You can do more pullups than a girl, right?

You can do more pullups than a girl, right?

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  1. 5 months ago

    >3 months ago could do 18
    >gain 30lbs
    >can only do 8 with proper form now

    • 5 months ago

      it's ok anon you're just doing weighted pull ups now

  2. 5 months ago

    that's a man (I've fricked him)

  3. 5 months ago


  4. 5 months ago

    I could definitely do more than a 6'2 210lb woman

    • 5 months ago

      Shes not 210 lbs

      • 5 months ago

        No but I am and chinups/pullups don't scale very well with weight.

        And this anon

        Yeah, very easily. 19 in one minute is not hard. 19 in one set would be impressive.

        is right. 19 in a minute is a very misleading statement. It even fooled me

        That's 2 sets of 10 which is fricking nothing.

  5. 5 months ago

    Yeah, very easily. 19 in one minute is not hard. 19 in one set would be impressive.

    • 5 months ago

      This. I did 17 in one set last time I checked and felt pretty proud of it, but that's less than 30 seconds. I could have 25 seconds to rest and then bang out 3 quick ones at the last moment to surpass her pretty easily. Granted most people can't do 1, but most people are overweight and untrained. A light woman who goes to the gym? 19 in one minute does not strike me as impressive.

  6. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago


  7. 5 months ago

    If she can do 19 proper form PUs in 1 minute that's impressive. I've never seen a woman do that with proper form at the local calisthenics park. The best I've seen do 2-3 max proper form, then shit breaks down heavily. I would like to see a video of her doing it

    • 5 months ago

      >proper form
      Since she mentioned the world record, this is what world record form looks like:

      • 5 months ago

        it's the pull up version of those powerlifting benchpresses with the insane back arch of the 3-inch ROM.

      • 5 months ago

        Lmao giraffe neck and not a single pull up was performed that day

  8. 5 months ago

    Theres not a single activity women can do without bawdting it at the same time OR ruining it. If it was made law that gyms have to segregated by gender, 90% of females would stop going to the gym. Because there would be no point for them. Women dont go to the gym work workout. They spend hundreds of dollars on designer "cute" gym clothes. which are essentially under wear, do their hair and make up, walk into a a gym with a camera and think they can decide who so much as looks in their direction. Men go to the gym to workout. Men aren't thinking about anything other than their workout. You see an average gym bro wearing a t-shirt, shorts and he actually lifts. You might have one or two roid heads in T-back singlets but believe me, they dont care about anyone except themselves. Then you look at the average female and shes wearing bright pink booty shorts and a bra. Couple all this with the modern "gym creep" trends on shit tok and its easy to see the culprit-women. Before women started going to the gyms in droves we never had these problems. 15-20 years ago the most revealing thing a Woman wore was yoga pants. Now theyre basically workout naked. They cant get into a club with those clothes but they can go to a gym?

    "Its hot out/it comfys/it helps me lift". They still use this gaslighting bullshit like anyone believes them. Men workout just fine inside the modern, air conditioned globo gyms and we do it with actual clothes on. So women can deal with it and wear dress modestly at the same time. Women don't have some unique physiological need to conduct themselves with as little clothing on as possible.

    Sorry ladies but no, you can't workout and look sexy at the same time. The gym is not a club, if you walk into one with the mindset of "Well what if prince charming is here today" then stay home and do pilates or something.

    • 5 months ago

      Extremely based. The anti-incel crowd is furiously writing out their essays about why you're an evil sexist right now, but ignore them.

    • 5 months ago

      What are you even saying here though? Make peace with what they are, you obviously like it, you've saved it and posted it and now you're complaining?
      Maybe go get some of that awful awful bawd pussy that you hate so much.
      contemptuous lust is obvious

      • 5 months ago

        >h-have s-s-SEX!

      • 5 months ago

        >go to gym to workout and mind my own business
        >carefully avoid the social media bawds who will ruin my reputation if i so much as look in their direction
        >if i complain about it i just get called a virgin

    • 5 months ago

      True on all accounts, which is why gays who overcompensate will soon be saying "omg u must be like gay/insecure. I'm just like so manly that I need some prostitute to show her shit off 24/7 in front of me."
      They always remind me of one of those guys with b***h breasts who insists he only plays female characters in games, so that he can see their ass. No, you're in permacoomer mode because you don't have sex.

      • 5 months ago

        Theres not a single activity women can do without bawdting it at the same time OR ruining it. If it was made law that gyms have to segregated by gender, 90% of females would stop going to the gym. Because there would be no point for them. Women dont go to the gym work workout. They spend hundreds of dollars on designer "cute" gym clothes. which are essentially under wear, do their hair and make up, walk into a a gym with a camera and think they can decide who so much as looks in their direction. Men go to the gym to workout. Men aren't thinking about anything other than their workout. You see an average gym bro wearing a t-shirt, shorts and he actually lifts. You might have one or two roid heads in T-back singlets but believe me, they dont care about anyone except themselves. Then you look at the average female and shes wearing bright pink booty shorts and a bra. Couple all this with the modern "gym creep" trends on shit tok and its easy to see the culprit-women. Before women started going to the gyms in droves we never had these problems. 15-20 years ago the most revealing thing a Woman wore was yoga pants. Now theyre basically workout naked. They cant get into a club with those clothes but they can go to a gym?

