
How does IST feel about Yoga? In eastern countries its considered essential exercise but in the west its only seen as a fad or some shit women do.

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  1. 1 year ago

    if you understand basic physics you can tell how moronic of an "exercise" this is

    • 1 year ago

      Hold the OP pose right now homie. 60 seconds.

      • 1 year ago

        not that anon but I just tried it on both legs and found out you can pop your hip joints doing it. very satisfying release of tension

      • 1 year ago

        do you realize the average male's upper body is 40% larger compared to that of a female

        • 1 year ago

          So you cant do it? Figures

          • 1 year ago

            Hey man I heard double back flips are the best exercise for legs
            BTW you can't prove me wrong until you have done some yourself
            Can't do them ? Figured

            • 1 year ago

              Well then, tell us how much better is sucking yourself off than getting a BJ…

        • 1 year ago

          lose some weight you fat c**t

        • 1 year ago

          that' makes it a good exercise then you fat moron

        • 1 year ago

          I guess what you're saying is that you're not strong enough to hold such a pose. I bet you can't even do a single pull-up.

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds like you're interpreting this as a very low quality strength/hypertrophy or cardio exercise. Which it is. For most people, this does not strain the heart or muscles enough to create adaptation. Running is also not a good way to train hypertrophy in the legs, and deadlifts are not a good way to train cardiovascular endurance.

      Yoga trains different qualities than cardio or strength. It's more like meditative body awareness training. Like practicing the skill of directing all parts of the body in unison.

      • 1 year ago

        I was actually pointing out that the gravity center is less flexible for men specifically because of our heavier torso, which only gets worse when you're an advanced lifter since the muscle to strength ratio isn't 1:1

        >It's more like meditative body awareness training
        whatever the frick that means man

        • 1 year ago

          Midwit, what is
          >Mind muscle connection
          It obviously trains coordination, mental exertion and concentration on muscle groups.

        • 1 year ago

          >I was actually pointing out that the gravity center is less flexible for men specifically because of our heavier torso, which only gets worse when you're an advanced lifter since the muscle to strength ratio isn't 1:1

          You said it was a moronic exercise, how do you go from that to rambling about strength ratio and not being flexible.

          You're just a bloated fatass "power"lifter who can't do a simple pose. Go cry elsewhere at least you'll lose water weight.

  2. 1 year ago

    It is irreplaceable in terms of recovery, like an hour of yoga significantly unfricks all my muscles at the end of the week

  3. 1 year ago

    I used to do the Ashtanga Half Primary series 6 days a week for about 6 months. I got extremely flexible, saw some pretty good cardio gains from the strict breathing, and also saw a big improvement in body weight movements. I've transitioned my main focus to rowing but I still do 15 minutes of yoga when I wake up every day as well as the hour long Half Primary series twice a week. My flexibility isn't where it used to be but my body would be completely fricked without the little I do.

    • 1 year ago

      Did you learn it from a teacher or just go for it by yourself?

      • 1 year ago

        I just watched a bunch of YouTube videos. I will say, though, take it slow and easy, especially if you're going that route. Things should be challenging but not painful. I've definitely tried pushing too far too quickly and ended up with a thrown out back or pain in my knees.

  4. 1 year ago

    For me it's the foundation for everything involving physical activity. If you don't have good mobility, you'll perform poorly in almost every area but especially strength training as far as I've experienced.

  5. 1 year ago

    it doesn't give me hypertrophy so I don't care about it.

    • 1 year ago

      It can in the same way callisthenics do although its not as efficient as weight training, some poses absolutely are hypertrophy exercises though

  6. 1 year ago

    It mostly strikes me as bodyweight isometrics. Doing some of the routines I've seen might not be the best prescription for most trainees, but many poses target specific firing patterns, so there's definitely ways to plug them in. I'd imagine the average gym rat probably has no use for them, but athletic endeavors could use them as assistance/prehab/etc plug ins without much change.

  7. 1 year ago

    >be me, earlier today
    >have the kids over at my parents' house
    >wife texts me
    >"anon why don't you come back here for some kid-free sex"
    >first of all don't call it that
    >second what are you going to do to make it worth the drive?
    >(it's only 20 minutes but still)
    >"why don't you do me from behind?"
    >hey mom/dad, I'll be back in a few minutes, your daughter-in-law set the dryer vent on fire again
    >drive back
    >wife never wants to get dicked from behind unless it's spooning anal and even then she b***hes about it
    >get home, walk in bedroom
    >wife naked on stomach in middle of bed, legs spread
    >throw off clothes
    >try not to rush through foreplay, rub her pussy and butt
    >finally mount her
    >frick this feels good, so wet, not very tight today though
    >"anon that's my thighs"
    >angle up and get it in
    >hitting at a weird angle
    >hey arch your back some
    >she curls up like a cat
    >no the other way
    >"I can't"
    >what do you mean you can't? stick that ass up in the air
    >she tries to lift her hips and everything
    >god damn woman this isn't rocket science. get on your hands and knees then
    >"it's not comfortable anon"
    >contemplate just sticking it in her ass but lube is out of reach
    >I'm not an 18-year-old Mormon so thigh sex seems dumb
    >just flip her over and pound that box missionary, which is what she wanted anyway
    >she cums, then I creampie her
    >I gotta go
    >get dressed, leave wife half-asleep spread eagle on bed with cum dripping out of her, drive back
    >I can't believe I fell for the ol' bait-and-switch
    >I should have just stuck it in her ass
    >next time I'm asking for a blowjob instead
    >get back to parents' house
    >"anon your house didn't get burned down did it???"
    >not yet but we'll see how the day goes
    I think I will get her a yoga mat and gift card for classes for Christmas. There's a yoga pose for "stop being a prude and get that ass up in the air" right?

