can keep up and as long as you developed the willpower/pain tolerance to do so. It's not a
      >magic pill
      This is also ignoring the prevalence of stimulants used before and during the exercise especially by steroid users which helps continue training.

      The reason someone would take steroids is to get the benefits of elevated testosterone levels and longer and amplified protein synthesis periods after an exercise (that's where the faster recovery comes from). Fortunately, this doesn't apply to ligaments or tendons.
      >you still have to eat right
      The only requirement on steroid use is to have the protein intake to keep up with the constant protein synthesis. This is where the 1g +/lb bw comes from. As long as you're not actively poisoning yourself, it doesn't matter that much even for someone not doing test (protein requirements for hypertrophy are just lower due to slower hypertrophy).
      >and work out hard
      Only for a small niche of competitive lifters. The average person who takes roids does so because they're lazy and impatient or was somehow convinced it was the only way to get big. If you're lucky with your genes, you can do the minimal effort pump training and blow up from the small amount of stimulus being amplified by your bloodflow delivering the roids and protein directly to your genetically higher level of androgen receptors with little or no negative side effects. If you're not as lucky, the elevated protein synthesis compensates for inadequacies in training whether it's effort, technique, or programming and you can get a good enough looking physique, maybe comparable to what you'd get naturally with proper programming/technique/intensity or a little better. If you're too unlucky, the roids do nothing except cause undesirable androgenic effects.

  21. 1 year ago

    Pic unrelated.

  22. 1 year ago

    how many facelifts/plastic surgeries did mike o natty take to have a face that looks smooth and tight like that at the age of 63? especially as a lifelong trenner.

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