        "Its hot out/it comfys/it helps me lift". They still use this gaslighting bullshit like anyone believes them. Men workout just fine inside the modern, air conditioned globo gyms and we do it with actual clothes on. So women can deal with it and wear dress modestly at the same time. Women don't have some unique physiological need to conduct themselves with as little clothing on as possible.

        Sorry ladies but no, you can't workout and look sexy at the same time. The gym is not a club, if you walk into one with the mindset of "Well what if prince charming is here today" then stay home and do pilates or something.

        I dont mind girls at the gym. Im prettyboymaxxing since last year (esrly 20s) and ive only had positive experiences with gym girls except for one weirdo

      • 5 months ago

        You do sound insecure, why do you care? Why don't you like beautiful girls? They're how they are, complaining about this AND a conservative society that would also put limitations on your behavior as well.
        Get a life, it's pointless. You sound like a coping loser.
        "Aaah I'm losing my mind aaah nooo sexy clothes! Why God?!"

        • 5 months ago

          Are you a female, homo, troony, or a millennial wfh guy

          • 5 months ago

            On a side note I just enjoy the company of girls that dress like this. All the sporty dikes act like dudes and are not friendly
            prostitute are very loving people

            • 5 months ago

              I love prostitutes. And why are dykes rude?

              • 5 months ago

                They're not rude per day I just don't like how manly they are. Sporty girls turn themselves into the hard ass women they attracted to

              • 5 months ago

                Can onr turn a sporty dyke straight? How does one go about doing so?

            • 5 months ago

              >On a side note I just enjoy looking at things i can never have


        • 5 months ago

          Why do girls need to look sexy in a gym? Its not a nightclub. Gaslighting doesnt work anymore simp.

      • 5 months ago

        It's actually because female characters have better hair options, ok???

        • 5 months ago

          No they dont.

          • 5 months ago

            They literally do fricktard.

            • 5 months ago

              They shouldn't do fricktard. That shit kills.

              • 5 months ago

                You are a b***h homosexual. No they dont.

                No they dont fricktard.

                Frick you guys, fricking buttholes. Jealous about my characters pretty hair while you're hiding ur ugly guys face with a huge helmet coping with muh stats muh build

              • 5 months ago

                Go suck a troony wiener

            • 5 months ago

              You are a b***h homosexual. No they dont.

            • 5 months ago

              No they dont fricktard.

    • 5 months ago

      You are correct on all points, but tbh I think it's funny that they don't realize how they're painting themselves into a corner with their coombait/bullshittery.

      Back in the day, all a woman had to do to get attention was to wear a short-ish dress. Now they show up dressed in clothing so vacuum sealed that you can see the cameltoe and the nipples, so revealing that it's basically underwear, they get boobjobs, BBL, and all sorts of nonsense to make them look as erotic as possible, they wear makeup to cover every single imperfection, and yet despite all of that, they still have to make noise and pretend to be harassed to attract attention.

      How much further do they think they can go before men's desensitized brains accept it as normal and just tune it out? Nevermind the fact that the combination of pornstar uniform + b***hing about harassment is effectively teaching men to ignore every tool that women have for attracting attention. Nevermind that the whole barrage of feminist bullshit has pummeled any and all forms of romance into the ground, and reduced the relationship between men and women to just standardized sport fricking. But there's only so much they can reveal before they're just straight up naked. There's only so much that men can see before they stop caring. And it's not like these women are cultivating any skill or trait that would make them interesting or mentally stimulating, all of their efforts go towards their bodies.

      I'm genuinely curious what their next move is, because the logical conclusion of their current attention-grabbing strategy is them getting BOGGED, being fully naked in the middle of the street, yelling at people, and nobody noticing because that shit is the new normal (which would look frickin hilarious).

    • 5 months ago

      This is super wrong. My gym has mixed and female areas. The female area is packed to the breasts, its probably the most popular gym in the entire city. 99,99999999999999% of women that train here dont train in the mixed area, even though its superior with better machines and free weights etc. they rather still train in the female only part.

      i dont agree that women arent prostitutes etc but your conclusion is just factually wrong. and i hate it because i would want to get test boost between my sets etc but its only males, Black folk, arabs etc.

      • 5 months ago

        My old gym had one of these and most gym c**ts didnt use it. All it did was take up a huge amount of space. They ended up turning it into the power lifting area.

    • 5 months ago
  9. 5 months ago

    230lb and I can do 4x12 with 2pl on a belt between my legs. women aint shit lmao

    • 5 months ago

      Based. Pullups are the most alpha exercise and your average gymgoer barely does them so it doesn't take long to mog everyone else in the gym.

  10. 5 months ago

    100% chance she's just kipping like all of the other morons on social media

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