    • 1 year ago

      didn't read honestly

    • 1 year ago

      Don't lie to your parents. Don't lie in general.

      • 1 year ago

        Generally I agree with you on principle but
        >hey mom/dad, I'll be back in a few minutes, your daughter-in-law is horny again and I need to go beat that box up without having to watch over my shoulder for kids barging in the bedroom and maybe put it in her ass if the mood is right
        I don't think the prospect of getting them another grandkid is going to cover for that one

        • 1 year ago

          The fact you have to justify and explain in detail, leaving your parents house as an adult when your over visiting, speaks volume. I bet you lie to your wife and children like this too.

          • 1 year ago

            >like this
            Like what exactly Satan? Would you prefer I tell my kids too I'm running off to frick their mom?
            Discretion works both ways

    • 1 year ago

      >"anon your house didnt get burned down did it?"
      >not yet but we will see how the day goes
      God dammit

    • 1 year ago

      The struggle with positioning, relatable my dude, and my beloved likes missionary, too.
      >"Anon, that's my thighs"
      That got a giggle from me.

    • 1 year ago

      Nothing is more cringe than someone bragging about having sex with their wife
      What an accomplishment

      • 1 year ago

        Hes not bragging you seething incel

      • 1 year ago

        JFC that some incel seethe

  8. 1 year ago

    Can any yoga bros self fellate? If so what poses should I work for?

  9. 1 year ago

    >How does IST feel about Yoga?
    Great stretching routing, must-do for anyone who sits behind the desk for the most of the day. Just ignore all the new-age spiritual shit.

    • 1 year ago

      >Great stretching routing, must-do for anyone who sits behind the desk for the most of the day. Just ignore all the new-age spiritual shit.
      It also strengthens you in a way that weights (or most other sports) don't: the only "crutch" is the floor, the rest is you own bodyparts and mainly muscles holding you together by pressing/pushing one another. It develops you neuro-muscular system like nothing else.

  10. 1 year ago

    Stretching is good for you but it’s not a replacement for actual exercise

    • 1 year ago

      Yoga is not just stretching, or at least it doesn't have to be. There's different type and some will also develop strength and balance (up to a certain point, obviously if strength is you only goal, find something else; but if you can find a "power flow" class (ideally in a room heated to 30C+) you will get a good workout.

  11. 1 year ago

    Anyone got a good youtube channel recommendation for a beginner?

    • 1 year ago

      Especially if you're willing to spend a bit of time looking up more detailed explanations and cues for some of the poses, David Swenson has 15, 30, and 45 minute short form videos that are great.

      He actually is pretty good at incorporating guidance throughout and it's not just counted through like a traditional Ashtanga class, but if there's anything you're unsure about there are plenty of short videos going over the finer points of any of the poses.

  12. 1 year ago

    I'd love to do yoga but I don't wanna hang out with 40 women.

    • 1 year ago

      you don't have to hang out as you don't really have the opportunity to interact during the class. just go in, do your thing, then leave.

  13. 1 year ago

    I started some basic poses around two weeks ago. Took me around this long to realize how much of inflexibility is muscle weakness across a wider range of motion. I've made more progress in 14 days of yoga then I have in 4 months of static stretching.

  14. 1 year ago

    I want to get started on it, just having trouble making classes near me.

  15. 1 year ago

    I think the poses and series can be redundant if you are looking for "fitness" benefits.

    I use yoga mostly for mental health benefits and to force me to stretch.

    The better experience is incorporating yoga techniques like breathing, calming the mind, etc into other forms of movement.

  16. 1 year ago

    The thing is that there's tons of yoga variant that focus on different aspects of the thing. By reading the thread, I feel like some people once tried a new age spiritual hatha yoga and got (rightfully) bored and crossed it out as useless.

    Depending on what your goals are, you have to find the correct type that will help you reach them.

    Personally, I do power flows in a heated room (85F and up). There is almost no downtime, you keep each pose for a few seconds only, and you "flow" from one pose to the next. Different poses will work your flexibility, your equilibrium, your strength, etc. or a combination of various aspects.

    For example, warrior 3 in your pic is actually quite hard to do as it forces you to flex your muscles in a way you usually don't. You have to flex you entire back chain (from leg to upper back) to stay flat, your stabilizers are firing up to keep you from falling either from the front-back, but also from the side since your hips have to be even. having your arms in front adds to the challenge since you need shoulder mobility.
    Then, in a flow, you would have to stay on that leg and move to another 1 legged pose, once again working you balance and equilibrium.

    Added pic for dumbass who thinks men can't do it because of body weight ratio.

    • 1 year ago

      Some poses are much harder and build more strength than others. People saying Yoga doesnt do shit because of yoga classes full of white women doing nothing but stretch poses is like saying lifting doesnt do shit because youre curling the 2lb dumbbells that came with your exercise bike.

      • 1 year ago

        yup, I think most /fitizens should at least try power yoga and see what it's about. It's a great complement to almost any other sport.

  17. 1 year ago

    >In eastern countries its considered essential exercise
    You mean in India its commonplace?

  18. 1 year ago

    It’s good.

  19. 1 year ago

    i love yoga

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